Communication library v1.2 After unzipping you should have the

Communication library v1.2
After unzipping you should have the following:
com.doc ............
com.h ..............
com_m.lib ..........
terminal.exe .......
terminal.c .........
This file
include file
library for medium memory model
sample terminal program
source code for the sample program
This is a 8250 UART communications library for com port 1 thru 4.
The input buffer for each port is about 1k. As far as I can tell from
you should be able to use com ports 1 and 2 at the same time and com port
and 4 at the same time. You can not use ports 1 and 3 together or ports 2
4 together because they share the same IRQ's (1 and 3 use IRQ 11 and 2
and 4
use IRQ 12). This holds true for most systems but not all. These
were compiled under Turbo C.
I must give credit where credit is due. These were my main sources
of information:
C User's Journal, April 1991
serial port routines from CUJ April 91
by Greg Chursenoff
page 63
asynclib2 - Public Domain communcation routines
David Kessner's (
Roy M. Silvernail ( - ORcybrspc!
Steve Miller (uunet!pictel!miller)
int ComStart( int Port)
void ComStop( int Port)
These functions start and stop the interrupt handlers. No characters can
recieved from a port if that port hasn't been started, and the computer
crash if they are not stopped. ComStart() returns one of two values:
(if the port does not exist) or SUCCESS.
void ComClrBuff(int port)
Clears the internal input buffer for the given port.
void ComPutChar(int port, int ch)
Sends a character to the specified port.
void ComPutStr(int port, char *string)
Sends a string to the specified port.
void ComPutCrLf(int port)
Sends a carrier return and a linefeed to the specified port.
int ComPutFile(int port, char *filename)
Sends the contents of a file to the specified port. This functions
returns FAILURE (if the file could not be opened) or SUCCESS.
int ComGetChar(int port)
Returns the next character in the buffer of the given port
or S_EOF upon an empty buffer.
int WComGetChar(int port, int n)
This function waits a max of n milliseconds for a character in the input
buffer. If a character is placed in the buffer within n milliseconds it
returned otherwise S_EOF is returned.
int WComGetStr(int port, char *string, int maxchars, int n)
This function waits for the user to enter a string of maxchars characters
followed by a carriage return. If there is a n milliseconds delay between
keystrokes, FAILURE is returned. If the RETURN key is hit, the string is
terminated with a NULL and SUCCESS is returned.
NOTE: Because there are many different functions to output data to
the screen, The data entered by the remote user will not be seen
on the host's screen.
int ComWaitStr(int port,char *string, int n)
This function searches, a max of n milliseconds, for a string in the
input buffer.
If the string is found in the buffer within n milliseconds SUCCESS is
otherwise FAILURE is returned.
void ComHandShake(int port,int handshake)
Sets the status of the handshaking lines for the specified port.
The values are defined in the header file and can be or'd together.
A common call would be:
ComHandShake(1, DTR | RTS);
ComHandShake(1, RTS) will drop DTR and the above call will raise it again
void ComSetParms(int port, int baud, int control)
This sets the baud rate, parity, etc, for the specified port. The
'baud' is the baud rate (ie 1200, 2400, 9600, etc), and 'control' is a
number that represents parity, length and stop bits. There are defines
this in COM.H, but here are commonly used examples:
ComSetParms(1, 2400, BITS_8 | STOP_1 | NO_PARITY )
for 2400 baud
ComSetParms(1, 9600, BITS_7 | STOP_1 | EVEN_PARITY)
for 9600 baud
int ComChkCnt(int port)
This function returns the number of characters in the input buffer of the
specified port.
int ComChkCd(int port)
int ComChkDsr(int port)
int ComChkRi(int port)
int ComChkCts(int port)
These functions return the status of the CD(carrier detect), DSR(data set
ready), RI(ring indicator), and CTS(Cleat to send) for the given port.
return HIGH or LOW depending upon the status of CD, DSR, RI, and CTS.
The sample program is a no frills terminal program. The default settings
9600 baud, even parity, 7 data bits, and 1 stop bit. you may change these
settings by hitting F2 and choosing one of the settings listed.
else is pretty easy to understand. Just remember that it is no frills and
it is just to show you how some of the functions work.
I developed this communications library because the commerical libraries
alot more then I was willing to spend on them and the shareware
libraries either didn't work or didn't have the functions I was looking
If you decide that you like this sample and would like a copy of the
send $20 to the address below and you will receive libraries for the
medium, compact, and large memory models. You will also receive future
of this library FREE OF CHARGE. Future versions will support vt100
and other valuable features.
Ron Collins
5714 Cedonia Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21206
Note: If you have any problems using these functions please send e-mail
explaining your problem to Ron Collins