File. No. 104.Tanz.805/ASPS
9 February 2007
TOR (Final)
The Danida supported Agricultural Sector Program Support (ASPS) was granted to cover the period January 1998 to December 2002. The programme commenced its second phase in January 2003 granted until December 2007. The programme was reviewed in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The review in 2006 recommended extending the programme until June 30 th 2008 in order to align to the Tanzanian financial year, and ensure planning and implementation for a full year.
The current perspective of the programme is influenced by overall policy development decisions. The review in 2006 was carried out simultaneously with an appraisal of the national ASDP programme to be funded by a joint basket. As the national programme was expanded considerably in order to accommodate a proposed expansion of the area under irrigation from the current 250 hectares to 1 million hectares by 2010 the Review Team could not recommend that Denmark should participate in the ASDP basket. Given the experience with irrigation in ASPS I, the RT 2006 emphasised that an expansion of this magnitude could not accommodate the necessary socio-economic and environmental issues for sustainable irrigation development.
At the High level Consultation on October 3 rd 2006 the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Government of Denmark agreed that as part of the Joint Assistance
Strategy (JAS) Denmark would in the future focus on the health, environment and business sector, thereby exiting the agriculture sector at the end of the current phase II of ASPS.
At a workshop in Mid September 2006 for all ASPS components the framework and principles for a possible exit strategy were outlined. A smaller working group with representatives from all components met and further developed the overall frame for a draft exit strategy.
The ASPS National Steering Committee discussed the framework for the Exit Strategy on
October 17 th and recommended that all components be extended until 30 th June 2008 in order to finalise the activities in a sustainable manner and to align to the Tanzanian financial year. The extension is currently being processed as an exchange of letters between the two
Following to this decision all components delivered their input to the draft exit strategy to be finalised by the Embassy/a consultant.
The Review Team will assess the proposed exit strategy for each component. Based on discussions with RDE and national partners, the Review Team (RT) will also forward recommendations for a constructive decision-making process winding up the programme in a sustainable manner.
Progress and implementation issues have been reported in semi-annual and annual reports.
This Review will in general terms review progress in implementation and assess the impact of the adjustments recommended by earlier Reviews. However, the overall perspective will be an assessment of the best exit of the sector.
Recommendations for an exit strategy
An assessment of the Progress of the Danish Support in the context of the Progress of the Sector
An assessment of and recommendations for the work plan and budget for 2007
Review Aide Memoire including a Process Action Plan
Input to workshop on Business Sector Programme Support, phase 3
Review relevant documents with special emphasis on policies, program progress and exit strategy
Meet and discuss with the Danish Embassy, relevant Government Officials and programme staff
Consult Agriculture Working Group and other relevant donors
Draft documents
Scope of Work:
The Danish team will work closely with the Tanzanian authorities on the following:
In general:
Follow-up on the issues and recommendations given in the Review in 2006
Policy level:
Review any relevant development in sector policies, strategies, institutional reforms etc. since
Review the development of sector progress in terms of sector or sector related indicators
Review the development of national and foreign aid budget to the sector
Review the development of other donor’s policies and contribution to the sector
Programme level:
Assess development in policy dialogue
Assess the role and effectiveness of the SC in 2006
Assess programme progress and constraints based on outcome and outputs of the 4 components and in relation to the assumptions and risks stated in the documents
Assess disbursement in relation to budget for 2006
Assess work plan and budget for 2007 and possible remaining programme period of programme
Assess to what extend the programme should support the basket funding and if so the modalities involved
Assess on development on procurement, management and reporting procedures
Assess the programme contributions to crosscutting issues, including HIV/AIDS
Assess the need for extension of existing TA in the various components
Component level:
Support for Policy and Regulatory Reforms (SPRR)
Assess the overall progress of the component in 2006
Assess the use of outcome of initiated studies
Assess the proposed exit strategy
On-farm Seed production (OFSP)
Assess the overall progress of the component in 2006
Assess the development of out rolling the component taking into account the termination of the support in 2008
Assess the proposed exit strategy
Private Sector Agricultural Sector Support (PASS)
Assess the overall progress of the component in 2006
Assess the development of the credit modalities and how it relates to the future of these activities within other Danish support
Assess the progress of the in management structure and how it relates to the future of these activities within other Danish support
Assess the proposed exit strategy/phasing in strategy towards other Danish involvement in other support
Provide input from PASS component to mission preparing third phase of Business
Sector Programme Support
District Agricultural Development Support
Assess the overall progress of the component in 2006
Assess the development of community ownership
Assess the use/outcome of and alignment to the revised DADP guidelines
A draft review report will be discussed with the SCM on Thursday March 15, 2007 and a final review report will be prepared before departure
The Team will be in Tanzania from March 5 to 17, 2007. The team members will each use 3-
4 days for preparation. Team member Jacob Grosen will depart from Tanzania March 20.
Review Team:
Senior Adviser Ms. Jeanineke Dahl Kristensen (team leader, BFT)
Economist Mr. Jacob Grosen (consultant, Development Associate Ltd.)
Dorthe Bush (consultant, Development Associate
BFT, February 9, 2007
Jeanineke Dahl Kristensen
“Aid Management Guidelines” (Danida)
Draft proposal for Exit Strategy and Action Plan of the Danish Support to the Agricultural sector in Tanzania (Embassy/Government of Tanzania)
National Sector Policies and Strategies ASDS and ASD Programme and Component
Agricultural Sector Development Strategy October 2001
ASDP Government Programme Document 2006
ASDP Roadmap 2005
Agricultural Sector Public Expenditure Review 2006
Agricultural Sector Review 2006
Progress Reports for 2006
Work Plan and Budgets for 2007 (and possible 2008)