Tomaso Poggio Miscellaneous Section of CV WORKING PAPERS (not up-to-date) “A Nonparametric Approach to Pricing and Hedging Derivative Securities Via Learning Networks,” (J.M. Hutchinson, A. Lo and T. Poggio). Working Paper 4718, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, April 1994. “Integrating Vision Modules with Coupled MRFs,” (T. Poggio). AI Working Paper 285, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, December 1985. “The CVM Project,” (T. Poggio). AI Working Paper No. 278, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, September 1985. “Associative Learning of Standard Regularizing Operators in Early Vision,” (T. Poggio and A. Hurlbert). AI Working Paper No. 264, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, December 1984. “Routing Thoughts,” (T. Poggio). AI Working Paper 258, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 1984. “Differential Operators for Edge Detection,” (V. Torre and T. Poggio). AI Working Paper 253, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, March 1983. ABSTRACTS (not up-to-date) “Image Representations for Graphics and Recognition,” (T. Poggio and P. Sinha). Abstract in: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, IS&T/SPIE 9th Annual Symposium, San Jose, CA, February 9-14, 1997. “Learning and Networks: Theory and Applications,” (T. Poggio). Abstract in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ISANN), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 1993. “Artificial Intelligence,” (T. Poggio and D. McDermott). Abstract in: Computer Science: Achievements and Opportunities, Report of the NSF Advisory Committee for Computer Research, J.D. Hopcroft and k.W. Kennedy (eds.), SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 41-50, 1989. “Generalization of Learning in Vernier Acuity,” (M. Fahle, T. Poggio and S. Edelman). Conference, 1992. In: Abstract, ARVO “How the Brain Might Work,” (T. Poggio). Abstract in: 10th International Biophysics Congress, Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society, Vancouver, Canada, July, 1990. “Biophysics of Computation,” (T. Poggio). Abstract in: Neuroscience in the 21st Center: New Perspectives and Horizons, Georgetown Bicentennial Symposium, Milan, 1989. “Representations of Properties of Multilayer Feedforward Networks,” (B. Moore and T. Poggio). International Neural Network Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 1988. “Learning, Regularization and Splines,” (T. Poggio). Meeting, Boston, MA, September 1988. Abstract in: Abstract in: International Neural Network Society Annual “Eye Movements While Observing “Parallel” and “Serial” Patterns,” (G. Geiger, H. Bülthoff and T. Poggio). Abstract in: Abstract, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 29, No. 3, 1988. “Learning Receptive Fields for Color Constancy,” (T. Poggio and A. Hulbert). Abstract in: Abstract, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 29, No. 3, 1988. “Learning Receptive Fields for Color Constancy,” (T. Poggio and A. Hulbert). Abstract in: Neuroscience Abstracts: Abstracts of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, 624, 1987. (Conf: IEEE, Neural Information Processing Systems - Natural and Synthetic, New Orleans, LA, November, 1987). “Mechanisms of Visual Information Processing,” (T. Poggio). Abstract in: 9th International Biophysics Congress, Abstracts, Jerusalem, Israel, August 1987. “Restructuring Spectral Reflectances and Illuminant,” (T. Poggio and A. Hulbert). Abstract in: JOSA Abstracts: Signal Recovery and Synthesis, April 1986. INVITED TALKS (not up-to-date) Information Science & Technology Colloquium Series at Goddard Space Flight Center (in conjunction with the Center’s first annual Excellence in Information and Technology Award), Greenbelt, MD, May 23, 2001. “Learning in Brains & Machines.” Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Workshop titled “Mathematics of Learning,” March 19 – 29, 2001. “From bits to information: Theory and applications of learning machines.” Stanford University’s Broad Area Colloquium for Artificial Intelligence, Geometry, Graphics, Robotics, and Vision, December 4, 2000. “From bits to information: Theory and applications of learning machines.” Forum on Information Fusion, Washington D.C., October 19, 2000. Classification.” “Learning Machine Applications in Image Conference on Information: Science and Technology for the Next Center (synchronized with IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society entitled, “University as a Bridge from Technology to Society”) at Studiorum Universitatum Docentium Congressus, Great Jubilee of Year 2000, Rome, Italy, September 6-8, 2000. “How the Brain might work: The Role of Information and Learning in the Understanding and Replicating Intelligence.” NTT, Atsugi-shi, Japan, July 22, 2000. “Adaptive Man-machine Interfaces.” Hong Kong Stephen Smale Fest, Hong Kong, July 10-17, 2000. Plenary Speaker: “From Bits to Information: Theory and Applications of Learning Machines.” INFN National Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June 15, 2000. “Learning Machines for Extracting Information from Signals, Images and Digital Databases.” NCI Analytic Tools Working Group, Washington, DC, May 30, 2000. “Learning Techniques for Bioinformatics.” International Stockmarkets Association (FIBV), MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 24, 2000. “From Bits to Information: Theory and the New AI” IBM invited speaker/Bay Area Computer Vision Meeting, Almaden, CA, May 18, 2000. Plenary speaker: “From Bits to Information: Theory and Applications of Learning Machines.” Laurea Honoris Causa for the Volta Bicentennial, Pavia, Italy, March 17-21, 2000. “Learning and Representations in Brains and Machines.” BMCV2000, Seoul, Korea Workshop, Seoul, Korea, May 15-17, 2000. Co-chair. Networks Session, Workshop on Development and Learning sponsored by NSF and DARPA, East Lansing, MI, April 5-7, 2000. Viewpoint Speaker: “Modeling Systems that Learn.” Neuroscience Seminar Series, Dept. of Neuroscience, Brown University, Providence, RI, January 29, 2000. “Learning Sparse Representations in IT Cortex.” IEEE Osaka Chapter, Osaka Japan, January 14, 2000. Monthly speaker: “From Bits to Information: Theory and Applications of Learning Machines.” ARL, SEDD, June 14, 1999, “Learning Machines: theory and applications to classification of data and signals.” Bad Homburg v.d.H, Germany, May 19-22, 1999, “Object Recognition and Detection: a trainable computer vision system and IT cortex.” Snowbird, Colorado, April 6, 1999, “Learning Machines” Munich, Germany, Feb 3 1999, “Envisioning Knowledge” Riken Institute, Brain Science Forum, Tokyo, Japan, November 24, 1998, “Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines.” University of Pennsylvania, Department of Computer & Information Science Colloquia, Distinguished Lecturer, Philadelphia, PA, November 17, 1998, “Learning and Representations: Machine Vision and IT Cortex.” The Brain, Symposium in Memory of David Marr, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, September 17, 1998, “Learning to See.” Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98) and the Tenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-98), Madison, WI, July 28, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations: Machine Learning, Machine Vision and the Brain.” Alphatech, Burlington, ME, June 10, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations for Vision.” Rutgers University, Department of Psychology, Newark, NJ, May 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations in IT Cortex.” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, May 11, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations.” Riken Institute, Japan, April 15, 1998, “Learning and Vision.” Honda Basic Research Labs, Wako, Japan, April 14, 1998, “Learning to See.” Fifth ATR Symposium on Face and Object Recognition, ATR, Kyoto, Japan, April 13, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representation for Vision.” Image-Based Modeling and Rendering workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, March 22, 1998, “Image Representations for Visual Learning.” Mechanisms Involved in Visual Perception Workshop, Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones, Madrid, Spain, February 23, 1998, “Object Recognition in IT Cortex.” Brown University, Department of Neuroscience, Providence, RI, January 29, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations in IT Cortex.” Columbia Computer Science Colloquium, Columbia University, New York, NY, January 26, 1998, “Learning Sparse Representations for Vision.” MURI Vision Meeting, The Institute for Defense Analysis, Washington, DC, January 22, 1998, “Trainable Vision Systems” with Dr. Eric Grimson. Le giornate dell’Innovazione, Incontro CSELT – Universita, December 9, 1997, “Research Spin-offs.” Barr Distinguished Lecture Series, Gainesville, FL, November 21, 1997, “Learning and Networks: Applications in Graphics and Vision.” Microsoft Research, Seattle, WA, July 18, 1997, “Learning techniques and applications to Graphic and Computer Vision.” Fifth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, July 7, 1997, Keynote address. The Salk Institute, Salk-Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology, La Jolla, CA, June 11, 1997, “Learning to See: Computers and Brains.” Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine Conference, Boston University, Boston, MA, May 31, 1997, “Learning to Detect and Represent Visual Object Classes.” 97 Image Understanding Workshop, New Orleans, LA, May 14, 1997, “Trainable Modular Vision System.” ONR Vision Contractor’s Meeting, Newport, RI, May 6, 1997, “Example-based Object Segmentation, Detection and Recognition From Images.” Genoa University, Department of Mathematics, Genoa, Italy, April 10, 1997. “Learning to See.” Genoa University, Department of Mathematics, Genoa, Italy, April 9, 1997. “Networks and Brains.” Helmholtz Club, Irvine, CA, April 1, 1997. “IT Cortex and Models.” First International Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 12-14, 1997, “Image Representations for Visual Learning.” IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, February 14, 1997, “Image Representations for Graphics and Recognition.” John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, December 2, 1996. “Object Recognition and IT Cortex.” New York University, New York, NY, November 14, 1996. “Image Representations for Visual Learning.” AT&T Research, Redbank, NJ, November 12, 1996. “Learning and Networks: Graphics and Vision.” Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science: The Future of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA, October 2, 1996. “Modeling Systems that Learn.” IAPR 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29,1996. “Image Representations for Visual Learning.” Symposium Vom Neuron zur Informatik, Bochum, Germany, June 8, 1996. “Learning to See.” MIT, Center for Imaging Science, Woods-Hole Workshop, May 23-24, 1996. “Object Recogni-tion, Especially Face Recognition, with and without Feedback.” Machines that Learn, Snowbird, Utah, April 9-12, 1996. “A New Image Representation for Visual Learning.” ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories Symposium on Face and Object Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, January 22-25, 1996. “Virtual Examples and Example-based Correspondence.” Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 9, 1995. “Networks that Learn and How the Brain Works.” NASA Ames Research Center Biocomputation Center Workshop - . Francisco, CA, October 18-19, 1995. “Radial Basis Memory Functions.” From Neurons to Nano-technology, San Software Technology and Intelligent Systems Symposium, ‘95 STISS, Chantilly, VA, August 28-31, 1995. “Image Understanding and Learning.” 18th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Tübingen, Germany, August 21-25, 1995. “Networks that Learn.” The 4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Kyoto Japan, July 9-14th, 1995. MIT ILO Conference on Making Sense of Data Compression, Cambridge, MA, June 13, 1995. “Exploring Learning Techniques for Image Compression and Video Email.” Pace University, The 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street, School of Computer Science and Information Systems, New York, June 1995. “Regularization Networks and Learning Option Pricing.” IEEE/IAFE 1995 Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (Co-Chairman), New York, NY, April 9-11, 1995. Rockefeller University, DeCamp Symposium for the Neurosciences, New York, April 1995. `Models of Learning and 3D Object Recognition.” Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, March 1995. “Learning and Object Recognition.” Carnegie Mellon University, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science, Pittsburg, March 1995. “Networks that Learn and How the Brain Works.” Boston University, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, February 1995. “Networks that Learn and How the Brain should Work.” ATR Conference on Perception, Japan, January 1995. Keynote speaker: “Supervised Learning for Image Analysis, Image Synthesis and Object Detection.” CalTech, Conference on Neural Networks and Capital Markets, November 17-18, 1994. “Regularization Networks and an Application to Learning Option Pricing.” Image Understanding Workshop, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Monterey, CA, November 13-16, 1994. Keynote Speaker: “Learning and Vision.” GOMACS, San Diego, November 1994. “Learning & Networks: Applications to Graphics, Very-low Bandwidth Videoconferencing and Face Recognition.” Wiener Conference (The Legacy of Norbert Wiener), MIT, October 1994. “Networks that Learn and How the Brain Works.” Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, September 1994. “Machines that Learn.” European Neuroscience Society, Vienna, Austria, September 1994. Computation.” “Image-based Object Recognition: Modena Scienza, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola, June 1994. “Uno Strano Sguardo: Come Costruire la Macchina Vedente.” European Conference on Computer Vision, Basic Research Workshop on Learning and Neural Networks in Vision, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1994. “Learning, Networks and a Novel Approach to Computer Graphics and 3D Object Recognition.” Poster Presentation, Neural Networks for Computing Conference, Snowbird, UT, April 1994. “Priors, Stabilizers and Bias Functions: From Regularization to Radial, Tensor and Additive Splines.” ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, January 1994. Keynote Speaker: International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ISANN), National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 20-22, 1993. Keynote Lecture: “Learning and Networks: Theory and Applications.” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 1993. “Learning and Networks: Applications to Vision and Graphics.” Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 1993. “Image Processing and Vision.” Tutorial on Biological Models, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 1993. “Learning, Approximation and Networks: Perspectives and Applications.” Hans-Lukas Teuber Symposium, CBCL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 21, 1993. “Object Recognition and the Temporal Lobes.” ARPA Artificial Neural Network Technology Program Review, Washington, DC, April 1993. “Learning Techniques for Computer Vision.” ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Washington, DC, April 1993. Overview with E. Grimson: “MIT Progress in Understanding Images.” Neural Networks for Computing Conference, Snowbird, UT, April 1993. “3D Object Recognition: Symmetry and Virtual Views.” Neural Networks for Computing Conference, Snowbird, UT, April 1993. “Example-based Graphics.” Vision Learning Workshop, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan, January 1993. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, Italy, November 1992. “Learning Networks and Neurobiology.” NSF/DARPA Workshop on Machine Learning and Vision, Harper’s Ferry, WV, October 1992. “Learning in Object Recognition.” Image Understanding Workshop, Snowbird, UT, September 1992. Object Recognition to Computer Graphics.” “Learning and Approximation Theory: From Die Wahrnehmung von Bewegung: Experiment und Modellbildung bei Insekten, Wirbeltieren und Maschinen (Symposium in honor of Dr. Werner Reichardt), Max-Planck-Institüt, Tübingen, Germany, September 1992. “From IT to Garfield.” Center for Visual Science Symposium on Localizing Visual Function in the Brain, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, June 1992. “Integration of Visual Cues and Learning. Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati di Sciennze, Lettere ed Arti/I.R.S.T./Max-Planck-Society/ Reemstma Stiftung/Commission of the European Communities, Rovereto, Italy, April 1992. Round table discussion: “Lo Studio del Cervello: Situazione Attuale e Possibili Sviluppi” (The Study of the Brain). Vision Learning Workshop, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan, January 1992. “Learning and Approximation Networks: Introduction and Theory.” Vision Learning Workshop, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan, January 1992. “3D Object Recognition: Theory and Psychophysics.” Vision Learning Workshop, ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan, January 1992. “Face Recognition: An Implemented System.” Exploring Brain Functions: Models in Neuroscience, Dahlem Konferenzen, Berlin, Germany, September 1991. “Learning Algorithms and Network Architectures.” Hypothesis Conference, Hypothesis, Rome, Italy, May 1991. “A New Definition of Intelligence.” 3rd International Symposium on Bioelectronic and Molecular Electronic Devices, R&D Association for Future Electron Devices, Kobe, Japan, December 1990. “Synaptic Computations and a New Approach to Learning.” Neurophysics College on Neural Correlates of Behavior, Development, Plasticity and Memory, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, October 1990. “Computational Approach.” Neurophysics College on Neural Correlates of Behavior, Development, Plasticity and Memory, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, October 1990. “Learning and Networks, and Applications (I and II).” SGAICO Second Swiss Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, October 1990. Keynote Speaker: “Learning, Networks, and AI.” Workshop on Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, September 1990. “Theory and Application of Regularization Networks.” 10th International Biophysics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August 1990. “Grandmother Cells and 3D Object Recognition.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Summer Course on Computational Neuroscience: Learning and Memory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, July 1990. “Theoretical Framework for Learning” and “Regularization and Radial Basis Functions: Applications.” Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: The Brain, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 1990. “How the Brain Might Work.” Neural Networks for Computing, Snowbird, UT, April, 1990. “Learning, Networks and Approximation Theory: A New Approach.” Mathematical Aspects of Computer Vision and Image Processing, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 1990. “Networks for Learning: Applications in Vision.” Primo Congresso della Associazione Italiana per L’Intelligenze Artificiale, Centro Servizi Culturali ex Santa Chiara, Trento, Italy, November 1989. “Relatore Invito.” Industrial Liaison Program Symposium on Networks and Learning (Chairman), MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1989. “Networks for Learning: Vision Applications.” Hughes Research Labs, Malibu, CA, October 1989. “A Theory of Networks for Learning.” California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, October 1989. “Learning Algorithms.” Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, BBN Systems and Technologies Corp., Cambridge, MA, September 1989. “A Theory of Networks for Approximation and Learning.” Georgetown University Bicentennial Symposium, Fidia Research Foundation, Washington, DC, April 1989. “Biophysics of Computation.” Neurosciences Research Program, New York, NY, March 1989. “Neurobiology and Vision.” 55th Stated Meeting of the Neurosciences Research Program Associates, New York, NY, March 1989. “The Vision Machine: Integration of Vision Modules.” Institute of Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, February 1989. “Integration of Vision Modules.” Systems Research Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, February 1989. Modules.” “Integra-tion of Vision UMIACS Seminar, Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, February 1989. “Vision: Computation and Neurons.” Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science, Ithaca, NY, February 1989. “The Vision Machine.” USA-Tech-ITALIA Seminar, American Consulate General, Milan, Italy, January 1989. Intelligence for the Conception of Robot-Vision Systems.” “New Trends in Artificial DARPA PI Meeting on Machine Learning, Dallas, TX, November 1988. “On Non-Neural Networks and Approximation Theory.” DARPA PI Meeting on Machine Learning, Dallas, TX, November 1988. Connectionism.” “Machine Learning, Vision and Neuroinformatik Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, October 1988. “The Vision Machine.” Neurobiotechnology Symposium, MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Cambridge, MA, October 1988. “Biophysics of Computation.” DARPA Image Understanding and Strategic Computing Review, Hughes Artificial Intelligence Center, Los Angeles, CA, September 1988. “Image Understanding and Strategic Computing at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.” Fourth International Symposium on Biological and Artificial Intelligence Systems, Trento, Italy, September 1988. “Integration of Vision Modules.” Symposium on the Brain and Intelligence - Natural and Artificial, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, July 1988. “The Simulation of Human Vision.” Festival of the Two Worlds, `Viaggio nel Cervello,’ Spoleto, Italy, July 1988. “Computer Vision and the Arts.” Conference on the Neuron as a Computational Unit, King’s College Research Centre, Cambridge, UK, June 1988. “Approximation and Learning Mappings.” James S. McDonnell Foundation Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, June 1988. “Overview of Neural Computation.” DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 1988. Images.” “MIT Progress in Understanding DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 1988. “The MIT Vision Machine” (with J. Little). Workshop on Computer Vision, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Miami, FL, March 1988. “Integration of Vision Modalities.” AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Physical and Biological Approaches to Computational Vision, Stanford, CA, March 1988. “Levels of Understanding,” AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Physical and Biological Approaches to Computational Vision, Stanford, CA, March 1988. “New Development in Optical Flow.” Beckman Institute Colloquium, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, February 1988. “Computa-tional Vision.” Workshop on Vision Models, DARPA Neural Network Study, Lincoln Laboratory, Bedford, MA, January 1988. “Computer Vision.” IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision, Miami, FL, December 1987. Biophysics.” “Computer Vision and University of Rochester, Dept. of Computer Science, NY, December 1987. “Computer Vision.” Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, December 1987. “The Vision Machine: Integration of Vision Modules.” Rhode Island Department of Mental Health, Rehabilitation and Hospitals, Cranston, RI, November 1987. “Artificial Intelligence, Brain Science and Us.” DARPA Image Understanding and Strategic Computing Review, Hughes Artificial Intelligence Center, Los Angeles, CA, October 1987. “Image Understanding and Strategic Computing at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.” Neural Network Seminar Series, Columbia University, New York, NY, September 1987. “Learning Vision Algorithms.” Rosenstiel Retreat on Brain, Eye, Structures and Computation, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, September 1987. “Early Vision Processes and their Integration.” 9th International Biophysics Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, August 1987. Processing.” “Mechanisms of Visual Information Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Summer Course in Computational Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, August 1987. “Unified Framework for Early Vision: Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization Theory.” University of California Summer School in Nonlinear Science: Mathematical Problems of Computational Vision, Berkeley, CA, June 1987. “Early Vision and Regularization Theory.” University of California Summer School in Nonlinear Science: Mathematical Problems of Computational Vision, Berkeley, CA, June 1987. “Edge Detection.” University of California Summer School in Nonlinear Science: Mathematical Problems of Computational Vision, Berkeley, CA, June 1987. “Markov Random Fields and the Fusion Problem in Early Vision.” University of California Summer School in Nonlinear Science: Mathematical Problems of Computational Vision, Berkeley, CA, June 1987. “Against Quantitative Optical Flow.” University of California Summer School in Nonlinear Science: Mathematical Problems of Computational Vision, Berkeley, CA, June 1987. “Vision on the Connection Machine.” College in Neurophysics: Organization of the Brain; Trieste, Italy, November 1986. Processing.” “Biophysics of Information College in Neurophysics: Organization of the Brain; Trieste, Italy, November 1986. “Regularization in Early Vision.” Neurosciences Research Program meeting, New York, NY, October 1986. Computers.” “Computer Vision and Parallel Bermuda University Young Presidents’ Organization, Bermuda, August 1986. “Artificial Intelligence.” Woods Hole Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, Woods Hole, MA, August 1986. Neuroscience: Summary and Prospects.” “Computational IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, June 1986. “Artificial Intelligence.” New York Academy of Sciences, April 1986. “Human and Machine Stereo Vision” (with Gian Poggio). Neural Networks for Computing, Snowbird, Utah, April 1986. “Against Neural Networks.” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, April 1986. “On Parallel Stereo.” JOSA Topical meeting on Signal Recovery and Synthesis, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1986. “Computational Vision as Inverse Optics: Reconstructing Spectral Reflectances and Illuminants.” Hughes Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Malibu, CA, February 1986. “Computer Vision.” Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, November 1985. “Vision by Man and Machine.” University of Alabama, Department of Physiological Optics, October 1985. “Computational Vision.” University of Alabama, Department of Physiological Optics, October 1985. “Synapses that Multiply.” Meetings of American Statistical Association and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Las Vegas, NV, August 1985. “Computational Vision and Regularization Theory.” Lecture Course in Computational Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 1985. “Theoretical Properties of Motion Detection Models.” Lecture Course in Computational Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 1985. “Biophysical Mechanisms for Direction Selectivity.” Lecture Course in Computational Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 1985. “Computational Vision.” Lecture Course in Computational Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 1985. Intelligence.” “Vision and Artificial Progetto Cultura, Milano, Italy, April 1985. “Verso l’Intelligenza Artificiale.” American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, March 1985. “Computational Vision: From Algorithms to Neurons.” Topical Meeting on Optical Computing, Optical Society of America, Incline Village, Nevada, March 1985. “Parallel Processes in Early Vision: From the Computational Structure to Algorithms and Parallel Hardware.” Bat-Sheva Seminar on Nonlinear Analysis of Neurobiological Processes, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, January 1985. “Microelectronics of Nerve Cells.” Bat-Sheva Seminar on Nonlinear Analysis of Neurobiological Processes, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, January 1985. “Ill-posed Problems in Vision.” Lincoln Laboratories, MIT, November 1984. “Stereo Algorithms.” Harvard University Computer Science Laboratory, October 1984. “Regularization Analysis and Computer Vision.” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, October 1984. “Computational Nature of Early Vision Problems.” Symposium on The Synapse, Neuroscience Research Program, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA, September 1984. “Biophysics of Computational Systems.” Workshop on Human and Machine Vision, Montreal, Canada, August 1984. Problems.” “Visual Algorithms and Ill-posed Workshop on Stochastic Parallel Computation, College Park, MD, May 1984. “Ill-posed Problems in Early Vision.” IU workshop, Annapolis, MD, May 1984. “Parallel Computation.” California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, April 1984. “Exotic Microelectronics.” Helmholtz Club, Irvine, CA, April 1984. “Stereopsis.” Symposium, Max-Planck-Institut fur Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen, Germany, February 1984. Lebenden System.” Rockefeller University, New York, NY, January 1984. “Vision and Neurons.” Marr Memorial Lecture, Cambridge, UK, November 1983. “Computing Descriptions from Images.” International Symposium of Robotics Research, NH, August 1983. “Stereo in Robotics.” “Physics and PATENTS (not up-to-date) Patents Allowed: Method and Apparatus for Classifying and Identifying Images; T. Poggio. P. Lipson, W. Grimson, P. Sinha, T. Poggio; U.S. Patent Number: 6,549,660; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 09/270,995; Filing Date: 17 March, 1999. Patent Allowed: 15 April, 2003. A Talking Facial display Method and Apparatus; A. Ezzat, T Poggio; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 09/223,858; U.S. Filing Date: December 31, 1998. U.S. Patent Number: 6250928. Patent Allowed: 26 June, 2001. Image Compression by Pointwise Prototype Correspondence Using Shape and Texture Information; T. Poggio, D. Beymer, M. Jones, and T. Vetter; U.S. Patent Number 5,844,573. Patent Allowed: December 1, 1998. Image Analysis and Synthesis Networks Using Shape and Texture Information; D. Beymer, M. Jones, T. Poggio and T. Vetter; Date of Deposit: 7 June, 1995; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 08/486,637; U.S. Filing Date: 7 June, 1995; U.S. Patent Number: 5,774,129. Patent Allowed: June 30, 1998. Example-Based Image Analysis and Synthesis Using Pixelwise Correspondence; D. J. Beymer, T. Poggio and A. Shashua; Foreign Filing License Granted: 24 September, 1993; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 08/112,898; U.S. Filing Date: 27 August, 1993. Patent Allowed: 2 September, 1997. Computer Method and Apparatus for Video Conferencing; C. Cheng, T. Poggio and B. Zhang; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 08/436,518; U.S. Filing Date: 8 May, 1995; U.S. Patent Number: 5,659,692 U.S. Patent Allowed: 19 August, 1997. System and Method for Rendering Images; T. Poggio and A. Shashua; Registration Number: 27,807; Filing Date: 15 May, 1991. U.S. Patent Number: 5,550,641; U.S. Patent Allowed: 27 August, 1996. Network-Based System and Method for Detection of Faces and the Like; T. Poggio and K. Sung. U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 08/478,395 ; U.S. Filing Date: 7 June, 1995; U.S. Patent Number: 5,642,431; U.S. Patent Allowed: 24 June, 1997. Object Movement Estimator Using One-Dimensional Optical Flow; N. Ancona, J. Harris and T. Poggio; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 08/120,591; U.S. Filing Date: 13 September, 1993; U.S. Patent Number: Not yet assigned; U.S. Patent Allowed: 20 December, 1995 Recognition System, Particularly for Recognizing People; R. Brunelli, D. Falavigna, T. Poggio and L. Stringa; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 103,700; U.S. Filing Date: 10 August, 1993; U.S. Patent Number: 5,412,738; U.S. Patent Allowed: 2 May, 1995. Memory Based Method and Apparatus for Computer Graphics; R. Brunelli and T. Poggio; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 07/819,767; U.S. Filing Date: 13 January, 1992; U.S. Patent Number: 5,416,899; U.S. Patent Allowed: 16 May, 1995 Object Movement Estimator Using One-Dimensional Optical Flow; N. Ancona, J. Harris and T. Poggio; Designated States: BE DE DK ES FR GB GR IE IT NL PT SE; European Patent Number: 94114327.3; European Patent Dated: 23 November, 1993; Filing Date: 12 September, 1994. Computer Method and Apparatus for Matching Between Line Drawings; S. E. Librande and T. Poggio; U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: 07/942,537; U.S. Filing Date: 9 September, 1992; U.S. Patent Number: 5,325,475; U.S. Patent Allowed: 28 June, 1994. Sistema di Riconoscimento, Particolarmente per il Riconoscimento di Persone - (A Recognition System, Particularly for Recognizing People); R. Brunelli, D. Falavigna, T. Poggio and L. Stringa; Italian Patent Number: TO92A000695; Date Filed and Granted: 11 May, 1993; European Patent Application Number: 93112738.5; Filing Date: 9 August, 1993; Patent Number: 16370/I3-f; 17077/I3-f (Ist. Trentino di Cultura); Date Granted: 27 November, 1993. Patent Application Docket No.: MIT-8102p. Filing Date: December 6, 1998. MIT Technology Disclosures: MIT Web Markets, (T. Poggio, N. Chang, A. Lo) MIT Case #, (6/11/02). Face Detection and Identification: The Espresso Machine, (B. Heisele, P. Ho, T. Poggio), (11/28/01).