Invited Paper signs in the horizons

In The Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, The Merciful
Modern Trends in Physics Research. Lotfia EL Nadi 2006
Signs In The Horizons
Shahinaz Moustafa Ali Yousef
Astronomy& Meteorology Dept.
Faculty of Science- Cairo University-Cairo –Egypt
Abstract. A number of astronomical and cosmological facts shown to mankind are included in the Holy Quran as
evidence of its truth.
"We will show them our signs in the horizons, and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is
the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witness over all things?"(53-Surat 41-Fusilat).
This article is devoted to the discussion of a few astronomical, geological and cosmological facts:
1- Sun, moon, solar eclipses- earth, solar terrestrial effects.
2- Solar system, planets, comets, meteors and meteorites
3- Stars, quasars, white dwarfs etc
4- Creation and destruction of the cosmos.
In addition some scientific phenomena related to the prophets Noah, Ibraheem , Yusof, Moses and Mohammad
peace is upon them as well as Zu Alqarnain and the cave people will be given. Numerical scientific marvels in the
Holy Quran will be pointed out in their proper places.
Keywords: Holy Quran, Science, Astronomy, Cosmology, cosmogony, Quasars, White dwarfs, Sun, solar eclipses,
planets, comets Creation and destruction of cosmos, Prophets; Noah, Abraham, Yusof, Moses, Mohamad,
The diameter of the sun subtend an angel in the sky about ½ °, precisely it is 32 arc minute average ( fig 1) which is
the number of repetition of the word sun in the Quran. On the other hand, the frequency of the word moon in the
Quran is 27 which is equivalent to the sidereal length of the lunar month. The frequency of days ( the day 349+ a day
16) in the Quran is 365 i.e. equal to one solar year. In addition, 300 solar years ~ 309 lunar years.
"They stayed in their cave three hundred years, increased by nine"(25- Surat 18, The Cave).
FIGURE 1. The sun and the moon subtend almost exactly the same angle in the sky, 32 arc minutes (1). This makes their
apparent diameters equal.
The Solar Corona
The holy Quran distinguishes between solar and lunar lights and describes the sun as a lamp.
"Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens, one above another (15)`And has placed the moon,
therein a light, and made the sun a lamp ?"(16) Surat Noah- chapter 71
2600 km above the visible surface of the sun, the photosphere, which is below 6000ºK, lies the solar corona with a
variable temperature of one to several millions of degrees. Taking about the corona and its effect on cyclones, the
Quran says"And we made (wahagan) variable, the temperature a distant from a dazzling lamp (13) And We
send down from cyclones pouring water (14)To produce with it grains and plants (15)" (Surat 78 Alnabaa).
Solar Cycles Periodicities And Their Terrestrial Effects
The 11 Year Solar Cycle
The visible surface of the sun is dotted with strong magnetic areas known as sunspots, their number vary according
to the 11 year cycle. The above verse number 14 of Surat 78, gives the relation between solar cycles and cyclones.
Such relation is illustrated nicely with the 11 year sunspot cycles as seen in fig 2 (after 2 and his reference). The
Prophet Noah asked his people to ask for forgiveness so that God send for them from heaven rain in abundance, the
number of the verse is equivalent to the 11 year solar cycle in agreement with fig 2.
"And I said: Seek forgiveness of your Lord, for He was forgiving.(10) He will send the sky to you abundantly
(11)" Surat Noah.
FIGURE 2. The correspondence between the number of Indian cyclones and group sunspot number (2).
The 22 years Hale magnetic cycle
The two solar magnetic poles reverse their polarities every 11 years , thus every pole returns to its original polarity
every 22 years.
The 51 years solar periodicity
On carrying out solar periodicity analyses of the sun spot number, the 51 year periodicity stands out. The 11, 22 and
51 or 52 years solar periodicities are very strong in rain, cyclones river Nile and England temperature series. Such
periodicities are evident in fig 4 (2). Cross correlation between the Equatorial and Ethiopian contributions of the
Nile during the period 622-1468 AD, indicates that the two contributors were inversely correlated for 80 years, then
they change for positive correlation for 51 years (3).
FIGURE 3. The power spectra for a number of Atlantic tropical cyclones, the length of the tropical cyclone season, and the
sunspot number (2 and their reference). Note the 11, 22 and 51 periodicities evident in the three power spectra.
Few years ago, I was having a look at a book on fishery and climate change and I was struck by a diagram showing
the number of herring catches in the North Sea. This diagram resembles computer plots of the smoothed sunspot
number that I have computed (4). It was only then that I realized the meaning of the following Aiat indicating the
role of the sun in our sustenance.
"And in the heaven is your sustenance and that which ye are threatened with (22)"Athariat chapter 51
I also realized the cause of the disappearance of Herring from the North Sea in the 1960s due solar induced climate
change. On examining solar domination on sardine, it turns out the sardines disappeared from all over the world
including the Egyptian Mediterranean water in the 1960s, surely it wasn’t the High Dam to be blamed.
FIGURE 4 The coherence between the solar Wolf Gleissberg cycles (top) and the number of Herring catches in the North Sea(4)
Recently as I was preparing this talk I re-looked at those verses of Holy Quran
"And in the heaven is your sustenance and that which ye are threatened with (22)"Athariat chapter 51
The number of the verse was that of the 22 year cycle, while the number of the Surat(chapter) was the 51 year solar
periodicity, praise be to God. Cyclones bring rain which is sustenance but they can develop into destructive
hurricanes which are one of the threats mentioned in verse 22. Another confirmation of the solar periodicieties 11
and 52 which are geoeffective is in Surat Hûd. .Both of the Prophet Noah and Hûd said the same sentence.
"And my people seek forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him; He will send the sky to you
abundantly, and He will increase might to your might. So do not turn away as criminals." (52) Chapter 11
Coronal Mass Ejections
'ye assembly of Jinns and men!, if ye have power to penetrate the zones of the heavens and the earth then
penetrate (them)! Ye will never penetrate them save with authority (33) Which of your Lord's marvels will
you deny?(34) There shall be sent against you projectiles of fire and smoke without fire , and you cannot win
(35) Surat Arrahman (chapter 55)
These Aiat are talking about the space age and about coronal mass ejections or CMEs. They are ejected pieces of the
solar and or stellar coronas with temperatures in excess of million degrees and very high velocities, they are real
projectiles of fire that are frequently ejected in all directions and can hit space probes and destroy them. Some times
those CMEs hit the earth and cause severe disturbances that lead to charge accumulation on satellites surfaces and
burn them. Charged particles can also destroy instruments. The disturbances may drag satellites and cause them to
fall down. The earth is however protected by the magnetosphere but direct hits to space probes can be a real disaster.
The Moon And Solar Eclipses
The moon is tidally locked to the earth, i.e. it rotates around the earth in 27 days while revolving around itself in 27
days also with the result that it gives only one face towards the earth and we see not its back. But because its orbit
around the earth is elliptical, we can see 7.8 degrees from its back, besides an extra degree as the observer on the
earth is spinning with it. In addition we see 180 degrees (half of it) which faces the earth. Thus, we see from the
earth ~ 189° of the lunar surface which is the number of the following verse giving the answer about the cause of
lunar crescents and combining this answer with another question about entering houses from the back prior Islam,
if one returned home when on pilgrimage. Thus giving a full accurate answer of lunar phases and locking.
"They ask thee concerning the crescents. Say: They are signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of)
men, and for Pilgrimage. It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back: It is virtue if ye fear God. Enter
houses through the proper doors: And fear God: That ye may prosper". (189-Surat 2 Al Bakara).
In the early times, during solar eclipses when it became dark, they thought that the night overtook the day , but the
Quran denies this declaring that each of them has its own orbit. If we take the earth-moon distance as unity, then the
earth-sun distance (astronomical unit) is 400 times. Similarly, the diameter of the sun is 400 times larger than that of
the moon. Those conditions are necessary to make the apparent disk of the moon equal that of the sun in order for
the moon to fully cover the sun during a solar eclipse (see fig 1). Those information are given in verse forty of surat
Yassen. According to the traditions of the prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him, reading of Surat Yassen is 10
times equivalent to reading the whole Quran. Thus the multiplying the verse number by 10 =400 which is the ratio of
the sun-earth distance to the moon-earth distance
" It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each of them is swimming in
its own orbit" (40 Surat Yaseen).
"The Sun and the moon are within a ring (5) Surat Arrahman(chapter 55)
This Aiat is talking about solar eclipse where at totality the sun and the moon are seen within the ring of fire, the
corona. In the darkness of the sky, the corona is seen as letter o as seen in fig 5. Number 5 in Quran looks like a ring.
Let us rewrite the above Aiat with familiar numerical The Sun and the moon are within a ring (O) (chapter OO).
FIGURE 5. The sun and the moon are within the ring of fire, the corona during a total solar eclipse.
The 1st Of April 2470 Total Solar Eclipse Observed By The Prophet Ibraheem
The prophet Ibraheem( Abraham) witnessed a total solar eclipse on the first of April 2470 BC when Babel was on
the totality zone. This condition allows no corona to be seen during totality. As the moon's shadow covered him, he
saw only one planet, it was Venus according to Ibn Abas and to astronomical tables. The description of the stages of
solar eclipse is given in the Quran and are illustrated in figs 6 whil (5)
" And it is such that We showed Abraham the hidden kingdom of heavens and earth, so that he will be of
those who have certainty (75). When the night covered him, he saw a planet, and he said: "This is my Lord."
But when it disappeared he said: "I do not like those that disappear (76) So when he saw the moon showing
up, he said: "This is my Lord." But when it disappeared he said: "If my Lord will not guide me, then I will be
amongst the people who go astray!(77) So when he saw the sun showing up, he said: "This is my Lord, this is
bigger." But when it disappeared he said: "My people, I am innocent of that which you associate with
God(78) I have turned my face toward Him Who originated the heavens and the earth, and I am not of the
polytheists( 79- Surat 6 AlAnaam).
FIGURE 6. The stages of total eclipse observed from the border of totality zone as described by the holy Quran; from left to
right, the shadow of the moon covered the young Ibraheem, he saw Venus, then he saw the moon just appearing( drawing by
American astronomers for the 1789 eclipse) then he saw the crescent sun just emerging.
FIGURE 7. left: The Solar Eclipse of the 1st of April 2470 BC seen by the prophet Ibraheem from Babel on the edge of the
totality zone. Note the large width of totality zone and that it passed over Northern Egypt . Right: The cosmic prayer of the sun,
moon and earth during total solar eclipse. The three bodies are lined up and lunar shadow is prostrating on the earth.
The prophet Mohamad, peace be upon him also witnessed a solar eclipse, in El Madinah al Munawarah on the tenth
year of Higra, 632 AD. This eclipse coincided with the death of his only son Ibraheem. After performing the eclipse
prayer, he declared," the Sun and the moon are two marvels of God, they do not eclipse for the death of any one or
his life, if you see this, do pray". Prayers in Islamic style; line up, stand, kneel and prostrate to Allah. The shadows
also prostrate to God.
" And unto Allah prostrate whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their
shadows in the morning and the evening hours" (15), Surat the thunder, chapter 13
During a solar eclipse, the sun, moon and earth line up and the moon's shadow prostrate on the earth to God. While
on lunar eclipse, the earth's shadow falls on the moon in prostration. Solar and lunar eclipses are the cosmic prayer
of the sun, earth and moon. Muslims join up this collective cosmic prayer on performing the eclipse prayer.
Before the eclipse starts, the lunar shadow is short but God lengthen it to reach the ground, and the shadow moves
across the totality path from west to east and then shorten it after eclipse termination.
"Have you not seen (the work of) your Lord, how He extends the shadow? And if He had pleased He would
have made it stationary; then We have made the sun an indication of it (46) Them WE draw it in towards
Ourselves, drawing in little by little (47) Al phurqan, chapter 25.
Dating The Prophets Yûsuf (Joseph) and Moses
"Then shall come after that seven hard years, which shall consume all that you shall have laid by in advance
for them except a little which you may preserve (48)"The Holy Quran , Yûsuf Chapter 12
"And indeed We punished the people of the Pharaoh with years of drought and shortness of fruits that they
might remember (take heed)" (130) Al Araf
Nile floods records are preserved in the geological time series of Lake Qarun (fig 8 left)The seven drought years of
the prophet Yûsuf started in 2200 BC, while those of the prophet Moses ended by 1200 BC .
FIGURE 8. left: Time series of lake Qarun level with reference to sea level (6)l. Note the two drought periods at 2200 and 1200
BC at the times of the prophets Yûsuf and Moses respectively. Right: map showing the Siberian volcanic Basalt plateau (marked
by a circle) where excavations for the hot water spring of black mud reached by Alexander the great is recommended.
The Quran mentions the midnight sun observed at the arctic circle.
"So when he reached the ascending position of the sun, he found it ascending on a people whom We did not
make for them any cover1(shelter) from it" (90) chapter 18 Alkahf.
The summer duration of day at the arctic circle increases with the increase of latitude. It is maximum six months at
the pole i.e. at latitude 90 which is the number of the verse. Astronomical and geological determination of the
position of the hot water spring of black mud reached by Zul-Qarnain ( most probably the two horned Alexander the
great) at the setting position of the sun(the last latitude where the sun sets) indicate that he reached approximately
latitude 65.418° in the Siberian Basalt volcanic plateau. Basalt gives this place the black color (Yousef 2004).
"Until, when he reached the setting position of the sun, he found it setting in a (hot water spring of black
mud) and he found people there. We said "O Zul-quarnain either punish them or treat them kindly (86)"
Chapter 18 Alkahf. Alexander then moved about 51.5 Km north from to latitude 65.91º approximately to observe
the ascension position of the sun. We invite excavations:
a) In and around the Siberian Basalt volcanic plateau at latitude 65.418°(fig 8 right). b) Around 65.91 in Siberia,
which should prove that Zol-quarnian had reached the Arctic Circle on summer solstice on 27 of June 330  3 B.C.
The night( earth' shadow) is the cover of the sun
The Deluge Of Noah
The detailed main steps of this Dilemma are summarized in the Quran as follows:
1) So, when Our command came and attenur2 (volcano) gushed forth.
We said: "Carry in it two of every pair, and your family; except those against whom the word has been
issued; and whoever believed." But those who believed with him were few (40). chapter 11
2) And while it was running with them in waves like mountains…. (42) chapter 11
3) So We opened the gates of the sky with pouring water.(11) chapter 54
4) And we caused springs to gush out of the earth. The waters met to a command which had been
measured.(12) chapter 54
5) And it was said: "O land, swallow your water, and O sky, cease." And the water was made to
subside, and the matter concluded. And it came to rest on the Judi, and it was said: "Away with the
wicked people."(44) chapter 11
The clear statement " waves like mountains" that carried the ark off the ground in the early stage of the event is an
indication of Tsunami. Its cause is a sub-water volcanic eruption as indicated in step 1. There was enough time
between the eruption of the volcano and the arrival of the water waves to embark pairs of animal and perhaps seeds
of plants. This means that the location of the volcano was far enough. In addition all the underground water came
above the ground through the springs and it is rather likely that this was a global event.
0pening the gates of the sky may be by the bombardments of the solar coronal mass ejections to the magnetosphere
by magnetic reconnections. Enormous proton streams can enter to the earth through those gates and cause deluges.
" Surely, your God is One (5) Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all between them, and Lord of every
point at the risings of the sun1 (6) Lo! We have adorned the lowest heaven with an ornament, the planets (7)
And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious Shaitan (8) They cannot listen to the Highest assembly ;
and they are bombarded from every side (9) Being driven off, and for them is a perpetual chastisement (10)
Any of them who snatches something away, he is pursued by a piercing meteor flame (11- Surat 37)
The whole solar system is embedded into a covering spherical protective envelope of several trillion frozen icy
comets believed to extend from 10,00 to 100,000 astronomical units from the sun known as the Oort cloud (fig 9
left). The comets orbits are in every direction. It seems that this is the safeguard from the devils. They cannot thus
listen to the highest order otherwise a piercing fire meteor will follow the one who dares.
Run, sail
FIGURE 9. Left: The safeguard of the solar system, the Oort cloud where several trillion icy comets envelop the solar system.
Middle: usually the comet is seen on the horizon, first after sun set then after turning behind the sun before sun rise.
Right: three Arabic words describes the orbit and function of comet, as the comet recedes like a horse receding, the comet then
turns towards the sun and sails develop like a sailing boat, then the comet reaches perihelion, hide behind the sun and eject debris
The orbit of a comet is fully described in the Holy Quran in three Arabic words; starting from the point of perihelion
(closest point to the sun) the comet recedes backward with its tail in the opposite side of the sun in analogy to a
horse receding. As it recedes away from the sun, its tails shorten then disappear and the comet becomes just a piece
of rock enveloped with dirty ice. This function happens in the receding branch of the orbit as the comet reaches its
A ttanur is an Arabic word for a volcanic conical shape oven
aphelion point in its long elliptical orbit (furthers point in its orbit) it changes its direction of motion and proceeds
towards the sun. As it gets into the inner solar system, it becomes visible again when the sun's heat evaporates its ice
and the solar wind pushes the gas and dust away into long sails, this word describes the function in the approaching
branch of the orbit. The comet reaches perihelion earlier or later than estimated by Newton's laws. The comet then
appears after sunset as the night comes. Then the comet reaches its point of perihelion, becomes invisible and hides
behind the sun and throws sand into space. At this point, a comet completes one revolution in its orbit (fig 9 right). It
is this sand which makes meteors showers as the orbit of comet intersects the earth's orbit. Then the comet recedes
again and becomes visible at dawn before sunrise as the night departs and the heat and solar Ultraviolet radiation
expands the air facing the sun in a breathing mode. Indeed this is the saying of a messenger of Allah.
"Nay! I call to witness those that recede while advancing (15) That run(sail) their course, hide themselves and
throw debris ( 16) And the night when it comes and departs(17) And the morning when it breathes (18) This is
the utterance of an honorable messenger" (19 Surat 81 Attakweer).
It was the comets that brought water to the earth in its early stage; the number of aiat is the atomic weight of water.
And we send down from the sky water in measure, and We give it lodging in the earth, and lo! We are able to
withdraw it (18). Surat Al Moemenoon, chapter 23.
From time to time, cosmic bodies enter the earth’s atmosphere. Provided their sizes are small enough they would be
completely burnt out, large sizes cosmic bodies would struck the surface of the Earth leaving impact craters. A
medium size cosmic body would go through an air explosion inducing a ring (a hallo) and a shock wave. This shock
wave would raise the temperature of the surface instantaneously in a vast area of the Earth turning the sandy face of
the ground into slippery glasses. If there is a well or a spring in the area then the shock wave will force the water
deep into the ground. The third effect of the shock wave is to knock down fruit and trees in the area.
This proposed mechanism is capable of explaining the existence of large areas of glassy material with no apparent
trace of impact craters like in the Libyan Desert glass area. Reflect on the following verses of the Quran:
“….and send on it a ring (Husbân) from the heaven thus the face of the earth will become slippery(40) or its
water becomes deep-sunken, so that you will never be able to seek it (41)He was surrounded by his fruit thus
he remained clapping his hands (with sorrow) over what he had spent on it , while it has fallen on its trellises,
and he could only say " Would that I had ascribed no partners to my Lord!" (42) Surat Al-Kahf..
FIGURE 10. Mid-air explosion of a cosmic body producing a ring and a shock wave resulting in knocking down trees(7).
"I swear by the positions of the stars (75) This is an oath, if you only know tremendous (76) This is, indeed, a
noble Qur'an (77- Surat 56 Alwaqiaa).
To my present knowledge, two kinds of stars are mentioned by name in the Quran, Al-Tareq and Sirius
"By the sky and Al-Taareq(1) Ah, what will tell thee what is Al-Taareq (2) The piercing star (3) There is not a
soul but has a guardian over it (4) So let man see from what he was created (5) He was created from an (
ejected) gushing water(6- Surat 68-Al Tareq).
This description can only fit Quasars (Quasti-stellar objects). Quasars were discovered in the 1960s. They are star
like but their masses are enormous. Its hot accretion sdisk is around a super massive black hole. The disk ejects
powerful jet that pierces the space as seen in fig (10). This explains the combination of the piercing star and the
ejected gushing water from which man was created.
FIGURE 11. Quasars, actual photo and a model showing the ejected piercing column
In Surat Al Nagn (The star),
By the Star when it (fall) collapsed (1) Your friend3 was not astray, nor was he deceived (2)…
"And that He it is Who is the Lord of Sirius" (49)
" You shall fall prostrate before GOD, and worship" (62) Surat 53- Al Nagm)
In the latter stages of developments of stars, They eject an envelope but the core collapse to the size of a planet and
becomes a white dwarf. Sirius B, which the companion of Sirius is the first white dwarf discovered showing
gravitational red shift. When one prostrates, there is a great reduction in his size. Similarly the great reduction of the
size of the star to planetary size or smaller is its prostration. This also apply to black holes and neutron stars (fig 12)
"The stars and the trees prostrate" (6- Surat 55 Arrahman).
FIGURE 12. The collapse of Sirius B from star size to planetary size as an action of prostration.
We constructed the universe with power, and We are expanding it. (47)
And the earth We spread out; how excellent a designer (48)
And from everything We created a pair, that you may remember. (49)
The prophet Mohamad peace be upon him
So flee towards God. I am a clear Warner coming to you from Him (50) Surat Athariat chapter 51
Two main points those verses talk about: The universe is expanding and that every this is created in pairs.
The resting Place of The Sun
The whole universe is expanding apart from our galaxy, the Milky way with our sun and the local group of galaxies,
the Virgo cluster an d thousands of galaxies. They are hurtling with a velocity of ~ 600 km/s towards a great mass
of about 5 X 1016 the solar mass, 90% of it is in the form of dark matter in the direction of the constellation of
Centaurus called the great attractor. In analogy to pins attracted by a magnet, the pins will come to a halt once they
reach the magnet which can be called their destination or resting position.
The expansion of the cosmos is clearly stated in the following verse of the Quran
" We constructed the heaven with power, and We are expanding it" (47-Surat 51 Athariyat).
But when it comes to the sun, the Holy Quran states:
"And the sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise" ( 38)
Saurat 36 Yaseen).
Talking about the end of the cosmos, the Holy Quran says:
"On that day, we will fold the heaven, like the folding of a book. Just as we initiated the first creation, we will
return it. This is our promise; we will certainly carry it out.(104) "Al Anbijaa chapter 21
On the annihilation of the Cosmos, we can read
GOD is the One who holds the heavens and the earth, lest they vanish. And if they did vanish, none can hold
them back but HE. Verily, HE is Forbearing, Most Forgiving (41) Surat Fatir chapter 35.
From all of the above mentioned verses of the Quran, we may speculate that the cosmos as represented in fig 13 is
split around its center, the great attractor into two wings, one is composed of matter while the other is composed of
anti matter. At the end day, the wings or the book will be closed leading to the annihilation of the universe. It looks
that the cosmos was created from light, matter and anti matter were created instantly in equal amounts, matter were
ejected in one direction forming one wing, ours, while anti matter were ejected in the other direction forming the
other version of the cosmos.
"Just as we initiated the first creation, we will return it…."(104) "Al Anbijaa (the Prophets )chapter 21
Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were one piece and We tore them apart? And that
We made from the water everything that lives.Will they not believe?(30) Surat Al Anbiaa -chapter 21.
FIGURE 13. The vision of the cosmos with the great attractor at its center and two wings, one formed of matter and the other of
anti matter. The photo of the butterfly nebula is used for illustration.
The era of space age and high technology has brought mankind to the frontiers of the cosmos, but every knowledge
we gain is within the limitations of Gods pleasure.
"Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Ever living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber
does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that
can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and
they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over
the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the
Great( 255) chapter 3 the cow
And what we see of the cosmos is only a few percent as the cosmos is mostly composed of dark matter. Dark
matter may be what the holy Quran always refers to as what is between the heavens and the earth;
" Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefore, worship thou Him and be thou
steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him?(65)" Chapter 19 Mary
O People do reflect and indeed those who fear God are scientists
"Dost thou not see that Allah sends down water from the sky, and WE bring forth therewith fruits of
different colours; and in the mountains are streaks white and red, of diverse hues, and others raven black
?(27) Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly
reverence GOD are those who are knowledgeable. GOD is Almighty, Forgiving (28) Chapter 35 Fatir.
"Thanks are due to the Lord of the universes" (2) Al Fatiha chapter 1. Power point presentations are given in (8).
My deep thanks are due to God and to my parents. I also appreciate the steps taken by Prof. Lotfia El Nady for
making the theme of the marvels of science in the Quran as one of the themes of this conference.
J. M. Pasachoff, Astronomy: from the Earth to the Universe, Fort Worth, USA: Saunders College Publishing, 1998, p. 107.
D. V. Hoyt and . K. H. Schatten, The Role of the Sun in Climate Change, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, p.145.
S. M. Yousef and M.El Raey, Bulletin De L’ Institut D’ Egypte Tomes LXXIV,p76(1994)
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S.M. Yousef, Nato advances in Solar Research at Eclipses from Ground and from Space, Romanian Astronomical
6. F. A. Hassan, J.of Archaeological Sc.13: 483-501(1986).
7. M. Brinker, home page on Tunguska. MRB26’s home page,
8. S. M. Yousef,