Department of Aerospace Engineering ♣ Homepage : Office: 2S235 Tel: +82-32-860-7350 Fax: +82-32-865-5401 1. Introduction The Department of Aerospace Engineering is one of the oldest departments in Inha University with its Masters and Doctoral programs established in 1976 and 1984, respectively. The department has been steadily producing experts in the field of aircraft and satellites, which are identified as key high technology fields by the nation. In year 2000, the university selected the Department of Aerospace Engineering as a specialized major and provided substantial support. In 2014, it was selected as one of the four departments to lead the education in Aerospace technology by the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. The department offers chances to study the individual disciplines as well as the system integration technologies, which are required for the development of complicated systems such as aircraft and satellites. After receiving Masters or Doctoral degrees, most of the graduates work for national research centers such as the Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), or other various R&D centers of large private companies. In addition, the choice of fields that the graduate students can work is widening, which includes automobile industries, heavy industries, and heat and fluid industries. The department’s alumni have been playing important roles in the nation’s research and development of the aerospace systems. 2. Major Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering - 1 3. Faculty 1) Park, Choon-Bae (박춘배) * Office: 2S320 * Phone: +82-32-860-7354 * Email: * Educational Background - Ph.D.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Guidance and Control, Flight Dynamics * Publications: - Design for Flight Control System Focused on Reliability, Journal of KSAS, 2005. - Avionics of UAV, Journal of ICRS, 2001. - A Study on the Conceptual Design of a Stratosphere Airship and Entry Simulations to the Mission Altitude, Journal of KSAS, 2000. 2) Kim, Beom-Soo (김범수) * Office: 2S221 * Phone: +82-32-860-7355 * Email: * Educational Background - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA. - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Compressible Fluid Flow, Subsonic Wind Tunnel Testing * Publications: - Estimation of Aircraft Stability Derivatives using a Subsonic-supersonic Panel Method, Journal of KSAS, 2012. - Prediction of Pitch and Roll Dynamic Derivatives for Flight Vehicle using CFD, Journal of KSAS, 2012. - The Calculation of Propeller Thrust Using Semi-infinite Helical Vortices and a Wind tunnel Test, Journal of KSAS, 2011. 3) Kim, Ki-Ook (김기욱) * Office: 2S321 * Phone: +82-32-860-7356 * Email: Aerospace Engineering - 2 * Website: * Educational Background - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, USA. - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Structural Dynamics * Publications: - Study of Effects of Measurement Errors in Damage Detection, Journal of KSAS, 2011. - Self-equilibration of Inverse System in Damage Detection for Dynamic Structures, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2010. - Identification of Structural Systems using an Iterative, Improved Method for System Reduction, AIAA JOURNAL, 2009. 4) Choi, Dong-Whan (최동환) * Office: 2S222 * Phone: +82-32-860-7357 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, University of Washington, USA - M.S.: Aerospace Engineering, University of Washington, USA * Research Area: Gas Turbine Engine Performance Diagnostics * Publications: - Performance Analysis of Interior Ballistics using 1-D Numerical Method, Journal of KIMST, 2012. - Multiple Defect Diagnostics of Gas Turbine Engine Using SVM and RCGA-based ANN Algorithms, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012. - Defect Diagnostics of SUAV Gas Turbine Engine Using Hybrid SVM-artificial Neural Network Method, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009. 5) Lee, Seungsoo (이승수) * Office: 2S220 * Phone: +82-32-860-7358 * Email: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, Penn State University, USA - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Aerospace Engineering - 3 * Research Area: Applied Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics * Publications: - Prediction of Trajectories of Projectiles Launched from Helicopters, Journal of KSAS, 2014. - Development of Aircraft Mission Performance Analysis Program, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2013. - Performance Evaluation of Two-Equation Turbulence Models for 3D Wing-Body Configuration, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2012. - Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Computations of Synthetic Jet Flows using Deforming Meshes, AIAA JOURNAL, 2012. 6) Roh, Tae-Seong (노태성) * Office: 2S322 * Phone: +82-32-860-7351 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, USA - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Combustion, Propulsion * Publications: - Application of Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach to Gas-Solid Flows in Interior Ballistics, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013. - Multiple Defect Diagnostics of Gas Turbine Engine Using SVM and RCGA-based ANN Algorithms, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012. - Design Optimization of Liquid Rocket Engine Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of KSPE, 2012. 7) Choi, Keeyoung (최기영) * Office: 2S323 * Phone: +82-32-860-7352 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, USA - M.S.: Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Aerospace Engineering - 4 * Research Area: Rotorcraft Simulation, UAV Control System Development * Publications: - Ground Altitude Computation Algorithm using Laser Altimeter and GPS for UAV Automatic Take-off and Landing, Journal of KSAS, 2013. - Compensation of Magnetometer in the Navigation System for Unmanned Helicopter using an Electric Motor, Journal of KSAS, 2012. - A Study on Algorithm for Aircraft Collision Avoidance Warning, Journal of KSAS, 2012. 8) Cho, Jin Yeon (조진연) * Office: 2S223 * Phone: +82-32-860-7353 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea - M.S.: Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Aerospace Structures, Modeling & Simulation, Scientific Visualization * Publications: - Optimization of Shock Absorption System for Lunar Lander Considering the Effect of Lunar Regolith, Journal of KSAS, 2014. - Experimental Study on Dynamic Buckling Phenomena for Supercavitating Underwater Vehicle, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2012. - Design Optimization of a Wing Structure under Multi Load Spectra using PSO algorithm, Journal of KSAS, 2012. - Buckling Analysis and Optimal Structural Design of Supercavitating Vehicles using Finite Element Technology, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2011. - Sequential Approximate Optimization Procedure based on Sample-reusable Moving Least Squares Meta-model and its Application to Design Optimizations, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2010. 9) Ryoo, Chang-Kyung (유창경) * Office: 2E348 * Phone: +82-32-860-7359 * Email: * Website: Aerospace Engineering - 5 * Educational Background: - Ph. D.: Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Korea - M.S.: Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Korea * Research Area: Aerospace System Design, UAV/Missile/Satellite Guidance & Control * Publications: - Ch. 10. Optimal Guidance Laws with Impact Angle Control. Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation, CRC Press, 2013. - Missile Guidance Law Estimation using Modified Interactive Multiple Model Filter, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014. - Optimal Impact Angle Control Guidance Law Based on Linearization about Collision Triangle, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014. 10) Kim, Jeong-Ho (김정호) * Office: 2S302 * Phone: +82-32-860-8930 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea - M.S.: Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea * Research Area: Computational Structural Mechanics, High Performance Computing * Publications: - A New Three-Dimensional Variable-Node Finite Element and its Application for FluidSolid Interaction Problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014. - Optimization of Shock Absorption System for Lunar Lander Considering the Effect of Lunar Regolith, Journal of KSAS, 2014. - A Sliding Mesh Technique for the Finite Element Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interaction Problems by using Variable-Node Elements, Computers and Structures, 2014. - Parallelization of Multifrontal Solution Method for Shared Memory Architecture, Journal of KSAS, 2012. - Experimental Study on Dynamic Buckling Phenomena for Supercavitating Underwater Vehicle, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2012. - Finite Element Analysis of Quasistatic Crack Propagation in Brittle Media with Voids or Inclusions, Journal of Computational Physics, 2011. Aerospace Engineering - 6 11) Lee, Hak-Tae (이학태) * Office: Chang-501 * Phone: +82-32-860-8929 * Email: * Website: * Educational Background: - Ph.D.: Aeronautics and Astronautics. Stanford University, USA - M.S.: Aeronautics and Astronautics. Stanford University, USA * Research Area: Air Traffic Management, UAV, Aircraft Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aeroelasticity * Publications: - Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Unmanned Aerial System Operations, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 610~617, 2013. - Automating the Process of Terminal Area Node-Link Model Generation, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1228~1237, 2011. - Wind Optimal Routing in the National Airspace System, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1584~1592, 2010. 4. Course List Major Course Taught in Course Name Credits ASE5002 Advanced Dynamics 3 (flexible) ASE5003 Advanced Numerical Analysis 3 (flexible) Aerospace ASE5004 Advanced Mathematical Analysis 3 (flexible) Engineering ASE6001 Aircraft Structural Analysis 3 (flexible) ASE6002 Advanced Structural Dynamics 3 (flexible) ASE6003 Continuum Mechanics 3 (flexible) ASE6004 Finite Element Method 3 (flexible) ASE6005 Space Propulsion Engineering 3 (flexible) ASE6006 Avionics 3 (flexible) ASE6007 Advance Flight Dynamics 3 (flexible) ASE6008 Advanced Flight Control 3 (flexible) ASE6009 Linear Optimum Control Theory 3 (flexible) ASE6010 Nonlinear Control Theory 3 (flexible) ASE6011 Rotorcraft Performance Analysis 3 (flexible) Code English Aerospace Engineering - 7 ASE6012 Advanced Air Breathing Propulsion Theory 3 (flexible) ASE6013 Advanced Aerospace Combustion 3 (flexible) ASE6014 Advance Aerodynamics 3 (flexible) ASE6015 Computational Fluid Dynamics I 3 (flexible) ASE6018 Viscous Fluid Flow 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) ASE6019 Introduction to Next Generation Air Traffic Management System Advanced Next Generation Air Traffic ASE6020 Management ASE7001 Real Gasdynamics 3 (flexible) ASE7003 Turbulent Boundary Layer 3 (flexible) ASE7004 Spacecraft Heat Transfer 3 (flexible) ASE7005 Vehicle Guidance Theory 3 (flexible) ASE7006 Advanced Propulsion System Design 3 (flexible) ASE7007 Navigation Theory 3 (flexible) ASE7010 Rotorcraft Stability and Control 3 (flexible) ASE7014 Theory of Plate and Shell 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) Advance Laminated Composite ASE7015 Structures ASE7016 Aeroelasticity 3 (flexible) ASE7017 Optimum Structural Design 3 (flexible) ASE7018 Computational Fluid Dynamics II 3 (flexible) ASE7020 Air Traffic Flow Management 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) 3 (flexible) ASE7021 ASE7022 ASE7023 ASE7024 Special Topics in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control I Special Topics in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control II Special Topics in Aerospace Propulsion I Special Topics in Aerospace Propulsion II ASE7025 Special Topics in Aerospace Structure I 3 (flexible) ASE7026 Special Topics in Aerospace Structure II 3 (flexible) ASE7027 Special Topics in Aerospace 3 (flexible) Aerospace Engineering - 8 Aerodynamics I ASE7028 Special Topics in Aerospace Aerodynamics II 3 (flexible) 5. Research Labs 1) Aerodynamic Analysis and Design Laboratory (AADL) * Address: A-101, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Inha University, 100 Inharo, Namgu, Incheon, Korea * Phone: +82-32-860-8696 2) Aerospace Control & System Laboratory (ACSL) * Website: * Address : Chang-505, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Inha University, 100 Inharo, Namgu, Incheon, Korea * Phone: +82-32-860-8656 3) Laboratory for Aerospace Structures & Computational ENgineering Technology (ASCENT) * Website: * Address: Chang-510, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Inha University, 100 Inharo, Namgu, Incheon, Korea * Phone: +82-32-860-8657 Aerospace Engineering - 9 4) Inha Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) * Website: * Address : Chang-409, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Inha University, 100 Inharo, Namgu, Incheon, Korea * Phone: +82-32-860-8652 Aerospace Engineering - 10