CAML / SCAR-MarBIN The CAML Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean project Objectives 1. To assemble in one publication (large format atlas + digital dynamic version on SCARMarBIN) a selection of representative maps and syntheses on the distribution of the Southern Ocean organisms, to provide a general overview of the biogeography of the Southern Ocean (s.l.) and a benchmark of current biogeographic knowledge at the end of CAML. This will update the well-known and useful but largely outdated Hedgpeth1969’s Folio on “Distribution of selected groups of marine invertebrates in waters south of 35°S latitude” in the Antarctic Map Folio Series (American Geographical Society). 2. To contribute (by synthetic texts and maps) to the SCAR-MarBIN online “Antarctic Field Guide” and in turn to the Encyclopedia of Life. 3. Users? Contents [Maps and synthetic text (3-4 pages?) to accompany maps and explain key features of the distribution of the taxon, community or environmental parameter under consideration, with key references (incl. web sources e.g. large databases)] INTRODUCTION Coord: Claude, Philippe, Vicky Background and rationale - new bunch of CAML and SCAR-MarBIN distribution data - Historical background: Hedgpeth 1969 and progress since then (illustrated by comparative map(s) for target group(s) - New conceptual developments in biogeography - New technological developments in biogeography (GIS, habitat modelling, sampling methods, etc..) - Need to establish state of biogeographic knowledge in context / perspective of climate / environmental changes - Need to contribute to prediction of global change effect Objectives of the Atlas - static printed and dynamic digital versions - How does it answer the needs of science, conservation, monitoring, management? Datasets: presentation and gap analysis PART 1 : ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING (synthetic maps and texts) Coord: Huw and Bruno Coord: Alix?, Ben Raymond? - General ( Abiotic factors (general, for benthos, pelagos and top predators) - Geomorphology bathymetry (GEBCO8 and Sat ETOPO2) seismic lines - Hydrography and oceanography: water masses ( STC), (cf Griffiths submitted PLOSone) Etc Alix ), fronts (APF, Huw - Abiotic factors specific to pelagic realm: Philippe Surface and water column temperature (standard depths?) etc (see Pelagic WG rep) - Abiotic factors specific to benthos: bottom temperature sediments (what parameters? Grain size, organic content? near bottom currents? - Huw Alix Biotic factors PART 2. BIOGEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS Maps of distribution patterns of selected taxa and asemblages BENTHOS: (Taxon level) Meio: Nematoda J. Ingels/ A. Vanreusel Macro/mega: Porifera (Demospongiae, Hexactinellida) Huw + D. Janussen Hydrozoa Pena-Cantero? Anthozoa D. Fautin? Gastropoda K. Linse / S. Schiaparelli Bivalvia K. Linse Cephalopoda (benthic) L. Allcock Polychaeta M. Schuller Pycnogonida Huw, C. Arango, T. Munilla Mysida V. Petryashov Lophogastrida V. Petryashov Amphipoda Claude Isopoda Steffi Cumacea U. Muehlenhardt-S. Decapoda? Christoph/Claude Bryozoa D. Barnes Brachiopoda C. Emig Ophiuroidea I. Smirnov Echinoidea Bruno (David) Ascidiacea E. Vasquez Fish (demersal and benthic): Macroalgae? Philippe , Patrice C. Wiencke / C. Amsler? Protists: Foraminifera A. Gooday / J. Pawlowski Maps should illustrate different “typical” benthic distribution patterns: Geographic: Circumpolar vs allopatric Sub-Antar vs Antar East/west Antarctic Bipolarity Endemism Different range sizes Antarctic – deep sea outside SO Others? Bathymetric coastal (is there a distinct coastal “province”, macroalgal zone, photic zone , all spp distrib restricted to first 100 m , 30 m? shelf to slope etc BENTHOS (Assemblages level) Maps of distribution patterns of selected assemblages: Bioconstructors (Sponges + Hydrozoa + Anthozoa? + Bryozoa + Macroalgae?) Suspension feeders (Sponges + Hydrozoa + Anthozoa? + Bryozoa) Check Gutt macrozoobenthos communities PELAGOS: Zooplankton CPR selected species Euphausids Cephalopods Sea ice assemblages SEABIRDS AND MAMMALS PART 3. PHYLOGEOGRAPHY - Relevant phylogeographic analyses for particular groups o Fish o Isopods o Molluscs o Cephalopods coord: Christoph G. Lecointre, A. Dettai Christoph K. Linse PART 4. BIOGEOGRAPHIC PROCESSES, Synthetic maps showing results of biogeographic analysis and modelization: - Biogeographic entities Pelagic and benthic eco-regions Hotspots Endemism: selected spp (DNA checked) Huw? - Brooders vs dispersers PART 5 OUTPUTS AND APPLICATIONS - Current status - Predictions - Conservation aspects - Climate change - Changing user requirements Potential Authorship - SCAR-MarBIN Taxonomic Editors (who compiled and provided occurrence data) will be invited to contribute short synthesis on the biogeography (incl. phylogeography if available) of their respective groups to accompany synthetic biogeographic maps. o invertebrates (benthos , plankton, nekton) benthos: general: (A. Clarke? / H. Griffiths?), Porifera (D. Janussen), Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, Nematoda (A. Vanreusel), Aplacophora (M. Schrödl), Polyplacophora (E. Schwabe), Gastropoda (K. Linse / S. Schiaparelli), Bivalvia (K. Linse / S. Schiaparelli), Cephalopoda (L. Allcock), Polychaeta (M. Schuller/J. Sicinski), Oligochaeta (P. Martin), Pycnogonida (C. Arango/ °), Ostracoda (S. Brandao), Lophogastrida (V. Petryashov), Mysida (V. Petryashov), Tanaidacea (M. Blazewicz), Isopoda (A. Brandt/S. Kaiser), Amphipoda (C. De Broyer / W. Zeidler), Cumacea (U. Muehlenhardt-Siegel), Brachiopoda (C. Emig), Bryozoa (D. Barnes/P. Kuklinski), Asteroidea (M. X / B. Danis), Ophiuroidea (I. Smirnov), Echinoidea (B. David). Plankton: general (G. Hosie), Gelatinous zooplankton (D. Lindsay), Ostracoda Halocypridina (M. Angel/ K. Blasowiak), Amphipoda Hyperiidea (W. Zeidler), Euphausiacea (V. Siegel). Nekton: Cephalopoda (? , Pisces? o vertebrates (fish) (phylogeography: G. Lecointre, A. Dettai). o macroalgae (C. Wiencke? / C.D. Amsler?). o protists: Foraminifera (A. Gooday?), others? - Relevant environmental features o hydrography / oceanography: water masses, T/S, sea-bottom temperatures (for benthos), currents,… o primary production, nutrients o sediments o o o geomorphology glacial history … - Total: about 50 potential contributors Practical realization and time schedule 1. Discussion and planning during the Villefranche Workshop. 2. Production of a maximum of maps and redaction of draft syntheses (if possible) for some taxonomic groups or environmental parameters during the Villefranche Workshop. 3. Invitation to potential contributors (SCAR-MarBIN Taxonomic Editors and other experts) after the Villefranche Workshop (at the latest end of July 2010). 4. Deadline for contributions: 15 Nov 2010. 5. Publication: mid 2011.