Markets Without Borders

Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Course 5: Module 14 - Markets Without Borders
This document is intended for schools and program sites to use when aligning the Ford PAS curriculum to the New York State
Learning Standards for Social Studies. It lists the national academic content standards that are taught and applied (in aqua boxes) in
this module and the corresponding New York State Learning Standards in Social Studies by grade level (in white boxes). Note that
this document identifies the most significant national academic standards that are addressed in this module so it does not correspond
exactly to the Module Learning Goals in the Module 14 Teacher Guide. In some instances, standards listed here combine the language
of more than one national standard or the wording is slightly modified to correspond more closely to the module content. This
document uses the same abbreviations and number/letter designations that are in the Module Learning Goals tables in the Teacher
Guide. “No Corresponding New York State Social Studies Standard” means that no state standard was found to match the national
academic content standard. In addition, the activities in the module where the specific academic content knowledge is addressed are
identified in the last column.
Academic Content 1: Culture: Interpret how values and attitudes may contribute or pose obstacles to understandings across
cultures. (NCSS 1f).
State Standards:
World History - Grades 9 & 10
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras,
themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a
variety of perspectives.
Performance Indicator 2.3.2: explain the dynamics of cultural change and how interactions between and
among cultures has affected various cultural groups throughout the world.
Developed by LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 1.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 2: Time, Continuity, and Change: Analyze multiple historical and present-day viewpoints within and
across cultures related to important events, recurring dilemmas, and persistent issues, while employing
empathy, skepticism, and critical judgment. (NCSS 2e).
State Standards:
History of the United States and New York: Grade 11
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes,
developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York
Performance Indicator 1.3.1: students compare and contrast the experience of different ethnic, national, and
religious groups, including Native American Indians, in the United States, explaining their contributions to
American society and culture.
State Standards
World History: Grades 9 & 10.
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras,
themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a
variety of perspectives.
Performance Indicator 2.1.2: understand the development and connectedness of Western civilization and
other civilizations and cultures in many areas of the world and over time.
Performance Indicator 2.1.5: analyze changing and competing interpretations of issues, events, and
developments throughout world history.
Developed by The LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 2.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 3: Production, Consumption, and Distribution: Understand the impact of specialization and exchange on
production and consumption. (NCSS 7e, NCEE 5 and 6).
State Standards:
Economics: Grade 12
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States
and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources; how
major decision-making units function in the U.S. and other national economies, and how an economy
solves the scarcity problem through market and non market mechanisms.
Performance Indicator 4.1.6: investigate how production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods
and services are economic decisions with which all societies and nations must deal.
Academic Content 4: Production, Distribution, and Consumption: Distinguish between domestic and global economic
systems and explain how the two interact. (NCSS 7i).
State Standards:
Economics: Grade 12
Performance Indicator 4.1.5: compare and contrast the United States economic system with other national
economic systems, focusing on the three fundamental economic questions: What goods and services shall be
produced and in what quantities? How shall goods and services be produced? For whom shall goods and
services be produced?
Developed by The LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 3 .
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 5 : Global Connections: Explain conditions and motivations that contribute to conflict, cooperation, and
interdependence among groups, societies, and nations. (NCSS 9b).
State Standards:
World History : Grades 9 & 10.
Performance Indicator 2.1.4: understand the broad patterns, relationships, and interactions of cultures and
civilizations during particular eras and across eras.
Geography: Grade 12
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the
interdependent world in which we live – local, national, and global – including the distribution of people,
places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.
Performance Indicator 3.1.5: analyze how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence
the division and control of the Earth’s surface.
Academic Content 6:
Global Connections: Describe and evaluate the role of international and multinational organizations.
(NCSS 9g).
State Standards:
History of the United States and New York - Grade 11.
Performance Indicator 1.2.6: compare and contrast the values exhibited and foreign policies
implemented by the United States and other nations over time with those expressed in the United Nations
Charter and international law.
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 7:
Understand that productive resources are limited and that people choose different methods of
allocating them. (NCEE 1).
State Standards:
Grade 12
Performance Indicator 4.1.1: analyze the effectiveness of varying ways societies, nations, and regions
of the world attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing scarce resources.
Performance Indicator 4.1.3: understand the nature of scarcity and how nations of the world make
choices which involve economic and social costs and benefits.
Academic Content 8: Understand that supply and demand changes affect prices, which sends signals and provides
incentives to buyers and sellers. (NCEE 8, NCSS 7b).
State Standards:
Grade 12.
Performance Indicator 4.1.2: define and apply basic economic concepts scarcity, supply/demand,
opportunity costs, production, resources, money and banking, economic growth, markets, costs,
competition, and world economic systems.
Performance Indicator 4.1.7: understand the roles in the economic system of consumers, producers,
workers, investors, and voters.
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 5.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 9 :
Explain the role of the exchange of money and interdependence in economics. (NBEA: ECON 6).
State Standards:
Grade 12
Performance Indicator 4.1.2: define and apply basic economic concepts such as scarcity,
supply/demand, opportunity costs, production, resources, money and banking, economic growth, markets,
costs, competition, and world economic systems
Performance Indicator 4.1.6: explain how economic decision-making has become global as a result of
an interdependent world economy.
Academic Content 10: Describe economic relationships among nations and the importance of international trade,
investment, and monetary systems. (NBEA: ECON 14).
State Standards:
Economics: Grade 12.
Performance Indicator 4.1.5: compare and contrast the United States economic system with other
national economic systems, focusing on the three fundamental economic questions.
Performance Indicator 4.1.6: explain how economic decision-making has become global as a result of an
interdependent world economy
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 6.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 11: Gather, evaluate and synthesize data from a variety of sources to create and communicate knowledge
using a variety of technological and information resources. (NCTE/IRA 7 and 8).
State Standards:
Grade 10.
Performance Indicator 3.2.2: locate and gather geographic information from a variety of primary and
secondary sources.
Grade 12.
Performance Indicator 4.2.1: Identify, locate, and evaluate economic information from standard reference
works, newspapers, periodicals, computer databases, monographs, textbooks, government publications, and
other primary and secondary sources.
Academic Content 12: Use spoken, written, and visual language for a particular purpose or to a particular audience.
(NCTE/IRA 4 and 12.)
State Standards:
English Language Arts: Grades 9 – 12.
Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
Performance Indicator 3.2.2: make effective use of details, evidence, and arguments and of presentational
strategies to influence an audience to adopt their position.
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 7.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 13: Read and comprehend informational materials and produce written or oral work that summarizes
information. (NCEE/Pitt 1c).
State Standards:
History of the United States and New York: Grade 11. (See page 2)
Performance Indicator 1.3.3: prepare essays and oral reports about the important social, political,
economic, scientific, technological, and cultural developments, issues, and events from New York State and United States history.
Academic Content 14: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols. (NCTM 2.2).
State Standards:
Mathematics: Modeling Students use mathematical modeling/multiple representation to provide a means of presenting, interpreting,
communicating, and connecting mathematical information and relationships.
Performance Indicator 3.4.1: represent problem situations symbolically by using algebraic expressions,
sequences, tree diagrams, geometric figures, and graphs.
Academic Content 15: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships. (NCTM 2.3).
State Standards:
Mathematics: Modeling Performance Indicator 3.4.9: use graphing utilities to create and explore geometric and algebraic models.
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 8.
Ford PAS Alignment to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies
Academic Content 16: Use technology for solving problems and making informed decisions. (ISTE 6.1).
State Standards:
Mathematics: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address
real-life problems and make informed decisions.
Performance Indicator 7.1.2: analyze and quantify consumer product data, understand environmental and
economic impacts, develop a method for judging the value and efficacy of competing products, and discuss
cost/benefit and risk/benefit trade-offs made at arriving at the optimal choice.
Academic Content 17: Use technology to develop strategies for solving problems in the real world. (ISTE 6.2).
State Standards:
Mathematics: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Performance Indicator 7.1.3: design solutions to real-world problems on a community, national, or global
scale using a technological design process that integrates scientific investigation and rigorous mathematical
analysis of the problem and of the solution.
Developed by the LIWorks Coalition
Markets Without Borders
August, 2010
p. 9.