citrus Fruits -

The following varieties are recommended. Their brief description is also given below:Pineapple:- Fruit medium to large in size, round to slightly oblate in shape, deep orange in
colour. Juice abundant, acidity and sweetness well-blended, flavour excellent, seeds 10 to 20.
The length of the fruit is 5.75 cm. to 6.75 cm. and the fruit weight is 125-175 gms. The
thickness of the skin is 0.3-0.4 cm. The fruits are ripened from October-November. Juice
%age is 35-40% and average acidity is 0.6% and total TSS 9-10%. The yield of fruit is 55-60
qtl. per acre.
Jaffa:- The fruit medium to large in size, rather oblate in shape and the length is is 6.37 cm.
and thickness is 6.51 cm. At ripening the colour is red to orange colour. The average weighof the
fruit is 140-190 gms. The juice %age is 30-35%. T.S.S is 9 to 10%. The seed per fruit is 5-10.
The thickness of the skin is 0.40 cm. The fruit is ripened in the month of November. The yield of
this fruit is 50-55 per qtl. per acre.
Blood Red:- Fruits are of medium size, roundish to slightly oblong, deep orange colour, tight and
glossy, flesh fully red when ripe, rich flavour with sweetness and acidity well blended, seeds
8-10, ripens in the month of mid January.
Musambi:- Fruits small to medium, sub global, fruit surface smooth with longitudinal
furrows , apex marked with a circular ring, flesh pale yellow which low acidity, seeds 20-25
ripened in the month of November. The length of the fruit is 6.07 cm. and thickness 6.25
cm. The juice %age is 30-35%. The thickness of the skin is .35 cm. The acidity in the fruit is
0.25% and TSS is 10-12%. The fruit yield is 30-35 qtl. per acre.
Kinnow: Fruits medium and globose to oblate having excellent appearance, skin golden
orange when fully ripe, rind of medium thickness and leathery to soft, acidity moderate with
fine sugar-acid blend, fruits very juicy and good flavoured, seeds 12-25 per fruit, ripens in
mid January and tends to be irregular bearer. 40-45% sweetness 9-12%. Acidity 0.75 to
1.2%. The yield is 80-100 qtl. per acre which is obtained BY6 years old trees plants.
Grapefruit:-Marsh Seedless:- Fruit medium to large, oblate roundish in shape, and the length and
breadth is 10-11 cm., skin light-yellow, smooth, acidity and sweetness medium. The average
weight of the fruit is 500-600 gm. and the %age of the juice is 28-30%. TSS is 7.7 % and the acidity
is 1.2 to 1.4%. Vitamin C is 40-45 mg. gm. per 100 mltr. juice. Fruit ripens in the month of
December-January. The yield of this fruit is 50-55 qtl. per acre.
Duncan:- Fruits large in size, oblate in shape, skin light yellow or creamy, The length is 9-10 cm. and
width 10-11 cm. The average fruit weight is 400-500 gms. The thickness of the skin is .80 to .90 cm.
Juice %age is 30% and TSS is 9-11%. The acidity 1.3 to 1.4% and Vitamin C 45-50 mg. per 100
ml. of juice. The yield is 24-28 qtl. per acre. The fruits are ripened in the month of November &
Ruby-Red:- The fruits are medium to long size. The skin become paleping after ripening and
sometimes dark pink spot is appeared. The average weight of the fruit is 500-550 gms. The length
of the fruit is 9-10 cm. and thickness 10-11 cm. The thickness of the skin is .82.85 cm. The juice %age is 30% which is having TSS 10-11% and the acidity 1.2 to 1.4% and
vitamin C is 50-55 mg. per 100 ml. of juice. The average of fruit is 30-36 qtl. per acre which ripened
in the month of November.
Baramasi Lemon:- Bears fruit all the year round and is most suited to the agro climates of the
sub-mountainous tracts of Haryana. The fruits are medium round and oblate roundish in shape.
The average fruit size is 80 gm. The skin is thin (.24 cm.) The juice %age is 40-45%. TSS is 7% and
acidity 3-5%. The ripening period of the fruit is July to August and February to March. The fruit
yield is 55 to 60 kg. per plant (July-August).
Kagzi Kalan:- Fruit round, medium size, smooth, greenish-yellow in colour and the fruit weight
is 75-80 gms. skin thin soft fresh. The juice %age is 36%. Acidity and TSS is 6.3 and 7%
respectively. Vitamin C 32 mg. per 100 ml. of juice. The yield of the fruit is 55 kg. per tree. The
ripening period is September.
Sweet Lime:Local:- Fruit round, medium size. The skin is very smooth thin and having a different type
of a scent. This fruit is not having a specific variety. While raising the fruit plants, it should
be consider in mind that scion should be collected from the trees which are having more
number of quality fruits. Because there is a great variability in the fruits. The average fruit is
100-150 gms. The skin is 2-3 cms. thick and the juice %age is 45-50%. The TSS is 7.5%
the acidity is .07% and it contained vitamins C. 50-60 mgm. per 100 mlltr. of juice. The tree bears
300-500 fruit.
Propagation of high grade plant material: - Propagation of plants of superior quality is a
matter, which deserves utmost attention on the part of fruit growers and nurserymen. This aspect
has acquired added importance in view of the widespread decline problem. For raising healthy
and high grade plants of citrus, due attention must be paid to the selection of scion and
Selection of Scion:
The following points should kept in view while selection scion wood:
Bud wood should not be selected from trees, showing symptoms of decline and ill
health. It is preferred to take bud wood from nucellar trees.
Trees from which bud sticks are taken should have good record of producing
satisfactory crops of high quality fruits over a period of years.
Selection of rootstocks
Use of only nucellar seedlings is recommended for rootstock purposes.
For selecting nucellar rootstock, rouging of poorly developed slow growing‘s seedlings in the
nursery is recommended at the following stages:a)
When the seedlings are 10 to 12 cm. high, approximately 10 of the seedlings which
are either too tall or too short, should be discarded.
b) Just prior to budding, a second rouging of about 10% of the seedlings which are weak,
slow growing and less vigorous, should be done.
c) A final rouging to the extent of about 10% should be done in the nursery when the
buddings are selected for planting in the field. At this time budded plants, which are
making slow growth, should be discarded.
These steps need to be introduced in all private and government nurseries dealing with the
multiplication and sale of citrus plants.
Irrigation:- For good growth and high yield it is necessary to give irrigation. To bear the fruits
and to control the dropping of the fruits, it is necessary to give irrigation. It has good affect on
the development of fruit. Before initiation of the new shoots i.e February-March and at the time
of the development of the fruit i.e April-July and from Mid September to end of October
irrigation is necessary. In winter the irrigation should be given after 25 days and after summer
after 10 days interval.
Manure & Fertilizer: The following fertilizer doses per tree are recommended for citrus:Tree
age F.Y.M
Calcium Amm. Single
or Superphosphate
Muriate of
1-1 ½
1 ¼-1 ½
1 ½-2
1 ¼-1 ½
10 and above
Note:1.Single Superphosphate (SSP) and muriate of potash(MOP) to be added on the basis of actual
soil test only.
2. Apply Farm Yard Manure, Superphosphate and Muriate fo potash in the end of December.
3. Apply half the dose of CAN in mid-Feb., and the other half in April-May.
4. Spray zinc sulphate-lime-water ( 5:2 ½ :1000 liter) in spring and again in May, June and
again August and September and 1% urea spray on the plant and 1% urea spray on the plant.
5. In citrus fruit 600-800 gm. Nitrogen per plant found to give good results.
Fertilizer should be applied 30 cm. away from the main stem and it should be under the
cover of the croppy of the tree and after that harrowing should be done and irrigate the
If the calcium ammonium nitrate is not available then apply half quantity of urea. In
Haryana it is recorded that in most of the areas in citrus fruit there is deficiency in
Nitrogen and Zinc and the deficiency can be met by supply of these elements.
Deficiency of Zinc: - In the older leaves yellowing of the leave is called mortal leaf. In the
new shoots the top leaves become small the branches starts drying. There is less flowering.
After notice of these symptoms it should be confirmed from KVK and get it tested from the
soil and horticulture scientist. To meet the deficiency of zinc 0.5% (5 kg. zinc sulphate and
2.5 kg. lime in 1000 liter of water). .5% spray should be done in the month of May-June and
August-September. Likewise Nitrogen deficiency should be completed by spray of 1.2 urea
(1-2 kg. urea in 100 liter of water) should be sprayed as per the time given for Zinc Sulphate.
Inter-Cropping:- When there is a fruit in the orchard no inter cropping should be taken. But in the
orchard where the plants are very small and there is no bearing of the fruits in those orchard
within the row black gram, cow pea, green gram and pea gram and pulses may be sown. To care
of the small plant for the proper growth a proper space should be kept around the plant. For these
inter crops fertilizers should be given as per the need of the crop extra then the orchard dose is
Control of Fruit Dropping:- Before harvesting of the fruit the trees are sprayed with 10 PPM
PPM. 2-4-D, 0.5 % zinc sulphate and 20 ppm Orerofungin First spray in the month of June-July
and 2nd spray in the month of 2nd week of September. For this 6 gms. 2-4D, 3 Kg. Zinc Sulphate 12
gm. Oreofungin and 1.5 kg. lime should be added in 550 liter of water and apply in one acre.
When the sunflower and cotton are growing in the citrus garden the spray of 2-4D should be
avoided. In this condition a spray of NAA should be used.
Storage after picking and preservation of fruits:- Clean the fruit after picking and it should be
graded in different grades and after selecting should be credited in the boxes. As per the
requirement of the vegetable market the fruits are graded and used desired plastic or board boxes.
In the boxes one layer of paper should be placed and fruit should be kept on it or individual fruit
should be wrapped by the paper and fill and pack in the bo. Over ripened fruits should be sent to
the vegetable market or to be used for canning purpose. Proper ripened fruit should be packed in
board or plastic box and the fruit should be covered down and upside by the newspaper and sent to
the distant market.
Care after harvesting & Canning of Fruit:- Clean the fruit after harvesting and on the
basis of size it should be selected in a different grades and packed in the boxes separately.
The fruit should be packed as per the demand of the vegetable market and should be packed
into different size of plastic or cardboard boxes. Place the one layer of the box and fill the
boxes with the fruit or individual fruit should be wrapped with the paper and packed the
Storage:- The fruit of the kinnoo should be wrapped with the newspaper which is treated by
10% solution of juice of the leaves of the bel and should be filled in the polythene bag
separately and packed in card board boxes of plastic trays or baskets and kept in the zero
energy cool chamber and can be stored for 56 days which will not affect the quality of the
fruit but during this period the polythene bag should be opened 15-30 minutes per week so
that the foul smell and the water drops should be removed. The kinnoo fruit can be stored
without any treatment for seven days at room temperature or the fruit should be treated 2% til
oil (20 ml. til oil + 2 ml. tea poll per liter) and inside papers should be soaked in the solution
of diphenole and by this way the fruit can be stored for 120 days at room temperature. To
make the solution with Diphenyl 0.5 gram of Diphenyl which are sufficient for 10 kg. fruit.
The solution is dissolved in the acetone and the paper is soaked with this solution and dry in shape.
Care after harvesting of fruit and preservation. Calcium Nitrate 1% + bavistin treated fruits
can be stored at room temperature for 42 days. With this treatment there is no rotting of the fruit
while at low temperature fruit can be stored upto 70 days without any rotting. In modified cold
storage after packing the fruit, if kept in the zero energy storage the weight loss is less than 10%
if the fruit is storage upto 65 days.
Lemon:- 1. If the baramasi lemon is harvested at green mature stage which increase its
storage life. In rainy season the storage life recorded seven days but in winter for 14 days which
resulted that the storage life of the winter season is more than the rainy season. After packing in
modified package, if kept in the zero energy storage the loss has been recorded less than 10% upto
28 days of storage.
2. The storage life of the winter season fruit is more comparison to the rainy seaon crop.
3.. 200 ppm GA (before harvesting of the fruit) or after harvest soaking the fruit for 10
minutes the fruit can be stored respectively 28 or 35 days at room temperature (rainy or
winter season).
Insects and their control
Disease & their control
Citrus Psylla (Diaphoria citri) cause
serious damage to all varieties throughout
the citrus tract. Orange yellow nymphs of
citrus psylla congregate on growing twigs.
They cause serious damage by sucking the
sap. With the result of this gradually plants
become yellow and leads to drying.
Canker (Xanthomonas citri):- Dark
brown, rough , raised areas on leaves twigs
and fruits.
Control:- For all diseases the spray should be
given as under:-
The larvae are more harmful in comparison Treatment of foot rot/gummisis cankers by
to the adults. The insects are active round
decortication and disinfection of
the year and have 8-10 life cycles. This
wounds on the trunks with Bordeaux
insect caused damage during March-April
pests followed by bordeax paint and
and after the rains. This insect reduce the
repeat after one week.
yield as well as quality of the fruit. This
2. After pruning spray with 0.3%
insect develop cycle from 10-35 days from
copper oxychioloride or Bordeaux
larvae to adult. Malta and Sweet limes are
mixture or with a mixture of 3 gm
more affected with this insect.
streptocycline and 3 gm. copper
Control:-Spray with 750 ml. Metasystox
sulphate in 150 1iter of water.
(oxydemeton methyl) or 625 ml. Rogor-30
Give these sprays one in Oct.,
EC (dimethoate) or Nuvacon/ Monacil 36
second in Dec. and third in
WSC in 500 liter of water per acre should
February or 500 mg. plantamycin
be sprayed before opening of the flower.
and 2 gm. copper oxycloride in per
liter of water should be sprayed in
Note:- 1. At the time of pollination these
the month of July, October,
insecticide sprayed should be avoided.
December and February.
2. Do not spray on all citrus plants and also on
hedge of citrus plant.
Leaf-Miner (Phyllocnistis citrella):- It is
a main insect of the citrus crop which cause
great damage to the laves. The larvae are
light yellow colour and without legs which
affects on the new leaves on the both sides
and make zigzag silvery white galleries on
new leaves which get witsed badly. The
affected leaves and the branches become
mis-shaped and gradually dried.
affected leaves are developed into fungus
and rotting depending upon the season
these larvies remained in the tunnel 5-30
days and eats the leaves. Its more affect is
noticed in spring and from May to October.
This insect has about 12 lacs cycles. Its
affect is more on the soft and juicy leaves
and in nursery areas if attack is there then
the whole plants become dry.
Control:- As mentioned in the case of
Citrus Psylla.
White Fly ( Diaburodes citri) It causes
serious damage to all varieties throughout
the citrus tract. White-fly nymphs and
pupae are found on under-surface of leaves.
They cause serious damage by sucking the
sap. The white fly nymphs are oblate and
light pale in colour. There are hairs on the
body of the insect. There are white colour
powdery mass accumulate on the body of
whitefly adult and wing. Black-fly nymph
are bearing thorn oblong and oval shape
Spray .0.3% copper oxycloride. To
meet the deficiency of the zinc 3 kg.
zinc sulphate + 1.5 kg. lime + 500 ml.
of water should be sprayed on the crop.
After first shower spray with 0.3%
copper oxychloride or Bordeaux 4:4:50.
To control the Canker disease of
Sangtra & Malta, repeat spray during
rainless period with 0.3% copper
September spray zinc
sulphate lime mixture also as during
April-May. Only healthy certified stem
cutting should be used.
Streptocycline copper sulphate mixture
as in February.
Gummosis or Foot rot (Phytophthora
palmivora) Death of bark at soil line
on trunk, killing of wood and gumming
stem girdled.
Control:- As mentioned in case of
Mottoe leaf ( Zinc-deficiency):Chlorotic areas in between the main
lateral veins on each side of midrib.
Control:- As mentioned in case of
Canker disease.
Melanose or stem and fruit rot
(Phomopsis citri): - Dark circular
and deep brown or black colour and the
adult are light blue in colour. The nymph
of both the insect and adult are suck the sap
of the soft leaves with a result of that
leaves turned yellow in colour and fold but
at the later stages it become dry and fell
The nymph of these insects
remained in the lower side of the leave
from 25-30 days and developed into adult.
But the adult do not survive for many days.
These insects remains active in full
summer (March-September) but its attack
is more from March-April and AugustSeptember. There are two generations of
these insects and they go for dormancy in
the stage of nymph
(thyodam)or hildaun 35 EC or 500 mltr.
monocrotophas (nuvacron/monacil) 35
WSC dissolves in 500 liiter of water and
spray the crop per acre.
Note:- Avoid dense plantation of the plants
maintain proper drainage condition.
Lemon Butter fly (Papilio demoleus):This is a important insect for citrus fruit. Its
small cater-pillar are brown black in colour
which are having white spot. They look
like a bit of the bird. After development it
become green in colour and it is not visible
easily. The cater-pillar eat the leaves from
the margin of the leaves towards mid-rib
and damage the crop. The nursery plant
which are small and soft new growth of the
leaves are more affected by this insect. Its
cater-pillar fully developed within 40-50
days from April to November this insect
complete 4-5 generation.
It goes to
dormancy in the stage of nymph This has
more attack on the Malta crop.
Control:- As mentioned in case of
white/black fly of citrus.
Note: -The larvae and nymph should be
collected by the hand and destroy them
time to time.
Bark eating caterpillar causes: - It causes
damage by boring a hole into the stem and
branches and feeding on the bark under
cover of its webbing containing its excreta.
Control:- As mentioned in the Guava crop.
depressions with yellowish margins on
leaves, branches and fruit; later spots
become raised rough and light brown in
colour and the yellow margin
disappears and paper texture surface of
leaves or fruits.
Control:- As mentioned in case of
Canker disease.
semypenitrans):- Citrus nematode is
very serious in citrus. It is one of the
factors of citrus decline. The leaves and
branches are started dying from the
upper side and this dying gradually take
place towards lower side.
On weak
plants there is a development of small
fruit and fruit starts dropping before
maturity is a main symptom of this
disease. The root of the plant become
deformed and the soil particles stick
with the root and turned in the dull
colour. These are the main symptoms
of the disease. In the case of severe
attack the bark of the root removed and
black muddy spots appeared.
Control:- 1.Carbophuran (Phuraban
3g.) Granules @13 gm. per sq. mtr.
should be applied near the stem of the
plant in 9 sq. metre (170 gm per plant)
and apply immediately sufficient water.
The insecticide should be used before
the flowering.
3. Neem cake 1 kg. per plant and
carbophuran (phuradon 3 kg.)
granules 7 gms. should be added
per sq. mtr. near the stem in the
area of 9 sq. mtr. ( 63 gm. per
plant) and mixed well in the soil
and immediately apply sufficient
water. The neem cake and the
insecticide should be used before
White Ant
( Microtermes obesi
Odontotermes obesus):-Please the see the
detail in case of Ber cultivation.
Control:- As mentioned in case of Ber
Grapes:- The following cultivars are recommended
(a) Seedless Group
Beauty Seedless, Delight, Kishmish,
Charni, Perletter,
(b) Seeded Group
Banqui-Abyad, Cardinal, Champion, Early
Muscat and Gold.
Raisin Making
Thompson Seedless, Pusa Seedless,
Kishmish Beli and Gold.
Thompson Seedless, Kishmish Charni,
Kishmish Beli and Seedlesss White Round.
Juice Making
Beauty Seedless, Early Muscat and
Important characteristics of seedless and seeded cultivars are given as
under:Seedless Cultivars
Beauty Seedless:- An early ripening and heavy cropping cultivars. Suitable for humid as well
as arid irrigated zones. Bunches medium and large attractive and heavily shouldered. Ripens by
the end of May. Berries deep purple and contain 78% juice, 18% TSS and 0.70% acidity.
However, it has poor keeping quality.
Delight:- An early ripening cultivars. Bunches medium, compact conical and attractive.
Berries deep purple and contain 68% juice, 20% TSS and 0.68 % acidity. A heavy bearer.
Perlette: An early ripening cultivar. Bunches medium to large conical, very compact and
attractive. Berries whitish green. Ripens in early June and contains 75% juice, 18 to 19% TSS
and 0.82 acidity. A heavy bearer.
Thompson Seedless:- A mid-season cultivar. Large bunches, heavily shouldered and
attractive. Berries light-goldent, uniform and contain 69% juice, 22% TSS and 0.63 %
acidity. Ripens by the middle of June. A comparatively shy bearer.
Pusa Seedless:- Mid season cultivar. Large bunches, heavily shouldered, cylindrical and very
attractive. Berries light golden, oval uniform and elongated. Berries contain 65% juice, 23%
TSS and 0.77% acidity. Ripens by the middle of June. Higher yielding than Thompson
Kishmish Charni: Mid season cultivar, Medium bunches, conical very attractive and well
filled. Berries deep purple, uniform round slightly elongated wsith good keeping quality and
contain 76% Juic, 21% TSS and 0.71% acidity. Medium cropping and ripens by the middle of
Kishmish Beli: Mid season cultivar. Large and cylindrical bunches. Berry light-golden
uniform, slightly elongated with good keeping quality and contains 64% juice, 20 to 22% TSS
and 0.66% acidity. Ripens in the middle of June. A shy bearer.
Seeded Cultivars:
Early Muscat:- An early cultivar, small and irregular bunches. Berries are bold, roundish,
amber coloured with 3 to 5 seeds in each berry and contain 73% highly scented juice, 18% TSS
and 0.60% acidity. Ripens in the first week of June. A medium cropper.
Gold: Mid-season cultivar. Bunches are loose and medium. The berries are bold, slightly oval,
golden yellow with 1 to 8 seeds and contain 70% juice, 19% TSS and 0.45% acidity. Ripens
between first and second week of June. A medium cropper.
Banqui-Abyad:- An early cultivar. Bunches large size. Berries greenish, bold , roundish, very
thin skinned, 2 to 4 seeds ber berry and contain 66% juice, 19 to 20% TSS and 0.72% acidity.
Ripens in the first week of June. A medium cropper. Champion:- A late cultivar. Conical and
small sized bunches. Berries roundish, greenish-white with 3 to 4 seeds and contain 75% highly
scented juice 21% TSS and 0.52% acidity. Ripens in the third week of June. A medium cropper.
Cardinal:- A late cultivar. Bunches loose and medium. Berries very bold, roundish purple, slightly
depressed at the tip and contains 65% juice, 20% TSS and 0.54% acidity. Ripens in the 3rd week of
June. A medium cropper.
Fertilizer requirements
Keeping in view the nutrient needs of the vines and the experience grained so far the
following recommendations are made:i)
At the time of pit filling add 100 kg. farm yard manure and 2 kg.
Superphosphate/pit and thoroughly mix in soil. After filling the pit, heavy
irrigation should be given to allow the soil to settle down and 30 g. Aldrex 5% dust or
30 g BHC (10% ) dust to each pit.
During the first year of planting, young vines should be given application of 250
gm each of ammonium sulphate and Potassium sulphate in April and June.
The following doses of manure and fertilizers are suggested for grown up vines
planted at distance of 10‘x10‘.
Age of Vine
Doses of manures and fertilizers/vine (Kg.)
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
Apply entire FYM in January, Superphosphate and half of each ammonium sulphate and
Muriate of Potash should be applied immediately after pruning (February). Remaining
quantity of ammonium sulphate and muriate of potash should be applied after fruit set, that
is, in the last week of April.
Note:- Ferilizer should be added on the basis of soil test.
Time of Planting:- The best time for planting the vines is from middle of January to
middle of February before they start sprouting.
Irrigation:- The first irrigation should be done after the training and pruning and apply of
manure and fertilizer or first irrigation in the first fortnight of Feb., and two irrigation in
March and 4th irrigation should be given at fruit setting or in the month of April but in the
month of May the irrigation should be given at 10-15 days interval. After harvesting the
fruit give irrigation to the grape wines if there is a dry weather during the month of JulyOctober then irrigation is necessary so that the grape wines can maintain healthy growth
before the dormancy period. By the use of black polythene sheet control the weeds and
conserve soil moisture and it is also helpful to maintain the fertility level of the soil.
After giving the manure & fertilizer and irrigation polythene sheets cover the soil from
the main stem.
Training and Purning:- The systems of training suitable for different cultivars and their
pruning intensities are as follows:Pruning of vines should be done in January.
Name of the variety
Number of fruiting canes per vine under different
training systems
Buds per
Beauty Seedless
**Pusa Seedless
**Thompson Seedless
**Kishmish Beli
**Kishmish charni
*Early Muscat
Banqui abyad
†Anab-e- shahi
* Bower system not suitable.
** Head system not suitable.
† Not recommended for general cultivation, only Bower system suits it.
Pruning is essential for Perlette variety for the proper growth of the remaining vines. Vines
planted at 10‘ x10‘ distance should not have more than 100 bunches. Thinning should be
done immediately after fruit setting.
Quality Improvement
1. Application of 20 PPM GA at full bloom stage and 40 PPM at fruit stage can be
followed to increase yields without causing any compactness in clusters thereby
avoiding rotting of clusters of grapes. This recommendation is for seedless grape
2. Application Ethephon 500 PPM at veraison (change of berry colour) helps in uniform
colour development and early ripening by about 7-10 days in coloured grape cultivars.
3. Bunch apex pruning and bunch regulation to a level of bunch/shoot helps in reducing
the incidence of shot berries and improving the quality in Beauty Seedless grape.
Grapes Cultivation: Problems & their solutions.
Zeera Small Fruits size development small than a normal size of the fruit):- This
problem is prevailed in parlet/delight and beautyseedless cultivars. In this problem the fruit
size become very small and the fruit become hard and remain green. Such a type of fruit never
attained the normal size of the fruit and such fruit never fully ripened. Such a type of fruit are
found in some part of bunches or in the whole bulb. Such type of a fruit give repulsive look to
the bunches. With the result of that such type of a bunches could not fetch good price from the
market. The main reason of small fruit is not doing proper training or pruning of the vines,
taking more fruits and deficiency of nutrients in the soil. To over come this problem the
following action should be taken:i) Pruning should be done as per the recommendation.
For example: Parlet and beauty
seedless cultivars should be pruned living two three buds and delight cultivars after three to
four buds. Under bower system 40 -50 fruit bunches should be kept per wine. To improve
the size of the fruit at the time of fruit development the bunches the thining should be done
in the bunches of the fruit.
ii) The fertilizer and manure used to be done by right method and the doze should be given
as per the age and spread of the wine.
Dropping of Bud Flower and Fruit:- This problem is generally occur in the cultivar of
beauty seedless and pusa seedless and gold are more prone to this problem. In this
cultivars half open bud, flower and fruit dropping generally observed. Fruit dropping
starts at the early ripening of fruits. The main reason of this problem is not to maintain
carbon Nitrogen ratio in the soil, deficiency in the nutrient of soil and application of those
climate and interculture operation in the garden. The solution of this problem is:
Make the ring of 0.57 cm. wide from the main stem.
Do not take over fruit.
Use of optimum dose of Nitrogen.
Fertilizer:- At the time of opening of the flower do not irrigate the wine yard.
Drying of Fruit Bunches:- This problem is more prevailed in the cultivars of Thompson
Seedless, Gold and Pusa Seedless. In this problem either the half opening flower buds or
opening flowers either died or dropped. Many times either flower or whole bunch
become dry. The main reason of this problem is not to maintain CN ratio. Less survival of
the pollination, attack of diseases and insect and selection of the cultivar etc. To
overcome this problem the following action may be taken.
Selection of a right type of cultivar i.e. parlet.
Selection of right and healthy plant.
Proper Management of Irrigation.
The spray of right type of a insecticide and pesticides in proper dose to control the
various insect and diseases of grapes.
0.2% Boric Acid and .3% Zinc to be sprayed at the time of opening of flower.
Un-ripening of fruit and wood:- This disease is prevailing North Part of India in
improved variety for example, Thompson Seedless, Pusa Seedless and Anab-e-Shahi. The
main reason of this problem is for use of more Nitrogen Fertilizer, more and very frequent
irrigation, more fruiting and keep distance between plant to plant. To control of this problem
to use of low dose of Nitrogen, Apply irrigation in winter, keep proper distance between
plant to plant and give irrigation at appropriate time.
Wilting of Fruiting Branches:- This problem is caused by Anthracnose disease. This
problem is first appeared on leaves and later developed on the branches and subsequently
fruit branches are affected. With the result of this disease the branches not attained
proper maturity stage and starts drying from top of the shoots. With the result of that
either the full branch become dried or half of the branches dried. This disease having
great affect on the reduction of the yield. The other reason of this disease is deficiency of
nutrients, tenderness, dark leaves, less distance between plant to plant and not to apply
irrigation at appropriate time. The disease can be controlled by following ways:a)
To control anthranose right time of fungicide should be applied for this bavistion
0.2% should be sprayed after pruning and repeat the spray at 15 days interval.
Use manure & fertilizer in proper balance dose at proper time.
Quick growing branches should be pinched at the top. This activity should be
carried out when the branches are tendered in the month of August.
Over-lopping branches should be removed.
Kept right time of distance between plants to plant so that proper light and aeration
can be maintained.
Drying branches:- The symptoms of this problem can appeared on leaves and on
branches. With this problem, main stem and branches completely dried. This problem
started from the growing point and spread downward side. First this problem appeared on
branches. Fruit bearing wood starts drying and later stage whole branch become dried. If the
disease is spread in epidemic the whole wine become dried. To overcome this problem
the following points to be taken into consideration:i)
Apply right dose of manure and fertilizer and fungicides:-
Apply boardex past 2x3x30 on cut ends.
Spray of 0.2% Captan on the full wines.
During pruning & training remove diseased branches and burnt them.
Watering Fruits:- This problem related to increase in the size of the fruit at appropriate time
causes sweet , colour, scented and storage capacity is reduced. Such kind of fruit either at
the bottom of bunch or on the full bunches. This problem having two reasons the first
reason is that excessive cropping and less application of less nutrients and second reason is that
the climate is not suitable at the time of ripening of fruits. To over come this problem dont
take not too much yield and reduce the irrigation interval during hot summer. Do not use
more dose of Nitrogen or and also thinning should be done in the bunches which are bearing
having fruiting.
Post Harvest Management:- Grapes are not ripened further after ripening. So the
fruiting should not be harvested at proper ripening stage. Good variety thatched good
income. The maturity of the fruit can be judged by observing the last fruits of the
bunches. While harvesting the bunches the bunches should be kept from the stem so that the
real shape of the bunches should retained. Bunches should be removed from the wine by the
use of sharp sketcher. The harvesting should be done in the morning hours or in the evening
time. Before attacking the fruits the broken, rotten and spoil fruit should be removed. The
bunches should be packed on the basis of their size and their TSS in separate boxes. The
TSS at the time of harvesting of fruit Parlette, function seedless and beauty seedless should be
18-19, 20-22 and 70-80 respectively.
Packing & Storage:- After selecting the bunches should be packed in separate card-board
boxes and pack the boxes before keeping news paper lining. To protect the disease 5 gm
bleaching powder should be kept below the newspaper for 5 kg. of grapes.
Insect Pest and their control measures
Disease & their control
Grapevine thrip (Rhipiphorothrips
cruentaus): -This is a main insect of a
Thrip but some times causes loss to the
jamun, mango and guava. This adult is
black brown in colour thin, in size and in
a long size. The nymphs are small and
yellow brown colour and they suck the
sap of the lower surface of the leaves by
chieving. The nymph of this insect is
more harmful and it developed fully
within 9-20 days. White brown colour
spots are developed on the leaves in
heavy attack of the insect. The leaf starts
curling, yellow and leads to drying and
dropping. If the attack is at the time of
developing of fruit then the fruit become
deceptive and hard and their quality is
reduced to the greater extent. From
March to November this insect complete
5-8 generations and from December to
March this insect goes in dormancy in the
shape of nymph. Its heavy attack are
ampelophogum):- Dark brown spot
cankers on leaves around midribs and
main veins; dark-brown sunken
spots on canes with dark purple raised
On branches black brown
colour also appeared in a abandoned
Control:- 1)The wine should be pruned
as per the recommendation so that the
disease branches could be cut and
2)The affected leave dropping on the
grounds should be collected and burnt
before sprouting of the wines.
3) After pruning but before sprouting in
dormancy conditions a spray of bavastin
0.2% should be sprayed.
observed in case of dry weather from
April to June and August to November.
4) At later stages, wine should spray
with Ben let or bavistin 0.2% in the first
- 500 ml. melathyon week of May and end of July and
EC or
mltr. August and second last week of August. If
endosulpham (thyodam) or endosil 35
the rains are going then a spray should be
ECC or 100 ml. Phenvalret (Phenval)20 done in the mid of September.
EC should be sprayed in 500 liter of
2. Cercospora Leaf Spot (Cercospor
water per acre.
viticola): Angular water soaked spots
Note:- The cultivars which are having appear between the veins and later the
thickness and hairs on the lower side of leaf become dried the symptoms of the
the leaf such varieties are resistant to this disease appeared in the month of Sept.
& October.
Yellow and Red wasp:- (Polistes
hebraeus and Vespa Orientalis)They
cause much damage by feeding on ripe Control:- As the symptoms are
berries having thin skin and high sugar observed a spray of mencojab or
content. It eats cracked and cut grapes It indophyl M45 or diathion M45 should
also caused hindrance while harvesting be sprayed @ 0.2%.
the fruit and its bites are very painful.
The web of the vespa normally are 2.Alternaria Leaf Spot (Alternaria
brown in shape and generally found in vitis): Dark brown spots, oval or
the houses on the lower side of the roof. irregular in shape appears on leaf
While red vespa web are found in the lanuina. Sometimes dark colour brown
hidden part of the wall or in the hollow rings appeared on these spots. The
part of the plants. They remain active affected leaves shows symptoms of
from March to November. But its burning and fell down. ]
pregnant in dormant condition.
Control:- Find out the web and destroy should spray in the month of August and
them. On the plants or on the bush a September or appearance of the
spray of carabryl 50 WP (40 gm in 10 symptoms of the disease.
liter of water) should be sprayed on the
web at the time of sun-sighting.
At Root Knot Nematode:- In grapes wine
small scale to protect from the vespa and sprouting is reduced and branches and
The leaves
honey-bee the branches the grape leaves become small.
and starts
branches should be covered by the by the
dropping. There is a formation of knot
cloth bags.
on the root and the root hairs, which
Leaf roller (Sylepta lunalis) The insect absorbs the nutrients and the water from
are in light pale green and very the soil decrease in numbers. In acute
active. In the first three stage of its case root starts rotting
development. They eat the leave from
lower size surface and make the leave
like sieve. At the last stage of the
Control:- a)Carbophuran (Phurodon 3 g.
development its rolls the leaf and feeds
) granules 30 gms. per sq. metre
inside. Perhaps in each rolling leaf it is
should be applied near the wines stem in
occupied by one cater-pillar. 14-20 like
the area of 9 sq. mtr. (170 gms. per
remains as a cater-pillar.
Its full life
wine). This insecticide should be mixed in
cycle is completed within 3-4 weeks.
the soil properly and irrigate the
This remains active in the rainy season
plants sufficiently.
This insecticide
and caused much damage from August to
should be applied before one week of
Control:- Spray 500 ml. melathion
(cythion) 50 EC or 750 ml endosulpham
(therodian 35 EC) should be sprayed in
500 l. of water per acre when the
infestation is noticed.
(b) Take intercrop of garlic in grapes
Besides this carbophuran
(Phurodan 3 gms. granules @ 7 gms. per
meter square should be applied near the
stem in the area of 9 sq. Mtr. (36 gms.
per wine). Mixed this insecticide in the
Defoliating beetles (Holotrichia spp.,
soil properly and irrigate the soil
Schizonycha spp. Adoretus Spp., sufficiently. This insecticide should be
Anomala Spp.): See in the cultivation of added into the soil at the time of sowing
of garlic.
Control:- See in the cultivation of Ber.
Hairy Caterpillar (Euproctis spp.)
They feed voraciously on leaves and also
eat the bark of the fruit and detail see in
the case of ber.
Control: 1 liter Endosulphan (Thyodian)
35 EC or 400 ml. Dichlorophas 76 EC (
Nuwan) in the 500 liter of water per acre
should be sprayed.
Mango is the important fruit of Haryana. It is cultivated in Panchkula, Ambala,
Yamunanagar, Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Sonepat & Jind.
The agro climatically
condition of Haryana is suitable for cultivation of Mango. But where frost is a regular
features and there is a wind velocity is very high on that area the cultivation of this crop is very
difficult. For cultivation of Mango high fertile well drainage soil is most suitable. More
saline and halocline soil are unfit for mango cultivation.
Dashehri:- Small to medium in size. Skin medium thick smooth, and yellow, Flesh firm,
fibreless, pleasantly sweet, stone thin, keeping quality good. 51 strain of dashehri variety
is recommended by the National Sub-tropical Horticulture Instiute, Rehman Khera,
Lucknow. The stain of 51 is having very large size fruit attractive colour, thin stone and
high yielding.
Langra:- Medium in size; skin medium thick, smooth, green, flesh firm, fibreless and soft,
fibreless and soft, fibrelss, lemon yellow, pleasantly sweet and strongly flavoured, stone
medium, ripens in July.
Malika:-This variety is crossed between Neelam and Dushehri and it is having regular
Amarpali:- This variety is crossed between Dusheri and Neelam.
bearing variety. The plant of this variety is very short in size.
It is also regular
Bombay Green:- Medium in size,, base oblique, skin thin, smooth , green, flesh fibreless and
soft, flavour pleasant and strong, taste sweet, juice moderately abundant; stone medium
in size; ripens in July.
Fazli:- Large in size, skin medium thick and green, flash fir, fibrelkess and pleasantly
flavoured, stone large, ripens in August.
Sipia Shahpasand: A mid season cultivar, Fruit medium size, sking tough but thin,
ground colour lemon green with amber yellow on exposed surface , pulp candimum
yellow and very sweet flavour, mildly aromatic; stone thin, juice scanty, keeping quality
Manure & Fertilizer:Following are the doses in kg. for grown tree:-
FYM per plant/Trees per year
Age (In Years)
FYM (in Kg.)
Single Super
10 and above
1. In on year crop one extra dose of calcium Nitrogen should be given in the month of
2. FYM, Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Potash should applied in the month of February.
3.The fertilizer should be applied 1 to 2 mtr. away from the main stem and applied at the
death of 20-30 cm.
4. The nutrient should be applied on the basis of soil testing report.
Fruit Dropping:- To prevent the fruit from fruit dropping 2% solution of urea should
applied in April-May as a spray.
In variety like Langra, Chousa and Dussehri this problem can comes before the harvesting of
fruit so 20 PPM 2,-4 D (2gm.2, 4D in 100 liter of water) should spray in the last week or
April and first week of May. Which affect dropping of the fruit.
Planting Time:- July-September, February-March
Propagation of Plants:- The plants are propagated by vinear grafting. More sexist is
received in this method. This practice can also be done insitu means where the stock is
already growing. The selection of sign should be done very carefully. The sign thickness
should be equal to the root stock and it should be collected from the branches where
flower is not initiated and the branches should be of 3-4 months old. To collect cutting
for the sign 7-10 first leaves should be removed. With the result of this the bud become
soiled and there will be more success in grafting.
The best time of grafting is
Post Harvest Management:- The fruit should be harvested in the proper ripening
condition otherwise it will not give proper taste and scent. The maturity of the fruit can
be judged by putting the fruit in water basket. The fruit is dyed in the water proper (the
specific gravity of the fruit 1.5) those fruits are fully ripened. For transportation of the fruit
the fruits are harvested in un-ripened condition.
Mango should be harvested by the mango harvester or sketcher the harvesting should be done
in the morning hours or in the late evening.
Packing & Transportation:-After harvest the fruit should be graded on the basis of
variety size and condition of the ripening and should be keep separately. Over-ripped and fully
ripped fruit should be sent to the local vegetable fruit market or used for
preservation. Good quality fruit should be packed in the cardboard or plastic box by
putting the layer of newspaper for sending the fruit in distant market.
Rejuvenation of Mango Orchard:- India is a leading country in the mango cultivation.
But our position are not very strong in local market as well as WTO. It is challenge to the
country to increase the production and quality of the fruits per unit area. It is a matter of
great concern the unproductiveness of the old orchard of 30-35% in the country. It would
be unproductive proposition of uproot the old orchard and replace them with new
plantation which would be a great expensive and time consuming.
The central subtropical horticulture institute Rehman Khera, Lucknow has developed rejuvenation
technique by which even the old orchard of 45-50 years old which become unproductive
due to over-lopping of the branches because of not enjoying proper lights and aeration
can be converted into productive stage and the technique which is developed is very
effective and economically and it is highly beneficially to the growers. In this technique
some pruning have been evolved in such passion unavoidable and unproductive branches
are cut and converted into a productive orchard. Such type of pruning results to provide
to give desired canopy on the plants which results to increase the photo synthetic
activities and ultimately increased setting of fruits and fruiting.
Tinning and Pruning: - To select all undesirable branches of very old dense and garden which
are economically unproductive. After selections in the month of December, the selected
branches are cut about 4-5mtr. height from the ground level by the help of the Saw. For this
purpose mechanical saw is required. Dry diseased and dents branches on the trees are cut and
removed. To develop the tree in the desired shape 3-4 cut branched is left. For rejuvenation
either the whole areas trees are cut at alternative row. The care should be taken for pruning the
tree the undesirable branches should not be split from the lower side so first cutting should be
started from lower side about 15-20 cm. and then pruning should be done from the upper
part of the tree. After pruning 1kg. Copper oxycloride 250grams custard oil and add
desired quantity of water should be prepared. After adding a desired quantity of water a paste
should be prepared and this paste should be pasted on the cut ends so that precaution should be
taken for contemplation of diseases fresh cow dung paste also found very affective for this
purpose After this in the month of February to make the basin and water channels.
Inter-cropping:- After the cuttings large area around the trees are opened which could be
utilized to take some crops to increase the income of the farmers. Such space could be
used for cultivation of sponge-gourd, bottle -gourd, cucumber, cow pea and in the ruby
season cauli flower, potato, marigold etc. At initial stage of five years inter-crops gives
economical returns.
By this way by selling the cut woods and to have inter cropping
will compensate to the farmers income a loss caused at the initial stage of this operation.
Nutrients and Water Management:- After pruning the tree 2.5 kg. urea, 3.0 kg. Single
superphasphate, 1.5 kg. mutate of potash per tree to be added in the basin of tree. The full
dose of single superphasphate and mutate of potash and half dose of urea should be
applied in the end of February after that balanced dose of urea should be applied in the
month of June. 120 kg. well rotten FYM should be applied per tree in the month of July.
These dose should be applied every tree in each year. After adding the manure and
fertilizer proper inter culture should be done in the basin of the tree. The irrigation should be
given from mid of March at 10-12 days interval till the starts of the rains. It will affect good
growth of the shoots and or new shoots should not be died up in the absence of the moisture.
To conserve the moisture from April to June, a mulching of mango or banana leaves, dry grass
or paddy straw should be used as mulch in the basin.
Thinning of the new shoots:-After cutting the undesirable branches in the month of
December, a many shoots develop about 3-4 months of pruning ( March-April) out of
which it is necessary desired branches should be removed. Fully developed healthy
young shoots of 8-10 healthy shoots should be retained. The balanced shoots should be
removed in the month of June and August. These shoots are retained for the further new
branches. After this thinning a fungicide of proper oxycholoride (3 gm per liter of water
should be sprayed with the result of this type of a spray protect the leaves from many
diseases. In the month of October, a spray of 2% urea solution should be sprayed which is
helpful for the whole development of vegetative part.
Insect and diseases: - Proper care should be taken for intercultural and all control
measures for control of pest diseases which are being given further in this chapter.
Flower & Fruiting:- The post harvest management of thinning and cutting of flower on new
shoots flowers and fruits started to come about two years of pruning. It is found on the basis
of experimentation. These pruned trees produced qualitative mango about 64 kgs. per tree
and unproductive become productive for another 20-25 days and in this way rejuvenation of
mango plays significant role in the mango cultivation.
Post Harvest Technology after harvesting:Ripened fruit should be harvested with pedicel length of 8-10 m mtr. with the
result of that there is no accumulation of liquid of fruit and there is no infestation of
stem and rot diseases.
After ripening the fruits remained without any spot and attractive and the storage life
is increased 2-3 days. At the time of harvesting fruit should not be spoiled by wound
and scratch and it should not come with contact with soil.
The institute has developed a equipment for harvesting is very suitable. With this
instrument 800-1000 fruits are harvested in one hour and this instrument is
available in the institute for sale at a reasonable price.
Fruit should be graded variety wise, size and weight colour or on the basis of the
After harvesting the fruit should be washed in a clean water and dry in a shade and then
packed in the boxes.
The institute has developed specification for packing wherein the card-board
which is having 0.5% whole and these boxes are very useful for storage and
To prevent the disease of after harvesting of the fruit the fruits are treated with
0.5% carbendiazim in luke warm water (52+1 degree centigrade) from 5-15
minutes dip should be given to prevent the diseases of anthracnose, stem and rot
and black rot and then dry the fruit in shade should be packed in the boxes.
The fruit should be treated 750-PPM ethereal (.18 ml ltr. per liter) in a luke warm
water (52+ 2 degree centigrade) for five minutes and for five minutes dipping
should be given. After that it should be dried and stored the fruit. With the result
of this all the fruits become attractive yellow in colour and also ripened
By this method pre-mature fruits can be treated and maturity can be attained.
For cold storage the duration depends upon the varieties e.g. Dasheri, Malika and
Amarpali can be stored at 12 degree centigrade lungra at 40 degree centigrade and
Chause at 8 degree centigrade by keeping 85-90 RH for the period of 3-4 weeks.
The Dasheri variety fruits if treated with 3% dry hidetrated calcium chloride
solution at the atmospheric pressure of 500 ml. meter for five minutes the fruits are
stored at low temperature ( 12 degree centigrade for 27 days).
Packing facilities are available in this institute, which packed the fruit 1 ton per
hour. These all recommendations for the rejuvenation and other operations
technology are developed by the Central Sub-Tropical Horticulture Institute,
Rehman Khera ( Lucknow).
Cost of rejuvenation:- All operations of rejuvenation technology like labour manure and
fertilizer, irrigation, intercultural control of pest diseases etc. required at the initial stage of
three years about 160/- per tree per year.
Insect Pest
atkinsoni): It is very much active
during February-March at the time of
flowering. Nymphs and adults suck sap
from tender leaves and inflorescence
pinnacle, which become sticky and
Young fruits and dried
inflorescence break off and fall to the
ground as the summer winds blow.
Heavy attack of this insect affect the
cause damage to the whole trees. The
adult in more numbers damage to the
lower part of the leaves. These insects
excrete some sweet sap on the leaves
with the result of that a black fungus
appeared and leaves looks like appeared
like a fatty. There are two generations
of insects in a year first at the time of
flowering ( April) second in
summer and rainy season ( JuneAugust). First generation caused more
damage. The second generation adults
remains in the dense, moist shady place
and become dormant and in February
again become active.
This insect
nymph become develop in adult 10-20
days duration. Dense Plantation in a
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) Dark
brown to brownish black spots on leaves,
shoots wither due to infection on bark.
Fruit may also show small raised dark
brown or black areas.
Black Tip (Sulphur dioxide toxicity &
Boron deficiency): Fruit abnormally long
at the tips, pre-mature ripening and black
tip, which may cover half the fruits from
Mango malformation
moniliforme and/or physiological): Thick
bunchy vegetative shoot at growing points,
transformation of floral parts into compact
sterile mass. The floral branches are
crowded in the form of a cone. At the apex
of the thick axis are produced small leafy
structures presenting witches broom
Powder Mildew:- The flower and the
flower shoots are mostly affected and there
is appearance of white powder layers with
the result of that flower and small fruits
place where water is standing in that started dropping.
situation this insect increase their reduced.
Dont plant clone. Close
plantation which reduce the sunlight
particularly on the lower part f canopy
and radiation of plant. To auproot
unwanted tree and bushes.
To maintain proper drainage in the
orchard to avoid more humidity.
500 ml melathian (siathian) 50 ec, 1.5
kg carbril (savan) 50 wp should
dissolve in 500 lt of water should spray
by end of February and repeat the spray
by end of March.
Mango Milly bug
mangiferal): It does a lot of damage at
the flowering and fruiting stages from
January to April when large number of
young nymphs crawl up the plant and
congregate on growing shoots and
inflorescence pinnacle and suck the sap.
Besides mango it attacks almost all fruit
and flowering trees. Its affects on fig,
guava, ber, pomegranate, lime etc. and
specially those plants which are
growing around the mango orchard
caused damage to them. In the month of
December and January a large number
of small walnut type brown nymph
come out from the eggs and they
climbing on the tree and they collected
on the leaves. In the new sprout in the
month of February they reach to the
thin branches developed nymph and
female are in shape of flat thick and
oval-shape and the body on the insect
covered with a white waxy powder
accumulate on it. These both stages of
insect from January to April are
assembled on the growing shoot and
flowering branches in a bunch type.
With the result of this the branches are
started wilting and there are dropping
of effective flower and fruit on the
ground. In the severe attack of the
insect there will no remain fruit on the
tree. This insect also secretes a sweet
type substance on which a black colour
is developed.
Adult female starts
moving down from the tree from AprilMay and enter into the friable soil and
The size of the fruit also
lays eggs. This insect remains active
from December to May. With the
result of this insect has only one
From June to November
this insect remain in the stage of eggs
into the soil. In the garden which are
not properly attended or having a
different type of fruit plants where it is
difficult to plough the field and in such
condition there is no more attack of this
Stamp borrower of mango It destroys
the trees by tunneling the stem Wooden
frass comes out of the surface and of
the holes.
Mango shoot borer : It infects the
young shoots which dry up
Mango scale: It appears as apest in
certain localities and inflicts damage by
sucking sap from leaves.
Litchi is cultivated in Haryana in the district of Yamunanagar, Ambala, Panchkula and
Kurukshetra. The agro climatic condition is suitable for the cultivation of litchi. Fertile
soil with good drainage is suitable for its cultivation.
Variety:Dehradun:- This variety gives high yield the fruit are very attractive in colour and there
is no problem of cracking of fruit. The fruit of this variety is ripened in the second week
of June. The flesh is very sweet, medium juicy and soft. Its juice is containing 71% total
TSS (sweetness) and 0.45% acidity. The ratio of the flesh and the stone is 3.75 :1
Calcutta: This is high yielding variety and the fruits are very superior large in size &
attractive. The fruits are ripened in the last week of June. The flesh is very sweet and
soft and having medium juice and also good scented. The juice of this variety is having
18% TSS (sweetness) and acidity and mineral is 0.48%. The ratio of the flesh and stone is
Seedless late:- This is its descriptive name. Its fruits are very fruitful, good taste and having
seed very small and fruits are having thick flesh. This is liked by the consumers. Though this
variety bears less number of fruits. The fruits are ripened in the second fortnight of June.
The juice containing TSS 18.7%(sweetness and 0.53% acidity). The flesh and stone ration is
Rose Scented:- Its ripened in the second week of June and can be harvested within one week.
The fruits are attractive pinkish in colour and having good scent.
Propagation:- The propagation is done by the air lairing. Desired thickness branches
(45-60 cm.) long and (0.12-0.15 cm. thick) is selected. After that at the lower part about
2.5 cm. bark is removed and this removal part is covered by the soft most grass and after that
a strip of alkathene sheet is rolled on it and it is tide strongly. About 4 weeks the roots are
fully initiated. Then the branch is removed from the plant by cutting and the polythene
sheets are removed and this is planted in the pot under partial shade or in the nursery beds.
Though the airing time is February to March and July to October. But the mid October is most
suitable for this work.
Planting time:- The litchi are transplanted either in the spring season or in the end of
rainy season. Rainy season planting is more successful then the planting of spring season.
In rainy season the temperature of plains become normal and also the humidity is
increased so the litchi should be planted from Sept.-October which is most suitable time
of planting.
Protect the plant from hot and cold:- The plant should be saved or protected from the hot
and frost upto 4-5 years. For this sarkanda should be used to cover the plant (Jantar, Daincha
plants) are raising around the litchi protect the litchi from hot and cold upto desirable
extent. For this the seed of the Daincha should be sown in the basin of the litchi around the
litchi plant in the month of February.
Upto the month of April these Dainchas plants provides full shade to the litchi plants. The
daincha plant are tied up on the top which results to protect the litchi plant from the frost. The
inter area of daincha plant are covered with the layer of the straw. The roots of the daincha
should be cut 2-3times so that daincha should not have competition with the litchi plant for
nutrients and water.
Manure & Fertilizer:(per plant per year in kgs.)
Age of the tree
(in years)
FYM (in Kg.)
Above ten
FYM:- superphasphate and murate of potash should be applied in the month of
December. The calcium ammonium nitrorate should be divided into two parts and one dose
should be applied in the mid of February and the second dose of mid of April after fruit
Irrigation:- For small plant in summer the irrigation should be done twice in a week. In the
plants when the fruits are developing the irrigation should be taken care of. At this stage
the plant should be irrigated at 10-15 days interval. With the result of this the cracking of
fruit is reduced the size of the fruit is increased
Insects & Pest Control
Leaf Curling Ashatpadi (Aceria litchi):This is a specific and important insect of
litchi. Its adult are light brown in colour
and are very small. The nymph is white in
colour. This specially caused damaged to
the quick growing trees. Its attack is
started from the lower side of the tree and
spread towards upside. Adult and nymph
both suck the sap of the leaf from the lower
side after scratching. With the result a
small white spots appeared on the leaves.
Gradually these spots are touched together
and developed into light brown colour
velvety layer. Curling is resulted after the
attack of this insect and later stages leaf
starts dropping. This insect is spread from
April to June when there is a high
temperature and dry weather. which is
reduced automatically with the start of
monsoon. Again this insect is spread from
September and but there is less damage
during winter.
Control:- The affected leaf and branches
should be removed from time to time and
destroy by burning. 2)When new shoots
sprouts or attack of the insect is noticed the
plants should be sprayed with 500 mlt.
Diamethiot (Rogor 30 EC in 500 liter of
water per acre.)
Before few days of ripening of fruit
the plant should be sprayed with
500 ml. melthion (cythion in 50
EC) in 500 liter of water per acre.
Note:- The fruit should not be plucked
within one week after spray of melthion.
Leaf Rolling Caterpillar
opicyrita):- This insect cause damaged not
only litchi leaves but also jamun, peach
and guava leaves too. This caterpillar is of
a green colour which head and body is of a
black colour. This caterpillar joint the new
growth and remained in side and eat the
developed caterpillar perhaps on width side
rolled the leaves remained inside and eat on
the corner of the leaves. In case of serious
infestation this insect larvy caterpillar
destroy to the newly growth. Sometimes
this caterpillar also damage to the small
fruits. This insect is remain active from
April to October and it has many lifecycles.
Control:- 750 ml. endosulpham
thayodran) 35 EC or 1250 choloroperiphas
dasban (20 EC or 500 ml. melathion (
cythion) 50 EC in 50 liter of water per acre
should be sprayed.
Bark-Eating Caterpillar:
Quadrinotata and L.Tetraonis:- As given in
case of Guava cultivation.
The guava is one of the nutritive fruit. The plants have the capacity to tolerate dry
weather and it can grow well in all type of soil and different climatic conditions successfully.
Variety:- 1. Allahabad Safeda:- Tall upright growing tree.
Heavy bearer with cream
coloured, round, smooth skinned, white fleshed and a few seeded fruit. Taste is excellent.
Banarsi Surkha:- Tall growing tree with lush green foliage. A highly prolific bearer with two
crops in a year,one in rainy season and and the other in winter season. Fruit is medium sized,
smooth surfaced and cream coloured. Flesh is pinkish but highly seeded. It is early ripening
Sardar (Lucknow-49) The cultivar is dwarf, spreading and profusely bearing, with large, round,
meaty white fleshed undulated fruit of excellent quality. It compares favourably well in taste and
flavour with best specimens of Safeda cultivar. Being dwarf and spreading in habit, suits well for
the areas with high wind velocity like Haryana State.
Hisar Safeda:- It is a cross between Allahabad Safeda and seedless Guava. The tree of this
variety is straight and having good growth, fruits round and shiny flesh white less seeded, more
sweetness and good taste.
Hisar Surkha:- It is a hybrid variety. It is the crossed between the variety of Apple Colour, Guava
and Banarsi Surkha. The trees are long but medium spreading, fruits round, skin light yellow in
colour and flesh pinkish and very sweet in taste.
Soil & Climate: -Guava grow well in the area where rain fall is of medium intensity and crop can
grow well. In heavy rain fall areas there is a profuse vegetative growth of the guava but in such
areas trees do not bear such quality of fruit. It can grow well in all type of a soil but sandy loam soil
is best for its cultivation.
Plant Propagation:-Though the plants are prepared in large scale through the seeds but in
case chances the plants raised through seeds, there are a variability in the produce and
growth of the trees. Besides this there is a great variability in case of size, quality of the
fruits. So it becomes necessary to use the plants, which are produced through vegetative
To produce good stock the seed of the Lucknow 49 variety is used. The seeds are removed from
the fruits and wash and keep for drying. If the seeds are sown after extracting from the fruits and
sow immediately then there are chances of high germination. The seeds are sown in the month of
July & August in the raised nursery beds after sowing of 6 months the plants should be shifted to
the other beds. After 10 months these plants are ready for in arching which are ready within 3
Manure & Fertilizer per tree
Age of the
tree (in years)
FYM Kg.)
Muriate of
potash (g)
5 or above
All compost or FYM half those of super phosphate and sulphate of potash applied in
the month of February and balance half dose applied in July. Calcium Ammonium
Nitrate should be applied half doze in the month of February and half dose in July &
The manure and fertilizer applied in the soil 2-3 ft. away from the main stem.
Nutrient should be applied on the basis of soil testing report.
Irrigation:- Irrigate the soil at the interval of 10-15 days. At the time of flowering and at the
time of fruit setting one irrigation is necessary. To avoid the fruiting of rainy season stop
irrigation from February to mid-May.
Inter-Cropping:- In guava orchard upto age of 3-4 years the inter-space can be used by
planting papaya or pulses crop like cow pea, gram etc. can be grown.
Crop Regulation:- Guava bears two main crops in a year. First crop is ready during
July-August and other during November- January.
Only winter crop is
recommended. To avoid rain season crop, do not irrigate the orchard during February to
mid-May or deblossom spring flowers by hard picking or spraying with 30 gm. NAA. For this
30 gm. NAA dissolve in 50 ml. alchol or sprit and add 100 liter water.
The self-life of the guava is very less. Being a climatic fruit it should be ripened in
unripened condition. The guava can not be kept in ripened condition because in this condition
they can be damaged by the birds. The fruit should be harvested with the help of scissor or
sketcher and with fruit some branch with 1-2 leaves should be cut. The harvesting should be
done continuously most of the consumer liked un-ripened fruit.
Packing: - Fully ripened fruit should be sent to the near market because such type of fruit can
be damaged during transit. The fruits, which are transported to the distant market to be packed
in wooden boxes. If the fruits are being transported to the long distant market then it should
harvested in un-ripened condition. When the fruit colour is green in that condition a specific
gravity of the fruit should be 1.05.
Storage:- In summer the fruit should be sent to the market as early as possible while in
winter fruits green fruit stage which is un-ripened stage fruit can tolerate 2-3 days during
Rejuvenation of Guava: - Presently, the productivity of guava is much below the
productive potential, which understandably could be attributed to the significant prevalence
of old and unproductive orchards with declining yield pattern. Manipulation of canopy size
and shape by means of pruning and training for its containment and for better yield
performance was not felt as a necessary orchard management technique for guava in earlier
days. In guava, majority of the older plantations are of seedling origin of non-descript
material and have poor genetic potentiality and have become senile. Such plantation can be
improved through rejuvenation technique. By rejuvenation we can manipulate the cropping
pattern of the guava fruits by the use of training and pruning with the result of that we can
skip the fruiting or we can have desired season crop in a year. By increasing the close
plantation which will result more productivity easy to manage the orchard operations and
also quality and productivity will also increased with the rejuvenation of technology
developed by Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow. The
following steps have been taken for rejuvenation in Guava crop
Insect Pest & their control
B.dorsalis & B. Zonatus):- There is
more attack of this insect in the month of
July-September. The adult of this insect
is almost to the house fly and fly very
fast. The female fly make the whole in
the fruit lays the eggs below the skin.
The larvae (maggots) like boil rice and
eat the fruit flesh. On those fruits where
the fly lays eggs (which are often dark
green colour). The holes can be seen.
Small micro organism enter into the fruit
through these holes with the result of that
the fruit starts rotting and fell down. The
larvy is fully developed within 5-7 days
and developing into pupa fell down on
the land. This insect remain dormant in
dormancy from November to March as a
Diseases & their control
1.Guava Wilt:- The symptoms are
appeared after late period when the roots of
the trees are mostly damaged. Firstly
symptoms starts with yellowing of leaves
and subsequently gradually tree become
Control:- The guava should be planted on
that field where there is proper drainage
The heavy soil should be
discarded from the planting of the guava.
At the time of irrigation water should not
stand around the stem. The infested plants
should be up-rooted with the roots and
destroy them. The soil should be treated
with Formalin in and after sterilization of
the soil the new plantation should be
done.Where there is a incidence of this
disease on those area guava variety L-49 or
sardara should be selected. This variety is
Control:resistant upto some extent to guava wilt. In
each plant where the irrigation is applied
1. As far as possible avoid rainy season by ring method in each ring 15 gms.
crop because in this season fruits are bavistin should be applied three times in a
damaged by the fruit fly.
year i.e March, June and September and
apply irrigation after this treatment. In the
2. The affected fruit should be collected month of September a spray of zinc
daily and it should be buried into the
sulphate @ 0.3% should be sprayed.
soil 2 ft. deep or feed to the goat and
Where there is wilting problem this
treatment is very affective.
3. Give deep chlorine in summer season so
that the pupa of the fruit fly can be
2. Fruit Rot and die back:- The infested
fruits are in a small size and developed
black colour and sometimes these
symptoms appeared in a very late stage. At
4. 500 ml. malathion, cythian ) 50 EC +5 the time of fruit ripening there are
kg. Gur or sugar should be added in development of circular spots or many
500 liter of water and spray in one acre.
If the infestation of the fruit fly is
observed then the spray should be
repeated 7-10 days.
spots have developed and later stage there
is a growth of orange fungus on sunken
spot. If there is a infestation of the
branches then the branches start drying
from the tail and spread towards stem size.
Note:- After spraying of melathion the fruit
should be harvested for 5 days.
Control:- Cut the infested branches and
spray 0.3% copperoxycloride 3 gm. blight
2. Bark Eating Caterpillar (indarbela
ox or blue copper in one liter of water and
quadrinatata and l. tatraonis):- This spray should be done 2-3 times after setting
insect caused damage not only guava but of the fruit.
also to other fruit like shadow trees, fruit
plant and other fruit trees. Generally this 3. Alternaria Leaf Spot:- The spots
insect is not visible but where the appeared on the leaves in brown or dark
branching are take place there is colour. The affected leaves look likes
accumulation of excreta and saw wood in burning and dropped down later on. The
the shape of web. During day time it make fungus causes it by Alternaria leaf spot.
tunnel into stem and at night it comes
from the hole and eat the bark under the Control:- Spray 0.2% copperoxycloride (
cover of the web and also damage to the blite ox or blue copper in one liter of water
xylem vessel of the stem with the result of 2-3 times at 2weeks interval.
that the nutrients are not reached to other
part of the plant. If there is high velocity of
the winds there is a great damage to these
branches and falling on the ground.
Neglected orchards are more pruned to this
insect. There is one generation in a year
which started from June-July.
Control:- The following schedule should
adopted to control this insect.
September:- Monocrotophos ( Nuvacron36
WSC or 10 ml. methyl parathion ( metacid)
50 EC dissolve in 10 liter of water and
apply on the whole of the tree.
February-March:- Make the solution of 40
gm. carbryl (sevin) 50 WP or 10 ml.
Phenitrothion ( pholithion/sumithion) 50
EC should be dissolved in 10 liter of water
and take the small cotton ball and dip into
the above one solution and with the help of
the spice it should be entered into the hole
to kill the fruit fly. Use 10% kerosene
emulsion ( 1 liter kerosene + 9 liter water +
100 gram soap or each hole of the insect
the following solution
made by the
following insecticide 5 ml. to be added in
the hole. For this 2 mltr. diacholorokhas
(nuvan) 76 EC or 5 mlt.methyl parathion
(metacid) 50 EC or 30 mltr. endosulpham (
thiodyan) or thiotaks or endocyl (35 EC)
add in 10 mltr. of water and after this plug
the hole with mud.
Note:-1. Nearby grown all tree holes also
treated with this insecticide.
2. Keep the orchard clean and planted the
recommended number of plants per acre.
(Chloropulvinaria psidii, Ferissia virgata,
Pseudo-coccus spp. And Coccus spp.):As in case of mango cultivation.
Control:- .):- As in case of mango
The varieties of the ber can be divided in three groups on the basis of maturity:1.
Early Season cultivar (ripened in the month of February):Gola ( shiny fruit, The weight of fruit is 14.6 gm. TSS 17.4%, Acidity 0.46%, Vitamin-C
85.5 %mg/100 g. The average yield per tree is 100 kg. The fruits are ripened in the first week of
Seo :- A good early ripening cultivar. Weight per fruit 14 g. with 20.7 % TSS & Acidity 0.44 %.
Average yield per tree 80 kg. Vitamin C 85.0 mg. 100 gm.
Sandhura Narnaul:- The size of the fruit is long and pointed, Colour-greenish yellow, per fruit
the average is 15.7 grms., TSS 16.8 %, Acidity 0.98% Vitamin C-87.5 ml. gram/100 gram ,
average yield per tree is 85 kg.
Mid Season cultivars (ripened in the March)
Banarsi Karaka:- A mid-season cultivar. Fruit long and pointed, at ripening the colour is
yellow and shiny. TS 16.9 %, Acidity 0.13%, Vitamin C 110 mg/100 gram, Average yield per
tree 125 kg.
Kaithli:- The average of the fruit is 17.8 gram per fruit, TSS 17.6% Acidity 0.51 %,Vitamin C
98.3 mg., The yield is 125 per tree. This is very good variety for rain fed area.
Muria Murhara:- The fruits are of bell shape and fruit become yellow at the time of
ripening The average per fruit weight is 24 grm. TSS 18.5%, Acidity 0.29 % and Vitamin C
90.7 mg./100 grm.The agerage yield per tree is 125 kg.
Sanauri No.5:- The fruits are oval shape and pointed.head The average weight of the fruit is
17.6 gram,TSS 18.1 %, Acidity 0.26 %, Vitamin -C70 mg.,/100 gram. The average per tree is 100
Chhuara:- Long fruit and deep green, The skin of the fruit is rough. The average weight of the fruit
is 22.25 gram, TSS 18.5%. Acidity 0.26%, Vitamin C 70 mg./100 gram, The average per tree is
about 100 kg.
Late Season Cultivars (Ripening in early April):
Umran:- A large size and high yielding cultivar. Average weight per fruit 35 gm, the skin of the
fruit is thick and hard, with 19.5% TSS. Acidity 0.33% Vitamin C 80 mg. /100 grams Yield per
tree 200 kgs.
Kaatha Phal: A coloured cultivars with pulp granular like apple. The raw fruit is light red,
green colour and at ripening it becomes brown in colour. Average weight per fruit 18 g with
0.76 % TSS. Vitamin C 84.6% mg/100 per 100 grams. Yield per tree 120 kgs.
Ilaichi:-This promising variety is almost seedless. Its fruit is available throughout March.
Fruit is round and small at ripening the colour become brown. The fruit weight is 6.48
grams. TSS 21% Acidity 0.23%, Vitamin C per 100 gms. Yield per tree 100 kg.
Propagation:- For propagation of the plants the seeds of the ber is sown in the nursery to grow
Desi plant. The seeds are sown in the month of April and in the month of July, August budding is
done. On desi plants, plants are propagated by the method of T-budding, Ring budding and
Patch budding and air layering, shield budding and air layering but the most successful method
is T budding.
Planting time:- The time of plantation of grafting plant is from August to September. But
the plant without earth wall should be planted from 15th January to Ist week of February
where the proper irrigation is available the planting distance should kept 10x10mtr. Before
planting the plant each pit should fill with 50-60 kg. well rotten FYM 2Kg. Superphasphate
and 30gms. Chloroplast dust to be mixed .
Manure & Fertilizers:-
Age of tree (Years)
FYM (Kg.)/per tree
CAN (25%) Kg./per tree
5 and above
Remarks:- FYM should apply by the end of June after Ist week of July after harvesting of
the crop. The yield is incrased if 1.250single superphasphate is applied in the month of June
Half of the nitrogen should apply in the month of July and rest half of the Nitrogen in
the month of November.
The fertilizer should be added into the soil 3-4 ft. from the main stem.
Fertilizer should be applied on the basis of soil testing report.
Spray of Zinc & Urea:- To spray the crop with 1.5%Urea and 0.5% zinc sulphate
significantally increased the quality of the fruit as well as prevent dropping of flower and
Irrigation:- Being a tap rooted plant the root of the ber goes down very deep and it requires less
irrigation if plant is properly established but the small plants should be irrigated at the interval
of 4-6 days . The old orchard or orchard of the ber required four irrigations in a year. First
irrigation should be given after harvesting of the fruit second in November, third and fourth in
the month of January. The duration of flower in ber is from September to November and
irrigation should not be given during this period.
Training and Pruning:- The ber plant is required support to grow straight and to give proper
shape to the plant and the support should be given by the help of wood or bamboo by tying
the plant with it. Many branches originate from the main stem but upto the height of 70 cm.
all branches below to be cut and after this height 3-4 branches should allowed to grow.
Inter-cropping in Ber :- In ber crop there is proper bearing of the fruit at the age of 4-5 years
when plant spread fully before this the space should utilize to grow some intercrop like green
gram, Mash, cow pea and leafy vegetables.
Harvesting & Post Harvest Management:- Before harvesting the crop the spray of captan or
diathion M-45 (500 ppm) should be sprayed before 15 days of harvesting which increased the
self-life of the fruit for 8 days and protect the fruit from rotting.
Packing:- The packing of the ber is done in corrugated card board where before filling the box
a newspaper sheet is placed below the fruits.
Grading:- Graded fruits fetch more income to the grower. About 35 grams fruits are sold in the
market about doubling the rate in the market.
Control of Pest & Diseases:-
Insect Pest & their control
Diseases and their control
Fruit Fly of Ber:(Carpomyia
vesuviana):- This is a most harmful insect
for Ber cultivation. It is just like a housefly
but its colour is brown yellow. This insect
is having black spot on the front side but
the wing is having spot of white colour.
When the fruit attain the size of pea size
then the female fly laid eggs on the fruit
below the skin. The affected fruit become
disfigured and this insect make hole in the
fruit. Such fruit ripened early and broke
fruits are unfit for
Fully developed larvae(
which are like a boil rise) come out from
the hole which is made by the insect and
fell down to the soil dot develop into pupa.
This insect remains as a larvae from 7-24
days. This insect complete 3-4 generation
from November to April early and late
maturity variety and more sweet fruits are
more pruned to this insect. The adult leave
long life and complete one life cycle within
15-40 days in the month of September 3580 days in January for the eggs which laid
in the month of January.
1.Powdery Mildew:- This is a serious disease of
ber which gives symptoms on the fruits by
showing a covering of white powdery. The size
of the fruits remained small and the skin of the
fruit become corky, rough, curved and ultimately
There is a serious reduction in the yield
of the crop with the attack of the disease, which
will depend upon the severity of the disease.
Control:- 0.1% carathion (1 gm. chemical in one
liter of water) when the fruit attain the size of
free size a spray of carathion should be given and
repeated it after 15 days. To control of this
disease it is necessary that the spray should be
done in such way that every fruit should be
covered properly with the spraying solution. In
case of non-availability of carathion sulphur dust
0.2% should be sprayed to control this disease.
Sooty Mould:- The symptoms appeared on the
leaves and leave become pale and subsequently
fell down.
Control:- In the month of November when
the fruit size become pea size a spray of
Matasystox-25 EC or 500ml diamethoate)
(Regor-30 EC and make the solution in 500
liter of water spray on the tree per acre.
Repeat the spray again during midDecember.
Control:- To control of this disease a spray of
copper-oxycloride (blight ox) or blue copper @
0.3% ( 3 gms. chemical in one liter of water)
should spray.
Note:- The fruits which are sprayed by the
melathion should be harvested after 2 days
and washed the fruits in water at least for
half minute so that the poisonous affect on
the fruit should be removed.
To do this
practice it is good for the health.
Control: The control of this disease should be
done by use of spray of mencozeb ( diathion M45) @ 0.2% (2 gms. in one liter of water to be
sprayed when the symptoms appeared on the
plant. This spray should be repeated after 15
Lac making Insect: - (Kerria lacca) This
insect is caused damage not only ber but
also damaged fig, pilkhan and peepal. Red
colour small insect suck the sap of the
leaves with the result of that there is a great
reduction in the yield of fruit. The body of
the insect is covered by the sticky material.
The excreta of this insect developed
become the base to grow the fungus on it.
The insect is remaining active and destructs
the crop from April to June-July. The old
affected branches helped to spread this
insect. The neglected orchards are more
prone to this insect.
Cladosporium Leaf Spot:- Irregular shape
symptoms are developed of light brown colour on
the leaf. And the lower size of leaves deep brown
and black colour spots are appeared.
3. Alternaria Species Disease:-
The spots of this disease appeared in brown
colour on the leaves and leaves become
(b) In the end of January, spray with 500 scorching.
ml. Malthion 50 EC (malathion) + 5 kg.
‗Gur‘ or sugar in 500 liter of water/ per Control:- To control of this disease a spray of
Mencozeb or diathion M-45 (Indophyl M-45) @
0.2% should spray and repeat the spray after 15
2.Collect daily the affected fruit infested by days.
the insect and buried in the soil 2-3 ft. deep
soil or these fruit should be fed by the goat 4.Cercosphora Leaf Spot:- The circle spots are
developed on the leaves which are brown colour in
and sheep.
the center and the margin of these spots are of deep
3. May-June and December-January the red colour. In the severity of the disease resulted
falling of the leaves.
soil around the tree should be ploughed.
Control:-1. After harvesting the affected
branches should be cut and brunt.
2.At new sprouts the spray of 400 ml.
monocrotophos (nuwacron/monocil) 36
W.S.C or 600 ml. oxydemton methyl
(Matasystox-25 EC in 500 liter water
should spray per acre in the month of
3. The life cycle of this insect for the
month of April can be controlled by the
chemicals which are used to control the
Control:- As mentioned in case of control of
circospora leaf spot.
Leaf Rust:- The brown and orange colour spot of
nail shape appeared on the lower size of the
leaves. The affected leaves with this disease
become brown or deep brown in colour.
Control:- As mentioned in case of control of
circospora leaf spot.
Fruit Rot:-The light brown spots are developed on
the lower side of the fruit.
These spots
appeared in black colour like boil.
fruit fly of ber.
Defoliating Bettle ( Lachno-sterna spp)
This insect is not only caused damage to
the ber but also caused other crops like Control:- To control of this disease a spray of
grapes and guava and also other trees. The copperoxycloride 0.2%should be sprayed.
more attack is observed in tropical and
sub-tropical climate. Though the adult of
this insect feed on the leaves but the larvae
of this insect caused damage to the roots
before and after the monsoon. The adult
are strong brown and shiny and they came
out from the ground in the evening. They
eat the leaves during night from evening to
morning and they hide in the soil before
sunrise. In the serious attack of this insect
the leaves almost eaten by these insect and
plant become defoliate and there is no
setting of fruit tree on this tree. The age of
the adult is about only month and this
insect has only one life cycle.
Control:- In the evening a spray of the
insecticide such as 500 ml. of
monocrotophos ( Nuwacron/monocil) 36
WSC or one liter Endosulphan ( Thiodon)
35 EC or Quinelphos ( Eklux) 25 EC or 1.5
kg. Carboryl 50 WP in 500 liter of water
per acre. The spray should be done after
appearance of the adults, which generally
appeared in the first monsoon. If there is
rains after the spray damage is continuous or
after then repeat the spray.
Note:- Spray insecticides nearby growing
other fruit plants besides the spray of the
ber orchard. .
Hairy Caterpillar (Euproctis fraternal
and Euproctis Spp):- Occasionally this
insects appeared in ber orchard. The larvy
of this insect of dark brown colour and
having long hairs on the body. After
hatching the eggs the larvies come out and
assembled in a group in the lower surface
of the leaves and eat the leaves in such way
that the leaves become sieve.
growing at later stage they eat the leaves of
the trees and tree become defoliate. These
caterpillar also caused damage to the fruits
with the result the consumer do not like
such fruit. These insects remain active
during the crop period.
Control: - The small larvy should be killed
2. Spray 500 ml. monocrotophos
(Nuwacron/monocil) 36 WSC or one liter
Endosulphan (Thyodan/endosyl) 35 EC or
one kilogram carboryl (sevin) 50 WP or
400 ml. diachorophas ( nuwan) 76 EC or
500 in one liter of water per acre.
Odontotermes obesus):- This insect is
very serious which generally damage to the
fruit plants which are grown under shade.
It caused great damage to the newly
planted plant at young age (which are
planted in the sandy virgin soil). Tropical
and sub-tropical is very favorable for this
This insect does not like sunlight.
Either this insect go into the soil attack on
the roots and caused great damage to the
root hairs or eat the cellulose and they eat
the central portion of the stem and make
the stem hallow and he traveled upwards
and make the tunnel in the soil around the
stem and eat the bark of the tree. The
worker of the termites eat the center
portion of the stem and root and eat the
outside bark of the tree and with this
damage the plant become die.
With the
result of high velocity winds such type of
affected tree fell down on the ground.
These insects not only damage to living
portion of the stem but also dry wood of
the tree. This insect can attack around the
year but the damage is reducing during
rainy season and in winter.
Mechanical Control:-Keep the garden
clean any kind of material like stub, fruit,
rotten, dry wood etc. should not remain in the
field because it helps to spread this insect.
2) Give deep ploughing around the tree and
also irrigates the tree, which minimizes the
3) Do not use un-rotten FYM because this
helps to spread the termites.
4) As far as possible the queen termites
should be destroyed.
Chemical Control: - Before planting the
plant 50 ML choloroperiphas 20 EC should
be applied into per pit in 5 liter of water
This should be applied at the time of
planting. This insect may attack around the
year but remain in active during rainy and
winter season.
6. Bark Eating Caterpillar (Indarbela
quadrinotata and Itetraonis):- As
mentioned in case of guava cultivation.
Control:- As mentioned in case of guava
7. Birds:- Some birds, like parrot, crow etc.
and other birds also caused damage to the
fruits of the ber.
Control: - To protect the damage caused
by the birds can be protected mechanically
which keep the birds away and hang the
dead bird in the field of the ber orchard.
2. The nest and the eggs of the birds should
be destroyed during the particular season of
egg laying.
3. The small plants can be protected from
the birds by covering the plants by the net.
The cultivation of papaya can be done as a inter crop in mango, guava, ber, and citrus fruits in
South India. This gives fruiting after one year but in north India first fruiting comes after half an
Variety: Washington: - The plant is in small size and high yielding. The %age of male is very less. Fruits
are large in size. The flesh is very soft, sweet, scented and the numbers of seeds are very less.
This variety is known as Madhu Bindu.
Coorg honey: - Plants of large size but fruits starts from the lower side from the ground on the
stem. The male and female flowers are borne on the one plant. Fruits are large in size, thick
flesh but less sweet than honey dew.
PUSA delicious: - Male and female flowers are born on same plant. This is a best variety for yield.
Fruits start after planting of 250 days. The fruits are of medium size, the flesh is of dark and
orange in colour, good taste and scented flavoured.
PUSA dwarf: - Male and female flowers borne separately on different plants. Plants are very
small in size. The fruit borne on the stem from the height of 1ft. Fruit are of medium size, good
Hybrid Seed:- No hybrid seed of Papaya has been recommended so far by the Haryana
Agriculture University, Hissar but farmers are raising papaya crop by growing hybrid seed
and getting good income with their own experience and innovation of the private Companies
or seed farms. Farmers even using the hybrid seed imported from foreign countries like
Taiwan, and among that one variety i.e Red Lady is very popular among the farmers.
Besides this Chadha Farm also developed one hybrid and farmers are using that hybrids by
their own experience this farm is situtated in Nanital District of Uttranchal State.
Agro Climatic Conditions: - Dry and semi dry areas are suitable for the cultivation of
Papaya but the area should not have frost incidence and the water should not be stagnated for
a longer period. Well Drain Sandy Loam Soil is very suitable for cultivation of papaya.
Raising of Nursery: - The plants can be raised by seed. One acre transplanting of papaya
can be made through the plants raised from 120 gms. of seeds in the area of 40 sq. mtr. Sow
the seed in the month of April. Before sowing 1 Qtl. FYM @ per 40 sq. mtr. should be
applied. Seed should be treated with Captan @ 3 gm. per kg. of seed.
The seed should be
sown in line and line-to-line and seed to seed distance is kept 15 cm. and seed should be
sown at the depth of 2 cm. and irrigate the seed nursery water can. To save the crop from
damping of disease 200 gms. captan should be added in 100 liter of water and drenching the
nursery bed by the water can. If it is required second drenching should be done after one
week. The nursery plants are ready for transplanting in the month of May-June.
Time of Planting: - Pit should be dug of size 50x50x50 cm. in the end of June at the spacing
of 2 mtr. and these pits should be filled 1:1 ratio of soil and well rotten FYM. After filling
the pit irrigation should be done so that the soil should be settled. In one pit two plant should
be planted in the month of July. The plants of the Papaya can be raised in the polythene bags.
The size of polythene bag is required 25x10 cm. and it should be filled with 1:1 ratio of sand
and well rotten FYM. 2-3 seeds are sown in one bag after germination one healthy grow
plants should be retained and rest should be removed.
Thinning of Plant: - When the plants start flowering the male plant should be removed.
Only 10% male plants are kept and it should be scattered in the different part of the field.
Protect from Frost: - The papaya plant cannot tolerate the frost so it is very necessary to
protect the young plants from the frost. The plants should be covered with the Sarkanda or paddy
straw.grass and other plants from November to February.
Irrigation:- In summer weekly irrigation should he given and in winter the irrigation should be
given after fortnight. But care should be taken that there should be no stagnation of water around
the stem because this caused damage to the plants.
Manure: - 500 gms. mixture of fertilizers per plant should be added. The mixture is
prepared from Ammonium Sulphate, Single Superphasphate and Potassium Sulphate in the ratio
of 2:4:1 respectively. The fertilizer should be applied in the month of February and August
besides this additional 20 kg. well rotten FYM per plant should be given. The fertilizer
should be applied around the plant 30 to 40 cm. away from the stem
Disease & their control
Disease & their control
Anthracnose:- The fruits are affected at
any stage of development with this
disease. The symptoms are appeared on
the fruit as a sunken spots and a pinkish
colour point is appeared of fungus on
these spots. The affected leaves of this
disease are resulted falling of the margin
of the leaves.
4.Mosaic:- The affected leaves of this
disease become small and appears
Control:- a)Destroy affected fruit.
b) A spray of Captan on diathane M 45 @
0.2% (200 gms. fungicide in 100 liter of
water) should be sprayed at 15 days
Caller Rot or Stem Rot: - This disease is
spread particularly in rainy season with
the result of this starts rotting and in acute
cases the lower part of the stem starts
Control:- Before the infestation of this
disease the white fly and the aphid
should be controlled by the spray of
malathion 50 EC (0.1%) 250 ml.
fungicide in 250 liter of water.
Leaf-Curl: - The affected leaves become
small and wrinkles are developed on the
Deformation in the leaves
yellowing of the veins is the main
symptoms of disease.
The affected
leaves curl downside the leaf become
thick at the later stage these leaves
become dry and fell down. Such type of
a plant bears very few and small number
of fruits.
Control:- There should be not stagnation Control:- The affected plants of this
of water around the stem. The disease disease should be removed and destroyed
plant should be removed and destroyed
Avoid cultivation of
papaya near cotton and okra field.
Variety:Sharbati:- This is a very superior varieties of peach. The fruits are ready by the third
week of June. The average weight is 45 gms. The skin is soft and the fruits are very juicy.
TSS 16 to 17%.
Safeda:- Fruits are ripened in the third week of June. Average weight of fruit is 38 grams and
TSS is 15 to 16%. It has good keeping quality.
Matchless:- This variety also ripened in the 3rd week of June. The average weight of fruit is 40
gms. and TSS 17%.
Florida sun:- This is the earliest ripening variety which are ripened in the month of April. The
average weight of the fruit is 40 gms. and the TSS is 9-10%.
16-33(Shan-a-Panjab):- This variety is also ripened in the month of May. The TSS is 12 to
13%. The size of the fruit is good.
Sun-Red:- This is a nectrine (fuseless peach).
about 30 gms. TSS 4 percent.
Fruit ripens by 20 th May.
Fruit weight
Prabhat:- This is an early ripening variety which is ready for harvest by end of April. The
average size of fruit is 45gms. and TSS 13%.
Planting Time: - Last week of December to Ist week of January without earth ball.
However, with earth ball, in July-August. Winter planting should be preferred. All the
varieties are propagated in the month of November-December by the method of cutting. The
cuttings are prepared for one-year growth branches. These cuttings are treated with
1000-PPM IBA solutions (50% alcohols) solutions should be planted in the raised nursery
beds. The %age of survival of these roots 50-80% but it is observed that un-treated
cutting resulted 30% initiation of the roots. In a place where there is more dark and
standing water and plants are fell down on those areas root stock of plum should be used for
propagation of peach plant.
Tinning & Pruning:-In peach open head method is used for the tinning of the plant. In
this method, 4 branches are kept in all directions and the central portion is heading back.
In every year 1/3rd portion of the branches is cut. The upper branches are cut in such way
only 15cm. length remain uncut. The pruning should be done in the month of December.
Manures & Fertilizers:Age
Gm. per plant
CAN or
Muriate of Potash
Apply FYM, Phosphorus and Potash in December and January and half Nitrogen in the
month of February and March (before flowering) and half dose of Nitrogen should be
applied subsequently after one month.
Irrigation:- At one week interval irrigate the field in summer and at 10-15 days of
interval in the month of winter. The irrigation should be stopped by end of October and start
pruning after December.
Thinning of the Fruit:- The peach plants bears more number of fruits with the result of that
the size of the fruit should be reduced. To have a large size of fruit thinning should be done
in the fruiting. The distance between one fruit to the other is 10-15 cms.
Harvesting of Fruit:- The peach fruit is spoiled very quickly so it should be harvested when
the fruit attained full size. In Florida sun variety the fruit should be harvested at the stage of
when fruit developed colour 50%. The fruit should be removed or cut by the stretcher. The
fruit should cut in such a way it should keep little pedicle. The fruits should be packed in the
boxes where the papers are treated with 1000 PPM of Lal Dawa (Potassium Permanente) which
increase the self -life of the fruit
Insect Pest & their control
Insect Pest & their control
Jaccid(Brachcaudus helichrysi) :- This caused
great damage to the peach, pear, plum and
almond also affected with this insect. Its
dark brown colour nymph and yellow
colour adult attack on the new shoots and
absorb sap from the tender leaves. The
affected branches leaves are become curl
and the fruits become small and dropped
before ripening. From November wing
female lay eggs on the base of the flower
branches and in this condition the insect
remain in dormancy but in spring (
February to March) it attacked on the
flowers and at the later stages it reach to
the tender leaves. From April to May this
insect complete the three generations.
Accept this insect a species of one aphid
mizyjas persicci which suck the sap from
April to June from the bud leaves and
tender fruit and caused great loss to the
peach cultivation.
Fruit Fly (Bactrocera sonatus &
Bactrocera spp.) Besides peach this also
caused damaged to pear, guava, mango and
lime. It is equal to just like housefly and its
adults are yellow brown colour but having
transparent wing. It lay eggs in the flesh of
ripening fruits and affected fruit if pressed
the fruits where eggs are laid from the
whole a brown colour liquid is come out.
Its muddy colour white and without eggs
larvy remains in the fruit from 5-15 days
and eat the flesh and the affected fruit
become mis-shaped and become in small
size and start rottening and such fruits fell
down. The larvies come out from the fruit
and enter into soil and converted into
In this condition this insect
remains in dormancy. This insect remains
active from May-August, (completion of
the fruit). With this result this insect
complete many generations The adult fly
leave for many days and having more
capacity to fly.
Control:- 1)Before new sprout the plants
should be sprayed with 500 mltr. Control:- 1.The early ripening variety like
diametheat (rogor) 30 EC in 500 liter of florida sun and shan-a-panjab should be
water per acre.
planted. This insect less attacks these
2)When the fruit attained the size of pea
size then the spray should be repeated and if 2. Do not allow more ripening of the fruit
it is necessary the spray should be and fruit should be harvested at right stage.
repeated after 15 days.
lafertei):- This is an insect of peach, plum
and pear is less appeared insect its adults
are long, strong in dark brown and shiny.
The larvy are flat mouth (just like a cobra
snake), which are of light white in colour.
These larvies are more destructive in
comparison to the adults. These make
tunnels below the bark in the stem and the
branches of the plant and eat. With the
result of that the bark become loose and the
moment of the sap in the plant stopped.
The affected branches growth are restricted
the leaft become yellow and there are less
number of fruits and lastly these branches
wilted the adult eat the tender leaves New
and old plantation is affected with the
attack of this insect weak and unhealthy
plants and particularly those orchards
having poor water drainage those are more
affected with this insect.
This insect
remains more affective from March to
October with the result of that it completes
2-3 generation. One more generation is
also appear in the month of November to
3.Infested dropped fruit should be collected
daily and they should be buried in the soil
atleast 2 ft. deep.
4.The soil near the tree should be ploughed
by mould board plough in the month of
May-June and again December-January so
that the nymph could be destroyed by the
unfavourable parasites enimies.
Bark Eating Caterpillar (Inarbela spp.):As mentioned in the Guava cultivation.
As mentioned in the Guava
Odontotermes obesus):- See in
cultivation of Ber.
Control:- See in the cultivation of Ber.
Control:- Wilt and more affected branches (
which are having more holes) should be cut
when the insect are in dormancy and
immediately burnt.
2) Less affected fruit should be pruned
from the upper side and should also be
3) Use balanced dose of manure and
fertilizer and nutrients. Maintain proper
water drainage and restrict standing of
water in the field.
Variety:Titron: - This bear more number of fruits. The other variety like Alucha early round if
planted together with this variety it bears more fruits. This is a spreading type variety. The
fruits are small to medium in size round dark violet in colour and having thin skin. The skin
is yellow, medium juicy the acidity 0.9%, 0.93% TSS, 15%. This is an early variety, which
ripened, in the second week of the May. The yield per plant 30-35 kg. This is a best variety
for jam making.
Kala Amritsari:- This is also variety which bears number of fruits. If the titron variety
also planted in between this variety then there is more increase in number of fruits. The
trees are low spreading habits and quick growing. The fruits are medium round and are
sunken on both side and in violet colour. This is a medium juicy variety. Acidity`12.3% and
TSS 1.5%. The fruit are ripened in the second week of the May. The yield is 40-50 kg. per
acre. This variety is good variety for jam making industry.
Alu Bukhara:- The tree of this variety is straight, long and having quick growth habit
and is capable to bear fruits alone. This is a good pollinator variety. Fruits are long, skin
is yellow, and having some spots and the flesh is of red colour acidity 0.93% and TSS
1.8%. The fruits are ripened in the first week of June. The yield per tree is 40 kg.
Kataru Check:- The tree of this variety is having fast growing habitant and spreading
If the variety is planted alone it bears less number of fruits. If the pollinator of
Amritsari variety is used for pollination this variety bears more number of fruits. Fruits
are long, a heart shape, violet in colour and the flower are in white colour. The flesh is
juicy and creamy in colour. This is a medium sweet variety, acidity 0.79% and TSS
1.5%. This variety is very good to eat as such and for processing purposes especially for jam
making. 30 to 40 kg. yield is recorded per plant. The fruits are ripened in the 2 nd week of
Planting time:- The plant can be planted from December to mid of January.
Root Stock:- For the soil of clay and moist soil Kabul green gage variety cutting should
be used for sandy loam soil. The seedling of peach should be used. The cutting of the
kala amritsari can be used as a root stock as well as plant can be raised without grafting.
Irrigation:- At fruiting and flowering stage no irrigation should be given. To increase the size of
the fruit and the quality of the fruit, it is necessary to irrigate the pear orchard during April
and May.
Training & Pruning:- The plant should be trained by modified leader system. The plum
fruits bears on one-year-old small spur. To increase the yield of fruits every year training
and pruning should be done every year in the month of January like cutting should be
done. The straight growing branches should be removed so that the air and the light can
easily available to the plant, which will increase the colour and quality of the fruit. The
water shoots which emerged from the stem and the main stem should be removed from
time to time.
Manure & Fertilizer:Age (Year)
6 and above
Apply FYM and full doze of phosphorus and potash in the month of December. The half dose
of Nitrogen should be applied before flowering and balance half dose of Nitrogen should be
applied after flowering.
Zinc deficiency:- In sandy soils in summer season generally the zinc deficiency is
observed. This deficiency can be supplement by use of 3kg. zinc sulphate + 1.5 kg. line in
500 liter of water to be sprayed in one acre.
Insect-pests and their control
Bark-Eating Caterpillar: Sometimes this caterpillar attacks all the fruits mentioned
Control Measure:- Read as given in citrus fruits.
Bagugosha:- Trees are upright and vigorous. Fruit small, greenish yellow, stem-end
tapering. Flesh white or cream coloured, sweet somewhat gritty. Ripens in August and stand
transportation well.
Patharnakh: Trees are spreading and vigorous. It is heavy cropper. Fruit medium
round, green with prominent dots. Flesh gritty, crisp and juicy. Keeping quality good and
stands transportation well. Ripens in the last week of July.
Lee Cante:- The trees are medium growth habit and spreading nature and fruits are small to
medium size of pyramid shape. Green yellow in colour. The flesh is white juicy and sweet
which ripened in the end of July. 16-18 kg. yield is per acre.
Planting time:- When the plants are in dormant condition the plant should be planted in the
month of January & February.
Training and Pruning:- Pear trees are usually trained to the modified leader system. In
young trees, pruning should be restricted to the formation of a good framework. In the
old and bearing trees, moderate pruning should be practices. The thinning out and
heading-back of laterals may also be done to encourage the formation of more fruitful
Plant Propagation:- The pear plants are raised from the suckers of the pears or the
grafting is done on kainth root stock. Cuttings can raise plants when the stocks stem is ready
for grafting then grafting should be desired variety of the same thickness branch. In this
propagation cleft grafting is used. When the both stamps are of the similar size then tongue
grafting could use plant. This technique is used in the month of January & February and
tea budding is used in the month of June to August.
Regulate of fruiting: - The pear bears more number of fruits with the result of these the size
of the fruit become small so one fruit should be kept in one bunch. This should be done after
dropping of the fruits in a natural way.
Fertilization:- Full doze of FYM, Super phosphate and Potash to be added in the month of
December. Half Nitrogen in Ist week of February and balance half dose should apply after
half size fruit developing in the month of April
Age of the tree
(Per CAN
10 and above
Harvesting:- The harvesting should be done carefully so that the fruit bearing spur
should not be removed. The fruit should be harvested in the right size with the help of the
sketcher living the small pedicle.
Golden Yellow:- The fruits are oval shape in one side and parameter medium size round deep
brown in colour of medium size. The number of seeds in fruit is 4-5 per seed. The taste of
fruit is sour and sweet. The pulp colour is yellow.
Pale Yellow:- The colour of the fruit is pale, round and the parameter of the fruit is large. The
pulp is sweet and creamy white. The fruits are deep brown in colour and having 2-3 seeds per
California Advance:- The fruits are of the parameter of medium size. The size is from
conical to round, sward and sweet. The pulp colour is buttery of medium size and having 2-3
Note: - The recommended varieties, which are mentioned above with their selfpollination either, it bears low fruits or some times there is no pollination takes place. So
if one variety is planted then there will be no fruiting. For proper pollination and for
optimum yield golden yellow variety and pale yellow variety should be mixed with the
plants are planted in between the both varieties which will help as a pollinator in the both
Planting time: - Planting should be done in the month of Feb. & March or August to
Manure & Fertilizer:-
Age of the tree
FYM (Per Kg.)
0.3 to 1.0
0.2 -0.5
1.6 -2.0
10 and above
FYM phosphorus and potash should be applied in full dose in the month of September. Half
dose of Nitrogen in October and balanced half dose of nitrogen in the month of February
and March after fruit setting.
Inderbela Species accepts inderbela species no pests and insect has been reported which
caused great loss to the loquat crop. The control measures already given in case of guava
cultivation of inderbela species.
Insect-Pest & their control
Insect-Pest & their control
Shoot/Fruit /Rotting & bark canker
(Foma Lumrota): - Canker are
developed on flower buds, branches and
on around the wounds. These canker
are oval shaped appeared. Small-small
round brown spots are appeared on the
wound of the leaf wound or around the
spot on the round. As soon the canker
is increased the center portion becomes
sunken and the margin are raised. On
the canker of the bark the fungus
remain active.
Root Deformity/White Deformity
(Paliphorus pastis): - The bark of the
root and inner portion of the root and
main stem are become deform. At early
stage deformity appeared in pink colour
or light violet colour. While in later
stages a small white long packets are
developed and they make white snaky
fibers. The symptoms of the wilting are
appeared on the tree leaf started dropping.
Control:- The cutting of the canker
should be done. The infested bark
should be scratched after that bordo
paste should be applied. The cutting
portion should be burnt. After that
bordo mixture should be sprayed on the
Crown-knot( phytopthoara) :-Cankers
are developed on the main stem upto
the point where it is divided into two
branches. Canker are also developed on
the bark (next within 2-3 seasons) This
disease caused hollow to the instant.
The affected branches bear‘s number of
fruits but fruit of a poor quality.
becomes yellow.
Perhaps the half
portion of the plant is affected. Few
branches are died every year. At the
later stages the whole plant affected and
wilt completely.
The disease is soil
borne and remain active in the canker.
Control:-1. Completely affected plants
should be uprooted and destroyed.
2. In the dry weather the affected bark
should be scratched and apply bordo
2 Before rainy season the spray of
bordo mixture should be done and it
should be repeated upto October.
Deformed roots should be cut and destroy
and also apply bodo paste on cut
Drenched the whole plants with bodo
No soil should be accumulated around the
stem and no water should be touched to
the stem.
Do not deep ploughing so that the root
should not be wounded because these
wounds sources of infestation of disease.
The agro-climatic conditions are suitable for the cultivation of sapota is done in the
district of Ambala, Panchkula, Kurukshetra, Yamunanagar.
Variety: - Kali Pati:Fruit oval shape soft, juicy light scented, sweet, pulp of good quality 1-4 seeds per fruits. The
fruits are borne single not in bunches and main fruits ripened in winter.
Cricket Ball:- A large size fruit of round shape , the flash is hard and granules but very sweet.
The yield is less but it is suitable for Haryana climate conditions.
Baramasi:- Fruits are medium oval shape.
Plant Propagation: - (Air layering): - In the rainy season 1 to 2 years old matured
branches about 60 cm. long and about 0.621 cm. thick branches on the top of this
branches at the length of 25 cms. 2.5 to 3.0 cms. length and make U shape semi circle
should be removed where this skin is removed a solution of IBA 1000 PPM (1000 ml.
gm.) in one liter of water put on this cut portion and after putting the solution a wet
moose or vermiculite tide and roll polythene sheets on it. After rooting the thickness of
the branch of 1/6th portion deep should be cut and leave it and after 15 days this cut
should be cut more deepen. The start of the cut it takes about 6 weeks the rooted
branches are fully removed from the plant and plant in the nursery beds.
But in Haryana at various GGNs this practice is not being adopted and grafting on the
khirni as a stock is raising plants and desired variety signs are being used. The khirni plants
are being collected of pencil thickness size either from Calcutta or Bangalore and propagation
is being done in Haryana in this way. Though the survival rate is not much encouraging but
the Scientist are trying to improve the survival rate particularly in Gujrat State where Chiku is
main fruit crop of that area.
Planting time:- July to September.
Manure & Fertilizer:Age of the tree
phosphate Muriate of potash
11 yrs. & above
Add 40 kg. FYM per tree every year in the month of December to January. Besides this add
full dose of phosphorus and potash at the same time. Half dose of Nitrogen applied in the
month of February and balance half dose of Nitrogen apply in July-August.
Irrigation:- Though the Sapota plant can tolerate upto certain extent dry weather but to have
high yield irrigation if necessary. The small plant should be given irrigation at the interval of
6-12 days from winter to summer. But in rainy season this interval should increase keeping
in view of the need of the irrigation.
Control:- Wilting It is accorded that in chiku sudden wiliting of the tree is recorded
which is started from yellow of the leaf and which lead to death of the plants suddenly.
Though there is no recommendation by the HAU, Hisar regarding pest and disease in this
crop but by experience consultant Horticulture P&E has observed for the last two decade
that if balance doze of fertilizer and plants nutrients specially zinc is supplied to the crop
and the trees are treated with 15 gm bebistin during the month of March, June, September
and mix into soil under the canopy and irrigate the tree after that. It has given very good
result to save the crop though the HAU scientists are working very hard to give this
problem at their level.
Aonla is suitable for dry conditions and thus ideal for Haryana.
Banarsi Aonla:- The fruits are large triangular, slightly conical at apex. Skin thin smooth semi
translucent whitish green to straw yellow in colour. This is a prolific bearer with large sized
fruit of an average 5-cm. diameter and is shiny and yellowish in colour. On an average a
grafted tree gives about 200 kg. fruit. Fruit contains 417mg./100 gm.Vitamin C and TSS 13%.
It has shy bearing habit.
Chakaiya:- This is a late maturity variety and fruits are medium size the fruit colour
ripening is greenish. This is a tasty variety for making the pickle. The average size 3.4 cm.,
vitamin C content 523 mg. per 100 gram and TSS 9%. Average productivity at the age of 5th
and 10th year is 25 and 100 kg. per tree respectively. (**)
Kanchan:- Fruit is small to medium sized with 600 mg. of Vitamin ‗C‘ per 100 gm. of pulp.
Average yield is 5th and 10th year is 48 and 85 kg. per tree, respectively. This is a very good
pollinizer for Neelam variety. (**)
NA-6:- This variety is developed from chance seedling of cultivars Chaikaiya. It is late
maturity variety. This is named Amrit Fruit and is most attractive, shining and medium to
large sized. The bearing habit moderate to profuse Fruit has little content of fibre with
640 mg. of Vitamin ‗C‘ per 100 gm. of pulp. Average yield in 5th and 10th year 36 kg.
and 70 kg. per tree, respectively. . This variety is free from fruit necrosis and keeping
quality is good and suitable for preserve making. (**)
NA7:- This is named Neelam. Fruit is medium to large sized and free from necrosis. It is very
precocious. It contains 733 mg. of Vitamin C per 100 gm. of pulp. Average yield in 5th and 10
year 42 and 80 kg. per tree, respectively. (**)
NA8 (***):- This variety is developed from the chance seedling from chakaiya. The shape
of the fruit is small flattened round and the skin is slightly rough, thick and light green in
The surface is leveled and suture less prominent. It has good keeping quality
moderate, bearing habit and susceptible to fruit necrosis.
NA-9:- (***) This variety is developed from the seedlings selection from open pollinated
strain of cultivar Banarsi. The shape of the fruit is large, flattend round. The skin smooth
semi-transparent light green in colour. The surface of the fruit is convex and suture
prominent. It is early maturity and with shy bearing habit. It is susceptible to fruit
(***) Aonla Descriptor by S/Shri R.K.Pathak, A.K.Srivastava, R.Diwedi, H.K.Singh of
Department of Horticulture, M.D.University Faizabad.)
NA10:- Fruits are medium to large sized with pink colour at early stage of development
and disappears at maturity. The surface of the fruit is leveled and suture less prominent.
Fruit has 625 mg. of vitamin ‗C‘ per 100 g. of pulp. Average yield in 5th and 10th year 30
and 80 kg. per tree, respectively It is earliest maturity variety with moderate bearing
habit . It is mildly susceptible to fruit necrosis. It has good keeping quality. (**)
Self-incompatibility has been observed in aonla hence two varieties such as Narendra-6 or
Kanchan with Narendra-7 and Narendra-10 with Narendra-7 be planted in alternate rows for
better productivity.
(**) Recorded from the Aonla growing written by S/Shri, Vinod Singh, H.K.Singh and
I.S.Singh, of Department of Horticulture, N.D.University of Agriculture & Technology ,
Kumarganj, Faizabad-224 229.
Krishna: - The fruits are of conical with papillate basin, triangular and medium size
having 6-8 strips of red colour and small spots appear on the fruits the fruits are less fiber
and transparent. It has shy bearing habit, early maturity of moderate keeping quality.
Francis:- Fruits are of large size, green in colour slightly flattened oblong Fruits are
having six strips. Its bearing habit is moderate and moderate keeping quality. This
variety is highly susceptible to fruit necrosis and hence fruit is not suitable for preserve
making.(***). It is suitable for jam making as per HAU recommendation.
Planting time: - August to September, 15th January to 15th February.
Agricultural Practices:- After planting with proper care even leaves of the plants are
dropped but on the tree the re-sprouting starts after sometime. There is no need of
irrigation in rainy season but if the weather prolong dried then irrigation should be done.
In summer season irrigation should be given at 7-10 days interval till the plants
established. 15kg. FYM should be added per plant as per the age of the tree 1.0 kg.
Calcium Ammonium Nitrates and 2.5kg. Super phosphate per tree should be applied in
the month of February and 1 kg. Ammonium Nitrate in the month of July.
(**) Training & Pruning: -Training of young plants is necessary for development of good
framework. The tree should be trained to single stem up to the height of 75 cm. and then
4-6 well-spaced primary branches are allowed to grow around the trunk. Pruning in aonla
is normally not practiced except, removal of dead, diseased, weak and crossing branches.
Plant Protection: Insect-Pests & their Control
Bark-Eating Caterpillar ( Indarbela
spp.) The major insect pest of aonla are
bark eating cater pillar (inderbela
tetraonis), shoot gall maker ( Betousa
stylophora), scale insect and Anar
butterfuly ( Virachola isocrates).
Disease & their Control
Among the diseases, aonla rust caused by
fungus (Ravenellia emblicae) is of the
major importance.
Brown pustules
appear on both leaves and fruits and
finally these become dark brown to black.
Affected fruits drop before maturity.
Spray of Diathene- M-45/Indopfil M-45
Control:- As mentioned in the guava (0.3% or 3g/lit) twice has been found
effective to minimize the problem. First
spray should be given in beginning of
obesi September and second spray after 15
Odontotermes obesus):- Kindly see the days. About 10 liters solution will be
Ber cultivation.
required for a full grown tree.
Control:- Kindly see the Ber cultivation.
4. Shoot Gall Maker
tylphora)- Shoot gall maker affects the
apical shoot of young plant and trees.
This can be controlled by pruning the
and spraying
monocrotophos (0.05%) during rainy
season. The cater pillar of this gall maker is
of black colour which makes galls on the
developing shoots and caused some
damage. This insect do not cause heavy
damage to the plant.
Control:-The branches where galls are
formed should be removed regularly and
destroyed so that the cater-pillar
surviving inside the gall should be killed.
5.(**) Anar butterfly:- Anar butterfly
causes considerable damage to the fruits.
Remove the affected fruits and destroy it.
Control:-Spray monocrotphos (0.05%)
at the time of fruit development to
control this pest.
6.(**) Scale Insect:- Scale Insect damage
the growing shoots and leaves by sucking
the sap.
Control: -This can be controlled by
spraying of 0.05% monocrotophos or
Rie Jamun:- This is the dominating variety or Jamun growing in the northern region of India.
It ripens in the month of June & July. Fruits are large (length 2.5 to 3.5 cm. and its diameter
1.5 to 2.0 metre) Deep violet in colour or black blue. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and juicy. The
size of the stone is very very small.
Soil Requirement:- Jamun do not require specific type of soil for its cultivation. It can be
cultivated in all type of a soil but the soil which is having proper water drainage facility and sandy
loam soil is very suitable for good production for the cultivation of Jamun. The jamun can be
grown alkanline saline soil and where water stagnation is the problem. The sandy soil and clay soil
should be avoided for jamun cultivation.
Propagation:- The plants are raised by seed or by grafting.
Seed Method:- This is a very simple way for propagation of the plants. For this a good
quality of fruits are collected and their stone is removed and they are sown at the depth of 410 cm. and the line distance is kept 25 cm. and the plant is kept 10 cm. and sowing is done in rainy
season and the plants are ready after one year to transfer in the field.
Budding Method:- A high yielding good variety fruits are collected and their seeds are sown in
the nursery from July to August. After one year these plants are ready for budding. In area
where there are dry weather and less incidence of rain fall the budding (patch) is done in the
month of July & August. The desired bud is collected from the good quality high yielding
branch of the tree and budding is done by patch method.
Transplanting:- Before planting of the plant the field should be ploughed properly and
leveled. Before the start of the rainy season 10x10 mtrs. Apart (1x1x1 mtr.) pit should be
prepared. After digging of the pits 15-20 days the pit should be filled with 75% soil and 25%
FYM. Before planting the pit should be irrigated so that the soil should be settled down
properly. The plants are planted in both the season, in spring the plant should be planted in Feb
& March and rainy season from August to September. But the appropriate time of the planting is
from August to September. The plants should be transplanted in the pits with earth wall in the
center of the pit.
Training & Pruning:- The jamun is ever green plant. The disease of over-lopping branches is
Irrigation: - Jamun is a very hardy plant. The requirement of irrigation the jamun is 8-10
times in a year. When the plants started bearing of fruit the irrigation should be done April to June
and 4-6 irrigation is required during this period. But to have good yield the irrigation should be
done from September to October and February to March. The plant should be saved from the
cold by giving the irrigation.
Manuring:- Before plants are ready to bear the fruit it should be applied 25 kg. well rotten FYM
every year when plants bears the fruit then 50-80 kg. FYM per tree should be applied as per the age
and spreading of the particular tree per year.
Inter-Cropping:- When the plants are small the inter cropping of pea gram, and green gram can
be taken.
Flower & Fruit Dropping:- At the time of flowering within 3-4 weeks many flowers and fruits
are dropped to prevent this dropping. To prevent this dropping a spray of GA 30 PPM should be
given before flowering and after 15 days of flowering.
Insect Pest & their control
Insect Pest & their control
1.Thrip (Rhipiphoirothrips cruentatus
2. Bark Caterpillar (Indarbels spp.)
and Mallothrips indicus):- Kindly see the
As in case of guava cultivation.
description in the cultivation of Grapes.
Control:- Also
see the cultivation of Control: As in case of guava cultivation
3. White-Fly ( Dialeurodes spp and
Singhiella bicolor):- Kindly see the
description in the cultivation of Lemon.
Control:- As in case of Lemon cultivation
Bel is a important fruit of India. It is having rich nutritive value besides this it has a
important place among medicinal plants. Nutritive elements like carbohydrate,
riebophleflayvin and minerals etc. is available in sufficient quality. Its raw fruits are used for
jam, candy and churn and ripened fruits are used for making cold drinks, nector, squash and
toffee etc. are used in processing. The tree of the bel is very strong so it can be grown very
different type of a soil and different climatic conditions.
Variety:- Mirzapuri, Kazgi gonad, Faizabad oblong, Faizabad round and Narinder Bel -5:Beside this one more variety is recommended by the M.D.University, Faizabad which is
Narinder Bel-9. There are not a certified varieties of Bel but varieties are being used in the name
of their local place where they are growing.
But MD University, Faizabad has
recommended 2 commercial varieties and NB-5, NB-9.
Narinder Bel-5:- The tree of this variety are of short height and spreading nature. The
grafted plant of this variety starts into bearing from the 4th years. By this way eight years old tree
the average yield of this fruit is 56 kg. per tree. The fruit of this variety is of medium size. (1.25
kg. per fruit round) and having a thin skin which is having less sticky material medium fibre
yellow flash and the quantity of the seed is very less. The fruit of this varieties are very tasty and
scented. The TSS is 38% and having very less acidity.
Narinder Bel-9:- The trees of this variety are of medium height and good spreading habit.
These fruits start bearing at very early age of transplanting and eight year old tree gives yield
about 60-65 kg. fruit. The fruit of this variety is of medium size(1.50 kg.). The fruits are
oblong round and having thin skin. The sticky material is medium average fibre and the flesh is
yellow and pinkish in colour, with light scented. This variety is also having less number of seeds.
The TSS is 40% and having less acidity.
Soil Requirement:- The tree can be grown in different type of a soil ( the PH from 5 to 10 ) and
can tolerate salt upto 10 PH but well drained soil sandy loam soil with which is well drained is
most suitable for cultivation.
Climate:- Sub-tropical climate which is having hot in summer and dry weather and in winter
having no cold is better for its cultivation.
Propagation:- Sow the seed in nursery beds in the month of February to March when the
plant attained the thickness of the pencil size or bit more size these plants are ready for
budding which is done in the month of July & August. The plant to plant are kept 10 mtr.
Manure:- After harvesting the fruit 50-80 kg. well rotten FYM should be added in the month of
July & August per tree but MD university has recommended 10 years or above age plant should
be given 100 Kg. FYM, 500gm. Nitrogen, 250 kg. Phosphorus and 500 gram potash
as a element per tree per year. Out of this full dose of FYM half nitrogen full phosphorus half
potash should be applied in the month of May and balance dose should be applied in the
month of August. The care should be taken that these manure and fertilizers should be spread
under the canopy of the tree and should be well mixed in the soil and immediately give one
irrigation immediately.
Irrigation:- At early stage of the growth when the plants are small the irrigation should be
given at the interval of 10-15 days. But the older plant can survive without irrigation.
Training & Pruning:- To give a good shape to the plant upto the height of 70 cm. of the base
there should be no other branches are allowed to grow.
Time of flowering & fruiting:- Budded plants bear fruiting about 5 years. Bel bears fruit from
May- June and fruit starts ripening 8-10 months in the month of April & May.
Yield:- With proper care bel can give 30-40 fruits after 10-12 years of planting.
***Insect pest and their control
Diseases & their control
Leaf Miner & Lemon butterfly: Please
see the citrus cultivation.
Spot):Irregular shape spots of brown and
deep brown colour are appeared on the leaf
Control:- As recommended in citrus surface and sometimes it is observed that a
ring structure is developed of brown
colour. The affected leaves give burning
*** From Bel Ki Bagwaani written by Dr. appearance and fell down. This disease is
Inder Sen Singh, Deptt. of Horticulture, caused by alternaria fungui.
University, Faizabad.- January.
Control:- To control of this disease a spray
of copper oxycloride 0.2% (2 gms.
chemicals in one liter of water) should
spray at interval of 15 days .
Variety:Kabul :- Large size fruit and the skin of the fruit is of dark colour alongwith yellowish.
Kandhari:- The size of the fruit is large, the skin is dark in colour. The seeds are very hard. The
juice is of acidic nature.
Masket Red:-Medium size fruit, thick skin sweet juice and the seeds are soft.
Paper Shell:-Medium size fruit, thick skin, seeds are soft, red in colour and juice is sweet.
Ganesh: - The seeds are soft red in colour, juice is sweet, good yield.
Soil: - Loam soil is very good for its good cultivation and give good yield but where the land
is not fertile and other type fruit can not grow in that soil pomegranate can grow well. This is
resistant towards alkali and lime soil. This can be planted in light black soil upto 60cm.
Irrigation:- Irrigation is good for pomegranate cultivation. Irrigation should be done by basin
method. Regulation of irrigation and sufficient irrigation is required during growth and fruit
development. Irregular irrigation caused cracking of the fruits.
Manure & Fertilizer:Age of the tree
Single Super
1.500 kg. per
400 grams
Training & Pruning: -The plants are trained in bush type and many stems are allowed to
grow from the ground. To attain such type of a shape side branches are cut before planting. The
main stem is also cut at the height of one meter below the cut and portion of the main stem of
25-30 cm. 4-5 branches are allowed to grow in all directions. In this way within 2-3 years the
plant can attained the required size and shape. There is no need of specific pruning in this crop
but the shape and the size is developed by cutting and pruning but it is also observed to cut a
front portion of the growth is severely cut then there is bad effect on the crop yield and there is
more number of leafy growth. The middle portion do not bear fruiting. Inside there is no
setting of the fruit good shape and to have a good crop every year the new branches should be
allowed to grow in all directions.
Harvesting of Fruit:- After flowering fruits are ready to harvest within 5-7 months. Fruits
should be harvested when they attained proper size, colour and little yellowishness. Each tree
produced about 100 fruits and every fruit bear about 25-30 years.
Insect pest & their control
Disease and their control
(Deudorixisocrates):- This insect not only
attack to the pomergrenate but sometime it
also attack to apple, guava, ber , plum ,
litchi, loquat and citrus. Full developed
cater-pillar deep brown in colour which is
having light spots and small hairs. Its
length is 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The fly lays eggs
on the fruits from which larvae developed
which make puncture in the fruits and go
inside and eat the seeds and flesh of the
fruit. The larvy block the hole with its
excreta and this excreta identified such type
of a affected fruit.
Due to these holes
bacteria and fungus attack on the fruits and
at the later stages these affected fruits starts
rotting. These larvy fully developed within
18-47 days. This incentive is in active
from March-August ( main season of the
fruiting and develop 2-3 generation. This
insect from Nov. to Feb. (in winter season)
also remain active
1.Bacteria leaf spot & fruit rot:- On the
leaf small water soaked deep brown spots
are develope these spots are developed on
flower and fruits.
These spots when
developed on the fruit the fruit do not ripe
properly and deformation take place.
Control:- When the disease appears in the
beginning a spray of septostrepocyline 200
PPM ( 2 10 liter of water) + 0.1 %
copper oxycloride ( 1 gm. per liter of water
) and this solution should be sprayed 10 to
15 days interval two times to control this
Alternaria leaf spot:- On the leaf small
small in round shape spots are developed
the colour of these spots is light brown or
dark brown. Sometimes these spots a
Control:- 1.After setting the fruit or at the circle of brown colour appeare. At later
time of attack of the fly every fruit should stages the leaves start wilting and dropping.
This disease is caused by alternaria fungi.
be covered with paper or cloth bags.
2. All damaged fruit should be removed
from time to time and destroyed.
2Bark Eating Cater-pillar( Indarbela spp.:Control:- To control this disease a spray of
Also see the cultivation of Guava.
0.2% of diathion M 45 monkojeb should be
Control:- As mentioned in the cultivation of sprayed within 15 days interval.
Coletotrakm (leaf spot):- On the upper
surface of the leaves dark brown colour
irregular shape spots are developed. This
mangiferae): - This insect attack on the disease appear from the end of the leaves.
pomegranate trees if they are growing This is appeared from the end point of the
adjoining or between the mango plantation.
leaves and it spread towards a peduncle
side. With the severe attack of the disease
Control:- As mentioned in cultivation of leaf become dry this disease is caused by
the Coletoraekm gleospridus.
4. Mite:-(Brevipalpus sp.). Soft body,
very small in size ( microscopic) and very
slow walker. These remain in the lower
side of the leaves and also reach to the
main vains winds and suck the sap.
Affected leaves develop light yellow colour
and at later stage the colour become muddy
brown. In severe attack of this insect the
growth of the plant is adversely affected.
This insect remain very active in summer
and dry season.
Control:- To control of this disease
mancojeb or copper oxycloride chemical @
0.2% should be sprayed.
Fruit Rot:(Deformation):- On the
fruits,brown or deep brown spots are
appear. Sometime the cracking of the fruits
also observed. On these spots a fungus of
green, black or white fungus is developed.
Affected fruits become deform. As per
jealous, rigopous and penicidum fungus
caused this disease.
Control:- 500 ml. melathion, cythion), 50
EC/ rogar 30 EC or 425 ml. (phogalene) Control:- To control of this disease or
(Jow loan) 36 EC
to make solution in 500 copper oxycloride chemicals @ 0.2%
liter of water and to be sprayed in one acre.
should spray at the symptom of the disease
and two sprays should be done at 15 days
interval. The fruit should be harvested
after 4-6 weeks of the spray. If the
cracking is observed in the fruits then
borex 0.3% (3 gram) per liter of water
solution should be sprayed to control the
cracking of the fruit.
No specific variety is available of Phalsa fruit. Both the variety (long and dwarf) Varieties
are recommended for Hissar Area. The dwarf variety is high yielding and its fruits are very
Planting time:- The plants growing in the nursery which are properly grown up before
dormancy in dormant condition. Such plant should be transplanted in the field in the month
of February. The main advantage of this practice is that there is no need to keep the soil with
the root. But the plants which are planted in the rainy season should be planted with earth
Propagation:- The plants are propagated through seeds. The fresh seeds should be collected from
the fruits and immediately sown in the nursery. If we store the seed in open then it remains
viable for germination for 90-100 days. If we store in the cold storage the viability of the
germination remain upto six months. For germination of the seeds required 15-20 days and for
transplanting it takes 3-4 months.
Planting Distance:- The transplanting distance is kept line to line and plant to plant is 1.52
Training & Pruning:- There is a great importance of training and pruning of Phalsa
cultivation. To get high yield of good quality fruit the annual pruning has great importance.
The tall varieties are pruned at the height of 0.9 to 2 mtr. from the base and for the dwarf
varieties the pruning is done at the height of 40-60 cm. In the month of December & January when
the plants are in dormant condition the pruning can be done during this period.
Irrigation:- The first irrigation should be given after application of the manure in the 2nd and
3rd week of February. In the month of March and April, irrigation should be done at 20-25
days interval. But the interval of the irrigation is reduced from 15-20 days in the month of
Insect Pest & their control
Disease and their control
Brown Spot Disease:- In the rainy season
due to this disease the leaves of the plants
before fully developed starts dropping.
Infested disease plants the leaves on the
both sides small small spots are appeared
Control: - As in case of Ber crop.
and gradually the most part of the leaves is
covered with the white cover powdery.
Hairy Caterpillar (Euproctis spp.): As in This disease is severely affect in rainy
case of Ber crop.
season. The leaves are dropped down in a
small stage. The small spots are developed
Control:- As in case of ber crop.
on the leaves on both sides which at later
stages which appears in large spots on the
hole leaf surface.
Leaf eating beetles (Holotrichia spp.,
Adoretus spp., Anomala spp. And
schizonycha spp.): As in case of Ber
Control:- To control of this disease men
cozeb (indophyl M45) 0.3% solution
should spray.
Rust:-Light brown raised spots developed
in the lower side of the leaves. The
Uredospor of the fungus appeared in the
pestules. The affected leaves with this
disease start drying and dropping. This
disease is caused by the Dsturella gravi
Control:- To control of this disease
mancozyeb (indophyl M 45 or diathene
M45) 0.2% solution should be sprayed at 15
days interval.
Variety:- No specific variety is available of Mulberry.
cultivated which are white and red in colour.
Some local varieties are being
Propagation:- The plants are propagated by cutting and by budding. The cutting having 4-5 buds
are planted in the nursery beds in the month of December & January when the plants are in dormant
condition and budding should be done in the month of July & August.
Soil: - It can be grown in all type of a soil. But preference should be given to grow mulberry in
clay loam or sandy loam soil.
Planting Time:- Pits are dug of size 60x60x60 in the month of October & November at the
distance of 6x6 meters. The pit should be filled after few days of digging with 2-3 basket of well
rotten FYM and mixed with soil.
Training & Pruning:- It is a required operation in mulberry cultivation. For good yield every
year a heavy pruning should be done.
Irrigation:- During March to June 3-4 irrigations is required.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 50-80 kg.per plant should applied during December
Insect Pest & their control
Disease & their control
1.Stem Borer:- As in the case of Mango
Sooty mould Disease:- Under the lower
surface of the leaves black colour irregular
shape spots are mixed together and cover
Control:- :- As in the case of Mango crop.
the whole leaf. The affected leaves with
this disease the leaf of the upper surface
The affected
2. Yellow & Red
(Polistes hebraeus turned in brown colour.
& Vespa Orientalis):- As in case of grapes leaves falls down.
Control:- As in case of grapes cultivation.
3. Bark Eating Caterpillar ( Indarbela Control:- As the symptoms of the disease
spp.):- As in case of guava cultivation.
noticed the spray of copper oxycloride or
bavistin 0.2% solution spray at the interval of
Control:- As in case of guava cultivation.
2 weeks for two times.
Variety:I)Bearing green colour fruit
II) Bearing pinkish colour fruit.
III) Bearing white colour fruit.
IV) Narendra Karonda-I.
Climate:- Karonda is a very strong plant. It can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical reason. But
too much rains and standing water soil is harmful to this crop.
Land:- Karonda can be grown in a different type of a soil and even low fertile soil. But for good
growth and good yield a good soil is necessary.
Propagation:- The Karonda is propagated by seed or by vegetative method like cutting,
inarching and layering.
Spacing:- In the month of February & March and September & October pits are dug of the
dimension of 60x60x60 cm. at the distance of 3x3 mtr. and planting is done in these pits with FYM
and soil ratio 1:1.
Training & Pruning:-When the plants are planted the plants should be given the support of
bamboo so that it can grow straight. Time to time unwanted shoots are removed. Fruiting
plants generally do not require pruning but to give the proper shape to the plant to cut the
undesirable branches is necessary. Disease branches should be removed to convert the old
branches into new shoots pruning should be done.
Inter-cropping:-During the first year of planting weeds become the main problems which can
be removed by cultivating and harrowing. In karonda a cultivation of vegetable can be taken for
early two years.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 15-20 kg. well rotten FYM per plant per year should apply in the
beginning of rainy season otherwise the growth of the plant become week.
Irrigation:- Though the karonda plant is slow growing. Once the plant settled down into the
soil and attained proper growth then there is no further irrigation is required. Besides this
karonda behave like other plants which are grown in dry weathers condition so it requires less
Fruiting:- Karonda bears fruits after third year after transplanting. If the fruits are developed in
the month of February and fruits are ripened in the month of August. Though the raw fruits
are available in the markets in the month of May.
Harvesting of Fruit:- The harvesting of the fruit is done as raw and ripened fruits. Fruits can be
harvested is impossible at one time. The harvesting is done two-three times. The change of the
colour is the symptom of ripening of the fruit. Generally 4-5 kg. karonda fruits yield is obtained
from one tree.
Variety:- Hilawi:- This is an early ripening variety of Iraq. The fruit of this variety is soft and
fruit is having TSS 28.5 % to 42% and one tree produce about 100-125 kg. fruit.
Khadravi:- This is also a variety of Iraq. The fruit of this variety is soft. Ripened fruits are
used for dry date. The fruits contains TSS 30-32% and yield of per tree is about 60-80 kg.
Shamram:-This is a good yielding variety and suitable for making dry date. The colour of the
fruit is pinkish and TSS 25-27%.
Medjul:- This is a moraco variety. The fruit of this variety is yellow and having red colour.
This is a late ripening variety. The size of the fruit is large. This is very good variety for
making of dried date. The fruit is having TSS 19-21% and per plant yield is about 75-100
Brahi:- This is good yielding variety. The colour of the fruit is yellow. The origin of this
variety is from Iraq. This variety is having TSS 32 to 40% and yield per plant is about 80100 kg.
Hayani:- The colour of the fruit is deep red. Fruits are soft and having TSS 21-43%. The yield
per plant is 30-50 kg. per tree.
Soil & Climate:- That cultivation for date cultivation is most suitable soil is sandy loam soil
which is having good water drainage.
The cultivation can be done saline and alkaline soil. It requires specific climatic
conditions for its cultivation where the temperature remains high and the weather should be
dried where there should be no rains at the time of flowering and the time of ripening of
Propagation:-The sucker is used as a planting material in a date cultivation. Though suckers
are being used as a planting material which carrying weight of 10-15 kg. and which are
germinated from the main stem from the level of the soil and which are having maximum
Method of Planting:-The planting time is from August to September. The sucker are
planted at the distance of 6-7 metre. At the time of planting it should be kept in the mind
atleast 5-10 male plant should be accommodated in one acre.
Manure & Fertilizer:- To get good yield in date cultivation fertilizer should be applied in the
October every year, the plant should be given 600 gm. Nitrogen, 100 gm. Phosphorus and 70
gm. Potash per plant.
Irrigation:- In summer the irrigation should be given about 7-10 days interval and in winter add
25-20 days interval.
Pollination:- In male and female flower comes in separate plants so to obtain high yield it is
necessary to collect male pollen from male flowers and it should be spread on the female
Thinning:- If the number of flowers is more than there is reduction in size of fruit size.
So to have good size fruit. At the time of pollination the half part of the stem should be
Disease & their control
Leaf Smut :- A small nail (smut soroi)
light brown colour spots are appeared on
the leaf surface.
The affected leaf
converted into brown colour and starts
drying. This disease is caused by fungus.
Control:- 1. Affected leaves should be cut
and destroy or burn them.
2. A spray solution of bavistin 0.1% ( 1
gram in one liter of water) should spray at 15
days interval.
It is a delicious and nutritive, easily digestible, cheap and very popular food of ancient
times of India. Banana is used to eat as a ripened fruit and also raw fruits are used for
vegetable besides these chips and many products are made out of banana. This crop gives
high production in short period in per unit area and net income from this fruit. In U.P in
North India banana is being grown comparatively large area in the east humid areas but
besides this other part of the State like Faizabad and Raibarilley also covered under this crop.
Keeping in view the high productivity and good income from this crop the area under banana
is increasing day by day but in Haryana this crop has introduced about one decade back and
the area under this crop is about 500 hectare. This crop is being grown especially in Sonepat,
Panipat, Karnal, Fatehabad, Yamunanagar but in kitchen garden and religious places, banana is
being grown in about the district of Haryana.
Haryana is taking lead to produce disease free plants of Haryana through tissue
culture and proper protocol has been developed by the Tissue Culture Laboratory, HTI,
Ucchani (Karnal) from where quite good number of plants has been propagated and sold
30000 plants to the farmers at subsided rates and it is expected to propagate 20000 plants and
about 400 acre the during 2008-09. Keeping in view of quality planting material is
available and this crop is fetching good income to the growers then the area under banana crop
is increasing trend.
Soil and Climate:- The soil rich in the organic content loam and sandy loam soil which is
well drained is suitable for banana cultivation. In the soil upto one meter depth there should
not be hard pan layer or stony layer. The pH of the soil is suitable between 6-7. Hot humid
climate is very suitable for the commercial growing of banana. Heavy rainfall area is quite
suitable for successful cultivation of banana. The area where there is no frost in winter and
temperature in summer remains 30 degree centigrade to 38 degree centigrade and there is no
prevailing of the hot wind such area is very suitable for banana. The optimum temperature is
27 degree centigrade. Soils with good fertility and assured supply of moisture are best suited.
Variety:- The variety of the banana can be divided into two groups. In one groups, those
varieties are included which are used as a vegetable and the other group is to eat as a ripe fruit.
The fruit flesh is soft, sweet, starch free and very nutritive. The popular varieties are Basrie,
Dwarf, Harichal, Malbhog, Alpan, Robasta and Puwan. In vegetable varieties the flesh is hard
starchy and the fingers are thick. The main variety of banana, which is used, as vegetables are
Kothia, Battisia, Munian and Campierganj etc. The characteristics of the few varieties are given
as under:Since banana is not recommended by the Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar and this
crop is not included in the package practices but farmers are raising this crop by their
experience and PAU is recommending banana cultivation in some part of Punjab keeping in view
of the interest of the farmers as area is increasing the department is trying to develop good
planting material. So far the description of the varieties is given below:1. Basrie Dwarf:- The plants are dwarf ( 150 to 175 cm.) stem green high weight plant, the
fingers are in big size and twisted, and after ripening it become thin. The fruits are very tasty, sweet
but the keeping quality is very poor.
2. Hari Chal:- The plants are bigger and thicker than of basrie dwarf (200-250 cm.) green spots
developed. The bunches of the finger are very large, straight, and ripening its colour is green and
flesh is sweet and soft. It is free from leaves spot disease.
3. ALPAN:- The plants are long size ( 3 to 4cm.), stem white green, heavy bunch, long
tightened, fingers medium, ripened its colour is yellow, the fingers are of sour and sweet taste
and keeping quality is good.
4. MALBHOG:- The plants are high, stem white green, the bunch of the fruit is of medium size
and having some spots, the fingers are medium size and become shiny after ripening, tasty and
having poor keeping quality.
5. POOVAN: - This is very popular variety of South. It grows well in high temperature. The
fingers are yellow in colour, fleshy, light redness and hard. It is a resistance to the spot
disease and having good keeping quality.
6. ROBUSTA: - The plants are long, stem strong, bunches are stout, having long fingers, in
yellow colour of good taste. It is less affected by spot and leaf spot disease.
7. KOTHIA: - The plants are long, stem strong, bunches are stout, having long fingers, sweet
conical, yellow after ripening, fleshy and starchy.
8. MUNIAN: - The fruit are short, straight, sweet and conical good storage capacity and it is
suitable for munian.
9.GRAND NAINE:- It is an outstanding banana variety growing from 6-8 feet tall and solid
green in colour. It is very attractive for its landscaping potential and good wind resistance. The
Grand Naine produces very large heads of delicious fruits mainly used in vegetable as a raw fruit
and table purpose also.
Propagation: - The propagation of the banana is done through sucker. The sucker of three
months stout is suitable and old pointed, which are having dense, closely leaves are suitable for
further propagation.
Except this the plants are also propagated through tissue culture. The
plants propagated through tissue culture are disease free uniform size and given good quality
and high yield and there is no de-generation of the character.
Planting:- The planting distance is kept 2-3 mtr.x2.3 mtr. and pits are dig of size 50x50x50 cm.
The pits are dig in the month of May and these pits should remain open and exposed to sun-light
for 15-20 days. These pits are filled 25 kg. FYM. add into upper 25 cm.soil. Add 50 gms. of
chloroperiphos dust. The pit should be filled 10 cm. up and irrigate the pit so that the soil settled
down. The suckers are planted from 15th June to 15th July. These suckers are tightly buried in the
pits and irrigate the pit immediately. Experimentally it is proved that if planting is done at the
spacing 2x1.5 mtr. then there is a bunch size is increased and produced attractive banana.
Manure & Fertilizers:- The requirement of the banana crop is to absorbed more nutrients
from the soil. If there is deficiency of the nitrogen then the growth of the plant become less.
If there is the deficiency of the phosphorus the proper development of the root is affected
badly. With the result of this the plant become week. There in no proper development of the
growth of the fruit. The sweetness and the shininess of the fruit is badly affected with the
deficiency of the potash so to get good quality fruit of high productivity balance dose of
fertilizer i.e. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash should be applied. The fertilizer doze should
be adjusted as per the soil testing report. In general 300 grams nitrogen, 100 grams
phosphorus and 300 grams potassium is required. The application of phosphorus should be
applied half dose at the time of planting and balance half doze after two months of planting.
The total Nitrogen should be splitter 55 doze and should be applied August,
September, October, February and April. The doze of potash should be divided into three
doses and apply in the month of September, October and April. The banana is a shallowrooted
crop so the fertilizer should be applied 30 cm. away from the main stem and at the depth of 15
cm. in a circular form around the plant. At the initiation of the flowering the fruiting bunch
after 3 weeks 40 grams agro mean + 100 gram urea+ 100 gram potash should be dissolved in 10
liter of water and solution should be sprayed with the result the fruit bunch become more attractive
and the banana fingers developed more sweets.
Irrigation:-Sufficient moisture should be maintained in banana field. Irrigation should be
done after planting. If the moisture is decreases as per the need the light irrigation should be done
at 7-10 days interval. If the delay of irrigation resulted bad affect on the growth of the plant and
there is a great possibility reduction in the yield of the banana fruit. If there is a chances of frost
in winter then irrigate the field.
Intercultural & Weed Control:cultivator and ploughing.
The weeds should be controlled from time to time by
Mulching:- Mulching of paddy straw, sugar-cane leaves and polythene sheet should be done in
the basin of banana plant which increase the efficiency of the irrigation and also affect on the
growth and productivity and quality of the fruit.
Training, Pruning & Stacking:- After planting of banana plant new leaves have started to
germinate around the base of the stem after two months. The sucker should be cut from time
to time. If the 2nd crop is to be taken in the banana then one sucker should be selected from
the germinated sucker in the month of March and April. Rest should be cut. The old leaf of
the banana developed become yellow and start drying. Such type of leaf should be cut from
time to time and should be removed. After attaining the full development of the fruit growth
the hanging bunch of the main flower should be cut carefully. With the result of this banana
finger attain good growth. The weight of the fruit bunch is increased and due to the high wind
velocity some times so the every fruit bunches should be given stacking of wood or by
Bamboo and ear thing should be done around the banana plant. After planting of two months
a circle of 30 cm. of 25cm. height platform should be developed which result given to a
proper support to a plant.
Ripening:- The fruit bunches of the banana are cut and collected in a closed room and these
bunches are covered with banana leaves. In one corner of the room cow dung or a burnt
angithi should be used and the room should be sealed with the wet soil. The fruit is ripened
to eat after 48-70 hours. The spots have been developed on the surface of the fruit and the
sweetness of the fruit is increases. The heap of the banana should be sprayed with Athril 500
PPM and the covered with the gunny bags. The fruit can be ripened nicely and also good
colour is developed. If the Plantation is done in the month of June the fruits are harvested
from October to December. The fruits are properly developed. When the corner of the finger
turned into round shape then carefully the fruit bunch should be cut. The average yield is
recorded 300-400 qtl. per hectare.
Insect Pest & Disease
Insect & their Control
Disease & their Control
To have good yield of high quality, it is Powdermildew:- A brown spots are dev
necessary to control pest and diseases eloped on the leave with the result leaf start
which caused damage to this crop.
dying. To control of this disease
Banana Beetle:- This insect eat the tender
leaves fruits and produce the symptoms of
a regular deep spots. With the result of this
the crop is badly affected and this such type
of fruit do not fetch good return in the
Control:- To control this insect a spray of
Methayl O-Dematon 25 EC or clinophos
25 EC 1.25 ml. per liter of water should be
Banana Root & Stem Vivil:- This insect
eat the lower part of the stem and root and
make the root and stem hallow. With the
result rotting start in the epidemic form.
This caused falling of the plants.
Control:- To control this insect carbopuran
Anthracnose:- The black colour is
developed on the bunch of the fruits and
pedicle due to this disease and after start
rotting at later stage. To control 0.3%
copper-oxycloride should be used.
or phorate or timec 10 G granules should
be applied 5-10 gms. per plant.
KUFRI SUTLEJ: - This variety, noticed in 1996, has been recommended for cultivation in
the western and central Indo-Gangetic plaints. The variety gives high yields (30-35
tonnes/ha) in about 90-100 days and is moderately resistant to late blight. It produces very
attractive, large, white, oval and shallow-eyed tubers. The tubers are white fleshed and have good
keeping quality. Because of the oval tuber and a good dry-matter content of about 19%, it has
been found quite suitable for production of French fries. Its early tuberization and bulking
character makes it more popular than other varieties and helps in the production of good yield
in 60-70 days. In this regard, it is a stiff competitor for Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Bahar and
Kufri Ashoka, the 3 early-maturing/bulking varieties.
KUFRI PUKHRAJ: This early-bulking, medium-maturing variety was released in
1998, and has andigena blood in it. It is a very high yielder, producing 35-40 tones/ha in about
90-100 days. The variety is field resistant to late blight and produces attractive yellow, oval,
shallow-eyed tuber with light yellow flesh. The tubers have a good keeping quality, with a
dry-matter content of about 18%.
KUFRI ANAND: - This variety so far not recommended by the CCS, HAU, Hissar but
CPRI has recommended this variety for Haryana State too. It is a medium-maturing variety
and has higher degree of resistance against late blight and some frost hardiness. The variety
is a higher yielder (35-40 tones/ha) and produces very attractive, white, long oval, flattened
shallow-eyed tubers with white flesh. The tubers have about 19% dry matter and possess
good keeping quality. Like Kufri Sutlej, this variety too has been found very suitable for
French fries.
KUFRI ASHOKA: - This is an early maturity variety, which mature within 60-80 days of after
sowing. It gives good crop after 60 days so it is a very suitable variety to harvest early potato,
which fetch high income to the farmers with its early bulking habit. This is the early variety
which has canopy is medium and compact. The tuber colour is white cream, ovoid long tubers
shallow eyes, white flash, easy to cook, texture waxy, flavoured mild, free from after cooking
discoloration. It is suitable for a crop rotation of paddy-potato-wheat average yield is 250-300
qtl. per hectare.
It is an early variety and matures in about 25-90 days.
Its yield is higher than Kufri Chandramukhi. The plant of this variety produced more number of
tubers bit lower size than Kufri Chandramukhi. The tuber is round shining with white skin and flesh.
This is less acceptable to the late blight disease. It gives about 100 quintals per acre, if it is
harvested after 75 days of sowing.
KUFRI BADSHAH: - This is a high yielding variety but we can not use for early sowing
Its tuber is large, oval shape, white skin shiny surface, dusty colour flesh and fleet eyes. Its colour
become more faded after harvesting in comparison to the other varieties. It gives yield is about
120 qtl. per acre after 115 days of sowing. This is less acceptable to the late blight disease.
KUFRI PUSHKAR:-It is a medium maturity variety and yield 300-350 per ha. The tubers of the
varieties are white cream, ovoid with medium-deep eyes and yellow flesh. It is resistant to late
blight,Wart -Immune. It is easy to cook texture waxy, flavored medium free from after cooking
KUFRI BAHAR:-Though the farmers are growing this variety for the last so many years but
this variety is included in the package practices recently as discussed in the recent
horticultural workshop. Farmers are getting more yield even after 72-80 days of after sowing
for early crop. But it matures within 110-120 days. It is a resistant to the viral disease.
KUFRI SURYA:- Recently the CPRI has released early potato variety which has good
keeping variety, bright colour and even sowing can be done by 20 th Sept to harvest early
crop. The tuber of this varity is good for French fries and yield potential is about 250 qtl per
hectare. It is resistant to late blite disease.(from CPRI Jalandhar information recorded from
plant physoilogist)
1) PROCESSING VARIETIES: - CPRI, Shimla has released the following varieties, which are
used for processing purpose and recommended for Haryana for its cultivation.
i) Kufri Chip Sona-1
ii) Kufri Chip Sona-2-It is medium maturity and average yield is 300-350 per acre. This is a late
blight resistant, wart-immune, cyst-nematodes and charcoal rot susceptible.
iii) Kufri Chip Sona-3:- It is medium maturity variety and matured 100-110 days after
planting.. Its average yield 300-350 per hectare. It is a late blight resistant virus acceptable. Due
to high climatic, lower reducing sugars and low phenols the variety is highly suitable for making
chips and French fries.
Soil Solarization is the technique to treat the field soil by trapping solar heat during hot
summer months, by using transparent polyethylene sheets. It is an effective, simple, physical
and non hazardous method to control a variety of soil borne pathogens, pests and weeds, as
well as to increase tuber yield. Heated water vapors trapped below polyethylene sheet
increase thermal conductivity and the heat is retained in soil for much longer time causing an
effective control of the soil-borne pathogens. Hence, soil solarization is distinctly superior to
summer cultivations conventionally followed to control soil-borne pathogens.
Advantages of Soil Solarization: Solar solarization, in addition to disease control and weeds also results in increased
mineralization thereby enhancing growth and increasing yield of green manure crop
and potato tubers. Soil solarization is cost effective in seed plots infested with soil
borne diseases. It is the only means to rectify patches of pest-infested soil to be used
for seed production.
Method of soil solarization:o Carry out soil solarization during period of high temperature and intense solar
radiation. A period of four weeks from mid May to mid June is highly effective in
north-western plains.
o Provide a light irrigation (around 50mm ) to the field 48 hrs. before solarization.
Thereafter cultivate and level the field thoroughly before laying polyethylene sheet.
o Use clear, transparent linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) sheet 25 to 100mm
o Open about 20-25 deep furrows in field at 2.5 m apart for laying out sheet which is
3m width. The distance between the furrows can be changed according to the width
of the sheet available.
Figure 4 Correct method of placing polyethylene sheet in field for soil
o Insert two edges of the polyethyene sheets about 20-25cm deep in furrow, bury the
edges with soil and open the upper layer of sheet like page of a book. Align another
sheet with the free edge of the sheet now opened up and repeat the process of burying
the edges and opening the sheet till the required area is covered with the polyethylene
o After the solarization (4 to 6 weeks) remove the sheet carefully from one end to
another. If intact this shut may be used for another time, if torn dispose it off as scrap.
PRECAUTIONS: To prevent tearing of polyethylene sheet, level the field thoroughly so as to minimize
and protrusions due to clods, stubble and stones.
 Apply the sheet during less windy period of the day and keep it as close to ground as
 For easy application, roll the polyethylene sheet over a pipe and unfold the roll in the
 Compact all free edges of the sheet with the soil around them so as to prevent escape
of soil moisture and heated air from inside the area thus mulched.
 Avoid entry into plots covered with polyethylene to the extent possible.
appearing in the polyethylene sheet if any can be sealed with rubber solution adhesive
 To maintain disease free conditions in the solarized plot do not allow water to flow
from contaminated area to the solarized plots and also do not plant infected or
untreated seed in the solarized plots. This may increase the disease.
Cost benefit ratio in seed crop of solarization = 1:2.3
The total cost of the polyethylene per hectare is 400kg. polyethylene @ 50/ per kg. = 20,000/- (Source). (CPRI Extension Bulletin No.35).
Sow green manure crops like dhaincha or sunhemp during kharif by the end of June. Bury
full-grown crop after 7-8 weeks and allow for its proper decomposition before potato
planting. This will reduce N, P, K need by 20-30% and will improve the potato yield by
3tonnes per hectare.
The rate of seed depend the size of the tuber. 3070 gms. tubers if planted 55-60 cms. within line distance and plant distance within the row
20cms.and make the ridge 9-10‖ thick. It requires 12qt. seed per acre. If the size of the tuber more
than 100 gms. then plant spacing should be maintained from 35-40cm. But if the size is more than
100 gms. the cut tubers may be used but the cut tubers should not be planted not before 10th
October. The cut tuber should have 2-3 eyes and the cut piece should not be less 25 gms. The cut
tuber should be treated with 0.25% indophyl mm-45 solution for 5-10 minutes. After this
treatment this cut piece tuber should be dried under shade for 14-16 hours. and then these pieces
should be for sowing.
3) SEED PRE-SPROUTED:- Lift the seed from cold storage 8-10 days before the
sowing of the potato. After this the seed should be kept in basket or tray and keep the seed in
open in cool and aeration space under diffused light but it should not be exposed direct to the
sun light. If the trays and baskets are not available the potato seed spread on the floor but the
thickness of the seed should not be more than 4 inch. The seed tuber having week and hairy
sprout and blight tuber should not be used for planting.
4) SOWING TIME: - Sowing time depends upon the variety. The right time of sowing of
kufri bahar and ashoka is Ist week of October but the sowing of kufri badhshah and kufri
sutlej is 5- to 15th October. If the early variety kufri bahar is planted for the early crop then
the planting should be done by the end of September and the ridges are covered with merge
materials such rise husk or serkenda or maize and bajra and karvi of maize and bajra. It will
reduce the temperature and conserve moisture in the ridges for early cropping sowing should
be done after plava.
SEED SOURCE:- The seed should be procured from the reliable sources either from the
department of horticulture or NSC or HSDC & CCSHAU, Hissar or registered seed growers. The
seed should be healthy especially it should be free from the viral diseases and true to the type.
Good seed should be replaced after 3-4 years because due to viral diseases the yield of the potato
reduced considerably after that period.
5) FIELD PREPARATION:- Level the field and provide proper drainage which has
been found that the leveling of the fields contributes about 10% increase in the yield of the
potato and the quality of potato will also be increased. Plough the field with a mould-board
plough or disc-harrow followed by one or two tilling with tiller or desi plough to a depth of
30cm. Plank the field after each round of tillage to break the clods and conserve the
moisture. Remove the uprooted weeds after successive ploughing. At least 2-3 years crop
rotation should be maintained where potato is grown for seed purposes.
6) SEED SIZE AND SEED RATE :- Use the seed tubers each of 30-70 gms having
multiple seeds sprouts but the seed of the larger size may be used but spacing of the plant
should be adjusted accordingly. The distance between lines to line is kept 55 to 60 cm. and plant
to plant 20cm. to 40cm. depending upon the size of tubers from 30gm. to 100 gms. Before
planting seed should be graded in different grade and accordingly the spacing should be adjusted
from plant to plant. If proper seed size is used then the seed rate is recommended from 14-16
quintal per acre.
7) SEED PREPARATION :-Remove the seed potato from cold storage atleast 8-10 days
before planting. Keep the seed bags in pre cooling chamber of the cold store atleast for 24
Bringing tubers directly outside will result in condensation and promote rotting.
Spread the tuber under shade in diffused light for presprouting. Remove the unsprouted cuts,
rotten tubers from the lot. Carry the sprouted tubers to the fields in seed trays or baskets for
planting to avoid sprout damage. If the seed is not treated before storage of the potato then at
the time of sowing seed should be treated @ 3% Boric Acid either by spraying the tuber or by
dipping the tuber in the 3% boric acid solution or spray 3% boric acid on the tubers which are
placed single line on the floor or in the clean surface under shade and then spray to twice so
that the whole potato should be sprayed properly to increase the efficiency of the spray and
dipping of the potato in the solution. It is always better be first washed the potato and then
dried and then treated or dip it.
8) MANURING AND FERTILIZERS:- Add 20 tones per acre FYM should be mixed
in the soil before 2-3 weeks of sowing. If we apply 20 tones of FYM acre then we reduce the
dose of phosphorus and potash 50%. In fact fertilizer should be applied on the basis of soil
testing report but in general 50-60kg nitrogen( 50 Kg.) for early crop and 60 kg. for late
maturity varieties. 20 kg. phosphorus and 40 kg. potash per acre to be applied. If the P&K if
FYM applied in the field at this rate. In fact the fertilizers should be applied on the basis of
soil testing report but in general 50-60 kg. Nitrogen, 20 kg. Phosphorus and 40 kg. Pottasium
Sulphate per acre should be applied. All the Phosphorus and Potash and 3/4th of Nitrogen
should be applied at the time of planting and rest 1/4th Nitrogen should be applied 25-30 days
after planting.
9) EARTHING: - If the earthing done by the ridger then fertilizers drill should be used to put
the fertilizer on line below the depth of 5 Cm. If the drill is not available then the fertilizer should
be drilled by pora after fertilization due planking so that the fertilizer should not come in contact
with the seed. Cover seed by the ridger drawn by tractor or bullock. If the planting is done by
Spade then the fertilizer should be placed 4-5 cms. away from the line of the ridge and then place
the potato on the lines and cover the soil by spade.
9) INTERCULTURE -Weed the crop as soon as the weeds emerge but preferably when the
potato plants are about 8-10 cm tall if seed is covered partially then earthling should be done
after 25 to 30 days after sowing.
10) CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL:-It is found that if the earthing is done after
sowing then chemical weed control is used. If the light earthing is done after sowing then
earthing should be done 20-25 days after sowing. If the weeds are more in the field then first do
interculture then earthing should be done.
It is also recorded that by earthing the
percentage of green potato is reduced.
1) Pre-emergence herbicides: the pre-emegence weedicide may be used as the preemergence of weeds. a) Stomp(30%) at the rate of 1.6 litre to 2.0 litre per acre , b)
Matribuzine at the rate of 300 grams per acre or Oxyflourfen 60 gram per acre within 3-5
days of planting. c) if pre-emegence herbicides are not used then spray paraquat at the rate
of 1 - 1.25 litre as a gramoxone may be sprayed about 15 days after planting when the
germination reaches 5-10%. So far as water requirement is concerned it will depend on
type of spray pump used for foot sprayer 400 litre, knapsack sprayer 250 litre for power
sprayer 80-100 litre per acre. . The requirement of water also depends upon stand of crop.
If crop is sown after plava the field then irrigation should be given at 8-10 days after
planting. But if the soil is dry then half ridge irrigation should be given within 1 to 2 days
after sowing. Other irrigation should be given for October - November at 7 to 10 days
interval and for December - January at 10 to 15 days interval. Light and frequent irrigation is
required for good yield and good quality of seed. In each irrigation care should be taken that
the height of ridge should only submerge two third of ridge. In no case water should flow
over the ridge because it may make crust formation which will affect the growth and yield of
potato. But during 20-40 days after sowing it is necessary to maintain moisture conditions.
During crop season examine the seed plot thrice to remove off type and diseased plants
showing mottling, vinal necrosis, mosacs, carinkling, rolling of leaves , marginal
flavescence and purpoled top roll symptoms. Do first roguing at 20 to 30 days after
planting and immediately before earthing up, second roguing after 40 to 60 days planting.
Do the last roguing 3 to 4 days before haulms killing. The main criteria is to be taken that in
first roguing the leaf of the 2 plants should not touch each other and in second rouging the leaf
should not touch between the lines. After touching the diseased plant the hand shouldn‘t touch
healthy plants and one should wear gum boot to avoid the contamination and diseased plant
should be removed with the tuber.
Haulm should be cut by sickle to base of plant before aphids reach to the level of 20 per
100 compound leaves. Generally this number is reached in Haryana about 10th of January. After
haulm cutting there may be regrowth of new plant which may attract aphids and spread the disease.
This growth should be removed immediately to avoid contamination of viral diseases. The
haulms may be killed by used of gramaxone at the rate of 1 to 1.25 litre per acre on the foliage.
If we are taking early crop then crop is harvested when the haulms are still green
because this is the stage when tubers are not fully ripen therefore, care should be taken the
field should have proper moisture condition at the time of harvesting. There should be not
much moisture at the time of harvesting. We cannot store these potatoes for longer period
therefore, after harvesting sorted out the cut potato and sent to the market for sale. If the
harvesting should be done for the matured potato then the irrigation should be stopped before
20 days of harvesting. Harvesting may be done either by the tractor driven or bullock driven
or digging can be done by spade or Khurpa. But the digging by the digger is always cheaper
then other means there is less percentage of cut tuber and bruce tubers.
Stop last irrigation before 10 to 15 days of haulms killing. Keep the crop underground for 10 to 15
days till the skin of tuber becomes firm. Keep the freshly harvested tubers in heaps in a cool place
for about 10 to 15 days. The size of should be about 1.5 metre high and 3.5 metre broad. Cover the
seed with the paddy or wheat straw to protect them from direct sunlight. If there is rain cover the
heap with terpaline or polythene sheet and if rain is stopped these should be removed. Before
grading collect cracked and cut tubers and tuber should be graded either by hand or by potato grader
in different grades. Below seed size < 25 mm , seed size 25 mm to 65 mm and oversize more than 65
CURING:- To increase the shelf-life of the potato, it is necessary to keep the potato under
heap under shade or in a room where proper irrigation is provided the heap height should not
be more than 1.5 mtr. and the length of the heap should not be more than 4mtrs. If the
covered space is not available then potato can be heap in the field and in the day time potato
should be covered either by paddy straw or sugar cane leaves so that potato should not come
in contact with direct sun-light. Curing should be done for 8-10 days if there is rain then we
can cover the heap by taperulaine or polythene or should be removed after the rain is over.
To cover the potato by taperulaine for a longer period it gives bad effect on the tubers
therefore, it should be only use for the minimum period.
The optimum temperature is 20
degree centigrade. Beside this there should be high humidity in the heap for curing.
Spray 3% boric acid solution at the rate of 1.5% solution on the surface of seed before and after
cold storage. Best way of seed treatment is wash the tubers first in pure water and then dip the
tubers in 1% chlorine solution and then dip in 3% solution of boric acid for 30 minutes.
Ensure proper drying and pack in gunny bags.
For seed production reduction of Nitrogen about 20% improve the quality of seed.
Isolation Distance:- 20-30m away from other variety field to avoid mixture.
a) Apply granular systematic insecticides such as Phorate 10 G at rate of 4 kg per acre at
earthing up against aphids and leaf hoppers. 300 ml Rogor should be applied at least
twice in 250 litre of water at 10 to 15 days interval to control jasids , aphids and white
b) To control early blight dithane Z-78 at the rate of 800 gram per acre in 250 litres of
water should be applied when knapsack sprayer is used. This may be repeater after 10
- 15 days keeping in view the intensity of disease.
c) Late blight of potato - to control latebligt and other leaf spot diseases give periodical
spray of dithane M-45 at the rate of 800 gm per acre in 400 litre of water but water
requirement will depend upon growth and type of spray pump used. The spray should be
started from 3rd week of November at 10 days interval. If the late blight spread then a
spray of Ridomill at the rate of 800 gm per acre in 400 litre of water should be used. And
spray may be repeated after 15 days , if weather is cloudy.
GRADING OF THE POTATO:- Grading of the potato should be done as per the market
trained as per the area first all cut bruise rotten cut potato should be selected and potato
should be graded either by hands or by the mechanical graders generally 3 grades are made
large size tube, medium size tuber and small size tuber.
To facilitate the consumer to save
its time for selecting the tuber and farmers will get more income by selling the graded potato
in the market.
STORAGE OF POTATO:- Potato should be stored for table purpose for 3-4 months in the
houses in a cold or airy rooms. For longer storage the potato should be filled in the bags and to be
transferred in the cold storage as early as possible. Where the temperature is maintained
2-4 degree centigrade with relative humidity 75-80%.
But the traditional storage which are existing now are fit to store seed potato but for
table potato should be stored where the table and processing potato temperature is
maintained 8-12 degree centigrade and relative humidity 80-90%.
After storing potato
storage is fogged with 0.25 mg. CIP AG per turn and potato should be closed for 36 hours
and after 15 days potato may used for table and processing purpose. By this way there is
saving of 45% electricity and potato would be available for table and processing purpose
about 9 months in a very good quality means there will be not sweet like potato which
generally happen when potato are stored at 2-4 degree centigrade with traditional existing
SEED POTATO PRODUCTION:- By the use of seed plough technique farmers can
produce good quality seed in this technique seed potato is produced under low aphids
periods variety. The following points taken into consideration under seed Plot Technique
Variety as already explained.
Source of Seed:- A healthy seed especially viral free seed and true to the type
which should be procured from reliable sources as already mentioned in the
Preparation of Land: As explained in production of table potato
CROP ROTATION & ISOLATION DISTANCE:- atleast 2-3 years crops should be
maintained where potato seed production is taken into field by maintaining such crop rotation
many seed borne and soil borne diseases can be avoided the isolation between seed crop and other
crop should be maintained 20-30 metre. to avoid any mixture.
SEED RATE:- The seed rate depend upon the size of seed tuber about 14-16 qtls. per acre is
required per acre. If there are sprouted tubers are used than the number of tubers is increased.
SEED PRE-GERMINATION: As explained above.
MANURE & FERTILIZER:- Reduce 20% nitrogen in case of seed production.
SOWING METHOD: - In Seed Production spacing between plant-to-plant may be reduced rest
is followed as per the table production.
SOWING TIME: - The HAU has recommended the date of sowing for seed production is
20th October to 30th October but department of horticulture is recommending sowing of the
seed from 15th October to 30th October.
Only Kufri Bahar which is resistant to potato tip
viral disease which vector is white fly is resistant and may be sown bit early from 15 th
October, onwards. Haulm cutting, curing, harvesting is a same given in the potato production
grades but the seeds are graded in different size as per the Seed Certification Norms.
Generally large size potato in A grades which carries more than 100 gms. and the seed size
potato are put in the D grades which are generally put those potatoes which having tuber
weight 25 gms. Third category is made potatoes carries less than 25gms.
Pest & Symptoms of attach
Potato (Spring Crop)
The cutworms (Agrotis
spp.) cause considerable
damage from February to
March by cutting the young
plants at the ground level
and in later stages feed on
potato tubers by making
Aphid: These greenish
inspects cause considerable
damage to the spring crop
by sucking sap and
Besides these,
some times hadda beetle
and its grubs scrap leaves
and skelton them.
Before sowing the crop,
apply 6.25 l aldrin 30EC or
10 1 heptachlor 20 EC per
hectare to upper 10 to 15
cm soil to protect the crop
from cutworms or apply the
same quantities of aldrin or
heptachlor with watering
can in about 2500-3500 l
water per hectare over the
ridges just before earthing
Spray 750 ml of Metasystox
25 EC (methyl demeton) or
ml Dimecron-100
(Phosphamidon) or 750 ml
Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate)
in 750 l water per hectare at
Never apply BHC on Potato
as it will impart off flavour
to tubers.
Do not mix Bordeau
but copper
oxycholoride can be mixed
Diseases, causal agent and symptoms
Diseases, causal agent and symptoms
Early blight (Alternaria solani):
Brown spots are scattered over the leaf.
These spots later show concentric narrow
dark lines which given them a target broad
appearance. Older spots become darkbrown.
Control measures
Spray the crop with Blitox 50 or Zineb or
Difolatan or Dithane M-45 @ 2 kg. per ha.
Repeat sprays at fortnightly intervals to
cover new growth.
Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans): The
first symptoms of the disease appear on the
leaves as small black areas which may
extend and kill the foliage in a few days, if
moist weather prevails. Decaying leaves
often emit an offensive odour.
underground tubers are also affected and
may decay before harvesting.
(i) Use selected healthy certified
tubers for sowing.
(ii) Spray 4-5 times the crop with 2Kg.
Dithane M-45 or Zineb or
Difolatan at 15-days intervals.
The interval may be reduced to
even 7 days, especially when
weather remains cool and humid
from 2nd fortnight of December.
Black Scurf (Rhizoctonia solani):
Diseased tubers have on their surface black
rough incrustations which are the resting
bodies (Sclerotia) of the causal fungus.
Such tubers when sown not only give rise
in turn to scurfed tubers but also induce
heavy wilting of the plants arising from
Carry out selection of seed potato to
eliminate those showing the sclerotia of
disease before putting them into cold
stores for preservation.
Tubers should be disinfected with 0.5%
Agallol or 0.25% Aretan for 3-5
Charcoal rot (Rhizoctonia bataticola):
Black spots appear around lenticells and
eyes, later tubers become uniformly blak;
above ground symptoms are produced on
the plant and the disease mostly develops
in storage. If the potatoes are left in the
field and harvested later in the season, there
is severe incidence of disease on potato
tubers in the soil.
The potato tubers are
converted into black charcoal like mass.
The tubers obtained from such crop are not
fit for sowing.
(1) Grow early maturing varieties.
Harvest the crop early before it
gets too warm, i.e by the middle of
March. Store in cold store or
underground stores.
(2) Do not store large sized tubers.
(3) If the harvesting is delayed deep
soil cool by frequent irrigations.
Treat the seed tubers with 0.5%
Agallol before storage and treat
with brassicol (0.25%) before
Black leg and soft rot (Erwinia
carotovora & E.aroideases): Affected
plants turn pale green or yellow, wilt and
die, affected haulms diseased tubers rot in
Keep disease-free certified seed. Dig
out plants with tuber showing
symptoms of disease. Avoid moving
frequently in the field.
Virus diseases of potato:
Potato Virus X and S or Latent Mosaic:
Infected plants show mild notting of leaves
or light green patches on green leaf.
Severe infection leads to stunting of plants.
Sometimes infection symptoms may not be
visible, infection causes degeneration of
Use disease-free certified seed. Dig out
plants with tubers showing symptoms
of disease. Avoid moving frequently in
the field.
Potato Virus Y or Vein banding Mosaic
and Potato Virus or Mild Mosaic:
Symptoms consist of vein banding and
veinal necrosis with severe mosaic showing
yellow or greenish yellow patches on the
leaves. Number and size of tubers is
reduced. Sometimes the yield is reduced to
Rogose Mosaic: This disease is due to
mixed infection of PVX and PVY showing
rough and crumpled leaves and stunting of
Use disease free certified seed. Spray
750 ml. of Rogor or 200 ml Dimercron
per hectare at 10 day intervals 304
times to reduce aphid population.
As for PVX and PVY.
Leaf roll and Phloem necrosis: Infected
plants show upward and inward rolling of
Leaves become leathery and
brittle. Stem and tuber show phloem
Control measures will be tghe same as
for PVY.
Note: Do not spray these chemicals
three weeks before harvest.
Potato Tip Viral Disease (Beegoana)
Stunted growth with mosaic leaf structures no
tuberisation take place. It is spread with the
white fly
Late sowing should be done. HAU
recommendation for Seed Potato
Production is sowing should be done
from 20th October to 30th October but
department recommendation is 15th
October onwards. The only resistant is
Kufri Bahar.
Pest & Symptoms of attach
Potato (Autum Crop):
Jassid (Amrasca devastans):
Leaves crul, turn pale
bronze and dry from
margins and as a result of
attack. The crop is stunted
A schedule of 4 sprays at 10
days intervals (Mid-Oct. to
end- Novembers) with any
of the following insecticides
will control this pest. (2.25
Kg. of DDT 5- WP) or 750
ml. of
Rogor 30 EC
(dimethoate) or 750 ml. of
Metasystox 25 EC (methyl
demton) or 190 Dimercron
100 phosphamidon in 750 l
water per hectare.
Do not spray dimethoate,
methyl demeton or phosphamidon within 3 wekks
of harvest.
Potato (Spring Crop)
The cutworms (Agrotis
spp.) cause considerable
damage from February to
March by cutting the young
plants at the ground level
and in later stages feed on
potato tubers by making
Before sowing the crop, Never apply BHC on Potato
apply 6.25 l aldrin 30EC or as it will impart off flavor to
10 1 heptachlor 20 EC per tubers.
hectare to upper 10 to 15
cm soil to protect the crop
from cutworms or apply the
same quantities of aldrin or
heptachlor with watering
can in about 2500-3500 l
water per hectare over the
ridges just before earthing
Diseases, causal agent and symptoms
Diseases, casual agent and
Physiological disease of potato :-
Hollow Heart: - External tuber surface splitting.
Control : To avoid this problem balance dose of
fertilizer should be used.And proper care should be
taken for irrigation manner.
Growth Cracks: - Rots seldom follow although
market quality is reduced.
Control : To avoid this problem balance dose of
fertilizer should be used.And proper care should be
taken for irrigation manner
Black heart: - blackening of the tuber centre
follows acute oxygen deficiency associated with
either low temperature in confined storage or high
field soil temperatures. Affected tubers rot later.
Control Proper cold storage temperature should be
maintained and harvesting should be completed
before rising of the temperature
Knobbiness and irregular shape:- results when
tubers resume growth due to improved
environmental conditions after the tuber‖s initial
Control : After harm cutting or when the potato is
mature irrigation should be stopped 10 days advance
before harvesting. Manage proper irrigation.
Jelly end rot (bottom) Also carbohydrates may
move from one tubero a different tuber more
terminally situated on the same stolon. When this
or jelly end root occurs, market quality is greatly
Control: Proper spacing should be maintained,
Leaf roll and Phloem necrosis:
Infected plants show upward and
inward rolling of leaflets.
become leathery and brittle. Stem and
tuber show phloem necrosis.
Potato Tip Roll Viral Disease
Stunted growth with mosaic leaf
structures no tuberisation take place. It
is spread with the white fly
Variety:G-1:- This variety has been released by the National Horticulture Research & Development
Its bulb are white, compact and medium size and having cloves 15-20 per bulb.
The maturity period of this variety is 60-80 days and average yield is 40-45 qtl. per acre.
G-40:- This is a very promosing variety of garlic having white compact big size clove and
containing - cloves per bulb and yield potential is about 50-60qtl. per acre.
Land Preparation:- Prepared the soil by 2-3 time ploughing and leveled by planking and
prepare the water channels and the beds.
Sowing Time:- End of September to October.
Seed rate:- 1.5 to 2 qtl. per acre healthy clove.
Manuring:- 20 tons well rotten FYM per acre to be applied in the soil at the time of field
preparation. This should be mixed in the soil properly. 60Kg. Nitrogen 20 kg. phosphorus
10kg. potash to be applied at the time of sowing to be mixed in the soil properly. Apply
balance dose of Nitrogen 16kg. Per acre to be applied after 30-45 days of sowing. Nitrogen
should be applied within 60 days after sowing otherwise there will be more foliage growth and
which will reduce the size of the bulb and thickness of the cloves.
Method of sowing:- For sowing the distance between line to line is kept 15 cm. and between
cloves 8-10cms. The sowing depth should be maintained about 5-6 cms. deep and keep the
pointed clove side upward . After sowing the cloves should be covered with the soil of 2 cm.
Irrigation: - In winter irrigation should be done 10-15 days interval but in summer after
March weekly irrigation should be applied. At the time of maturity the soil should not
contain more moisture content otherwise there will be re-growth of the leaves and the cloves
started germinating which will affect badly on the storage capacity.
Intercultural & Weed Control:- The root of the garlic pan iterate to the shallow depth
therefore 2-3 times shallow intercultural should be applied for removing the weeds.
Chemical Weed Control: - Baseoline 45% @ 900 mltr. per acre should be applied after
making the solution of 250 liters of water before the sowing. Water should be sprayed before
sowing and thoroughly mixed into the soil or stomp 30% @ 1.3 to 1.7 ltr. per acre should be
diluted 250 ltr. of water should be applied after 8-10 days of sowing when the weeds starts
germinating and cloves starts sprouting.
Harvesting: - After developing the full development of the bulbs the leaves of the plant
turning into yellow colour and when the leave start drying the irrigation should be withheld. After
few days the harvesting should be started and dry the bulb in shade for 3-4 days cut the leaves after
leaving 2-3cms. from neck or 25-50 bulbs should be tied it bunches and keep for the storage or
bulb should be storage in gunny bags or in wooden box. The storage should be dried well
ventilated and keep in the dark room which improve the storage like garlic. In cold storage the
garlic can be stored and temperature of 0-2celcium with the relative humidity of 65-70% and we
can keep the storage of 3-4 months only.
Insect Pest of Onion & Garlic: Thrips tobac): Minute pale insects feed on
foliage during February-May and produce
whitish spots, followed by curling, a
condition known, as ‗Silver top‘. At the
time of flowering, they are very injurious
and impair seed production.
Control Measures:- The following
chemicals should be sprayed at the interval
of 10-15 days as per the intensity of the
insects:-(a) i) 1.75 mltr. phanvelret 20 EC in
one litre of water.
ii) 2.175 mltr. deltamethaine 28 EC in one
litre of water.
iii) 3.60 mltr. cyper methin 25 EC
(b) i) 1.300 ltr. melatyon in one litre of
ii) 2.375 mltr. indosulphan 35 EC in one
litre of water.
Note:- Don‘t repeat insecticide one and
again as per requirement from a and b
Insecticide should be sprayed
alternatively. The onion should be used
after 15 days of spray. Stickerlike solvet99 10 gram or triton 50 mltr. per 100 liter of
water should be added in the spraying
solution it will affect the affectivity of the
spray and control of the insect.
Disease Control:Purple blotch(Alternaria porri): Small,
white sunken lesions with purple centre on
flower, stem which fall over.
Control measures: - Spray the crop with
copper oxichloride 500 gms.. Per acre with
some sticker or indophyl diathene or 400
gms. per acre in 200 liter of water and add
adhesive like salvate 99 10 gm. or ti tran 50
ml. per 100 liter of solution at 10 to 15 day
Variety:- Hisar-2 is the recommended variety. Its bulbs are reddish brown, globular in
shape. It has a good keeping quality provided having less pungency. Onion contained TSS
11.5 to39 % and there are few %age of bolting. Its mature within 130 -140days after sowing and
gives about 120 quintal per acre.
Pusa Red: - Its bulb is medium, globular shape coppery red. It‘s mature within 125-140 days
and yield about 100-120 quintal per acre. It has also having good keeping quality and having TSS
from 13 to 14%.
Land Preparation:- 2-3 ploughing should be done to prepare the soil and make the beds
leveled by planking and make irrigation ridges.
Seed Rate:- 4-5 per kg. Per acre.
Sowing time: - October to mid November.
Time of transplanting: - Mid December to Mid January
Nursery raising:- Consideration of plant protection and other agricultural intercultural seeds
are sown in lines at the distance of 4-5 cms. The breadth of the bed should be kept 60 cms. to
100 cms. but the length should be kept as per the need. Size of beds from 50 to 60 beds are
required per acre transplanting of the size of 1x3 metre. To prevent the seedling from
damping of disease seed should be treated before sowing with thiaram (2-3 gms. per kg.
seed.) Likewise nursery bed should be treated with thiaram @ 4-5 gms. per square meter.
After sowing, the seed should be covered with well rotten sieve FYM or compost. After this
the irrigate the nursery beds with puwara daily till the start of germination. After growing the
seedlings the irrigation should be given by the channels as and when required. After
germination for the prevention of the denting of seedlings a spray of thyrom @ 2 gm. per litre
should be applied with puwara at the interval of 15 days. Seedling are ready for transplanting after
6-8 weeks of sowing. Old age seedlings may developed more bolting and took more time to
establish of the seedlings.
Manure & Fertilizers:- About 20 ton FYM or compost is applied in per acre at the time of
preparation of the field. Half of the nitrogen (25 Kg.) & Phosphorus 20 Kg., & Potash 10kg.
full doze per acre should be applied at the time of transplanting and mixed well in the soil.
Balanced dose of the nitrogen should be applied 2 times at the interval of 30 days by
broadcasting method.
Method of transplanting:- Transplanting should be done in lines and distance between line to
line 15 cm and within line plants to plants at 10 cm.
Irrigate the yield after transplanting
Irrigation: - During the plant grow period (up to 1st two months) interval of irrigation should
be given at big interval. At development phase of the bulb frequent irrigations are required.
Intercultural & Weed Control:- Intercultural and weed control by chemicals is both used for
control of weeds in onion cultivation. Both are more beneficial to control weeds in onion
Chemical Weed Control:- Basaline 45% fluchlorine 400-500 gms. per acre (basaline 45%
0.9 to 1.1 litre) should be sprayed at the time of transplanting and mix in the soil.
Pendimethalyon 400 - 500 gms. per acre (stomp 30% 1.3 to 1.7 ltr.) should be sprayed 8-10
days after transplanting. When the plants are well established and weeds start emerging.
The chemical should be used into 150 liters of water. If the weeds starts emerging after 5060 days of transplanting when weed should be removed by doing one intercultural operation.
Harvesting: - For green onion crops should be harvested after 60-90 days after transplanting. For
mature onion harvesting should be done after 125-150 days. The neck become soft and leaf
changed its colour to yellow and the leaves become dry and dry curl and drooped and fad in colour.
When 50% crop shows such type of symptoms then the left plant leaves should be put down so
that the full crop may be harvested at one time.
Care after harvesting:- After harvesting the crop onion should be kept for dying under
shade for 4-6 days. After that the stem should be cut 2-2.5 cm. above the neck of the onion bulb.
To increase the storage self life of the onion it is necessary that bolting plant should be removed
when ever they are noticed in the field.
Kharif Onion:Variety:- N-53 Its bulb is in dark colour and in round shape less and less pungency. The
maturity period for this crop is 100-140 days or an average yield is about 90-100 qtl. per acre. Its
storage capacity is low.
Agrifound dark red (adr): - Its bulb are dark red in colour and round in shape having more
N-53: Its mature within 40-150 days and ready for harvest and average yield is 11—120 qtl. per
Land Preparation:- 2-3 ploughing should be done ploughed by planking and leveled the field
and make beds and irrigation channels.
Sowing time and Seed Rate: - This crop can be grown either by raising of the seedlings or by
use of the sets (small bulbs).
Raising of the Seedlings:- The right time of the seed sowing is from mid June and about 5-6 kg.
seed is required per acre. For raising the seedling of the kharif onion the following point should
be taken into consideration:i)
The nursery should be situated near the water source.
The nursery should be under shade condition and bit upper side of the plot where
the plants can be saved from scotch heat for hot wind and excess rainwater.
Raised nursery bed should be used.
To avoid hot wind and scorching sun thatching should protect light the nursery or
nursery should be created artificial shade by the polythene shedding net.
To control the damping of the disease the seeds and seeling should be treated with
cap tan or thyram @ 2 gram per kg. seed.
Preparation of Sets:-
Sowing time:-Last week of January to Ist week of February.
Seed Rate: - 3-4 Kg. per acre.80-100 beds (3x1 mtr.) are sufficient to raise sets (small bulb
for one acre area). Lifting of sets from the nursery and storage. Sets are harvested by digging
the field from end of April to Ist week of May. The leaves are cut or removed after keeping
2-3 cms. height of the neck of the sets. Sets are selected and store in the baskets or into 3
gunny bags and put in a well ventilated room for storage.
Selection of Sets:- 1.5-2 cm. shape ( about 10 to 15 gms.) sets which are found disease
free are selected. Very small sets if transplanted resulted in poor production of yield. 5-6
qtl. sets are required for one acre area.
Transplanting Method:- For transplanting line to line distance is kept 15 cm. and plant
to plant distance is kept 10 cm. Sets are also planted on the ridges which are made at the
distance of 30-45 cm. apart and sets are transplanted on the both sides of the ridges and
distance between plant to plant 10 cm. After transplanting the sets irrigation is
immediately required.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 10-15 ton well rotten FYM is applied in one acre at the time of
field preparation. 15kg. nitrogen 15 kg. phosphorus and 10 kg. potash per acre is
required. Half of the Nitrogen full doze of phosphorus and potash should be applied at the
time of planting seedling and for sets transplanting. This doze is applied before making
the ridges. Balanced doze of Nitrogen should be given twice at the distance of 30-30
Irrigation:- 8-10 irrigations are given from August to Oct. if there is no range.
development of phase of the bulb the interval of irrigation should reduce.
Intercultural operations and Weed Control: - 2-3 intercultural or hoeing are required
for good growth. Chemical control should be done as in case of Rabi Onion Cultivation.
Harvesting (Digging):- The crops are ready for harvest by the end of November to the
mid of December when the bulbs are become matured and developed full size. Maturity
is judged keeping in view of colour and shape of the bulb. 80-100 qtls. of yield per acre
is recorded.
Irrigation should be stopped before 15 days of harvesting or digging and fall the leaves by
the foot. After harvesting keep the bulb in line for drying for about one week in the field.
After drying the leaves are cut 3-5 cm. above the bulb and dry the bulb another 3-5 days.
Three varieties are recommended, viz, Arkel, Bonneville and Multifreezer, important
characteristics of these varieties are given below:(i)
Arkel: Early variety with dwarf plant, wrinkled seed pods long, dark green &
filled, yield 35-40 q/hectare.
Bonneville: It is a mid late variety. Pods are good sized with sweet grains. It
yields about 80 quintals per hectare.
Multi Freezer:- Multi podded, late variety and tolerant to frost. Long podes in
clusters 2 to 3 per peduncle. Very sweet and tender peas. It yields about 65
quintals per hectare.
Azad P-I (Released from Kanpur University) This variety is first week of October
and having short plant growth with a wrinkle grain and average
yield is green pod is 40 qtl. per acre.
Early E-6 (Panjab Agricultural University) This variety is sown after 15th
October and plant is having tall than Azad variety and wrinkle grain and average
yield is 100 qtl. per acre.
Sowing time
Mid-September to mid-November is the optimum size depending upon the
nature of a variety. Second half of September for early variety, October for main season and
end of October to mid of November for late season variety.
Seed Rate:
50-60 kg. seed per hectare.
60-70 kg./ha for early crop.
Seed Treatment
If the pea is being sown in new field, treat the seeds before sowing with bacterial
30-40 cm between rows( for early crop only 20-25 cms.) and 3-5 cm. between plants.
Manuring: Apply 20 tons of FYM, 30 kg. of N and 50 kg of P2O5 per hectare. The half of
nitrogen and all P2 O5 before sowing is to be applied before sowing as top dressing after
about four seeding rest of nitrogen is to be applied.
Insects and symptoms of attack &
Control measures
1.Pea Thrip (Thrips indicus): Nymphs
and adults causes severe damage to the
young crop by sucking cell sap from leaves
Control:-Spray 1250 g DDT 50WP in 625
1 water per hectare 15 days after
germination. Repeat after two weeks, if
2. Pea leaf-miner (Phytomyza atricornis):
Larvae feed by making tunnels in the
leaves. They cause serious damage during
December-March. Pea aphid suck cell sap
due to which the leaves turn pale and dry.
(i) Spray 1000 ml. Rogor 30 EC or 1250
ml. Metasystox 25 EC (Methyl demeton or
Anthio hectare, when the attack begins
repeat at 15 day invervals.
(ii) Stop spraying the crop with insecticides
atleast 20 days before picking of pods.
Disease Control
Disease, causal orgnism symptoms &
Control measures
1)Powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni):
White floury patches on both sides of the
leaf as well as on the tendrils, pods, stems,
Spray 2.5 kg. wet table sulfur per hectare as
soon as disease appears.
Benlate or
Bavistin 0.15% is also effective to control
this disease. By this way 500 gm sulphur
and 200 gm. bavistin is required for 1 acre.
or carathene 40 EC 80ml. per acre should
be sprayed into 200 liter of water. The late
maturity variety crop should be sprayed
with 0.1calexine.
Rust Disease:- On the lower leaves surface
yellow or orange colour
superfluous spot are observed. This cause
great loss in case of late sowing variety.
Treatment:- The crop should be sprayed
with indo filled M-45 for 100 gms. per acre or
calaxine to 100 mlt. per acre in 200 litre of
water should be sprayed after 10 days
interval for 2-3 times.
Insects and symptoms of attack &
Control measures
3. Pea Pod Borer:- The pest is particularly
serious after pod formatin when the larvi
bore into the pods and eat developing
Dust 25 kg. BHC 10% dust per hectare.
Disease, causal orgnism symptoms &
Control measures
2)Root rot and Wilt (Rhizoctonia)
Solani/Fusarium spp.) Root rot and plant
Control:-Treat seed with Bavistin or
capaton 2 gm per kg. of seed. The crop
rotation should be maintained for three
years and where the disease is spread in
that field early sowing of pea should be
Pusa Kesar : It is also a quick growing and deals early variety. Long deep orange coloured
roots. Short leaf, top core thin. It yields about 250 quintals per hectare.
Hisar Garic (SC-I): This is a desi variety and having long root and orange colour. Average yield
is 110 quintals per acre.
per hectare.
It is a termperate type, suitable for late sowing in plains. It yields 200 quintals
Pusa Chetaki: It is an early variety, while roots, medium length and cylindrical, suitable for
summer and rainy season crop, yields about 150 quintals/hectare.
Punjab Safed: It is a desi type variety. Its root are 30-40 cm. long and 3-5 cm. thick. It is very
soft but having medium pungency and it is white like eyes in colour and mature within 45 days
after sowing. Average yield is 80 quintal per acre.
Japenese White:
It is a temperature type suitable for late sowing in plains. It yields
about 200 quintals per hectare.
White Icicle: It is a medium short European type variety which matures in 35-45 days. It is icy
white, skin is pure white, thin and tender while the flesh is icy white, crisp, juicy, and mild
flavoured roots.
White 4:
It is a desi, and early maturing type. Roots are white and round, medium size.
Roots develop in about 60 days. Average yield is about 200 quintals per hectare.
Purple Top While Globe:
200 qtl./hect.
It is a temperate type suitable for sowing in plains. It yields
Cultivation Practices:
Preparation of land: Level the field before sowing 2-3 deep ploughing should be done and
every ploughing should be followed by the planking so that optimum moisture can be
maintained and the clod should be broken. Apply FYM and mix in a soil at the time of field
Time of Sowing:
For desi types of carrot, radish and turnip, August-September is the
best time for sowing. Temperate types should be sown in October to November.
Seed Rate:
for turnip.
4-5 kg per acre seed for carrot and 3 kg per acre for radish and 2 kg per acre
Method of sowing: To have better yield and good quality of root carrot, radish and turnip
are sown on the light ridges. The ridges should be straight and having equal height and it
should be pressed from both the sides. The distance between two rides 30-40 cm. and plant
to plant about 6-8 cm. On the top of the ridges 2-3 inch deep fro should be made and sow the
Manure and Fertilizer:
In the average soil for all these three crops required 30 tons
FYM per acre apply at the time of sowing. 24 kg. Nitrogen and 12 Kg. Phosphorous
(Chemically) per acre apply in three crops. But in case of carrot apply 12 kg. Potash
(Chemically) per acre. Other soils which are having sufficient potash should also be added in case
of carrot. Fertilizer should be applied at the time of sowing in case of Radish and Turnip but in
case of Carrot half doze of Nitrogen and full doze of Phasphours and potash should be applied at
the time of sowing. Balance doze of Nitrogen should be applied after 3-4 week as a top dressing
and earthing should be done.
Irrigation : 3-4 irrigation for radish and turnip and 5-6 irrigation for carrot is required. It
the moisture is loss at the time of sowing then first irrigation should be done immediately
after sowing. Precaution should be taken that water should not raise beyond 3/4th part height of the
ridge. The irrigation depend upon the climate condition and moisture available in the soil for
radish and turnip the irrigation should be done after 12-15 days of interval but in case of carrot
15-20 days of interval.
Interculture and wheat control: To review the weeds sowing should be done 2-3 times. In case
of radish and turnip first hoeing should be done after 2 or 3 weeks of sowing and do the earthing.
Do the second and third hoeing as per the need.
Harvesting : The harvesting of the roots depend upon the kind and variety of the crop.
Normally the desi varieties are late in ripening and the European varieties are ripening earlier.
The harvesting should be done when the roots are very soft, the desi variety of the carrot
should be harvested after 100-30 days of sowing and the European variety should be
harvested after 60-70 days of sowing. In case of radish desi variety should be harvested
within 40-55 days and European variety should be 35-40 days. The harvesting of turnip
should be done on the basis of variety and it should be done from 45-60 days after sowing.
Insect Pests Control:Insects and symptoms of attack & Control
Insects and symptoms of attack & Control
Mustard aphid (Lipahiserysimi): During
December-March, the lower sides of the
leaves are covered within-numerable
greenish plant lice. The attacked leaves
become curled.
At the early stage effected branches from
the insect should be removed or destroyed.
ii) 252 to 400 ml. methayl demotan 25 EC
or dimothiate 30 EC to be added in 250400 litre of water and spray in one acre.
Note: - For the crop raised for pod to be
sprayed 250-400 ml melathyene 50 EC in
250 -400 litre of water per acre. If the
intensity is more the spray may be repeated
after 10 days.
Alterian blight developed yellow brown
spots on the pods and leaves. On these
parts some times the strips are clearly
visible. Try to keep clean cultivation and
remove the weeds like Convulance
Arvences (hirankhuri) and Saathi should
not be retained the field.
Spray indophyl diathene M-45 or copper
oxycholoride 50 @ 400 gms. in 200 litre of
water per acre should be sprayed after 115
days of interval to control the disease.
Leafy Vegetables
Spinach (Palak)
Varieties 1. Jobner Green:- It is a high yielding variety. These leaves uniform green thick and
juicy and the leaves of this variety is bigger than all green.
2. All green: - This variety contains green leaves of uniform colour and delicate. In this
variety 5-6 cutting can be taken.
3. S-23: - Its leaves are dark green, thick and broad and delicates. It is an early variety and the
variety is ready for first cutting after sowing of 30 days and suitable for 6-8 cuttings.
Preparation of Land:- The spinach can be sown in almost all type of a soil. But the sandy loam
soil is very suitable for its cultivation. Plough the fields 3-5 times and do the planking after each
ploughing so that soil becomes leveled and soft.
Sowing Time:- The optimum time of sowing is from August to December but the sowing can be
done round the year at any time.
Seed Rate:- About 8-10 Kg. of seed required for one acre
Method of Sowing: - Sowing of spinach should be done in line and distance between rows
20cm and 5 cm. between plants.
Manuring: - About 20 ton FYM, 32 kg. N, and 16 kg. phasphorus per acre is required.
Irrigation: - If the moisture is low at the time of sowing a light irrigation should be done after
sowing. Rest irrigation should be given 8-10 days of interval.
Harvesting: - First cutting should be done after 30-35 days after sowing subsequently cutting. The
number of cuttings depends on the variety, season and fertility level of the soil. The average
yield of the spinach is 30-45.
Fenugreek (Methi)
Varieties:1. Kasuri :- This is a very good variety of the methi which is having very good flavour
and with a small leaves having very thin and delicate leaves and very much liked by
the consumer.
2. Pusa Early Bunching:- This variety is having bigger leaves than kasuri and dark green
and larger leaves than Kasuri and having less flavour.
Seed Rate:- About 8-10 Kg. of seed required for one acre.
Method of Sowing: - Sowing of Methi should be done in line and distance between rows
Manuring:- About 20 tons FYM, 32 kg. N, and 16 kg. phasphorus per acre is required.
Pusa Katki:- It is an early variety and having plant of medium size and leave blue and green
colour. The curd is small and medium in size. Cauli flower is ready within 60 days after
transplanting. The yield is about 50-60 qtl. per acre.
Hissar-1:- It is a medium yield variety. Heads is of medium 2 large size, stout and very white in
colour. The crop is ready for harvesting after 90 days of transplanting. The yield is about 90qtl. per
Snow Ball-16:- It is a late variety. Heads are snow white, compact and good sized. The head of
this variety is white compact and medium size. The head are ready for harvest after 100 or 210
days after transplanting and yield is about 60 qtls. per acre.
Cultivation Practices:Preparation of land:Cauli Flower can be grown in different type of the soil. The field should be ploughed
properly and make the soil soft and friable. It can be grown in different type of a soil. Land
should be well prepared by ploughing so that the soil become friable and light.
Sowing of time:Early cauli flower the sowing time of seed is May- June and the transplanting should be done in
June-July. Seed of medium variety should be sown in the bed from mid July- Ist week of August
is suitable for raising the seedlings.
Transplanting should be done from August to
mid-September. For late sowing variety the sowing of the seed in the beds should be done in the
month of October to Ist week of November and transplanting should be done in the month of
November and December. To avoid the buttoning (small heads) the sowing of the seed of
particular variety should be done at right time.
Seed Rate:300-500 gm. per acre for early variety and 250 to 300 gm mid and late variety.
Raising of Nursery-For early variety the bed should be prepared 15 cm. sunken and the size of the
bed should be 3x1 mtr. For raising of the nurseries per acre about 15-20 beds of this size is
required. For mid and late varieties 15 cm. raised beds are prepared. Plough the nursery beds
and prepared the soil structure friable and 2cm. thick FYM and mix in the soil properly. Seed is
sown by broad-casting or in line. After the sowing the seed should be covered with the thin
layer of FYM. For early varieties the seed bed should be covered with the thatching made by the
Sarkanda till to reduce the mortality of the seed rates due to high temperature. The nursery
should maintain proper moisture condition and the irrigation should be done by the fuwara.
Transplanting Method:- For early cauliflowers small ridge should be made at desired
distance and healthy seedling should be transplanted on these ridges. For medium and late
varieties should be transplanted in the desired dimension leveled belts done on leveled beds.
The seedlings which are not having copal leaves. The blind plants without leaves should not
be transplanted. Light irrigation should be done within the ridges for early transplanting
variety so that more survival rate can be maintained. Due to the early range and to conserve
soil erosion earthing should do. The distance for the transplanting is given as under:i)
Early - 45x30cm.
Medium-60x60 cm.
Late- 45x45cm.
Manure & Fertilizers: - About 20 Ton of FYM, 50 kg. N, (200 Kg. of Calcium Ammonium
Nitrate) 20 kg.P2 125 kg.Single Super phosphate) and (32 kg.of mort ate of Potash per acre
should applied per acre. Full dose of FYM (Phosphorus and Potash and 1/3 rd of dose of
Nitrogen should be applied before transplanting. Balance dose of Nitrogen should be applied as a
broadcasting two times. 8-10 Kg. Zinc Surphate per acre
should be applied at the time of preparation of beds.
Irrigation:- At 5-6 days intervals, irrigate to early variety and from 10-15 days intervals for mid
and late variety. Proper moisture should be maintained at curd form because this is the stage
which requires more irrigation. If the cauliflower is transplanting late then the interval of the
irrigation should be reduced.
Intercultural and weed control:- To control the weeds in early planted cauliflowers, a spray of
basaline 40% @ 1-1.3 ltr. Or 125 kg. Of lasso 2.5 liters or 1.3 liters of stomp 30% per acre should
be sprayed. If the weeds are still germinate after spray then the weed should be removed by
intercultural by khurpi or how.
Blanching:- This is a very important activities which is done to save the curd from burning of
sun-light and avoid yellow colour. In these activities the leaves of the cauliflower keep
upwards and tied so it should cover the curd or if possible to remove the one or two leaf and
covered the curd with leaf. Blanching should be done when the head of the cauliflower
become matures. Normally the leaves should be tied not more than 4-5 days but in the cold
conditions the duration can be increased upto one week and in hot summer 2-3 days. In
certain variety these activities automatically took place and there is no need of blanching.
Harvesting:- When the curd attained proper size and attain full maturity the crop should be
harvested the head should be tight and not be spread in segment. In early variety the
harvesting should be done after 60-80 days after transplanting, medium variety 90-100 days after
transplanting and for late varieties 100-120 after transplanting crop attained the full maturity.
The plant of the cauliflower should be kept below the curd so that peduncle should be attached
with the curd which protects the curd during transportation.
VARIETIES:PRIDE OF INDIA AND GOLDEN ACRE:- Early varieties. Heads are compact, round and
medium. They yield about 80 quintals per acre.
Drum head late: - A late variety. Heads are large and light green in colour. It yields about 100
quintals per acre.
LAND PREPARATION:-As mentioned in case of cauliflower.
SOWING /TRANSPLANTING TIME:- For cabbage sowing is done seed in beds in
depending upon the variety. It is sown from September to Ist week of November. Seedling of
40-45 days old is ready for transplanting.
RAISING OF SEEDLINGS:- As mentioned in case of cauliflower.
METHOD OF TRANSPLANTING:- The seedling of the cabbage is transplanting as desired size
of beds in leveled beds. Line to line distance 45-60 cms. and plant to plant distance is 30-45 cms.
is kept.
MANURE & FERTILIZERS:- As mentioned in Cauliflower.
HARVESTING:- The cabbage had should be harvested when they are full size and compact
head and attained full size and variety. For early variety the harvesting is done to 2-3 times.
While for late variety harvesting can be done at one time. For early variety it took 60-80 days
after transplanting for maturity of the crops while for late variety 100-125 days after
VARIETY:- Early white veena:- It is early variety and its knob are light green colour and shiny
smooth. The yield is about 40-50 qtl. per acre.
LAND PREPARATION:- As mentioned in case of cauli flower.
TIME OF SOWING/TRANSPLANTING:- Sowing is done in the beds in September to
November and transplanting is done 40-45 days after sowing.
SEED RATE:- 800 gms.per acre.
RAISING OF NURSERY: - Like cauliflower.
METHOD OF TRANSPLANTING: - Healthy seedlings are transplanted in desired
dimension leveled beds. The distance is kept line-to-line 30 cms. and plant to plant is kept 10-15
MANURE & FERTILIZES:- As mentioned in case of Cauli flower.
HARVESTING: - Crop should be harvested when the knob become 5-7 cms. thick. The knob
of 200-250 gms. of weight become soft and fibreless.
CATER(PLUTELLA):-It is a green colour small PILLAR(PODOPTERLITURA):-Its
insect. It immediately jumped if little attack is noticed very few places and small
touch. Its small cater-pillar eats the leaves by cater-pillar together at one place but as the
scratching the leaves but leave only white elder spread in the whole field. Elder
shell of the leaf. Elder cater pillar make cater-pillar yellow, orange in colour and
round tunnel.
Its attack is started from gives green to purple colour. Its attack is
noticed from Sept. to November.
Control Measures:- 400gms. Basilas Control Measures:- From Sr. No. 2 to
300 5covered insects controlled by the use of
mls.diagnan (basudin) 20 EC or 60ml.
400 mltr. melatheon 50 Ec or 375 ml. Indo
(nuwan) 76 EC or 400 ml. melathyon 35 Sulphan 35 Ec to dissolve in 200-250 of
EC should add and spray in one acre. water per acre and spray in a acre. Next
Spray should be done after 7-10 days of spray should be done after 10 days interval.
3. Cabbage Caterpillar:- Fully matured 4. Huda Beetle( Plusia orichalcea) :- This
caterpillar attain size of 3-4 cms. Velvets green insect walk like curve and damage
and green colour, spots on the skin and like cabbage cater-pillar.
5. Aphid:-Lipaphis erysimi):- The larvi and
yellow strips and having white hairs. The
small insect remained in groups and eats
the adult of this suck the juice of the leaves
the leaves but it also enter in the flowers. and the growth of plant become stunted.
The elder cater-pillar spreads and makes
the leaves like sieve. It attacks on the crop
from September to April.
Black Rot: - This disease gives clear
symptoms of yellow V shape spot on the
margin of the leaf. At later stages these
become darkish black and brown in colour.
The veins of the leaf become black and the
leaf of the plant dropped after drying.
Downy Mildew:- Initial pin hold spot is
developed on the leaves
subsequently spread and mix together and
developed into big spot. The colour of the
spot become yellow or light brown. In the
severe attack of the disease affect drying of
the leaves. In the severity of the disease
also change the colour of the flower into
brown. Untimely rains help to increase the
Control Measures:- Collect the seed from severity of the disease.
the field which is not infested with this
disease or organism and the seed should be
collected from the disease free plant. The
seed should be treated with amisan or
captan or thrum to 2.5 gm per kg. of seed. Control Measures:- After appearing the
On the crop a spray of strptocycline 0.2% symptom of the disease the crop should be
& 0.1% copper oxicloride-50EC should be sprayed with dithone M-45 400 gms. in
sprayed 2-3 times to control the disease. 200 litre of water and at the interval of 10After harvest destroy the effected garbage 12 days 3-4 sprays should be done to
by burning.
control the disease Add some sticker in the
solution which will increase the effectively of
the spray which is already given in case of
onion crops.
Damping Off (Rhizoctonia spp. &
Follow crop rotation for 3 years in nursery
Pythium spp
Seedling dies either before or after and affected field. Treat the seed with
Amisan or captan 2.5 gm. per kg. of weed .
Alternaria Blight:- The round and yellow After germination of this plant apply 0.2%
and brown spot is developed on the leave spray of captan on the crop after 3rd and
surface. On seed crop the spot is also 10th of sowing.
appear on the pods.
Control Measures:- As mentioned in the
Downy mild dew disease.
Varieties:-Hissar Arun (Selection-7) This is an early variety and after transplanting first
harvesting can be done about 70 days after transplanting. The plants are in a small size but
number of fruits is more. This variety fruits mature normally at one time. The sizes of the fruits
are medium to large size and its gives yield about 100 qtl. per acre.
Hisar Lalit (NT-8): - It is a root knot nematode resistant variety. So this variety is
recommended for those areas where root knot nematode is a problem. This variety gives
yield 100-120 qtl. of yield per acre even it is grown in the infested soil of root knot nematode.
Hissar Lalima (Selection-18):-It is very early and very profitable variety and plants are in a
small size. The corner of the leaves is cut and dark in colour. The fruits are red round in large
size and having more percentage of pulp. First fruit can be harvested after 60-70 days of planting
and its gives yield about 120 qtl. per acre.
There are certain hybrids, which are growing in the market, but so far Haryana
Agricultural University has not included any hybrid in package practices.
PUSA Hybrid-1
PUSA Hybrid-2
Sowing Time:- For winter season the sowing of tomato is done during June-July and for
Spring Season sowing is done from November to December.
Seed Rate:- For winter season about 400-500 gms. seed and for spring season about 200 gm.
seed per acre is required. For hybrid seed variety the seed is recommended 60gms. per acre.
Nursery Raising:- To raising the nursery of the tomato some precautions should be taken
especially in rainy season because in this season damping of disease is most prevalent.
Make raised bed during rainy season so that heavy rains water could not damage to the
nursery. 40 beds (3x1 mtr.) in winter season crop and for spring 15 beds are required per acre
transplanting of seedlings.
Seed Treatment:- Before sowing the seed should be treated with any amisan or captan or
thryum 2.5 gms. per kg. of seed.
After sowing the nursery bed should be covered with the FYM and irrigate by
To protect the nursery bed from the scorching sun-light the bed should be
covered by dry grass and remove this grasses after germination of the seed. By this way
sufficient moisture is maintained in the nursery which helps for proper germination of the seed.
To control damping of disease after germination the nursery bed should be sprayed with .2% (2
gms. per litre water). Captan .
In summer season nursery plants are ready for transplanting within 4 weeks and
in winter within 8-10 weeks after sowing. It is necessary to irrigation time to time and to
remove weeds and control of pest and diseases.
Transplanting:- June-July for winter crop and mid January to mid February for spring
Normally one seedling attained 5-6 true leaves. In nursery beds line-to-line
distance should be maintained about 60 cms. and plant to plant 40 cms. in the field. If we
plant 2 seedlings at one place there is increase in the yield of tomato.
Manure & Fertilizer:- At the time of seed preparation well rotten 20-25 ton FYM or
compost should be added in the soil per acre. Besides this chemical fertilizer should be
applied as per the soil testing report. In general about 40 kg. Nitrogen, 25 kg. Phosphorus
and 20 kg. potash per acre should be applied but for potash if the area is deficient of
potash content. At the time of field preparation full dose of phosphorus and potash and
1/3rd doze of Nitrogen should be applied. The balance dose of the Nitrogen should be
applied equally after 4 weeks and 2 nd dose after one month of Ist application. There
should be optimum moisture and Nitrogen is applied to the soil. To avoid cracking of
tomato 0.3% borex should be sprayed at the time of fruit setting and after 15 days and 3rd
spray should be done when tomato starts ripening. Though there is no recommendation
in the package practices for hybrid varieties but as per the Seed Production Company
Literature. The requirement of fertilizer is 72 kg. Nitrogen 40 kg. phosphorus and 24 kg.
Irrigation:- First irrigation should be given soon after transplanting afterward as per the need
8-10 days interval. Irrigation should be done by irrigation channel but irrigation should be
minimized at the time of ripening of tomato.
Weed Control:- It takes 2 intercultural-howing are required first about 20-25 days after
transplanting and second after 40-45 days after transplanting.
Besides this earthing
should be done at this time.
It is possible to control the weeds by chemicals tendi
methalyon for 100 gms. per acre (stomp 30% 1.3 litre) to be sprayed after 4-5 days after
Growth Regulator:- For setting of the fruit at low and high temperature the crop should be
sprayed with PAC @ 50 PPM (10 gms. PCPA should be dissolved in alcohol and make
the solution and add 200 liter of water should be sprayed on the tomato plant at the time of
flowering per acre.
Harvesting:- When the tomato fruit attains proper size then there is a appearance of red or
yellow strips on the fruits the tomato fruit should be harvested and it should be kept in the
room for ripening. If the fruit is fully matured on the plants then there is a chances of damage
of the fruit by buds and these tomatoes are to be disposed in the local market otherwise
there will be great losses during transit. If the tomato to be sold to the distance market then
unripe tomato should be packed and sent to the market.
Insect-Pest & their Control:1) White Fly:- (Bemisia Tabaci):- This
contains white muddy colour oval shape
The small fly is oval shape and
white muddy in colour.
Its wings
contained waxy layer, Larry and adults.
Suck the juice from the lower surface of
the leaves with the result of that the
leaves turned into yellow colour.
This is
a vector of viral diseases. Its attack is
more in rainy season crop.
Control:- To control this insect 400ml
melateyon 50 EC dissolve into 200-250
liter of water to be sprayed per acre. at
the interval of 15 days.
Diseases & their Control
2) Damping of: - It is a serious
2)Aphid:(Aphis gossypii):- As
mentioned in the potato crop.
Control:- To control this insect 400ml
melateyon 50 EC dissolve into 200-250
liter of water to be sprayed per acre. At
the interval of 15 days.
(Helikovrpa Armizera) This is a green or
pale or brown colour cater-pillar, which is
having three long broken strip of cream
These cater-pillars eat the
delicate leave. It makes tunnel in the bud
flower and fruit. The effective fruit
rotten later on.
This also attacks on
gram, pea, cotton, sunflower and arhar.
Control- To control the insect, the
following insecticide should be used 200250 liter of water per acre and the spray
disease the nursery. The plants
are died before germination or
after germination.
should be done as per the need at about
15 days interval.
A. a) 1.75 ml. Phenvelret 20 EC
b)200 ml. Deltamethon 28 EC
c)60 ml. Cycle methon (Cyper
methon 25 EC/ 150 ml. Cyper methon
10 EC.
B. 500 mlt. Indosulpham 35 EC,
500 gms. Carboryl 50 WP.
Control:- Before sowing seed should be
treated with 2.5 gms. amisan or
cap tan or thrum in one kg. seed. After
germination .2% (2 gms. Chemical per
liter water) Spray Captan and irrigate the
nursery bed. To save the plants from
Note:- I) Harvest all ripened fruits before
ii) Infested fruit to be buried into the soil. iii)
As per need alternatively spray should be
done in A& B group.
Diseases & their Control
Early blight: - Round and triangular
deep brown or black spots developed and
the leaves and fruits.
On stem the
symptoms are appeared oval shape and
later-on it becomes elliptical. With the
result plants become dry and died. On
fruit these spots developed towards the
branch size.
Control: i)
Do not irrigate more in
nursery area.
Applied well rotten FYM.
As suggested control of
damping of disease. Treat the
seed before sowing.
(Indophyl M-45) 400 gms.
into 200 liter of water per acre
at 10-15 days interval.
Leaf Curve or black strips and
Mosaic etc. Viral Diseases.
Control: -Stunting growth of the
plant the leaf become thick and off
shape developed curling and the
strips are developed on the stand the
fruit become very small which looks
like dying.
Used Disease Free Seed. Control the
vector of the disease in the nursery as
well as in the field.
Spray the
insecticides to control the white fly as
control measures, which already
suggested. Disease plants should be
roughed out at early stage and
Root Knot Nematode:- The effected
plant of the root knot the leaf become
pale and growth becomes stunted. Not
developed only root of the plant or root
Control Measures:- 7 gm. Per meter
square phurodan 3 granules should be
used to control the disease and mix in the
soil. In the m/o of May and June plough
the field 2-3 times 10-15 days interval,
which reduced the percentage of
Infested field of the
nematode the variety of the Tomato
Hissar Lalit should bed selected.
BR-112: - This is an early variety. The plant of this variety is bush shaped. The fruit is round
seeded, flashy and light violet colour. The yield is about 100 qtl. per acre.
Hisar Shayamal:- It is early and high yielding variety. Its plants leaves are green and fruits
are round shining and violet colour. This variety is resistant to the bacterial wilt rot and little
leaf disease. The yield is about 100-125 qtl. per acre.
Hisar Pragati: -This is a early variety. The leaves are green and having white violet and the
fruits are violet colour 15-20 cm. long. Shining and dark violet colour. The colour of the fruit
remains same upto the full development of the fruit size. The average yield is 130 qtl. per
H.L.V -25: - This is early and can grow to high temperature. The leaves are green and
fruit are 10-12 cms. Long. 3 cms.thick and shining violet in colour. This variety is
suitable for both the season. In winter season its yield is equal to the Hisar Pragati. In spring
season 90-100 yields per acre, which is higher 20-30% than Hisar Pragati.
Hisar Bahar: - HE-12: - This is an high yielding variety. This variety has special feature
from other varieties. Because there are less effect of stem and fruit borrower in
comparison to the other varieties. The plants are bush and of medium height. The leaves
are green but the fruits are less violet in colour and of the size 10-15cms. long. In rainy
season transplanting crop gives about 40-50 fruits per plant and average yield is about
150 qtl. per acre. In summer season crop the yield is about 90-100 qtl. per acre.
Land Preparation: - Brinjal can be grown in variety of the soil but for good yield sandy
loam is most suitable. Since the crop remain in the field for many months so the land
should be well prepared by 4-5 times ploughing of the fields before transplanting of the
seedling. The FYM should be mixed in the soil properly while preparing the land.
Sowing Time:- Brinjal can be sown three times in a year for winter season crop the
sowing is done in the month of June & July and for summer season crop the sowing in
October & November and for rainy season crop sowing should be done in the m/o
March.S 20 beds (3x1 acre) is required for transplanting of one acre.
Seed Rate:- 200 gms. Per acre.
Transplanting: - In winter season crop the transplanting is done desired leveled
dimension bed while for summer and rainy season crop the transplanting is done on the
ridges. For round Brinjal variety the distance between line to line is kept 75 cms. and
plants to plants distance 60 cms. and for long or oblong variety the distance is kept 60x60
Manure & Fertilizers:- About 10 ton FYM, 40 kg. Nitrogen, 20 kg. Phosphorus and 10
kg. Potash is required for one acre. Full doze of phosphorus and potash and 1/3rd
Nitrogen should be added before transplanting mixed into the soil. The balanced doze
of Nitrogen should be applied as a top dressing 2 times after transplanting 30 and 60 days in
equal quantity at 30 and 60 days in equal quantity.
Irrigation:-1st irrigation should be applied soon after transplanting and the second
irrigation after 4-5 days. Later on the irrigation should be given 15 days interval in winter crop
and 7-8days for summer season.
Use of gypsum with brackish water:- To neutralize one ml. per liter RSC. 30 kg.
gypsum per acre with per irrigation and add 8 ton rotten FYM with gypsum then there is
reduction in the affect of brackish water and can grow good crop of brinjal.
Weed Control:- Weeds can be controlled by pandy methalyon 0.4 -0.5 kg. (Stomp 30%
1.32 to 1.7 litre) per acre to be added in 25 liter of water and can be sprayed after 8-10 days
after transplanting.
Harvesting - Picking of the fruit should be started when the fruit attained the optimum size
and developed colour.
Insect-pest & their control
Jassid (Amrasca biguttula):mentioned in the case of potato.
Control:-As soon as sucking type insect
are appeared on the crop the spray of
melathyon 50 EC 300-400 ml. To
dissolve into 200-250 liter of water to be
sprayed per acre after 15 days interval.
After fruit setting alternatively synthetic
pyrothride (80 ml. Phenvlret 20 EC, 70
ml. simathyon 70ml. Cymoothrin EC, 20
ml. deltamethayon 28 EC) and other
insectice (500 gms) carbon 50 WP, 500
ml. indosulpham 35 EC to be sprayed
after 35-40 days per acre in 200 liter of
The synthetic pirathad to be
sprayed at interval of 21 days and other
insecticide is sprayed after 15 days
Stem & Fruit borrower Larva & Adult
(Leucinodes orbonatis):-This is a
sluggish larva before fruit set the larvy
entered into the shoots
and by boring
developed its size. With the result the
shoots become dry and droop down and
ultimately died. It entering into fruit
make the hole in it. Heavy attack is
reported from May-October.
White Fly:- (Bemisia tabaci) As
mentioned in case of Tomato.
Control:- Spray melathyon 50 EC 400
gms. in 200-250 liter of water after 15
days interval.
vigintopunctata) This beetle is semicircle of coppery colour. Its first two
wings contained 12-28 black colour spot.
The Larva & adult are yellow in colour,
strong and having thorny structure.
Larva and adult eat the green portion of
the leave.
Control: -Same as above.
Mite (Tetranychus sp.)On the lower
surface of the leaves yellow and red
colour larvy and adult make the web and
remain in -side.
Control: - Do as above.
Diseases & their Control
Diseases & their Control
The disease symptoms are appeared on
the leaves and spread to the fruit. The
fruit colour starts turning into brown and
the affected spot rotting.
Control:- Use clean seed and seed should
be treated with thrum or captan 2.5 gm
per kg. After fruit setting geneb or
indophyl M45 400 gms. in 200 litre of
water per acre should be sprayed at
interval 8-10 days for 2-3 times. Sticker
like as mentioned in case of onion should
be added to make the spray effective.
Little leaf & Mosaic Disease:
The symptoms of disease the leave
become small and yellow and plant
become stunted. In such cases there are a
few setting of the fruit.
Control:- The effected plant should be
removed at early stage and destroy them.
Before transplanting of the seedlings,
should be dipped in
tetracycline solution (500 ml. per liter
water) for half an hour.
Control the jacid white fly from time to
time and spray insecticide as already
Root knot:- As mentioned in case of
tomato except tomato resistant variety
Control:- As mentioned in case of tomato
except tomato resistant variety.
Varieties:-NP-46A:- This is very high yielding variety but having medium size fruit. The
green chilies average yield is about 40 qtl. per acre.
PUSA Jawala:- This is a high yielding variety having medium size chilies. The plants are
very small but gives perfused fruiting. The average yield is green chilly is about 3035 qtl. per acre.
Pant C-1: - In this variety the fruits are born upward size of the plant. The fruiting starts
60-65 days after transplanting and the picking of the chilies can be started after 95 -100 days.
The green fruit length is 5-8 cm. long. This variety is resistant to leaf curl viral disease and
mosaic upto some extent.
Hissar Shakti:- (HC-44) :- This is an early ripening variety for spices and it is a impure
variety for resistant to the viral disease. Fruits germinate in brunches 5-6 fruit and grow
upward size. The length of the fruit 7-8 cm. and thickness is about 1.2 to 1.27 cm. The %age
of the olerisin in the red chillies is about 12-15%. The average yield of the green chillies is
50-55 qtl. per acre and out of which about 6-8 qtl. Red dry chilly is received. This variety can
be used as a Raton crop.
Hisar Vijay - HC-28- It is an early ripening spices resistant to the viral diseases.
fruits are germinate grown with bunches upward. The colour of the fruits becomes black
in winter and coloured in red after ripening. Its fruit are thin but round on the tip side.
The red ripened fruits contains 11-12% olerisin content. The dry and green chillies yield
of this variety is similar to the Hissar Shakti. This variety can also be used as raton crop.
Land Preparation: - Chilies can be grown though variety of the soil. But the most
suitable land which is having proper drainage and which of ordinary content and sandy
loam soil. Plough the field 2-3 times and ploughed by the planking land can be prepared for
chilies crop. The FYM should be added in the field during first ploughing and mixed properly
into the soil.
Time of Sowing: -The seeds are sown in the nursery from May to June and
OctoberNovember. The seedlings are ready for transplanting after 30-35 days of sowing.
About 15-20 beds of size (3x1 Mtr.) is required for one acre transplanting. The seed should
be treated for sowing as mentioned in tomato cultivation.
Seed Rate:- About 400 gms. of seed is required for raising the seedlings required for one
Transplanting:- The transplanting is done on the ridges and the distance between the
ridges is kept 60cms. and plant to plant is kept 45 cms.
Manure & Fertilizers:-10ton FYM, 25 kg. nitrogen 12kg. phosphours and 12 kg. potash
is required for one acre. 1/3rd nitrogen, full doze of potash and phosphorus to be added in
the soil at the time of transplanting. Balance 2/3rd doze of nitrogen should be given after
transplanting. After one month when crop started flowering as a broadcast method.
Inter-culture Operation and Weed Control:- Irrigate the field after transplanting .
Irrigation should be done after 3-4 days after transplanting. Before the irrigation gap
transplanting should do filling.
The next irrigation depend upon the rainy season. The
interval between the irrigation should be kept 8-10.
It is a critical time to irrigate the
field at the time of flowering and start of fruiting. First growing should be done after 2530 days and second hawing should be done at the time of flowering. To control the weed
stomp 30% weedy side 1.302 to 1.75 liter per acre to be sprayed after 3-4 days after
Flower & Fruit dropping:- The early stage of the growth of the plant in the month of
August & September sometimes the flower and the fruit dropping is observed.
overcome this problem the plenofix 1ml. dissolve in 4.5 liter of water should be sprayed
(NAA 10 PPM). At the time of flowering and the 2nd spray should be repeated after 15 days
of first spray.
Picking of Fruit:- To sale the green chilies in the market fruits are harvested in green stage but
for spices purpose crop the fruits are allowed to ripen on the plant and to turn red in colour.
About 3-4 qtl. dry chilies is received from one acre
Insect Pesticides
Insect Pesticides
Termites (Odontotermes obesus):-Light
brown colour insect (worker) remain in the
soil and eat to the roots and the stem. The
plant dries slowly. More infestation is
recorded from September to November and
Control: - i) Last year crop should be
removed from the soil.
ii) Never used raw FYM or compost.
Mites:- These insect sucks the juice from
the leaves with the result leaves turn
yellow. The plants become weak. This
also acts as a vector of leaf roll viral
Control:- Spray 400 ml. melathyon 50
ECE in 200 liter of water per acre at the
interval to 15-20 days.
Diseases & Control Measures
Damping off (As mentioned in case of
tomato cultivation).
Fruit rod and Stem Rod:-This is called by
fungus. The brown spots appears on the
fruits and at the later stage these spots
starts rotting. The branches of the plants
starting dying from topside to downside.
Control:- Treat the seed with thryum or
captan or emisan @ Rs.2.5 gm per kg seed
before sowing.
400 gms. Copper
oxicloride or Geneb or Endophyl diathene
M-45. Dissolve in 200 liter of water
should be sprayed per acre at 10-15 days
Leaf Curl & Mosaic:- (Viral disease) As
mentioned in case of tomato cultivation.
Control:- As mentioned in case of tomato
Variety:- Varsha Uphar:- This is a resistant to the yellow mosaic disease. This variety is most
suitable for rainy season. The plant of this variety is small size and the distance between
the nod is very small. This variety has handicraft cut leaves and of a dark green colour. The
pod of this variety with long head and shiny, medium thick attractive and having five
ridges. The fruiting starts from 3rd or 4th nod of the plant after 45 days of sowing. The
average yield 40 qtl. per acre.
Hissar Unnat:- This variety resistant to the yellow mosaic disease and it is most suitable for
rainy season crop.
This plant is having less distance between two nods and having 23 branches. The pods are green attractive and having 5 ridges. The fully developed seed is
15cm. long and fruiting started from 3rd to 4th nod of the plant. This variety starts fruiting
after 47 days of sowing. The yield is about 30-40 qtl . per acre.
PUSA Sawani:- This variety is suitable to grow in summer season. Its plants are long stem
and leaves and peduncle of the leaves having violet colour spot. The fruiting starts at 6 or 7
nod of the plant. Fruit are green and shining. This variety is starts fruiting after 50 days of
sowing. The average yields in rainy and in summer crop is 40 and 30 qtl. per acre
Land Preparation: - To plough the field and ploughed by planking the field should be
prepared properly nicely and friable. The FYM should be added in the soil at the time of
planting atleast 3 weeks before sowing. For summer crop make the ridges but for the rainy
season crop make the beds at the desired dimension.
Sowing Time:- For summer crop the sowing time is February to March and for rainy crop from
Seed Rate:- For summer crop 16-18 kg. per acre and for rainy crop 5-6 kg. per acre.
Sowing Method:- For summer season crop 30cm. ridges are for and the seeds are sown at
the both sides of the ridges. Add 10 cm. apart for rainy season line to line distance is kept
45 -60cm. and from plant to plant 30 cm. The seed should be dipped in the water
overnight before sowing.
After soaking the seed the seed should be dried before sowing and
sowing should be done.
Manure & Fertilizers:- Before 3 weeks of sowing of the seed 10 ton FYM should be
added in the soil. Besides this for average soil 40 kg. Nitrogen 24 kg. phosphorus 25 per
acre should be applied. So far is the potash is concerned if it is required on the basis of
soil testing report then it should be applied. 1/3rd of Nitrogen and other fertilizers should
be applied before sowing. The balance 2/3rd nitrogen should be split into two doses
applied as a top dressing and should be applied about three weeks after sowing and
second doze at the time of flowering.
Irrigation:- Irrigate the field before sowing. For summer season about 5-6 days interval
irrigation and in rainy season as per the requirement of the field and the crop.
Intercultural and Weed Control:- Basalin 45% 900 ml. to make solution in 250 liter of
water and should be sprayed before one day of sowing. Soon after 3-4 cm. deep raking
will control the weeds to take ladyfinger crop as well as seed production of ladyfinger.
Picking:- The pod of the ladyfinger should be picked in a delicate condition (fiber should not be
formed). In rainy season the picking started is done on the basis of the variety from 45-50 days
after sowing. In varsha uphar the picking should be done at alternate days.
Insect & Pesticides
Jacid (The green yellow colour larvy and
adult suck the juice from the lower surface of
the leave from May-September. Infested
leaves turned yellow and the margin of the
leave turned upward and mould cup shape. In
severe attack leaves appears burnt and dried
and fell down.
Control:- To control the jacid treat the of
seed emedachloprid 70- WS @ 5 gm per
kg. Soak the seed for 6-12 hours and dry
the seed in shade for half hour after soaking
and add the insecticide and mixed the seed.
In the standing crop to control sucking type
insect if the attack is noticed the crop
should be sprayed 300-500 mltr.
Melathyon 50 EC in 300 liter of water per
acre at 15 days interval. After start of the
fruiting 400-500 melthyon 50 EC or 400500 carbhyoryl (750 WP dissolved
in 250-300 liter of water per acre to be
sprayed alternatively at 15 days interval.
2. White Fly (Bemisia tabaci): - The larvy
and the adult suck the juice from the lower
surface of the leaves and also act as a
vector of the yellow mosaic which is
spread by this insect.
tomato cultivation.
For detail also see in
Control:- Do as in case of jacid.
Yellow Mosaic:- Spot stem and fruit
borrower caterpillar (Earias Spp.) It is a
oblong caterpillar.
The body of the
caterpillar contained light yellow, orange
brown and black spot. At the early stage of
the crop the larvy enter into the shoot and
make bore and developed inside with the
result of that the shoot starts wilting and
drooping down followed by drying
Control:- As mentioned in Jacid.
Cucer Bits
Musk-melon:- Variety:- Punjab Sunahari:- It is medium late variety. Its wines length is
1.502- 2-liter length and leaves are of the green colour. The fruits are oblong round, the
netted skin and the fruit average rate is 700-800 gms. This variety is matured about 75 days.
The fruit colour is dough white, orange flesh and very sweet. The average yield is about 30-40
qtl. per acre.
Hara-Madhu: - This is a late maturity variety. The wine length is 3-4 mtr. , fruit are big,
round. The skin of the fruit is light yellow in colour. The fruit is having green strips.
The average rate of the fruit is one kg. and bear two fruits per wine. The flesh of the fruit
is of green colour sweet and juicy. The average yield is about 30-32 qtl. per acre.
Land Preparation:- The musk-melon can be grown in about all type of soil but the clay loam
is most suitable for its cultivation. The soil should be well drainage. At the time of soil
preparation, FYM should be added and the field should be ploughed 3-4 times ploughed
by planking.
Sowing Time:- Ist week of February, is most suitable but the sowing is depend upon the
temperature. For germination 24degree to 29 degree Celsius temperature is most suitable.
Seed Rate:- 1 Kg. seed per acre is sufficient.
Method of sowing:- Sowing should be done in the raised bed of 2 metre wide and sowing
should be done on the corner of the beds. The distance between the plant is kept 60cms. Sow
2-3 seeds at one place.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 4-6 ton FYM 20 Kg. Nitrogen 12 kg. Phosphorus and 10 kg.
potash, is sufficient for one acre. At the time of sowing 1/3rd nitrogen full potash should
be applied. The balance dose of Nitrogen should be applied two times after one month
and after fruit setting and the fertilizer should be put in the drain and mixed in the soil.
Irrigation:- The sowing should be done in the battar sufficient moisture conditions after that
1 light irrigation is necessary. After germination, irrigate the soil 5-7 days interval. After
adding the Nitrogen it is necessary to irrigate the soil. At the time of maturity of fruit stop
Picking of the fruit & Yield:- Picking should be done when the fruit turns its colour
towards yellow but the picking and yield is depend upon the variety. Tuning of wines of
hara madhu. The mail flower germinate on the main shoot of the plants but in the
branches bears mail and perfect flower germinate appears on the 7 th note of the main
shoots so the other branches before seven nod should be removed at early stage. After that
all branches should be allowed to grow. Pruning of the wines results increase number
and size of the fruit in comparison to the known pruned wines.
By this way yield is
increased 20-25% per acre.
This method of the pruning is beneficial for Punjab Sunahiri variety . In the variety the
secondary branches are cut before third nod.
Raising of Nursery of Musk-melon in Polythene bags:- Early crops can be harvested if the
seeds are sown in the polythene bags in the month of January. 15x10 cm. polythene envelop
for this purpose. Make 2-3 holes in the bottom of envelop. Fill the bag with FYM and soil in
the ratio of 1x1. Don‘t use poultry manure for this purpose because it has adverse affect on the
germination of the musk melon. Sow 2-3 seeds in each envelop and place the envelop in a
protective place where sun-light an aeration is available but we can protect the plants from the
cold. Irrigate the envelop by phuwara as per the need of the time. 30-40 days seedlings are
used for transplanting.
Water Melon:- Variety:- Charl Stan Grey:- The fruit are large size brown, red flesh and having
few seeds. The average yield is 100 qtl. per acre.
Sugar Baby:- This is a variety which is recommended in whole country for the area where
water melon is grown. Its leaves are of deep cut and raised leaves. The fruits are medium,
small, in size and round and having deep green skin and also having light strips. The fruit is of
the size 3-4 kg. which is having deep red flesh and very sweet. The average yield is 60 qtl.
per acre.
Land & Preparation:- As mentioned in case of musk-melon.
Time of Sowing, Method & Seed Rate:- The most suitable sowing water-melon is from mid
February to mid March. Soak the seed overnight before sowing which will affect on better
germination. For sugar baby 3 metre wide and charlston grey four metre wide beds are
prepared. The seeds are sown on the both sides of the bed at 60cm. apart and 2-4 cm. deep 1.5 to
2kg. is sufficient for one acre.
Manure & Fertilizers:- Six ton well rotten FYM, 20 kg. nitrogen 10 kg. phosphorus and
10 kg. potash per acre should be added but potash should be added in potash deficient
soil. Add FYM 20-25 days before sowing. Full dose of Phosphorus and Potash and
1/3rd Nitrogen should be added in the soil at the time of sowing. Less doze of nitrogen split
into 2 equal part and to be applied by broadcast after 30-45 after sowing. Besides this earthing
should done.
Intercultural & Irrigation:- As mentioned in the musk melon cultivation.
Picking of fruit & Yield:- The water-melon should be harvested when the lower surface
of the fruit touching to the soil converted into yellow colour or if we thumping to the fruit
hollow sound should come out. The tendered alongwih the fruit become dried shows the
maturity of the fruit. The average yield as per the variety from 60-100 qtl. per acre.
Use of GA as a growth regulator: - Giberalic Acid 25 PPM solution should be sprayed
on the plants when the plants attained 2 and 4 true leaves which results setting of fruit
sweetness, and increase yield. For this take ½ gram of giberalic acid (GA-3) dissolved in
small quantity of alcohol and make the solution in 20 ltr. of water and spray in one acre.
Pruning:- The plants of the water melon at the stage of 4-6 leaves, the main growing point
should be removed. With the result of this, fruits are ripened 10-12 days advance and it gives
10-20% more yield in comparison of unpruned plant.
Bottle-Guard:- Variety: Pusa Summer Prolifik long :- This variety is suitable for
summer and rainy season crop. It gives profuse fruiting and there is a good growth of wine.
The raw fruit length is 40-50 cm. and colour of the fruit is yellow green.
PUSA Summer Prolific Round:- This variety is suitable for summer and rainy season
crop. It gives profuse fruiting and there is a good growth of the wine. Raw fruit is 15-18 cm.
round circle and green in colour.
Land Preparation:- Well rotten FYM should be added in the soil before three to four
weeks of sowing and the field should be prepared by giving 3/4th time ploughing followed by
Sowing Time:- February-March for summer crops and June-July, for rainy season is most
suitable for sowing.
Seed Rate:- 1.5 to 2 Kg. Seed is sufficient for one acre. The seed should be soaked in
the water over night before sowing. With the result of this there is a good germination.
Method of Sowing: - Sow the seed in the raised bed on the corner of fro of the raised bed and
keep the width of the bed 2 mtr. and length and the distance between plant to plant is kept
Manure & Fertilizer: - 6 Ton FYM, 20 kg. Nitrogen, 10 kg. Phosphorus and 10 kg.
Potash is sufficient for one acre. At the time of sowing half dose of nitrogen full dose of
phosphorus and potash add in the soil in equal quantity at the point of the sowing. Half
dose of Nitrogen to be divided in two equal part and should be applied after one month
and at the time of flowering in the fro and properly mixed into the soil and earthing
should be done.
Irrigation:- Add 5-7 after interval for summer crops and 8-10 days interval for rainy
season. Irrigation should be done. In rainy season irrigation depends on the basis of the rain
fall during the summer.
Picking the fruit & Yield: - Fruit should be picked when the fruit is in a raw stage.
When the colour is yellow green more matured fruits are not fit for consumption. The yield
is 40-60qtl. per acre respectively for summer and rainy season crop.
Use of Growth Regulators:- At 2 and 4 leaf stages the plants are sprayed with 100 PPM
(4ml. ethrayl in 50% in 20 liter of water per acre) which results in case the number of
female flowers and with the result increase the yield.
Add some sticker in the spray
Bitter-Gourd: - Variety: Coimbatore long:- This variety is most suitable for rainy
season as compared to the summer season. There is a good spread of the plants and bear more
number of fruits. Fruits are long white in colour and very im-mature.
PUSA do Mousmi:-This variety is suitable for summer and rainy season. First picking is
harvested after 55-60 days of sowing. The winds are spread profusely and having green stem
deep in green colour. Fruits are long and medium thickness. Every fruit contain 6-8 state strips
and the surface of the fruit slippery.
Land Preparation:- As mentioned in case of Musk-melon.
Time of Sowing:- Feb-March for summer crop and June-July for rainy season is suitable for
Seed Rate:- 1.5.-2.00 Kg. seed is sufficient for one acre.
Method of sowing:- Prepare raised bed of 1.5 mtr. wide and sow the seed on bed on the
corner of the furrow. The distance between two plants is kept 45 cm. The seed should be
soaked overnight before sowing which results early germination.
Manure & Fertilizers:- As mentioned in case of bottle-gourd.
Irrigation, Intercultural & Hawing:- As mentioned in case of musk-melon.
Picking of Fruits & Yield: - Pick light green delicate fruit for eating.
for summer and 40 qtl. yield for rainy season crop per acre is received.
24-30 qtl. Yield
Use of Growth Regulator:- In Pusa dow mousmi variety at the stage of 2 and 4 true
leaves spray of cycocil 250 PPM (10mlt. Cycocil 50% in 20 liter of water per acre.
Increase the yield of the bitter gourd.
Variety:- Hissar Selection:- The fruit of this variety is green, raw and soft. The average is
yield is 30-40 qtl. per acre.
Bikaneri Green:- This variety gives very good fruit.
average yield is 30-40 qtl. per acre.
Its fruits are green in colour and
Hissar Tinda:-(HT-10) This is a high yielding variety and having round, light green
colour, soft and juicy and fibrous. This variety can be grown in summer and rainy
season. It is less affected to the downy mild-dew disease and root not disease in
comparison to the other varieties.
Land Preparation:- As per the bitter guard cultivation.
Sowing Time:- February, March is for summer crop and June-July is suitable for sowing of
rainy season crop.
Seed Rate:- 1.5-2 kg. seed per acre.
Method of Sowing:- As per given in the bitter-gourd.
Manure & Fertilizer:- As given in case of bottle gourd.
Irrigation & Intercultural:- As per musk-melon cultivation.
Picking of Fruit:- For vegetable purpose the fruits are harvested in raw stage. Harvest the
fruit after 3-4 days interval. The average yield is 30-40 qtl. per acre.
Use of Growth Regulator:- As given in case of bottle gourd.
Cucumber:- Variety:- Japenese long green :It is an early variety fruits are light green in
colour and having white thorn. The length of the fruit is 25-35 cms. and the flesh of the fruits
is light green colour and crispy. The average yield is 40 acre.
Land Preparation:- For better germination, the field should be thoroughly prepared.
Give 2-3 time ploughing following by planking.
Time of Sowing:- From 1st fortnight February to Ist week of March for summer season crop
and June July is for rainy season crop.
Seed Rate:- One kg. per acre.
Method of Sowing:-The cucumber seed are sown in the corner of furrow. The distance
is kept 1-1.5 mtr. and plant to plant distance is kept 60cm . sow two seed at one point.
Intercultural & Weed Control:- Like other cucurbits crop.
Picking of Fruit:- Pick all raw and smooth fruits to be harvested either in morning or
evening or sent to the vegetable market.
Insect Pest:Red Beetle: - Its adult are yellow in colour Anthrconse and Scale: - The disease is
and very shiny and larvy are in creamy spread on bottle gourd, sponge-gourd and
colour. The adult of the red beetle make other cucurbits vegetable which develop
round hole into the leaves but the larvy patches on the leaves and fruits. In case of
remain in the soil and cut the roots and high humidity there is appearance of gum
harm to the plants. With the attack of this like substances from these spots.
insect the smaller plant completely died. It
affects the crop badly from 2nd fortnight of Control:-This disease can control with the
March to Ist fortnight of April and mid- spray of 200 gm. Endophyl M-45 in 100
June to August.
liter of water to be sprayed in one acre.
Control: - 5 kg. Carbonyl + 5 kg. ash to be
dusted per acre or 200 ml. indosulpham 35 Gummy Colar Rot:- This disease is
cc or 25 mltr. cypermethane 25 EC or
specially observed in musk-melon and
60ml. cypermethane 10 EC Phenvalret EC perhaps its appears from April to May.
or 100 gm. Carboryl 50WP. In 100 liter of With the affect of this disease the stem for
water to be sprayed in one acre. To control touching to the ground become yellow and
the grub of the red beetle 1.6 litre
started splitting and from this strips a
cholroperithos 20 EC or 1 ltr. endosulpham gummy types sticky substance start oozing.
30 EC to be applied after sowing with
irrigation per acre.
Control-The affected plant stem which is
Jacid , Aphid and Mites:- These insects touching to the ground surface should be
suck the juice from the leaves with the treated with 0.1% vevastin solution and this
result crop become very weak and there is solution should be given as a irrigation.
reduction in the yield.
Control: - 250 mlt. Melatheon 50 ECC to Downy mil-dew:- Triangular spot formed
be added in 200-250 liter of water. Spray on the surface of the leaves which of the
per acre at 10 days interval.
colour yellow or orange. These spots are
Fruit Fly (Bactrocera cucubitae):- The fly restricted to the shoots of the plant in wet
lay eggs in the flesh of the soft fruits. The
season. The spots are developed under the
larvy are born from the eggs and eat to the
leaves surface in powdery white or light
flesh of the fruit with the result of that violet colour. In acute cases the leaves
fruits are spoiled. This affect on long
become dried and the plants destroyed
melon, sponge-gourd, bitter gourd, round
gourd, bottle gourd and musk-melon.
(akothiane/pholithiane/ sumithiane) 50 EC Control: - Destroy the cucurbit family
or 400 mltr. Melatheyon 50 EC or 500 gm. weeds in the field. Diathene M-45 or
Cabroyl (seven)/ carbon Carver Wing/
blight ox -50 2 gm. In one liter of water.
Hexawing) 50 WP in 200-250 liter of water
Spray the crop. Do not spray blight ox in
per acre and 1.25 kg. gur/molasses to be
added in the solution and do the spray at 10
days interval.
Note:- Use only recommended insecticide
because certain kind of cucurbits are burn
by some insecticide.
ii) Do not dust at dew time when there is
dew on the crop.
iii) At the distance of 8-10 mtr. Grow the
one line of maize because fruit flies are sit
on the plants in a group.
Spray the
recommended insecticide on the maize
iv)The affected and rotten fruits should be
collected and buried deep into the soil.
Diseases and their Control:Powdery Mil dew:- With the affect of this
fungus there is a white flora type layer on
the leaves stem and other part of the plant.
This disease is spread in dry weather. The
fruit of affected with this disease is of bad
taste and there is reduction of quality.
Control:- Only one dusting with 8-10 kg. of
sulphur dust per acre. Dust on the affected
part of the plant will control the disease.
The dusting should be
either in the
morning or evening. When there is too hot
at daytime this chemical should not be
used. Never use sulphur dust on muskmelon. Instead of sulphur dust use 500
gms. vet table sulphur (sulphex or vet self.)
In 200 liter water and spray in one acre.
case of musk-melon. For one acre spray
200 gms. fungicides in 400 liter of water
solution is prepared to cover the crop.
Mosaic Disease: - The affected plant of
this disease show symptoms on the leaves
and the leaves become pale and regular
patching of green appearance. The yield
reduced very too much with this disease.
This is spread vector like aphid and to
prevent this disease regular
spray of this
insecticide to control this insect should be
Control:- As already given in case of
control of insect.
Variety:- Hisar Kirti HD-18:- This is an early variety which matures within 90 days
after sowing. Its spots are flatly and dark colour. These parts can be stored for longer
period for storage. The average yield is 85 qtl. per acre.
Land Preparation:- Give 3-4 ploughing and followed by the planking.
friable and leveled.
Make the field
Sowing Time:- Sowing is done by end of July.
Seed Rate:- 2-3 kg. per acre.
Method of Sowing:- Make raise beds of 1.5 mtr. white and sow the seed on the furrow of one
corner at the distance of 45 cm. Sowing of the seed should be done.
When the plant become 1-1.5 month old. The plant should be given the support of the
bamboo stick for spreading the plant.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 4 ton well-rotten FYM 6 Kg. Nitrogen, 16kg. Phosphorus should be
added in the soil before sowing. After germination of one month 6 kg. Nitrogen should
be applied in the soil and earthing should be done.
Intercultural & Weed Control:- As far as the rainy season the light irrigation should be done
at 15-20 days interval. Remove the weeds by hands 1-2 intercultural and howing are required
for beans cultivation.
Picking of the Pods:- Pods are appeared after 2.5 to 3 of sowing. To harvest early crop the plant
should be protected from the summer and keep them alive. But in such plants less yield is
produced. The average yield is 60-80 qtl. per acre
Insects- pests & their control
Aphid: - (Aphis craccivora): - The larvy
Fruit Fly (Polyomatous boeticus;
and adult of this insect is of black
Helicoverpa armigera):- The larvy of
colour and they suck the juice from
this insect make hole in the raw fruit.
branches flower and pods one by one The larvy of this insect make the hole in
from November to March. With the the pods and the eats the raw seed. More
result of that the plant become stunted attack is noticed in case of pods.
and yield is reduced.
Control:- 15 mlt. Melathene 50EC in 10
liter of water should be sprayed as per
need. If it is required the second spray
should be done at 10 days interval.
White Fly:- As mentioned in case of
Tomato Cultivation.
Control:- As mentioned in case of
Tomato Cultivation.
Diseases & their control
Enthrcnose or red spot disease spot of
disease:- Dark brown colour sunken
spots developed on the pods. There
corner are bear red colour lining in
humid season, orange colour , fungus
liquid oozed from these spots and such
type of a spots developed on leave and
Control:- As mentioned in case of Pea
Note:- All the pods should be harvested
before spray.
Mosaic:-Deep green colour of faded
colour appear on the leaves
The black and deep colour circular
quickly developed and spread in the
leaves and the leaves become sinkled and
the margin starts curling and the whole of
the plant become pale.
Control:- Spray insecticides to control
the vector of the disease time to time.
Control:- Seed should be treated with
2.5kg. gram emisan per kg. of seed
before sowing. As symptom appeared
the crop should be sprayed with diathene
M-45. 400 gm. In 200 liter of water per
acre. After harvesting the crop the
residual of the crop should be brunt.
Variety Pusa Barsati:- This variety is suitable for rainy season crop. Its pods are long and colour
of white green. 50-60 days are required for harvesting of the crop. The average yield 16-18 qtl. per
Pusa Dow Phusli:-This variety is suitable for both season of summer and rainy season crop. The
pods of this variety are very soft, thick and of green colour. The average yield is 12-16 qtl. per
Time of Sowing:- The cow pea can be taken twice in a year. February-March is suitable for
sowing of summer crop and June-July is suitable for rainy season crop.
Seed Rate:- 8-10 kg. seed is required for one acre sowing.
Method of Sowing:- Line to line is distance is kept 30-45 cm. and plant to plant is kept 1520 cm.
Manure & Fertilizers: - To harvest good crop 4-6 ton FYM 10 Kg. Nitrogen 16 Kg.
Phosphorus is required for one acre.
Irrigation:- For summer crop after one week interval irrigation is required.
Insect-Pest & their control
Diseases and their control Measures
White-Fly (Jacid) & Aphid: - Aphids are Leaf Spot Disease:- Conical brown spots
suck juice from the plants. They also act as a which are in the center are brown in the
yellow viral disease.
colour and the heads are of red violet
Control:-400 ml. melathyon 50 EC in
colour. These spots are appeared on the
200-250 liter of water and spray in per leaf stem and on pods.
acre. If it is required the 2nd spray should be
done after 10 days interval.
Control: - Spray the crop with endophyl
M-45 or blight ox -50, 400 gms. in 200
liter of water per acre.
Fungal Disease of leaf:- On the lower
surface of the leaves small water soaped
points are appeared with the result of that
the nearby tissue starts rotting. Control:Crop should be sprayed with 50blight ox
400 gms. in 200 liter of water.
Yellow Mosaic:- The disease affected plant
developed yellow spots on the leave and
these spots are appears green somewhere. In
the severity of disease the whole leaves
become pale and there is reduction in the
yield of the crop.
Control:-White Fly is the main vector of
this disease so the leaf fly should be
controlled as control measures is given
above to control this insect.
Variety:- Pusa Nav Bahar:- This variety is suitable for both the season of rainy and summer. Its
pods are very green and soft. For summer season crop fruiting starts after 45 days of sowing
and for rainy season crop fruiting starts after 55 days after sowing. The average yield is 20 qtl. for
summer crop and 30 qtl. for rainy crop.
Sowing Time:- February to March is suitable for summer season crop and June-July is
suitable for rainy season crop.
Seed Rate:- 6 kg. seed is required for one acre sowing.
Method of Sowing:- Line to line distance is kept 30-45 cm. and plant to plant distance is kept
15-20 cm.
Manure & Fertilizer:- 4-6 ton FYM, 12 kg. Nitrogen and 20 kg. phosphorus is required for one
Irrigation:- In summer season and in the rainy season if the season is dry then the irrigation
should be done at one week interval.
Variety:- Local Variety
Land Preparation:- This crop can be grown in variety of soil but sandy loan soil is very
suitable which has the capacity of proper water drainage. The ploughing should be done
with soil terming plough of disc harrow followed by harrowing. 3-4 ploughings followed by
planking are required for preparation of land.
Planting time:- Arbi can be grown for 2 season summer and rainy season. For summer
season the right time for planting is February-March and for rainy seaon suitable time is
Selection of the bulb:- The large and small bulbs are used for planting but the small bulbs are
found to be good yield. About 15-20 gms. of the bulb which are quite healthy for
plantation. 3-4 qtl. seed is required for one acre.
Treatment of bulb:- Before planting the bulb the bulb should be treated with agalon 3
(0.5%) or emisan 6 (0.25%) for 15-20 Minutes to be treated before planting.
Method of Planting:- The distance between line to line is kept for 45-60cm. and plant to
plant 30 cm. to harvest a good crop After planting make the ridge 20-25 cm. width ridge on
the bulb. To cover the ridges after planting with dry grass which will affect early
germination and also control the weeds. With the result of this there is yield in this crop.
Manure & Fertilizers:- 8-10 ton FYM 40-48 kg. Nitrogen 20 kg. Phosphorus and 20 kg.
potash is required for one acre. FYM should be added into the soil before three weeks of
planting which is added at the time of field preparation. ½ dose of Nitrogen and full dose of
Phosphourus and Potash should be added at the time of planting of bulb and balance dose of
Nitrogen should be applied in the after two months of planting and earthing should be done.
Irrigation:-8-10 days interval irrigation should be given in summer crop but in the rainy
season the irrigation should be applied as per the needs of the crop at 10-15 days interval.
Intercultural & Weed Control:-The germination of the bulb normally completed about 2025 days.
At that time it is necessary to control the weeds. For this 2-3 intercultural are
required and it is also necessary earthing should be done. After top dressing of the fertilizer
intercultural should be done and earthing should be completed.
Digging of the Crop:- About 150 days are required to harvest the crops.
At ripening leaf
starting turning into yellow and drying. The bulb should be harvested carefully because cut
bulbs are spoiled in the storage. In one acre small bulbs are produced 70-80 qtls. and large bulbs
are produced 8-10 qtls.
The following varieties are recommended for sweet potato cultivation and their
PUSA Lal:- The colour of this variety is of red colour and having white flesh.
The medium size and the shape is thick in the middle.
PUSA Safed:- The colour of this variety is white in skin and flesh and of medium
size and it is high yielding variety.
Field Preparation:- Light loam soil is suitable for cultivation of seed potato. But the soil
should have good drainage. Alkalies and Acidic soil are not fit for cultivation of seed
Raising of Wines in the Nursery: - To raise the wines in the nursery proper time of
sowing is March-April. For one acre areas about 40 kg. medium size(125-150 gms. bulbs
are required. These bulbs should be free from veeval insects. A ridge is made at 60 cm.
apart and the bulbs are sown on the ridges at the distance of 25 cm. After sowing of the
bulb about 45 days the length of the wines are cut leaving 20-30-cm. lengths. These
wines are required 20 sq. meter areas to plant to sow in the second nursery. These wines
are planted at the distance of 60x20 cm. and these wines are ready for planting of field
after 45 days.
Transplanting time: - The optimum time for transplanting is from June to July.
Transplanting: - Cut the wines 30-40 cms. long, which should have 3-4 loads and plant these
wines cuttings on the ridges which are made at 60 cm. distance and on these ridges cutting is
planted at 30cm. apart. Cutting can be planted two ways in first way the corner two buds are
kept above the ridges and the middle nodes are buried in the soil and in the second method
lower bud portion of the cutting upto two buds are buried in the soil and rest two buds keep
upward above the ground. Normally, the planting is done in the evening time and
irrigation should be done after planting the cutting.
Manure & Fertilizer:- Well Rotten FYM 10 ton to be added into the soil 2-3 weeks
before transplanting at the time of preparation of land per acre. Though the fertilizer
should be given on the basis of soil testing report but generally 32 kg. Nitrogen 36 kg.
Phosphorus and 32 kg. potash per acre is recommended. The full dose of phosphorus and
potash and ½ dose of Nitrogen should be added at the time of transplanting. Balance dose of
Nitrogen should be added after one month of transplanting.
Intercultural & Ear thing:- Though the sweet potato is a quick growing crop but
Saathi weeds affects badly to its cultivation. Remove the weeds by one or two
intercultural within 20-40 days of transplanting and do the earthing after 40 days of
earthing should be done.
Turning of Wines:- The wines of the seed potato where it touch to the soil develop into
the root which results in the reduction of the size of sweet potato bulb. So the wine
should be turned into 2-3 times so that they should only develop root on one place.
Irrigation:- Proper moisture should be available at the time of planting of cuttings and
planting of bulb. Irrigation should be done soon after planting of cutting. After this the
irrigation should be done at 1-2 weeks interval. In rainy season only irrigation is done when
there is dry weather. After transplanting there should be no scarcity of water atleast for six
weeks. If there is deficiency of irrigation water within six weeks it adversely affect the
yield of seed potato. Stop irrigation before digging of 15-20 days. In heavy soils where
digging is difficult in that very soil light irrigation should be given 2-3 days before the
harvesting. By this way digging required less labour.
Digging:- The crop is ready for harvest depending upon the variety and it takes about 3-4 ½
months to mature the crop. For seed purpose the wines are cut one week before
digging. The bulbs are kept at 29 degree centigrade at RH 85-90% for 5-7 days.
Yield- About 80-100 qtl. per acre. SPICES CROP
medium spreading variety which is having long height but the grains are in large size in
cluster. Its grains are of medium size and green in colour. Its grains are without hair but
having light strips. The average yield of this variety is 6-8 qtl. per acre.
2. Gujarat Fennel 1 (G.F 1): - Its growth is spreading type and shape is of bush type plant. The
grains bunches are in large size and the grains are of green colour. The average yield is 7-8qtl. per
3. Hissar Fennel 33 (H.F 33): - This is a medium spreading growth and plant is having long
height. The bunches size are having more number of grains and the grains are of large size and of
green colour. The average yield of this variety is 8 qtl. per acre.
4. Sowing time:- For direct sowing the sowing should be done in 2nd and 3rd week of October is
very suitable for sowing. For transplanting method the seedling should be ready in the month
of September.
5. Seed Rate: - For direct sowing 4-6 kg. and for raising the nursery method the requirement of
the seed is 2-3 kg. per acre.
6.Method of Sowing:- 30-40 cm. line to line and 20 cm. from plant to plant distance is kept.
7. Manure & Fertilizer: - For cultivation of fennel about 8-10 ton well rotten manure, 20kg.
Nitrogen and 20kg. Phosphorus should apply per acre. Half dose of Nitrogen and full dose of
Phousphorus should be applied at the time of sowing and half balance dose of Nitrogen
should apply as a top dressing at flowering.
8. Intercultural & Weed Control: - To control of weed pendymethalion 400 gms stomp 30%
1.3 liter which should be added in 250 liter of water as spray should be done within 8 days of
sowing or before the germination of the weeds. After 60 days of sowing one intercultural
and hoeing should be done to control the weeds. Proper moisture condition should be
available in the soil when weedy side is sprayed.
Corriandurum (Dhania):Improved variety:- 1) Narnaul Selection:- This variety plants are having more number of
branches. In comparison to the local varieties the grains of this variety is of bigger size and green
brown in colour. One cutting will not affect the grain yield of this variety. The Yield of this
variety is 6-8 qtl. per acre.
Pant Haritima:- The plants of this variety is having vigorous vegetative growth. The grains are
in small size of green brown in colour. This variety gives two cuttings without effecting the yield
of this grain. The average yield is 6-8 qtl. per acre.
Hissar Anand:- (Dhania Hissar-5):- The plants of this variety is having more number of
branches and the growth is of bush type. It is a medium late maturity variety and it is very
suitable for leaves and grains. The colour of the stem is light violet in colour and the stem
colour converted into light green colour at the time of ripening and at flowering time.
bunches are large and in more number having large grains. The grains are brown green in
Sowing time:- For green leaves cultivation the sowing time is from mid September to mid
December and for grain production the sowing time is first fortnight of November. The seed
should be sown half grain rather than full size grain.
Seed Rate:- 3-4 kg. per acre (for spices crop) and 4-6 kg. per acre for green leaves
Method of Sowing:- Keep distance 30 cm. between line to line and 20cm. from plant to
Manure & Fertilizer:- About 8-10 ton well rotten FYM manure and 25kg. Nitrogen, 20kg.
phosphorus per acre should apply. Half dose of Nitrogen and full dose of Phosphorus should
apply before sowing or balance half dose of Nitrogen should apply as a top dressing after 6-8 days
week of sowing.
Control of Weeds:- To control of the weeds in Dhania cultivation one of the
recommendation should be adopted.
Flewcholorine 400-600 gm. (Basuline 45% 0.9-1.3 liter) per acre before sowing.
Pendimethalion 400-600 gm. (stomp 30% 1,7-2.9 liter) per acre after sowing or
before germination of the weeds.
Flewcholorion 250-300 gram ( Basaline 45% 550-650 m.liter) + Pendimethalion
250-300 grm ( Stomp 30% 850-1000 m.liter) solution should apply per acre.
Note:-1. The basaline should apply before sowing and other weedicide should apply after
sowing but before germination of weeds.
2. It is necessary to maintain proper moisture condition at the time of weedy side
Insect Pest & their control:Insect Pest & their control
Aphid (Hyadaphis corianderi):- The nymph Control:- At the start of the insect the
and the adult of this insect suck the sap affected branches should be removed from
from the flowers and caused damage to the time to time and destroy them.
2. 400gm. carbroyl 50 WP or 120 m.liter
cypermetharin 10 EC/ 50 m.liter 25 EC or
60 ml. Phenvalrate 20 EC should add in
200 liter of water and spray in one acre.
Recommended variety:- Pusa Early Bunching:- This is a desi variety. Its plants are grow very
vigorously and straight. The flowers are germinated from the base of the leaves. The pods
are long, flat and of green colour. The size of the seed is large and this is a high yielding
variety. The yield of the grains and the yield of the green leaves depends upon the cutting of
the crop.
2. Hissar Sonali:- (Hisar Methi-57) Its plants are having quick growing habits and grow
straight and bears more number of pods and the pods having more number of seeds. Its
grains are bigger in comparison to the PUSA early Bunching. The average yield is 8-10 qtl.
per quintal.
3. Kasuri:- It is a high yielding variety. Its growth is bush-typed in bunches. The leaves are
of three pieces; yellow flowers, which are, originate on the shoots in dense. This ia later
flowering variety the pods are grassy, flats small and green in colour. Since it is a late
flowering variety this variety can give more number of cuttings.
Sowing time:- For green leaves the sowing time is from mid September to November and for
grain production the sowing time is Ist week of October is more suitable.
Seed Rate:- 8-10 kg. per acre for desi variety and 5 kg. seed per acre for kasuri variety is
Method of Sowing:- Line to line distance is kept 20-30 cm. and plant to plant distance is kept
10 cm.
Manure & Fertilizer:- About 8 ton well rotten FYM and 25 kg. Nitrogen, 20 kg.
phosphorus per acre should apply.
Weed Control:- Before the crop and the weed germination a spray of pendimethalion 400 gms.
per acre ( stomp 30% 1.3 liter) to make solution in 250 liter of water should spray per acre.
To control the weeds while spraying weedyside proper soil moisture should be maintained.
Yield:- The average yield of the fenugreek depends upon the number of cutting taken.
For desi methi 28-32 qtl. per acre of green leaves.
Kasuri methi 20-25 per quintal.of green leaves. For
grain Production:For desi Methi:- 6-8 qtl. per acre
For Kasuri Methi:- 2.5-3 qtl. per acre.
Insect Pest
Insect Pest & their Control
(Aphis craccivora)(Bagla
Chepa):- The black colour insect nymph
and adult suck the sap from the plants and
caused damage to the crop.
Control:- 300 m.liter Melathion 50 EC or
400 m.l. endosulphan 35 EC should
dissolved in 200 liter of water per acre to
control the insect.
2. The affected branches should be cut and
destroy them.
Improved varieties:Rajasthan Selection (1) (R.S 1):- This is an early ripening variety and the plants are of
dark green colour. The colour of the flower is pinkish. The grains are large shiny and
brown in colour. The crop is matured from 100-110 days. The average yield is 2-3 qtls.
per acre.
Rajasthan Jeera (R.J-19) :- The plants of this variety is in green colour. This variety
generally given more number of branches with the result there is a increase in the number of
grain bunches. The flower is of dark pink. The grains are bold, attractive and dark brown
in colour. The crop is ready for harvest in about 105 days. This variety is resistant to
the wilt and blight disease as compare to the R.S 1 and other local varieties. The average
yield is 2.5 to 3.5 quintal per acre.
Time of Sowing:- Bed sowing from 15th Nov. to 15th December is most suitable.
Seed Rate:- For lime sowing 3-4 kg. and for broad casting method the seed requirement is
4-6 kg. per acre.
Seed Treatment:- Before sowing the seed should be treated with thiram or emisan @ 2 to
2.5 per kg. of seed.
Method of Sowing: - Line to line 20 to 30 cm. and plant to plant 10 cm. distance is kept. For
broadcasting method the seed should be broadcast and raking should be done to mix the seed
into the soil. With the result of this, the seed should be covered by the soil. The depth of the
seed should not be kept more than 2 cm.
Manure & Fertilizer:- About 6-8 ton well rotten FYM and 12 kg. Nitrogen, 8 kg.
phosphorus should apply in per acre. The half dose of Nitrogen and full dose of
Phosphorus should be applied before sowing and half dose of Nitrogen should apply after 4
weeks of sowing as a top dressing.
Control of Weeds:- The following weedicides can be used to control the weeds in
commune cultivation. Phlucholorine 400 gms. per acre ( Baseline 45% 900 ml.) should be
added in 250 liter of water and spray before sowing. The weedicide should be mixed in the
soil by raking the soil.
Irrigation:- 2-4 irrigations are required for the cultivation of the commune. No irrigation
should be done after flowering of the crop.
Control of the Diseases:Disease & their control
Alternaria Blight or Blight:- This disease
is appeared in a white patches on the corner
of the leaves.
These spots gradually
become large and collapse together and
subsequently brown and lastly converted
into black colour. In case of high moisture
condition in the field the symptoms are
appeared on the stemp or on the pods. This
disease caused great reduction in the yield
of the crop and the plants become died.
Fruit Rot and Dry Rot:- The symptoms
are appeared on the plants become wilt and
dried. These plants are uprooted by putting
little pressure of pulling. This disease is
spread gradually.
Control:- The seed should be treated
before sowing with thyrum (2.5 grams
chemical per kg. seed ) or cabondaizyum
(bavistin) 2 gm. chemical per kg. seed.
Powdery Mild-Dew:- This disease is
appeared on the lower surface of the leaves
in a shape of white powder. Gradually the
white layer is developed on the leaves. In
dry and wet weather also favoured to
increase the disease. As per the infestation,
2. The crop should be sprayed with intensity of disease the loss of the crop is
mancazeb ( Indophyl M-45 ) 400 gms.
should be dissolved in 200 liter of water
and spray in one acre. The spray should be Control:- 10kg. sulphur dust per acre to be
repeated 10-12 days interval as per the
dusted at the time of flowering which will
need. And 4-5 sprays are required to
control the disease.
control the disease.
Control:- 1. The seed should be treated
with thyram or emisan ( 2.5 grams
chemicals per kg. of seed) before sowing
the seed.
Varieties:- Local varieties is recommended.
Sowing time:- April-June.
Seed Rate:- 4-6 qtls. healthy rhizome per acre.
Sowing Method:- Line to line distance is 45cm. and plant to plant distance is kept 30 cm.
Manure & Fertilizers:- About 10 ton well rotten FYM manure, 40kg. Nitrogen 20 kg.
phosphorus and 20 kg. potash per acre should apply. The FYM should apply before three
weeks of sowing/planting and planting should be done on Ist July.
Nitrogen:- 1/3rd dose of Nitrogen and full dose of Phosphorus and Potash should apply at the time
of sowing and rest balance dose of Nitrogen two times should be applied as a crop dressing
at the time of earthing.
Yield:- 60-80 qtl. per acre good rhizome.
Local Varieties:Sowing time:- The sowing should be done from May-July ( before onset of monsoon).
Seed Rate:- 6-8 per qtl.
Plnating distance:- Line to line
40 cm. and plant to plant
15-20 cm. distance is
Manure & Fertilizers:- 10 ton well rotten FYM Manure, 40 kg. Nitrogen, 20 kg.
Phosphorus and 20 kg. Potash per acre applied into the field. The FYM should apply before
3 weeks of sowing/ planting on Ist July. 1/3rd of Nitrogen and full dose of Phosphorus and
potash should apply at the time of planting and balance 2/3rd dose of Nitrogen should apply as
a top dressing two times into equal quantity.
Yield:- 60-80 qtl. Finger per acre.
Disease & their control:Disease & their control
Leaf Blauch:- Sanken white spots have
Spot Disease:- Oval shapes spots are
been appeared on the leaf surface which are developed and black strips are appeared in
in large in size at later stages and dry the these spots. The leaves gradually dried.
Control:- The crop should be sprayed at
10-12 days interval with blight ox 50 EC or Control:- As mentioned in Leaf Blauch
indophyl M 45 ( 400 gms.) chemical in disease.
200 liter of water per acre.
Mushroom is one of the best diet, which contains protein, minerals and vitamins like
Nutritive material in a sufficient quantity. Mushroom is having less quantity of fats due to this
reason it is very good diet for heart patients and due to the very less carbohydrates
mushroom is most suitable diet for diabetic patients.
Mushroom is not required direct
sunlight as it is required in case of vegetables which are having green leaves plants but the beds
of the mushroom should be protected from the direct sunlight and rains so the mushroom
is grown either in house or in hut or any cover and below the any cover of the root which is having
sufficient aeriation. About one dozen mushroom spaces are commercially grown in the world
but in Haryna mainly two spaces are cultivated which are grown at commercial level. The
description detail is given in the table:Table:- On the basis of the season to popular spaces are cultivated on the basis of time and
Optimum time for
White Button or European
For spawning 2025 degree Celsius
for production
In Winter-Nov.February.
During production
degree Whole
except May-June.
For above all mushroom is required maximum humidity above 80% the higher temperature
above than optimum temperature is harmful to all mushroom but due to low temperature the
growth of the spawn germination and the growth of the mushroom slow down.
Method of growing button mushroom:- To grow this mushroom three basic things are
required for its cultivation which are compost, spawn (seed of mushroom)and casing mixture.
It is necessary infact that these three components should have high quality but to have good
yield of mushroom a good quality of compost is must required. The material on which the
mushroom is grown is called compost, which are made with the many articles which are
mixed in a particular proportion. The main base of the compost is weed or peddy straw but
as per the recommendation of the Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, which has round
the straw of mustard, is also suitable for making compost. There are two method of
preparation of compost which are long or short method of composting. In both the methods,
the compost mixture is made in open on the floor by furmentation but in short method
compost are prepared in a specific room where the mixture is filled for two weeks which are
called chamber or tunnel.
The floor of the chamber is of sieve type and below this the air is
passed through the blower (fan) that maintain the uniform temperature of the compost. With
the result of that compost is prepared early and the compost prepared by this method about
doubled productivity in comparison to the compost made by long method.
Most of the
farmers in Haryana is not having the facility of the chamber because mostly the farmers are
small and they prepared the compost by long method. This method is explained below in
Methods of preparing of Compost:Formulation No. 1
Wheat Straw
300 Kg.
Wheat bran
30 kg.
30 kg.
3.6 Kg.
Muriate of Potash
3 Kg.
Single Super Phasphate
3 Kg.
5 Kg.
9 Kg.
Wheat Straw
300 Kg.
Chicken Manure
Wheat Bran
7.5 Kg.
30 Kg.
Formula No. 2
Calcium Ammonium Nitroate-
6 kg.
2 Kg.
Muriate of Potash
2.0 Kg.
5 Kg.
300 Kg.
Formulation No.3
Mustard Straw
Chicken Manure
60 Kg.
Wheat Bran
8 Kg.
20 Kg.
4 Kg.
Single Super Phasphate
2 Kg.
Time Schedule of Compost Preparation: 0+6+10+13+16+19+22+25+28 days
Method of preparation of Compost: - A wheat straw which should be shiny and not
without soaked should be spread on the concrete floor for 48 hours and wet the straw fully.
If the pucca floor is not available then kuccha clean space may be used.
0 Day: - Spread the wet straw in 1ft. layer and put 6 kg. CAN, 2.4 kg. Urea, 3 Kg. SSP,
3 Kg. MOP and 15 kg. wheat bran on it and mixed thoroughly. After that make a heat of
5 ft. height, 5ft. width and suitable length. After 48 hours of heat formation temperature
will start rise and reaches to 70-75 degree Celsius. If chicken manure is used, then wet it
and mixed together. Complete quantity of chemical fertilizer may also be put on zero
+ 6th day ( Ist Turning):- Outer layer of heap get dried because of exposure to air,
due to which compost do not decompose. Turning of compost is done to ensure the
temperature to every part of material. It should be kept in mind during turning that no
outer part of heap may go inside and inner part of heap towards outside. Spray the
water on outer dry part. First turning is done on sixth day. Add 3kg. CAN, 1.2kg.
Urea, and 15 kg. bran at the time of this turning. Make the heat as such as heap of
zero day
+ 10th Day ( 2nd Turning):- Cut 1ft. layer from all five part( four sides + top of heap) and
spray some water, then expose the rest of the part remained after cutting as mentioned
above and leave for cooling. It should be kept in mind during turning that outer part should
be turned inside and inner part should be turned towards outside. Add 5 kg. mollassis in
10 liter of water and mix it in the compost before making the heap on this turning.
+ 13th Day (3rd Turning):- Turn the compost like 2nd turning Spray water on outer dry
part. The moisture content in the compost should be optimum. Add 30 kg. gypsum in
the compost. Compost will not be sticky and greasy with adding the gypsum. Break
the heap as like as turning on the 10th day.
+ 16th Day ( 4th Turning):- As third turning was done likewise repeate 4th turning if the
proper moisture in the compost.
+ 19th Day (5th Turning):- If the full turning of the heap and then make the heap again.
Keep the proper moisture condition in the compost.
+ 22nd Day (6th Turning):-Make the turning of the full heat and again make the heap.
+ 25th Day (7th Turning):- These days ammonia gas and moisture is examined in +
28th Day (8th Turning):-compost if there is no smell of ammonia from the compost
and the compost is having proper moisture condition then the compost is ready for
sowing. Before sowing the spawn the heap should be opened so that the temperature
of the compost cool down. In specific circumstances, if there is a smell of ammonia
then every third day turning should be done. In case of poultry manure there are a
great chances of remaining of ammonia. In all circumstances no ammonia gas should
be left in the compost otherwise it is very harmful for the spawn germination. The
optimum moisture condition can be judged by the simple method in which the small
quantity of compost is taken in hand and hand full quantity of manure and apply the
pressure on the finger on the compost. If the water comes out as a drop between the
fingers then it shows the optimum condition in the compost in case water is coming as
a stream then it shows that there is excess moisture present in the compost. In such
cases compost is open and dry till it contained optimum moisture condition before
Spawning:- For cultivation of mushroom the seed which is used is called spawn. To have
good production of the mushroom it is the basic requirement that the seed should be true to
the type and of a good variety of high quality. In a spawn there should not be any
stickyness or any smell and any foul smell.
Seed Rate:- The seed of the mushroom is prepared in the empty glucose bottles or in
the poly prolene bags. 500 gms. spawn is required for 100 kg. prepared compost.
The seed booking should be done atleast one month before of the spawning.
Method of Spawning:- 1. Mixed the spawn in whole compost.
2. Surface spawning.
Spawn is mixed in the compost and this mixture is filled either in polythene
bags or spread on the racks. If the spawning is done by surface method then Ist
spread 2‖ thickness compost and spawning should be done. After that again put 2‖
thickness compost and then spawning should be done. Likewise make the thickness
about 2‖ of compost and spread the spawn on the upper side and after that this
compost bed should be covered with 2% soakedd pharmalin newspaper or cover with
polythene sheet. The room temperature should be maintained 24-25 degree celsium
and RH should be maintained from 80-90%.
As per the requirement above the
newspaper and in the room morning and evening water spray should be given by the
spray pump.
Cassing Mixture:- When the mycilium of a spawn can be spread on the compost
completely then a cover of soil and ash of rice husk or any other mixture 1-1.5 ―
thickness should be spread this covering is called cassing.
Why Cassing is required:- Cassing is helped to convert vegetative growth into
mushroom. If casing is not done then there is no formatin of mushroom. If there is some
growth of mushroom then it is very less. Cassing also helped to maintain proper moisture
condition in the compost.
Cassing Mixture:- Research conducted by Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar
and it is concluded that the ash of the rice husk + soil 1:1 ratio ( on the basis of the
weight) is found better casing then other mixture. To sterlize the compost with 5%
formalin solution and fully wet the compost and covered the compost with the
polythene sheet for 3-4 days. After that the polythene sheet should be removed and
compost turning should be done so that the smell of the formalin should be removed.
How to spread Cassing Mixture: - Before casing remove the newspaper sheet or
polythene sheet in general the thickness of casing 1-1.5‖. Cassing should be done
after sowing of 15-20 days when the mushroom mycilium is spread completely. After
cassing the water should be sprinkled immediately.
Cassing and environment:- After casing the temperature should be maintained for
one week for 23-25‖ degree Celsius. After that the temperature should be come down
17-18 degree centigrade. This temperature should be maintained till the growth of the
mushroom. By the last week of December and in the month of January the
temperature bit come down with the result of that there is reduction in the
development of mushroom.
The temperature should not be increase through the
burning of smoky material. If the mushroom room temperature comes down below
12 degree Celsius then the steam should increase the temperature. The optimum
moisture condition is necessary in the mushroom house. After casing the RH should
be maintained about 80%when there is a production of mushroom then the RH should
be maintained 80-90%.
It is general observation that the mushroom growers
generally sprinkle the water on the compost to maintain the optimum moisture
condition. It is necessary to maintain proper condition to put the wet gunny bags on
doors and windows.
The outside dry air is very harmful for the growth of the
Air Circulation:- After the spread of the mycillum of the mushroom it is necessary
once or twice to give fresh air to the room. The Co2 percentage should not exceed
more than 2%. But for the formation of pin hold the Co2 % age should not be exceed
0.3%. At the time of production of mushroom the CO2 should not exceed 0.08- 0.1. It
clearly shows that at the time of pin head formation there should be a good aeriation in the
Insect Pest of Mushroom :Insect Pest & their Control
Disease & their Control
The major insects of the Mushrooms
***After the spawning into the compost
which caused damage to this crop is there are many fungal disease appeared
Mushroom Flies, mite, and spring tails.
in different type of compost with the
result of that there is reduction in the
**1.Mushroom Flies:- Three types of yield of mushroom. There are many
flies have been found to cause damage pathogens which caused damage to the
to mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus and mushroom crop which is given as
Pleurotus sajor-caju) from time to time. under:These are small, delicate, black,
yellowish or brown in colour with a. Cobweb (Dactylium dendroides):different types of wing venations and The mycelium of the pathogen is
size. Larval stage is the most grayish to white when young but
damaging. Adults do not cuase much reddish as it ages. The fungus grows
damage except help in breeding to rapidly over the surface of the casing
and soil and envelops the fruiting bodies in
dissemination of disease spores and a cropping bed. The mushrooms are
other smaller
including reduced to a soft rotting mass. Soil and
nematodes and mites on their hairy air are common sources of infection,
body parts. The larvae feed on the and wet surface and high humidity are
spawn or mycelium, pierce the hyphae the predisposing factors.
The fungus
and such the contents. They also enter spreads due to negligence during
the fruiting bodies and make tunnels
picking because left over pieces of
and honecomb the pileus in the stem
and top of the mushroom.
compost, soil and dirt are the breeding
centers for these flies where from these
migrate to the mushroom beds either
directly or indirectly with the compost,
casing and other material. The female
flies are attracted by the smell of the
nitrogenous material added to the
compost and lay eggsand, thus,
contaminate the beds.
unfavourable conditions, the larvae
remain hidden in the cracks and
crevices of the wooden trays.
Control:- The control of this insect is
given as under:a) 20 ml. endosulpham 35 ECC or
1.2 to 1.0 gm. Diaflowbenzoran 25
WC or nimbidiseen (0.03%) 100
ml.ltr. to be added in 13-14 liter of
water to mix in 100 kg. compost.
This insecticide should be added in
the last turning of the compost.
Out of this anyone insecticide
should be taken and used at the
time of casing.
b) At the time of the attack of the
mushroom flies a spray should
be done in inside of the wall of
the mushroom house of
EC or
dischlorovas 76 EC 0.5ml.
should be added in one liter of
water at the interval of 3-4
c) The mushroom should not be
harvested for 2-3 days after the
spray and if it is consumed
early it may cause mushroom
should not be used/consumed
earlier as it cause allergy and
stomach ailments.
3) Mites:- Several species of mites
have been found associated
with the mushroom crop.
Tyrophagus putresentiae has
been recorded as the most
damaging pest under our
conditions. Mites are small,
about the size of a pinhead,
with white, yellowish, brown or
mushroom can initiate infection.
Control:-Reduce humidity to 80% and
fun fans soon after watering as a
preventive measure. It c an be cbest
controlled by application of Dithane Z78 (0.25%) sprayed three time at an
interval of 10 days. Treatment with
20% PCNB dust or dusting localized
areas with 70 % calcium hypochlorite
has also been recommended.
b. Drybubble (Verticillium fungicola)
The most characterstic symptom is the
light brown superficial spottings on the
cap. These spots extend in diameter by
coalescing into brown patches and are
distinctly different to those produced by
bacterial blotch. Spots in caps start
sinking and centre is covered with a
heavy spore mass of dark brown colour
with age. In case of severe attack,
downward splitting of the stem giving a
shattered sppearance is also witnessed.
Interference with proper growth of stem
causes the cap to remain small, titled
and misshapened.
Primary source of infection appears to
be spent compost lying within the
premises of the cropping rooms and the
disease spreads through mites and fly
Temperature above 18
degree Celsius and relative humidity
above 90% are predisposing factors.
Control:- Three sprays at 10 days
interval with 0.25% dithane Z78/Dithane M-45 reduce infection.
Spraying with 0.05% Benlate also helps
in control of the disease. Sanitation
practices which include disposal of
diseased sporophores after dipping in
5% formalin solution, disinfection of
tools and other implements, sterilization
of used trays at 71 degree +2 degree C
for 10-12 h and control of mites and
flies in the cropping room help the
prevention of the disease significantly.
In case of the disease prevalence, the
red colouration and are often
seen running speedily over the
surface of the mushroom beds,
fruit bodies, sides of the trays,
walls and floors of the
mushroom houses. In some
cases these have glistening
bodies and also long hairs. The
harmful mits damage the crop
directly by feedingon the spawn
and mycelium, or puncture
holes in mushroom caps and
stalks and also cause stunting of
fruit bodies as wellas brown
spots on the caps and stems.
Other mites do not damage the
mycelium directly as almost all
types feed on weed moulds and
sometimes create difficulty for
the workers as they crawl over
their body and may also carry
spores of several diseases from
bed to bed.
Control:-a) Diacophal 50 EC 1.002.00 ml. Kelthane 10 liter to be added in
10 liter of water and should be
sprayed from time to time in the
compost and on the wall of mushroom
crop should be harvested first from
healthy cropping rooms and end up
with the diseased ones.
C. Bacterial blotch (Pseudomanas
tolaasii) Circular, yellowish spots
develop on the cap or near the margin
and coalesce to form chocolate brown
spots which penetrate into the fleshy
tissues. In severe cases brown lesions
even on the stems.
Inadequately sterilized
contaminated implements are the main
sources of infections. The pathogen
spreads through splashing of water
drops from infected to healthy
sporophores,Pickers implements, flies
and mites also help in spread of the
disease to healthy trays.
Control:- High humidity (above 85%)
and inadequate ventilation during
cropping permit the pileus to remain wt
for longer periods, which helps in the
disease initiation and spread. Lowering of
humidity to 80%and running fans
immediately after watering to dry the
caps prevent bacteria to spread on the
growing sporophores. Spray the beds
with 100 ppm bleaching powder.
b) Cook out the exhausted compost in
the tryas with steam at 71 degree
d) Virus diseases:- Mushrooms are
Celsius for 10.12 hours.
also subjected to attack by a
number of viruses which cause
4) Springtails:-Several species of
disease commonly known as La
springtails have been recorded to
France, watery stipe, die back, Xbe damaging the mushroom
disease or brown disease and
crops. These are small insects (1
which may result into slight or
mm long) with stout antennae and
total failur of the crop. On the
are silvery, reddish brown or dark
basis of the size and shape of the
grayish in appearance. They are
particles five different viruses have
active in the dark and remain
hidden either under the casing
as virus
soil, compost or fruit bodies and
move by springing several
occur alone or in any combination.
centimeters when disturbed and
In India there was no report about
thus present a silvery appearance
the occurrence of this disease, but
in light. These tiny insects feeds
recently it hassn reported from
on the mycelium and the caps and
The most common
stems of fruit bodies and cause
elongation of the
serious damage.
Use of
stalk with a small, tilted cap
inadequately sterilized casing soil
Deterioration of the
back) is common
composting are the two main
which increases with the time
sources of springtail infestation.
Control:- This insect can be controlled
by the use of spray of 0.5 ml.
melathion 50 EC or diacholorovas 76
EC ( Nuwan) 0.5 ml. @ per liter of
water to be sprayed on the wall of
mushrooms rooms.
**( Mushroom cultivation in India by
Jandaik‖Indian Mushroom
association, Solan)
resulting into bare patches of the
Sometimes small brown
mushrooms develop which often
open prematurely. Affected fruits
bodies have a water soaked
appearance (watery stipe) which
are found to be totally water
logged when squeezed.
viruses cannot live in soil or
outside the host tissues as these are
obligate parasites. Hence affected
myceliumand spores survive
readily on wooden boxes and in the
spent compost which can be easily
carried by air to distant places.
Transmission of viruses through
mushroom spores has been
Some strains of
mushroom spawn are also know to
contrain virus particles.
Control:i) Strict hygiene inside the farm.
Use of filtered air inside the
peak heating, spawn running
and cropping rooms.
iii) Mushrooms should be picked
before they open.
iv) All wooden parts of growing
units should be thoroughly
cleaned and sterilized to kill any
mushroom mycelium from the
earlier crop.
v)Use of tolerant or resistant
**( Mushroom cultivation in India
by S/Shri R.K.Agarwal and C.L
Grower Association, Solan)
recommendation of package
practices of HAU, Hissar, the
fungal disease can be controlled
by the spray of bavistin or topsinM (0.5 gm. per liter of water) or
endophyl M 45 ( 1 gm. per liter of
Soil:- Well drainage soil which is having good availability of organic contents and the pH
should be from 6-8 and soil should be sandy loam soil is suitable for rose cultivation.
Land Preparation: - Before planting of one month the pit should be dug at the distance of 60-90
cm. distances and pit size should be of 60-70 cm. deep. Such type of a pit can be made by the
tractor drawn pit digger and which make the pit 60-70 cm. dia. Well rotten 5 kg. FYM and 20gram
chloroperiphorus dust pit should be added. After filling the pit irrigation should be done or trench
should be made 60-75 cm. deep and mix the above mixture and filled this trench in the same
proportion. After filling the trench water should be given. If the soil is hard add sand at the
upper depth of 10cm.
Manure & Fertilizer in rose garden: - The plants, which are growing in the field, the
following quantity of manure and fertilizer should apply.
FYM: - 20 Ton per hectare
3.6 quintal per acre
Single Superphasphate:-5qtl. per acre
Muriate of potash:- 1.28 quintal per acre
If phosphorus is to be applied through DAP then the quantity of DAP should be applied on the
basis of 1/3rd part of Single Superphasphate and also the part of the urea should be reduced
1/5th of the already given quantity.
Time of Manuring:-a) Full compost, phosphorus, potash and half nitrogen should be applied after
pruning which is done mid-September. The balance dose of half Nitrogen should be applied
after five weeks.
b) In the spring season to have a good flowering crops 10gms. Nitrogen and 10 gms. potash
should apply additional dose per plant in the month of January.
d) To meet the requirement of Micro-Nutrients a spray of 0.3% which is having a equal
proportion of zinc sulphate , magnesium sulphate and magnese should be sprayed
during last week of November. To have good crop in this season this spray should be
done during February.
Irrigation:- a) In summer at 5 days interval. In winter at 10 days interval.
b) During spring season care should be taken that the water should not be
stagnate in the field.
Propagation:- I) During mid September to mid November stock plant should be prepared and
for this purpose rosa barnonia. Rosa Indica variety Odorota and Rosa Multiphlora. the
cuttings of these varieties are planted as a distance of 10-15cm.
Collect buds from desired varieties and budding should be done on the stock and budding
should be done in the month of January and February. In the area where the temperature is bit
low the budding should be done successfully in the month of March.
Desi Roses plants are propagated through the cuttings.
Training & Pruning: - Pruning should be done at the height of 30cm. from the ground in
the month of mid-September to mid-October. The plants, which are planted in summer
the pruning, should be done at this time by keeping 4-5 branches per plant and each
branch should have 5-6 buds. In each branches a slanting cut should be given above the
last bud. Cut end should be pasted with bordo paste or blight ox or apply 25% bavistin
Miniature, polymath and creeper roses are not required pruning.
wood, branches are cut.
In these plants only dry
Recommended Varieties:Name of the group
of the Rose
Colour of the
Name of the Variety
1. White
Jawahar, Rajhans, Virgo, Paskali, Ganga,
Pusa-Sania, Purnima, Priyatama, Appollo,
Golden Giant, Golden masterpiece.
2. Pink
Ifan Tower, President, Ramakrishananan,
Mrinalini, Mridula, Dr.G.P.Paul
3. Red Rose
Crimpson, Raktganda, Charles, Malrin,
4. Shiny blue Red
Tata Centour, Bluemoon, Blue Delite,
Super Star, Motejuma
6. Double Colour
Double Delight, Piccadily, Kiss-off-fire,
Sporten, Salman
Ice varg Samarsani, Chandrama, Chitchor.
Sonora, C-pearl, Goden times, Golden Locks
Arunima, Queen, Elizebeth, Bridal, Pink,
King Author
Shiny Red
Neel Neelambra
1. Red
Anjana, Reshmi
2. Pink
Nartak, Prati, Swati
1. Red
Dajlat, Cry Cry
3. Yellow
Delhi Scarlet
4. Orange
Baby Muskowred, Ramba, Samba.
Delhi Height, Pearl, Sendors, Height Rambler
Snowgirl, Dortho Parkin
Flouribunda Group
Polyantha Group
Miniature Group
Creeper Group
Plucking of the flower:- When the bud developed in full colour the bud should be cut with long
pedicel with sharp knife or sketcher and simultanteously these cut flowers should be put in the
water basket or water tub.
Packing of flowers:- 20-20 bunches should be wrapped with the newspaper sheet are packed in
the boxes of size 100 cm long, 50 cm. breadth and 6 and half cm. deep and after packing it should
be sent for marketing in the flower market.
Insect Pest & their control
Disease and their control
Rose-Scale:- The main stem is covered by
Dieback:- The plant shows symptoms of
the brown layer and the stem starts blacknening from the top and the disease
gradually drying.
increase from top to bottom size and
branches become drying.
Control:-To prevent from this insect the
spray of 0.05% oxy-dematon methyl 25
EC (Metacytox). (2gm. in one liter of
Control:- The affected branches hould be
cut and the cut ends should be pasted with
bavistin paste of 0.2%.
Soil:- Gladulous cultivation can be done successfully in good drainage soil of sandy loam
structure and having PH between 6-8 variety yellow flower variety.
Variety:Yellow colour variety
Appollo, Aaldibaren, topaz, samar sunshine, top
brass, vincos glori, yellow stone.
White colour variety
Friendship, summer pearl, true love, morning kiss,
amarsamdam, sincere
Red and Pink
Oscar, Candyman, Titonia, Red Majesty
Blue and Violet colour
Mayur, Har majestry, blue lily, blue sky
Propagation:- By Corn
Time of planting of Corn: - The right time of planting of corn is Ist week of October to 2nd week
of November. Before sowing the corn the corn should be treated with 2% solution with the Captan
and dipping the combs in the solution for about half hours can do this practice. After that these
corns should be sown to attain the good length of flowering spice ( 4-5 cm.) 4-5cm dia con
should be planted on the ridge and the depth should be kept 5-7 cm. and distance plant to plant
15 cm. and row to row 50 cm.
Manuring:FYM Well Rotten- 20 ton per acre.
- 2.5 quintal per acre.
Single superphasphate- 1.52 quintal. per acre
Muriate of Potash:-
0.64 quintal per acre
Full dose of well rotten FYM, half dose of Nitrogen, full dose of Phosphorus and
potash should apply in the month of September before sowing the corn. Half of balance
nitrogen should apply at the time of initiation of flower.
Irrigation:- Irrigation should be given after the germination of the corn.
irrigation should be given at the interval of 10-15 days.
Hoeing and Intercultural:- When the plant attained the height of 20cm. and earthing should be
done at the height of 10-15cm. After initiation of the flowering the plant should be tied with the
flowering spice.
Harvesting of flower:- For distant market harvesting should be done when the first bud
flower at the turning stage of colour and starts opening. For a closure market when the first bud
flower starts open and flower spice should be cut. The flower spice should be treated with 400
PPM (400 mg. per liter of water) 8Hos + 3%sugar solution and these spice dipped for three
hours. For sending to the market the bundles of the flowering spice should be packed in the
card board boxes.
Marketing of Corn:- When the plants become pale and starts drying the small and the bigger corn
should be harvested and these corn should be treated with benelete or 0.2% cap tan solution
and dry these corn in the shade before transferring to the cold storage. Old storage or on the
layer of the sand in the shade corn can be stored. In the cold storage corn can be stored from 4
degree centigrade to 6 degree centigrade temperature for long duration without any loss in the corn
Disease & their control
Disease & their control
Corn Rot:- The affected plant of this
Scorching Disease of Leaves:- A deep
disease shows symptoms of yellowing of brown colour spot appeared on the margin of
leaves and it also affects on the growth of the leaf.
the plant and growth is arrested.
Control:- The drenching of the ridges
should be treated with the solution of 0.2% Control:- To control of this disease is to
spray the crop with the chemical diathion
captan or bavistin
M 45 (0.2%) at the interval of one week
and repeat this spray 2-3 times.
Soil:- For cultivation of marigold sandy soil with PH of 7-7.5 is very suitable.
Variety:- 1. African Marigold:- African giant orange, Africangiant yellow, African gian
lemmon yellow, Cracker Jack, Titonia Memoth, Goldsmith
French:- Rusty red, water scotch, Red bracketed and local
Seed Rate:- 160-240grams per acre.
Time of raising nursery:-Sowing of the seed in the raised bed of 10cm. raised bed of the size
of 1x2mtr. size of the bed sow the seed from July- September. After sowing the seed covered
the seed with thin layer of well rotten sieved with FYM and covered the bed with dry grass or
Method of Planting and planting distance:- When the plants attained 6-8 leaves or after
about 8-10 cm. height these plants are ready for transplanting. Transplanting is done at the
distance of 30x40 cm. and irrigates the soil.
Manuring:Well Rotten FYM - 16 ton per acre.
- 540 kilogram per acre.
Single Superphasphate:- 500 kg. per acre.
Muriate of Potash:-
64 kilogram.
If DAP to be applied the quantity of DAP should be reduced to the 1/3rd of the single
superphasphate and in case of urea the nitrogen is reduce to 1/5th of the Nitrogen.
Full well rotten FYM and Phosphorus , Potash and 1/3rd doze of Nitrogen should be
applied at the time of before transplanting of the seedling in the mid October. Balance 2/3 rddose
of Nitrogen should apply after five weeks of transplanting.
Irrigation:- Irrigation should be done in winter at 10-15 days interval and in summer 5-7 days
Pinching:- Pinching should be done after 25-30 days of transplanting so that the growth can be
restricted which resulted into more number of branches and flowers.
Plucking of the flowers:- The full bloom flowers should be harvested after the irrigation in
the morning and evening. These plucking flowers should be packed in the polythene bags,
baskets or bamboo basket and gunny bags and sent immediately to the marketing in the
Yield:- The yield of this flower is 7.2 to 8 ton per acre.
Disease and their control
Damping of Disease: This disease is
Scorching & Spot Disease of the leaf:observed in the nursery beds while raising The primary symptom of this disease is
the nursery.
light brown spot is appeared on the lower
surface of the leaves and gradually the
growth of the plants is restricted.
Control:- To control this disease drenching of
the seed bed should be done with 0.2% of
Control:- A spray of Diathion M-45 @
the solution captan.
0.2% (2 gm. in one liter of water) should
spray at the 15 days interval.
Carnation is of two types.
Standard Type: - Scania, William Sim, Leena, Harvest Moon, Red Diamond, Yellow Dusty,
Diamond, Red Corso, Yellow Dusty, Diamond, Dusty Pink
Spray Type: - Vermilon, Peach, Delight, Height Lila, Poudh Delite, Medina, Gold Lock,
Method of propagation of the Plant: -Cutting should be collected in the month of
September from a healthy plants and the cutting should be pencil thickness of size 8x10cm.
long and the lower bud 1-2 leaves should be cut the lower portion of the cutting should be
treated with 0.2% bavisitin + 0.15% -Diathion M -45 and dip the cutting in the solution for
five minutes. After this these cutting lower edge should be dip in 1000-PPM (100 mg. per
liter) NAA solution for 5 seconds and then these cutting should be planted in Yamuna side or
Badarpur which is filled in the pods or plant these cuttings in the bed. In poly houses water
should be sprinkled again and again for the sake of mist. By this way cutting will develop roots
within 25-30 days and the plants are ready for planting in the month of OctoberNovember.
PAU has developed the protocol to propagate the plant through tissue culture. The plants, which
are raised through tissue culture, are disease resistant to the type and of a bear very good quality
Time of Planting:- In the month of October and November root cutting are planted on the
ridge. The ridges are made 1.2 mtr. Wide. The difference between 2ridge is kept 75cm. and
plant-to-plant distance 30cm.
Manure:- Well Rotten FYM 20 ton per acre.
Urea -
320 kg. per acre
Single superphasphate 500 kg. Per acre.
Muriate of Potash:-
64 kg.
Half Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash should apply in the beds before planting of the
plant. Balance half dose should apply after one month.
Pinching of Branches:-When the branches bears 5-6 leaves about 30-35 days after planting
then the top of the branches should be pinched so that the branches equally and profusely
sprouted. To harvest early crop one pinching is required. But the varieties especially which
gives flowers for the long period such varieties to have more flower from many times. The
branches, which sprout from the main branch (when the length of these branches attained the
length of about the length of the main stem) pinch the top. By this way there will be more
production of the flowers so long duration bearing flowers variety should be pinched two
times of the branches. In first pinching, pinching is done in the main branch and second time
pinching is done from the branches which sprouted from the main branch. To have good size
of the flower in carnation the unwanted branches (which are less than 2-3 cm. long) and buds
which are less than 15cm. in size) to be cut and thinning should be done.
Flowering time: - February to April.
Harvesting of flowers: - Before sending to the market half opened flowers, which are having
stock length of about 45-50 cm., should cut and keep in the buckets which are filled by water.
Packing:- First the flowers are graded in different grades and bundles are made of
flowers are packed in the card board boxes which are of the size of
30 height and 150 cm.
width and 122 cm. length. Inside the boxes edge to edge a lining of thin film of plastic lining is
Disease and their control
Leaf Spot:- This disease is caused by fungus, fungus
developed spots on the upper surface of the leaves and
branches starts rottening.
Control:- To control this disease a spray of 0.2% zenab or
captan solution should be done.
Variety: - Single, Double Rajnigandha.
Climate:- Normal climatic conditions where neither the high temperature nor the very low
temperature is prevailing. It is very suitable for the cultivation of the tuberose.
Soil:- Sandy loam soil which is having pH 6.5 to 7..5.
Plant Propagation:- The bulbs are used for development of the plants.
Time and Method of sowing of bulb:- Sowing of the bulb is done from April to May and the
distance between plant to plant and line to line is kept 20cm.x20cm. The bulbs are sown at the
depth of 5cm. and first irrigation should be given after sprouting of the bulb.
Manure: - Well rotten- FYM 20 ton per acre
Urea: - 160 kg. per acre
Single superphasphate: - 150 kg. per acre
Muriate of Potash:- 44.5 kg.
Full dose of FYM, full phosphorus, potash and half dose of nitrogen should apply
before sowing. Balance dose of Nitrogen should apply after 45 days of sowing.
Irrigation: - In winter 15-20 days interval and in summer every week irrigation should be
Harvesting of Spike: - When the lower flower on the spike is fully opened then the spike
should be harvested by sharp knives or sketcher in early morning or late evening. These cut
spikes should be kept in the water bucket. The cut portion of the spike should be dipped in
the water.
Packing:- The spike bundles of 20 spikes are made and these bundles are tied and wrapped
with the sheet of newspaper and it should be put in the card board box and sent to the market.
Harvesting of Bulb and storage:- When the growth of the plants become stopped and leaves
starts drying then the harvesting should be done and bulb should be removed from the soil and
kept in the dry place and sometimes do the turning so that
there should be no
contamination of fungus and other micro organism. To plant the bulb for the next season crop these
bulbs are kept in shade and dry place.
The Bougainvillea grown widely throughout the Haryana as it is easy to grow, is
colorful and its varieties. The bougainvillea can be divided into following groups:Standard Varieties:- Marry Pamar, Mahatama Gandhi, Subra, Lady Mary Bearing, Delite,
Beghum Sikander, Roojwalt, Mahara.
Potted Varieties:- Cherry Blossoms, Shrimati H.C.Bak, Garnate, Glori, Dheema, Dr. Rav,
Jawahar Lal Nehru, H.B.Singh, Shole, Usha
Bush type varieties:- Alok, Mahara, Partha, Meera, Gopal, Anidarnalcaster.
Creeper type varieties:- Mary Pamar, Shrimati H.C.Bak, Partha, Pultony, Subra, Maharaja of
Mysore, Trinidad
Hedge type varieties:- Partha, Lady Mary Vieray, Anid, Lacanster, Mubra
Multibracketed :- Mahara, Cherry Blossom Mohan, Alok, Roojwelt, Delite
Manure & Fertilizer:- At the end of winter Ammonium Sulphate, Single Superphasphate and
Pottasium Sulphate, should add in the soil in the ratio of 1:3:2 and 250 gram mixture of these
fertilizer per plant. For potted plant FYM and other fertilizer mixture should be added during
rainy season in the form of small-small quantity.
Training & Pruning:- Specially training and pruning is required for potted plants. To retain
22-40cm. long and 4-5 branches and the rest should be cut.
Propagation:- The propagation is done through cutting and the cutting of bougainvillea 1215 cm. long should be treated with 2000 PPM, IBA solution for 10 seconds and should be
planted in the 2nd week of February in polythene bags, pots or beds. These cutting developed roots
within 30-35 days.
Setting up of Model nursery (4 Ha.) under NHM at GGN Pinangwan
After discussion with DDH (F), I have redeveloped model of nursery (4 Ha.)
to be set up at GGN Pinangwan (Mewat) which is placed at flag - B. It is supposed that 4 Ha.
area is in a square and dimension of the area is 200m x 200m = 40000 sq. m. The total area is
divided into 4 main blocks and one block consists 1 ha. The detail of model is given as under:
Windbreaks: On the West side of nursery Rai Jamun at the spacing of 9 m is
proposed and in between the Rai Jamun, Karonda at 1.5 m spacing is proposed. In the
north side of nursery Jamoya at the spacing of 2.0 m is proposed and between
Jamoya, Karonda will be planted which will come 100 plants of Jamoya and 100
plants of Karonda. On East side of the nursery Karonda is proposed at spacing of 1.5
m and total plants would be 133. On the south side Bulgarian Roses is proposed to be
placed at 60 cm spacing to develop into hedge at desired level and also the cutting
will be used for further propagation for farmer fields. It will also give good look to the
nursery. We can also make planting of either Bamboo or Rai Jamun or Desi Mango,
Silver Oak, Mulberry, Shisham etc. as a wind break on north and west side of nursery
to protect the nursery from cold and hot winds and also it maintains the temperature
of the garden nursery upto some extent. It also affects the velocity of winds, which
also prevents breaking of branches of trees and dropping of fruits and flowers. The
detail of planting material that will be required is given as under:
1. Rai Jamun
22 plants
2. Karonda
100+133+133=366 plants
3. Bulgarian Roses
327 plants
Main Gate: 3.5 mt wide gate is proposed on the main road of nursery which is 200m
in length and 3m is wide. It would be pakka road and East and West side of main road 50
cm wide sunken beds are proposed to be used for growing of seasonal flowers and it will
also help to drain out excess water during rainy season so that the water should not stand
on road. Kacha path
Kacha Path: On the East and West side of the nursery between 3m wide and 2m long
path is proposed for necessary operations in the nursery.
Watchman hut: Near the main gate a watchman hut is proposed of 2m x 2m size.
Sale Point: On the right side of the main gate a sale point is proposed of size 4 m x
3.5 m with verandah of 2.5 m x 3.5 m.
Low Tunnels: Low tunnels have been proposed in area of 1000 sq. m with size of
20.8 x 48 m.
Shedding Net House: It has been proposed of 500 sq. m with size of 20.8 m x 24 m.
Polygreen House: A polygreen house of 250 sq m with size of 20.8m x 12m is
Hi-Tech Polygreen House: A polygreen house of 250 sq m with size of
20.8 m x
12 m is proposed.
5, 6,7 and 8 projections are situated near to the nursery raising block.
Dumping Unit: A dumping unit 10 m x 5 m size is proposed in the North East corner
of nursery for making compost of waste material of the nursery.
10. Vermi Compost Unit: A Vermi Compost Unit is also suggested to the North East
area of size 1500 sq. feet of dimension 15 m x 30.3 m. Between the dumping and
Vermi Compost Unit 2 m space is left.
11. Ber Progeny Orchard: 2.5 acre area is used under Ber progeny orchard under which
three varieties would be planted - 1 acre of Gola, 1 acre of Umran and ½ acre of
Kakrona (selection from local Gola). The plants would be planted at 6m x 6m
spacing. Total net no. of plants would be 261.
12. Guava Progeny Orchard: 2.5 acre area is proposed in guava progeny orchard,
wherein 3 varieties of guava L-49 (1 acre), Alhabadi Safeda (0.5 acre), Hisar Safeda (0.5
acre) and Lalit (0.5 acre) would be planted .The plants will be planted at 6 m x 3 m
spacing. The net total no. of plants is 522. Keeping in view of future demand the plant
spacing may be reduced firstly 3 m x 3 m then finally to achieve the target with increase of
demand. The distance may be adjusted 3 m x 1.5 m.
For other fruit plant nursery like Mango, Sapota, Lichi, and citrus plants like
mosammi, kinnow, malta etc. the number of plants can be decided keeping in view of the
production target of these fruits. Since no data is available that by the increase in age of plant
we can raise particular number of plants from one tree of each kind of fruit as I
enquired this from principal scientist of rehmankhera but as per my personal experience of
raising of fruit plants approximate plant can be raised from one tree at particular age
approximately is given as under which also be very depending upon the growth of the
particular kind of trees depending on soil type and agro climatic conditions. Varieties of fruits
may be chosen either recommended by HAU Hisar or ICAR Research Stations for Haryana to
meet the demand of the market.
This will make clear cut guidelines how many plants of particular kind of fruits and
varieties may be planted in the model nursery in the progeny orchard. So that the propagation
target may be achieved and different type of a model keeping of view of the information
sighted in the following table: Approximate planting materials (buds/sticks) available per year per plant.
Kind of
Distance (Mtr.)
Age of Trees
30-40 50-100
Nursery Raising Block: In this block 1m x 5m size beds will be prepared and total
no. of beds would be 630 which will accommodate 68,750 plants in polythene bags.
0.40 m area would be left between two beds. After three beds length side 1.20 metre
path is made. 1 bed of 1m x 5m would accommodate about 125 plants in polythene
bags. Between the nursery beds, after 35 beds 1.5 m wide path has been proposed. At
present existing orchard of Ber may be used for propagation of plants. Regarding
guava propagation bud sticks of desired varieties may be collected from reliable
sources till our own planting material is ready for propagation.
For other model of the nursery existing orchard of mother plant available may also be
taken into consideration for making the propagation plan to achieve the targets. The
requirement of the particular years and side by side new developed nursery planting
material may be used when it is ready for propagation.
Soil Sterilization Platform: 20.8m x 15m = 312m2 area is left for sterilization of soil
and FYM.
15. Future Nursery Area: About 2.5 acre area is left for future expansion of raising of
fruit plants and vegetable nursery. At present this area will be used for vegetable seed
16. Raising of Vegetable Seedlings: The area of 20.8m x 42.5m and
of area 1334 sq. m would be used for raising vegetable seedlings.
10m x 45m
17. Landscaping: 6.5m x 55m = 357.5 sq. m would be used for landscaping.
Keeping in view of the 65 to 70 % survival rate of propagation it is expected that
there would be production of above 50000 fruit plants of Ber and guava and rest target of
the large model nursery will be achieved by raising different types of vegetable seedlings.
Alterations may be made keeping in view of the existing dimension and area of
the nursery and revision of the plots may be made accordingly in the progeny orchards.
Drip irrigation system may be used. The target of the fruit plants will depend on future
Cost of Components:
Main road 200m x 3m = 600 sq. m at the rate of Rs. 350 per sq. m.
Fencing 6 ft high
a) Chain link with m s angle bon paste @ Rs. 500 running metre.
b) With barbed wire fencing @ Rs. 400 per running metre.
Either a) or b) may be used for fencing.
Watchman hut 2m x 2m.
Sale Point
Platform seeding sterilization at rate of Rs. 250 per square metre.
Main Gate
Vermi Compost
Dumping Unit 10 m x 5 m = 50 sq. m at rate of Rs. 40 per square
Cost of Planting Material
a) Ber: to under 61 plants @ Rs. 50/b) Guava: to under 522 plants @ Rs. 50/c) Rai Jamun: to under 22 plants @ Rs. 40/d) Karonda: to under 366 plants @ Rs. 25/-
e) Bulgarian Rose: to under 327 plants @ Rs. 30/10.
Polygreen House of 250 m2 @ Rs. 650/- per m2
Hi-Tech Polygreen House of 250 m2 @ Rs. 1800/- per m2
Shading Net 500 m2 @ Rs. 400/- per m2
Low Tunnel 1000 sqm. @ Rs. 100/-
Drip Irrigation 2 ha. @ Rs. 25000/- per hectare
* Rates are calculated as per norms of Consultant Civil Engineer, HSHDA.
Other operations to be carried out in the nursery time to time may be calculated on the basis
of the assignment submitted to the Department for raising of nursery and maintenance of orchard
and budget may be allotted accordingly.
The other models may be developed on the basis of above model for small and large
nursery in different parts of the Haryana, wherever it is required.
Submitted for necessary action please.
Consultant Horticulture (P&E)
India is the largest producer of fruits and the second largest producer of vegetables in the
world. It produces about 40% of world‘s cashew nut. It has dominated the world trade in
spices providing 80% of total world‘s black paper. Also, it is the largest producer of
ginger and turmeric accounting for 65% and 75%, respectively. However, it is a fact that
we do not meet the minimum requirement of fruits and vegetables of out people. Our
productivity per unit area is poor, out performance in export and processing is poor due to
inferior quality of produce and great variability therein. In floriculture we are yet to make
a real beginning. The single most important cause for these is inadequate and poor quality
of planting material. What is required is proper exploitation of natural prowess in
environment-friendly manner. Therefore, in recent years there has been emphasis on crop
diversification and this has brought potentials of horticulture to lime-light in terms of its
capability for improving returns per unit area, uplifting rural horticulture to lime-light in
terms of its capability for improving returns per unit area, uplifting rural economy,
earning foreign exchange through export and generating large employment opportunities
in rural sector. It has therefore, been targeted to produce 50 million tones of fruits and 100
million tones of vegetables by the turn of the century. To achieve these enhanced targets,
the government has provided matching grant for R and D in horticulture with a provision
of 1000 million rupees for horticultural research and 10,000 million rupees for
horticultural development during VIII plan which is being achieved through investment in
creation of research would be of interest to mention the areas which are related with
―Propagation and Nursery Management‖.
In Haryana the area under fruit crops is 34752
ha. and while the next
year target is to increase the area under fruit crops is
ha. In the Department
there area quite good numbers of fruit nurseries and private registered nurseries. But,
Haryana is facing great shortage of good planting material in almost, in all the crops
in general particularly in citrus crop. Our nursery mother plants are very old and
they are infested with the many diseases particularly this is a great problem in case
of citrus plants which is badly affected with the viral diseases. Non-availability of
good planting material would adversely effect on the productivity in our future
programme. The main thrust of the country in general and Haryana particularly is to
produce high quality planting material by way of new technology even if the
technology is not available we can outsource that technology to produce quality
planting materials. The following points emerge in this regard for propagation of the
plants: 1.
Establishment of nurseries and tissue culture laboratories in private and
public sector and support to ongoing programme of progeny orchardscum-nurseries of large scale multiplication of important crops.
Fruit tree planting in wasteland.
Replacement of old plantation.
The following methods are adopted for propagation of fruit plants: Different method of vegetative propagation.
1. By Cutting
Stem Cutting
i) Hard Cutting
ii) Semi-Hard Cutting
iii) Soft Wood Cutting
Root Cutting
By Budding
T Budding
Pomegranate, Grapes, Pear, Strawberry and Fig etc.
Mulberry, Fig, Grapes and Citrus
Family Fruits etc.
Peach, Mulberry and Gooseberry etc.
Apple, Pear and Plum etc.
Ber, Mulberry, Peach and Pear etc.
Patch Budding
Ring Budding
Chip Budding
i) Tip
ii) Normal
iii) Trench
iv) Mound/Stool
v) Micro Propagation
vi) Runners
vii) Suckers
Aonla, Guava, Well net and Peeken Nut
Well net, Peach and Peeken Nut etc.
Mango, Grapes and Apple etc.
Apple, Pear, Peach and Plum etc.
Apple, Almond, Well nut and Peach etc.
Mango, Sapota etc.
Black gooseberry, trailing black,
gooseberry, etc.
Baramasi Lemon, Fillburt etc.s
Apple, pear, Cherry etc.
Apple, Guava, gooseberry, air layering,
Guava, Litchi, Pomegranate, Kagazi
Lime, Cashew nut etc.
Banana, Papaya, Citrus Fruit, Grapes,
Strawberry etc.
Date, Banana, Pineapple etc.
1. Scion should be collected from the known palliative and good productive mother
2. The scion and stock should be free from diseases.
3. In one bed the same plant should not be raised for many years because there is a great
chances of infestation of soil born diseases. Therefore, the bed should be shifted after
2-3 years for other kind of the fruits.
4. In the nursery beds optimum irrigation and nutrition should be supplied time to time.
5. Trained Mali should be engaged for propagation.
6. As soon as the disease and pest is noticed immediately appropriate control measures
should be taken up.
Usually the plants are not propagated on the same kind of the fruit root stock. In the
modern science there is a specific use of fruit stock for specific fruit plant propagation.
propagated plant will depend upon the root stock and the progeny record of the mother plant.
The advantage of vegetative propagation in comparison to the seedling plants is given as
For the proper development of the root in the soil and strong standing of the
Observation of optimum water and nutrient from the soil.
Translocation of nutrients and water in the plant system.
For synthesis of more food material and there distribution in the all part of the
For Better storage capacity.
Propagation of true to the type plant.
Early, regular bearing and more productivity.
Uniform production of fruit.
Uniform ripening of the fruit.
Comfortability in different agro-climatic conditions.
The growth regulators are used for propagation of fruit plants which
are depicted in the below table:Kind of fruit
Method of
Name of
Time and duration
of treatment
Stem cutting
Before planting the
Before planting the
Stem cutting
6-12 hrs Before
planting of the
Citrus Fruit
Stem cutting
15-20 minutes
Before planting of
the cutting.
Stem cutting
30-60 minutes
Before planting of
the cutting.
Air layering
As a time of the
Citrus fruit
Air layering
As a time of the
Air layering
As a time of the
Fruit stock is become the backbone of the fruit industries nowadays and it is
evident that there is a more contribution of rootstock whether than the progeny
orchard in the development of fruit industry. The good root stock should have the
following quality for propagation of any fruit plant:Quality Relating Raising Nursery:-
Early propagation through seed or cutting.
More Precocity in less time.
More Comfortability between the sign and stock.
Strong grip of the root into the soil.
Quality relating raising of Orchard:-
As per the soil condition.
Moist condition.
Drought condition.
Salty soil condition.
Stony soil.
As per the climatic condition
Hot and Cold.
Resistance to disease pest and nematode.
Free from the restrout of the root stock. Early
bearing habit.
For draftness.
Good quality of the fruit.
For more productivity.
In practical not such type of rootstock is available which can meet the all requirement
which are given above. The rootstock is used for the following advantages:-
Precocity of the progeny.
To control the nutrients into the plants.
Abiotic factors.
Biotic factors.
The following rootstock are used for the different fruit plant which are given below:1.
a) Sour mango or Mangefera Indica and wild species of mango.
b) Cylon wild mango or Mangefera Geelanica species.
c) Desi kalapari Mango.
Effect of the Rootstock
Polyembrony plants give
better growth rather than
monopoly plants.
Superior growth
Draft trees
variety 13-1
Chausa, S.T.-9
Haden, Maya & Mabroka for
all species
Haden, Maya & Mabroka for
all species
Salt tolerance and superior in
all quality.
Draft trees
Haden, Maya & Mabroka for
all species
Rootstock for Guava
Chinee Guava
For all species
For all species
Superior growth
Salt tolerance, draft plants
and resistance to nematode
Tolerance to vilt disease.
Rootstock for Citrus
(A) Effect on the growth of the Rootstock
Effect on the Rootstock
Acid Orange
Medium growth
Rough lime & Rangpur lime
Superior growth, draft plant
Carrigo & Trier
Superior growth in all type of soil
Grape Fruit
Cuba Sheddack
Superior growth, Sandy soil & good for dry
Very draft plants
Draft plant of Kinnow
Tyrpholiate orange
Superior growth of the malta
Draft plant of grape fruit.
(B) The effect of the rootstock on the absorption of the nutrient
Rough lime
More absorption of sulphar and
Tolerance to the Borane,
Malta & Acid Orange
More absorption of nitrogen
Trypholiate orange
More absorption of Phosphorous.
More absorption of calcium &
More absorption of calcium & less
absorption of magnesium
Grape fruit, Cintrange & Malta Acid
orange & Trypholiate Orange
Acid orange & rough orange
All Rootstock
Rough lime
Carrigo, Strewmelo & Hy. Rootstock
Trypholiate orange
Acid Orange
Effect on micro nutrients in
comparison to the main nutrients.
Concentration of phosphorus
nitrogen Malta species
More absorption of phosphorus
For absorption of nitrogen &
Superior for absorption of phosphorus,
calcium, magnesium & Iron & MN
C) The effect of root stock on non-living factors which affect on the progeny:
Acid Orange
Cleopetra Lime Trypholiate orange
Swingal Citromello Malta
Rough Lemon
Sandy, Clay and tolerance to salt, soil,
suitable for stony soil, and resistant to
Resistant to cold
Superior for sandy loam soil,
Tolerance to medium salt or cold
tolerance but not fit for stony soil
Drought resistant, tolerance to medium
salt, resistant to cold and tolerance to
the boron deficiency
Philistine sweet lime Rangpur lime
Tolerance to the salt and boron
deficiency, Not resistant to the cold,
Tolerance drought
Salt, Stony soil or tolerance to the cold
climate, superior for clay soil
Tolerance to severe cold
Citrus Volkamarina
Frost resistant
Jatti Khatti
Superior for valenasia orange
d) The effect of root stock on living factors which affect on the progeny:Acid Orange
Less effect on Damping of but
susceptible citrus nematodes, resistant to
excortics and xclohosoaris
Bitter-sweet Orange
Tolerance Phyophotora fungus and
Tristezza virus
Phyophotora fungus and susceptible to
the drought Tolerance to Tristezza
Excortics and xclosoasis, resistant to
damping of disease.
Rough Lime
Phyophotora fungus and susceptible
citrus nematodes, Tolerance to
Tolerance to Tristezza, Excortics and
Triopholiate Orange
No affect on Xclosoaris and tristezza.
Tolerance to Citrus Nematodes and
Citrus Volcamarina
Tolerance to Tristezza virus
Root stock
420 A
5 BB
3309 C
3306 /c
the root
to Easy
of budding
to Compatibility Pedigree
Vitus growth
Salt Creek
Scale 5= Superior 1= Unsuitable.
** In Haryana the grapes has been introduced by Late Shri Pansare four decades back
and vegetative propagation is being done in grape cultivation by way of cutting
and it is very suitable method in Haryana.
PEAR:- For pear propagation, many kinds of stock material are being used
which leave affect different on the propagated material. Particular stock
material besides the size and shape of the plants and also decide the distance
between plant to plant. The different kind of stocks which are used in the
propagation of pear the description is given as under:Resistance against temperature
& Resistance against the soil
Temperature for different root stock of pear
Root stock
Old Home
Pyrus Pashia
and Winter
of leave
Sandy soil
Root Stock of Peach (Prunus persica)
Main rootstock of peach and their speciality
The effect of family on growth
G M 305
Haro Blood
Syberian Sea
Pisa -2
Below medium
Below medium
Below medium
The hybrid rootstock between peach and almond
G.F. 557
G.F. 677
The hybrid rootstock between peach and wild peach
G.F. 43
Effect of rootstock on non living factors
Water logging
Peach, Almond, Apricot
Hybrid rootstock between Peach and almond
More Ceptible
Seedling peaches are
more resistant
Damas G.F 1869, G F 655/2
More resistant
Saint Julian Hybrid 1,2, Saint julian 655-2
Wild peach, Nimagourd G F 305
Medium resistant
Sensitive of Rootstock of plum towards living factors
Myrobalan and peach
bacterial canker
Meriana and seedling maroblan
Resistant towards above
Meriana and Bio plant seedling
Highly resistant towards
prunun brown
spread by virus
G F 43
Resistant to trunk rotting
Rootstock for cheeku
Rootstock for Ber
Ziziphus rotundifolia
Ziziphus Mauritana variety tikri
Ziziphus Numelaria
Rootstock of Aonla
Seedling aonla
Rootstock for Jamun
Seedling of Jamun
Rootstock of bel
Seedling of bel
Note: Since there are many hybrids of Horticulture crops available in the market which are
being used by the farmers with their experience and own risk because farmers are getting
good return of their crop. These hybrids are not recommended by the HAU, Hisar. But
keeping in view of the trade the majority of the growers are using hybrids in Horticulture in
general and in vegetables particularly. These hybrids to be included in the package practises
with their detail and their cultivation requirement to complete the website. Since JDH/G
desired to submit whatever the material is written so far is being supplied to your goodself
which may need further improvement to give it in a final shape. This information could not
fully completed because of the non availability of steno as per the requirement.
Consultant Hort. (P&E)