THE FIRST SEASON OF GRE AMER EXCAVATIONS BATMAN, TURKEY The long-planned and contested Ilisu Dam on the Tigris River has provided a great opportunity for archaeologists to explore an unknown and unexplored part of Turkey, namely the Upper Tigris area. Controversial aspects of the dam centered on the damage that it is going to cause to the natural and cultural heritage of the area and resettlement issues of the current population of the region. The decision to construct the hydroelectric dam of Ilisu goes back to 1954. The first real attempt to build the dam was made in the mid 1990’s from which came an extensive program of archaeological survey and salvage excavations. The first round of salvage excavations in the Ilısu Dam area was combined with those of the Carchemish and Birecik dams on the River Euphrates. During this first round, the Ilisu and Carchemish salvage projects were managed together by the Center for Research and Assessment of the Historical Environment (TACDAM) at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Because of strong public protests and organized efforts in Turkey and abroad to stop the construction of the dam, particularly to save the Mediaeval site of Hasankeyf, the international construction consortium composed of British, German, Swiss, Austrian, Italian and Swedish companies was dissolved in 2002 and the construction plans were halted as a result. The stopping of the construction plans also affected the finance of the salvage projects and the Turkish projects that were all supported by the government had to stop as well. 1 The changing policy of the AKP government—from first declaring not to build the dam to assertively promoting the completion of the dam and its benefits to the people of the South East--even to the extent of calling anyone who has expressed opinions against the Ilisu Dam a traitor—resulted in the formation of a new consortium, this time composed of Turkey, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The construction started on August 5th 2006 with a big state ceremony for laying the foundation by the prime minister and broadcast live. This second consortium was also dissolved in July 2009, but the construction continues through the credits given by Turkish banks. Revival of the construction had an immediate effect on the archaeological salvage works. The General Directorate of State Water Works signed a protocol with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and started to re-finance the interrupted excavations and invited new ones. The Ministry established a unit in the Department of Cultural Heritage and Museums dealing with the bureaucracy, finance and the coordination of the documentation, survey and excavation works within the Ilisu Dam Reservoir area. The reservoir area has been divided into three coordination zones (Diyarbakir, Batman-Siirt and the area immediately around the Ilisu Dam Construction area) and excavation and surveys carried out in these areas have been done in cooperation either with Diyarbakir or Mardin Museums. In fact, the excavation permits are given in the name of these museums and the actual excavation directors are charged with the scientific responsibility of the projects. Financial aspects of the projects have 2 been handled by the respective museums as well. The state finance regulations that apply to the spending of any money within the state now also apply to excavation finance, which creates a multi-layered complicated bureaucracy! No cash is handled by directors and payments are made directly to the bank accounts of the workmen or to those of the shops or landlords or owners of vehicles etc. Also, health and safety regulations have now arrived in northern Mesopotamia and projects are obliged to purchase a safety service, to make a risk assessment of the excavation work, and train the workmen for a certain number of hours on first aid, various health risks and their labour rights. Against this background we commenced work at Gre Amer in the summer of 2009. Gre Amer Höyük is a site of approximately four hectares in area on the east bank of the Garzan Çayı, a northern tributary of the Tigris. The site lies within the boundaries of Işıkveren village (old name Dusadek), in the Besiri district (ilce) of Batman province (il) containing the richest oil fields of Turkey. By the standards of most Mesopotamian mounds the site is small, but nevertheless it remains the largest ancient site in the Garzan valley. The confluence of the Garzan Çayı with the Tigris is a distance of 26km downstream from Gre Amer Höyük; as the crow flies the site is just 18km north of Hasankeyf. The site is positioned on the bank of the Gre Amer stream, now a dry valley (wadi), a tributary of the Garzan Çayı, on top of 3 a natural hill and extends to the south-west above a natural rock terrace above the river bank. The summit of the mound lies at 532m above sea level (rising to just above 550m at the summit of the hill), with the river terrace lying at a level of 519m. The site will be completely submerged by the lake. The site has been examined previously in surface surveys of the Ilisu Dam lake area carried out by Guillermo Algaze, Bradley Parker, and Aslı Erim Özdoğan. Materials collected from the surface and stratigraphic observations suggested that the site was occupied in the first, second and third millennia BC. In the course of the preliminary survey in 2008 a sherd with part of a cuneiform sign was found on the mound. This was a fine red ware resembling the Middle or Neo-Assyrian ceramics of the area, with the sign inscribed before the piece was fired. Such inscriptions sometimes indicate the volume of the vessel, or what was stored in it, but sometimes also can imply an association with a special ceremony or function. For example it is known from Middle and Late Assyrian tablets that Assyrian officials entertained local notables to meals (naptanu), and gave gifts of the drinking vessels from the dinner, and some of these cups had inscriptions on them. The nearest similar examples of such inscribed cups have been found in North Syria at Tell Sabi Abyad, where one carinated bowl and two large jars bearing cuneiform signs dating to the Middle Assyrian period are known. Middle Assyrian Tell Sabi Abyad was a farming settlement surrounded by a defensive wall. There is another example of this ‘official farm’, termed dunnu in Assyrian, at Giricano Höyük excavated on the upper Tigris, near Bismil. This find demonstrated 4 the possibility before excavation that there was an official building at the site, dating to the Middle and/or Neo Assyrian period. Occupation has been identified on the summit of the hill (where it is very eroded and poorly preserved), on the shoulder of the hill to the southwest, and over a wide area of the flat plain still further to the south-west, extending possibly as far as the river cliff. The core of the site appears to stretch from the shoulder of the hill some 100m through to a visible terrace. Elsewhere test trenching so far has shown traces of occupation but fewer structures in the peripheral areas of the site. The main part of the site is now bisected by the cutting for a modern road. Sections at the road cutting show that the depth of occupation is in the region of 4– 5m deep, although there are also signs that it may be deeper in places. The stratigraphic sequence of the mound was best represented in the road cutting, termed Operation 1. In this sector seven (10 x 10m) trenches were excavated. Two burnt levels were visible in the section with two further structural levels identified above the upper burnt level. At the end of the first season we have provisionally dated the levels as follows: The lower burnt level to the Middle-to-Late Bronze Age; the upper burnt level to Late Bronze and Early Iron Age; the two upper structural levels to Iron Age. The upper burnt level +2 was confirmed as the latest on the site, found only some 40cm beneath the topsoil. The most likely interpretation of upper burnt levels +2 and +1 emerged as store rooms and workshops. In these places we found in situ storage pots, spindle whorls (indicating the presence of textile production), and iron and bronze metal fragments. 5 In the road cutting, a section of some 22m of external (defensive?) wall was exposed, standing at its highest to up to 3m. Within this stone wall the ceramic materials found on floors and in fills were predominantly the ware types known as Red-Brown Washed Ware. Also from these fills a potsherd with a cylinder seal impression was recovered. The seal design shows hunters bearing spears in a style typical of the Mitanni period. At the base of the wall a substantial fragment of a painted vessel painted with red elongated triangular designs (Triangular Ware) was found. The dating of this material is open to discussion, but this is probably one of the earliest examples of this ceramic. Also from within the fills against the walls came various obsidian objects, including arrow heads and other lithic tools, ceramic zoomorphic figurines and numerous horn cores. Trenches on the summit of the mound, and in the area immediately to the south-west, were known as Operation 2. Here we excavated three trenches: The natural conditions on the summit of the mound were such that a combination of erosion, deep pit digging and recent military operations had jeopardised survival. Walls and other features that were exposed were not well-preserved. Immediately below the summit, in a trench excavated on the southern shoulder of the hill, walls were traced with burnt and ashy deposits that probably relate to the upper burnt level. The ceramics from this area had both a fine-walled quality and forms typical of Late Assyrian types. One of the deep pits in the summit trenches yielded a polychrome decorated glass vessel fragment of Mitannian type (Tell al Rimah bottle). 6 The area on the river side of the road section was termed Operation 3, and here an excavated trench revealed the stone walls of a continuous building level related to the upper burnt level. Between the road and river a flat area of river terrace was termed Operation 4. Here five test trenches showed that the architectural levels established on the mound did not continue over this area. Ware types 1. Painted sherds 2. Triangular painted ware jugs, jars 3. Pseudo-Cuneiform 4. Incised, impressed, applied decoration 5. Ribbed Ware (Groovy ware) associated with Early Iron Age Decorated, plain, classic 6. Lugged rims 7. Decorated Larger vessels 8. Assyrian and other Fine wares 9. Lower Burnt Level Middle/Late Bronze Washed and Coated Wares /Red-Brown Wash Ware 10. Lower Burnt Level Dark-Rim orange Ware 11. Lower Burnt Level Combed decorated (inside) and incised sherds Our continuing targets for work at Gre Amer are to understand the complete chronology of the site, to define the architecture and the nature of the settlement in the second and first millennia BC, to reveal 7 the local components of the culture and its associations with the cultural sphere of Mitanni, Assyria and with other neighbouring areas. Carrying out such a salvage excavation gives a tremendous opportunity to uncover original material, produce new information, educate students, provide employment to locals etc, but leaves one somehow with the uneasy feeling of complicity. 8