Sociology 101 Syllabus Fall Semester, 2002 Jane B. Jacobs, Esq.. Office hours by appointment only E-mail: Required Books: Sociology, A Brief Introduction, 5th edition, Alex Thio (the text) Seeing Ourselves, 5th Edition, Macionis& Nijole Benokraitis (the reader) The primary goal of Sociology 101 is to develop students’ understanding of The theories that explain, interpret and critique patterns of social relations. The usefulness of viewing oneself and others in the social and historical context of diverse locations and cultures. The varied and contested nature of all views of the social world. The current techniques used in the study of the social components of society and world culture Anticipated Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the student should have the opportunity to: 1. understand the sociological perspective 2. engage in critical thinking about social and cultural issues 3. gain a basic understanding of social research techniques 4. develop their oral presentation skills Grades and Exams 1. There will be two exams, a midterm and a final, which will constitute 75% of your final grade. No grade can be given until both exams have been taken. 2. In addition to the two exams, a number of short reaction papers (1-2 pages) will be assigned as well as other written class work and homework. This will constitute 15% of your grade. 3. Class participation is very important in this class as discussion is integral to sociological analysis. Each week, students will give oral presentations on the chapters assigned in the readers. Therefore, I assign this component 15% of your grade. See attached class participation guidelines. 4. The two exams will be given on the following dates: Midterm Exam: Monday, November 20 Final Exam: During Exam week, TBA 5. Class attendance is required and obliviously important to your final grade due to the participation aspect of my class. In accordance with college policy, students absent 1 more than two (2) class sessions without valid excuse will be dropped from the class, or receive an F. You must e-mail me if you will be absent from class but that does not automatically mean you will obtain an excused absence from that date. 6. Please come on time and turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices. Five points will be deducted from the final grade for each time a student is late beginning with the third lateness. Guidelines for Being a Successful Student 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read the material and complete any assignments prior to class Come to class with questions about the material you feel needs to be clarified Come to class regularly and on time and take notes on important material Work collaboratively with other students in the class Exchange telephone numbers/email addresses with other classmates in case you miss class 6. If you must miss a class, leave a message on my e-mail prior to class 7. Engage in the class, listen to other students, exchange ideas in a respectful manner (See class participation guidelines, sign and return to me) Try the extra credit project! ( More on this later) 2 Sociology 101- Fall 2002- Schedule of Classes and Assignments Week one Mon 9/6 Wed 9/9 Chapter 1 Text Week Two Mon 9/ 9 Wed 9/11 Fri 9/13 Chapter 2 Text Chapter 10 and Chapter 11, Reader Week Three Mon 9/16: No class Wed 9/18 Fri 9/20 Week Four Mon. 9/23 Wed 9/25 Fri 9/27 Week 5 Mon 9/30 Wed 10/2 Fri 10/4 Week 6 Mon 10/7 Wed 10/9 Fri 10/11 Week 7 Mon 10/14 – No class Wed 10/16 Fri 10/18 Week 8 Mon 10/20 Wed 10/22 Fri 10/24 Week 9 Mon 10/28 Wed 10/30 Fri 11/1 Week 10 Mon 11/4 Chapter 3 Text Chapters 16 and 17, Reader Chapter 4 Text Chapters 20 and 21 Reader Chapter 5 Text Chapters 23 and 25 Reader Chapter 6 Text Chapters 28 and 29 Reader Wednesday – Review for Midterm Exam Friday- Midterm Exam Chapter 7 Text Chapters 34 and 35 Reader Chapter 8 Text Chapters 40 and 42 Reader Chapter 9 Text Chapters 35 and 37 Reader 3 Wed 11/6 Fri 11/8 Week 11 Mon 11/11 Wed 11/13 Fri 11/15 Week 12 Mon 11/18 Wed 11/20 Fri 11/22 Week 13 & Week 14 Mon 11/25 Wed-11/27 and Fri 11/29- no class Mon 12/2 Wed 12/4 Mon 12/6 Wed 12/9 – Last class Chapter 10 text Chapters 52 and 54 Reader Chapter 11 Text Chapter 58 and 59 Reader Chapter 15 Chapters 64, 65, 75 and 76 Reader Presentations of Extra Credit Projects Review for Final Exam Note: Class schedule subject to change due to guest speakers, field trips, etc. 4 5