Review Date: May 2011 Review Officer: D Lewis Work Related Learning Policy Rationale: Definition Work-related learning is defined as: planned activity that uses the context of work to develop knowledge, skills and understanding useful in work, including learning through the experience of work, learning about work and working practices, and learning the skills for work. Work-related learning is education For work, About work, Through work. Rationale Within a broad and balanced education, all young people need work-related learning. It is an essential part of fully preparing for an adult life in which they can contribute to the country’s economic well being. Work-related learning develops student’s employability and helps to prepare them for life in the increasingly complex and changing world of work. It improves motivation by helping students see how their school work relates to the world of work. It also prepares students for further education and training, assisting them to make informed decisions about careers and courses. Work-related learning is as important for students who are going on to higher education as it is for students who are going straight on to the world of work. The QCA framework (DCSF, 2001) splits Work-related learning into 9 elements of provision for learners. Learners should: 1) Recognise, develop and apply their skills for enterprise and employability. 2) Relate their own abilities, attributes and achievements to career intentions, and make informed choices based on an understanding of available options. 3) Develop awareness of the extent and diversity of opportunities in learning and work. 4) Use their experiences of work to extend their understanding of careers and work. 5) Learn from contact with people who work. 6) Learn about how and why businesses operate. 7) Learn about working practices and environments. 8) Undertake tasks and activities set in work contexts. 9) Engage with ideas, challenges and applications from the business world. Aims: Our aims at Dormston are to provide pupils with an excellent all-round education developing the whole person, which will serve as a basis for a successful and fulfilled future as students, employees and employers. Aims: focus on achievement as integral part of the school. ensure that work-related learning has a high profile throughout the curriculum. encourage all curriculum areas to make links to the world of work. promote the value of vocational qualifications. provide all key stage 4 pupils with a period of work experience. carry out tasks and activities in work contexts across the curriculum. see how pupil’s own abilities and attributes relate to possible careers (and help pupils to make informed choices about careers based on understanding of the alternatives). Procedures: Management Deborah Lewis is responsible for co-ordinating the whole-school work related learning programme and is responsible to Simon Carroll, deputy head. Appendix 1 and 2 shows the current provision of WRL in School against the QCA framework objectives. In KS3 and 4, tutors teach the entitlement programme in Life Skills lessons, through recording, review and planning activities and special events. Depending on the course, some subject staff teach aspects of their courses through work related contexts where appropriate. Administrative support is available for work experience in year 10. Curriculum The work-related learning programme includes lessons, work experience and special events for KS3 and KS4 pupils. Preparation and learning for work experience takes place in careers lessons and other appropriate parts of the curriculum. At KS4 a range of GCSE courses in vocational and academic subjects are available in addition to the statutory core curriculum. Some students may follow a work-related course linked to a local FE college. At KS3, Curriculum Collaboration Days are centred around transferable skills and include information about linked Careers. Partnerships An annual partnership is negotiated between the school and Connexions, identifying the contributions each will make to work-related learning. The School Careers Advisor is Iain Cole. A partnership has begun with the local Education and Business Link Organisation (EBLO) and local employers. Resources Funding for running costs is allocated in the annual budget. Sources of external funding are actively sought. Evaluation: The effectiveness of the Work Experience Programme is evaluated annually. Appendices Links with other policies This policy is underpinned by the school’s policies for teaching and learning, assessment, recording and reporting achievement, careers education and guidance, equal opportunities, health and safety, and special needs. Appendix 1: Provision of WRL against QCA framework objectives QCA Framework Objective Recognise, develop and apply their skills for enterprise and employability. Relate their own abilities, attributes and achievements to career intentions, and make informed choices based on an understanding of available options. Develop awareness of the extent and What do we do? Vocational courses and modules within curriculum areas (KS4) Sedge city project (KS3) Dragon’s den activity (KS4) Mock Interviews and interview prep (KS4) Work experience application and appraisals (KS3/4) Real game (KS3) Fast tomato (KS3) Careers interviews (Connexions) Options Evening/assemblies Options module (Life Skills y9) Y8-11 PSHE SoW Real game (KS3) Fast tomato/options SoW (KS3) diversity of opportunities in learning and work. Work Experience process (KS3) Use their experiences of work to extend their understanding of careers and work. Work Experience preparation process (KS4) Work Experience reflection process (KS4) Learn from contact with people who work. Work Experience (KS4) Learn about how and why businesses operate. Dragon’s Den activity (KS4) Learn about working practices and environments. Work Experience prep/reflection sessions (KS4) Work experience week (KS4) Undertake tasks and activities set in work contexts. Real Game (KS3) Dragons Den (KS4) Engage with ideas, challenges and applications from the business world. Real game (KS3) Dragons Den (KS4) Mapped October 2009 Appendix 2: Curriculum provision of WRL Elements of WRL 1. Recognise, develop and apply their skills for enterprise and employability Subjects which address the elements at KS3/4 Science KS3 and 4 Drama KS4 Textiles KS4 MFL KS4 RE KS3 History KS3 Dance KS4 English KS4 Media Studies KS4 Citizenship KS4 Business Studies KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 Graphics KS4 2. Use their experience of work, including work experience and part-time jobs, to extend their understanding of work 3. Learn about the way business operates, working roles and conditions, and rights and responsibilities in the work place 4. Develop awareness of the extent and diversity of local and national employment opportunities Art KS4 ICT KS4 Core PE KS4 GCSE PE KS4 Maths KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Music KS4 Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 Club 2000 KS4 Science KS4 Textiles KS4 MFL KS4 Citizenship KS4 Business Studies KS4 English KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 ICT KS4 Graphics KS4 GCSE PE KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Music KS4 Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 Work Experience KS4 Connexions and Review and Guidance interviews KS4 Science KS3 and 4 Textiles KS4 MFL KS3 History KS3 Dance KS4 English KS4 Media Studies KS4 Citizenship KS4 Business Studies KS4 Food KS4 ICT KS4 Geography KS3 Psychology KS4 GCSE PE KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 MFL KS3 Dance KS4 Citizenship KS4 Textiles KS4 English KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 Geography KS3 Health and Social Care KS4 5. Relate their own abilities, attributes and achievements to career intentions and make informed choices based on an understanding of the alternatives 6. Undertake tasks and activities set in work contexts 7. Learn from contact with personnel from different employment sectors 8. Learn from experience (direct or indirect) of working practices and environments Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 Textiles KS4 Business Studies KS4 Art KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Music KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 Connexions interviews KS4 Science KS3 and 4 Textiles KS4 MFL KS4 Dance KS3 and 4 Drama KS4 Media Studies KS4 Citizenship KS4 English KS4 Business Studies KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 Graphics KS4 Food KS4 Art KS3 ICT KS4 Geography KS3 and 4 Health and Social Care KS4 Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 Science KS3 Textiles KS4 MFL KS3 RE KS4 Dance KS3 and 4 Media Studies KS4 Citizenship KS4 Business Studies KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS4 Science KS3 Textiles KS4 MFL KS4 History KS3 Dance KS3 and 4 Drama KS4 Citizenship KS4 Business Studies KS4 Food KS4 ICT KS4 Core PE KS4 9. Engage with ideas, challenges and applications from the business world Mapped: February 2007 Signatures: Headteacher Chair of Governors Date of approval by Governors GCSE PE KS4 Health and Social Care KS4 Music KS4 Child Development KS4 Careers Programmes/Life Skills KS3 and 4 Textiles KS4 Resistant Materials KS4 Art KS4 Health and Social Care KS4