IYNC 2006 Stockholm, Sweden – Olkiluoto, Finland, 18 – 23 June 2006 Paper No. 210 Development of a Matrix Correction Method to Improve NonDestructive Assay of Fissile Mass in α-Low Level Waste Drums. F. Loche, F. Jallu, French Atomic Energy Commission CEA/CAD DTN/SMTM/LMN B. 225 F-13108 SAINT PAUL LEZ DURANCE CEDEX fanny.jallu@cea.fr ABSTRACT In the framework of radioactive waste control, Non Destructive Assay (NDA) methods may be employed. The Active Neutron Interrogation (ANI) method is now well-known and effective in quantifying low α-activity fissile masses (235U, 239Pu, 241Pu) in low density (i.e. less than about 0.4) radioactive waste drums of up to 200 l volume. Difficulties arise when dealing with matrices containing neutron energy moderators (for example H) and neutron absorbents (for example Cl). These components may have a great influence on the fissile mass deduced from the neutron signal measured by ANI. Without any information about the matrix, the fissile mass is often overestimated, due to safety procedures, by considering the most disadvantageous calibration coefficient corresponding to the most absorbing and moderating calibration matrix. The work presented in this paper is performed at the Nuclear Measurement Laboratory, CEA, France. It concerns the development of a matrix effects correction method which consists in identifying and quantifying the matrix components by using the prompt gamma-rays following a neutron radiative capture. The goal is to adjust the value of the adequate calibration coefficient for ANI analysis. The preliminary results presented are obtained for low α-activity and low density 118 l waste drums. 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Non Destructive Assay methods (NDA) Nuclear Non Destructive Assay (NDA) correspond to the measurement of nuclear radiations to identify and quantify the components of a sample. NDA methods do not alter the physical or chemical form of the studied material. NDA methods can be used in two modes: in the passive mode, the measured radiations are spontaneously emitted by the radionuclides of the sample ; in the active mode, an external source of interrogation particles (neutron, photon) is required to induce reactions inside the sample. Two active NDA methods are of particular interest for our purpose: Active Neutron Interrogation (ANI) for α-emitting nuclides quantification [1,2], and Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) using the potentialities of neutron capture reactions [3-5]. The first method is applied at the Nuclear Measurement Laboratory, CEA, France, to low α-activity and low density waste drums of volume up to 200 litres. The second one is studied to characterize the components of these matrices. 1.2 The Active Neutron Interrogation method The ANI method can be employed to quantify fissile masses (235U, waste drums. 210.1 239Pu, 241Pu) in radioactive Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 The principle of the method is the following one [2]: a pulsed 14 MeV neutron generator produces neutrons with a given frequency and duration. Those neutrons are moderated within the graphite of an assay system so that neutron energy falls to the thermal region (0.025 eV). Then the thermal neutrons induce fissions in fissile nuclides. Finally, prompt and delayed neutrons resulting from fissions are detected by using 3He proportional counters. The neutron signal attributed to fissions (Sn) is theoretically proportional to the fissile content (fissile mass MF) of the waste drum: MF Sn K (1) with K, the most adapted calibration coefficient. This signal depends on the matrix (composition, density…) which may be composed of neutronmoderating (for example H) and neutron-absorbing (for example Cl) materials. 2 MATRIX EFFECT CORRECTION Without any information about the matrix, and for safety reasons, the fissile mass measured by the ANI method is often overestimated by considering the most disadvantageous calibration coefficient corresponding to the most absorbing and moderating calibration matrix. It is thus necessary to develop a method to estimate and correct the matrix effects. 2.1 Overview of matrix correction methods The influence of matrix components on the neutron signal measured by ANI is a recurrent difficulty in NDA. Many researches have thus been performed to try to develop a correction method. The published documents containing information about the correction of matrix effects mainly describe techniques using correction coefficients deduced from neutron measurements [6-12]. Those are based on the use of neutron monitors placed inside of the measurement cavity: a flux monitor sensitive to the variation of the interrogating neutron flux with the matrix type, and/or a drum monitor sensitive to the variation of the fission neutron flux emerging from the drum (Figure 1). Flux monitor CH2 Neutron generator Drum 3He Drum monitor proportional counters embedded in CH2 shielded by Cd or B4C Graphite Figure 1: Scheme of typical INA set-up. The combination of some of those signal characteristics (value, lifetime deduced from the signal decay…) is then studied to determine parameters relevant to the moderating and absorbing properties of the matrix. 210.2 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 The main idea is to correct the expression (1) by a correction coefficient C to estimate the fissile mass MF according to this expression: MF Sn *C K (2) with C describing the absorption and moderation effects [6-11]. The study published by Caldwell and al. in [6-8], for example, is based on passive (with a lower 252Cf source as passive neutron emitter) and active (with inner fissile samples) measurements of different assay matrices. The neutron signal is detected by 3He proportional counters shielded, or not, by cadmium. A flux monitor and a drum monitor are added. The different signals are studied to identify two parameters describing the absorption and the moderation properties of the matrix. Two correction algorithms (one for passive measurements, and one for active measurements) have then been developed. Moreover, two correction algorithms are proposed by R.J. Estep and al. [12] in function of the high or low position of the drum in the experimental set-up. They do not explicitly describe the absorption and moderation effects and are based on the signal measured by 3He proportional counters shielded by polyethylene (CH2), cadmium (Cd) and boron carbide (B4C). Besides, D.A. Close and al. [3] suggested to identify and quantify the matrix components through the use of (n,γ) reactions. They based their work on the use of an electron accelerator to produce interrogating neutrons. 2.2 Potentialities of the neutron radiative capture reaction for matrix effect correction Using a neutron generator, the matrix effects correction method described here exploits the potentialities of the neutron radiative capture to identify and quantify the components of the matrix. The correction is based on the principle described above (2) in which, instead of a correction coefficient C, we chose to develop a corrected calibration coefficient K’: MF 2.2.1 Sn K' (3) The neutron absorption The neutron absorption is a nuclear interaction leading to a compound nucleus that can release the excess of energy of its excited energetic level by different processes: n A Z XN A1 Z X * N 1 particles : p d electromagnetic radiations : multiplica tive processes : 2n, induced (4) fission where the induced fission only concerns heavy nuclei. 2.2.2 The radiative neutron capture The interaction of interest in the framework of the correction method is the radiative capture. As said above, the absorption of the neutron leaves the compound nucleus in an excited state. It releases the energy by emitting prompt gamma-rays in a ‘very short time’ (10-17 - 10-16 s) according to: n A Z XN A1 Z X * N 1 AZ1 X N 1 0 0 210.3 (5) Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 The radiative capture cross section, directly correlated to the probability of interaction, is higher at thermal neutron energies. The gamma-rays emitted by radiative capture are a characteristic signature of the nucleus: they have specific energies and intensities. This property could lead to identify the components of the matrix and to develop the matrix effect correction method. 2.2.3 Application to the identification of the matrix components As each isotope irradiated by neutrons emits characteristic gamma-rays, identification of the components becomes possible: the principle is to measure, using gamma-ray spectrometry, gammarays emitted by the matrix during a neutron irradiation. This measurement is performed in a specific moderating assay system which is built in view to increase the radiative capture probability. The obtained gamma-ray spectrum contains total absorption peaks of the emitted gamma-ray and a continuous background (Compton and background noise). It is a combination of elemental spectra and is thus representative to the components of the matrix. The peaks corresponding to the components of interest can then be identified according to their energies. 2.2.4 Application to the quantification of the matrix components To extract information concerning the quantity of the components of interest in a matrix, the analysis of the gamma-ray spectrum is based on the determination of the net area of the corresponding peak (after subtraction of the background). Indeed, the quantity of the component x (%x) and the peak area A are linked according to: A( E ) % x.m .N A .I ( E ). ( E ).t. ( E n ). ( E n ).dE n MA (6) where: E : Gamma-ray energy (keV) A( E ) : Area of the peak at the energy E (count) % x : Proportion in mass of the isotope x in the sample (%) m : Total mass of the sample (g) M A : Atomic mass of the isotope (g.mol-1) N A : Avogadro number (6.02.1023 atoms.mol-1) I ( E ) : Intensity of the gamma-ray at the energy E ( E ) : Detection efficiency of the detector at the energy E t : Measurement duration (s) En : Neutron energy (keV) ( En ) : Neutron capture cross section at the neutron energy En (cm2) ( E n ) : Incident neutron flux at the energy En (n.s-1.cm-2.keV-1). Thus, for a given gamma-ray peak, a detector and a neutron flux, the variation of the proportion of the isotope of interest is proportional to the peak area. Knowing energies and intensities of the gamma-rays, it becomes thus possible to identify and quantify the components of a matrix. 210.4 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 3 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MATRIX EFFECT CORRECTION METHOD Our preliminary PGNAA studies are limited to 118 l homogeneous low density drums (i.e. between 0.05 and 0.4). The absorbing material studied is chlorine (Cl), and the moderation material is hydrogen (H). Table 1 presents the main gamma-rays emitted by Cl and H. Table 1: Gamma-rays energies, intensities and thermal neutron radiative capture cross sections of Cl [13] and H [14] Nucleus Cl Thermal neutron radiative capture cross section (barn) 33.2 H 0.332 Energy (keV) Intensity (%) 517.10 786.30 788.40 1164.9 1951.10 1959.40 6110.80 7414.00 2223.25 24.30 10.52 16.32 27.20 19.39 12.56 20.58 10.52 100.00 The first step consists in correction method development using calibration matrices. The gamma-ray spectra of the calibration matrices are analysed to create graphs linking measured parameters about the matrix to researched information about its composition. The development of these graphs is based on an experimental and a simulation work. 3.1 Experimental studies 3.1.1 Experimental set-up The experimental part of our study uses the REGAIN (in French, REcherche des Gamma d’Activation et d’Irradiation Neutronique, which means, research of the gamma-rays produced by activation and neutron irradiation) experimental set-up (Figure 2), which was specifically developed at the laboratory. The set-up is mainly composed of graphite (neutron moderating material). The mechanical structure is made of aluminium. Hydrogen was prohibited so as to further the detection of the matrix hydrogen content. The door and one lateral face (on the left of Figure 2) of the set-up possess openings to introduce gamma-ray detectors. We used a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector covered by a cadmium shielding and placed in the opening of the door. Figure 2: The REGAIN experimental set-up. 210.5 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 The neutron irradiation is obtained by a D-T neutron generator (14 MeV 95%; 2.5 MeV 5%) emitting about 7.5.108 neutrons per second (4π). It is placed in the graphite wall on the right of Figure 2. 3.1.2 Measurements To study Cl and H matrix effects, calibration matrices of wood, EVA and PVC were composed. The wood matrices are made of hollowed out cylinders, with different inner and outer diameters relative to the following densities: 0.07 ; 0.144 ; 0.28 et 0.377. The EVA matrix is filled with leaves of non chlorinated plastic and its density is 0.254. The PVC matrices are constituted of PVC films rolled around cylinders of polystyrene (Figure 3). Their densities (0.05 ; 0.18 ; 0.253 ; 0.30) are obtained by varying the thickness of the rolled PVC film. Figure 3: PVC elements composing a calibration matrix. A total of 9 matrices were measured in the REGAIN experimental set-up. The gamma-ray peak areas are analysed to create a set of abacus linking measured parameters about the matrix (the peak area of the components of interest and the density of the matrix) to researched information about its composition (proportion of Cl and H). 3.1.3 Experimental results Figure 4 presents an example of measured spectrum. Some of the main gamma-rays of interest are labeled. 210.6 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 Counts 1E+5 1E+4 400 Cd : 808 keV Cd : 558 keV 1E+6 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 H : 2223 keV 1E+5 1E+7 Cl : 1952-1959 keV Graphe expérimental matrice PVC 0,05 Cl : 1164 keV Cl : 786-788 keV Cd : 652 keV 1E+6 2200 2400 1E+4 Cl : 6110 keV 1E+3 1E+2 1E+1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Energy (keV) Figure 4: Identification of the main gamma-rays of interest on the spectrum measured by neutron irradiation of a PVC matrix. The analysis of such spectra (i.e. extraction of the net signals) leads to the creation of the abacus mentioned above. Figure 5 shows the abacus relative to the matrices which does not contain chlorine (cellulose and EVA). The chosen measured parameter is ( S H S Ho ) Tact , where SH is the hydrogen net peak area of the matrix spectrum, SHo is the hydrogen net peak area of the spectrum obtained without matrix (corrected so that SH and SHo correspond to the same active measurement time T act). The researched parameter is %H*Dr, where %H is the H weight fraction of the matrix (%) and Dr is its real density (equal to the ratio of the real mass to the real filling level). 210.7 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 matrice cellulose et EVA H déconvolué 300 250 (SH-SHo)/Tact 200 y = -12,163x2 + 122,37x R2 = 0,9994 150 100 50 0 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 %H*Dr Figure 5: Abacus for the matrices with H and without Cl. The uncertainties on the abacus are calculated by taking into account these parameters: - the statistical error on the determination of the peak areas (SH and SHo), - the uncertainty on the measured real density (Dr), - an error of 10% on the active measurement time (T act) announced by the measurement system and deduced from the real time and dead time. The weight fractions of calibration matrix components are considered as known. Similar abacus concerning chlorinated matrices are under development. 3.2 Modeling studies The aim of the modeling studies is to complete the former abacus with fictive matrices. These modeling studies are performed in four steps. In a first time, the REGAIN experimental set-up is described with the Monte Carlo N-Particle calculation code, MCNP [15]. The description is as detailed as possible including the neutron generator and the germanium detector. The walls, floor, and top of the room that houses the set-up are also modeled. In this configuration, calculation to experiment comparisons were made to validate the model. The lack of some gamma-rays in the MCNP data libraries (ENDFB-VI release 1) was solved by using the ENDFB-VI release 8 libraries and by creating the gamma-ray libraries for Ge [16] and for Cd. In a second time, matrices are included in the model. The calculated spectra and calculated abacus are then compared with the experimental ones to validate the matrix model . The figure 6 shows the comparison between the two sets of data for the matrices containing no chlorine. 210.8 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 matrice cellulose et EVA H déconvolué PUBLICATION 31/01/06 500 450 400 (SH-SHo)/Tact 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 %H*Dr Figure 6: Experimental (blue dots) calculated (pink squares) and fictive (green triangles) abacus obtained for the matrices without chlorine. Thirdly, those graphs are completed by modeling fictive matrices (in term of density, %Cl and %H). The corresponding cellulose results are added on Figure 6 (green dots). The last step is to correlate these abacus to the corrected ANI calibration coefficients. 4 CORRECTION METHODOLOGY AND EXAMPLE 4.1 Correction methodology The methodology employed to apply the matrix effect correction method can be summarized by the correction scheme presented on Figure 7: thanks to the gamma-ray energies and intensities, the matrix components are identified on the measured gamma-ray spectrum and these information help us to chose the abacus devoted to the measured drum. For the time being, the development of the correction method allows us to study 3 cases (with Cl and no H, with Cl and H, with H and no Cl). The uncertainties on the final result (weight fraction of H and Cl) are calculated by taking into account the same parameters as in § 3.1, plus the dispersion of the points on the abacus (uncertainties on the coefficients resulting from a linear or a polynomial regression). The connection with the fissile mass correction is under development. 210.9 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 Gamma-rays identification Presence of Cl Yes No Presence of H Presence of H Yes No Yes Abacus Cl+H Abacus Cl+H for %H=0 Abacus H No Search for other moderating or absorbing isotopes Corrected calibration coefficient Figure 7: Scheme of the matrix effect correction method. 4.2 Blind test of the abacus A blind test was conducted to validate the correction scheme and the gamma-ray abacus. An inactive drum (without fissile material or radiative source) was composed in this aim. Unknown parameters are matrix density and composition. First of all, the matrix was weighted and, considering a full drum, its calculated density is (0.114 +/-0.005) (1σ). Then the unknown matrix was measured in the REGAIN set-up, using similar experimental conditions to those employed in the calibration phase. The analysis of the gamma-ray spectrum showed the absence of chlorine in the matrix. The chosen abacus is then adapted to the matrices without chlorine and expressing (SH-SHo)/Tact as a function of %H*Dr (Figure 5). The measurement leads to (SH-SHo)/Tact = 155 counts per second. According to the abacus (Figure 5), the value of the parameter %H*Dr is then (1.49 +/- 0.04). This value, thus divided by the density, leads to deduce %Hmeasured= (13.05 +/- 0.69) % (1σ). The real composition of the matrix, given afterwards, is: 8.55 kg of polyethylene (13.4 %H), 4.25 kg of cellulose (6.5 %H) and 0.30 kg of EVA (12.2 %H), thus %Hreal = (11.1 +/- 1.9)% (1σ). The relative difference between the estimated and the real proportion of H is about 17% but remains within the statistical uncertainty. Furthermore, the unknown matrix appears to be heterogeneous whereas the abacus were developed with the hypothesis of homogeneous matrices. Considering these points, this first test leads to good results. 210.10 Proceedings of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 5 CONCLUSION The work presented in this paper mainly concerns the development of a matrix effect correction method which consists in identifying and quantifying the components of a matrix by using the prompt gamma-rays following a neutron radiative capture. The preliminary PGNAA studies are limited to 118 l homogeneous low density drums (i.e. between 0.05 and 0.4) composed of hydrogenated and chlorinated materials. To study Cl and H matrix effects, calibration matrices of wood, EVA and PVC were composed and their gamma-ray spectra were measured. The gamma-ray peak areas were analysed to create a set of abacus linking measured parameters about the matrix (the peak area of the components of interest and the density of the matrix) to researched information about its composition (proportion of Cl and H). For example, in the case of hydrogenated matrices, the weight fraction of H is determined from the H peak area and the matrix density. A blind test was conducted with an hydrogenated matrix to validate the created abacus and conducted to a good agreement (~17 %) between the estimated and the real weight fraction of H. For the time being, the abacus developed for the correction method allows us to study 3 cases (with Cl, with Cl and H, with H). Similar abacus to the hydrogenated matrices ones are under development for chlorinated matrices. Finally, the correction of the fissile mass deduced from ANI by using our method will end this study by integrating the whole set of abacus in a general correction algorithm [5]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Mrs. A. Lamarche, M. J-L. Ma, M. J-C. Sublet for their advice and help in the calculation work, experimental work and nuclear data research and processing approach, respectively, M. A. Lyoussi for his review, M. R. Brissot as PhD supervisor, and AREVA NC for its support. REFERENCES [1] Jallu F., Mariani A., Passard C., Raoux A-C., Toubon H. Alpha Low Level Waste control: Improvement of the PROMETHEE 6 assay system performances, Nuclear Technology. Vol. 153. Jan. 2006. [2] Passard C., Mariani A, Jallu F., Romeyer-Dherber J., Recroix H, Rodriguez M., Loridon J., Denis C. PROMETHEE: an alpha low level waste assay system using passive and active neutron measurement methods. Nucl. Tech. Vol. 140. Dec. 2002. pp. 303-314. [3] Close D.A., Franks L.A. , Kocimski S.M. The application of thermal neutron capture gamma-rays to matrix identification in a transuranic waste assay system based on an electron accelerator. Nucl. Instr. Meth. 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