By Speed Post DELHI POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, (GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI) 4TH FLOOR, ISBT BUILDING, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI-6 visit us at : F.No.DPCC/CMC-I/32nd /2008/ Dated: Subject:- Minutes of the 32nd meeting of the committee constituted for grant/ renewal / revoke the consent (Green) under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 & Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 held on 26.09.2008 Please find enclosed herewith the minutes of the Committee constituted for grant / renewal /revoke the Consent (Green) under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 & Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 held on 26.09.2008 in the office of Member Secretary, DPCC. This issues with the approval of Member Secretary, DPCC. (Pankaj Kapil) Environmental Engineer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. M.S. DPCC Dr. AK Nema, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, IIT, Delhi. Dr. Chandra Prakash, SEE, DPCC. Dr. Anil Kumar, SSO, Env. Department, GNCTD, Env. Engineer, CMC(I,II,III) AEEs & JEE of CMC (I,II,III) AEE(Enquiry Counter) for necessary action w.r.t. table agenda item no. 2. Copy for information to:1. Incharge, Computer Cell, DPCC-for placing the aforementioned minutes of the committee on the Website of DPCC 2. PS to Chairman for information of Chairman. Minutes of the 32nd meeting of the Committee, Constituted for grant/ renewal / revocation of consent (GREEN) under Air / Water Act, held on 26.09.2008. The following persons attended the CMC meeting on 26.09.2008. 1) Member Secretary, DPCC. 2) Dr. Chandra Prakash, Sr. Env. Engineer. 3) Dr. Anil Kumar, Member, Environment Department . 4) EEs, AEEs & JEE of CMC DPCC. Dr. AK Nema, Member, Academic Institute could not attend the meeting. Following are the minutes of the meeting: - Agenda Item No 1: Personal hearing of M/s Capital Trading Corporation, D109/1, Phase-II, Mayapuri Industrial Area, New Delhi-64 Nobody turned up for the hearing. File be submitted administratively for fixing next date of personal hearing. Agenda Item No 2: Cases of Consent to Establish Decisions taken with respect to this agenda are tabulated and annexed as Annexure – 1. Table Agenda Item No: 01 AEE, CMC-II brought to the notice of the Committee that in last CMC meeting held on 23.09.2008, decision for inspection was taken in some cases of Consent to Establish and in 15 cases of WIA after checking the record it was found that inspection has already been conducted. These cases may be placed in next CMC meeting with findings of the inspections. Table Agenda Item No: 02 Committee members have observed that the layout plans submitted in most of the cases are not proper, as it does not indicate the details of important features / details such as the neighbouring plots and road etc. Committee, therefore, felt that Enquiry Counter may ensure the submission of proper layout plan so that the exact location and the area occupied by the unit could be established at the time of inspection. Enquiry Counter should not accept the forms in the absence of proper layout plan, and deficiency memo be issued to the unit accordingly. Meeting ended with thanks to the chair. Sl. No ID No 1 24434 2 26239 appl_dt firm_name firm_address area_name 10-122007 R.P. ENTERPRISES B-257, PHASE-I NARAINA INDUSTRIAL AREA PH-I 01-072008 NU-TONE FLAT NO D-50, IIND FLOOR FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN Decision of Committee on 23.09.2008 Recreate the file of Consent to Establish and put up in next CMC meeting. _ Decision of Committee on 26.09.2008 Ask the unit to submit the layout plan and location map indicating clear dimensions of the unit and directions so that the exact location / boundaries could be known. Since the unit has closed the activity which was falling under Orange category, an affidavit may be furnished by the unit that he has removed all the plant and machinery related to the earlier activity and he will not undertake the orange category activity without prior permission from DPCC. No action as the case has been transferred to Orange Committee. 3 26240 01-072008 PROFESNAL ELECTRONICS C-47, IIND FLOOR FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN _ 4 26246 01-072008 CARE HOME INDUSTRIES E-802, DSIDC NARELA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ 5 6 26253 26255 02-072008 02-072008 AGRO FOOD POLY AUTO SYSTEMS P. LTD C-13, PHASE-I C-33 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ 7 26257 02-072008 JASMINE INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION C-33 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Issue of the allotment letter has been resolved by Chairman, DPCC. In view of this, Consent to Establish granted subject to submission of an affidavit that no ewaste is generated. Issue of the allotment letter has been resolved by Chairman, DPCC. In view of this, Consent to Establish granted without buffing & electroplating and other polluting activity. Inspection as decided in earlier meeting be expedited by new CMC Engineer. Unit found non operational during the earlier inspection. Unit be inspected again by new CMC Engineer. Based on the findings of the inspection, the unit falls under Orange category. In view of this, SCN for refusal of consent be issued. 8 26269 03-072008 ASHOKA METAL INDUSTRIES H-9, SECTOR-9, DSIDC BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ 9 10 26290 26318 04-072008 07-072008 DHATU SPECTRO LAB BHOLA FLOUR MILLS PROP. KASTURI LAL BHOLA ATTA CHAKKI A-79, 3RD FLOOR, GROUP FSC-1/28, MANSAROVER GARDEN WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ NC-W _ 11 26333 07-072008 RAJ INDUSTRIES B-28/4 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Issue of the allotment letter has been resolved by Chairman, DPCC. In view of this, Consent to Establish granted without buffing & electroplating and other polluting activity. Earlier decision dated 18.07.2008 regarding shifting of case to Orange category be implemented. To seek clarification from the Industries Department by enclosing the copy of the reply of the unit for seeking clarification as to whether the NOC from High Power Committee is required in case of units functioning in the commercial / local commercial areas. The file containing the inspection report is under submission. Put up the file along with the inspection report in next CMC meeting. 12 26345 07-072008 SANSON INDIA A-39 FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN _ 13 14 15 16 26377 26437 26615 26640 09-072008 SHYAM GRINDERS PLOT NO 1/429/12, GALI NO-1 FRIENDS COLONY INDUSTRIAL AREA NAJAFGARH ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA LAWRENCE ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA 14-072008 NITIN ENTERPRISES INC INDIA 71/6C 21-072008 IKON INDUSTRIES PLOT NO C-26 22-072008 TEESHA KITCHEN ACCESSORIES B-67/1 _ Issue of the allotment letter has been resolved by Chairman, DPCC. Issue reminder regarding information w.r.t. column no. 8 and quantum of raw material, produciton and mfg. process. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to ascertain the pollution during the randing operation. Issue reminder. _ _ WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Inspection as decided in earlier meeting be expedited by new CMC Engineer. Consent to Establish granted in the earlier meeting. File is under submission to Chairman for revocation of closure directions. 17 18 19 20 26667 26778 26991 27087 23-072008 28-072008 18-082008 26-082008 A&K INDUSTRIES WORLD WIDE PRINTING CO. 59, DSIDC INDL. COMPLEX 68, DSIDC COMPLEX, PHASE-I GROVER SONS APPAREL PVT LTD. PLOT NO. A-20 UNISON TECHNO FINANCIAL CONSULTANT PVT. LTD 522, FIE WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ The affidavit submitted by the unit is not proper. Fresh affidavit from the unit undertaking that the polluting activity machineries have been removed and he will not undertake the polluting activity without prior permission from DPCC be sought. _ Ask the unit to apply for Consent to Establish under Orange Category as the unit generates hazardous waste from the printing activity. Consent to Establish application under Green Category becomes infructuous in view of the aforesaid reason. OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA GTK ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA _ PATPARGANJ INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Inspection as decided in earlier meeting be expedited by new CMC Engineer. Letter for submitting affidavit issued on 18.09.2008. Case be put up in the next CMC meeting along with the reply. 21 27103 28-082008 GODDESS FURNITURE 11, RANI JHANSI ROAD NC-C _ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27140 27142 27143 27144 27151 27152 27154 27157 01-092008 01-092008 01-092008 01-092008 PRINT SUTRA ROMANA HERBALS SHREST INTERNATIONAL ROMANA HERBALS B-68 (3RD FLOOR) E-43 B-58 (3RD FLOOR) E-37 01-092008 PANKAJ STEEL CORPORATION B-23/1 01-092008 SHORE TO SHORE MIS PVT. LTD B-80, PHASE-II 02-092008 APR ELCTRONICS 02-092008 LOWELL DESIGNER CRAFT S-99, PHASE-II A-1/7, KRISHNA NAGAR FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA NC-E Letter issued on 17.09.2008. Case be put up in the next CMC meeting along with the reply. Consnet to Establish granted. _ _ Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any effluent is being generated in the process. Consnet to Establish granted. _ _ Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any effluent is being generated in the process. Consnet to Establish granted without buffing. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any polluting activity is taking place. Consnet to Establish granted. _ Consnet to Establish granted. _ _ _ 30 31 32 27182 27194 27197 03-092008 NAVNEET KUMAR C-14, IIND FLOOR 04-092008 ATLAS WIRE ROPES F-1686, DSIDC 04-092008 MITTAL ATTA CHAKKI STALL NO-4, C8, DDA MARKET, KESHAVPURAM WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA NARELA INDUSTRIAL AREA NC-NW _ Consnet to Establish granted. _ Consnet to Establish granted. _ 33 34 35 36 37 27198 27200 27203 27204 27212 04-092008 HANSA AGENCIES PVT. LTD B-124, PHASE-I 04-092008 SAI GLOBAL A-17 04-092008 04-092008 05-092008 N.K. IMPEX RAJASTHAN KNITTING MILLS TIRHUT IMPEX OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA LAWRENCE ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA D-28, DSIDC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, ROHTAK ROAD NANGLOI DSIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA A-51 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA B-275, GROUND FLOOR, SECTOR-3 _ _ To seek clarification from the Industries Department as to whether the NOC from High Power Committee is required in case of units functioning in the commercial / local commercial areas. Inspection by new CMC Engineer. Consnet to Establish granted without bleaching, dyeing & washing. Consnet to Establish granted. _ BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Put up the file after the inspection by SIT as decided by CMC(Orange). Consnet to Establish granted. _ 38 39 40 27213 27214 27227 05-092008 GALAXY ENTERPRISES B-275, BASEMENT, SECTOR-3 BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA 05-092008 GLORIOUS PAPER UDYOG B-275, FIRST FLOOR, SECTOR-3 BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA STALL NO D-59, DDA MARKET PARSHANT VIHAR NC-NW 05-092008 MAHESH CHAND GOEL ATTA CHAKKI _ Consnet to Establish granted. _ _ 41 27228 05-092008 RAM KAWAR ATTA CHAKKI STALL NO3,C-8, DDA MARKET, KESHAVPURAM Consnet to Establish granted. NC-NW _ To seek clarification from the Industries Department as to whether the NOC from High Power Committee is required in case of units functioning in the commercial / local commercial areas. Put up with the reply from Industries Department or within a month whichever is earlier. To seek clarification from the Industries Department as to whether the NOC from High Power Committee is required in case of units functioning in the commercial / local commercial areas. Put up with the reply from Industries Department or within a month whichever is earlier. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 27236 27237 27238 27244 27245 27246 27251 27263 27265 08-092008 BRIJ APPARELS 71/7 (A-14) 08-092008 ATTAR SINGH & SONS 70, RAMA ROAD 08-092008 EASTERN EXPORTS 71/1B 08-092008 JAIN INDUSTRY C-36/1 08-092008 AMAN STEEL IMPEX C-36/1 08-092008 LAXMI WIRE INDUSTRIES SHED NO-C-6, DSIDC ENGG. COMPLEX, PHASE-I 09-092008 PANCHSHEEL SOAP FACTORY C-2/13, PHASE-II 09-092008 SETHI ELECTROPLATING & NICKLE POLISH WORKS B-3, GROUP KAY GEE INDUSTRIES 307/1/83-4 09-092008 NAJAFGARH ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA NAJAFGARH ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA NAJAFGARH ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA MANGOL PURI INDUSTRIAL AREA MAYAPURI INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ _ Consnet to Establish granted without washing, dyeing & bleaching. Consnet to Establish granted. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether the activity of washing, bleaching or dyeing is being carried out. _ Consnet to Establish granted. _ Consnet to Establish granted. Consnet to Establish granted. _ _ _ _ Consnet to Establish granted. Consnet to Establish granted without buffing & electroplating. Consnet to Establish granted. 51 52 53 54 55 27272 27273 27277 27279 27280 10-092008 KANWAR ENGG. WORKS PLOT NO 148, POCKET-L, SECTOR-3, DSIDC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA 10-092008 UTTAM STEEL ALLOYS PVT. LTD B-66/2 10-092008 PRAKASH INDUSTRIES B-70 11-092008 BHARAT PRODUCTS LTD E-17-18, DSIDC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, ROHTAK ROAD 11-092008 SIF EXPORTS PVT. LTD K-61 Consnet to Establish granted. _ WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA NANGLOI DSIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ _ UDYOG NAGAR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ 56 57 58 27284 27285 27287 11-092008 M.S. GURDEV SINGH & SONS B-34, PHASE-I 11-092008 ARIHANT FABRIC B-275, SECTOR3 11-092008 NATIONAL MOTORS PLOT NO. 219, POCKET-N, SECTOR-5 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ _ Consnet to Establish granted without buffing. Consnet to Establish granted without buffing. Consnet to Establish granted without printing and any heating process. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether the activity of washing, bleaching or dyeing is being carried out. Consnet to Establish granted without painting. Consnet to Establish granted without washing, dyeing & bleaching. Consent to Establish granted. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 27288 27289 27294 27295 27304 27310 27314 27315 27316 27317 27328 11-092008 SIMLA CHEMICALS PVT. LTD. A-76 VIRDEE ENGINEERING WORKS PLOT NO. 103, POCKET-G, SECTOR-3 BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA 11-092008 DUGGAL ENGINEERS D-159, PHASE-II 11-092008 MANJIT ENGG. WORKS D-1/20, PHASE-II 12-092008 ARYAN METAL WORKS C-176, PHASE-II 12-092008 NORTHERN STEEL INDUSTRIES A-53 (GROUP) MAYAPURI INDUSTRIAL AREA MAYAPURI INDUSTRIAL AREA MAYAPURI INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA 15-092008 PYARA INDUSTRIES 307/1/151 15-092008 PYARA SINGH 307/1/153 15-092008 BHAGAT SINGH 15-092008 SHIVOY MODE ACCESSORIES 226, FIE 15-092008 JITENDER KUMAR JAIN A-68 11-092008 93 BD NARAINA INDUSTRIAL AREA PH-I SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA PATPARGANJ INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any polluting activity is being carried out. Consent to Establish granted. _ _ Consent to Establish granted. _ Consent to Establish granted. _ Consent to Establish granted. _ _ _ _ Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. _ Consent to Establish granted without casting & buffing. _ Consent to Establish granted without buffing. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 27334 27335 27336 27337 27338 27349 27354 27355 27356 15-092008 DOVY ELECTRICALS A-120/1, (GROUP) 15-092008 K.S. STEELS A-102/5, IST FLOOR 16-092008 BHAWANI ENTERPRISES 12 C 16-092008 AGGARWAL INDUSTRIES 69-B 16-092008 AMAR MECHANICAL WORKS T-4/60, PHASE-I 16-092008 SANDEEP D-1664, DSIDC 17-092008 SIOTIA IMPEX PVT. LTD B-30/1 17-092008 SHRE GANESH STEEL WARES A-89 17-092008 SUBHASH CHAND JAIN 62 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA MANGOL PURI INDUSTRIAL AREA NARELA INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA SSI INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 79 80 27359 27363 17-092008 17-092008 DINESH KUMAR ( C/O SALASAR STEEL INDIA) A-68 KANWAL BRUSH FACTORY 29 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA NAJAFGARH ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted without spray painting. Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any polluting activity is being carried out. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted. 81 82 83 84 27364 27365 27366 27376 17-092008 TINY FASHIONS 17-092008 FRIENDS CONDUIT MFG. CO E-46/9, PHASE-II 17-092008 PASHUPATY SPRINGS (P) LTD A-45, SECTOR-2 17-092008 STJ ELCTRONICS PVT. LTD. 10/2, DLF X-24, PHASE-II MOTI NAGAR INDUSTRIAL AREA OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA BAWANA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ _ _ OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA _ 85 86 87 88 89 90 27381 27382 27383 27387 27388 27389 17-092008 S.D. INDUSTRIES C-59/1 17-092008 ANKIT TRADING CORPORATION A-34 17-092008 J.J. ENGINEERING WORKS 12 17-092008 NEW LIFE DRY CLEANERS A-113 (GROUP) 17-092008 ARUN INTERNATIONAL A-72 17-092008 ANSARI ENTERPRISES PLOT NO-429 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL _ _ _ _ Consnet to Establish granted without washing, dyeing & bleaching. Consent to Establish granted. Inspection by new CMC Engineer to check whether any air emission etc. takes place during the process. Seek clarification w.r.t. generation and disposal of ewaste and about the exact area of the unit as the area claimed in the application form is 8000 sqm. Consent to Establish granted without buffing & painting. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Consent to Establish granted. AREA 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 27390 27397 27399 27400 27401 27402 27403 27404 27406 17-092008 VENUS INDUSTRIES 39, CAT-III, DSIDC 18-092008 B.R. SEALS (REGD) PLOT NO E-46 NANGLOI DSIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA FLATTED FACTORY COMPLEX, JHANDEWALAN 18-092008 UNIQUE PRODUCTS PLOT NO A-18, DSIDC COMPLEX JHILMIL INDUSTRIAL AREA 18-092008 MOHD SAEED PLOT NO-379, PHASE-I 18-092008 GULMOHAR ENTERPRISES PLOT NO 429, PHASE-I 18-092008 KESHAV STEEL INDIA A-68 SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA 18-092008 ULTRA HEAT SYSTEMS B-72/3 18-092008 ROSY MECHANICAL WORKS A-15 18-092008 DHARM VEER B-32/2 WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA SHAHZADA BAGH INDUSTRIAL AREA WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA _ Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted. _ _ _ _ Consent to Establish granted without buffing & painting. Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted. _ Consent to Establish granted without electroplating _ Consent to Establish granted without electroplating _ _ Consent to Establish granted. Consent to Establish granted without buffing. Status of the decisions taken in the 32nd CMC(Green) meeting held on 26.09.2008. CTE granted : 66 Inspection : 14 Others : 19 Total cases considered : 99