Criteria The Rock Cycle and Classification of Rocks 0 Not Attempted Weathering, Erosion and Deposition. Not attempted Earth’s Physical Processes and how they could affect a rock. Not attempted Types of Igneous rocks and how they are formed are identified. Types of Sedimentary rocks and how they are formed are identified. Includes relative details to the rocks life in each stage. *”birth” of rock *”life” of rock *”death” of rock Not attempted Project is presented neatly and in an organized fashion. 1 Rock Cycle inaccurately explained and less than three classifications of rocks are identified. No distinction is made between the three processes and their contribution to rock formation is not addressed. Underlying causes of Plate Tectonics not identified AND Volcanoes or Earthquakes are not included in the story. Types of igneous rocks not identified or explained. 2 Rock Cycle not accurately explained or not all three classifications of rocks are identified. 3 Rock Cycle accurately explained with the three classifications of rocks identified. There is not a clear distinction made between the three processes or their contribution to rock formation is not addressed. Underlying causes of Plate Tectonics identified OR Volcanoes or Earthquakes included in the story. Types are identified but it is not clear how they are formed. There is a clear distinction made between the three processes and their contribution to rock formation. Underlying causes of Plate Tectonics identified AND Volcanoes or Earthquakes included in the story. Two types are both identified and the formation of one of them is described. Not attempted Types of sedimentary rocks were not identified. Some types were identified but it is not clear how they are formed. All three types are identified and the formation of one of them is explained in detail. Not attempted Includes few details about the rocks life. Includes several details but some questions remain. Includes all necessary details and even some fun details as well. Not attempted Project has several grammatical errors and is put together carelessly. Project has a few grammatical errors but is overall completed well. Evidence of careful planning and proofreading is evident in this well presented project. Obituary of a Rock Congratulations! You have been chosen to write the obituary column for Lafoon Newspaper Inc. We know you will do a great job with this new responsibility! Your first assignment is to write an obituary for a rock. An obituary is a notice of someone’s death, which usually includes a biography of the person. An obituary attempts to give an account of the texture and significance of the life of someone who has recently died (although you won’t be doing a person-you’ll be doing a rock). You will personify your rock and tell its “life” story as it travels through the rock cycle. It’s “birth” should discuss how and where it was formed, changes that happened to it during its “life” (including how it changed into a different rocks along the way. You should then describe how the rock “died”, in other words, where it supposedly stopped in the rock cycle. You will be required to research the different types of rocks and the things that happen to form those rocks. You will also complete a prewriting activity that will be turned in for a grade as well. Please remember that projects count for 50% of your grade so we expect you to get creative, have fun and do a great job with this assignment. There will be some time to work on your project in class but most of the assignment should be completed at home. Final copy of the obituary should be typed. Final project due: Thursday, November 18