Reasons for Payments

PAMC supplemental reason codes: (01 – 37)
Stand-by/Beeper Coverage (01): n/a PAMC
Honorarium (02): Honoraria for the preparation of guest lectures or publications up to a limit of $500
per occurrence and $1,000 per fiscal year. Such payments are appropriate only when substantial, formal
preparation is involved. (Blanket approval if within the limits stated above. If not, requires advance
consultation and written approval of the Provost’s Office.)
Clinical Lead Responsibilities (03): n/a PAMC
Pediatric Rapid Response Team (04): n/a PAMC
Faculty Summer Supplement - 1/9th Annual Rate (05): Faculty members on nine-month appointments
may receive summer supplements in any of the three remaining months through the Duke University
payroll system up to a maximum of three-ninths (3/9ths) of the base salary rate for the immediately
preceding appointment term. This 3/9ths includes pay for summer session teaching, independent study,
special programs, and administrative assignments requiring summer effort, as well as research supported
by granting agencies. Salary supplements for non-medical faculty may be earned in May, June, July, or
August depending on when the ninth month of the appointment term is taken. Grant recipients are
expected to comply with the conditions of the granting agencies. No faculty member may receive more
than twelve (12) months of base compensation and supplementary pay in any fiscal year unless
permission is granted by the provost or chancellor for health affairs for the individual to receive
extraordinary pay, as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, Chapter 4. (Blanket approval)
Incentive Payment (06): Payment as part of a formal incentive payment arrangement such as predetermined payment for achieving specific goals. For example, a payment for development professionals
for achieving specific goals beyond the normal expectation.
Dictation of Discharge Summary (07): n/a PAMC
Duty Beyond Routine Job Duty (08): Payment for staff working beyond normal role in their primary
department. For example, a payment for filling in for supervisor or other staff on leave or participating
on a project that was not in scope of classification. Such situations require advance consultation and
written approval of the Provost’s Office prior to commitment of pay or work being performed.
Tutoring/Mentoring (09): Payment for tutoring or mentoring students as part of a formal program. This
includes supervision of independent study.
Musical Performance (10): Payment to Duke employees who provided musical performances at a
Duke event. Such performances are not part of the employees’ normal responsibilities.
Research Work – Spec Proj (11): n/a PAMC
Field Education – admin support (12): Payment to Field Education Students in the Divinity
School for participation in activities providing an opportunity for students to discern their vocational
identity through contextual learning. Settings vary, from parish to non-profit and from domestic to
Standard Patient – School of Med (13) - n/a PAMC
Relocation/Transition Expenses (14): Payment to new faculty or selected employees for appropriate
relocation or other transitional expenses.
Tuition – Employee (15): Payment to faculty or selected employees for payment of the employee’s
Tuition – Child (16): Payment to faculty or selected employees for (1) reimbursement child’s tuition for
faculty or employees who have not met the five year eligibility for the Children’s Tuition Grant Program
benefit. Such arrangements should be reviewed with the Provost in advance of commitment,
documented in an offer or retention letter, and are reported annually to the Board of Trustees.
Additionally, such arrangements should follow guidelines of the Children’s Tuition Grant Program –OR–
(2) reimbursement of child’s tuition consistent with Education Allowance policy for internationally
assigned employees.
Tuition – Spouse (17): Payment to faculty or selected employees for payment of the spouse’s tuition.
Advertising Sales (18): n/a PAMC
Performance Bonus (19): Occasionally, it may be appropriate to consider payment of bonuses to reward
outstanding performance or to recognize one time tasks. For faculty, granting a bonus greater than $2,500
will require advance consultation and written approval of the Provost’s Office. For staff in units to
whom the Provost has delegated authority for administering personnel matters (1/21/05 memo), granting
a bonus or supplement greater than $1,000 will require advance consultation and written approval of the
Provost’s Office. All other situations require advance consultation and written approval of the Provost’s
Severance agreement (20): Payment resulting from a formal severance agreement. For staff employees,
Staff and Labor Relations should be involved in the formal agreement. For faculty, the Provost and/or
the University Counsel’s Office should be involved in the formal agreement.
Nurse Recruitment fee (21): n/a PAMC
Non Clinical Duties BJR (DUHS) (22): n/a PAMC
Instructor/Course Facilitator (23): Payment for teaching or facilitating a course not covered through
normal salary. Typical use is teaching by adjunct professors who are contracted on a per-course or persemester basis. Normally these are faculty who are on the payroll at zero rate of pay. This reason code
may also be used for qualified staff who teach a course that is not part of their normal
responsibilities/salary. Such situations require advance consultation and written approval of the Provost’s
Office. This reason code does not include teaching in Executive Education, the MAT or MALS
programs, Continuing Education or summer programs including TIP and DukeEngage. See additional
reason codes for such activities.
Actors/Performers (24): Payment for employees serving as an actor or performer in a simulated event.
Contract Work – Retiree (25): Payment to a retired faculty or exempt staff for work performed.
Typically the individual is on the payroll at zero rate of pay and the work performed is seasonal,
temporary or project based.
Contract Work Beyond Primary Job (26): Payment for staff working beyond normal responsibilities
in a different department from their primary department. For example, payment to a staff member who
has transferred out of a department but has agreed to continue to provide significant service to their prior
department until the vacated position is filled. Such arrangements require Provost’s Office require
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advance consultation and written approval of the Provost’s Office prior to commitment of pay or work
being performed.
Clinical Certifications (27): n/a PAMC
Mobile Device (28): n/a PAMC
Teaching – Executive Education (29): Teaching in the executive education programs including, but not
limited to, the Fuqua School of Business, the Chemistry for Executive Program, the Center for
International Development Research’s Professional Development Program and the Sanford Institute.
(Blanket approval for faculty in PAMC)
Teaching – MAT/MALS (30): Faculty participating in the Graduate School’s Master of Arts in Liberal
Studies Program, Master of Arts in Teaching Program and the Teacher Education Program. (Blanket
approval for faculty in PAMC)
Teaching – Continuing Education/Summer Programs (31): Teaching continuing education through
the Office of Continuing Education, Divinity Continuing Education and the continuing education
component of the School of the Environment; Senior Professional Program (blanket approval for faculty
in PAMC) as well as payment to instructors of special summer programs such as TIP and DukeEngage.
This reason code is not for use by regular rank faculty towards 3/9ths summer salary.
Teaching beyond normal courseload (32): Payment to faculty for teaching beyond normal courseload
as part of a program previously reviewed with, and approved by, the Provost.
Manuscript review (33): Manuscript reviews for Duke University Press. (Blanket approval for faculty)
Awards or Prizes (34): Awards or prizes as a result of formal programs such as “Teacher of the Year
Award”. Awards should be part of a formal program, e.g., student nomination, and may not exceed
$2,500 without prior written approval of the program. Once an ongoing program has been approved,
however, it will not be necessary to seek recurring approval unless the terms of the program are changing.
(Blanket approval for faculty)
Graduate Student Administrative Work (35): Payment to graduate students who are performing work,
typically not related to their program of study. This may include hourly payment for shelving books as
well as grading papers, etc. This is different from any stipends provided.
Bridge to Practice Program: (36): Payment to employees in the Law School who are participating in
the Bridge to Practice program.
Housing/Vehicle Allowances (37): Payment for housing or vehicle allowances or other similar
Wage Type 1145, Faculty Administrative Pay, is processed via paper supplemental Payment Form and is
used for faculty serving departmental chair or director of a center, program, institute, etc., for the
academic year. (Blanket approval for faculty in PAMC) Since the wage type is exclusive to this
payment and is processed manually, no additional reason code is assigned.
Blanket approval indicates that the action does not require additional approval or preapproval from the
Provost’s Office
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