BE 310: Bioengineering Lab IV Induced Oscillations In a Collapsible Tube May 12, 2000 Group M1 Grace Doe Jeff Gross Joe Smith Abstract The onset of Korotkov oscillations was studied in a continuous flow, collapsible tube system. Both a pressure transducer and stethoscope sensor were employed to detect experimental signals. With this setup, three distinct oscillations were observed: (a) low frequency high amplitude signal, (b) high frequency small amplitude oscillation located within signal (a), and (c) small amplitude high frequency oscillations. From the experimental data, a high correlation between pressure and flow rate was observed. Specifically, the general trend line was determined to be y = (1.210-9) x2 – (4.310-7) x + (4.510-5). Additionally, two dimensionless parameters, (Pc*v*L) / (Pup*Q) and (Pcuff)/(Pup), were found to accurately modeled the experimental results under all variable conditions. Introduction The objective of this experiment was to observe and describe the onset of induced oscillations in a collapsible tube under steady state, continuous flow conditions. Korotkov oscillations, commonly occurring during blood pressure measurement, can be best explained in this situational context. Initially, a pressure cuff is placed on an arm and pumped to a certain pressure. The pressure is then slowly released until oscillations occur in the walls of the human arteries located in the arm. Blood flow in combination with an external pressure exerted on the artery induces artery wall oscillations. The pressure range associated with these oscillations corresponds to the blood pressure. These oscillations are called Korotkov oscillations and the purpose of this experiment is to try to create a mathematical model for the onset of Korotkov oscillations. The set-up used to simulate a human system is shown in figure 1 and uses several important fluid dynamics principals that are present in the human circulatory system [2]. Application of the experimental study to the physiological system yields both similarities and dissimilarities. Specifically, the change from rigid tubing to flexible tubing is not modeled in the human system. The closest areas of comparison are located at the point in which the inferior vena cava passes through and is attached to the diaphragm and the entry point into the thorax of the jugular and brachial veins. As in the experiment, all oscillations are essentially derived from outside or human intervention. However, unlike the physiological system, the tubular cross sectional area, pusatile flow, and bending stiffness was not to be modeled in this experiment [1]. An application of Korotkov oscillations can be observed in “blood doping”. In this situation, high altitude training, at which there is a lower partial pressure of oxygen, causes an increase in red blood cells. Thus, this increase in whole blood density would affect the pressures at which oscillations are approached. Materials BioPac Pro 3.6 BioPac stethoscope Graduated cylinder Latex tube Pressure cuff Pressure transducer Stop Watch Sucrose Water bottle Water tank Methods Figure 1. The experimental set-up resembling a human arm under blood pressure measurement The experiment setup is illustrated above in Figure 1. Note that clamps were used to keep the latex tubing perfectly horizontal. Initially, the raised water tank was filled with 16 liters of water to the desired height of 1.02 meters. Tubing coming from the water tank was attached to the latex tubing of diameter 1.9 centimeters, which rested on a filled water bottle, simulating a human arm. The pressure cuff held the tubing firmly against the water bottle. A pressure transducer, placed in series with the pressure cuff, connected the pressure cuff to BioPac, which recorded the pressure placed on the tubing during the trial. Immediately following the pressure cuff, a stethoscope was placed against the tube, which recorded any vibrations of the tube during trials. To record the pressure downstream of the tube, a pressure transducer was connected and linked to BioPac for continuous recording. To control flow rate, a nozzle was placed at the tube exit. Trials were carried out at a steady upstream pressure, which was maintained by keeping the water level constant in the tank. The pressure cuff was inflated until the desired pressure on the latex tube was attained. For each experimental solution, the pressure cuff was initially set at 60 mmHg and subsequently increased in increments of 20 mmHg up to 200 mmHg. Two trials at each unique pressure increment were conducted. Note that the range of pressures on the tube was not chosen arbitrarily, 60 mmHg and 200 mmHg were the extremes that oscillation onset was still possible. To induce the tube oscillations at a given pressure, the flow rate was varied until the downstream pressure transducer and the stethoscope measured the desired oscillations. The flow rate was then determined by measuring the amount of fluid exiting the system into a graduated cylinder over a measured time interval. The oscillations from both the pressure transducer and the stethoscope were recorded via the BioPac data acquisition program. Four solutions were used to determine the effect of viscosity on the onset of tube oscillation. The four solutions consisted of water, viscosity=1.1 cP, 5% sucrose, viscosity=1.144 cP, 10% sucrose, viscosity= 1.333 cP, and 34% sucrose, viscosity= 4.0 cP. The 34% sucrose was used because its viscosity was close to the viscosity of human whole blood. Results Flow rates were calculated for every trial within a given solution subset and plotted against the pressure exerted by the pressure cuff. Figures A1 to A4 located in the appendix show the individual graphs of each solution (H2O, 5%, 10%, and 34% sucrose). These graphs illustrate that a decreasing flow rate was required to produce the onset of oscillatory flow. Since two trials were performed at every pressure on the tube, the flow rates from each trial were averaged, and the calculated values are located below in Table 1. Average Flow Rates (m3/s) Pressure Water 5% 10% 34% 60 mmHg 2.56E-05 2.86E-05 1.58E-05 2.32E-05 80 mmHg 1.77E-05 2.16E-05 1.94E-05 1.80E-05 100 mmHg 1.18E-05 1.49E-05 1.37E-05 1.03E-05 120 mmHg 1.00E-05 1.22E-05 1.13E-05 7.74E-06 140 mmHg 7.19E-06 9.54E-06 9.84E-06 6.16E-06 160 mmHg 7.56E-06 8.43E-06 7.83E-06 5.54E-06 180 mmHg 5.77E-06 7.68E-06 7.03E-06 4.41E-06 200mmHg 6.84E-06 7.82E-06 6.46E-06 4.40E-06 Table 1. Average flow rates of the four solutions. To find a general correlation between pressure exerted on the tube by the pressure cuff and the flow rate, the averaged flow rates from the four solutions were plotted together on a graph versus the exerted pressure on the tube, Figure 2. A trend line was added to the four solutions, which yielded a very close 2nd order polynomial fit. Figure 2 has a trend line that represents all four solutions. Equation 1 gives the equation of the trend line. 0.000035 Flow Rate (m^3/s) 0.00003 0.000025 5% 0.00002 10% 34% 0.000015 Water 0.00001 Trend line 0.000005 0 50 100 150 200 Pressure Cuff (mmHg) y (1.2 109 ) x 2 (4.3 107 ) x (4.5 105 ) Equation 1 Figure 2. Average flow rates versus the pressure exerted on the tube via the pressure cuff. The flow rates appeared to decrease as the viscosity increased, as observed in Figure 2. Note that the averaged water flow rate was expected to be higher than that of the averaged 5% sucrose. This discrepancy in Figure 2 is explained by the larger variation in the water trials (Figure A1) in comparison to the sucrose solution trials. Additionally, more trials with a larger range of viscosities would have yielded a better resolution in the trend line. A leveling off of flow rates appears to occur at 180 mmHg and above. The rapid increase of flow rates around 60 mmHg is the likely explanation of why oscillations were unattainable at lower pressures. To achieve the flow rates that were needed, an increased upstream pressure would be required. However, since this was to remain constant for all trials an increased flow rate was unachievable. The oscillation signals recorded from the sensors were analyzed. The pressure transducer observed many different types of fluid oscillations. Figure 3 shows graphs of the most commonly observed oscillations. However, note that the oscillations picked up by the stethoscope did not appear to correlate to the oscillations observed by the pressure transducer. Much of the signals recorded by the stethoscope were attributed to noise and not the actual wall oscillations. Therefore, only the oscillations observed by the down-stream pressure transducer were analyzed. 3a 3b Pressure (mmHg) 4 3 2 1 0 80 90 100 110 Tim e (sec) 3c 3d Figure 3. Commonly observed oscillations in all trials. Figures 3a and 3b show high frequency small amplitude oscillations within lower frequency high amplitude oscillations. Figures 3c and 3d are representative of the smaller amplitude high frequency oscillations without the high amplitude low frequency oscillations. Figures 3a and 3b represent a little over a half of the water and 5% sucrose trials. Low amplitude high frequency oscillations are observed within high amplitude slow oscillation. The small amplitude high frequency oscillations become more apparent when the tube collapsed, which is seen at the lowest downstream pressures. Figures 3c and 3d are characteristic of the majority of graphs. The graphs are small amplitude high frequency with no low frequency high amplitude oscillations. Another trend was seen in the lower viscosity solutions, the downstream pressure at oscillation onset was always subzeroed. Only the highly viscous solution, 34% sucrose, showed downstream pressures above zero and the oscillations were all small amplitude high frequency. The three types of oscillations observed in the experiment were consistent with the three types of oscillations observed by Bertram et al. However, the onset of the three types of oscillation in this experiment occurred at random, meaning that whether the oscillation was fast, slow or mixed did not follow any pattern. Bertram et al demonstrated that the three types of oscillations should be producible at any given cuff pressure by changing the flow rate, Figure A5. This experiment was unable to duplicate the onset of all three oscillations by changing the flow rate. This experiment only produced one of the three types of oscillations at a given pressure and flow rate and any deviation from this flow rate would halt all oscillations. In order to describe the relationship between the onset of the Korotkov oscillations and the parameters involved, dimensionless parameters reveal that the critical flow of the fluid was directly related to the force (pressure) pushing down from the pressure, and hence the pressure within the cuff (used in plot). As stated before, two dimensionless variables were calculated: (Pcuff *v* L/Pupstream *Q) and (Pcuff/Pup) where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, L is the length of the tube in the collapsed region, and Q is the flow rate. The Reynolds number was calculated as (U*D/v) where U is the velocity of the fluid, D is the diameter of the tube, and v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Figure 4 below is the plot for all trials except for 34% sucrose solution, which followed the same trend but was found to be an outlier. The equation of the relationship is: y = .0074*x + 2x10-17 Equation 2 Figure 4. Plot of Reynolds number times the Dimensionless parameter vs. the pressure within the pressure cuff. Discussion As stated earlier, there were several fluid dynamics principals involved in this experiment that enable the set-up to simulate a human arm during a blood pressure measurement. The principals involved are: maintained upstream pressure (raised water tank), critical flow rate to cause oscillation, increased upstream potential, and increased downstream resistance. The occurrence of Korotkov oscillations can be explained in simple terms of these few fluid dynamics principals. The pressure transducer was pumped to a certain pressure between 60 and 200 mmHg in intervals of 20mmHg for each trial. The valves were opened for constant flow through the collapsible tube. As the flow upstream before the collapsible tube stayed constant, the flow downstream was decreased with a downstream valve. This caused a fluid build up and hence a pressure build up in the tube at the point where the pressure cuff reduced the cross sectional area. When this pressure build up reached a numerical value close to the upstream pressure (about 73 mmHg due to gH), the potential energy due to pressure build up turned into mechanical energy in the form of oscillations in the tube wall. These oscillations begin as a “push” back against the actual pressure pushing down by the pressure cuff (refer to Figure 5). As the pressure cuff reduces in size, it’s pressure increases until it can reduce the cross sectional area of the tube once again, and hence an oscillatory motion. This initial local oscillation continues down the length of the tube and repeats. Figure 5. Example of the Korotkov oscillation in the collapsible tube as it begins. The pressure cuff and the water bottle caused the indentions in the side before oscillation. The occurrence of a sub-zero downstream pressure recorded by the pressure transducer can be explained again in terms of fluid dynamics principles. During the one cycle of the oscillatory process stated above, fluid builds up and therefore pressure builds up within the collapsible tube allowing the downstream fluid to flow out into the bucket. As this downstream fluid (near the downstream valve) flows out of the system and most of the fluid within the collapsible tube has not passed the throat, the downstream pressure just after the throat becomes sub-atmospheric. As a result, the pressures recorded by the transducer were sub-zero. However, with the 34% sucrose solution, the viscosity is much higher and therefore the fluid has more momentum in flowing through the tube. Because of this, the potential energy build up of the fluid allowed it to flow more constantly through the collapsed throat of the tube and not allow a sub-atmospheric pressure region after the throat. This agrees with the general trend that was found from the data. As the viscosity and density of the fluid increased, more momentum enables pressure build up in the collapsible tube at lower velocities and yielding lower flow rates than fluids with lower viscosity. Several adjustments could have been made to the methods of this experiment that would have made it much easier to analyze. First, the pressure cuff pressure was assumed to be the pressure shown on the pressure gauge. However, this is obviously not the pressure (force) pushing down on the tube, rather, it is the pressure of air within the cuff that is shown on the pressure gauge. Some method of correlation between the cuff’s internal pressure given from the gauge and the pressure pushed down on the walls of the tube could have been made. In addition, changing the apparatus, such as using different heights of water and running the water through the reservoir could allow us to calculate the actual pressure down on the tube. Another source of error is the loss of upstream pressure during the actual trials due to conducting the trial. While conducting the trial, the water level in the tank decreased slightly and therefore the upstream pressure was not exactly constant during the trial. Perhaps a method of adding water at a rate at which it is lost would be more accurate. Also, the time interval at which the flow rate was recorded was at the end of the trial when oscillation was obtained. However, the time of oscillation was much larger than the time period for the sample graphs, hence the sample graphs may not represent exactly when the flow rate was measured. The method of data acquisition may have been improved by keeping one variable constant between the flow rate and the downstream pressure. If there was a way to keep the flow rate constant while the downstream “back pressure” (caused by opening and closing of valve) changed, the relationship between the two could have been found. Conclusions General trends related to critical oscillation factors were determined. It was observed that by increasing pressure cuff pressure, the critical flow rate for oscillation decreased. Additionally, increasing viscosity and density resulted in decreased critical flow rate for oscillations. A notable 2nd degree polynomial relationship between pressure cuff pressure and flow rate was found. Additionally a linear relationship was found between the dimensionless variables (Pc*v*L) / (Pup*Q) and (Pcuff)/(Pup). Unfortunately, upon application of FFT analysis, no correlation between the frequency of oscillations and all other experimental parameters involved in the experiment was determined. References [1] Bertram, C, K. Butcher, and C. Raymond. Oscillations in aCollapsed-Tube Analog of the Brachial Artery Under a Sphygmomanometer Cuff. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol 111 pp. 185-191, 1989. [2] Drzewiecki, Gary and James J. Pilla. Noninvasive Measurement of the Human Brachial Artery Pressure Area Relation in Collapse and Hypertension. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol 26, pp. 965-974, 1998. [3] Middleman, Stanley. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. United States of America, 1992. Appendix Figure A1. Flow rate vs. pressure due to pressure cuff for water Figure A2. Flow rate vs. pressure pressure cuff for 5% sucrose solution 34% 0.000025 Flow Rate (m^3/s) 0.00002 0.000015 Trial 1 Trial 2 0.00001 0.000005 0 0 100 200 300 Pressure Cuff (m m Hg) Figure A3. Flow rate vs. pressure due to pressure cuff for 10% sucrose solution Figure A4. Flow rate vs. pressure due to pressure cuff for 34% sucrose solution Pressure vs. flow rate illustrating location of observed oscillations Figure A5. Figure A5. Oscillation regions defined by Pressure vs. flow rate