DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week VII (03-08-2009 TO 08-08-2009) DAYS LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) 8:30- 9:30 Sat. 01/08 Biochem. Review: Prof. Shameem 9.30- 10.30 AM Physio. Review (Mrs. Neelofar) 10.3011.00 AM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 11:00-01:00 DEMONSTRATIONAnatomy Review 1- 150= DR FURRUKH (Community Medicine Lecture Hall) 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI (Moin Auditorium) 01:001:30 PM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 1:30-3:00 ANATOMY MUSEUM DR MANGI DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week VII (03-08-2009 TO 08-08-2009) DAYS LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) 8:30- 9:30 Mon 03/08 Tues 04/08 Wed 05/08 Thurs 06/08 Development of Kidneys Dr Imtiaz Physiology Function of Anterior pituitary hormone (Dr.Parveen) EMBRYODevelopmental Anomalies of Kidneys Prof Zia PHYSIOLOGY Disorders of Anterior pituitary hormones (Dr. Parveen) PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 9.30- 10.30 AM Sat 08/08 ANATOMY MUSEUM DR MANGI TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY-Applied Anatomy of Ureter –Dr Naheed Khan B=PHYSIOLOGY- - Pituitary gland(Dr Nafees) C- BIO- Translation–Dr Danish BIO- Translation protein synthesis (Prof. Shameem) Moin Auditorium DEMONSTRATION-I Kidney 1-30 to 2-45 SKILL LAB. Roll.No1-50 1- 150= DR FURRUKH Behav Sciences (Community Medicine Lecture Hall) 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI BIO Genetic codes & their characteristics (Prof. Shameem ) 10.3011.00 AM Tea Break Histology- Kidney Prof. Ilyas (Moin Auditorium) PRACTICALS-I(Labs) A= HISTOLOGY – Kidney - Prof. Zia B= PHYSIOLOGY- Pituitary gland Diabetes insipidus & oxytocin.(Dr.Nazish) C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum creatinine- Dr Ahsan DEMONSTRATION-II Supra renal gland & Ureter 1- 150= DR FURRUKH (Community Medicine Lecture Hall) 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Applied Anatomy of Ureter –Dr Naheed Khan C= PHYSIOLOGY- - Pituitary gland(Dr Nafees) A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Translation –Dr Danish BIO- Steps of translation (initiation, elongation & termination) (Prof. Shameem) 1:30-3:00 11:00-01:00 (Moin Auditorium) Fri 07/08 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 01:001:30 PM LUNCH TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Applied Anatomy of Ureter –Dr Naheed Khan A=PHYSIOLOGY - Pituitary gland(Dr Nafees) B- BIO- Translation –Dr Danish PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Kidney - Prof. Zia A= PHYSIOLOGY Pituitary gland Diabetes insipidus & oxytocin.(Dr.Nazish) B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum creatinineDr Ahsan 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Kidney - Prof. Zia C= PHYSIOLOGY - Pituitary gland Diabetes insipidus & oxytocin.(Dr.Nazish) A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum creatinine- Dr Ahsan DEMONSTRATION-III Abdominal aorta PHYSIOLOGY Functions & disorders of Posterior Pituitary (Mrs. Neelofar) 1- 150= DR FURRUKH (Community Medicine Lecture Hall) 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI (Moin Auditorium) MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week VIII (10-08-2009 TO 15-08-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM 10.3011.00 AM Development of Ureter & U:Bladder & Urethera BIOCHEMISTRY Naheed Khan Post translational modification B=PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid Gland & its Disorders C- BIO- Post translational (Prof. Shameem) PHYSIOLOGYThyroid Hormones Synthesis, Secretion & Transport (Mrs. Neelofor) EMBRYO Anomalies of Ureter & U.Bladder Prof Zia Thurs 13/08 Fri 14/08 PHYSIOLOGY Thyroid HormonesFunctions (Mrs. Neelofer) DEMONSTRATION-I Behav Sciences BIOHEMISTRY Regulation of gene expression (Prof. Shameem) Histology Ureter & U:Bladder Prof. Ilyas INDEPENDENCE DAY Recombinant DNA technology I (Prof. Shameem) creatinine- Venous drainage of abdomen BIOCHEMISTRY Sat 15/08 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Ureter & U:Bladder- Prof Ilyas C= PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid gland, Goiter, Myxedema & cretinism (Dr Nafees) A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of urine T E A PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Ureter & U:Bladder- Prof Ilyas B R E A K B= PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid gland, Goiter, Myxedema & cretinism (Dr Nafees) C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of PHYSIOLOGY- TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY- Urinary Bladder- Dr Naheed Khan A=PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid Gland & its Disorders B- BIO- Post translational modification- Dr Danish urine creatinine DEMONSTRATION-II Lymphatic drainage of abdomen 1- 150= DR FURRUKH 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Ureter & U:Bladder- Prof Ilyas A= PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid gland, Goiter, Myxedema & cretinism (Dr Nafees) B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of urine creatinine INDEPENDENCE DAY DEMONSTRATION-III Thyroid disorders (Dr Khalid) 1-30 to 2-45 SKILL LAB. Roll.No:51-100 1- 150= DR FURRUKH 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI LUNCH Wed 12/08 1:30-3:00 modification- Dr Danish Dr Imtiaz Tues 11/08 11:00-01:00 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 01:001:30 PM TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Urinary Bladder- Dr ANATOMYMon 10/08 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO Muscles of posterior abdominal wall 1- 150= DR FURRUKH 151-Onwards= DR MOHNI TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Urinary Bladder- Dr Naheed Khan C= PHYSIOLOGY- Thyroid Gland & its Disorders A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Post translational modification- Dr Danish DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week IX (17-08-2009 TO 22-08-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM 10.3011.00 AM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 11:00-01:00 01:001:30 PM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 1:30-3:00 TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Anal canal –Applied AnatomyMon 17/08 Development of testis BIO- ANATOMY MUSEUM Dr Mangi Anatomy (Prof. Zia ) Recomobinant DNA technology II B=PHYSIOLOGY- Parathyroid Gland & its Disorders C- BIO- Molecular Biology Dr Imtiaz TechiniquesPhysiology Tues 18/08 Parathyroid gland, anatomy, functions & disorders DEMONSTRATION-I Bony Pelvis I Behav Sciences (Dr Shakeel) BIO- EMBRYO Wed 19/08 PHYSIOLOGY Histology Regulation of calcium Prof. Ilyas Testis (Dr Ambreen) TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY-- Anal canal –Applied Fri 21/08 Anatomy (Prof. Zia ) C= PHYSIOLOGY- Parathyroid Gland & its Disorders A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Molecular Biology Techniques T E A B R E A K PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Ureter & U:Bladder - Dr Sofia B= PHYSIOLOGY- Parathyroid gland, Hypocalcemia C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum uric acid DEMONSTRATION-II Bony Pelvis II 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Anal canal –Applied Anatomy (Prof. Zia ) LUNCH Thurs 20/06 Anomalies of testes (Prof Zia) Hormones: Introduction & Clinical Corelation (Dr Nadeem Alam) 1-30 to 2-45 SKILL LAB. Roll.No:101-150 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid A=PHYSIOLOGY- Parathyroid Gland & its Disorders B- BIO- Molecular Biology Techniques PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY - Ureter & U:Bladder - Dr Sofia A= PHYSIOLOGY - Parathyroid gland, Hypocalcemia B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum uric acid 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Ureter & U:Bladder - Dr Sofia C= PHYSIOLOGY –Parathyroid gland, Hypocalcemia A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of serum uric acid DEMONSTRATION-III Sat 22/08 BIO- PHYSIOLOGY Hormones: Classification (Dr Nadeem Alam) Hormones of adrenal cortex (Dr Shakeel) Muscles of pelvic cavity 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week X (24-08-2009 TO 29-08-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 AnatomyMon 24/08 Development of male genital ducts Dr Imtiaz PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 9.30- 10.30 AM BIO- Mechanism of action; types of receptors I Physiology Tues 25/08 Adrenal Gland, Function & disorders of corticoids BIO Developmental Anomalies of male genital ducts Mechanism of action; types of receptors II Prof Zia Thurs 27/08 Histology Testes II Prof. Ilyas TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Perineal Spaces (Dr Fri 28/08 Javaid) ANATOMY MUSEUM Dr Mangi B=PHYSIOLOGY- Adrenal Gland & Their Disorders (Dr Parveen) C- BIO- Mechanism of hormone action Pelvic floor Behav Sciences EMBRYO PHYSIOLOGY Adrenal GlandFunctions & Disorders of Mineral corticoids (Dr Shakeel) TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Perineal Spaces (Dr 12.00-1.30 DEMONSTRATION-I (Dr . Ambreen) Wed 26/08 10:30-12:00 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO Javaid) C= PHYSIOLOGY- Adrenal Gland & Their Disorders (Dr Parveen) A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Mechanism of hormone action 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid SKILL LAB. Roll.No:151-200 PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Testes (Dr Sofia) B= PHYSIOLOGY- Adrenal gland & TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Perineal Spaces (Dr Javaid) its syndrome with its role in stress-Dr Nafees C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Liver function & tests A=PHYSIOLOGY- Adrenal Gland & Their Disorders (Dr Parveen) B- BIO- Mechanism of hormone action DEMONSTRATION-II Rectum 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Testes (Dr Sofia) A= PHYSIOLOGY- Adrenal gland & its syndrome with its role in stress Dr Nafees B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Liver function & tests 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Testes (Dr Sofia) C= PHYSIOLOGY - Adrenal gland & its syndrome with its role in stress Dr Nafees A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Liver function & tests DEMONSTRATION-III Sat 29/08 BIO- Pituitary & hypothalamic hormones I PHYSIOLOGY Functions & Disorders of Adrenal Medulla(Dr Shakeel) Prostate 1- 150= Dr Mujtaba 151-Onwards= Dr Shahid MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XI (31-08-2009 TO 05-09-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 AnatomyMon 31/08 Dr Development of male genital glands Dr Imtiaz Tues 01/09 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 9.30- 10.30 AM BIO Pituitary & hypothalamic hormones II Wed 02/09 Developmental Anomalies of male genital glands A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Prostate & seminal Disorders of the hormones & their lab investigations PHYSIOLOGY Histology Functions of pancreatic secretions (Dr Shakeel) Prostate & seminal Vesicles Prof. Ilyas TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Pelvic vessels and Nerves- (Dr Javaid) Fri 04/09 B=PHYSIOLOGY- Diabetes Mellitus-Dr Parveen C- BIO- Pituitary hormones DEMONSTRATION-I BIO C= PHYSIOLOGY- Diabetes Mellitus Dr Parveen A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Pituitary hormones ANATOMY MUSEUM DR Mangi Nerves- (Dr Javaid) Seminal vesicles & vas-defrence Prof Zia Thurs 03/09 TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Pelvic vessels and Physiology EMBRYO 12:00-1:30 10:30-12:00 Pancreatic cells secretions control & regulation (Madam Neelofer) Behav Sciences PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO Vesicles- Dr Sofia B= PHYSIOLOGY- Endocrine pancreas & Diabetes mellitus-Dr Ambreen C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Serum Bilirubin SKILL LAB. Roll.No:201-250 TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Pelvic vessels and Nerves- (Dr Javaid) A=PHYSIOLOGY- Diabetes Mellitus Dr Parveen B- BIO- Pituitary hormones DEMONSTRATION-II PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Prostate & seminal Vesicles- Ovary & its ligaments Dr Sofia A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI A= PHYSIOLOGY- Endocrine pancreas & Diabetes mellitus Dr Ambreen B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Serum Bilirubin 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Prostate & seminal Vesicles- Dr Sofia C= PHYSIOLOGY- Endocrine pancreas & Diabetes mellitus Dr Ambreen A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Serum Bilirubin DEMONSTRATION-III Uterus Sat 05/09 BIO- PHYSIOLOGY Thyroid hormone Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus (Madam Neelofer) A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XII (07-09-2009 TO 12-09-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM 10:30-12:00 TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Male external AnatomyMon 07/09 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO BIO Development of Ovaries Thyroid hormone & lab investigations Dr Imtiaz genitalia- Dr Shahid PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 12:00-1:30 ANATOMY MUSEUM Dr Mangi B=PHYSIOLOGY- Infertility -Dr Ambreen C- BIO- Thyroid & parathyroid hormones DEMONSTRATION-I Cervix & fallopian tube Physiology Tues 08/09 Pineal gland hormones Behav Sciences (Mdm. Neelofor) PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Ovaries & fallopian EMBRYO Wed 09/09 Developmental Anomalies of Ovaries A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI Ca & Pho. regulatory hormones tubes- Dr Sofia B= PHYSIOLOGY- Semen analysis-Dr Nafees C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of ALT Histology DEMONSTRATION-II Ovaries & fallopian tubes Vagina & female urethra BIO Prof Zia PHYSIOLOGY Thurs 10/09 Male reproductive system anatomy and testicular functions Prof. Ilyas (Dr Shakeel) TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Male external genitaliaFri 11/09 A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI SKILL LAB. Roll.No:251-Onwards TUTORIALS-II C= Male external genitalia- Dr Shahid A=PHYSIOLOGY- Infertility -Dr Ambreen B- BIO- Thyroid & parathyroid hormones PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Ovaries & fallopian tubes- Dr Sofia A= PHYSIOLOGY- Semen analysis Dr Nafees B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of ALT 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Ovaries & fallopian tubes- Dr Sofia Dr Shahid C= PHYSIOLOGY- Infertility-Dr Ambreen A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Thyroid & C= PHYSIOLOGY- Semen analysis Dr parathyroid hormones A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Nafees ALT DEMONSTRATION-III BIOSat 12/09 Ca & PO4.regulatory hormones & lab investigations(Dr Nadeem Alam) PHYSIOLOGY Testosterone and spermatogenesis (Dr Shakeel) Female external genitalia A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XIII (14-09-2009 TO 19-09-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 AnatomyMon 14/09 Development of female genital tract Dr Imtiaz Tues 15/09 9.30- 10.30 AM BIO Adrenal cortical hormones I (Dr Nadeem Alam) Puberty (Dr Parveen) Developmental Anomalies of female genital tract (Prof. Zia) Behav Sciences BIO Adrenal cortical hormones II (Dr Nadeem Alam) PHYSIOLOGY Thurs 17/09 Oogenesis & functions of ovarian hormone (Madam Neelofer) Histology Uterus & Cervix Prof. Ilyas TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Female external genitaliaFri 18/09 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 12:00-1:30 10:30-12:00 TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Female external ANATOMY MUSEUM genitalia- Dr Javaid B=PHYSIOLOGY- Puberty- Dr Nafees C- BIO-Adrenal Cortical Hormones DEMONSTRATION-I Nerves of pelvis Physiology EMBRYOWed 16/09 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO Dr Javaid A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Uterus & Cervix- Dr .Riaz B= PHYSIOLOGY-Menstrual Cycle-Dr Ambreen C= BIOCHEMISTRY-Estimation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase DEMONSTRATION-II Pelvic muscles A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI Skill lab TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Female external genitalia- Dr Javaid A=PHYSIOLOGY- Puberty- Dr Nafees B- BIO- Adrenal Cortical Hormones PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Uterus & Cervix- Dr .Riaz A= PHYSIOLOGY- Menstrual Cycle-Dr Ambreen B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Uterus & Cervix- Dr .Riaz C= PHYSIOLOGY- Puberty- Dr Nafees A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Adrenal Cortical Hormones C= PHYSIOLOGY -Menstrual Cycle-Dr Ambreen A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Estimation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase DEMONSTRATION-III Sat 19/09 BIO- PHYSIOLOGY Adrenocortical diseases & lab investigations Hormonal regulation of menstrual cycle and its disorders(Dr Parveen) (Dr Nadeem Alam) Sacroiliac joint A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XIV (21-09-2009 TO 26-09-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM Mon 21/09 EID -UL-FITRE Tues 22/09 EID -UL-FITRE Wed 23/09 EMBRYO Development of Uterus Prof Zia Thurs 24/09 Pregnancy & placental hormones (Dr Parveen) TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Joints of pelvis- Dr Fri 25/09 Sat 26/09 Shahid C= PHYSIOLOGY- Lactation -Dr Nafees A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Adrenal Medullary Hormones BIO – Adrenal Medullary Hormones- Lab. Investigations (Dr Nadeem Alam)) PHYSIOLOGY- Physiology of parturition & Lactation (Madam Neelofer) 11:00-01:00 01:001:30 PM EID -UL-FITRE 1:30-3:00 EID -UL-FITRE PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Uterus- Dr B= PHYSIOLOGY- Placental Sofia TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Joints of pelvis- Dr Shahid A=PHYSIOLOGY- Lactation- Dr Nafees B- BIO- Adtrenal Medullary Hormones functions and pregnancy tests-Dr Ambreen T E A C= BIOCHEMISTRY-Renal Function Tests & its interpretation B R E A K A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI DEMONSTRATION-II Lumbar plexus 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Uterus- Dr C= PHYSIOLOGY - Placental PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO EID -UL-FITRE EID -UL-FITRE BIO Adrenal Medullary Hormones (Dr Nadeem Alam) Histology Uterus Prof. Ilyas PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO LUNCH PHYSIOLOGY 10.3011.00 AM PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Uterus- Dr Sofia A= PHYSIOLOGY- Placental functions and pregnancy tests- Dr Ambreen B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Renal Function Tests & its interpretation Sofia functions and pregnancy tests- Dr Ambreen A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Renal Function Tests & its interpretation DEMONSTRATION-III Pelvic Fascia A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Joints of pelvis- Dr Shahid B=PHYSIOLOGY- Lactation- Dr Nafees C- BIO- Adtrenal Medullary Hormones DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XV (28-09-2009 TO 03-10-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM 10.3011.00 AM Mon 28/09 Dr Imtiaz BIO Water & Electrolyte Balance & Disorders (Dr Nadeem Alam)) Wed 30/09 B=PHYSIOLOGY- Neonatal Physiology- Dr Nafees Boundaries of perineum EMBRYO BIOPancreatic & GI Hormones-I (Dr Tehseen) PHYSIOLOGY Histology Male & female infertility Prof. Ilyas Vagina TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Surface anatomy-Dr Fri 02/10 Naheed Khan C= PHYSIOLOGY- Neonatal Physiology- Dr Nafees A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Pancreas Sat 03/10 BIOPancreatic & GI Hormones-II (Dr Tehseen) A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI T E A B R E A K Skill lab PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Vagina- Dr Riaz B= PHYSIOLOGY- Revision-Dr TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY- Surface anatomy-Dr Naheed Khan A=PHYSIOLOGY- Neonatal Physiology- Dr Parveen C= BIOCHEMISTRY-LFTs & its interpretation DEMONSTRATION-II Divisions of perineum A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI Nafees B- BIO- Pancreas LUNCH Thurs 01/10 Behav Sciences Prof Zia ANATOMY MUSEUM DR MANGI C- BIO- Pancreas DEMONSTRATION-I Neonatal physiology Revision Test 1:30-3:00 Naheed Khan Physiology Tues 29/09 11:00-01:00 PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 01:001:30 PM TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Surface anatomy-Dr Anatomy- Congenital anomalies of G.U.T. PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Vagina- Dr Riaz A= PHYSIOLOGY- Revision -Dr Parveen B= BIOCHEMISTRY- LFTs & its interpretation 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Vagina- Dr Riaz C= PHYSIOLOGY – Revision- Dr Parveen A= BIOCHEMISTRY- LFTs & its interpretation DEMONSTRATION-III Spaces of urogenital region PHYSIOLOGY Male & female contraception A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XVI (05-10-2009 TO 10-10-2009) LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) DAYS 8:30- 9:30 AnatomyMon 05/10 Development of Auxillary glands Dr Imtiaz 9.30- 10.30 AM 10.3011.00 AM Tues 06/10 Developmental Anomalies of Auxillary glands TIME: 1-2.30 Skill lab Roll no. 251-300 A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI Behav Sciences PRACTICALS-I A= HISTOLOGY – Oesophagus -Dr T E A B= PHYSIOLOGY- Urine analysis & evaluation of renal function–Dr Nafees C= BIOCHEMISTRY- Journal Certification Prof. Ilyas Shahid C= PHYSIOLOGY-Excretory System Overview- Dr Ambreen A= BIOCHEMISTRY - Acid base Balance B R E A K Surface anatomy A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI A=PHYSIOLOGY- Excretory System Overview- Dr Ambreen B- BIO- Acid base Balance LUNCH DEMONSTRATION-II HistologyOesophagus TUTORIALS-II C=ANATOMY - Joints of pelvis- Dr Shahid Sofia BIO Acid base Balance-I (Dr Tehseen) TUTORIALS-III B= ANATOMY- Joints of pelvis- Dr Fri 09/10 ANATOMY MUSEUM B=PHYSIOLOGY- Excretory System Overview- Dr Ambreen C- BIO-Acid base Balance DEMONSTRATION-I PHYSIOLOGY Thurs 08/10 1:30-3:00 Applied anatomy Prof Zia Nephron structure Types& function (Dr Parveen) PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO Shahid EMBRYO Wed 07/10 11:00-01:00 01:001:30 PM TUTORIALS-I A=ANATOMY- Joints of pelvis-Dr BIO Pancreatic & GI Diseases (Dr Tehseen) Physiology Introductionto excretory system (Dr Parveen) PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO PRACTICALS-II C= HISTOLOGY – Oesophagus-Dr Sofia A= PHYSIOLOGY- Urine analysis &evaluation of renal function –Dr Nafees B= BIOCHEMISTRY- Journal Certification 10.30-– 12:00 PRACTICALS-III B= HISTOLOGY – Oesophagus-Dr Sofia C= PHYSIOLOGY - Urine analysis &evaluation of renal function–Dr Nafees A= BIOCHEMISTRY- Journal Certification DEMONSTRATION-III Sat 10/06 BIOAcid base Balance-II (Dr Tehseen) PHYSIOLOGY Pressure in renal circulation and Glomerular membrane (Madam Neelofer) Radiology A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI MENTOR MEETING DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCS-------DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE---- IInd YEAR----- FOURTH SEMESTER Week XVII (12-10-2009 TO 17-10-2009) DAYS LECTURES (Moin Auditorium) 8:30- 9:30 9.30- 10.30 AM 10.3011.00 AM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 11:00-01:00 01:001:30 PM PRACTICAL/TUTORIAL/DEMO 1:30-3:00 DEMONSTRATION-I Mon 12/10 Anatomy-Case Study Dr Imtiaz ANATOMY MUSEUM Dr Mangi Applied anatomy BIO Acid base Disorders (Dr Tehseen) A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI DEMONSTRATION-II Tues 13/10 Surface anatomy Behav Sciences Physio GFR (Dr Shakeel) BIOReproductive Hormones-II (Dr Nadeem Alam) T E A DEMONSTRATION-III Wed 14/10 Radiology B R E A K TIME: 1-2.30 Skill lab Roll no. 251-300 A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI A= DR FURRUKH B= DR MUJTABA C= DR MOHNI LUNCH BIO Reproductive Hormones-I (Dr Nadeem Alam)