St. Michael’s House Bereavement Training Programme for Clinicians May 2007 St. Michael’s House & the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies are hosting this programme as a joint initiative. Background: Loss and bereavement are complex life experiences for everyone. This is equally true for people with an intellectual disability. In order to acknowledge and address the bereavement needs of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and carers, clinicians from St. Michael's House have developed a comprehensive bereavement training programme. This programme is designed to meet the bereavement education and practical support requirements of people with intellectual disability, their families and carers in the event of the loss of a loved one. The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies and St. Michael’s House are jointly organising a bereavement training programme for Clinicians working in the intellectual disability sector. The overall aim of the bereavement training programme is as follows: (1) To educate and train clinicians as bereavement trainers to a prescribed standard of knowledge and practice necessary to facilitate the provision of a comprehensive bereavement service (to people with intellectual disabilities, their families and support staff). (2) To present the contents of the bereavement training programme materials developed by St. Michael’s House for clinicians. (3) To provide an overview of current research and literature. (4) To examine attachment theory and the grief process. (5) To identify bereavement issues specific to people with intellectual disabilities. (6) To provide comprehensive training to clinicians in the provision of: 1 (a) Live & Let Die 1: A 4-day bereavement training programme for clinicians. This programme trains clinicians as bereavement trainers in the field of intellectual disability. This programme incorporates components (b), (c) and (d). (b) Live & Let Die 2: Educational programme on loss and bereavement for people with intellectual disabilities. (c) Live & Let Die 3: A booklet for families and carers to support people with an intellectual disability through the loss of a loved one. (d) Live & Let Die 4: A 2-day bereavement training programme to provide frontline / direct care staff with the knowledge, skills and coping strategies required to prepare and support a person with an intellectual disability through the loss of a loved one. On completion of the training programme each participant will receive the complete ‘ Live and Let Die’ series of materials. Trainers: The primary trainers for the ‘Bereavement Training Programme for Clinicians’ are Ms. Síle Reynolds, Senior Occupational Therapist, St. Michael’s House and Ms. Lucy Walsh, Senior Clinical Psychologist, St. Michael’s House. A brief biographical note on the trainers is included in Appendix 1. There will also be two specialist guest speakers – Ms. Nazrin O’Kelly, Senior Social Worker, St. Michael’s House and Dr. Stuart Todd, Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff. Programme Participants: Specifically Participants must: (i) Be clinicians working a minimum of 2 years in the field of intellectual disability. (ii) Have a brief / role that includes the provision of training and education to staff. (iii) Be from one of the following disciplines: Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Social Work, Speech & Language Therapy, Psychiatry, Nursing, medics, counsellors and therapists working in the field of intellectual disability. Note: The Programme is not suitable for those who have had recent or significant losses / or bereavement. There will be a maximum of 30 places available for participants on this programme. 2 Ideally course participants will have an educational / therapeutic aspect to their role within their organisation. The trainers may opt to contact course participants in advance to clarify the post course application of the training materials. In allocating programme places priority will be given to participants from smaller organisations. Details: Where? When? The programme will be held in May 2007 and will run over 3 consecutive days. Participants will be expected to attend all sessions: Module - Dates Wednesday, May 16th 2007 th Time Venue 9.30a.m. – 5.00p.m. Radisson Hotel, Northgate Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath (see map attached for directions) Thursday, May 17 2007 (Lunch will be Friday, May 18th 2007 provided) Programme Fee: The total fee for the Programme is €400. This programme has been subsidised by St. Michael’s House as part of its commitment to the dissemination of best practice in relation to research and training. Please return the completed Booking Form and the Programme fee of €400, cheque made payable to the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, by Friday, April 27th 2007 to: Jillian Sexton, Human Resource Training & Development Co-ordinator, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Oranmore Business Park, Oranmore, Galway. Further Information: If you have any queries in relation to: Programme Content – please contact Ms. Síle Reynolds, St. Michael’s House (01) 8840282 / Programme Bookings - please contact Jillian Sexton, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies (091) 792316 / St. Michael’s House 3 APPENDIX 1 Trainers - Biographical Note: Biographical Note: Síle Reynolds, Senior Occupational Therapist, has worked in the field of intellectual disability for over 10 years. She has a Higher Diploma in Learning Disability Studies and a Masters Degree in Developmental Disability Studies. Síle has presented her research in bereavement and intellectual disability at conferences at National and International Level and has provided training to clinicians working in this field at both National and International level. Lucy Walsh is a Senior Clinical Psychologist in St. Michael’s House. She has been working in the area of intellectual disability for over 20 years. She has been involved in service development, client staff, family support and training in all aspects of intellectual disability. Training: Síle and Lucy have developed a specialism in bereavement and intellectual disability. They have developed educational and training materials for people with intellectual disability, staff, families and clinicians. Síle and Lucy have provided training in bereavement and intellectual disability over the past 10 years to the following groups: Staff supporting people with intellectual disabilities. Clinicians supporting people with intellectual disabilities. Special Needs Teachers. Professional bodies. Conferences – National, International, World. Colleges and Universities. 4 Bereavement Training Programme for Clinicians St. Michael’s House & National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Booking Form - May 2007 To book a place on the ‘Bereavement Training Programme for Clinicians Programme’ please complete and return this Booking Form. Please note the following: The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies will be seeking to ensure a mix of participants on the pilot programme and therefore a maximum of 2 places will be allocated per organisation. In allocating programme places priority will be given to participants from smaller organisations. The Programme Fee should be made payable to the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies and returned with the booking form to Ms. Jillian Sexton, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Oranmore Business Park, Oranmore, Galway. The closing date for booking places is Friday, April 27th 2007. Booking Form1 Checklist: Yes No Are you a clinician who has been working a minimum of 2 years in the field of intellectual disability? (b) Have you a brief / role that includes the provision of training and education to staff? (c) Are you employed in one of the following disciplines: Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Social Work, Speech & Language Therapy, Psychiatry, Nursing, medics, counsellors and therapists working in the field of intellectual disability? Name: (a) Organisation: Position: Address: Contact Details: Telephone Mobile Email Please outline your Main areas of responsibility: Information provided in this booking form will be made available to the St. Michael’s House Trainers who will be undertaking the training and will be treated in the strictest confidence. 1 5 Please outline your history / experience of working in the intellectual disability sector: Have you undertaken any Bereavement Training to date? Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes, Please outline: Please detail your role in providing bereavement training / education / awareness raising to staff in your organisation: Please outline what you would like to achieve through participating in this programme? Signed: (Participant) Date: Approved by: (Training Manager/ Human Resource Manager) 6 Radisson Hotel, Northgate Street, Athlone County Westmeath ATHLONE, Ireland Phone: +353 (0)90 644 2600 FAX: +353 (0)90 644 2655 Radisson SAS Hotel Athlone Get directions: from this Airport: -- select airport -- or enter in an addre Language: English Zoom: 3 7