Supplementary Materials to “Local Probing of Mesoscopic Physics of Ferroelectric Domain Walls” Vasudeva Rao Aravind,1,2,* A.N. Morozovska3, S. Bhattacharya, 1 D. Lee4, S. Jesse5, I. Grinberg,6 Y. Li,1 S. Choudhury1, P. Wu,1 K. Seal,6 A.M. Rappe,6 S.V. Svechnikov,3 E.A.Eliseev,7 S.R. Phillpot,4 L.Q. Chen,1 Venkatraman Gopalan,1,† and S.V. Kalinin5,‡ 1 Materials Research Institute and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 2 Physics Department, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PA 16214 3 V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 41, pr. Nauki, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine 4 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611 5 Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 6 Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 7 Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 3, Krjijanovskogo, 03142 Kiev, Ukraine * This author was previously known by the name Aravind Vasudevarao ‡ † Appendix A. Calculations within Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire approach I. Basic equations Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire free energy for the uniaxial ferroelectric is 2 d h dz P 2 P 4 P P 2 P E e E3 3 2 4 2 z 2 2 (A.1) G P, E3e dx dy 0 P 2 z 0 P 2 z h 2 2 2 1 where 0 and 0 are expansion coefficients of LGD free energy on polarization powers for the second order ferroelectrics, electric field E3 E3 E3d is the sum of external and depolarization fields. Corresponding LGD-equation: 2 P3 2 P3 2 P3 d P3 P3 P33 x2 y2 dt z2 E 3 ( x, y , z ) . (A.2) in kinetic coefficient. The electric field E3 x, y, z z can be expressed via electrostatic potential (r ) . The electrostatic potential distribution, (r ) , in ferroelectric obeys the equation 2 2 1 P3 2 , 11 2 z2 y 2 0 z x b 33 (A.3) where b33 is the dielectric permittivity of background state1 and 0 is the universal dielectric constant. The potential distribution induced by the probe yields boundary conditions ( x, y, z 0) Ve ( x, y) . In the effective point charge approximation the distribution Ve(x,y) can be approximated as Ve ( x, y, d ) V d x 2 y 2 d 2 , where V is the applied bias and d is the effective probe size. For more realistic modeling of the tip shape the summation over the image charges positions di (or integration over the line charge in order to account for the conic part of the probe tip, see e.g. Refs. 2, 3, 4) should be performed, namely L L L L 2 x 2 y 2 2 e 1 1 V ln 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ln ctg 2 e i x y di L L x y . (A.4) Ve ( x , y ) 2 e ln 1 L L 1 i d i ln ctg 2 2 e Hereinafter 3311 is the effective dielectric constant, e is the ambient dielectric constant. The conical part potential is modeled by the linear charge of length L with a constant charge density L 40eV ln ctg 2 2 , where is the cone apex angle. The distance between the linear charge and the ferroelectric surface is L . Allowing for the principle of the electric field superposition and linear electrostatic equations below we could consider the single-charge component Ve(x,y,d) and the perform the integration/averaging in the final results. The corresponding Fourier representation on transverse ~ ~ z is the sum of external coordinates {x,y} of electric field normal component E3 k, z (e) and depolarization (d) fields: ~ ~ ~ E3 k, z E3e Ve , k, z E3d P3 , k, z , (A.4a) cosh k h z b k ~ ~ E3e k , z Ve k , sinh k h b b (A.4b) ~ z P k , z ' cosh k h z b k dz ' 3 cosh k z ' b b sinh k h ~ b b 0 33 0 E3d P3 , k , z ~ ~ h P3 k , z ' cosh k z b k P3 k , z dz ' b cosh k h z ' b sinh k h b z b b 0 33 0 33 (A.4c) Here b b33 11 is the “bare” dielectric anisotropy factor, k k1,k2 is a spatial wavevector, its absolute value k k12 k22 . For typical ferroelectric material parameters the inequality 2 0 b33 1 is valid. II. Perturbation theory To obtain the spatial distribution of the polarization at small positive biases, V, Eq. (A.1a) was linearized as P3 r P0 x pr , where P0 x is the initial flat domain wall profile positioned at x=x0: P0 x PS tanh x x0 2 L . (A.5) where the correlation length is L 2 , and the spontaneous polarization is PS2 . Polarization p(r) is the induced due to materials response to a biased probe. The condition pr 0 is valid far from the probe at an arbitrary applied bias. Here, we derive the solution within a perturbation approach. Under the condition of a thick sample, h d , the approximate closed form expression for the linearized stationary solution of Eq. (A.2) is derived as (see Supplement in Ref.[5] for details): d z d 2 3 / 2 L d z d z 2 2 * V . p , z d L S d 2 d 2 2 3d 4 z L exp z L 2 2 5/ 2 d z (A.6) Here x 2 y 2 is the radial coordinate. The correlation length Lz 0b33 is extremely small for typical values of gradient term . The effective dielectric anisotropy factor b2 1 11 0 S and the “bare” dielectric anisotropy factor b b33 11 are introduced. When deriving expression (A.6), we utilized the inequalities 20b33 S 1 , b33 33 , L 0.5...5 nm and Lz 1 Å, valid for typical ferroelectric material parameter ~ 108…1010 J m3/C2 and the background permittivity b33 5. Assuming the validity of additional inequalities Lz L d , the approximate solution was derived as: d z d 2 V p, z S d d z 2 2 3/ 2 , at z Lz , (A.7a) E3 (, z ) V d z d d z 2 2 3 2 . (A.7b) The linear approximation for the polarization distribution given by Eq.(A.7) is quantitatively valid until p PS or, alternatively, V d PS , i.e. at biases V much smaller than the coercive bias, at which polarization reversal is absent. This means that the probe induced domain formation cannot be considered quantitatively within the linearized LGD-equation. Below we take into account the ferroelectric material nonlinearity within direct variation method. Using trial function with variational parameter PV P3 x, y,0 P0 x 11 0 2 d 2 PV (V ) d 2 d 2 x 2 y 2 d 2 x2 y2 . (A.8) one can obtain renormalized free energy. Under the reasonable assumption L d , polarization distribution (A.8) produces the following depolarization field: d 2 PV d z E , z 2 2 b b 0 33 d z 2 2 d 3 b2 Polarization distribution is shown in Fig. A.1. 3/ 2 d z b b d z b 2 2 3/ 2 . (A.9) Depth z (nm) 0 0 Probe Probe L increase 2 4 3 2 (a) L increase 2 (b) 1 4 1 4 -5 0 5 -5 0 x (nm) 0 1 2 5 Probe 2 1 5 3 15 4 L increase 10 (c) 15 -5 Probe 3 4 10 5 x (nm) 0 Depth z (nm) 4 3 2 0 L increase (d) 5 -5 x (nm) 0 5 x (nm) Fig. A.1. Domain wall vertical cross-section for different distances from initial flat wall x 0=, 15, 5, 0 nm (panels (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively). Curves 1, 2, 3, 4 corresponds to different values of L=0, 0.5, 1, 2 nm. Other parameters: effective distance d=5 nm, 11=500, = -1.66108 m/F, = -1.44108 m5/(C2F). After the substitution of Eq.(A.8-9) into the free energy functional (S.1a) and integration, renormalized free energy was derived as PV d w1 1, w2 ( x0 ) 0 11 w w w 2 3 4 PV V 1 PV 2 PV 3 PV , 2 2 3 4 2110 3PS x0 L d x 4 L d 2 2 0 2 , w3 110 2 4 L d 2 (A.10a) (A.10b) it is easy to find the equation of state from Eq.(S.8a). So, in the presence of lattice pinning of viscous friction type, the amplitude PV should be found from Landau-Khalatnikov equations as: d 2 3 PV w1PV w2 ( x0 ) PV w3 PV V (t ) dt (A.11) The parameter PV serves as effective variational parameter describing domain geometry, and allows reducing complex problem of domain dynamics in the non-uniform field to an algebraic equation Eq. (A.11). Critical points of polarization bias dependence (inflection points, coercive biases) could be found from the static equation d V dPV 0 , namely we derived expressions for coercive biases Vc, loop halfwidth Vc and imprint bias VI as Vc Vc Vc Vc 2 w2 2w22 9w3 w1 2 w22 3w3 w1 2 w22 3w3 w1 3/ 2 , 27 w32 3/ 2 , VI 27 w32 Vc Vc 2 w2 2w22 9w3 w1 27 w32 . (A.12) III. Effective piezoresponse calculations In decoupled approximation and object transfer functions approach (see Refs.[6, 7, 8]), analytical V dependence of effective piezoelectric response PRV were found as: PRV , x0 d 0eff ( x0 ) 0 11 Bi ln e bi C PV (V ) 4 b ln e b C L i 1 i i d ln e bi C . (A.13) Where d 0eff x 0 is the bias-independent PFM profile of the flat 180o-domain wall located at distance x from the tip apex. Response d 0eff x 0 was calculated in Ref.[9]; dielectric anisotropy factor is 33 11 . Constants e2.71828… is the natural logarithm base and C0.577216… 2 is Euler's constant. Constants b1 2 1 , b2 1 , b3 1 2 21 , 2 b4 16 15 2 41 2 B3 2 0 33Q11 1 2 1 , 2 and B1 2 0 33Q12 1 , B4 2 0 11Q44 2 1 electrostriction tensor for cubic symmetry). B2 21 2 0 33Q12 1 , 2 2 ( is Poisson ratio, Qij is The expected behavior of the hysteresis loops as a function of tip surface separation is illustrated in Fig.A.2. Directly at the wall, the loop is closed and the local response originates from the bias-induced bending of the domain wall. It is clear from the figure, that the loop halfwidth, determined as the difference of coercive biases Vc Vc Vc 2 , appears and monotonically increases with the distance x increase. The bistability is possible and Vc is defined only for x02 2L d . Far from wall (x0 >> d) corresponding coercive biases are 2 symmetric, Vc 2PS L d 3 611 0 . The inclusion of viscous friction leads to the loop broadening and smearing far from the wall, while near the wall the minor loop opening is observed (compare solid and dotted curves). Note that the observed evolution of the loop shape PR loop width V/Vc 2 (a) =0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 10 10 x0=0 0 -10 -3 2 Distance from the wall x0/d 10 0 (c) x0<d -2 -1 0 x0=d 3 1 1 V/Vc 2 3 (d) -3 -2 -1 0 1 V/Vc 2 3 2 1 4 2 0 (b) -1 0 Vс 1 3 2 Distance x0/d 3 x0=2d 10 x0=2.5d 0 0 -10 Vс+ 4 3 2 0 0 PR (pm/V) Coercive bias Vc/Vc and switching parameters agrees with the experimental observations. -10 (e) -3 -2 -1 0 1 V/Vc 2 3 -10 (f) -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 V/Vc 3 Fig. A2. (a) Piezoresponse (PR) loop relative width Vc Vc ( Vc is the static coercive bias far from the wall) vs. the distance from the wall x0/d. (b) Left (bottom curves) and right (top curves) coercive biases of the PR loops. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4 correspond to the different relaxation coefficients =0, 10-8, 10-7, 10-6 SI units. Plots (c-f) show piezoresponse loops vs. applied bias (V) calculated for increasing distance x0 from domain wall (labels at the plots). Material parameters for LiNbO3 are 11=84, = 1.95109 m/F, = 3.61109 m5/(C2F), PS=0.75 C/m2, Poisson ratio is =0.3, parameter d=60 nm, frequency 104 rad sec-1 and maximal bias Umax=15 V. IV. The influence of the probe tip conical part on the domain nucleation The tip of the probe induces strong but localized electric field, while the conical part of the probe produces weaker but more diffused field distribution. The influence of the probe tip conical part on the domain nucleation is shown in Fig. A3. This effect is evident from Figs. A3a,b, since the nascent domain is more diffuse for the case with conical part included. It is also seen from Figs. A3c, d that the flat domain wall is practically unaffected by the field of probe tip for distances x0>10 d between them, while the conical part field induces wall bending even in this region. y (nm) 20 20 (a) (b) 0 0 0 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0 -0.3 0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.6 -20 -20 -20 0 -20 0 x (nm) x (nm) 200 200 0.6 y (nm) 0.6 0.3 0.3 0 -0.3 0 0 0 -0.6 -0.6 (c) -200 99 -0.3 100 x (nm) 101 (d -200 99 100 101 ) x (nm) Fig. A3. Contour maps of the bound charge distribution (values near the curves) on the surface (z=0) for nucleation near the flat wall at x0=10 nm (a, b) and far from the flat wall at x0=100 nm (c, d); for two different probe models, effective point charge alone (a, c) and effective point and line charges (b, d). For the tip far from the wall only the near wall region is shown. Effective distance between the charge and surface d=10 nm, applied voltage V=30 V, line charge length is 1 m. Thus, the long-range influence of the probe conical part on the initial domain wall behavior could explain logarithmically slow saturation of nucleation bias shown in Fig.A4. Bias Vc (V) 30 20 10 0 1 102 10 103 104 Distance x0 (nm) Fig.A4. (a) PFM hysteresis loop halfwidth Vc Vc Vc 2 vs. the distance from the wall. Material parameters for LiNbO3 are 11=84, = 1.95109 SI units, PS=0.75 C/m2, Poisson ratio is =0.3; domain wall intrinsic width L=0.5 nm. Filled boxes are experimental points. Red solid curve is the fitting for the model that takes into account point charge with d=30 nm and line charge L spanning from 100 nm to 1000 nm. Blue dashed curve is the fitting with the equation Vc 7.6 lg 2.2 x0 / 2.6 (with x0 in nm). Theoretical curves are calculated for threshold bias Vth = 3 V originated from the lattice pinning. Appendix B. Calculations of nucleation bias within MW and BC approaches Excess free energy for nascent nucleus at the domain under the external field after Miller and Weinreich [10] is a2 F 2 PS W0 2W c a l 2 p c l 2 2 (B.1) First term is the energy of nucleus interaction with external field, second term is the excess wall energy and the third one is the depolarization field energy. Here PS is the spontaneous polarization, W0 is the external field E0 and integrated on the nucleus volume, c is the nucleus width normal to the wall, a is the nucleus half-width on the surface along the wall, l is the size of nucleus along the wall and normal to the surface (see Fig. B1). The surface energy of the domain wall W is regarded independent on the wall orientation. p is an effective surface density of the depolarization field energy, p ln 0.74a c PS2 c 0 11 in SI units. Here width c was regarded of lattice constant order and considered much smaller than other sizes of nucleus. (b) (a) y 2a l PS PS Fig. B1. Schematics of calculations: (a) triangular prism nucleus from Miller and Weinreich, (b) Burtsev-Chervonobrodov smooth nucleus. For the case of homogeneous external field, considered by Miller and Weinreich, W0 is simply the product of nucleus volume and the electric field value W0 E0 c0 al . For considered case of inhomogeneous electric field of SPM probe W0 is W0 a 2 d l a 2 l 2 a 2 d 2 y 2 2 c aVd ln 2 2 2 a 2 l d l l a 2 l d l y 2 2 2 2 2 c Vd ln a a d y d 2 y2 (B.2) Here V is the bias, applied to the probe, d is the effective charge –surface distance, y is the distance between the probe axis and the domain wall, 33 11 is the dielectric anisotropy factor. When F 2 PS the d 2Vc a l d 2 y2 nucleus 3 sizes are 2 W c a 2 l 2 2 p c W0 small d 2Vc a l d 2 y2 3 and a2 . It is seen, that in this case the free energy l F in the inhomogeneous field is the same as in homogeneous one, but with substitution of E0 with E P V d 2V d y 2 2 3 . Thus, Miller-Weinreich activation energy of domain wall step nucleation, obtained with respect to probe tip electric field inhomogeneity, is d 2 x2 0 Fa (W ,V , x0 ) ln W 2 2cPS d V 3 3 8 c 3 W 3 d 2 x02 0 11 d 2V . 3 (B.3) Directly at the wall (x0=0) FaMW (W ,V ) d ln W 3 3 2cPS V 16 cW 3 d 4 V . 0 11 (B.4) It should be noted, that Miller and Weinreich considered lattice discreteness in very rough model and do not take the possibility of wall to bent into account. Burtsev and Chervonobrodov11 considered a more realistic model with continuous lattice potential and diffuse domain walls, at that the nucleus shape and domain wall width are calculated selfconsistently. Using their approach we obtained expression: BC a F d min c min (W , V ) ln 2cPS V 40 11 3 d . V (B.5) Using dependence of activation energy on applied bias, one could find activation voltage from the equality of activation energies (B.4-5) to some relevant level. 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