Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems WATER RESOURCE PROTECTION AND ASSESSMENT POLICY IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS RESOURCE DIRECTED MEASURES FOR PROTECTION OF WATER RESOURCES: ESTUARINE ECOSYSTEMS COMPONENT SECTION E: PROCEDURE FOR THE INTERMEDIATE DETERMINATION OF RDM FOR ESTUARINE ECOSYSTEMS Senior Authors: Ms Susan Taljaard, Environmentek, CSIR Dr Jane Turpie, Percy FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town Dr Janine Adams, University of Port Elizabeth Editors: Dr H MacKay, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Ms Barbara Weston, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Ms Lizette Guest, Guest Environmental Management Version 1.0: Date: 24 September 1999 M:\f_rdm_october\estuaries\version 1.0\est_sectione_version1.0.doc Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/1 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Section E: Intermediate Determination of RDM for Estuarine Ecosystems E.1 Flow chart of the Intermediate RDM Determination Process A flow chart of events for the Intermediate determination of RDM as it applies to the estuarine component is given in Figure E.1. STEPS IN INTERMEDIATE DETERMINATION OF RESOURCE DIRECTED MEASURES FOR ESTUARIES FLOW CHART OF EVENTS IN THE INTEREMEDIATE DETERMINATION OF RDM FOR ESTUARIES HUMAN RESOURCES/SKILLS BASE Confirm that generic definition applies, i.e.: Downstream: Estuary mouth Upstream: Extent of tidal influence Along banks: 5 m above MSL contour STEP 1: DELINEATE GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES ... days Consultant coordinating RDM process for Catchment plus Consultant coordinating estuarine section DWAF (Planning) Hydrologist Estuarine hydrologist ... weeks Simulate run-off scenarios for reference, present and selected future scenarios Specialist studies (including limited field surveys) Studies need to include: STEP 3: ASSESS PRESENT STATE (a & b) AND REFERENCE CONDITION - Description of present state Estimation of reference condition Assessment of the selected future scenarios List additional monitoring requirements Estuarine specialist team with following expertise, i.e.: ... weeks STEP 4: DETERMINE PRESENT (a & b) ECOLOGICAL STATUS AND IMPORTANCE Integration workshop At the workshop the following need to be achieved: STEP 5: DETERMINE ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT CLASS - STEP 6: QUANTIFY RESERVE AND SET RESOUIRCE QUALITY OBJECTIVES STEP 7: DESIGN RESOURCE MONITORING PROGRAM - physical dynamics water quality Flora (marophytes, microphytes) Fauna (invertebrates, fish, birds) Assess present ecological status (using the EHI) Assess ecological importance (using the EII) Determine desired ecological management class Evaluate ecological implications of the different future scenarios - Select acceptable scenario (desired EMC) - Determine an ecological reserve for water quantity and quality based on the acceptable scenario - Design monitoring program Documentation of Intermediate RDM The report should include: Description of reference condition Description of present ecological status Evaluation of ecological implications of the future scenarios Determination of desired EMC Reserve for water quantity and quality (based on desired EMC) List of future monitoring requirements (including requirements for Comprehensive RDM) ... weeks ... weeks Peer review Consultant coordinating estuarine section Consultants with expertise in RDM for estuaries Figure E.1 Flow chart of events for the Determination of Intermediate RDM as it applies to the estuarine component NOTE: Estimates on the time requirements and costing of the different components illustrated above will be added after the pilot study on an estuary has been completed . Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/2 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.2 Data Requirements for Intermediate Determination of RDM Unlike the case for many of South Africa’s rivers, there are very few long-term monitoring programmes conducted on a national scale on South African estuaries. Programmes that do exist include: gauging stations (measuring river inflow) installed at some estuaries (managed by DWAF) continuous water level recorders installed at some estuaries (managed by DWAF) topographic surveys of estuary mouths (since 1985) and of upstream cross sections (since 1996) conducted every 2-3 years on a selection of Cape estuaries (project of the CSIR, commissioned by DEAT fish data (species composition in different estuaries based on number and biomass) was collected on numerous South African estuaries (project of the CSIR (Durban), commissioned by DEAT For any particular estuary, the extent and availability of data and information therefore depends on: data available from previous research projects conducted in the estuary short-term data records collected during, for example EFR studies or EIA studies involving the estuary. NOTES: Due to the complex nature of estuarine processes, and the limited availability of detailed data and information, it would be expected that the time required and the intensity of data collection for a RDM determination could be greater for estuaries than it is for rivers. Before any additional data is acquired on a particular system it is necessary to undertake a desktop assessment to determine the availability and suitability of existing data sets to address the requirements of the Intermediate determination of RDM as listed in the following sections. If additional field data are required (refer to Tables E.2.1 – E.2.3) the abiotic and biotic data must be collected during the same field exercise to enable the linkage of the abiotic characteristics with the biotic responses. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/3 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.2.1 Data requirements for Abiotic (or driving) Components In estuaries, the data requirements for abiotic (or driving) components, i.e. hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics and water quality, are strongly inter-linked and are addressed in Table E.2.1. Table E.2.1 Data requirements on abiotic components (physical dynamics and water quality) for the Intermediate Determination of RDM in estuaries DATA REQUIRED1 Set of cross section profiles (taken at about 500 m intervals) representative of the present bathymetry of the estuary Simulated monthly runoff data (at the head of the estuary) for present and reference conditions over a 50 to 70 year period 1 Aerial photographs of estuary Measured river inflow data (gauging stations) at the head of the estuary over a 5-year period 2 Continuous water level recordings near mouth of the estuary3 Longitudinal salinity and temperature profiles (in situ) taken on a spring high and low tide at 4: end of low flow season (i.e. period of maximum seawater intrusion) peak of high flow season (i.e. period of maximum flushing by river water) Water quality measurements (i.e. system variables, and nutrients) taken along the length of the estuary (surface and bottom samples) on a spring high tide at 4,5: end of low flow season peak of high flow season Measurements on organic content and toxic substances (e.g. trace metals and hydrocarbons) in sediments along length of the estuary 6 Water quality (e.g. system variables, nutrients and toxic substances)measurements on river water entering at the head of the estuary 7 Water quality (e.g. system variables, nutrients and toxic substances)measurements on near-shore seawater 7 1 PURPOSE These measurements are required if numerical hydronamic modelling is to be used in estimating reference conditions and the implication of future scenarios (typically data older than 3 years should not be used, as well as data collected prior to a major flood). To estimate seasonal variability in river flow patterns (the accuracy and confidence limits of the simulations must be indicated). The magnitude of smaller floods, i.e. 1:1 to 1:5 year can be estimated from these tables To derive the effect of wave action on the mouth dynamics, in particular, the extent to which the mouth is exposed to direct wave action and width of the breaker zone (indicative of the beach slope). This data is crucial to be able to correlate river flow to the state of the mouth (as reflected by water level recordings), particularly in temporarily open/closed estuaries. The dataset duration required will depend on, for example the frequency of mouth closure in the particular estuary To obtain long-term records of variations in tidal levels and periods of mouth closure These measurements, together with the river inflow data are used to estimate the correlation between salinity/temperature distribution patterns along the length of the estuary and river flow. Where only a limited amount of field work would be possible, this could best be achieved by measuring the two ‘extremes’ i.e. end of low flow season and the peak of high flow season The water quality field exercise must coincide with the salinity/temperature profiling. In this way a limited water quality data set (which is usually very expensive to acquire) can be used to derive water quality characteristics under different tidal conditions, using salinity data, expert opinion or appropriate assessment tools, e.g. numerical models To establish the spatial distribution and extent of toxic pollutant distribution in the estuary. To prevent duplicate sampling, this data must be obtained from the water resource unit just upstream of the estuary. At present these parameters are not measured on a routine basis along the SA coast, as is the case for some rivers. Because the seawater quality may show strong seasonal variability, particularly along the SA West coast, a short term monitoring programme (e.g. 6 week period) may not necessarily be representative. In the short term, data on near-shore seawater quality therefore need to be derived from available data sources, including the South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters. Volume 1: Natural Environment (DWAF, 1995), until such time as routine water quality monitoring programmes are implemented along the SA coast. Editor’s note: Author to clarify whether WR90 can be used Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/4 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems NOTES on Table E.2.1: NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION It is assumed that the DWAF will not use the Intermediate reserve determination to allocate water to other users that will affect the larger floods, i.e. 1:5 years and bigger. For this reason the data requirements specified for the intermediate reserve DO NOT include data to estimate sediment scour/erosion (which usually needs to be collected over several years). This will however, be specified for the comprehensive reserve (Section F). Gauging stations are currently not installed at many estuaries. As a result such data will initially have to be estimated from the simulated run-off data, but with much lower confidence. It is therefore strongly recommended that gauging stations are installed, even for the intermediate phase, and especially since between 5-15 year of data is required for the comprehensive determination of RDM. Continuous water level recordings are currently not available for many estuaries. As a result such information will have to be based on limited visual observations of tidal variation (i.e. over at least 2 tidal cycles), but with much lower confidence. It is therefore strongly recommended that water level recorders be installed, even for the intermediate phase, and especially since between 5-15 year of data is required for the comprehensive determination of RDM It is strongly recommended that both the low flow and high flow seasons be covered to obtain the two ‘endpoints’. This, in turn, will improve confidence in deriving intermediate conditions (i.e. the in between months), using for example numerical models. If, however, it is only possible to one survey, this should be done at the end of the low flow season, particularly for permanently open estuaries. The analytical techniques used in the processing of marine and estuarine water quality samples, may vary greatly form those used in the analysis of fresh water samples It is therefore crucial that a recognised marine analytical laboratory conduct the analyses of water quality samples For once off sampling of toxic substances (e.g. trace metals and hydrocarbons) in highly dynamic systems such as estuaries, it is considered more appropriate to sample environmental components which tend to integrate or accumulate change over time, such as sediments. These surveys need, however, not be done in ALL estuaries, only in systems where river water quality or human activities along the banks of the estuary suggest possible contamination (e.g. industrial effluents or storm water run-off from large urban developments). Estuaries receive water from two sources, i.e. the river and sea, each with distinctively different water quality characteristics, particularly in terms of system variables and nutrients. In turn, the water quality characteristics along the length of an estuary depend on the extent of each these sources’ influence (governed by hydrodynamic process), as well as biochemical processes (e.g. organic degradation, eutrophication) taking place at that point within the estuary. The influence of biochemical processes is particularly evident in parts of an estuary where residence time of water becomes longer, often observed along the middle reaches of an estuary during the low flow season. Therefore, available water quality data from the water sources will be crucial to predict/estimate seasonal variability in the water quality distribution patterns in estuaries where actual data on such distribution patterns within the estuary are limited. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/5 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.2.2 Data requirements for Biotic (or response) Components Data requirements for flora (microalgae and macrophytes) Data requirements on estuarine flora for the Intermediate Determination of RDM are listed in Table E.2.2 Table E.2.2 Data requirements on flora for the Intermediate Determination of RDM in estuaries DATA REQUIRED3 Aerial photographs of the estuary (ideally 1:1000 scale) reflecting the present status, as well as the reference condition (if available) PURPOSE To map the distribution of the different plant community types and to calculate the area covered by different plant community types (habitat types1). Available orthophoto maps Aerial photographs can be used to monitor habitat change from reference to present day, e.g. reed encroachment. This information is required to determine the regional and national botanical importance of an estuary, and to set the future management class of an estuary. Number of plant community types, identification and total number of macrophyte species, number of rare or endangered species or those with limited populations documented during a field visit. Permanent transects (a fix monitoring station that can be used to measure change in vegetation in response to changes in salinity and inundatiuon patterns)2: Measurements of percentage plant cover along an elevation gradient Measurements of salinity, water level, sediment moisture content and turbidity These measurements are used to relate changes in the flora to changes in salinity, water level, flooding and sedimentation. From these data the sensitivity of the flora to changes in freshwater input can be determined and reference conditions can be estimated. In addition the implications of future run-off scenarios can be predicted and used to set the Resource Quality Objectives for water quantity. Chlorophyll-a measurements taken at 5 stations (at least) at the surface, 0.5 m and 1 m depth intervals thereafter. Cell counts of dominant phytoplankton groups i.e. flagellates, dinoflagellates, diatoms and blue-green algae. To determine phytoplankton biomass and dominant phytoplankton types. Phytoplankton biomass is an index of eutrophication while changes in the dominant phytoplankton groups indicate changes in response to water quality and quantity. Measurements must be taken coinciding with typically high and low flow conditions. A study of this nature is probably only necessary in large permanently open estuaries where phytoplankton are important primary producers. Intertidal and subtidal benthic chlorophyll-a measurements taken at 5 stations (at least). Epipelic diatoms need to be collected for identification. These measurements must to be taken coinciding with a typical high and low flow condition (in temporarily closed estuaries measurements must include open as well as closed mouth conditions). Simultaneous measurements of flow, light, salinity, temperature, nutrients and substrate type (for benthic microalgae) need to be taken at the sampling stations during both the phytoplankton and benthic microalgae surveys. Measurements for different flow conditions are required to establish natural variability. To determine benthic microalgal biomass and dominant epipelic diatom species. Benthic microalgae are important primary producers in shallow estuaries or those with large intertidal areas. Epipelic diatoms composition can indicate changes in water quality. Measurements for different flow and mouth conditions are required to establish natural variability. Measurements of different abiotic parameters are required to determine their effect on phytoplankton and benthic microalgae. In turn, this information is used to estimate reference conditions and predict the implication of future runoff scenarios. Change in microalgal biomass and composition indicates changes in water quality that is strongly related to freshwater input. These data are used to set the Resource Quality Objectives for both water quality and water quantity Microalgal field excursion should coincide hydrodynamic and water quality field exercise. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 with E/6 the Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems NOTES on Table E.2.2: NO. DESCRIPTION Available information on the flora of South African estuaries includes Begg’s (1984) early surveys in KwaZulu-Natal and the CSIR’s surveys of Cape estuaries. Ward and Steinke (1982) documented the distribution of mangroves. O’Callaghan (1994) described the salt marsh vegetation of a number of Cape estuaries and more recently Colloty et. al. (1999) have compiled a database on all available botanical information on South African estuaries. Colloty (1999) completed a survey of Transkei and Ciskei estuaries and baseline information is now available for approximately 80 % of South African estuaries There are nine different habitat types recognised for estuaries, i.e.: HABITAT TYPE Open surface water area Indicates available habitat for phytoplankton Exposed intertidal sand and mudflats Supratidal saltmarsh Indicates available habitat for intertidal benthic microalgae Zostera capensis (eelgrass), Ruppia cirrhosa, Potamogeton pectinatus) Cladophora spp., Enteromorpha spp., Caulerpa filiformis Spartina maritima, Sarcocornia perennis, Triglochin spp, Sarcocornia pillansii, Sporobolus virginicus Reeds and sedges Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus littoralis Mangroves Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Barringtonia racemosa, Hibiscus tiliaceus Submerged macrophyte beds Macroalgae 1 Intertidal saltmarsh Swamp forest 2 3 INDICATOR SPECIES These data are currently not available for many estuaries but are required for the comprehensive determination of RDM so that Resource Quality Objectives can be set for water quantity and quality with some degree of confidence Sampling of estuarine flora should coincide with water quality and hydrodynamic field exercises. Data requirements for fauna (Invertebrates, fish and birds) From a temporal point of view it must be noted that faunal components should ideally be sampled over at least a one year period, preferably on a quarterly basis for any meaningful results to be obtained. However, if only two seasons (e.g. low and high flow season) were going to be sampled some first order estimates would have to be obtained. If only one season was sampled, then the birds need to be sampled in summer, because the major bird component of estuaries are the aquatic Palaearctic migrants which arrive in South Africa for our summer Data requirements on fauna for the Intermediate Determination of RDM are listed in Table E.2.3. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/7 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Table E.2.3 Data requirements on fauna for the Intermediate Determination of RDM in estuaries DATA REQUIRED3 Derive preliminary sediment map of the estuary. Obtain a preliminary determination of the extent and distribution of shallows and tidally exposed substrates. For six benthic sites, collect sediment samples for analysis of grain size 1 and organic content 2 Determine the longitudinal distribution of salinity, as well as other system variables (e.g. temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen and turbidity) 3 at each of the six benthic sampling sites During a spring tide (preferably for both low flow and high flow conditions), collect a set of six benthic samples each consisting of five grabs. Collect two each from sand, mud and interface substrates. If possible, spread sites for each between upper and lower reaches of the estuary. One mud sample should be in an organically rich area. Species should be identified to the lowest taxon possible and densities (animal/m2) must also be determined. During a spring tide (preferably for both low flow and high flow conditions), collect two sets of beam trawl samples (i.e. mud and sand). Lay two sets of five, baited prawn/crab traps overnight, one each in the upper and lower reaches of the estuary. Species should be identified to the lowest taxon possible and densities (animal/m2) must also be determined. Survey as much shoreline for signs of crabs and prawns and record observations. During a spring tide, collect three samples, at night, one each from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the estuary. During a spring tide, collect three sets of small and large seine and gill net samples, one each from the lower, middle and upper reaches of the estuary. Depending on the size and depth of the estuary, it may be necessary to also undertake cast netting, particularly in smaller systems. Information on fish gained during the macrocrustacean beam trawls should also be used. During a summer spring tide, undertake one full count of all water-associated birds, covering as much of the estuarine area as possible. All birds should be identified to species level and the total number of each counted. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 PURPOSE This is required to identify different habitats types, e.g. sand, mud, detritus distribution and interface area. These measurements are required gain understanding on key links between the abiotic parameters and biological components To estimate biomass distribution and key species of the benthos. To estimate biomass distribution and key species of the macrocrustacea. To estimate biomass distribution and key species of the zooplankton. To estimate biomass distribution and key species of the fish. To estimate biomass distribution and key species of the birds. E/8 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems NOTES on Table E.2.3 NO. 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION Seven-grain size categories should be used, ranging from mud to very coarse sand. Each category relates to a particular size diameter in the following manner: >2 mm: > very coarse sand 2 - 1 mm: very coarse sand 1 - 0.5 mm: coarse sand 0.5 – 0.25 mm: medium sand 0.25 – 0.125 mm: fine sand 0.125 – 0.0625 mm: very fine sand <0.0625 mm: mud (silt and clay) The percentage organic content of sediments may be classified as: <0.5%: Very low 0.5 – 2%: Low 1 – 2%: Moderately low 2 –4%: Medium > 4%: High Data on salinity and other water quality parameters along the length of the estuary are measured as part of the abiotic data acquisition programme (Table E.2.1). Therefore, to ensure that data collection is as cost effective as possible, benthic surveys should be conducted simultaneously with relevant abiotic data collection exercises. Sampling of estuarine fauna should coincide with water quality and hydrodynamic field exercises. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/9 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3 Procedures for Intermediate Determination of RDM E.3.1 Delineation of geographical boundaries (Step 1) For the purposes of the Intermediate Determination of RDM for estuaries, the geographical boundaries of an estuary are defined as follows: Downstream boundary: The estuary mouth. However, in systems where the near shore marine ecosystem may be dependent on river input via the estuary, this should be noted to be addressed during the Comprehensive Determination of RDM for the system. Upstream boundary: The extent of tidal influence, i.e. the point up to where tidal variation in water levels can still be detected. Lateral boundaries: The 5 m above MSL contour along each bank. The boundaries should be mapped on aerial photograph or orthophoto map. Should the boundaries of any estuary need to be defined differently, a motivation must be provided. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/10 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.2 Description of present status2 (Step 3a) The present ecological status of an estuary (defined within specific geographical boundaries) is a quantitative description of the present abiotic and biotic characteristics and functioning of the system. The description of the present ecological status, together with the reference conditions, forms the basis for the RDM Determination Process, for it is here where specialist scientists describe and document their understanding of the characteristics and functioning of an estuary (backed by appropriate field measurements and scientific expertise). For the Intermediate Determination of RDM for estuaries, present ecological status needs to be described in terms of the following components: Abiotic (or driving components): Hydrodynamics (measured in terms of seasonal river inflow patterns, floods, mouth dynamics, water level variations and water movement patterns) Sediment dynamics (measured in terms of changes in cross section profiles and particle size distribution) Water quality (measured in terms of system variables, nutrients and toxic substances) (if social and economic aspects are to be considered in the allocation of the FMC, microbiological contaminants may need to be included). Biotic (response) components: Estuarine flora (microalgae and macrophytes) Estuarine fauna (invertebrates, fish and birds) The following sections provide protocols on the presentation of results on the ecological status for the abiotic and biotic components, respectively. All assumptions and interpretations of data and results must be fully documented in appendices to the RDM study report. The accuracy with which the ecological status of any estuary could be described will largely depend on: The extent and detail of available data (i.e. existing data and information) Additional data that could be collected within time/budget constraints The complexity of processes in a particular estuary. The description of the present ecological status, in terms of the different abiotic and biotic components, can therefore vary from a detailed quantitative characterisation based on measured data, to a narrative statement based on expert opinion. For this reason, confidence in the assessment must be documented. Results on abiotic components must be presented in a format that would be useful and appropriate for estuarine biologists to derive biological responses. The format in which information on the present ecological status of abiotic components need to be presented is as follows: Editor’s note: The use of both terms “present state” and “present ecological status” is not appropriate. This terminology must be resolved in Version 1.1 2 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/11 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems a. Seasonal variability in river flows Tabulate the monthly simulated run-off data for present conditions (flow in m3/s) for 50-70 year period. Plot the simulated run-off data, indicating the monthly median values. Year 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 ……. ……. Oct 141.00 17.86 137.67 0.20 21.32 33.04 92.96 32.85 13.40 84.16 7.18 1.95 2.35 1.09 13.61 1.06 6.97 6.48 67.10 17.99 8.82 2.70 19.53 415.95 65.27 1.13 16.38 11.16 9.17 11.35 4.16 33.97 Nov 87.44 731.06 267.92 7.07 212.86 42.51 89.15 25.01 12.09 178.57 8.00 4.54 29.17 253.43 150.39 1.93 307.05 7.84 55.52 290.62 53.73 6.37 322.13 458.26 39.51 0.99 94.57 214.33 15.42 73.59 11.34 16.68 Dec 52.61 658.65 237.03 20.13 314.49 23.99 85.54 74.92 53.87 155.97 43.00 8.02 71.45 424.82 507.98 5.56 170.97 169.49 247.10 237.93 295.20 14.90 444.60 249.22 11.22 1.72 56.30 230.17 24.09 169.38 134.17 37.64 Jan 35.73 216.76 230.48 102.67 257.05 181.86 87.09 166.53 80.36 255.38 287.84 29.25 34.24 863.35 231.57 250.52 254.16 182.30 218.10 91.40 229.98 228.96 450.26 148.32 10.80 71.02 20.15 245.50 191.63 89.65 102.94 420. Feb 167.73 73.02 305.13 122.32 216.14 102.12 189.46 102.81 85.08 157.61 219.55 559.94 68.14 446.71 136.60 428.39 365.34 132.05 697.37 62.51 219.99 325.35 192.82 453.15 29.96 102.68 182.74 155.51 214.72 40.19 63.94 280.64 Mar 235.89 128.25 108.62 95.29 0.03 74.79 211.62 84.80 253.80 146.27 66.36 391.01 53.57 129.41 113.36 240.39 132.08 52.18 388.53 51.07 134.55 247.55 104.58 208.06 341.45 142.35 168.12 169.27 127.68 182.51 45.02 74.55 Apr 96.71 63.89 14.82 40.98 819.13 36.07 80.28 37.07 136.22 73.48 26.75 93.17 21.26 88.36 51.49 71.72 19.31 54.64 65.22 25.66 105.61 108.31 555.46 29.98 176.19 62.57 61.38 93.53 85.76 99.86 29.22 37.22 May 20.83 11.42 3.07 10.19 82.22 9.39 10.58 8.77 19.55 13.20 7.76 34.03 4.39 43.76 19.23 110.13 3.06 26.51 23.01 206.35 43.80 26.27 287.05 5.74 18.00 7.14 13.78 21.54 33.35 29.79 9.50 14.32 Jun 8.27 13.47 0.93 3.07 24.52 12.40 1.85 1.97 22.17 5.34 1.23 22.15 1.14 18.97 14.68 68.44 0.95 17.29 11.37 158.83 10.68 12.67 49.65 16.11 4.59 1.39 16.93 6.58 9.10 12.87 3.99 6.11 Jul 2.58 7.27 2.19 1.11 11.73 7.45 3.28 0.56 31.10 2.08 3.67 9.05 5.26 15.33 6.76 12.42 0.68 25.36 12.56 39.51 2.71 5.41 80.00 11.19 1.26 0.55 10.92 1.61 2.50 4.49 1.39 11.55 Aug 0.83 17.37 1.16 0.87 3.30 2.70 5.04 0.97 15.42 2.11 1.01 2.38 2.53 24.12 2.82 2.11 0.74 17.31 8.97 8.89 0.91 4.03 418.99 4.35 0.57 0.36 3.96 0.63 1.37 5.93 32.89 6.66 Sep 18.09 13.61 0.30 6.52 19.23 40.63 3.32 4.18 79.77 5.14 0.49 1.82 0.86 10.28 1.24 1.77 0.76 6.69 9.74 10.04 1.32 8.13 194.17 54.83 0.25 0.36 2.80 0.68 1.29 2.33 29.22 1.58 Average monthly flows (in m³/s) Simulated data for present conditions 50 40 Median 95%ile 10%ile 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/12 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems b. Present status of abiotic components Because the Reserve and RQO for water quality and water quantity need to be specified on a monthly basis (Step 6), an attempt should be made to document present status information on similar time scales, particularly for the abiotic components. However, if only the minimum data sets, as listed in Tables E.2.1 – E.2.3, will be available for an intermediate determination of RDM, it may not be possible to describe the present status in such detail. It will be more appropriate to provide the required information for typical periods, e.g. low flow season (January – March), rather than for individual months. For each month (or selected period) provide the following information, including the confidence in the assessment (refer to Appendix E5, Table E5.1 for presentation format): Typical flow pattern (derived from 50-70 year simulation data set), expressed in terms on the 10%ile, median and 95%ile. Describe the state of the mouth Describe flood inundation patterns Describe the amplitude of tidal variation (indicative of the exposure of intertidal habitats during low tide) Describe the salinity characteristics of the nearshore seawater* and river water**, as well as the distribution patterns in the estuary. Describe the characteristics of other system variables (e.g.temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and SS/turbidity), nutrients (e.g. nitrate, nitrite, total ammonia, reactive phosphate, reactive silicate) and toxic substances (e.g trace metals and hydrocarbons) of the nearshore seawater* and river water**, as well as the distribution patterns in the estuary. (*) Obtained from the South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters. Volume 1: Natural Environment (DWAF, 1995) or available data sets (**) Obtain these from present conditions specified for ‘river section’ just upstream of estuary c. Describe how human interference is presently affecting abiotic components. Indicate extent of impacts caused. These may include: Structures/activities affecting river inflow volumes (e.g. dams, irrigation abstraction): Structures affecting water movement patterns in the estuary (e.g. marinas, bridges, mouth stabilisation): Point source/diffuse sources of contamination affecting the river water quality (extract from information on the present status of the ‘river section’ just upstream of the estuary) Point source/diffuse sources of contamination along the estuary’s banks affecting the water quality in the estuary Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/13 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Biotic Components – present status assessment3 a: Describe the present state for each biotic component. This should attempt to provide assessments for the following as far as possible on the available data and based on a ‘considered opinion’ and ‘best estimate’ approach: Biomass distribution Species diversity, richness and rarity (e.g. provide details on endemic and Red Data species) Seasonal and inter-annual variability, as well as flood situations and drought conditions Assessment of the relationship to other nearby estuarine and marine systems Local/regional/national importance of the estuary in terms of the biotic component. A locality map, showing the spatial distribution of key species and/or habitat types should accompany the description, where applicable. If only the minimum data sets (i.e. as listed in Tables E.2.1 – E.2.3) are available for the Intermediate determination of RDM of a particular estuary, much of the above information will not be available or can only be provided with low confidence. These gaps need to be identified in the description of the present status, to ensure that is addressed in future data acquisition exercises, e.g. for the Comprehensive Determination of RDM (Section F). b: Provide a general overview on the influence of the following abiotic (or driving) components, as well as other biotic processes on a particular biotic component (i.e. identifying key links and also indicate critical periods of the year). Provide the confidence assessment (refer to Appendix E5, Table E5.2 for presentation format). : State of the mouth, including frequency and duration of closure; Flood plain inundation Exposure of intertidal area during low tide Sediment characteristics (including sedimentation) Salinity distribution patterns Other water quality constituents(be as specific as possible) Other biotic components c: Describe the human interferences that have had direct impact on the biotic functioning and Indicate to what extent these have caused irreversible impact on the biota. These may include: Structures (e.g. bridges, marinas) Human exploitation of resources (e.g. bait collection) Flood plain and catchment development 3 Editor’s note: Review layout and headings in Section E for version 1.1 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/14 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.3 Estimate reference conditions (Step 3b) The reference condition, together with the description of the present state are considered to be the most important steps in the RDM determination process, for it is during these two steps that specialist scientists describe and document their understanding on the characteristics and functioning of the estuary, backed by appropriate field measurements and scientific expertise. This forms the basis for: allocation of the Ecological Management Class (Step 5) determination of the ecological reserve for water quantity and water quality (Step 6) For the purposes of the determination of RDM, the reference condition of an estuary refers to the ecological status that it would have had: when receiving 100% of the natural MAR before any human development in the catchment or within the estuary before any mouth manipulation practices (e.g. artificial breaching) Typically the reference conditions in an estuary thus refer to its ecological status 50 to 100 years ago. Although the generic definition of the reference condition states that this condition should refer to the natural unimpacted ecological state of the estuary, it is important to realize that in some estuaries changes have occurred that may be irreversible. If there is no practical way of restoring the original ecological characteristics of a particular water resource, then there may be justification for resetting the reference condition to more accurately reflect the new ecological characteristics of the resource ( See Integrated Manual). The following sections provide protocols on the presentation of results on the reference condition for the abiotic and biotic components, respectively. All assumptions and interpretations of data and results must be fully documented in appendices to the project report. The description of the reference condition, in terms of the different abiotic and biotic components, can vary from a detailed quantitative characterisation based on measured data to merely a narrative statement based on expert opinion. For this reason, confidence limits must be documented along any different statements on the reference conditions. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/15 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Abiotic (or driving) components – reference conditions Results related to abiotic components must be presented in a format that would be useful and appropriate for estuarine biologists to derive expected biological responses. The format in which information on the reference conditions of abiotic components should be presented is as follows: a. Year 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 ……. ……. Obtain monthly simulated run-off data for the reference condition (flows in m3/s) for 50-70 year period. Plot the simulated results, together with the monthly median values. Oct 141.00 17.86 137.67 0.20 21.32 33.04 92.96 32.85 13.40 84.16 7.18 1.95 2.35 1.09 13.61 1.06 6.97 6.48 67.10 17.99 8.82 2.70 19.53 415.95 65.27 1.13 16.38 11.16 9.17 11.35 4.16 33.97 Nov 87.44 731.06 267.92 7.07 212.86 42.51 89.15 25.01 12.09 178.57 8.00 4.54 29.17 253.43 150.39 1.93 307.05 7.84 55.52 290.62 53.73 6.37 322.13 458.26 39.51 0.99 94.57 214.33 15.42 73.59 11.34 16.68 Dec 52.61 658.65 237.03 20.13 314.49 23.99 85.54 74.92 53.87 155.97 43.00 8.02 71.45 424.82 507.98 5.56 170.97 169.49 247.10 237.93 295.20 14.90 444.60 249.22 11.22 1.72 56.30 230.17 24.09 169.38 134.17 37.64 Jan 35.73 216.76 230.48 102.67 257.05 181.86 87.09 166.53 80.36 255.38 287.84 29.25 34.24 863.35 231.57 250.52 254.16 182.30 218.10 91.40 229.98 228.96 450.26 148.32 10.80 71.02 20.15 245.50 191.63 89.65 102.94 420. Feb 167.73 73.02 305.13 122.32 216.14 102.12 189.46 102.81 85.08 157.61 219.55 559.94 68.14 446.71 136.60 428.39 365.34 132.05 697.37 62.51 219.99 325.35 192.82 453.15 29.96 102.68 182.74 155.51 214.72 40.19 63.94 280.64 Mar 235.89 128.25 108.62 95.29 0.03 74.79 211.62 84.80 253.80 146.27 66.36 391.01 53.57 129.41 113.36 240.39 132.08 52.18 388.53 51.07 134.55 247.55 104.58 208.06 341.45 142.35 168.12 169.27 127.68 182.51 45.02 74.55 Apr 96.71 63.89 14.82 40.98 819.13 36.07 80.28 37.07 136.22 73.48 26.75 93.17 21.26 88.36 51.49 71.72 19.31 54.64 65.22 25.66 105.61 108.31 555.46 29.98 176.19 62.57 61.38 93.53 85.76 99.86 29.22 37.22 May 20.83 11.42 3.07 10.19 82.22 9.39 10.58 8.77 19.55 13.20 7.76 34.03 4.39 43.76 19.23 110.13 3.06 26.51 23.01 206.35 43.80 26.27 287.05 5.74 18.00 7.14 13.78 21.54 33.35 29.79 9.50 14.32 Jun 8.27 13.47 0.93 3.07 24.52 12.40 1.85 1.97 22.17 5.34 1.23 22.15 1.14 18.97 14.68 68.44 0.95 17.29 11.37 158.83 10.68 12.67 49.65 16.11 4.59 1.39 16.93 6.58 9.10 12.87 3.99 6.11 Jul 2.58 7.27 2.19 1.11 11.73 7.45 3.28 0.56 31.10 2.08 3.67 9.05 5.26 15.33 6.76 12.42 0.68 25.36 12.56 39.51 2.71 5.41 80.00 11.19 1.26 0.55 10.92 1.61 2.50 4.49 1.39 11.55 Aug 0.83 17.37 1.16 0.87 3.30 2.70 5.04 0.97 15.42 2.11 1.01 2.38 2.53 24.12 2.82 2.11 0.74 17.31 8.97 8.89 0.91 4.03 418.99 4.35 0.57 0.36 3.96 0.63 1.37 5.93 32.89 6.66 Sep 18.09 13.61 0.30 6.52 19.23 40.63 3.32 4.18 79.77 5.14 0.49 1.82 0.86 10.28 1.24 1.77 0.76 6.69 9.74 10.04 1.32 8.13 194.17 54.83 0.25 0.36 2.80 0.68 1.29 2.33 29.22 1.58 Average monthly flows (in m³/s) Simulated data for present conditions 50 40 Median 95%ile 10%ile 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/16 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems b. Use the simulated run-off data for the reference condition, as well as for understanding abiotic processes and their relationship to flows, to estimate the reference condition for the different abiotic parameters (where these have not changed markedly from those described for the present state, note “same as present state”): Because the Reserve and RQO for water quality and water quantity need to be specified on a monthly basis (Step 6), an attempt should be made to present information on reference conditions on similar time scales, particularly for the abiotic components. However, if only the minimum data sets, i.e. as listed in Tables E.2.1 – E.2.3, will be available for an intermediate determination of RDM, it may not be possible to describe the reference conditions in such detail. It will then be more appropriate to provide the required information for typical periods, e.g. low flow season (January – March), rather than for individual months. For each month (or selected period) provide the following information, including the confidence limits of data (refer to Appendix E5, Table E5.1 for presentation format): Typical flow pattern (derived from 50-70 year simulation data set), expressed in terms on the 10%ile, median and 95%ile. Describe the state of the mouth Describe flood inundation patterns Describe the amplitude of tidal variation (indicative of the exposure of intertidal during low tide Describe the salinity characteristics of the nearshore seawater* and river water**, as well as the distribution patterns in the estuary. Describe the characteristics of other system variables (e.g. temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and SS/turbidity), nutrients (e.g. nitrate, nitrite, total ammonia, reactive phosphate, reactive silicate) and toxic substances (e.g. trace metals and hydrocarbons) of the nearshore seawater* and river water**, as well as the distribution patterns in the estuary. Obtained from the South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters. Volume 1: Natural Environment (DWAF, 1995) or available data sets. This document contains a chapter containing background information on constituents in seawater, including a sub-section on natural occurrence, which provides estimates on the reference condition concentrations for most system variables, nutrients and toxic substances along the SA coast. Obtain these from reference conditions specified for ‘river section’ just upstream of estuary. (*) (**) Biotic components- reference conditions a. Review the changes that have occurred in abiotic parameters from the reference to present day conditions. Estimate to what extent these changes would have affected the reference condition for a particular biological component, (changes in related biotic components must also be assessed). Assess these in terms of the following abiotic variables (provide confidence limits of the data): b. State of the mouth Flood plain inundation Exposure of intertidal area during low tide Sediment characteristics (including sedimentation) Salinity distribution patterns Other water quality parameters (be as specific as possible) Other biotic components Estimate the biotic functioning of each component without the human interferences identified under the present state (Section E.3.2), including confidence These may include: Structures (e.g. bridges, marinas) Human exploitation of resources (e.g. bait collection) Flood plain and catchment development Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/17 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems c. Use the information in (a) and (c) above to estimate the reference condition for a particular biotic component, in terms of: Species diversity, richness and rarity Biomass distribution Seasonal variability, taking both of the above into account. A locality map, showing the spatial distribution of different key species and/or habitat types could accompany the description of each biotic component, where applicable. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/18 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.4 Assessment of the present ecological status (Step 4a)4 Present Ecological Status is a measure of the health of a resource, based on a comparison between the reference condition (Section E.3.2) and the present state (Section E.3.3). An Ecological Health Index (EHI) is used to assess the present ecological status for estuaries. On the basis of the EHI, the PES will be assigned a category A to F, as follows (Table E.3.1) Table E.3.1.Recommended guidelines for the classification of PES, or present condition, of an estuary based on an integrity score which indicates present state as a percentage of pristine state. EHI SCORE 91 – 100 76 – 90 61 – 75 41 – 60 21 – 40 0 – 20 PES CATEGORY A B C D E F The development and application of the EHI is described in detail in Appendix E3. The structure of the index, its scoring methods and criteria weightings were refined during two workshop sessions. A brief summary of structure and criteria weightings of the EHI is provided below. Details regarding the scoring systems are in Appendix E3. The Index is constructed as follows (Table E. 3.2) Table E.3.2. Scoring system for the EHI VARIABLE WEIGHT Abiotic (habitat) variables 1 Hydrology 2 Hydrodynamics and mouth condition 3 Water quality 4 Physical habitat 5 Human disturbance 1. Habitat health score = weighted mean 25 20 20 20 15 50 Biotic variables 1 Plants 2 Invertebrates 3 Fish 4 Birds 2. Biological health score = weighted mean 40 20 20 20 50 ESTUARINE HEALTH SCORE = weighted mean of 1 and 2 Hydrology VARIABLE WEIGHT a. % decrease in period of non-low flows (measure of change in low flow period) 60 b. % decrease in mean annual frequency of floods 40 Hydrology health score = 100 – (a + b )/2 80 Editor’s note: Author to clarify terminology. Use of “present state” and “present ecological state” is not appropriate and must be addressed in the Version 1.1 documents. 4 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/19 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Hydrodynamics and mouth condition VARIABLE A WEIGHT Change in mean duration of closure, e.g. over a 5 or 10 year period Water quality VARIABLE 1 WEIGHT Salinity % change in axial salinity gradient and vertical salinity stratification 2 General water quality a Nitrate and phosphate concentrations in estuary b Suspended solids in inflowing freshwater c Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) of inflowing freshwater d Level of toxins 40 General water quality = Min (a to d) Water quality health score = 60 Weighted mean Physical habitat alteration VARIABLE 1 Change in intertidal sediment structure and distribution 1a 1b % change in sand fraction relative to total sand and mud WEIGHT 50 % change in intertidal area expose 50 Mean 50 2 Change in subtidal estuary: bed or channel modification, canalisation 30 3 Migration barriers, bridges, weirs, bulkheads, training walls, jetties, marinas 20 Weighted mean % similarity in physical habitat Human disturbance of habitats and biota a b VARIABLE Degree of human non-consumptive activity on estuary, e.g. walking, water-skiing., and associated damage of habitats (e.g. by trampling, boats). Degree of human consumptive activity (fishing and bait collecting) on estuary, and associated levels of exploitation and damage of habitats (e.g. due to digging by bait collectors) WEIGHT 40 60 Weighted mean Human disturbance score = 100 – weighted mean disturbance Biotic variables VARIABLE MEASUREMENT 1. Species richness Estimated % of original species remaining 2a. Abundance Estimated % of total biomass remaining b. Community composition Estimated % resemblance to original composition. Weighted abundance = b x c% Plant / Invertebrate / Fish / Bird community health score = weighted mean of 1 and 2 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 WEIGHT 25 75 E/20 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.5 Assessment of ecological importance (Step 4b) Ecological importance is an expression of the importance of an estuary to the maintenance of ecological diversity and functioning on local and wider scales. Some of the variables that can be considered as the basis for the estimation of ecological importance of estuaries are listed in Table E.3.5.1 These variables were selected and weighted during two workshops, in order to construct an Ecological Importance Index. The selected variables can each be categorised as measures of rarity, abundance or ecological function. The rationale for selecting these variables, as well as further details on the ecological importance index are discussed in detail in Appendix E4. In the Ecological Importance Index, all scores are presented on a scale of 0 (totally unimportant) to 100 (critically important). Overall Estuary Importance is calculated as follows: Table E.3.5.1 Estimation of ecological importance of estuaries 5 CRITERION Size Zonal Type Rarity Habitat Diversity Biodiversity Importance Functional Importance ESTUARY IMPORTANCE SCORE = WEIGHT 15 10 25 25 25 Weighted Mean The components of the index are used as summarised in Tables E.3.5.2 to E.3.5.4. Details of the way in which indices are converted to importance scores are given in Appendix E4. Notes on Table E.3.5.1 (a) Size: Estuary size is defined as the total area (ha) within the geographical boundaries described in section E.3.1. (b) Rarity of estuary type wrt to geographic position: It is proposed that estuary type and geographical position are taken into account in a Zonal Type Rarity Index, as follows: ZTR = 100 x 1/Ntz, where Ntz is the number of estuaries of type t within the same biogeographical zone z. This index yields scores in the range from 1 to 100, which are then used to allocate importance scores (Table E.3.5.2) Table E.3.5. 2 Number of estuaries of each physical type in each biogeographical zone, and their ZTR scores Estuarine Bay Permanently open River mouth Estuarine lake Temporarily closed Cool Temperate Number Score 0 2 50 1 100 0 10 10 Warm Temperate Number Score 1 100 29 3 7 14 4 25 86 1 Subtropical Number 2 16 4 4 90 Score 50 6 25 25 1 This index can potentially be extended to include the existence of unique physical features which would add to the reason for desiring a high management class. For example, these could be canyons e.g. Msikaba, ravines or gorges, small estuaries that remain permanently open e.g. Lupatana. Then the estuary’s ZTR might change from 1/16 permanently open subtropical to 1/1 permanently open subtropical with feature X. (c) Habitat diversity: An estuary can be considered more important if it has a high diversity of habitat types, or on the basis of representativeness, in terms of the size and rarity of those habitat types that it contains. These parameters are measured by means of a habitat rarity index, as follows: HR = 1000 x ai/Ai 5 Editor’s note: Authors to review table numbering convention for version 1.1 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/21 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems where ai is area of the ith habitat in the estuary and Ai is the total area of that habitat in the country. Four abiotic habitat types (channel area, intertidal sandflats, intertidal mudflats, rock) and six biotic habitat types (supratidal saltmarsh, intertidal saltmarsh, mangroves, submerged macrophytes, swamp forest , and reeds and sedge) are included in the index. (d) Biodiversity importance: Biodiversity importance will be determined on the basis of the importance of an estuary for each of the four biotic groups. A species rarity score is used as a measure of biodiversity importance for each group, as it incorporates measures of diversity, rarity/endemism and, where data are available, abundance. The rarity score is a simple addition of a score for each species present in viable quantity in the system: R = 100 x ri, where ri is the rarity score of the ith species. The rarity score for each species can be calculated differs depending on the level of data available. With abundance data: ri = qi/Qi, where qi = number or area in estuary and Qi = total number or area in whole country (not in biog zone – this will confer undue importance to spp which only just occur in that zone). With species presence-absence data only: ri = 1/Ni. where Ni = the number of estuaries in which the species occurs in viable populations in SA. Index values are converted to importance scores using taxon-specific guidelines. Table E.3.5.3: Proposed calculation of the biodiversity importance score TAXONOMIC GROUP Plant importance score Invertebrate importance score Fish importance score Bird importance score Mean score Max score Biodiversity Importance Score WEIGHT 25 25 25 25 50 50 Biogeographical considerations are taken into account as a modifying determinant. (e) Functional importance: Estuaries provide several ecological services to their surrounding environments, particularly the marine environment. These have been identified as follows: Table E.3.5.4: Calculation of the functional importance of etuaries on the basis of services provided to the surrounding environment. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION a. Input of detritus and nutrients to the coastal zone b. Nursery function for marine-living fish and crustaceans c. Movement corridor for river invertebrates that breed in the marine environment (e.g. river crab Varuna littoralis) d. Stop-over function for migratory birds e. Roosting area for marine or coastal birds Overall functional importance score = Max (a to e) Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/22 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.6 Determination of ecological management class (Step 5)6 The Ecological Management Class (EMC) represents the level of protection assigned to the estuary and will be used in determining the ecological Reserve. An EMC of lower than class D is not a valid management option. Should the present status be either an E or F, recommendations must be made as to how the status can be lifted at least to a D class (Table E.3.6.1). Table E.3.6.1. Proposed relationships between Ecological Management Classes based on an present ecological status for a comprehensive Reserve determination PRESENT ECOLOGICAL STATUS A B C D E F RECOMMENDED ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT CLASS A B or A C or higher C/D or higher D or higher D or higher The Ecological Management Class is used as a proxy for the overall Management Class (MC) in an intermediate RDM determination. In a comprehensive RDM determination, the MC will be set in a consultative process on the basis of EMC and other socio-economic parameters. The level to which Ecological Management Class is elevated relative to current status will be motivated on the basis of its present health status (PES), the importance of the system and modifying determinants. Thus: Health (PES) + Importance + Modifying determinants Future status (EMC) The ecological management class will be allocated on the basis of the ecological importance score (Section E 3.5), using the ecological health index (Section E.3.4) as a starting point. The rules for allocation need to be calibrated. That is, it depends on the desired relative frequency of A class, vs B class, etc, estuaries in the country. Thus we would have to look at a preliminary distribution of scores, in order to set the EMC allocation rules which would result in the desired distribution of management classes. The EMC’s refer to the same classes of health status as outlined in Table E.3.1. The degree to which EMC is set higher than present ecological status category depends on level of importance, level of protection or desired protection, and the best attainable state. The rules for allocation of the EMC are given in Table E.3.6.2. Modifying determinants are protected area status and desired protected area status. A status of “area requiring high protection” should be assigned to estuaries that are identified as vital for the full and most efficient representation of estuarine biodiversity. This will be determined on the basis of complementarity and gap analysis (see Appendix E4). Guidelines for allocation of EMC are given in Table E.3.6.2. 6 Editor’s note: This section E.3.6 must be reviewed for clarity. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/23 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Table E.3.6.2 Guidelines for allocation of EMC on the basis of ecological importance MODIFYING DETERMINANTS AND ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE SCORE Protected Area Area requiring high protection Estuarine Importance = 80 – 1008 Estuarine Importance = 60 – 80 Estuarine Importance = 40 – 60 Estuarine Importance = 20 – 40 Estuarine Importance = 0 – 20 RECOMMENDED EMC BAS (Best attainable state)7 BAS EHC + 2, minimum Class B, or BAS EHC + 1, minimum Class C, or BAS - 1 EHC, minimum Class D EHC, mininum Class D EHC, minimum Class D Editor’s note: EHC and BAS are note adequately explained, nor is their application clearly explained. Relevant author to clarify in version 1.1 7 8 Editor’s note: Authors to clarify use of the terms “estuarine importance” and “ecological importance” in version 1.1 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/24 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems E.3.7 Quantification of the Reserve and resource quality objectives (Step 6) Important considerations for estuaries In estuaries, river inflow patterns (i.e. water quantity) show strong correlation with important hydrodynamic and sediment characteristics, such as state of the mouth, amplitude of tidal variation, water circulation patterns and sediment deposition/erosion. However, the relationships between these characteristics and river inflow are generally complicated to interpret, owing to the influence of the sea, i.e. state of the tide and associated seawater intrusion. The manner in which these characteristics are influenced by river flows is often not the result of a single flow event, but rather that of characteristic flow patterns occurring over weeks or months. Marked differences exist between the chemistry (or water quality) of river water and seawater, particularly in terms of system variables (e.g. salinity, temperatures, oxygen levels, pH and suspended solids) and nutrients (e.g. nitrate, ammonium, phosphate). As a result, river inflow patterns (i.e. water quantity) also have a strong influence on water quality characteristics of estuaries. The water quality characteristics along the length of the estuary, at any point in time, are dependent on the extent of marine or freshwater influence at that point. This, in turn, is primarily determined by the quantity of river water entering the estuary during that period, and also by the state of the tide. Longitudinal salinity distribution profiles are typically used as primary indicators of water quality. The distribution patterns of other water quality constituents within the estuary can then be derived, provided that the chemical composition of the marine and freshwater are known, as well as an understanding of biochemical processes which may take place within the estuary. In estuaries there is a much larger buffer or delay-effect between river inflow patterns and their effect on abiotic parameters than in rivers. This, in addition to the complex relationship between river inflow patterns and processes in estuaries, requires a much more holistic and processed-orientated approach for setting the reserve and RQO for estuaries. The following sections provide protocols on the presentation of results on the assessment of future runoff scenarios and quantification of the Reserve and RQO. All assumptions and interpretations of data and results must be fully documented in appendices to the study report when a RDM determination is carried out. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/25 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Water quantity component of the Reserve To derive the water quantity component of the Reserve, realistic future river run-off scenarios, together with data for present status and reference conditions, are used to estimate the extent to which the occurrence and duration of typical abiotic states within an estuary are likely to change with changes in river run-off. In turn, changes in abiotic characteristics are then evaluated in terms of their biological significance. Results from these evaluations are then used to select an acceptable scenario, defined as the future run-off scenario, or a slight modification thereof, that represents the highest reduction in river inflow that will still protect the aquatic ecosystem of the estuary and to keep it in the desired EMC. Procedures in this regard to be followed are: a. Decide on realistic future run-off scenarios for the catchment of a particular estuary (i.e. possible hydrological regimes), taking into account aspects such as planned dam development, future agricultural abstractions, etc. Where future water resource developments are planned for a particular catchment, these should be used to compile run-off scenarios. In the absence of future water resource development scenarios, a series of hypothetical, but realistic run-off scenarios (e.g. 75%, 50% and 25% of natural MAR) should be simulated, as a starting point. The confidence in the accuracy of these simulations must be provided since they form the basis of the quantification of the Reserve. These simulations should be carried out as a collaborative effort amongst the DWAF planning directorate, a hydrologist (with experience in generation of such scenarioss) and an estuarine hydrodynamic specialist (to stipulate specific output requirements). b. Tabulate and plot the monthly simulated run-off data for each future scenario, as for the present status and reference conditions. c. Derive typical abiotic states for the estuary. Because river inflow into an estuary, generally shows strong correlation with certain abiotic parameters, such as state of the mouth and longitudinal salinity distribution patterns, it is usually possible, for a particular estuary, to link or correlate river inflow ranges to typical ‘abiotic states’. Based on the above assumption, derive typical ‘abiotic states’ for a particular estuary linking it to typical river inflow patterns (use the data gathered on the present status and reference conditions to derive these). For each of the ‘abiotic states’, provide a brief summary as follows (give confidence limits of the information): d. River inflow range State of the mouth under that state Flood plain inundation patterns Amplitude of tidal variation typical of that state Salinity distribution patterns typical of that state Other water quality characteristics typical of that state. Predict effect of different future runoff scenarios on the occurrence and variability of ‘abiotic states’, using monthly median flows and flow ranges estimated for the different states (this provides a simplified means of depicting changes in the seasonal variability of abiotic parameters for future runoff scenarios, relative to reference conditions and present status), for example see Figure E2. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/26 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Natural conditions: 20 State 2 (50 % possibility) State 4, periodically State 5 State 3 State 3 15 10 5 0 1 Jan 2 Feb 3 Mar 4 Apr 5 May 6 Jun 7 Jul 8 Aug 9 Sept 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec 13 Jan Present status: 20 State 2 State 4, periodically State 5 State 3 State 1 may occur for short periods 15 State 2 State 3 10 River flow (m³/s) 5 0 1 Jan 2 Feb 3 Mar 4 Apr 5 May 6 Jun 7 Jul 8 Aug 9 Sept 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec 13 Jan Future runoff scenario 1: 20 State 2 State 4, periodically State 5 State 3 State 1 occurring for short periods 15 State 3 State 2 10 5 0 1 Jan 2 Feb 3 Mar 4 Apr 5 May 6 Jun 7 Jul 8 Aug 9 Sept 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec 13 Jan Future runoff scenario 2: 20 State 2 (50 % possibility) State 2 (50 % possibility) State 3 15 10 5 0 1 Jan 2 Feb 3 Mar 4 Apr 5 May 6 Jun 7 Jul 8 Aug 9 Sept 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec 13 Jan Months Figure E2: Occurrence of different abiotic states related to different river flows. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/27 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems e. Predict the effect of each of the future scenarios on the biotic components, based on the changes in occurrence and variability of ‘abiotic states’. Provide the confidence limits of these predictions. f. Use Ecological Health Index to assess the implication of each scenario on the overall ecological status of the estuary (Appendix E3), using the predicted changes in abiotic and biotic components as described in (a) to (d) above. g. Summarize the EHI results in a table (see below). To be able to derive the acceptable scenario, the overall ecological significance of the different scenarios needs to be evaluated. To provide an overview for the evaluation process, the following summary table need to be produced: VARIABLE % SIMILARITY TO REFERENCE Present Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario n Abiotic (habitat) variables 1 Hydrology 2 Hydrodynamics and mouth condition 3 Water quality 4 Physical habitat 5 Human disturbance Habitat health score Biotic variables 1 Plants 2 Invertebrates 3 Fish 4 Birds Biological health score ECOLOGICAL HEALTH SCORE Corresponding EMC h. Select the acceptable scenario, defined as the future runoff scenario, or a slight modification thereof, that represents the highest reduction in river inflow that will still maintain the aquatic ecosystem in the desired EMC. This evaluation must be done by a group of experts, e.g. at a workshop. Translate the acceptable scenario into the format required for the water quantity component of the Reserve, i.e.: Jan Feb March April May June July Normal seasonal flows (m3/s): 95%ile …. Median …. 10%ile …. Droughts: Minimum flows (m3/s) …. Floods (is assumed that the Reserve specified for water quantity as part of the Intermediate Determination of RDM, will NOT be used to allocate licenses that will affect the magnitudes of the 1:5 year floods and above. Requirements for floods are therefore not specified are therefore not specified as part of the Reserve Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/28 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems Quantification of the water quality component of the Reserve Superimposed on the influences that river water quantity (i.e. inflow patterns) has on water quality characteristics of estuaries, there are potential influences from anthropogenic waste inputs through waste inputs into river water entering the estuary waste inputs into seawater entering the estuary waste inputs directly into the estuary. The aim of setting the water quality component of the Reserve is to set concentration limits for water quality constituents so as to ensure that the aquatic ecosystem is protected. For rivers these are set in terms of monthly limits, which can be monitored at a single point within the resource unit. However, in estuarine systems where water quality along the length of the estuary may change continuously, owing to diurnal tidal variations, it is not sensible for management purposes to set the requirements for the water quality component of the Reserve as monthly limits to be measured at points within the estuary itself. For estuaries it is therefore proposed that the water quality components of the reserve for estuaries be defined as limits on the concentration and/or loads of water quality constituents which may enter the estuary from the river, from the sea or from outfalls directly into the estuary. Of the above, the only source of inflows over which the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, appears to have sole administrative control over water quality matters, is the river. For discharges into the sea and estuary, several other statutes may also apply, including those administered by Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism and Provincial authorities. In terms of the National Water Act 36 of 1998, it is considered appropriate, for management purposes to set the water quality component of the Reserve for the estuary as that pertaining to the quality of the river inflow to the estuary (Table E3.7.1) Table E3.7.1 Other statutes relevant to management and protection of water quality, particularly at sea and in estuaries(CSIR, 1991) STATUTES Dumping at sea control Act (73 of 1980) Environmental conservation Act (73 of 1989 National environmental management Act (107 of 1998) Prevention and combating of pollution of the sea by oil Act (6 of 1981) International convention for prevention of pollution from Ships Act (2 of 1986) International convention relating to intervention on the high seas in cases of oil pollution Act (64 of 1987) Cape and Kwazulu Natal Conservation Ordinances Harbour Regulations ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY Department of Environment Affairs and tourism (DEAT) Department of Transport Provincial Nature Conservation agencies Portnet To ensure that the reserve and RQO for the estuary link with those specified for resource units in the river further upstream, the following approach needs to be followed: a. Obtain the water quality component of the Reserve specified for the riverine resource unit just upstream of the estuary (this would specify the water quality at the end of that resource unit, and would therefore be representative of the river water entering the estuary). b. Compare water quality concentrations and/or loads with those of the present state and reference conditions. Evaluate the effect which any changes in river water quality may have on the water quality in the estuary. Describe these in terms of the different water quality components, i.e: c. System variables Nutrients Toxic substances Predict the implications of these changes on the biotic component, i.e. flora and fauna. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/29 Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources: Estuarine Ecosystems d. Use Ecological Health Index to assess the implication of the above on the overall ecological status of the estuary (Appendix E3). Assume that unaffected variables listed in the EHI will have the same score as for the present ecological state. e. If the EHI score indicates that the estuary will remain in the desired EMC, accept the Reserve of the riverine resource as that for the estuary. E.3.8 Design of Resource Monitoring Programs The purpose of monitoring programs, in the context of the determination of RDM, would be as follows: to improve the confidence in the determination of the RDM particularly where rapid or intermediate determinations of RDM were carried out; to verify predictions made during the determination of RDM, i.e. likely changes in abitoic and biotic components associated with changes in the quality and quantity of river inflow. to audit whether the reserve and RQO are being adhered to once licenses are allocated and, where necessary, to adapt the Reserve and ROQ. The extent of monitoring programmes that would be required, as the final step in an Intermediate Determination of RDM, will be site specific and will largely depend on factors such as: the amount of data that could be acquired for the RDM determination on a particular estuary, largely affected by time/budget constraints; existing data and information which had already been available for a particular estuary and the suitability thereof; complexity of estuarine processes which had not been foreseen at the onset of the RDM determination, mainly identified by low confidence levels; type of longer-term water demands anticipated in the particular catchment (e.g. if dam developments are considered in the future, then data requirements for a comprehensive determination of RDM will have to be considered, particularly those that need to be acquired over 5-15 year periods). Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa Version 1.0: 24 September 1999 E/30