African horse sickness

OIE Collaborating Centre Reports
Activities in 2010
Title of Collaborating Centre:
Address of Collaborating Centre
Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases
for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and
FGI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)
600901 Yur’evets, Vladimir, RUSSIA
(+7-0922) 26.38.77, (+7-0922) 26.06.14
e-mail address:
Name of Head of Centre
(Responsible Official):
Professor Vasily A. Grubyy
Name of OIE Contact Point:
Professor Vladimir V. Drygin
Name of writer of this report
(if different from above)
Professor Anatoly M. Rakhmanov
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Part I: Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of
OIE Collaborating Centres
Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques
within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE
It is necessary to study and evaluate epizootic situation in the vast territory of the Russian Federation and its
neighbouring countries in order to determine research trends for development of animal infectious disease control
strategy and tactics. Epidemiological and serologic monitoring shall be carried out for this purpose. In 2010
epizootological and serological monitoring was aimed at: prion infections (333 samples from 15 Subjects of the
Russian Federation were tested, the test results were negative) and rabies (123 brain samples from 6 Subjects of
the RF were tested; in 27 samples rabies was confirmed).
9,923 bovine serum samples from 37 regions of the RF were tested for the presence of antibodies to infectious
rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3, type 4 herpesvirus, viral diarrhea, adenovirus infection and etc. Antibodies to
various agents were detected in 6,237 samples. 1,775 samples of pathological material from cattle were tested for
respiratory and enteric infections caused by bovine rotavirus, herpesvirus, enterovirus, parvovirus, mycoplasmas,
chlamydia and other agents. 269 samples were positive.
Epizootological and serologic monitoring of porcine infectious diseases (4,000 pathological samples were tested
and 90,000 ELISA tests were conducted) demonstrated the presence of such diseases as African swine fever,
classical swine fever, Aujeszky’s disease, porcine influenza, PRRS, type 2 circovirus infection, porcine epidemic
diarrhea, pasteurellosis, Glasser’s disease, actinobacillosis, mycoplasmosis, clostridiosis, colibacillosis and etc.
Much attention was given to the serologic and epizootological monitoring of avian infectious diseases.
2,537 samples of pathological material and 436,000 serum samples from 405 poultry farms of all Subjects of the
Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kirghizia were examined for the presence of antibodies to avian
viral disease viruses. 40 isolates of different agents were recovered. The test results confirmed the presence of
antibodies to viruses of such diseases as Newcastle disease, avian influenza, adenovirus infection, infectious
bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, metapneumovirus infection, mycoplasmosis and etc. in poultry from the
RF. Antibodies to avian influenza viruses and Newcastle disease were detected in wild birds. 87 samples of
pathological material from fish farms of 12 Subjects of the Russian Federation were tested for fish viral diseases
(negative results). 1,306 samples of animal products were tested, 136 (16,4%) did not comply with the
requirements of the RF regulatory documents. Test results and appropriate recommendations were sent to all the
farms and regions on each occasion. Specialists of the FGI “ARRIAH” were on 168 business trips to different
regions of the RF including Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia in order to study the epidemic
situation, provide recommendations and render assistance in the field of disease diagnosis, and plan and
implement anti-epidemic measures and train veterinarians.
Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international
regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or animal
Development and harmonization of methods used for diagnosis and prevention of avian, bovine, porcine infectious
diseases and infectious diseases of small ruminants (55 regulatory documents were approved). In order to
implement up-to-date test methods into the work of the diagnostic veterinary laboratories and harmonize them
with the requirements of the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (Mammals, birds
and bees, OIE), 70 more technological normative documents on diagnosing animal diseases using PCR and 17
methodological guidelines on diagnosing avian viral diseases were included into the current “List of normative
documents used in the state veterinary laboratories”.
Presentation of products produced by the FGI “ARRIAH” at the exhibitions held in Moscow in 2010:
- X Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments;
- International Fund for Biotechnology;
- XII Russian Agroindustrial Exhibition “The Golden Autumn”;
- Biotechnological Exhibition Fair “RosBioTech-2010”;
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Two golden medals, two silver medals and 4 diplomas were awarded to the FGI “ARRIAH” for the development
and production.
The FGI “ARRIAH” supplied diagnostic preparations and vaccines to Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia,
Uzbekistan, Syria, Taiwan
Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE
Leading specialists visited Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Ukraine and Syria
providing consultations and rendering assistance in planning and taking anti-epidemic measures
Part II: Other activities related to the mandate
of OIE Collaborating Centres
Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to
personnel from OIE Members
Eighteen foreign delegations from 10 European, American and Asian countries visited the FGI “ARRIAH” in
2010. Forty-six specialists from the FGI “ARRIAH” visited 28 European, American, Asian countries to take part
in different trainings, workshops and conferences and to conduct joint researches within current programs. Four
workshops were arranged at the FGI “ARRIAH” for specialists from the RF and Belarus. They were trained in use
of integrated computerized system in the activities of state veterinary services. Forty-eight specialists from
26 Subjects of the RF and 10 from Belarus were trained. Nine workshops on scientific developments, new
technologies, modern equipment and other issues were carried out including three seminars in partnership with
foreign companies (Germany, Israel, France) where 276 specialists were trained.
Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE
Practical workshop for participants of the IAEA International project from Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia and RF in
“Molecular diagnosis of avian influenza (H5N1) and evaluation of genetic markers of the virus pathogenicity and
resistance” arranged by the FAO/IAEA.
Participation in:
training in improvement of control of highly pathogenic avian influenza arranged by the European
Commission Directorate;
regional training in molecular diagnostics, genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of avian and mammalian
type A influenza virus arranged by the FAO/IAEA (Seibersdorf, Austria);
international matching trials “GD Ring Trials/GC Diagnostics” (Netherlands) aimed at detection of
antibodies to influenza agents, Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease, bronchitis, Mycoplasma galisepticum
and M. synoviae, salmonellosis in chicken sera;
ring trials on avian influenza and Newcastle disease conducted at VLA, Weybridge, Great Britain (PCR, HI);
evaluation of quality of laboratory tests using developed test-systems for detection of antibodies to avian
metapneumovirus and reovirus in international matching trials arranged by the Laboratory R&D GD (Dutch
Animal Health Service, Deventer, Netherlands)
Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories,
organisations or collaborating centres
Presentation at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in Veterinary Field in CIS-countries
(Odessa, Ukraine, 27 October 2010) of the report of the FGI “ARRIAH” as the coordinator of activities under the
“Complex of Joint Activities of CIS-Countries Aimed at Prevention of Introduction and Spread of Avian Influenza
in the Territory of CIS-Countries” approved by the Council of CIS Heads of Governments of 27 May 2007.
Preliminary work was done in cooperation with the Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperementale delle Venezie (Padova,
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Italy) so that the FGI “ARRIAH” could acquire a status of an OIE reference laboratory for avian influenza and
Newcastle disease. A delegate from the Russian Federation also filed a corresponding application to the OIE.
Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the
OIE that may be useful to Members of the OIE
Main publications in English
Chernyshev A., Sprygin A., Mudrak N., Pruntova O., Borisov A. Genetic characterization of
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale from commercial chicken flocks in Russia // MEEGID Х Congress. - 2010.
Elatkin N., Iovleva A., Sprygin A., Andreychuk D., Metlin A., Mudrak N., Rybakov S., Vlasova N., Drygin
V. Development of genomic library for genes encoding immunodominant proteins from avian influenza and
rabies viruses // MEEGID Х Congress. - 2010.
Gulenkin V.M., Korennoy F.I., Karaulov A.K., Dudnikov S.A. Cartographical analysis of African swine
fewer outbreaks in Russian Federation and computer modeling of basic reproduction ratio // GEOVET 2010:
Veterinary Science Conference Centre, 1-3 Dec. 2010, Sydney, Australia / The University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia. - 2010. - P. 80.
Manin T.B., Chvala I.A., Kolosov S.N., Pchelkina I.P., Irza V.N., Drygin V.V. H5N1 avian influenza
outbreak in the Far East of Russia in 2008: New introduction // Avian Dis. - 2010. - Vol. 54, N 1. - P. 509512.
Sprygin A.V., Andreychuk D.B., Elatkin N.P., Zinyakov N.G., Kolosov S.N., Mudrak N.S., Irza V.N.,
Drygin V.V., Borisov A.V., Perevozchikova N.A. Genetic diversity of Mycoplasma gallisepticum field
isolates using partial sequencing of the pvpA gene fragment in Russia // Avian Dis. - 2010. - Vol.54, №2. - P.
Sprygin A.V., Andreychuk D.B., Kolotilov A.N., Volkov M.S., Runina I.A., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V.,
Irza V.N., Drygin V.V., Perevozchikova N.A. Development of a duplex real-time Tag-Man PCR assay with
an internal control for the detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in clinical
samplex from commercial and backyard poultry // Avian Pathol. - 2010. - Vol. 39, N 2. - P. 99-109.
Publications in CIS countries
Abramova L.Yu., Chvala I.A., Andriyasov A.V., Pchelkina I.P., Manin T.B., Mudrak N.S., Irza V.N.,
Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V., Starov S.K., Q. Yu, P.J. Miller Study of virulent properties of A/H5N1 avian
influenza viruses isolated in the Russian Federation in 2005// Veterinarna Meditsina: Mizhvid. Tem. Nauk.
Zb. – Kharkov, Ukraine, 2010. – Issue 94, - P. 54-56.
Belchihina A.V., Lyadsky M.M., Dudnikov S.A., Karaulov A.K. Risk assessment of African swine fever
entry to the territory of the Vladimir Region: qualitative method. // Veterinarna Meditsina: Mizhvid. Tem.
Nauk. Zb. – Kharkov, Ukraine, 2010. – Issue 94, - P. 23-26.
Volkova M.A., Runina I.A., Irza A.V., Chvala I.A., Frolov S.V., Dolgov D.L., Chubukova Ye.I., Borisov
V.V., Mudrak N.S., Drygin V.V. Immunogenicity of mucosal vaccines against Newcastle disease. //
Veterinarna Meditsina: Mizhvid. Tem. Nauk. Zb. – Kharkov, Ukraine, 2010. – Issue 94, - P. 201-203.
10. Mischenko A.V., Mischenko V.A. Ecologic peculiarities of immunodeficiency in cattle. // Veterinarna
Meditsina: Mizhvid. Tem. Nauk. Zb. – Kharkov, Ukraine, 2010. – Issue 93, - P. 293-298.
11. Rakhmanov A.M. Belik Ye.V., Borisov V.V. Preventive vaccination of animals is the most important
component of the strategy for resistance to biological threats in veterinary field. // Veterinarna Meditsina:
Mizhvid. Tem. Nauk. Zb. – Kharkov, Ukraine, 2010. – Issue 94, - P. 30-32.
Publications in the RF in Russian
Proceedings of the Federal Centre for Animal Health. Vol. VIII. – Vladimir, 2010. – 264 р. (total 29 papers,
including Highly Dangerous Animal Diseases – 9 papers, Cattle and Swine Diseases – 9 papers, Avian
Diseases – 7 papers, other topics – 4 papers).
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
13. Magazine “Veterinariya and Kormleniye” 2010, No. 6. – P. 62. (30 papers). Special issue. Materials of the
International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists of the FGI “ARRIAH”.
14. Abramova L.Yu., Chvala I.A., Babin Yu.Yu., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V., Vlasov N.A. Avian
influenza infection caused by subtype H7N1 virus. // Veterinariya. – 2010. – No. 10. – P. 26-30.
15. Andriyasov A.V., Novikova M.V., Zinyakov N.G., Chvala I.A., Pchelkina I.P., Mudrak N.S., Drygin V.V.
Molecular characteristic of type A/H5N1 avian influenza virus isolate recovered in the Republic of Tyva in
2009. // Molecular Diagnostics – 2010: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical
Conference with foreign participants. – M., 2010. – V. 2. – P. 42-44.
16. Apasova L.Yu., Rybakov S.S., Yegorov A.A., Pylnov V.A., Borisov V.V., Moroz N.V. Method of diagnosis
of infectious hematopoietic necrosis of salmon. // Molecular Diagnostics – 2010: Proceedings of the VII AllRussian Scientific and Practical Conference with foreign participants. – M., 2010. – V. 2. – P. 44-46.
17. Vlasov N.A., Irza V.N., Varkentin A.V., Pichuyev A.E., Volkov M.S., Frolov A.V., Borisov A.V., Drygin
V.V., Belik Ye.V. Highly pathogenic avian influenza. Current situation and measures of control. //
Veterinariya. – 2010. – No.1. – P. 3-7.
18. Volkov M., Irza V., Chernyaeva T., Borisov A. Infectious avian synovitis – epidemiology and prevention. //
Ptitsevodstvo. – 2009. – No.11. – P. 39-40.
19. Volkov M.S., Irza V.N., Chernyaeva T.Yu., Borisov A.V. Use of synthetic microcarriers for diagnosis of
avian mycoplasmosis. // Veterinariya. – 2010. – No. 10. – P. 60-62.
20. Girin M.V., Surnev D.S., Lozovoy D.A., Kryukov S.V., Solovyov B.V., Matko-Krylov M.V. Development
of highly potent vaccine against infectious bronchitis caused by variant strains. // 2 nd International CongressPartnering and Biotechnology and Bioenergy Exhibition “EurasiaBio-2010”: Collection of abstracts. – 2010.
– P. 55-56.
21. Gulyonkin V.M. Economic damage from some highly dangerous diseases of farm animals. // Veterinariya. –
2010. – No. 4. – P. 8-12.
22. Yelatkin N.P., Andreychuk D.B., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V. Detection of fowlpox virus
genome using real-time polymerase chain reaction // Molecular diagnostics – 2010: collection of scientific
papers. All-Russia Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. – M., 2010. - Vol. 2.p. 95-97.
23. Zinyakov N.G., Andreychuk D.B., Drygin V.V. Analysis of a sequence from S3 gene segment of chicken
reovirus isolates detected on poultry farms // Voprosy Virusologii. – 2010.-No.2. – p. 9-13.
24. Iovleva A.Yu., Yelatkin N.P., Mudrak N.S., Metlin A.Ye., Rybakov S.S. Construction of recombinant
plasmid PTZ57GP containing glycoprotein gene insert of RV-97 rabies virus strain // Biotechnology:
toxicological, radiological and biological safety: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical
Conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Federal Centre for Toxicological, Radiological and
Biological Safety. - Kazan, 2010. - p. 573-575.
25. Kochetkov S.A., Shybayev M.A., Chupin S.A., Prokhvatilova L.B., Mischenko V.A. Circulation of bovine
enteroviruses in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation // Veterinarnaya Patologiya. - 2009. –
No. 4. – p.17-20.
26. Kukushkin S.A., Baibikov T.Z., Timina A.M., Chelysheva M.V. Kovalishin V.F. Investigation of porcine
respiratory disease complex on pig farms of Russia // Veterinariya Selsko-Khozyaystvennikh Zhyvotnikh. 2010. - No. 5 – 26-31.
27. Levchenko S.V., Mischenko V.A., Kononov A.V., Korpusova T.I. Antigenic properties of inactivated
emulsified vaccine against bovine viral diarrhea // Topical Issues of Veterinary Medicine in Siberia:
Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Krasnoobsk, 2010. – p. 69-75.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
28. Lisitsin V.V. Problems of respiratory diseases in young cattle and their solution // Veterinariya SelskoKhozyaystvennikh Zhyvotnikh. – 2010. – No. 5. -12-16.
29. Metlin A.Ye. Animal rabies // Baltic Veterinary Medicine Forum: Proceedings of International Scientific and
Practical Conference – St. Petersburg, 2010.- p. 134-136.
30. Mischenko V.A., Dumova V.V., Kiselev M.Yu. Khlebopashnikov S.V., Kononov A.V., Pavlov D.K.,
Levchenko S.V. Peculiarities of vaccine prophylaxis of rotavirus and coronovirus diarrhea in neonatal calves
// Topical Issues of Veterinary Medicine in Siberia: Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical
Conference. – Krasnoobsk, 2010. – p.120-127.
31. Mischenko V.A., Dumova V.V., Chernykh O.Yu., Kiselev M.Yu., MIschenko A.V., Bakunov I.N., Kononov
A.V. Circulation of bovine coronavirus in ruminants // Veterinariya. - 2010.- No. 9. – p. 18-21.
32. Ovchinnikova Ye.V., Tscherbakova L.O., Zinyakov N.G., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V. Isolates
of infectious bronchitis virus in chickens, recovered in Russia and neighbouring countries from 2007 till 2009
// Molecular diagnostics - 2010: Collection of scientific papers. VII All-Russia Scientific and Practical
Conference with international participation. – M., 2010. - Vol. 2.- p. 157-159.
33. Oganesyan A.S., Dudnikov S.A., Byadovskaya O.P., Prokhvatilova L.B., Porcine respiratory disease
complex: factor analysis and primary disease pattern // Veterinarnaya Patologiya. - 2009. – No.4. – p. 28-38.
34. Pyatkina A.A., Kulyashbekova Sh.K., Menschikova A. E., Borisov A.V. Immune response of chicks to
turkey herpesvirus // Veterinarnaya Patologiya. - 2009. – No. 2. – p. 39-43.
35. Timina A.M., Scherbakov A.V. Phylogenetic analysis of porcine influenza virus isolates detected in the RF
in 2009-2010 // Molecular diagnostics - 2010: Collection of scientific papers. VII All-Russia Scientific and
Practical Conference with international participation. – M., 2010. - Vol.2.- p. 183-185.
36. Chernyshov A.V., Sprygin A.V., Rychnova O. I., Mudrak N.S., Pruntova O.V. Genetic characteristics of
Ornithobacterium rhinotraheale bacterium isolated on poultry farms of the Russian Federation // Molecular
diagnostics - 2010: Collection of scientific papers. VII All-Russia Scientific and Practical Conference with
international participation. – M., 2010. - Vol. 2.- p. 191-192.
37. Chernyshov Ye.V., Metlin A.Ye., Chupin S.A., Prokhvatilova L.B., Rybakov S.S., Yegorov A.A., Borisov
V.V. Molecular diagnosis of rabies // Molecular diagnostics - 2010: Collection of scientific papers. VII AllRussia Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. – M., 2010. - Vol. 2.- p. 283-286.
38. Chernyshova Ye.V., Sukharkov A.Yu. Metlin A.Ye., Belik Ye.V., Nazarov N.A., Chepurkin A.V., Rybakov
S.S. Methodological guidelines for sampling and transportation of brain samples, sera and bone tissue in
order to diagnose animal rabies and evaluate efficacy of per-oral anti-rabies vaccines.- Vladimir, 2010. – p.
39. Chicherina Ye.A., Kulyashbekova Sh.K., Borisov A.V., Kurenkova Ye.V., Shulpin M.I. Develpomnet of
pathogenic properties of MD5 Marek's disease virus strain in chicks // Veterinarnaya Patologiya. -2009. –
No. 2. – p. 38-41.
40. Shulpin M.I., Pyatkina A.A., Yeroshina T.I., Mudrak N.S. Detection of Marek’s disease virus serotype 1
using real-time PCR // Molecular diagnostics - 2010: Collection of scientific papers. VII All-Russia
Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. –M., 2010. - Vol. 2.- p. 200-202.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010