Investigation 1 Problem 1

Investigation 1 Building Boxes
Problem 1.1 Making Cubic Boxes
My Goal for this Problem is to be able to visualize a net as a representation of the surface area of a
Part 1:
On grid paper, draw as many different nets as possible that can be folded to make a unit cube.
How many different nets can be folded to make a unit cube?
How many different nets did you find?
What is the total area of each net, in square units?
What is the surface area of each unit cube, in square units?
How does the area of the net compare to the surface area of the unit cube?
For Homework:
Suppose you want to make boxes by tracing several copies of the same pattern onto a large sheet of
cardboard and cutting the out. Which pattern allows you to make the greatest number of boxes from a
square sheet of cardboard with a side length of 10 units?
Test your ideas on grid paper.
Be sure to show all work, and explain your reasoning.
Things I noticed and want to remember:
Questions I still have: