Thesis Statement:
‘Is It Over When Treatment Is Over?’
1. My thesis project will address the needs of post Breast Cancer Patients that have been both psychologically and physically affected by Cancer. Although there are a number of resources available in the health care environment, many patients do not utilize these resources or aren’t aware of them during or even post treatment. Many post Breast
Cancer patients often feel neglected after treatment is complete, however it seems as though physical and psychological ailments persist long after treatment. My goal is to study the emotional and physical impacts of Breast Cancer on post treatment patients. I will study both medical and holistic techniques that aid in enhancing a person’s well being through the managing of stress.
The effects of Breast Cancer vary from patient to patient; my goal will be to address the needs of patients in varying health and mental states through a number of amenities available at the Resort and Conference Center.
Supporting Concepts:
A. Breast Cancer Background Information
1. Statistics
2. Treatment Options
B. Okay so you’re finished with treatment, is it really over?
1. Describe the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ aspect of Breast Cancer Patients.
2. Personal Stories, insight, interviews, etc.
(Interviews, National Breast Cancer Foundation Website)
C. Life Post Breast Cancer
1. Physical Ailments that Persist Post Breast Cancer
2. The Management of Pain a. Physical Therapy, other options
3. Psychological Ailments Post Breast Cancer (Understanding the psychological pain) a. Body Image and Psychosocial Adjustment in Cancer Survivors
1. Physical Effects of Cancer (Loss of Femininity, self confidence)
(Look Good Feel Better Program)
2. Depression
Difficulty of Diagnosing Depression
(6. Diagnoses and Treatment of Depression in Cancer
3. Loneliness, Lack of Support a. Psychosocial Interventions b. Cause of Stress
1. Fatigue, etc.
2. Loneliness, Lack of Support (Combine with section 3)
5. The Management of Stress a. Mind/ Body Medicines a. Meditation, biofeedback, yoga, creative outlets, etc b. Biologically Based Practices: Herbs, vitamins
c. Manipulative and Body Based Practices: Massage, reflexology, chiropractic care d. Energy Medicine: Tai Chi, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch b. Views on Holistic Treatment/ Complimentary/ Alternative Therapies
Reiki Healing, Acupressure, Acupuncture
(4. Complimentary/ Alternative Therapies in Nursing)
(5. Mind/Body Health)
(7. ‘Reiki Energy Medicine’) b. Stress Resilience: Healing Factors such as self esteem, humor, etc.
(5. Mind/Body Health)
(Look Good, Feel Better Program) c. Maintaining the sense of Control d. How Stress Management Improves the Quality of Life post Cancer
(9. ‘How Stress Management Improves the Quality of Life post Cancer’) e. Long term effects on the quality of life a. Post Treatment affects on long term physical side effects b. Post Treatment affects on relationships, economic status, etc. c. Post Treatment Support Groups
D. Resources available (or not available)
1. Resources Available to Current Breast Cancer Patients a. Options (Refer to ‘Gilette Center for Breast Cancer’ Pamphlet.) b. Prove that Patients do not want to spend more time in the hospital environment
2. Resources Available to Post Breast Cancer Patients a. Do patients feel neglected? b. Patients don’t want to return as they associate the hospital with their disease/ experience over the last year.
3. What can be done to accomplish a sense of empowerment, togetherness, social support, etc. for Post Breast Cancer patients? a. Objectives b. My facility: Purpose, Amenities, Who the resort is geared towards.
Both physical and psychological ailments persist long after treatment is over and patients are expected to return to their daily lives. Although resources are available to post
Cancer patients, the options are few and far between. Unless a patient specifically seeks out a social workers, or a counselor of some kind, attention they most likely become neglected. The emotional and physical impacts on the lives of Breast Cancer patients are immense as it not only affects their health, employment, economic status, relationships as well as other aspects of their daily lives. A post Breast Cancer patient has the opportunity to enhance their well being through stress techniques provided not only in the health care environments but techniques offered at other establishments as well.
Every patient’s psychological and physical problems vary; the Post Breast Cancer resort and conference center will address the needs of all.