Directed undergraduate research through Independent Study courses (1984Present), McNair Scholars Program (2000-01, 2004-2008), Honor's Thesis
(2001-02), Summer Undergraduate Fellowship (2001).
Advised students on curricular, extra-curricular, and career matters
Taught undergraduate courses: Business Consulting (2008-Present);
Managerial Economics (1982, 2006-07); Freshman Seminar (1998, 2000-2006);
Principles of Business Finance (1981-2005); Business & Culture (1995-98,
2000-02); Investment Analysis (1984-96, 2000-01); Health Care Finance
(1998-99); Survey of Business (1980-81, 1993, 1995); Principles of
Economics (1980-81, 1982-83, 1994); Development Economics (1984); Money &
Banking, Seminar in Financial Management, Financial Markets &
Institutions (1981-82); Micro-Economics, Macro-Economics (1978-80).
Established and advised "Financial Management Association, Fredonia
Chapter" (1998-2003).
Advised "Financial Management Association National Honor Society,
Fredonia Chapter" (1985-2003).
Founded and advised "Money Management Club, Inc." (1984-2003).
“Financial Education & Delinquency,” Current Undergraduate Research
Quarterly, Summer 2008, (with Taihyeup Yi and Jennifer Colon).
“An Investigation of Internet Commodities Exchange at ABC Food
Markets,” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 106 (2) 2006 (with
Seyed-Mohmoud Aghazadeh, Andrew Cimino, and Kevin Hart).
"Margin Borrowing, Stock Returns, and Market Volatility: Evidence from
Margin Credit Balance," Economics Letters. Vol. 87, No. 2, 2005 (with
Wei Zhang and Jinliang Lee).
"Sugar Industry," "Owen D. Young," Encyclopedia of New York State. Ed.
Peter Eisenstadt, New York: Syracuse University press, 2005.
"The High Performance Work System; is it Worth Using?" Team
Performance Management. Vol. 10, No. 3/4, 2004 (with Seyed-Mahmoud
"Public Disclosure and Brokerage Search," New York Economic Review.
Fall 2004 (with Wei Zhang).
"Contextual Marketing and Customer Orientation Strategy for ECommerce: An Empirical Analysis," International Journal of Electronic
Commerce. Winter 2003 (with Xueming Luo).
"The Causal Relationship between Tax Revenues and Expenditures:
Evidence from New York State," New York Economic Review. Fall 2002
(with Rebecca Glover and Xueming Luo).
"The Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure, "Proceedings of 2001
International Business & Economic Research Conference. October 2001
(with Macro Falsone).
"Henry Hazlitt," "Fisher Black," The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives.
Vol. 3 & 4, Ed. Karen Markoe et al, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2001.
Review of Financial management in Health Care Organizations. By Robert
McLean, The Journal of Financial Education. April 2000.
"Stock Market Movements and New York State Budget Balance,"
Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute: Twenty-Ninth
Annual Meeting. March 2000 (with Christopher Matroniano).
"Arnold Bernhard," The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives. Ed.
Karen Markoe et al, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999.
"Restructuring of a Distressed Company through Reverse Stock
Distribution," Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.
March 1999 (with Patrick Brown).
"Cornelius Shields," "Philip W. Pillsbury," The Scribner Encyclopedia
of American Lives. Ed. Karen Markoe et al, New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1998.
"Small Business Financial Planning," Proceedings of Society for Case
Research Conference. March, 1998.
"Lessons that Last a Life Time," Campus Journal. Fall 1997.
"Small Business Financial Planning: The Case of Miller Corporation,"
Annual Advances in Business Cases. 1997.
"The Influence of Changes in Money Supply on the Mexican and U.S.
Stock Markets: a Comparative Study," Proceedings of Northeast Decision
Sciences Institute. March 1996 (with Jan Lux).
"Financial Forecasting: The Case of Fudge Inc.," Proceedings of MidWest Society for Case Research Workshop. Summer 1993.
"Creating an Effective Loan Proposal Policy," Commercial Lender's
Alert. Vol. 21, No. 3, March 1991 (with James Hopson and Muhammad
"Reverse Stock Splits as a Useful Management Tool: The Case of QuasiReorganization," Journal of Business Strategies. Vol. 8, No. 2, Spring
1991 (with James Hopson).
Review of Introductory Business Forecasting. By Paul Newbold and
Theodore Bos, The Journal of Business Forecasting, Methods and
Systems. Fall 1990.
"Sales/Production Forecasting for Small Businesses Using Cyclical and
Economic Indicators," Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol.2,
No.1, March 1990 (with James Hopson and Muhammad Islam).
"Franco Modigliani," Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences. Edited by
Bernard S. Katz, New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1989.
"Burton Malkiel," Biographical Directory of the Council of Economic
Advisors. Ed. R. Sobel and B. Katz, Connecticut: Greenwood Press,
"The Reverse Stock Splits and the Efficient Market Hypothesis: The
Case of the New York Stock Exchange," Proceedings of Northeast
Business and Economics Association Annual Conference. 1988.
"Describes How to Prepare and Use Forecasts in Operational and
Strategic Planning," Review of A Guide to forecasting for Planners and
Managers. By Raymond E. Willis, The Journal of Business Forecasting,
Methods and Systems. Winter, 1987-1988.
"Goals and Strategies of Integrated Office Information Systems
Managers," HRM0B Proceedings, Annual National Conference. 1987 (with
Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh).
"Simulated Stock Broker," Developments in Business Simulation and
Experiential Exercises. Vol. 14, March 1987 (with Seyed-Mahmoud
Describes in Simple Terms How to Integrate Macro-Forecasts into
Business Forecasting Models," Review of Economic Forecasting for
Business: Concepts and Applications. By John J. McAuley, The Journal
of Business Forecasting, Methods and Systems. Summer 1986.
"The Wealth Effect of Corporate Bond Valuation on Consumption,"
Dissertation Abstracts International. 1985.
"The Interest-Induced Wealth Effect of Corporate Bonds," New York
Economic Review. Vol. XIV, 1984.
"Capital Loss in the Corporate Bond Market and Stock Valuation,"
Proceedings of Thirty-Second Annual Invitational Seminar. College of
Business Administration, Alfred University, 1982.
“Financial Education and Delinquency,” Annual Student Research & Creativity
Exposition, SUNY Fredonia, April 2008 (with Taihyeup Yi and Jennifer Colon).
“Public Disclosure and Brokerage Search,” SUNY Fredonia 6th Annual
Faculty Research Exposition, February 2005 (with Wei Zhang).
"The Causal Relationship between Tax Revenues and Expenditures: The
Case of New York," American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences' 8th Annual Meeting, February 2001 (with Jermaine Kenner).
"Stock Market Movements and New York State Budget Balance," Northeast
Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, 2000 (with Christopher
"Financial Information System Debacle: the Case of Oxford Health Plans
Inc.," Society for Case Research Summer Workshop, 1999 (with Paul
"Restructuring of a Distressed Company through Reverse Stock
Distribution," Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual
Conference, 1999 (with Patrick Brown).
"The Influence of Changes in Money Supply on the Mexican and U. S.
Stock Markets," Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual
Conference, 1996 (with Jan Lux).
"Small Business Financial Planning: The Case of Miller Corporation,"
Society for Case Research Summer Workshop, 1996.
"Financial Forecasting: The Case of Fudge, Inc.," Midwest Society for
Case Research Summer Workshop, 1993.
"An Analysis of Unusual Performance in Pre-College Economic Education:
Evidence from the NAEE Database," Eastern Economic Association
Conference, 1990 (with William Foeller).
"Forecasting Returns to Small Businesses Using Cyclical and Economic
Indicators," Southwestern Small Business Institute Association Annual
Conference, 1990 (with James Hopson and Muhammad Islam).
"The Reverse Stock Splits and the Efficient Market Hypothesis: The
Case of the New York Stock Exchange," Northeast Business and Economics
Association Annual Conference, 1988.
"Do Reverse Stock Splits Affect Returns?" Eastern Economic Association
Conference, 1988 (with Joseph Cheng).
"Data Base Management and d-Base III," International Business Schools
Computer Users Group Convention, 1987 (with Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh
and John Olsavsky).
"Goals and Strategies of Integrated Office Information Systems
Managers," The Association of Human Resources Management and
Organizational Behavior National Conference, 1987 (with Seyed-Mahmoud
"Pseudo Wealth-Effect in the Corporate Bond Market," Eastern Economic
Association Conference, 1987.
"Simulated Stock Broker," Fourteenth Annual Conference of the
Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 1987
(with Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh).
"Capital Gains in the Corporate Bond Market and Consumption
Expenditure," New York State Economic Association Conference, 1983.
Professional Service
Fundraiser (2007-Present), SUNY Fredonia School of Business
Carol and Steven Ward Scholarship
Bahgat & Laurito-Bahgat Speaker Series
Franklin Krohn Memorial Scholarship
Reviewer (2008), Choice
Peer Reviewer (2006, 2008), Ithaca College
Participant (1984, 1987, 2001, 2007), New York State Economic
Association Conference
Consultant (1984-86), Co-director (1986-89), Director (1989-2003),
Southwestern Center for Economic Education, Fredonia, NY-- the Center,
affiliated with the National Council on Economic Education, helps
school districts infuse economic concepts into the K-12 curriculum
through teacher training and Curriculum advice.
Reviewer (2001), Journal of Financial Education
Participant (1991, 1996, 1998-2000), Society for Case Research
Reviewer (1991, 1999), Annual Advances in Case Writing
Reviewer (1996), Prentice Hall Publishing
Participant (1982, 1985, 1987-91, 1995-96), Eastern Economic
Association Conference
Tutor (1994), State University of New York, Empire State College,
Fredonia, NY -- directed independent studies in Principles of
Reviewer (1987-91), New York Economic Review
Consultant (1989-90), Niagara-Mohawk Power Corporation -- Studied the
impact of "marginal pricing" of electricity on power cost/consumption
of the State University of New York at Fredonia.
Participant (1988), Northeast Business and Economic Association
Participant (1987-88), International Business Schools Computer Users
Group Conference
Reviewer (1985-86), The Eastern Economic Journal
Faculty Governance
Departmental Service
Chair (1999), Member (2000-01), Faculty Search Committees
Chair (1990-91), Member (1995-2000), Personnel Committee
Member (1984-85; 1988-91), Chair (1999-2000), By-laws Committee
Member (1991; 1997-1999), Assessment Committee
Member (1984-85; 1988-89), Chair (1998-99), long-range Planning
Member (1982-83; 1995-1999), Curriculum Committee
Faculty Secretary (1981; 1998-1999)
Coordinator (1995), Summer Internship Program
Chair (1985-87), Member (1987-94), Alumni Affairs Committee
Organizer (1984-87; 1992-94), Faculty Symposium
Member (1988-89; 1991-92), Department Chair Search Committee
Chair (1990-91), College Catalog Committee
Coordinator (1990-91), Finance & Accounting area -- assisted the
Department Chair with student advising, degree audit, Open Houses,
etc. Coordinated the Finance and Accounting Faculty's efforts in
curriculum development, course scheduling, and textbook adoption.
Member (1988-91), Advising Committee
Member (1989-90), Teaching Workload Committee
Member (1984), "Merit Money" Committee
University-wide Service
Member (2008-Present), SUNY Fredonia Business Incubator Educational
Programming Committee
Interim Director (2007-Present), School of Business-- Providing
leadership in the areas of program development, strategic planning,
assessment, accreditation, alumni affairs, community outreach, and
fundraising to a school of 600+ students and 24 FTE faculty and staff,
with programs in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, and
Member (2007-Present), AACSB Steering Committee
Member (2007-Present), Capital Campaign Committee
Member (2007-Present), Enrollment Management Group
Member (2006–Present), Leadership Studies Minor Advisory Council
Member (2001-Present), Transfer Students Advisory Council
Member (1999-Present), Chancellor's Review Panel, United University
Interim Chair (1991-94), Chair (2001-Present), Department of Business
Administration-- supervising undergraduate programs in Finance,
Management, MIS, Marketing, and undergraduate/graduate programs in
Accounting; providing leadership in the areas of program development
and curriculum design, extra-curricular activities, strategic
planning, faculty recruitment and development, community outreach and
Member (1988-90, 2008-Present), Middle States Accreditation Committee
Member (2008), Search Committee for the Director of Academic Advising
Summer Orientation Advisor (1992; 1995; 1998; 2002-2006)
Member (2002; 2004-05), School of Business Director Search Committee
Member (1997-98; 2001-02; 2003-04), Dean of Natural & Social Sciences
Search Committee
Member (2001), "School of Business" Master Plan Committee
Member (2001), United University Professions Labor-Management
Professional Development Grants Committee
Departmental Representative (1988-91; 1998-2001), United University
Member (1996-2000), University Senate Executive Committee
Senator (1995-2000), State University of New York
Member (1990-95), Chair (1991-95), Chancellor's Award for
Distinguished Teaching Professorship Committee
Advisor (1989-94), Continuing Education Office
Member (1989-92), University Senate
Member (1988-90), Professional Services Committee
Member (1988), Master's Comprehensive Examination Committee, School of
Member (1984-86), International Education Committee
Member (1984-85), Educational Resources Committee