Title: Development of low and high-power Stirling

Title: Development of low and high-power Stirling-type PTCs in Giessen
Thummes, Guenter E
Institute of Applied Physics,University of Giessen
University of Muenster
Scientific Assistant
University of Hamburg
Assistant Prof
1989-Now University of Giessen
Research Field and Specialization:
Low-temperature solid state physics
Low-temperature transport properties of metals and alloys
Development and applications of pulse tube cryocoolers (since 1993)
Activities in Professional Organisations:
International Cryocooler Conference, Board Member, 2000 to 2006
International Cryogenic Engineering Committee, Committee Member, since 2004
Cryogenics (Elsevier), Advisory Editor, since 2001
Subject and Achievement of Past Research:
1993: First realisation and successful operation of a Pulse Tube Cryocoler (PTC) in
1995: First operation of a YBCO SQUID-gradiometer by use of a PTC
1996: Record low temperature of 2.07 K by use of a liquid Nitrogen precooled
two-Stage PTC
1996: First realization of a two-stage 4 Kelvin PTC (0.3 W at 4.2 K)
1997: First helium liquefaction by use of a two-stage PTC
1998: First operation of a superconducting 3 Tesla magnet using a two-stage PTC
2000: First PTC-precooled adiabatic demagnetisation refrigerator (min temperature:
96 mK) with 5 T NbTi-magnet
2001: First successful PTC-cooling of a Josephson voltage standard (cooperation with
IPHT Jena and PTB)
2001: Small single-stage Stirling-Type PTCs based of commercial 100 W and 200 W
linear compressors with cooling powers up to 8 W at 80 K (COP = 4.1 %)
2003: Record low temperature of 1.27 K achieved with a specially designed PTC
operating with Helium-3 in the 2nd stage
2003: Two-stage PTC with 3-He working fluid: record minimum temperature of 1.27
K achieved
2004: Small two-stage Stirling-Type PTC with 200 W compressor achieving a
minimum temperature of 19.6 K
2005: Single-stage high-power Stirling-Type PTC achieving a cooling power of 350
W at 80 K
2006: Low-power 4 K PTC for cooling of a Josephson ac-voltage standard
2009: Two-stage high-power Stirling-Type PTC achieving a cooling power of 13 W at
25 K.
List of Major Publications:
In the past 30 years, about 100 papers have been published in International
Journals or in the Proceedings of important International Conferences.Some typical
publications are the following:
1.G. Thummes, H.H. Mende: "Influence of Oxygen Annealing on the Electrical
Resistivity and Surface Scattering of Electrons in Copper Whiskers at 4.2 K" ; phys.
stat. sol. (a) 26, 243 (1974)
2.G. Thummes, J. Kötzler: "Magnetic-Field-Enhanced Electron-Electron Scattering in
the Resistivity of Copper"Phys. Rev. B 31, 2535 (1985) Rapid Communication
3.G. Thummes, J. Kötzler, R. Ranganathan, R. Krishnan: "Electron-Electron
Interaction and Magnon Scattering in the d-Electron Dominated Resistivity of
Ni80-xFexSi8B12 Glasses", Z. Phys. B 69, 489 (1988)
Low-Temperature Electrical Conductivity of Potassium-Doped Polyacetylene", Solid
State Comm. 67, 215 (1988)
5.J. Kötzler, G. Thummes, R. Carloff: "Universal Collective Effect in the
Low-Temperature Resistivity of Concentrated Amorphous Spin Glasses", Phys. Rev.
B 49, 6083-6087 (1994)
6.G. Thummes, F. Giebeler, C. Heiden: "Effect of Pressure Wave Form on Pulse Tube
Refrigerator Performance"in: Cryocoolers 8, R.G. Ross, Jr., ed., Plenum Press, New
York (1995), p. 383-393
7.G. Thummes, M. Mück, R. Landgraf, F. Giebeler, C. Heiden: "Pulse Tube
Refrigerator for HTc-SQUID Operation", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 41B,
1463 (1996)
8.G. Thummes, S. Bender, C. Heiden: "Approaching the 4He Lambda-Line with a
Liquid Nitrogen Precooled Two-Stage Pulse Tube Refrigerator", Cryogenics 36, 709
9.G. Thummes, M. Schreiber, R. Landgraf, C. Heiden: “Convective Heat Losses in
Pulse Tube Coolers: Effect of Pulse Tube Inclination”, in: Cryocoolers 9, R.G. Ross,
Jr., ed., Plenum Press, New York (1997), p. 393-492
10.C. Wang, G. Thummes, C. Heiden: "A Two-Stage Pulse Tube Cooler Operating
below 4 K", Cryogenics 37, 159 (1997)
11.G. Thummes, C. Wang, C. Heiden: "Small Scale 4He Liquefaction using a
Two-Stage Pulse Tube Cooler", Cryogenics 38, 337-341 (1998)
12.G. Thummes, M. Theiß, M. Bühler, J. Höhne: "Reaching 96 mK by a pulse tube
precooled adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator", in: Cryocoolers 11, R.G. Ross, Jr.,
ed., Plenum Press, New York (2001), p. 597-604
13.C. Lienerth, G. Thummes, C. Heiden: "Progress in low-noise cooling performance
of a pulse-tube cooler for HT SQUID operation", IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity 11, 812-815 (2001)
14.L.M. Qiu, T. Numazawa, G. Thummes: "Performance improvement of a pulse tube
cooler below 4 K by use of GdAlO3 regenerator material", Cryogenics 41, 693-696
15.L.M. Qiu, G. Thummes: "Valve timing effect on the cooling performance of a 4 K
pulse tube cooler", Cryogenics 42, 327-333 (2002)
16.G. Thummes, L.W. Yang: "Development of Stirling-type pulse tube coolers driven
by commercial linear compressors", Infrared Technology and Applications XXVIII, B.
F. Andresen, G. F. Gulop, M. Strojnik (eds.), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4820 (2003), pp. 1-14,
(invited paper)
17.F. Giebeler, G. Thummes, K.-J. Best: "A 5 T Persistent Current Niobium-Titanium
Magnet with a 4 K Pulse Tube Cryocooler", Superconductor Science and Technology
17, S135-S139 (2004)
18.N. Jiang, U. Lindemann, F. Giebeler, G. Thummes: "A 3He pulse tube cooler
operating down to 1.3 K", Cryogenics 44 (11), 809-816 (2004)
19.L.W. Yang, G. Thummes: "High frequency two-stage pulse tube cryocooler with
base temperature below 20 K", Cryogenics 45 (2), 155-159 (2005)
20.M. Dietrich, L.W. Yang, G. Thummes: "High-power Stirling-type pulse tube
cryocooler: observation and reduction of regenerator temperature-inhomogeneities",
Cryogenics 47, 306-314 (2007)
21.D. M. Sun, M. Dietrich, G. Thummes: "High-power Stirling-type pulse tube cooler
working below 30 K", Cryogenics 49, 457-462 (2009)
22.M. Dietrich, G. Thummes; "Two-stage high frequency pulse tube cooler for
refrigeration at 25 K", Cryogenics 50, 281-286 (2010)