ETHICS APPLICATION FORM School of Applied Psychology UCC (adapted from UCC Social Research Ethics Committee documentation) Introduction UCC academic staff and postgraduate research students who are seeking ethical approval should use this application form. Application Checklist This checklist includes all of the items that are required for an application to be deemed complete. In the event that any of these are not present, the application will be returned to the applicant without having been sent to review. Please ensure that your application includes all of these prior to submission. Thank you. Completed Application Checklist ☐ Completed Ethical Approval Self-Evaluation ☐ Completed Description of Project ☐ Information Sheet(s) ☐ Consent Sheet(s) ☐ Psychometric Instruments / Interview / Focus Group Schedules ☐ I have consulted the UCC Code of Research Conduct and ☐ believe my proposal is in line with its requirements If you are under academic supervision, your supervisor has approved the wording of and co-signed this ☐ application prior to submission Name of applicant(s) Department/School/Unit, & Supervisor’s Name Sept 2015 APPLICANT DETAILS Date Phone 1 Correspondence Address Email Title of Project ETHICAL APPROVAL SELF-EVALUATION YES NO 1 Do you consider that this project has significant ethical implications? 2 Will you describe the main research procedures to participants in advance, so that they are informed about what to expect? 3 Will participation be voluntary? 4 Will you obtain informed consent in writing from participants? 5 Will you tell participants that they may withdraw from the research at any time and for any reason, and (where relevant) omit questionnaire items to which they do not wish to respond? 6 Will data be treated with full confidentiality / anonymity (as appropriate)? 7 Will data be securely held for a minimum period of seven years after the completion of a research project, in line with the University’s Code of Research Conduct? 8 If results are published, will anonymity be maintained and participants not identified? 9 Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of the study)? 10 Will your project involve deliberately misleading participants in any way? 11 Will your participants include children (under 18 years of age)? 12 Will your participants include people with learning or communication difficulties? Will your participants include patients? 13 Will your participants include people in custody? 14 Will your participants include people engaged in illegal activities (e.g. drug taking; illegal Internet 15 behaviour)? 16 Is there a realistic risk of participants experiencing either physical or psychological distress? 17 If yes to 16, has a proposed procedure, including the name of a contact person, been given? (see no 25) 18 If yes to 11, is your research informed by the UCC Child Protection Policy? Sept 2015 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 19. Aims of the project (briefly) 20. Brief description and justification of methods and measures to be used. If applicable, please attach (in APPENDIX 1 below) research questions / copy of questionnaire / interview protocol / discussion guide / etc. materials which the Ethics Committee needs to examine in order to evaluate your application. 21. Participants: recruitment methods, number, age, gender, exclusion/inclusion criteria, detail permissions 22. Concise statement of ethical issues raised by the project and how you intend to deal with them 23. Arrangements for informing participants about the nature of the study (cf. Question 3 above). If applicable, please attach (in APPENDIX 2 below) the information letter / online statement / other correspondence you wish to use to inform participants about your study. 24. How you will obtain Informed Consent (cf. Question 4 above). If applicable, please attach (in APPENDIX 3 below) the consent form you wish to use. 25. Outline of debriefing process (cf. Question 9). If you answered YES to Question 16, give details here. State what you will advise participants to do if they should experience problems (e.g. who to contact for help). 26. Estimated start date and duration of project Signed _____________________________________ Date ____________________ Applicant Signed _____________________________________ Date ____________________ Research Supervisor/Principal Investigator (if applicable) Please submit this form and attachments to, with the words ethics application (followed by your full name) in the subject line). Please include a scan of the signatures required. No hard copies are required. This form is adapted from pp. 13-14 of Guidelines for Minimum Standards of Ethical Approval in Psychological Research (British Psychological Soci July, 2004) Last update: September 2015 Sept 2015 3 APPENDIX 1. If applicable, please attach research questions / copy of questionnaire / interview protocol / discussion guide / etc. materials which the Ethics Committee needs to examine in order to evaluate your application. APPENDIX 2. If applicable, please attach the information letter / online statement / other correspondence you wish to use to inform participants about your study. APPENDIX 3. If applicable, please attach the consent form you wish to use. Sept 2015 4 Authorisation Date when this research was considered by the Ethics Committee of the School of Applied Psychology Result (please check one): Approved Approved with minor comments (resubmission is not required) Approved pending clarification (a list of sections and required clarifications must be made below or appended) Approved pending approval from external body (the body or bodies from which approval is pending must be specified) Not approved Referred to Social Research Ethics Committee (SREC) Other Feedback for the applicant: Reviewers’ signatures: Date: Sept 2015 5