ISO Update Supplement to ISO Focus+ August 2013 International Standards in process An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an International Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is circulated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus has been reached within the technical committee, the document is sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval criteria remaining the same. CD registered Period from 01 July to 31 July 2013 These documents are currently under consideration in the technical committee. They have been registred at the Central Secretariat. PC 272 Forensic sciences ISO/CD 18385 Minimizing the risk of contamination in products used to collect and analyse biological material for forensic DNA purposes TC 8 Ships and marine technology IEC/IEEE CD 80005-2 Cold ironing — Part 2: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems — Communication Interface Description TC 17 Steel ISO/CD 4995 Hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality ISO/CD 4996 Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural quality ISO/CD 4997 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of structural quality ISO/CD 5003 Flat bottom railway rails and special rail sections for switches and crossings of non-treated steel — Technical delivery requirements TC 22 Road vehicles ISO/CD 139481 Diesel engines — Fuel injection pumps and fuel injector low-pressure connections — Part 1: Threaded connections ISO/CD TR 14645 Road vehicles — Test procedures for evaluating child restraint system interactions with deploying air bags ISO/DTS 18506 Procedure to construct injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in crash tests ISO/CD 18580 Motorcycles — Verification of total running resistance force during mode running on a chassis dynamometer ISO/CD 18243 Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion traction battery systems ISO/CD 18246 Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Principles and requirements for conductive charging — Vehicle safety during charging from mains, grid and/or stationary external energy supply TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO/CD 242532 Crop protection equipment — Spray deposit tests of field crop sprayers — Part 2: Spray deposit test in field crop TC 34 Food products ISO/CD 542 Oilseeds — Sampling ISO/DTR 12591 White tea — Definition TC 35 Paints and varnishes ISO/CD 4630 Clear liquids — Estimation of colour by the Gardner colour scale ISO/CD 6271 Clear liquids — Estimation of colour by the platinum-cobalt scale ISO/CD 8623 Tall-oil fatty acids for paints and varnishes — Specifications and test methods TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO/CD 246152 Language resource management — Syntactic annotation framework (SynAF) — Part 2: XML serialization (<Tiger2/>) ISO/DTS 24617-5 Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) — Part 5: Discourse structure (SemAF-DS) ISO/CD 246177 Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework — Part 7: Spatial information (ISO-Space) ISO/CD 246201 Language resource management — Controlled natural language — Part 1: Basic concepts and general principles TC 38 Textiles ISO/CD 18782 Textiles — Determination of dynamic hygroscopic heat generation TC 39 Machine tools ISO/DTR 23011 Test code for machine tools — Part 11: Measuring instruments suitable for machine tool geometry tests TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO/CD 1817 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids TC 46 Information and documentation ISO/CD 7098 Information and documentation — Romanization of Chinese TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO/CD 210072 Gas cylinders — Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification TC 60 Gears ISO/CD 6336-5 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears — Part 5: Strength and quality of materials TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO/DTR 16705 Selected illustrations of contingency table analysis TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use ISO/CD 15378 Primary packaging materials for medicinal products — Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008, with reference to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO/CD 8769 Reference sources — Calibration of surface contamination monitors — Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters ISO/CD 16639 Surveillance of airborne radioactive substances in the workplace of nuclear facilities ISO/CD 183101 Measurement of dose equivalent rate and estimation of personal dose equivalent from patients receiving iodine 131 administration after thyroid ablation — Part 1: During the hospitalization TC 92 Fire safety ISO/CD 19702 Guidance for sampling and analysis of toxic gases and vapours in fire effluents using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) ISO/DTR 24679-3 Fire safety Engineering — Performance of structure in fire — Part 3: Example of an open car park TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO/CD 169006 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 6: Mechanical resistance/strength of components ISO/CD 1690010 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 10: Resistance to ignition, flame, radiant heat and heat ISO/CD 1690013 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 13: RPD using regenerated breathable gas and special application mining escape RPD: Consolidated test for gas concentration, temperature, humidity, work of breathing, breathing resistance and duration TC 106 Dentistry ISO/CD 133975 Dentistry — Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators — Part 5: Jacquette scalers TC 110 Industrial trucks ISO/CD 115252 Rough-terrain trucks - User requirements — Part 2: Slewing variable-reach trucks TC 130 Graphic technology ISO/CD 18619 Black point compensation TC 131 Fluid power systems ISO/CD 151712 Connections for fluid power and general use — Hydraulic couplings for diagnostic purposes — Part 2: Coupling with M16 x 2 end for connection under pressure ISO/CD 18869 Hydraulic fluid power — Test methods for couplings actuated with or without tools TC 133 Clothing sizing systems - size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings ISO/CD 8559-1 Size designation of clothes — Part 1: Anthropometric definitions for body measurement ISO/CD 8559-2 Size designation of clothes — Part 2: Primary and secondary dimension indicators ISO/CD 18163 Definition of virtual garment for digital fitting TC 146 Air quality ISO/CD 18158 Workplace air — Terminology TC 147 Water quality ISO/CD 179511 Water quality — Determination of fluoride using flow analysis (FIA and CFA) — Part 1: Method using flow injection analysis (FIA) and spectrometric detection ISO/CD 179512 Water quality — Determination of fluoride using flow analysis (FIA and CFA) — Part 2: Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA) ISO/CD 18191 Water quality — Determination of pH in sea water — Method using the indicator dye m-cresol purple ISO/CD 11731 Water quality — Enumeration of Legionella TC 149 Cycles ISO/CD 11243 Cycles — Luggage carriers for bicycles — Concepts, classification and testing ISO/CD 14878 Cycles - Audio warning devices - Technical specification and test methods TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices IEC 62304:2006/C D Amd 1 Medical device software — Software life cycle processes — Amendment 1 ISO/CD 803691 Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications — Part 1: General requirements TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics ISO/CD 191601 Addressing — Part 1: Conceptual model ISO/CD 19162 Geographic information — Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems TC 215 Health informatics ISO/DTS 17975 Health informatics — Principles and data requirements for consent in the collection, use, or disclosure of personal health information ISO/DTR 80001-2-6 Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices — Part 2-6: Application guidance — Guidance for responsibility agreements TC 218 Timber ISO/CD 738 Coniferous sawn timber — Sizes — Permissible deviations and shrinkage ISO/CD 8903 Broadleaved sawn timber — Nominal sizes ISO/CD 130615 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear specimen — Part 5: Testing in compression perpendicular to grain ISO/CD 1306110 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear specimen — Part 10: Determination of impact bending strength ISO/CD 1306111 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear specimen — Part 11: Determination of resistance to impact indentation ISO/CD 1306112 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear specimen — Part 12: Determination of static hardness ISO/CD 1306117 Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear specimen — Part 17: Determination of compression parallel to grain TC 229 Nanotechnologies ISO/DTS 16550 Nanoparticles - Determination of muramic acid as a biomarker for silver nanoparticles activity TC 234 Fisheries and aquaculture ISO/CD 16741 Traceability of Crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in farmed Crustacean distribution chains ISO/CD 18537 Traceability of Crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured Crustacean distribution chains ISO/CD 18538 Traceability of Molluscan products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in farmed Molluscan distribution chains ISO/CD 18539 Traceability of Molluscan products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured Molluscan distribution chains TC 266 Biomimetics ISO/CD 18458 Biomimetics — Conception and strategy — Differences between bionic and conventional methods/products ISO/CD 18459 Biomimetics — Biomimetic structural optimization CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC DTS 17021-5 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems — Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems ISO/IEC DTS 17027 Conformity assessment — Terminology related to competence of persons used for certification of persons JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 19793:2008/P DAM 1 Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Use of UML for ODP system specifications — Amendment 1 ISO/IEC CD 7816-6 Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 6: Interindustry data elements for interchange ISO/IEC CD 18328-2 Devices on cards — Part 2: Physical characteristics ISO/IEC CD 29146 Information technology - Security techniques - A framework for access management ISO/IEC CD 19763-13 Information technology — Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) tion ISO/IEC PDTR 18121 Virtual Experiments ISO/IEC PDTS 20006-3 Information Technology for Learning, Education and Training — Information Model for Competency — Part 3: Guidelines for the Aggregation of Competency Information and Data ISO/IEC 197942:2011/PDAM 2 Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 2: Finger minutiae data — Amendment 2: XML encoding ISO/IEC 197944:2011/PDAM 2 Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 4: Finger image data — Amendment 2: XML encoding ISO/IEC CD 30124 Code of practice for the implementation of a biometric system — Part 13: Metamodel for forms registra- DIS circulated Period from 01 July to 31 July 2013 These documents have obtained substantial support within the appropriate ISO technical committee. They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by the date shown. * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 8 ISO/DIS 18309 Ships and marine technology * Ships and marine technology — Incinerator sizing and selection — Guidelines 201310-24 ISO/DIS 17683 * Ships and marine technology — Ceramic weld backing for marine use 201310-31 TC 10 ISO/DIS 129-2 ISO/DIS 15519-2 Technical product documentation * * Technical product documentation — Indication of dimensions and tolerances — Part 2: Dimensioning of mechanical engineering drawings 201310-30 Specifications for diagrams for process industry — Part 2: Measurement and control 201310-04 TC 17 Steel ISO/DIS 13933.2 * ISO/DIS 16573 * Steel and iron — Determination of calcium and magnesium — Inductively coupled plasma atomic emisson spectrometric method 201308-29 Method for evaluation of hydrogen delayed fracture resistance of high strength steels 201310-10 TC 20 ISO/DIS 17255 TC 22 Aircraft and space vehicles * Space systems — Programme management — Statement of work Road vehicles ISO/DIS 8856 * Road vehicles — Electrical performance of starter motors — Test methods and general requirements 201310-03 (Revision of ISO 8856:1995, ISO 8856:1995/Amd 1:1997) Road vehicles — Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements — Part 6: External test equipment ISO/DIS 27145-6 * ISO/DIS 18418-1 * Gasoline engines — Medium pressure liquid fuel supply connections — Part 1: 60° female cone connectors ISO/DIS 18418-2 * Gasoline engines — Medium pressure liquid fuel supply connections — Part 2: Pipe assemblies TC 23 ISO/DIS 13860 201310-03 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry * Machinery for forestry — Forwarders — Terms, definitions and commercial specifications (Revision of ISO 13860:2000) TC 24 ISO/DIS 27891 Particle characterization including sieving * Aerosol particle number concentration — Calibration of condensation particle counters 201310-20 TC 31 ISO/DIS 14960-1 Tyres, rims and valves * Tubeless tyres — Valves and components — Part 1: Test methods 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 14960:2004) ISO/DIS 14960-2 * 201310-16 TC 34 ISO/DIS 21415-2 Tubeless tyres — Valves and components — Part 2: Clamp-in tubeless tire valve-test method Food products * Wheat and wheat flour — Gluten content — Part 2: Determination of wet gluten by mechanical means 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 21415-2:2006) ISO/DIS 18743 ISO/DIS 16779 * * Microbiology of food and animal feed — Detection of Trichinella Larvae in meat — Physical method by digestion 201310-05 Sensory analysis — Assessment (determination and verification) of the shelf life of foodstuffs 201310-20 TC 38 ISO/DIS 18103 Textiles * Superfine woven wool fabric labelling — Requirements for Super S code definition 2013- 10-05 ISO/DIS 18184 * Textiles — Determination of antiviral activity of textile products 201310-20 TC 39 Machine tools ISO/DIS 10791-1.2 Test conditions for machining centres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle (horizontal Z-axis) 201309-13 (Revision of ISO 10791-1:1998) TC 43 ISO/DIS 9295 Acoustics * Acoustics — Determination of high-frequency sound power levels emitted by machinery and equipment 201310-05 (Revision of ISO 9295:1988) ISO 101403:2010/DAmd 3 * TC 44 ISO/DIS 17916 Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 3: Measurement of impact sound insulation — Amendment 3 201310-19 Welding and allied processes * Safety of thermal cutting machines 201310-05 TC 45 ISO/DIS 1434 Rubber and rubber products * Natural rubber in bales — Amount of bale coating — Determination (Revision of ISO 1434:1995) TC 61 ISO/DIS 19065-1 Plastics * Plastics — Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA), acrylonitrile-(ethylene-propylene-diene)-styrene (AEPDS) and acrylonitrile-(chlorinated polyethylene)-styrene (ACS) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 6402-1:2002) ISO/DIS 19066-1 * Plastics — Methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (MABS) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 10366-1:2002) ISO/DIS 19069-1 * Plastics — Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (Revision of ISO 1873-1:1995) TC 68 ISO/DIS 9564- Financial services * Banking — Personal Identification Number management and security — Part 2: Approved algorithms for 201310-12 2 PIN encipherment 201310-10 (Revision of ISO 9564-2:2005) TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO/DIS 10555-6 * ISO/DIS 11070 * Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 6: Subcutaneous implanted ports 201310-11 Sterile, single-use intravascular catheter introducers 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 11070:1998) TC 87 ISO/DIS 7322 Cork * Composition cork — Test methods 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 7322:2000) TC 92 ISO/DIS 19700 Fire safety * Controlled equivalence ratio method for the determination of hazardous components of fire effluents — The steady state tube furnace 201310-10 (Revision of ISO/TS 19700:2007) TC 94 ISO/DIS 16900-12 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment * TC 106 ISO/DIS 9687 Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 12: Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures Dentistry * Dentistry — Graphical symbols for dental equipment 201310-05 (Revision of ISO 9687:1993) TC 110 ISO/DIS 22915-9 Industrial trucks * TC 114 ISO/DIS 3764.2 Industrial Trucks — Verification of stability — Part 9: Counterbalanced trucks with mast handling freight containers of 6m (20 ft) length and longer Horology * Timekeeping instruments — Movements — Types, dimensions and nomenclature 201309-11 (Revision of ISO 3764:2000) TC 131 ISO/DIS 8132 201310-16 Fluid power systems * Hydraulic fluid power — Mounting dimensions for accessories for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) medium and 25 MPa (250 bar) series 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 8132:2006) ISO/DIS 8133 * Hydraulic fluid power — Mounting dimensions for accessories for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) compact series 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 8133:2006) ISO/DIS 16908 * Hydraulic filter element test methods — Thermal conditioning and cold start-up simulation 201310-20 ISO/DIS 36015 * Fluid power systems — O-rings — Part 5: Specification of elastomeric materials for industrial applications 201310-24 (Revision of ISO 3601-5:2002) TC 138 ISO/DIS 10952 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids * Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Determination of the resistance to chemical attack for the inside of a section in a deflected condition 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 10952:2008) ISO/DIS 12512.2 * TC 147 ISO/DIS 13168 201309-11 Water quality * TC 150 ISO/DIS 58412 Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of initial specific ring stiffness and resistance to initial ring deflection using segment test pieces cut from a pipe Water quality — Simultaneous determination of tritium and carbon 14 activities — Test method using liquid scintillation counting 201310-04 Implants for surgery * Implants for surgery — Cardiac pacemakers — Part 2: Reporting of clinical performance of populations of pulse generators or leads 201310-30 (Revision of ISO 5841-2:2000) TC 158 ISO/DIS 6141 Analysis of gases * Gas analysis — Contents of certificates for calibration gas mixtures 201310-26 (Revision of ISO 6141:2000) TC 163 ISO/DIS 10916 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment * Calculation of the impact of daylight utilization on the net and final energy demand for lighting 201310-04 TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO/DIS 11979-2.2 * Ophthalmic implants — Intraocular lenses — Part 2: Optical properties and test methods 201309-05 (Revision of ISO 11979-2:1999, ISO 11979-2:1999/Cor 1:2003) ISO/DIS 11979-7.2 * Ophthalmic implants — Intraocular lenses — Part 7: Clinical investigations 201309-05 (Revision of ISO 11979-7:2006) TC 174 ISO/DIS 9202 Jewellery * Jewellery — Fineness of precious metal alloys 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 9202:1991) ISO/DIS 11210 * Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys — Gravimetric method after precipitation of diammonium hexachloroplatinate 201311-16 (Revision of ISO 11210:1995) ISO/DIS 11426 * Determination of gold in gold jewellery alloys — Cupellation method (fire assay) 201311-16 (Revision of ISO 11426:1997) ISO/DIS 11427 * Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys — Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide 201311-16 (Revision of ISO 11427:1993, ISO 11427:1993/Cor 1:1994) ISO/DIS 11489 * Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys — Gravimetric determination by reduction with mercury(I) chloride 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 11489:1995) ISO/DIS 11490 * Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys — Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 11490:1995) ISO/DIS 11494 * Jewellery — Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys — ICP-OES method using yttrium as internal standard element 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 11494:2008) ISO/DIS 11495 * Jewellery — Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys — ICP-OES method using yttrium as internal standard element 201310-16 (Revision of ISO 11495:2008) ISO/DIS 13756 * Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys — Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride 2013- 10-16 (Revision of ISO 13756:1997) ISO/DIS 15093 * Jewellery — Determination of precious metals in 999 0/00 gold, platinum and palladium jewellery alloys — Difference method using ICP-OES 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 15093:2008) ISO/DIS 15096 * Jewellery — Determination of silver in 999 0/00 silver jewellery alloys — Difference method using ICPOES 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 15096:2008) TC 182 ISO/DIS 17628 Geotechnics * TC 184 ISO/DIS 10303-209 Geotechnical investigation and testing — Geothermal testing — Determination of thermal conductivity of soil and rock using a borehole heat exchanger 201310-26 Automation systems and integration * Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 209: Application protocol: Multidisciplinary analysis and design 201310-30 (Revision of ISO 10303-209:2001) ISO/DIS 10303-242 * Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 242: Application protocol: Managed model-based 3D engineering 201310-30 (Revision of ISO 10303-201:1994, ISO 10303-202:1996, ISO 10303-204:2002, ISO 10303-214:2010, ISO 10303-203:2011) TC 188 ISO/DIS 10239 Small craft * Small craft — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems 201310-05 (Revision of ISO 10239:2008) TC 189 ISO/DIS 10545-1 Ceramic tile * Ceramic tiles — Part 1: Sampling and basis for acceptance 201310-19 (Revision of ISO 10545-1:1995) TC 201 ISO/DIS 14706 Surface chemical analysis * Surface chemical analysis — Determination of surface elemental contamination on silicon wafers by totalreflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy 201310-10 (Revision of ISO 14706:2000) ISO/DIS 13095 * Surface Chemical Analysis — Atomic force microscopy — Procedure for in situ characterization of AFM probe shank profile used for nanostructure measurement 201310-24 TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ISO/DIS 15638-6 * ISO/DIS 15638-8 * ISO/DIS 15638-11 * ISO/DIS 15638-12 * ISO/DIS 15638-14 * ISO/DIS 15638-15 * ISO/DIS 15638-16 * ISO/DIS 15638-17 * ISO/DIS 17185-1 * TC 210 ISO/DIS 80369-7 Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 8: Vehicle access management Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for Regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 11: Driver work records Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for Regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 12: Vehicle mass monitoring Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for Regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 14: Vehicle access control Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 15: Vehicle location monitoring Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 16: Vehicle speed monitoring Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 17: Consignment and location monitoring Intelligent transport systems - Public transport user information — Part 1: Standards framework for public information systems 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-04 201310-30 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices * TC 213 Small bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications — Part 7: Connectors with 6% (Luer) taper for intravascular or hypodermic applications 201310-12 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO/DIS 14253-5 * ISO/DIS 14405-3 * Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 5: Uncertainty in testing indicating measuring instruments 201310-12 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 3: Angular sizes 201310-19 TC 217 ISO/DIS 15819 Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 6: Regulated applications Cosmetics * Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Nitrosamines: Detection and determination of N- nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) in cosmetics by HPLC-MS-MS 201310-26 (Revision of ISO 15819:2008) ISO/DIS 17516 * Cosmetics — Microbiology — Microbiological limits 201310-26 TC 221 ISO/DIS 10319 Geosynthetics * Geosynthetics — Wide-width tensile test 201310-19 (Revision of ISO 10319:2008) IULTCS ISO/DIS 3380 International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies * Leather — Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of shrinkage temperature up to 100° C 201310-26 (Revision of ISO 3380:2002) ISO/DIS 54022 * Leather — Determination of flex resistance — Part 2: Vamp flex method 201310-26 (Revision of ISO 22288:2006) ISO/DIS 17235 * Leather — Physical and mechanical tests — Determination of softness 201310-26 (Revision of ISO 17235:2011) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC DIS 19099 * ISO/IEC DIS 30121 * ISO/IEC/IEEE DIS 29119-4 * ISO/IEC DIS 30100-1 * ISO/IEC DIS 27000 * Information Technology — Virtualization Management Specification 201310-11 System and software engineering — Information technology — Governance of digital forensic risk framework Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 4: Test techniques 201310-17 Information technology — Home network resource management — Part 1: Requirements 201310-13 Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary (Revision of ISO/IEC 27000:2012) ISO/IEC DIS 201310-03 * Information technology — Security techniques — Selection, deployment and operations of intrusion detec- 201310-17 27039 tion systems (IDPS) 201310-16 (Revision of ISO/IEC 18043:2006) ISO/IEC 1449610:2012/DAmd 3 * ISO/IEC 1449610:2012/DAmd 4 * ISO/IEC 1449610:2012/DAmd 5 * ISO/IEC DIS 14496-29 * ISO/IEC 2300010:2012/DAmd 1 * ISO/IEC 2300011:2009/DAmd 3 * ISO/IEC DIS 23001-9 * ISO/IEC DIS 23008-1 * Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 3: AVC compatible video-plus-depth extension Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 4: Additional colour space and tone mapping descriptors Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 5: Multi-resolution frame compatible stereo coding 201310-16 201310-23 Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) — Part 10: Surveillance application format — Amendment 1: Conformance and reference software Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) — Part 11: Stereoscopic video application format — Amendment 3: Support movie fragment for Stereoscopic Video AF Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 9: Common encryption of MPEG-2 transport streams * * 201310-17 201310-13 201310-17 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments Information technology — Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management: Data protocol — Part 4: Application interface commands for battery assist and sensor functionality (Revision of ISO/IEC 15961:2004) ISO/IEC 1979411:2013/DAmd 1 201310-17 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 29: Web video coding — Part 1: MPEG media transport (MMT) ISO/IEC DIS 15961-4 201310-17 Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 11: Signature/sign processed dynamic data — Amendment 1: Conformance test assertions FDIS circulated 201310-15 Period from 01 July to 31 July 2013 These Final draft International Standards have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval by the date shown * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 1 ISO/FDIS 16239 Screw threads * 201309-30 TC 6 ISO/FDIS 5636-3 Metric series wires for measuring screw threads Paper, board and pulps * Paper and board — Determination of air permeance (medium range) — Part 3: Bendtsen method 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 5636-3:1992) ISO/FDIS 5636-4 * Paper and board — Determination of air permeance (medium range) — Part 4: Sheffield method 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 5636-4:2005) ISO/FDIS 5636-5 * Paper and board — Determination of air permeance (medium range) — Part 5: Gurley method 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 5636-5:2003) TC 17 ISO/FDIS 6929 Steel * Steel products — Vocabulary (Revision of ISO 6929:1987) ISO/FDIS 5002 * Hot-rolled and cold-reduced electrolytic zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 5002:2008) TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ISO/FDIS 12584 * ISO/FDIS 16290 * ISO/FDIS 16404 * Aerospace — Hydraulic fluid components — Expression of particulate contamination levels 201309-05 Space systems — Definition of the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) and their criteria of assessment 201309-09 Space systems — Programme management — Requirements management 2013- 09-12 TC 22 ISO/FDIS 6622-2 Road vehicles * Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Part 2: Rectangular rings made of steel 201309-03 (Revision of ISO 6622-2:2003) ISO/FDIS 6722-2 * Road vehicles — 60 V and 600 V single-core cables — Part 2: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for aluminium conductor cables (Revision of ISO 6722:2006) ISO/FDIS 15031-4 * Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics — Part 4: External test equipment (Revision of ISO 15031-4:2005) ISO/FDIS 12619-2 * ISO/FDIS 12619-3 * TC 23 ISO/FDIS 9912-2 Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 2: Performance and general test methods Road vehicles — Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components — Part 3: Pressure regulator 201309-03 201309-03 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry * Agricultural irrigation equipment — Filters for microirrigation — Part 2: Strainer-type filters and disc filters 201309-23 (Revision of ISO 9912-2:1992) TC 29 ISO/FDIS 7388-3 Small tools * Tool shanks with 7/24 taper for automatic tool changers — Part 3: Retention knobs for shanks of forms AC, AD, AF, UC, UD, UF, JD and JF 201309-23 (Revision of ISO 7388-3:2007) TC 34 ISO/FDIS 16578 Food products * TC 35 ISO/FDIS 16474-1 Molecular biomarker analysis — General definitions and requirements for microarray detection of specific nucleic acid sequences 201309-27 Paints and varnishes * Paints and varnishes — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 1: General guidance 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 11341:2004, ISO 11507:2007) ISO/FDIS 16474-2 * Paints and varnishes — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 11341:2004) ISO/FDIS 16474-3 * Paints and varnishes — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 11507:2007) ISO/FDIS 16474-4 * TC 42 ISO/FDIS 18939 201309-26 Photography * TC 44 ISO/FDIS 14554-1 Paints and varnishes — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 4: Open-flame carbon-arc lamps Imaging materials — Digital hard copy for medical imaging — Methods of measuring permanence Welding and allied processes * Quality requirements for welding — Resistance welding of metallic materials — Part 1: Comprehensive quality requirements 201310-19 (Revision of ISO 14554-1:2000) ISO/FDIS 14554-2 * Quality requirements for welding — Resistance welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Elementary quality requirements 201310-19 (Revision of ISO 14554-2:2000) TC 54 ISO/FDIS 9841 Essential oils * Essential oil of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L. ssp. officinalis) 201309-17 (Revision of ISO 9841:2007) TC 58 ISO/FDIS 14246 Gas cylinders * Gas cylinders — Cylinder valves — Manufacturing tests and examinations 201309-12 (Revision of ISO 14246:2001) TC 60 ISO/FDIS 10300-1 Gears * Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears — Part 1: Introduction and general influence factors 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 10300-1:2001) ISO/FDIS 10300-2 * Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears — Part 2: Calculation of surface durability (pitting) 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 10300-2:2001) ISO/FDIS 10300-3 * Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears — Part 3: Calculation of tooth root strength 201309-30 (Revision of ISO 10300-3:2001) TC 67 ISO/FDIS 19900 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries * Petroleum and natural gas industries — General requirements for offshore structures 201309-19 (Revision of ISO 19900:2002) TC 85 ISO/FDIS 19238 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection * Radiation protection — Performance criteria for service laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics 201309-12 (Revision of ISO 19238:2004) ISO/FDIS 21483 * Determination of solubility in nitric acid of plutonium in unirradiated mixed oxide fuel pellets (U, Pu) O2 201309-23 (Revision of ISO 12184:1994) TC 113 ISO/FDIS 18365 Hydrometry * Hydrometry — Selection, establishment and operation of a gauging station 201310-19 (Revision of ISO 1100-1:1996, ISO/TR 8363:1997) TC 123 ISO/FDIS 7902-1 Plain bearings * Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions — Circular cylindrical bearings — Part 1: Calculation procedure 201309-04 (Revision of ISO 7902-1:1998) ISO/FDIS 2795 * Plain bearings — Sintered bushes — Dimensions and tolerances 201310-01 (Revision of ISO 2795:1991) TC 131 ISO/FDIS 1179-1 Fluid power systems * Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 1: Threaded ports 201309-12 (Revision of ISO 1179-1:2007) ISO/FDIS 1179-2 * Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) and light-duty (L series) stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E) (Revision of ISO 1179-2:2007, ISO 1179-2:2007/DAmd 1) TC 135 Non-destructive testing 201309-12 ISO/FDIS 3452-2 * Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials 201309-19 (Revision of ISO 3452-2:2006) ISO/FDIS 3452-3 * Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks 201309-19 (Revision of ISO 3452-3:1998, ISO 3452-3:1998/Cor 1:2001) ISO/FDIS 15548-1 * Non-destructive testing — Equipment for eddy current examination — Part 1: Instrument characteristics and verification 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 15548-1:2008, ISO 15548-1:2008/Cor 1:2010) ISO/FDIS 15548-2 * Non-destructive testing — Equipment for eddy current examination — Part 2: Probe characteristics and verification 201310-12 (Revision of ISO 15548-2:2008) TC 147 Water quality ISO/FDIS 15923-1 * ISO/FDIS 13163-1 * ISO/FDIS 14189 * ISO/FDIS 16303 * 201309-12 Water quality — Lead-210 — Part 1: Test method using liquid scintillation counting 201309-04 Water quality — Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens — Method using membrane filtration 201309-30 Water quality — Determination of toxicity of fresh water sediments using Hyalella azteca 201310-01 TC 150 ISO/FDIS 7206-6 Water quality — Determination of selected parameters by discrete analysis systems — Part 1: Ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, orthophosphate, sulfate and silicate with photometric detection Implants for surgery * Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 6: Endurance properties testing and performance requirements of neck region of stemmed femoral components 201309-05 (Revision of ISO 7206-6:1992) TC 156 ISO/FDIS 16701 Corrosion of metals and alloys * Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosion in artificial atmosphere — Accelerated corrosion test involving exposure under controlled conditions of humidity cycling and intermittent spraying of a salt solution 201309-12 (Revision of ISO 16701:2003) TC 190 ISO/FDIS 16387 Soil quality * Soil quality — Effects of pollutants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) — Determination of effects on reproduction 2013- 09-12 (Revision of ISO 16387:2004) TC 193 ISO/FDIS 13734 Natural gas * Natural gas — Organic components used as odorants — Requirements and test methods 201309-12 (Revision of ISO 13734:1998, ISO 13734:1998/Cor 1:1999) TC 204 ISO/FDIS 14819-1 Intelligent transport systems * Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information messages via traffic message coding — Part 1: Coding protocol for Radio Data System — Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 14819-1:2003) ISO/FDIS 14819-2 * Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information messages via traffic message coding — Part 2: Event and information codes for Radio Data System — Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 14819-2:2003) ISO/FDIS 14819-3 * Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information messages via traffic message coding — Part 3: Location referencing for Radio Data System — Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C 201309-26 (Revision of ISO 14819-3:2004) TC 205 ISO/FDIS 13675 Building environment design * TC 206 ISO/FDIS 14605 Fine ceramics * IULTCS ISO/FDIS 17489 Heating systems in buildings — Method and design for calculation of the system energy performance — Combustion systems (boilers) Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Light source for testing semiconducting photocatalytic materials used under indoor lighting environment 201309-09 International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies * Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of tan content in synthetic tanning agents 201309-12 JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS 88021AB * ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS 88021AR * ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS 88021AS * Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AB: Station and media access control connectivity discovery Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AR: Secure device identity Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AS: Timing and synchronization for time-sensitive applications in bridged local area networks 201312-19 201312-19 201312-19 ISO/IEC FDIS 27001 * Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements 201309-04 (Revision of ISO/IEC 27001:2005) ISO/IEC FDIS 27002 * Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security controls 201309-04 (Revision of ISO/IEC 27002:2005) ISO/IEC FDIS 2382-36 * Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 36: Learning, education and training 201309-23 (Revision of ISO/IEC 2382-36:2008, ISO/IEC 2382-36:2008/Cor 1:2012, ISO/IEC 2382-36:2008/DAmd 1) ISO/IEC FDIS 20016-1 * Information technology for learning, education and training — Language accessibility and human interface equivalencies (HIEs) in e-learning applications — Part 1: Framework and reference model for semantic interoperability 201309-12 Standards published New International Standards published between 01 July and 31 July 2013 * Available in English only ** French version of standard previously published in English only Price group TC 2 Fasteners ISO 10511:2012 Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert) TC 6 Paper, board and pulps ISO 217:2013 Paper — Untrimmed sizes — Designation and tolerances for primary and supplementary ranges, and indication of machine direction ISO 10775:2013 B * B Paper, board and pulps — Determination of cadmium content — Atomic absorption spectrometric method C Corrugated fibreboard — Determination of edgewise crush resistance (unwaxed edge method) ISO 3037:2013 D TC 17 Steel ISO 4967:2013 Steel — Determination of content of non-metallic inclusions — Micrographic method using standard diagrams R TC 20 ISO 6517:2013 Aircraft and space vehicles * Air cargo — Certified lower deck containers — Design and testing L TC 21 ISO 724014:2013 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting * TC 22 ISO 6623:2013 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 14: Design, installation, commissioning and service of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings T Road vehicles * Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Scraper rings made of cast iron M ISO 66262:2013 * ISO 186691:2013 * ISO 150317:2013 * Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Part 2: Coil-spring-loaded oil control rings of narrow width made of cast iron Internal combustion engines — Piston pins — Part 1: General specifications M Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics — Part 7: Data link security TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO 12140:2013 Agricultural machinery — Agricultural trailers and trailed equipment — Drawbar jacks ISO 57211:2013 Agricultural tractors — Requirements, test procedures and acceptance criteria for the operator's field of vision — Part 1: Field of vision to the front TC 24 Particle characterization including sieving ISO 26824:2013 R C F * E Particle characterization of particulate systems — Vocabulary T TC 27 Solid mineral fuels ISO 23499:2013 * ISO 1170:2013 * Coal — Determination of bulk density for the use in charging of coke ovens C Coal and coke — Calculation of analyses to different bases D ISO 11722:2013 * ISO * Solid mineral fuels — Hard coal — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample by drying in nitrogen Coal — Ultimate analysis C 17247:2013 C TC 28 Petroleum products and lubricants ISO 9038:2013 Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids F Petroleum products — Fuels (class F) — Liquefied petroleum gases — Specifications ISO 9162:2013 B TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves ISO 33241:2013 Aircraft tyres and rims — Part 1: Specifications ISO 33242:2013 Aircraft tyres and rims — Part 2: Test methods for tyres TC 34 Food products ISO 91671:1992/Amd 1:2013 Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolates content — Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography — Amendment 1 ISO/TS 18083:2013 P H * XZ Processed cheese products — Calculation of content of added phosphate expressed as phosphorus A ISO 7218:2007/Am d 1:2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations — Amendment 1 ISO 3657:2013 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of saponification value V E Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of iodine value ISO 3961:2013 E TC 36 ISO 4241:2013 Cinematography * Cinematography — Theatre projection leader, trailer and cue marks — Specifications F TC 38 Textiles ISO 183325:2013 Textiles — Quantitative chemical analysis — Part 25: Mixtures of polyester and certain other fibres (method using trichloroacetic acid and chloroform) ISO 20743:2013 Textiles — Determination of antibacterial activity of textile products ISO 13015:2013 Woven fabrics — Distortion — Determination of skew and bow TC 39 Machine tools ISO 28881:2013 Machine tools — Safety — Electro-discharge machines B P E U TC 43 Acoustics ISO 2922:2000/Am d 1:2013 Acoustics — Measurement of airborne sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours — Amendment 1 ISO 3095:2013 Acoustics — Railway applications — Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles XZ U ISO/PAS 11819-4:2013 Acoustics — Method for measuring the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise — Part 4: SPB method using backing board ISO 20906:2009/A md 1:2013 Acoustics — Unattended monitoring of aircraft sound in the vicinity of airports — Amendment 1 TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 9312:2013 Resistance welding equipment — Insulated pins for use in electrode back-ups E XZ B ISO 65202:2013 * Welding and allied processes — Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials — Part 2: Welding with pressure ISO 96061:2012/Cor 2 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels — Technical Corrigendum 2 ISO 14732:2013 Welding personnel — Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO 1629:2013 Rubber and latices — Nomenclature M free G C ISO 18899:2013 Rubber — Guide to the calibration of test equipment TC 54 Essential oils ISO 4716:2013 Essential oil of vetiver [Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty, syn. Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash] H F TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO 152451:2001/Amd 1:2013 Gas cylinders — Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders — Part 1: Specification — Amendment 1 ISO 11120:1999/A md 1:2013 Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel tubes for compressed gas transport, of water capacity between 150 l and 3000 l — Design construction and testing — Amendment 1: Requirements for design of tubes for embrittling gases ISO 11515:2013 * Gas cylinders — Refillable composite reinforced tubes of water capacity between 450 L and 3000 L — Design, construction and testing TC 61 Plastics ISO 17178:2013 Adhesives — Adhesives for bonding parquet to subfloor — Test methods and minimum requirements XZ XZ S E ISO 13931:2013 * C TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 14998:2013 * ISO 27509:2012/Co r 1:2013 * ISO 19902:2007/A md 1:2013 * Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Completion accessories S Petroleum and natural gas industries — Compact flanged connections with IX seal ring — Technical Corrigendum 1 free Petroleum and natural gas industries — Fixed steel offshore structures — Amendment 1 XZ TC 68 ISO 6166:2013 Carbon fibre — Determination of volume resistivity Financial services * Securities and related financial instruments — International securities identification numbering system (ISIN) F TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO/TS 28037:2010 Determination and use of straight-line calibration functions TC 70 Internal combustion engines ISO 45485:2013 V * Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines — Part 5: Test for cold start simulation and hydraulic pulse durability TC 79 Light metals and their alloys ISO 7583:2013 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — Terms and definitions D G TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO 133041:2013 Radiological protection — Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation — Part 1: General principles TC 92 Fire safety ISO/TR 15657:2013 Fire resistance tests — Guidelines for computational structural fire design ISO/TR 167302:2013 Fire safety engineering — Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods — Part 2: Example of a fire zone model TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment ISO 12311:2013 Personal protective equipment — Test methods for sunglasses and related eyewear J W L X ISO 126091:2013 * ISO 126092:2013 * Eyewear for protection against intense light sources used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications — Part 1: Specification for products P Eyewear for protection against intense light sources used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications — Part 2: Guidance for use J ISO 13688:2013 Protective clothing — General requirements TC 96 Cranes ISO 16625:2013 Cranes and hoists — Selection of wire ropes, drums and sheaves TC 98 Bases for design of structures ISO 13033:2013 L L * TC 104 ISO 668:2013 Bases for design of structures — Loads, forces and other actions — Seismic actions on nonstructural components for building applications S Freight containers * Series 1 freight containers — Classification, dimensions and ratings J TC 105 ISO 16839:2013 Steel wire ropes * Steel wire ropes — Determination of the transverse rigidity of steel wire ropes under no axial load condition C TC 106 Dentistry ISO 7405:2008/Am d 1:2013 Dentistry — Evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry — Amendment 1: Positive control material ISO 16498:2013 Dentistry — Minimal dental implant data set for clinical use TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO 10819:2013 Mechanical vibration and shock — Hand-arm vibration — Measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand TC 110 Industrial trucks ISO 36911:2011/Cor 1:2013 XZ C * Industrial trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks — Technical Corrigendum 1 TC 119 Powder metallurgy ISO 3326:2013 Hardmetals — Determination of (the magnetization) coercivity M free A TC 120 ISO 5431:2013 Leather * Leather — Wet blue goat skins — Specification B ISO 5432:2013 * Leather — Wet blue sheep skins — Specification B TC 122 Packaging ISO Packaging — Transport packaging for dangerous goods — Test methods 16495:2013 U TC 126 ISO 8243:2013 Tobacco and tobacco products * Cigarettes — Sampling F TC 130 Graphic technology ISO 126477:2013 * ISO 16759:2013 * Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data L Graphic technology — Quantification and communication for calculating the carbon footprint of print media products S TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 112973:2013 Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage networks under pressure — Part 3: Lining with close-fit pipes TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/TS 202822:2013 * Usability of consumer products and products for public use — Part 2: Summative test method T TC 163 ISO 16343:2013 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment * Energy performance of buildings — Methods for expressing energy performance and for energy certification of buildings ISO 125671:2010/Cor 1:2010 Thermal performance of windows and doors — Determination of thermal transmittance by the hot-box method — Part 1: Complete windows and doors — Technical Corrigendum 1 ISO 12571:2013 Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products — Determination of hygroscopic sorption properties ISO 13790:2008 Energy performance of buildings — Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO 11252:2013 Lasers and laser-related equipment — Laser device — Minimum requirements for documentation TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability ISO 717625:2013 Wheelchairs — Part 25: Batteries and chargers for powered wheelchairs TC 184 Automation systems and integration ISO/TR 18161:2013 H Q free J XC F J * Automation systems and integration — Applications integration approach using information exchange requirements modelling and software capability profiling TC 185 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure ISO 41261:2013 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 1: Safety valves R G ISO 41264:2013 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves ISO 41265:2013 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 5: Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS) ISO 41267:2013 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 7: Common data TC 188 Small craft ISO 7840:2013 Small craft — Fire-resistant fuel hoses H K Q E Small craft — Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses ISO 8469:2013 D ISO 16147:2002/A md 1:2013 Small craft — Inboard diesel engines — Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components — Amendment 1 TC 189 Ceramic tile ISO 105459:2013 XZ * Ceramic tiles — Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock B TC 198 Sterilization of health care products ISO 111371:2006/Amd 1:2013 Sterilization of health care products — Radiation — Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices — Amendment 1 TC 199 Safety of machinery ISO 138563:2013 Safety of machinery — Pressure-sensitive protective devices — Part 3: General principles for design and testing of pressure-sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ISO 15623:2013 * ISO/TS 156389:2013 * ISO/TS 1563810:2013 * ISO/TS 1563818:2013 * ISO/TS 1563819:2013 * XZ U Intelligent transport systems — Forward vehicle collision warning systems — Performance requirements and test procedures P Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 9: Remote electronic tachograph monitoring (RTM) T Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 10: Emergency messaging system/eCall (EMS) U Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 18: ADR (Dangerous Goods) transport monitoring (ADR) U Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) — Part 19: Vehicle parking facilities (VPF) U TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO 17095:2013 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for interfacial bond strength of ceramic materials at elevated temperatures G TC 207 Environmental management ISO 14031:2013 Environmental management — Environmental performance evaluation — Guidelines TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 2861:2010/Cor 1:2013 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits — Technical Corrigendum 1 free ISO 2862:2010/Cor 1:2013 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts — Technical Corrigendum 1 free ISO/TS 80622:2013 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts — Part 2: Rules ISO 142532:2011/Cor 1:2013 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 2: Guidance for the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product verification — Technical Corrigendum 1 ISO 25178604:2013 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Areal — Part 604: Nominal characteristics of non-contact (coherence scanning interferometry) instruments TC 214 Elevating work platforms ISO 18878:2013 Mobile elevating work platforms — Operator (driver) training TC 216 Footwear ISO 16187:2013 Footwear and footwear components — Test method to assess antibacterial activity ISO/TS 16189:2013 Footwear — Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components — Test method to quantitatively determine dimethylformamide in footwear materials C ISO/TS 16190:2013 Footwear — Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components — Test method to quantitatively determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in footwear materials C CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013 R U free S G H * Conformity assessment — Guidelines for determining the duration of management system certification audits D ISO/IEC 17067:2013 Conformity assessment — Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 19510:2013 * ISO/IEC 20005:2013 * ISO/IEC 29182-4:2013 * G Information technology — Object Management Group Business Process Model and Notation XC Information technology — Sensor networks — Services and interfaces supporting collaborative information processing in intelligent sensor networks S Information technology — Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) — Part 4: Entity models L ISO/IEC 29182-5:2013 * ISO/IEC 12905:2011/Co r 1:2013 * ISO/IEC 30190:2013 * ISO/IEC 30191:2013 * ISO/IEC 30192:2013 * ISO/IEC 30193:2013 * ISO/IEC 9973:2013 * ISO/IEC 20009-1:2013 * ISO/IEC TR 27019:2013 * ISO/IEC 27033-5:2013 * ISO/IEC 1449610:2012/Amd 1:2013 * ISO/IEC 15444-6:2013 * ISO/IEC 15444-14:2013 * ISO/IEC 210003:2003/Amd 2:2013 * ISO/IEC 21000-20:2013 * ISO/IEC 21000-21:2013 * ISO/IEC 23002-5:2013 * Information technology — Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) — Part 5: Interface definitions G Integrated circuit cards — Enhanced terminal accessibility using cardholder preference interface — Technical Corrigendum 1 free Information technology — Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage — 120 mm Single Layer (25,0 Gbytes per disk) and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per disk) BD Recordable disk XC Information technology — Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage — 120 mm Triple Layer (100,0 Gbytes per disk) and Quadruple Layer (128,0 Gbytes per disk) BD Recordable disk XC Information technology — Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage — 120 mm Single Layer (25,0 Gbytes per disk) and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per disk) BD Rewritable disk XC Information technology — Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage — 120 mm Triple Layer (100,0 Gbytes per disk) BD Rewritable disk XC Information technology — Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation — Procedures for registration of items N Information technology — Security techniques — Anonymous entity authentication — Part 1: General C Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002 for process control systems specific to the energy utility industry R Information technology — Security techniques — Network security — Part 5: Securing communications across networks using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) G Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 1: Additional profiles and supplemental enhancement information (SEI) messages L Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 6: Compound image file format X Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 14: XML representation and reference X Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) — Part 3: Digital Item Identification — Amendment 2: Digital item semantic relationships XZ Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) — Part 20: Contract Expression Language U Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) — Part 21: Media Contract Ontology U Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 5: Reconfigurable media coding conformance and reference software G Information technology — Real time locating systems (RTLS) — Part 61: Low rate pulse repetition frequency Ultra Wide Band (UWB) air interface Q ISO/IEC 19788-3:2011 Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 3: Basic application profile N ISO/IEC 19788-5:2012 Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 5: Educational elements Q ISO/IEC 24730-61:2013 * Standards confirmed The following International Standards are confimred for a five year period: TC 6 Paper, board and pulps ISO 699:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 3260:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 5263-1:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 5263-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 5263-3:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 5264-1:1979 (reconfirmed) ISO 5269-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 14487:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 5636-1:1984 (reconfirmed) TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ISO 3185:2008 ISO 8641:2008 ISO 8788:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 1464:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 4117:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 4128:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 6702-1:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 6702-2:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 7166:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 7715:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 7716:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 7717:1985 (reconfirmed) ISO 8058:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO 8097:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 8268:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 9031:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 9469:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 9666:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 9667:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 9678:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 10046:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 11075:2007 ISO 11078:2007 ISO 11242:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 6771:2007 ISO 7257:1983 (reconfirmed) ISO 10583:1993 (reconfirmed) TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 6969:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 8092-1:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 11748-3:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 11898-4:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 16844-3:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 16844-5:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 27 Solid mineral fuels ISO 1013:1995 (reconfirmed) TC 30 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits ISO 7066-2:1988 (reconfirmed) TC 34 Food products ISO 5502:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 15885:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 21187:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6079:1990 (reconfirmed) ISO 11286:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6800:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 10540-3:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources ISO 639-1:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 12615:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 38 Textiles ISO 2913:1975 (reconfirmed) ISO 2915:1975 (reconfirmed) ISO 3072:1975 (reconfirmed) ISO 9073-4:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 2060:1994 (reconfirmed) ISO 3060:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 16549:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 41 Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) ISO 282:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 5293:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO 126:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 1124:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO 12243:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 21870:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 6450:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 7617-2:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 7617-3:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO/TR 7620:2005 ISO 9691:1992 (reconfirmed) TC 61 Plastics ISO 8604:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO 11907-1:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 11907-3:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 11907-4:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 11833-2:1998 (reconfirmed) TC 70 Internal combustion engines ISO 4548-4:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 8178-2:2008 TC 72 Textile machinery and accessories ISO 108:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 109:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 142:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 365:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 441:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 570:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 572:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 1150:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 1586:1977 (reconfirmed) ISO 1865:1977 (reconfirmed) ISO 2012:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 5243:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 5247-1:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6177:1986 (reconfirmed) ISO 8119-3:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 8640-4:1996 (reconfirmed) TC 82 Mining ISO 610:1990 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-1:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-2:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-3:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-4:1982 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-5:1989 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-6:1984 (reconfirmed) ISO 710-7:1984 (reconfirmed) ISO 721:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 722:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 723:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 1082:1990 (reconfirmed) ISO 1717:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 1718:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 1721:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 1722:1974 (reconfirmed) ISO 3154:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO 3155:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 3156:1976 (reconfirmed) ISO 3551-1:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 3551-2:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 3552-1:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 3552-2:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 5612:1990 (reconfirmed) ISO 5613:1984 (reconfirmed) ISO 5614:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO 8866:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 10097-1:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO 10097-2:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO 10098:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 10207:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 10208:1991 (reconfirmed) TC 96 Cranes ISO 9928-2:2007 ISO 11662-1:1995 (reconfirmed) TC 106 Dentistry ISO 2157:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 6360-1:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6360-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6360-4:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 6360-6:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 7787-4:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 8325:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 21530:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO 8041:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 1606321:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 1606322:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 117 Fans ISO 13347-4:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 122 Packaging ISO 2206:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 10531:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 21898:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products ISO 2881:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 3400:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 6488:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 3550-1:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 3550-2:1997 (reconfirmed) TC 127 Earth-moving machinery ISO 6750:2005 TC 135 Non-destructive testing ISO 12716:2001 (reconfirmed) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 19220:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 146 Air quality ISO 8518:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 11041:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 11174:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 1600013:2008 ISO 1600015:2008 ISO 1600016:2008 ISO 1600017:2008 TC 147 Water quality ISO 6878:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 16264:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 18073:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 7346-3:1996 (reconfirmed) ISO 10229:1994 (reconfirmed) TC 150 Implants for surgery ISO 12891-3:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 12891-4:2000 (reconfirmed) ISO 5832-6:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 5832-7:1994 (reconfirmed) ISO 5832-8:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 5833:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 14949:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 16402:2008 ISO 16429:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 171 Document management applications ISO 14648-1:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 14648-2:2001 (reconfirmed) TC 193 Natural gas ISO 15971:2008 TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices ISO 22442-1:2007 ISO 22442-3:2007 TC 216 Footwear ISO 19953:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 19956:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 19957:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 19958:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 20865:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 219 Floor coverings ISO 23996:2007 ISO 23997:2007 TC 226 Materials for the production of primary aluminium ISO 12987:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 12988-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 12989-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 14427:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 17544:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 20202:2004 (reconfirmed) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 4909:2006 ISO/IEC 75012:1997 ISO/IEC 75013:2005 ISO/IEC 7813:2006 ISO/IEC 78163:2006 ISO/IEC 78165:2004 ISO/IEC 78167:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 781610:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 781611:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC 781612:2005 ISO/IEC 781615:2004 ISO/IEC 154571:2008 ISO/IEC 154572:2007 ISO/IEC 154573:2008 ISO/IEC 156932:2006 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC TR 29123:2007 Standards withdrawn Period from 01 July to 31 July 2013 TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO/TR 724014:2003 (replaced by ISO 7240-14:2013) TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 13555-3:2004 (replaced by ) TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO 10555-2:1996 (replaced by ISO 10555-1:2013) TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment IEC 60601-212:2001 (replaced by ISO 80601-2-12:2011) TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/PAS 202823:2007 (replaced by ISO/TS 20282-2:2013) ISO/PAS 202824:2007 (replaced by ISO/TS 20282-2:2013) CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC Guide 67:2004 (replaced by ISO/IEC 17067:2013) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC TR 11802-1:2005 (replaced by ) ISO/IEC 180285:2006 (replaced by ISO/IEC 27033-5:2013) Meeting calendar (update at 01 July 2013) Meetings called for the month of June are not in this edition. * Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened ** Provisional August 2013 5-8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners 18 Pretoria (South Africa) TC 27/SC 1 Solid mineral fuels/Coal preparation: Terminology and performance 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27 Solid mineral fuels 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27/SC 3 Solid mineral fuels/Coke 18-23 Centurion (South Africa) TC 27/SC 4 Solid mineral fuels/Sampling 19-23 Pretoria (South Africa) TC 27/SC 5 Solid mineral fuels/Methods of analysis 26-30 (Canada) JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces ** September 2013 1-4 Moscow (Russian Federation) TC 20/SC 10 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fluid systems and components 3-6 Hangzhou (China) TC 172/SC 5 Optics and photonics/Microscopes and endoscopes 4 (Europe) CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 7-13 Moscow (Russian Federation) JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training 8-13 Suzhou (China) TC 61 Plastics 9 Victoria (Canada) TC 33 Refractories 9 Oslo (Norway) TC 138/SC 4 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for the supply of gaseous fuels 9-10 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 8 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Gaseous media and firefighting systems using gas 9-10 Paris (France) TC 26 Copper and copper alloys 9-11 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 5 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fixed firefighting systems using water 9-11 Gaithersburg (USA) TC 172/SC 9 Optics and photonics/Electro-optical systems 9-13 Delft (Netherlands) JTC 1/SC 34 Information technology/Document description and processing languages 9-13 Edmonton (Canada) TC 94/SC 14 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Fire-fighters' personal equipment 9-13 Montreal (Canada) TC 108/SC 4 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock 9-13 Munich (Germany) TC 244 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment 9-13 Tallberg (Sweden) TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management 10 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 6 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and powder 10 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 11 Light metals and their alloys/Titanium 10-13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 205 Building environment design 11 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 3 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fire detection and alarm systems 11 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 11 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Smoke and heat control systems and components 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 1 Plastics/Terminology 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 2 Plastics/Mechanical properties 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 5 Plastics/Physical-chemical properties 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 10 Plastics/Cellular plastics 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 11 Plastics/Products 11 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 12 Plastics/Thermosetting materials 11 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 5 Light metals and their alloys/Magnesium and alloys of cast or wrought magnesium 11 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 2 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Calculation methods 11 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 3 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Thermal insulation products 11-12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 3 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for sintered metal materials (excluding hardmetals) 12 London (United Kingdom) TC 21/SC 2 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Manually transportable fire extinguishers 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 4 Plastics/Burning behaviour 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 6 Plastics/Ageing, chemical and environmental resistance 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 9 Plastics/Thermoplastic materials 12 Suzhou (China) TC 61/SC 13 Plastics/Composites and reinforcement fibres 12 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 2 Light metals and their alloys/Organic and anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 12 Paris (France) TC 79/SC 6 Light metals and their alloys/Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys 12 Stockholm TC 119/SC 2 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for powders (including powders for hardmetals) * * * (Sweden) 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 4 Powder metallurgy/Sampling and testing methods for hardmetals 12 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 3 Air quality/Ambient atmospheres 12 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163/SC 1 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment/Test and measurement methods 12-13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting 13 Singapore (Singapore) TC 59/SC 17 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works 13 Paris (France) TC 79 Light metals and their alloys 13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119 Powder metallurgy 13 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 119/SC 5 Powder metallurgy/Specifications for powder metallurgical materials (excluding hardmetals) 13 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 5 Air quality/Meteorology 13 Vienna (Austria) TC 146/SC 6 Air quality/Indoor air 16 Sydney (Australia) * PC 271 Compliance management systems 16-17 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) * DEVCO Committee on developing countries matters 16-17 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) * TMB Technical Management Board 16-20 Copenhagen (Denmark) TC 67/SC 7 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Offshore structures 16-20 London (United Kingdom) TC 150 Implants for surgery 17 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 1 Soil quality/Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification 17 Paris (France) TC 254 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices 17-18 Jiangyin (China) TC 105 Steel wire ropes 17-18 Belo Horizonte (Brazil) TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys 17-19 Tokyo (Japan) JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 17-19 Velsen (Netherlands) TC 164/SC 5 Mechanical testing of metals/Fatigue testing 17-19 Chengdu (China) TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders 18 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) ** CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 18 Velsen (Netherlands) * TC 164/SC 4 Mechanical testing of metals/Toughness testing -- Fracture (F), Pendulum (P), Tear (T) * * 18-19 Velsen (Netherlands) TC 164/SC 2 Mechanical testing of metals/Ductility testing 18-20 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) GA General Assembly 18-20 Shanghai (China) TC 232 Learning services outside formal education 19 Atlanta (USA) TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases 19 Velsen (Netherlands) TC 164/SC 3 Mechanical testing of metals/Hardness testing 19 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 4 Soil quality/Biological methods 19-20 Graz (Austria) TC 172/SC 6 Optics and photonics/Geodetic and surveying instruments 20 Brescia (Italy) TC 22/SC 25 Road vehicles/Vehicles using gaseous fuels 20 Velsen (Netherlands) TC 164/SC 1 Mechanical testing of metals/Uniaxial testing 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190 Soil quality 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 2 Soil quality/Sampling 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 3 Soil quality/Chemical methods and soil characteristics 20 Fukuoka (Japan) TC 190/SC 7 Soil quality/Soil and site assessment 21 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) COUNCIL Council 23 San Remo (Italy) TC 8/SC 12 Ships and marine technology/Ships and marine technology - Large yachts 23-24 Paris (France) PC 277 Sustainable purchasing 23-27 Kobe (Japan) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120 Leather 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 1 Leather/Raw hides and skins, including pickled pelts 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 2 Leather/Tanned leather 23-27 Milan (Italy) * TC 120/SC 3 Leather/Leather products 23-27 Vienna (Austria) TC 218 Timber 23-27 Chicago (USA) TC 262 Risk management 24-25 Beijing (China) TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage 24-26 Gaithersburg (USA) TC 172/SC 1 Optics and photonics/Fundamental standards 25-26 Oslo (Norway) TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries 25-27 Tokyo (Japan) TC 267 Facilities management 26 Freiburg (Germany) TC 180/SC 1 Solar energy/Climate - Measurement and data 26 Freiburg (Germany) TC 180/SC 4 Solar energy/Systems - Thermal performance, reliability and durability 26-27 Rotterdam TC 260 Human resource management * * (Netherlands) 26-27 Toulouse (France) TC 264 Fireworks 27 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) TC 44/SC 12 Welding and allied processes/Soldering materials 27 Bromont (Québec) (Canada) TC 153/SC 1 Valves/Design, manufacture, marking and testing 27 Freiburg (Germany) TC 180 Solar energy 27 Helsinki (Finland) TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification 29 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 201/SC 6 Surface chemical analysis/Secondary ion mass spectrometry JTC 1/SC 25 Information technology/Interconnection of information technology equipment September-October 2013 30-4 (Sweden) ** 30-1 Tampere (Finland) TC 23/SC 17 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery 30-2 Berlin (Germany) TC 34/SC 15 Food products/Coffee 30-4 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 148 Sewing machines 30-4 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 248 Project committee: Sustainability criteria for bioenergy ** October 2013 2-3 Tampere (Finland) TC 23/SC 15 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Machinery for forestry 2-3 St. John, Newfoundland (Canada) TC 67/SC 8 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Arctic operations 3-4 Chantilly (USA) TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings 5 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) TC 106 Dentistry 6-11 Kobe (Japan) TC 204 Intelligent transport systems 7 Berlin (Germany) TC 10/SC 10 Technical product documentation/Process plant documentation 7 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 1 Textiles/Tests for coloured textiles and colorants 7-8 Milan (Italy) TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes 7-8 Sparks, Nevada (USA) TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments 7-9 Tokyo (Japan) TC 70 Internal combustion engines 7-9 Tokyo (Japan) TC 70/SC 8 Internal combustion engines/Exhaust gas emission measurement 7-9 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products 7-10 La Plaine StDenis (France) JTC 2 Joint Project Committee - Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common terminology 7-11 Beijing (China) CASCO Committee on conformity assessment 7-11 Cambridge, Massachusetts TC 121/SC 4 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment/Terminology and semantics * * ** * (USA) 7-11 Oslo (Norway) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids 7-11 Colorado Springs (USA) TC 247 Fraud countermeasures and controls 8 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 2 Textiles/Cleansing, finishing and water resistance tests 8 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 1 Microbeam analysis/Terminology 8-9 Berlin (Germany) TC 263 Coalbed methane (CBM) 8-10 Berlin (Germany) TC 59/SC 8 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sealants 8-10 Boulder (USA) TC 202 Microbeam analysis 9 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 23 Textiles/Fibres and yarns 9 Oslo (Norway) TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies 9 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 2 Microbeam analysis/Electron probe microanalysis 9 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 3 Microbeam analysis/Analytical electron microscopy 9-10 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 159 Ergonomics 10 Lyon (France) TC 22/SC 5 Road vehicles/Engine tests 10 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38/SC 24 Textiles/Conditioning atmospheres and physical tests for textile fabrics 10 Oslo (Norway) TC 138/SC 3 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for industrial applications 10 Oslo (Norway) TC 138/SC 5 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/General properties of pipes, fittings and valves of plastic materials and their accessories -- Test methods and basic specifications 10 Oslo (Norway) TC 138/SC 7 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Valves and auxiliary equipment of plastics materials 10 Boulder (USA) TC 202/SC 4 Microbeam analysis/Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 11 Istanbul (Turkey) TC 38 Textiles 11 Berlin (Germany) TC 59/SC 13 Buildings and civil engineering works/Organization of information about construction works 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60 Gears 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60/SC 1 Gears/Nomenclature and wormgearing 11 Garching (Germany) ** TC 60/SC 2 Gears/Gear capacity calculation 11 Venice (Italy) TC 146/SC 2 Air quality/Workplace atmospheres 11 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 159/SC 5 Ergonomics/Ergonomics of the physical environment 13-17 London (United Kingdom) TC 59/SC 15 Buildings and civil engineering works/Performance description of houses 13-18 London (United Kingdom) TC 59/SC 3 Buildings and civil engineering works/Functional/user requirements and performance in building construction 14-15 Brussels (Belgium) TC 122/SC 4 Packaging/Packaging and environment * 14-17 Stuttgart (Germany) TC 165 Timber structures 14-18 Paris (France) PC 271 Compliance management systems 14-18 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring 15 Halifax (Canada) TC 31/SC 6 Tyres, rims and valves/Off-the-road tyres and rims 15 Paris (France) TC 44/SC 5 Welding and allied processes/Testing and inspection of welds 15 Paris (France) TC 44/SC 7 Welding and allied processes/Representation and terms 15-16 Paris (France) TC 2/SC 7 Fasteners/Reference standards 15-18 Berlin (Germany) TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments 16 Paris (France) TC 2/SC 11 Fasteners/Fasteners with metric external thread 16 La Plaine StDenis (France) TC 44/SC 9 Welding and allied processes/Health and safety 16 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123/SC 2 Plain bearings/Materials and lubricants, their properties, characteristics, test methods and testing conditions 16 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123/SC 3 Plain bearings/Dimensions, tolerances and construction details 16-18 Munich (Germany) TC 58/SC 3 Gas cylinders/Cylinder design 16-25 Beijing (China) * TC 184/SC 2 Automation systems and integration/Robots and robotic devices 17 Paris (France) * TC 2/SC 14 Fasteners/Surface coatings 17 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123/SC 5 Plain bearings/Quality analysis and assurance 17 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123/SC 6 Plain bearings/Terms and common items 17 Milan (Italy) TC 216 Footwear 17-18 Paris (France) TC 44 Welding and allied processes 18 Paris (France) * TC 2 Fasteners 18 Paris (France) * TC 2/SC 12 Fasteners/Fasteners with metric internal thread 18 Berlin (Germany) TC 22/SC 7 Road vehicles/Injection equipment and filters for use on road vehicles 18 London (United Kingdom) TC 59/SC 2 Buildings and civil engineering works/Terminology and harmonization of languages 18 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123 Plain bearings 18 Jeju (Korea, Republic of) TC 123/SC 7 Plain bearings/Special types of plain bearings 19-20 Jacksonville (USA) TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 8/SC 3 Ships and marine technology/Piping and machinery 21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 8/SC 6 Ships and marine technology/Navigation and ship operations 21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 8/SC 7 Ships and marine technology/Inland navigation vessels * * ** ** * * 21 Singapore (Singapore) * TC 8/SC 11 Ships and marine technology/Intermodal and Short Sea Shipping 21-25 (United Kingdom) ** PC 283 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements 21-25 Singapore (Singapore) TC 8 Ships and marine technology 21-25 Huddersfield (United Kingdom) TC 39/SC 2 Machine tools/Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools 21-25 Berlin (Germany) TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration 21-25 Sao Paulo (Brazil) TC 181 Safety of toys 21-25 Sydney (Australia) TC 215 Health informatics 22-24 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 20/SC 9 Aircraft and space vehicles/Air cargo and ground equipment 23 Paris (France) TC 17/SC 16 Steel/Steels for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete 23 Berlin (Germany) TC 22/SC 9 Road vehicles/Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability 23 London (United Kingdom) TC 25 Cast irons and pig irons 23 Courbevoie, Paris (France) TC 111 Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories 23 Berlin (Germany) TC 173/SC 2 Assistive products for persons with disability/Classification and terminology 23 Berlin (Germany) TC 173/SC 7 Assistive products for persons with disability/Accessible design 23 Tokyo (Japan) TC 206 Fine ceramics 24 Paris (France) TC 17/SC 7 Steel/Methods of testing (other than mechanical tests and chemical analysis) 24 Vienna (Austria) TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment 24 Berlin (Germany) TC 147/SC 5 Water quality/Biological methods 24 Berlin (Germany) TC 147/SC 6 Water quality/Sampling (general methods) 24-25 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) TC 34/SC 12 Food products/Sensory analysis 24-25 Berlin (Germany) TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability 25 Boston (USA) TC 92/SC 4 Fire safety/Fire safety engineering 25 Tokyo (Japan) TC 146/SC 1 Air quality/Stationary source emissions 25 Berlin (Germany) TC 147/SC 2 Water quality/Physical, chemical and biochemical methods 25 Berlin (Germany) TC 147/SC 4 Water quality/Microbiological methods 26 Berlin (Germany) TC 147 Water quality 28 Karlsruhe (Germany) TC 117 Fans 28-29 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 4 Steel/Heat treatable and alloy steels * ** 28-31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 1 Rubber and rubber products/Hoses (rubber and plastics) 30 Prague (Czech Republic) TC 266 Biomimetics 31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 2 Rubber and rubber products/Testing and analysis 31 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products/Products (other than hoses) TC 157 Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics TC 138/SC 1 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for soil, waste and drainage (including land drainage) Sydney (Australia) * ** October-December 2013 7-11 Oslo (Norway) October-November 2013 28-1 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45 Rubber and rubber products 28-1 Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) TC 121/SC 2 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment/Airways and related equipment 28-2 Berlin (Germany) TC 130 Graphic technology * November 2013 1 Bali (Indonesia) TC 45/SC 3 Rubber and rubber products/Raw materials (including latex) for use in the rubber industry 2-9 Porto (Portugal) TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance 2-9 Porto (Portugal) ** TC 176/SC 1 Quality management and quality assurance/Concepts and terminology 2-9 Porto (Portugal) ** TC 176/SC 3 Quality management and quality assurance/Supporting technologies 3-8 Gyeongju (Korea, Republic of) * TC 184/SC 4 Automation systems and integration/Industrial data 4-8 Sydney (Australia) TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety 4-8 Porto (Portugal) TC 176/SC 2 Quality management and quality assurance/Quality systems 4-8 Bangkok (Thailand) TC 217 Cosmetics 4-8 Nairobi (Kenya) TC 285 Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions 4-9 Perros-Guirec (France) JTC 1 Information technology 6-8 Paris (France) TC 275 Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal 7 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 1 Surface chemical analysis/Terminology 7 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 2 Surface chemical analysis/General procedures 7 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 9 Surface chemical analysis/Scanning probe microscopy 7-9 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201 Surface chemical analysis 8 Delft (Netherlands) TC 92/SC 1 Fire safety/Fire initiation and growth 8 Shenzen (China) TC 160 Glass in building 8 Shenzen (China) * TC 160/SC 1 Glass in building/Product considerations 8 Shenzen (China) * TC 160/SC 2 Glass in building/Use considerations * ** 8 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 3 Surface chemical analysis/Data management and treatment 8 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 4 Surface chemical analysis/Depth profiling 8 Okinawa (Japan) TC 201/SC 7 Surface chemical analysis/Electron spectroscopies 8 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 227 Springs 9 Okinawa (Japan) * TC 201/SC 8 Surface chemical analysis/Glow discharge spectroscopy 11 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113/SC 1 Hydrometry/Velocity area methods 11-15 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 94/SC 15 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Respiratory protective devices 11-15 Tokyo (Japan) TC 98 Bases for design of structures 11-15 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113 Hydrometry 13 Tokyo (Japan) TC 110/SC 1 Industrial trucks/General terminology 13 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113/SC 2 Hydrometry/Flow measurement structures 14 Tokyo (Japan) TC 110/SC 2 Industrial trucks/Safety of powered industrial trucks 14 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113/SC 5 Hydrometry/Instruments, equipment and data management 14 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113/SC 6 Hydrometry/Sediment transport 14-15 Frankfurt (Germany) TC 39/SC 10 Machine tools/Safety 14-15 Redlands (USA) TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 15 Tokyo (Japan) TC 110 Industrial trucks 15 Mexico City (Mexico) TC 113/SC 8 Hydrometry/Ground water 15 Belo Horizonte (Brazil) TC 229 Nanotechnologies 18 Berlin (Germany) * TC 20/SC 4 Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fastener systems 18-20 Berlin (Germany) * TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles 18-21 Exton (USA) TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters 19-20 Tokyo (Japan) TC 31/SC 9 Tyres, rims and valves/Valves for tube and tubeless tyres 19-21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems 20-22 Tokyo (Japan) TC 269 Railway applications 27 Milan (Italy) TC 221 Geosynthetics 30 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 44/SC 6 Welding and allied processes/Resistance welding and allied mechanical joining Berlin (Germany) ** TC 41 Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) * TC 197 Hydrogen technologies TC 270 Plastics and rubber machines * ** * ** * * December 2013 5-6 Paris (France) 11 Frankfurt (Germany) 11-12 Kyoto (Japan) ** TC 281 Fine Bubble Technology 12-13 Berlin (Germany) * TC 276 Biotechnology 16-20 Winterthur (Switzerland) ** TC 121/SC 3 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment/Lung ventilators and related equipment ** TC 23/SC 18 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems ** TC 44/SC 11 Welding and allied processes/Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel Sydney (Australia) * TC 71 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete Paris (France) ** TC 17/SC 3 Steel/Steels for structural purposes 4th Quarter 2013 New Delhi (India) Month unknown 2013 Bratislava (Slovakia) January 2014 28-31 February 2014 10-11 Paris (France) * TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables 10-14 Paris (France) ** TC 58/SC 4 Gas cylinders/Operational requirements for gas cylinders (South America) ** JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces (Sweden) ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment March 2014 11-14 London (United Kingdom) 11-14 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 3 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Pneumatic tools and machines 11-14 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 6 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Air compressors and compressed air systems 13 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 1 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Process compressors 13 London (United Kingdom) * TC 118/SC 4 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Compressed air purity specification and compressed air treatment equipment 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests 23-27 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings 27-28 Geneva (Switzerland) * COUNCIL Council ** PC 271 Compliance management systems ** TC 257 General technical rules for determination of energy savings in renovation projects, industrial enterprises and regions March-April 2014 31-4 Vienna (Austria) 1st Quarter 2014 (Netherlands) April 2014 7-11 Delft (Netherlands) * TC 6 Paper, board and pulps 7-11 Delft (Netherlands) * TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 7-11 Lund (Sweden) * TC 92 Fire safety 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 1 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Sampling 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 2 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Chemical analysis 7-11 Vitoria (Brazil) * TC 102/SC 3 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Physical testing 7-11 Bologna (Italy) * TC 110/SC 4 Industrial trucks/Rough-terrain trucks 7-11 Amsterdam (Netherlands) * TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances 8-9 (Japan) ** TC 199 Safety of machinery 8-10 (Brazil) ** TC 67/SC 2 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Pipeline transportation systems 14-15 Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) * JTC 1/SC 27 Information technology/IT Security techniques 21-25 Bangkok (Thailand) ** TC 34 Food products 23-24 (Europe) ** TC 167 Steel and aluminium structures Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 2 Food products/Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 11 Food products/Animal and vegetable fats and oils May 2014 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 46 Information and documentation 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) * TC 46/SC 9 Information and documentation/Identification and description 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10 Technical product documentation 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10/SC 1 Technical product documentation/Basic conventions 9-16 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10/SC 6 Technical product documentation/Mechanical engineering documentation 12-16 Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 2 Machine tools/Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools 12-16 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 68/SC 4 Financial services/Securities and related financial instruments 12-16 Zhangjiajie (China) ** TC 195 Building construction machinery and equipment 12-16 Zhangjiajie (China) ** TC 195/SC 1 Building construction machinery and equipment/Machinery and equipment for concrete work 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145 Graphical symbols 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 1 Graphical symbols/Public information symbols 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 2 Graphical symbols/Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours 14-16 Rosslyn (USA) ** TC 145/SC 3 Graphical symbols/Graphical symbols for use on equipment 15 London (United Kingdom) * TC 68 Financial services 19-23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43 Acoustics 19-23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43/SC 1 Acoustics/Noise 19-23 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43/SC 2 Acoustics/Building acoustics 19-24 Karuizawa (Japan) ** TC 215 Health informatics 20-21 Prague (Czech Republic) * TC 122 Packaging 21-22 (USA) ** TC 22/SC 3 Road vehicles/Electrical and electronic equipment 23-24 Beijing (China) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 26-29 Kyoto (Japan) * TC 249 Traditional chinese medicine 27-30 (USA) ** TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 46/SC 11 Information and documentation/Archives/records management June 2014 1-6 (Sweden) ** TC 127 Earth-moving machinery 5-6 Berlin (Germany) * TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 9-14 Moscow (Russian Federation) * TC 85/SC 2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Radiological protection 16-20 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) * TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment 17-18 Berlin (Germany) * TC 220 Cryogenic vessels 23-27 London (United Kingdom) * TC 193 Natural gas Düsseldorf (Germany) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products London (United Kingdom) ** TC 193/SC 1 Natural gas/Analysis of natural gas * REMCO Committee on reference materials July 2014 8-11 Boulder (USA) September 2014 8-9 Madrid (Spain) * JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 8-12 Paris (France) ** TC 108/SC 5 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems 10-12 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * GA General Assembly 13 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * COUNCIL Council 18-19 Manchester (United Kingdom) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 20 Manchester (United Kingdom) ** TC 281 Fine Bubble Technology 22-26 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146 Air quality 22-26 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146/SC 1 Air quality/Stationary source emissions Stockholm (Sweden) ** TC 17/SC 11 Steel/Steel castings (USA) ** TC 34/SC 16 Food products/Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 4 Machine tools/Woodworking machines Seattle (USA) ** TC 89 Wood-based panels Montreal (Canada) ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ** TC 48 Laboratory equipment ** TC 17/SC 9 Steel/Tinplate and blackplate 3rd Quarter 2014 London (United Kingdom) 2nd-3rd Quarter 2014 Ljimuden (Netherlands) October 2014 5-10 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 215 Health informatics 6-10 Nunspeet (Netherlands) ** TC 149/SC 1 Cycles/Cycles and major sub-assemblies 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190 Soil quality 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 1 Soil quality/Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 2 Soil quality/Sampling 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 3 Soil quality/Chemical methods and soil characteristics 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 4 Soil quality/Biological methods 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 5 Soil quality/Physical methods 20-24 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 7 Soil quality/Soil and site assessment 23-24 (South Africa) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks Miami (USA) ** TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works Prague (Czech Republic) ** TC 135 Non-destructive testing ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ** TC 34/SC 4 Food products/Cereals and pulses ** TC 34/SC 7 Food products/Spices, culinary herbs and condiments November 2014 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) 4th Quarter 2014 (Portugal) 2nd Semester 2014 Madrid (Spain) Month unknown 2014 (Australia) ** TC 17/SC 1 Steel/Methods of determination of chemical composition (Brazil) ** TC 28 Petroleum products and lubricants Beijing (China) ** TC 36 Cinematography (Germany) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources (Japan) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids (United Kingdom) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases Suzhou (China) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals London (United Kingdom) * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) ** TC 115 Pumps Foshan (China) ** TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings (France) ** TC 29 Small tools (France) ** TC 29/SC 9 Small tools/Tools with cutting edges made of hard cutting materials Tienjin (China) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Europe) ** TC 215 Health informatics London (United Kingdom) ** TC 4 Rolling bearings Beijing (China) ** TC 46 Information and documentation ** TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ** TC 215 Health informatics ** JTC 1 Information technology February 2015 3-13 1st Quarter 2015 April 2015 May 2015 18-22 2nd Quarter 2015 (China) September 2015 14-25 Berlin (Germany) 3rd Quarter 2015 Sao Paulo (Brazil) November 2015 (China) Month unknown 2015 (South Africa) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Switzerland) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products (Finland) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (France) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products Berlin (Germany) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids (Japan) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases (China) ** TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys (United Kingdom) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals (Austria) ** TC 190 Soil quality ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Australia) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ** JTC 1 Information technology (Russian Federation) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Australia) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes February 2016 (USA) April 2016 November 2016 (Norway) Month unknown 2016