Experiment #2 Aircraft Glide and Climb Performance Frasca 242 Pilot Training Device (Baron 58) (Revised 2/23/07) Objectives To determine the: 1. Best glide speed (Vbg), best angle of climb speed (VX), and the maximum level flight speed (VM). 2. Collect and compute, when necessary, the nine bootstrap parameters; S, AR, P0, C, d, CD0, e, m, and b (wing area, aspect ratio, engine brake horsepower at sea level, altitude drop off parameter, propeller diameter, parasite drag coefficient, Oswald’s efficiency factor, propeller polar slope, and propeller polar intercept). 3. Compare climb and glide speeds at altitude with those published in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook. Instrumentation 1. Airspeed indicators; calibrated for instrument and position errors. Be careful to note the units of the airspeed indicators. Some aircraft dials have units of knots and some have units of miles per hour (mph). The Frasca uses units of knots. 2. Altimeters; calibrated for instrument and position errors. 3. Rate of climb indicator. 4. Calibrated fuel quantity gauges. 5. Outside air temperature, calibrated for instrument error and recovery factor. 6. Stop watch. Stabilized Flight Techniques A. Glide Test 1. Begin at an altitude at least 500 feet above your chosen start point, maintaining level flight reduce throttles until the desired glide speed is attained. 2. Once the desired glide speed has been attained reduce the throttles to idle and feather the propeller and establish a stabilized glide using pitch attitude to set desired glide speed. Take care to maintain airspeed within plus or minus 1 knot. 3. When stable, record data shown on the data card. 4. Recover from the glide at least 500 feet below your chosen finish point. B. Climb Test 5. When recovered from the glide maintain level flight at least 500 feet below the chosen start point. 6. Adjust the throttles to achieve the desired airspeed for the upcoming climb. 7. Once the desired airspeed is stable, apply full power with the throttle and put the aircraft in a steady speed climb by using pitch attitude to set climb speed. Take care to maintain airspeed within plus or minus 1 knot. 8. When stable record data shown on test card. 9. Recover from climb 500 ft above target altitude and repeat Glide and Climb test as needed. C. Maximum Level Speed 10. When finished with climbs and glides, stabilize the aircraft in level flight at the midpoint altitude for the climbs and dives. 11. Advance the throttles to maximum power while maintaining level flight. 12. When airspeed stabilizes record data on test card. Performance Data Card Aircraft: A. Glide Operating Empty Weight (OEW, a/c wt - wt of fuel) _________lbf 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wf-glideWeight of fuel (lbf) Vaim Aim Airspeed (knots) Haim Aim Pressure Alt. top of glide (ft) (~5500 ft) Hi-start Pressure Alt. start of glide (ft) (~5200 ft) Vi-start Indicated Airspeed at start of glide (knots) Watch time at 5200 ft (sec) 105 110 115 120 125 130 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Bootstrap Approach Data Card (continued) Aircraft: C. Max Level Speed WfM Weight of fuel (lbf) HpM Pressure Alt. (ft) TM OAT top of glide (degC) watch units! ViM Airspeed (knots) Propeller RPM Manifold Pressure (in Hg) Tmid OAT 5000ft (degC) Watch time at 4800 ft (sec) Hi-end Pressure Alt. end of glide (ft) (~4800 ft) Vi-end Indicated Airspeed at end of glide (knots) B. Climb Wi Initial weight of fuel(lbf) Vaim Aim Airspeed (knots) Pressure Alt. bottom of climb, ft (~4500 ft) Vi-start Ind. Aspd at 4800 ft (knot) Tmid OAT 5000 ft (degC) Vi-end Indicated Airspeed 5200 ft (knots) Wf Final weight of fuel (lbf) tc Elapsed time from 4800 to 5200 ft (sec) 85 90 95 100 105 110 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Miscellaneous data for the Beech Baron 58 n_engines=2 Number of engines, integer Hp_per_engine=285 Horsepower per engine, Hp (The Frasca 242 has a slightly smaller engine then the 300 hp engine we have been studying in class) Nominal_RPM=2700 RPM at rated engine Hp P0 = n_engines*Hp_per_engine*550 Sea level brake horsepower, ft-lbf/sec n0RevPerSec = Nominal_RPM*(1/60) Sea level engine rotation, revolutions per second omega0=n0RevPerSec*2*pi Sea level engine rotation, radians per second Known Bootstrap parameters S = 199.2 Wing area, ft^2 B=37.833 Wing span, ft. A = 7.1855 Aspect ratio, non-dimensional M0= P0/omega0 Rated Mean Sea level Torque C = 0.12 Altitude drop-off parameter, nondimensional d = 76*(1/12) Propeller diameter, ft A. Glide Test – Data Reduction 1 Vi (kts) (average of Vi-start and Vi-end) 2 Vc (kts) 3 Ve (kts) 4 VT (kts) 5 Hi-start (ft) (~5200 ft) 6 Hc-start (ft) 7 Hi-end(ft) (~4800 ft) 8 Hc-end (ft) 9 Pmid (lbf/ft2) 10 Tmid OAT (degR) 11 mid-glide(slug/ft3) 12 mid (non-dm) 13 Hc (ft) 14 Ts at Hp=5000 ft (degR) 15 H (ft) 16 Wglide (lbs) 17 t Elapsed time of glide from 5200 to 4800 ft (sec) A. Glide Test Data Reduction Wing area (S) = 199.2 ft2 Wing Aspect Ratio (A) = 7.17 Sea Level Brake Horse Power (P0) = 2*285hp Altitude drop-off parameter (C) =0.12. Prop diam (d)=76/12 ft. 1. Indicated Airspeed (use average for glide) 2. Calibrated Airspeed (use MATLAB function AS1Baron58.m) 3. Equivalent airspeed (use MATLAB function AS2.m) 4. True Airspeed (use MATLAB function AS3.m) 5. Indicated pressure altitude (at the start of the glide) 6. Calibrated pressure altitude (at the start of the glide) (use MATLAB function ALTBaron58.m) 7. Indicated pressure altitude (ending value of the glide) 8. Calibrated pressure altitude (use MATLAB function ALTBaron58.m) 9. Pmid Atmospheric pressure at the mid point of the glide (5000 ft) (use MATLAB function atmosphere4.m) 10. Tmid Convert OAT at 5000 ft from degC to degR. degF=degC*9/5 + 32 degR=degF + 459.67 11. Density at midpoint of glide midglide Pmid [9] RT mid R[10] R=1716.55 ft^2/(sec^2degR) 12. Density ratio:mid mid=mid/0 0=.0023769 slug/ft^3 13. Change in calibrated pressure altitude for glide: step [6] – step [8] 14. Ts Standard temperature for pressure altitude at midpoint of glide (5000 ft) (use MATLAB function atmosphere4.m) T [10] [13] 15. True change in altitude: H mid H c Ts [14 ] 16. Aircraft weight Wglide=OEW + weight of fuel for glide 17. t= Watch time at 5200 ft - Watch time at 4800 ft (sec) B. Glide Test Data Analysis 1. 2. 3. Put your glide data in a data file called Baron58_GLIDE_data.txt in a similar format to the example file at the class web site http://roger.ecn.purdue.edu/%7Eandrisan/Courses/AAE490A_S2006/ Buffer/Climb/. Run the MATLAB script Baron58_Step_1_Glide.m. Plot the drag polar and determine the values of CD0, k and e using a least squares fit to the lift coefficient and drag coefficient data. The glide velocity that results in the longest glide distance occurs when the angle , see Figure 1, is minimized. The best glide angle is referred to as bg. Glide angle is given by the following equation sin 1 t Figure 1 H V t Let G = - to avoid having to plot negative angles 4. Plot the angle G versus true airspeed like in Figure 2. 5. As demonstrated on Figure 2, find the minimum value of the angle G. Gbg is the negative value of the best glide angle, . The true airspeed corresponding to this angle is the best glide speed Vbg and the weight of the aircraft at that flight condition is the best glide weight Wbg. You will need to convert Vbg from knots to ft/sec using Vbg(ft/sec) = Vbg(knots)*1.688 Compare the glide performance with data published in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook. [Glide: propellers feathered, flaps up, gear up, indicated airspeed 115 knots. “The glide ratio in this configuration is approximately 2 nautical miles of gliding distance for each 1000 feet of altitude above the terrain.” Pilot’s Operating Handbook: Beech Baron 58, p. 3-8] 6. Figure 2 C. Climb Test Data Reduction 1. Indicated Airspeed (use average of Vi-start and Vi-end for climb) 2. Calibrated Airspeed (use MATLAB function AS1Baron58.m) 3. Equivalent airspeed (use MATLAB function AS2.m) 4. True Airspeed (use MATLAB function AS3.m) 5. VT(ft/sec) = VT(knots)*1.688 6. Indicated pressure altitude at start of climb (~4800ft) 7. Calibrated pressure altitude at start of climb (use MATLAB function ALTBaron58.m) 8. Indicated pressure altitude at end of climb (~5200 ft) 9. Calibrated pressure altitude at end of climb (use MATLAB function ALTBaron58.m) 10. Change in calibrated pressure altitude for climb: step [9] – step [7] 11. Convert average outside air temperature for climb from degC to degR 12. Pmid Atmospheric pressure at the mid point of the climb (5000 ft) (use MATLAB function atmosphere4.m) 13. Density at midpoint of climb C. Climb Test Data Reduction 1 Vi (kts) 2 Vc (kts) 3 Ve (kts) 4 VT (kts) 5 VT(ft/sec) 6 Hi-start (ft)(~4800 ft) 7 Hc-start (ft) 8 Hi-end(ft) 9 Hc-end (ft) 10 H(ft) mid Tmid OAT 5000 11 ft (°R) R=1716.55 ft^2/(sec^2degR) 14. Density ratio: mid mid=mid/0 0=.0023769 slug/ft3 12 Pmid (lbf/ft^2) 13 mid(slug/ft^3) 14 Pmid [12] RT mid R[11] mid (nondimensional) 15. Ts Standard temperature for pressure altitude at midpoint of climb (5000 ft) (use MATLAB function atmosphere4.m) 16. Change in altitude for standard day: 15 Ts (degR) 16 Hstandard (ft) H standard 17 Wave (lbs) T mid [11] H [10] Ts [15] 17. Average aircraft weight for test: (Wi+Wf)/2. D. Climb Test Data Analysis 1. 2. 3. Put your climb data in a data file called Baron58_CLIMB_data.txt in a similar format to the example file at the class web site http://roger.ecn.purdue.edu/%7Eandrisan/Courses/AAE490A_S2006/ Buffer/Climb/. Run the MATLAB script Baron58_Step_2_Climb_3.m. Use this script to determine the parameters of the propeller polar, m and b. The climb velocity that results in the largest angle of climb, γX, occurs when the climb angle γ given by the following equation is maximum. 4. 5. 6. 7. sin 1 H V t t Figure 3 Plot the angle versus true airspeed as in Figure 2 As demonstrated on Figure 2, find the maximum value of the angle, . The true airspeed corresponding to this best climb angle is denoted as VX. Let WX denote the average weight for the test that produced VX. Denote mid-x as the density corresponding to the test that produced V X. Compare best climb speed with that published in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook. [Two-Engine Best Angle of Climb VX is 92 knots indicated airspeed for 5500 pound operation] Figure 4 E. Max Level Speed Test –Data Reduction 1 ViM (knots) 2 Vc (knots) 3 Ve (knots) 4 VM (knots) 5 VM (ft/sec) 6 HiM (feet) 7 Hc (feet) 8 PM(lbf/ft2) 9 TM (°R) 10 (slug/ft3) - 11 12 WM (lb) E. Max Level Speed Test – Data Reduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Indicated Airspeed Calibrated Airspeed (use MATLAB function AS1Baron58.m) Equivalent airspeed (use MATLAB function AS2.m VM True Airspeed (knots) (use MATLAB function AS3.m) VM True Airspeed (ft/sec=1.688*knots) Indicated prssure altitude Calibrated pressure altitude (use MATLAB function ALTBaron58.m) 8. Pressure for the calibrated pressure altitude (use atmosphere4.m) 9. Outside air temperature (convert degC to degR) 10. Density M PM [8] RT M R[9] R=1716.55 ft2/(sec2degR) 11. Density ratio: mid =/0 0=.0023769 slug/ft^3 12. Weight of Aircraft. WM = OEW + WfM F. Determination of Drag Polar Using the Bootstrap Approach 1. The parasite drag coefficient is found using the best glide data and the following equation CD0 W bg sin Gbg midglideSVbg2 . CD0 only needs to be computed once from the best glide angle and airspeed, not for every test point. From your experience does your computed value of CDo seem correct? 2. Oswald efficiency factor is found by the following equation e 4CD0 A tan 2 Gbg where A is the aspect ratio. From your experience does your computed value of e seem correct? 3. Plot the drag polar using the numbers derived in steps 1 and 2 as shown in Figure 5, where CD CD0 4. 1 2 C Ae L How do the parameters of the drag polar determined here compare the values you computed earlier. Which numbers do you think are more accurate? Why? Figure 5 Plot of Drag Polar G. Determination of Propeller Polar Using the Bootstrap Approach 1. The propeller polar intercept is found by the following equation 2W X2 2 2d 2 midx d 2 SeAVX4 where d is the propeller diameter in feet, S is wing area in ft 2, e is Oswald’s efficiency factor, A is aspect ratio and VX is in ft/sec (be sure to make the conversion from knots to ft/sec). WX is the average weight for the test that VX. mid-x is the density for the test that produced VX. produced velocity b SCD0 2. The propeller polar slope is found by the following equation m 2 1 2n 0 dW ave V 2 2 M4 P0 SeA VM VX C Where , and C is the altitude drop-off factor (=0.12), n0 is the 1 C rotational rate of the propeller in revolutions per second (RPM/60) at sea level and where P0 is maximum sea level rated engine power for two engines in ftlbf/sec (2*285 Hp*550). VX is in ft/sec (be sure to make the conversion from knots to ft/sec) and VM is the true maximum speed in ft/sec. Wave is the average of the weights in the tests that produced VX and VM. is the average of the densities in the tests that produced VX and VM. 3 How do the parameters of the propeller polar determined here compare the values you computed earlier. Which numbers do you think are more accurate? Why? Figure 6 Plot of Propeller Polar