Tectonic Strategic Plan Outline

Tectonic Theater Project Strategic Plan 2012-15
Plan Preamble
The Process
Since its founding in 1992, Tectonic Theater Project has achieved notable artistic
successes with productions that have impacted the field of the American theater, with
such plays as Gross Indecency, The Laramie Project, I Am My Own Wife, and 33
Variations. The list of plays originated by Tectonic are regularly among the top ten plays
produced nationally in any given year, and have garnered multiple Tony nominations.
However, the history of Tectonic Theater Project as a more formalized institution is a
more recent event. From 2006-08, several Strategic Planning sessions, led by Kevin
Jennings, were held to plan for the future of Tectonic Theater Project- instigated by
Founding Artistic Director Moisés’ Kaufman’s expressed desire to formalize a structure
to support the creation of new works, and the expansion of education programs to train a
new generation in the theater making technique developed by the company, called
“Moment Work.”
As a result of this process, Tectonic’s first Executive Director, Greg Reiner, was hired in
2008, and the board was developed from a core group of three to its current
membership of 14, with an eventual goal of 20 members. With new executive leadership
and board oversight, the organization grew significantly from 2008-11, and has now
reached the point were a new multi-year Strategic Plan was needed to prepare for the
next phase of the organization’s development.
Board Chair Kevin Jennings nominated board member John Hadity to chair a Strategic
Planning committee in January, 2011. The committee included board members Kevin
Jennings, Deborah Taylor, John Hadity and Richard Willis. Over the course of the next 8
months, the committee began a planning process that included interviewing the following
stakeholders, company members, donors, and community members: Ben Cameron,
Darren Walker, Joan Shigekawa, Jeanne Donovan-Fisher, Jeanne Sullivan, Barbara
Whitman, Megan Wanlass, David Dower, Marion Friedman, David Lieberman, Leigh
Fondakowski, Andy Paris and Greg Pierotti.
Following the interview process, the responses were taken back to the committee, and
used to generate a revised statement of Vision, Philosophy and Our Work. These
statements served as a touchstone for the next steps in the planning process, as the
committee met with the remainder of the board, the executive staff, and the core
company members.
A series of goals and action steps were then developed by the committee and proposed
to the full board for approval at the September, 2011 Board Meeting, when the plan was
passed unanimously.
The Plan
Tectonic Theater Project is committed to transforming the way that theater is made- the
plan reflects the desire to increase Tectonic’s impact by creating a structure in which
more works can be developed and produced, and expanding our education programs to
reach more students across the country and in New York City.
The plan identifies three major goals for the next four years:
 Create important, influential productions that generate conversations about new
ways of creating theater
 Disseminate Tectonic’s new methods for creating theater throughout the country
and the world
 Build the financial capacity of the company to sustain its work
Action steps have been identified for each of these goals, and a 3 year budget will be
developed pro forma. The committee will remain in existence to monitor the
implementation of the plan, meeting twice annually and reporting to the Board on the
accomplishments and challenges.
Tectonic Theater Project Strategic Plan, 2012-15
Our Vision: Tectonic Theater Project transforms contemporary theater by changing the
way theater is made.
Our Philosophy: Tectonic believes that theater must evolve if it is to remain relevant in
the twenty-first century, Our work is grounded in the belief that both new ways of making
theater and new forms of theatrical expression are necessary for the revitalization of
American theater. We are committed to creating work that engages all audiences in a
conversation about the human, political, and social issues of our time.
Our Work: Tectonic Theater Project is a collaborative group/network of theater-making
artists who have developed a new way to create theater. Utilizing its unique, boundarybreaking Moment Work technique, Tectonic both creates its own memorable and
innovative work and seeks to influence the way others make theater by sharing and
disseminating its methods.
Goal 1: Create important, influential productions that generate conversations
about new ways of creating theater.
Action steps:
1. Continue to develop new work through a collaborative, workshop-based process
Develop a clear process by which projects are chosen for development and
Establish an annual residency where new work can be advanced through the
collaborative efforts of company members
2. Build the capacity of the company to create new work by engaging company
members in a more paid full time fashion
Develop a clear definition of what membership in the company means and clarify
criteria for membership
Develop a pipeline for new talent through an expanded education and training
3. Create a commissioning program that inspires non-company members to create work
using Tectonic’s methods.
4. Regularly stage new work, either in collaboration with other non-profit or for-profit
companies or through self-production.
Build Tectonic’s capacity to produce its own work
Establish co-production agreements that bring tangible financial benefit to the
company from work produced by partners
5. Regularly tour work, hiring a production manager to oversee this process.
Goal #2: Disseminate Tectonic's new methods for creating theater throughout the
country and the world.
Action steps:
1. Hire a full time education director to develop and market a full suite of educational
workshops to be delivered in New York and beyond.
2. Explore the use of new technologies to deliver training.
3. Secure a dedicated space for teaching workshops and new work development.
4. Codify Tectonic’s “moment work” techniques and trademark them
Goal #3: Build the financial capacity of the company to sustain its work
Action steps:
1. Develop a revenue model that can sustain the company’s growth:
 Hire a full-time development director to build a plan capable of supporting the
company’s growth
 Examine other companies to understand models for growth
2. Grow the company’s board in a structured and pro-active manner.