BARDEX II: Bringing the Laboratory to the Beach – Again! 1 BARDEX II: Bringing the beach to the laboratory – again! Gerd Masselink†, Ian Turner‡, Daniel Conley†, Gerben Ruessink∞, Ana Matias§, Charlie Thompson+, Bruno Castelle# and Guido Wolters@ †School of Marine Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK ‡ School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia ∞Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht +CIACOMAR, Universidade do Algarve, Avenida 16 Junho, s/n, 8700-311 Olhão, Portugal +Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK #CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1, UMR 5805-EPOC Avenue des Facultés, F33405, Talence, France University, Utrecht, 3508 TC, The Netherlands @Deltares, Rotterdamseweg 185, Delft, 2629 HD Delft, The Netherlands ABSTRACT Masselink, G., Turner, I.L., Conley, D.C., Ruessink, B.G., Matias, A., Thompson, C., Castelle, B. and Wolters, G., 2013. BARDEX II: Bringing the beach to the laboratory – again! In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. (eds.), Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, pp. xxx-xxx, ISSN 0749-0208. Proto-type laboratory experiments are particularly useful in coastal research when forcing parameters are modified in a way that is impossible to achieve in the field, and where installation and maintenance of instrumentation requires absence of waves. In 2008, the Barrier Dynamics Experiment (BARDEX) took place in the Delta Flume, the Netherlands. This project, funded by Hydralab III, focused on the effect of varying wave, sea level and beach groundwater conditions on a gravel beach (D50 = 10 mm). In 2012, a similar project was carried out, referred to as BARDEX II, this time funded by Hydralab IV and on a sandy beach (D50 = 0.42 mm). During the experiment, a 4.5-m high and 70-m wide sandy barrier was constructed in the flume with a lagoon situated to the landward. The barrier was instrumented with a very large number (> 200) of instruments and subjected to a range of wave conditions (Hs = 0.8 m; Tp = 4–12 s) and varying sea and lagoon water levels. Five distinct test series were executed over a 20-day period: series A focused on beach response due to accretionary/erosive wave conditions and a high/low lagoon water level; series B investigated the effect of a lower sea level on nearshore bar dynamics; series C simulated tidal effects; series D addressed the swash/overtopping/overwash threshold; and during series E the beach-barrier system was subjected to an extended period of energetic overwash conditions. This paper will describe the experimental design and the test programme during BARDEX II. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Proto-type experiment, swash, breaking waves, berm, nearshore sediment transport, hydrology, overwash. INTRODUCTION Sand and gravel barriers are natural means of coastal protection against flooding, whilst at the same time representing porous boundaries that connect the terrestrial groundwater table with sea level. Two key processes that are of particular relevance to these two functions, and for which our understanding is far from complete, are overwash during extreme wave and water-level conditions and cross-barrier groundwater fluxes. Accurate prediction of the occurrence and morphological consequence of overwash is of obvious importance for coastal flood risk assessment and management (Matias et al., 2008). Equally apparent is the relevance of being able to quantify and model cross-barrier groundwater fluxes, for example for assessing the dispersal of pollutants from coastal aquifers into the sea (Andersen et al., 2007) and saline intrusion as a result of sea-level rise. A less obvious, but potentially significant and related process is the effect ____________________ DOI: 10.2112/SI65-xxx.1 received Day Month 2012; accepted Day Month 2013. © Coastal Education & Research Foundation 2013 of interactions between the beach groundwater table and swash motion on sediment transport processes on the upper beach (Turner and Masselink, 1998) and, therefore, beach stability. These interactions are strongly controlled by the elevation of the beach groundwater table relative to sea level, and it is often considered that a low water table promotes beach stability, while a high water table has a destabilising effect on the beach. In 2008, the large-scale Barrier Dynamics Experiment (BARDEX), funded under the Hydralab III programme, was successfully completed in the Delta Flume to investigate overwash processes, cross-barrier groundwater fluxes and the role of the beach groundwater table on beach stability (Williams et al., 2012). BARDEX involved placing a near prototype-scale gravel barrier (height 4.5 m; width 30 m) in the middle of the flume and subjecting the structure to a range of wave, tide and water level conditions. A unique aspect of BARDEX was the presence of a lagoon behind the barrier, as commonly occurs in natural barrier settings, providing a convenient means to experimentally manipulate the groundwater hydrology within the barrier. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 2 Masselink, et al. The main BARDEX partners considered it appropriate and timely to carry out a second experiment in the Delta Flume, but this time on a sandy barrier. Funding was obtained under the Hydralab IV programme and the project, named BARDEX II to acknowledge its pedigree, was carried out from May to July 2012. The data set collected during BARDEX II is not only relevant in providing direct comparison with the gravel barrier data set (thereby providing added value to BARDEX), but the sandy barrier data is also important in its own right by providing fundamental new information on cross-shore sediment transport processes in the nearshore zone of sandy beaches. Specifically, in addition to explicitly addressing the effect of swash/groundwater interactions to sediment transport and morphological development in the swash zone, the project also investigates the sediment exchange between the swash and surf zone and, related, the dynamics of nearshore bar systems. It is generally accepted that mean offshoredirected flows are responsible for beach erosion and offshore bar migration under energetic wave conditions, but there is considerable debate in the literature as to what causes beach accretion and onshore bar migration under calm wave conditions. There have been a number of processes proposed that may be implicated in onshore sediment transport and bar migration, including: (1) onshore mass flux due to cell circulation (Aagaard et al., 2006); (2) sediment stratification (Falchetti et al., 2010); (3) turbulence associated with breaking waves and bores (Butt et al., 2004); (4) cross-shore velocity skewness (‘wave skewness’; Marino-Tapia et al., 2007); (5) cross-shore velocity acceleration skewness (‘wave asymmetry’; Hoefel and Elgar, 2003); (6) ventilated boundary layer (Conley and Inman, 1992); and (7) plug flow due to horizontal pressure gradients (Foster et al., 2006). These different processes are not necessarily mutually exclusive and all, except (1), are addressed during BARDEX II. Five key objectives were identified, each of them linked to a specific Work Package (WP): WP1 – barrier hydrology (led by University of New South Wales): to observe, quantify and model the dynamic groundwater conditions within the barrier, subject to varying wave, water-level and back-barrier lagoon conditions. WP2 – swash and berm dynamics (led by University of Plymouth): to examine the relative roles of advected boregenerated turbulence versus local boundary layer processes in the full column sediment transport processes in the swash zone; to resolve the role of barrier hydrology in controlling equilibrium morphological response at the beach face. WP3 – swash-surf zone exchange and bar dynamics (led by Utrecht University): to determine and quantify the dominant hydrodynamic and sediment transport mechanisms responsible for swash-surf zone sediment exchange; to identify key processes responsible for onshore and offshore bar migration. WP4 – barrier overwash (led by University of Algarve): to quantify overwash threshold for different wave and waterlevel conditions; to investigate the effect of groundwater gradients on overwash processes; to compare overwash processes on sand and gravel barriers. WP5 – Sediment re-suspension and bed morphology (led by University of Southampton): to observe and measure vortex re-suspension process and bedform dynamics under shoaling and breaking waves; to quantify changes in the magnitude and direction of sediment transport (bedload and suspended load) in the region just outside the surf zone. WP6 – numerical modeling (led by University of Bordeaux): to further develop and rigorously test advanced process-based cross-shore hydro-morphodynamic models that address bar Figure 1. Delta Flume cross-section with barrier profile at the start of the experiment and location of Deltares instrumentation. PT = pressure transducer; EMCM = electromagnetic current meter. Horizontal lines show water levels used. and barrier dynamics, and barrier destruction through overwash. The present paper provides a description of the BARDEX II experiment, including the experimental set-up, instrumentation used and test programme, and provides an introduction to 6 subsequent papers, each covering one of the BARDEX II WPs. Collectively, these papers constituted a special session held during the 2013 International Coastal Symposium, and all papers are published in this Special Issue of the Journal of Coastal Research (Castelle et al., 2013; Conley et al., 2013; Matias et al., 2013; Ruessink et al., 2013; Thompson et al., 2013; Turner et al., 2013). METHODS Experimental Set-Up A 4.5-m high sandy barrier was constructed in the Delta Flume, with the crest of the barrier located at x = 110 m from the wave paddle (Figure 1). With a default sea level of 3 m, this means that the barrier crest was located 1.5 m above MSW. Medium-sized sand with a median diameter D50 of 0.42 mm was used (D10 = 0.26 mm; D90 = 0.90 mm). The sediment was selected to provide sufficient hydraulic conductivity K for significant horizontal (through-barrier) and vertical (through-bed) groundwater flows (K = 0.0005–0.001 m s-1), but not too coarse a sediment to inhibit sediment re-suspension and nearshore bar formation. The barrier was composed of a number of distinct profile sections: (1) a concrete toe at x = 24-29 m; (2) a 20-m wide, horizontal section with a 0.5-m thick sand layer at x = 29-49 m; (3) a 60-m wide, 1:15 seaward-sloping section at x = 49-109 m; (4) a 5-m wide crest at x =109-114 m; and (5) a 10-m wide, 1:5 landward-sloping section at x = 114-124 m. A 5-m high retaining wall was used to separate the back-barrier slope from a 10-m wide lagoon at x = 125-135 m. This wall was constructed out of a steel mesh (grid size = 0.05 x 0.05 m) shrouded on both sides with two layers of 180 micron geotextile cloth, to allow water to move freely between back-barrier slope and lagoon, but prevent the ingress of sand into the lagoon during overwash tests. The lagoon was separated from a large water reservoir that extended from x = 135 m to the end of the Delta Flume, at c. x = 180 m by an impermeable gate. To regulate the water levels in the Delta Flume, four computercontrolled pumps were used: (1) sea to lagoon; (2) lagoon to sea; (3) reservoir to lagoon; and (4) lagoon to reservoir. Each pump had a maximum capacity of 100 l s-1 and the discharge of the pumps between sea and lagoon were recorded to enable quantification of across-barrier water fluxes. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 BARDEX II: Bringing the Laboratory to the Beach – Again! 3 Figure 2. Photos showing key elements of the experimental set-up during BARDEX II. (a) Overview of the Delta Flume looking from trolley above crest of the barrier towards the wave paddle, 120 m distant. (b) Barrier under construction showing several groundwater wells affixed to the flume wall. (c) Construction of retaining wall separating the back of the barrier from the lagoon. (d) Pump system showing all inlets/outlets to/from the lagoon. (e) Surf zone turbulence rig. (f) Self-logging pressure sensor for measuring surf zone water levels. (g) An Argus video system, comprising 3 cameras, was mounted at a height of c. 5 above the barrier crest. (h) Underwater video camera flush mounted with the bed collocated with electromagnetic and acoustic current meters for making detailed measurements of hydro- and sediment-dynamics in the boundary layer. (i) Offshore rig with a range of acoustic instruments to monitor sediment re-suspension and bedform dynamics. (j) Photo taking through the scaffold rig showing numerous vertically-mounted electromagnetic and acoustic current meters. (k) View inside one of the measurement cabins with more than 15 laptops that were used simultaneously during the experiment to record the data, presenting significant data management challenges. Instruments and Measurements A suite of instruments and sampling devices were deployed during the experiment (Figures 2 and 3). The instrumentation provided by the facility included a large number (> 20) of pressure transducers (PT) for recording water levels in the barrier and the sea, 13 wall-mounted electromagnetic current meters (EMCM) for recording flow velocities, 3 video cameras for measuring wave transformation and run-up, and a high-resolution bed profiler mounted off the carriage for recording beach morphology. Data from the PTs and EMCMs were collected at 20 Hz by the central Delta Flume computer. Beach profiles were recorded at various intervals, ranging from every 10 minutes to every hour. A large amount of additional instruments contributed by the Project Partners were deployed: Within the barrier – Electric conductivity probes and thermistors were used to measure through-barrier movement. In addition, 4 pairs of high-precision PTs, deployed in piezometer tubes, were used to resolve instantaneous groundwater fluxes at the beachface. Swash zone – Equipment for recording swash flows, suspended sediment fluxes and bed-level changes was deployed from a large scaffold rig comprising 6 EMCMs, 6 acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV), 6 optical backscatter sensors (OBS), 8 PTs, 45 acoustic altimeters and 6 sheetflow Figure 3. Close-up of the barrier profile showing the locations of the instruments provided to BARDEX II by the Project Partners: UNSW = University of New South Wales; UoP = University of Plymouth; UoS = University of Southampton; and UU = Utrecht University. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 4 Masselink, et al. probes. In addition, a thermal camera and 2 LIDARs were used to remotely monitor swash motion. Surf zone – Equipment for measuring nearshore mean flows, wave velocities, turbulence and suspended sediment concentrations deployed from a 3 wall-mounted rigs, and comprising 3 ADVs, 2 EMCMs, 3 PTs and 9 OBSs. In addition, a 3D sector scanning sonar (3DSS) was deployed to monitor bedforms in the surf zone. Shoaling wave zone – A single measurement rig was deployed just beyond the zone of breaking waves to measure hydrodynamics, sediment re-suspension and bedforms under shoaling waves. The rig comprised solely of acoustic devices and included 2 ADVs, 2 sand ripple profilers (SRP), an acoustic backscatter sensor (ABS) and a 3DSS. Data collected with these additional instruments were logged at frequencies ranging from 8 to 64 Hz using a suite of laptops and data loggers. All laptops were time-synced to a precision GPS clock network. Experimental Programme An overview of the test programme is provided in Table 1. The programme comprises 5 different test series that were sequenced such that they represent an increased level of complexity: Series A – The objective of this test series was to determine the effect of high and low lagoon level, and therefore high and low beach groundwater table, on swash sediment transport processes and beach profile development. Two different wave conditions (accretion and erosion) and three different lagoon levels (low, medium and high) were used. Series B – During this test the effect of lowering the sea level on nearshore bar development was addressed. Accretionary wave conditions were used. Series C – To investigate tidal effects on beach profile development, the sea level was varied over a 1.5-m range over a 12-hour tidal cycle with the beach subjected to accretionary wave conditions. To enhance the effect of tidal asymmetry, the rising tide was executed with a low lagoon level and the falling tide with a high lagoon level. Series D – During this test series, the water level was incrementally raised by 0.15-m intervals for 7 different wave Figure 4. Photo sequence showing turbulent bore going through the scaffold rig during overwash test series E. Table 1. Overview of the experimental programme. Hs = significant wave height; Tp = peak wave period; hs = water depth in the sea; and hl = water depth in the lagoon. Test Hs (m) Tp (s) hs (m) hl (m) Test series A: Beach response to varying wave conditions and different lagoon levels; no tide 0.8 8 3 3 – 3.4 A1 0.8 8 3 4.3 A2 0.8 8 3 4.3 A3 0.3 – 0.8 8 – 12 3 1.75 A5 0.8 8 3 1.75 A4 0.6 12 3 3 A6 0.6 12 3 4.25 A7 0.6 12 3 1.75 A8 Test series B: Bar dynamics due to different sea levels; no tide 0.8 8 3 1.75 B1 0.8 8 2.5 1.75 B2 Test series C: Beach response to varying wave conditions with tide (30-min data segments) 0.8, 0.6 8 2.25 → 3.65 1.75 C1 0.8, 0.6 8 3.53 → 2.25 4.25 C2 Test series D: Identification of overtopping/overwash threshold; increase sea level until overwash occurs (20-min data segments) 0.8 4 3.15 → 4.2 1.75 D1 0.8 5 3.45 → 4.05 1.75 D2 0.8 6 3.45 → 3.9 1.75 D3 0.8 7 3.45 → 3.9 1.75 D4 0.8 8 3.45 → 3.75 1.75 D5 0.8 9 3.30 → 3.75 1.75 D6 0.8 10 3.15 → 3.6 1.75 D7 Test series E: Barrier overwash (13-min data segments) 0.8 8 3.9 1.75 E1 conditions (constant height, but variable period) to achieve a sequence of swash – overtopping – overwash. For each test conditions, 20-min of wave action was used. Series E – During this final test series of the experiment, the sea level was set just beyond the overwash threshold and the barrier was exposed to consecutive 13-min segments of energetic overwash wave conditions (Figure 4). These conditions resulted in progressive lowering of the bar crest and sediment transport across the barrier crest into the back-barrier region. The wave paddle steering signal was a JONSWAP spectrum specified using significant wave height Hs and peak wave period Tp. To enable comparison between different tests within the same test series, for tests with the same wave forcing (Hs and Tp), the identical wave steering signal was used. The wave steering signals were segmented to allow frequent interruption of the wave forcing for beach profile measurement, and also for instrument maintenance to ensure that near-bed measurements were being made. Wave reflection in the flume was suppressed by turning the Automated Reflection Compensator (ARC) on. During most tests of test series A, random wave action was followed by 5 minutes of monochromatic waves and 15 minutes of bi-chromatic waves. During test series C a tidal cycle was simulated. The tidal signal was a ‘proper’ sinusoid with amplitude of 0.75 m and a period of 12 hrs, but the signal was ‘cut’ into 30-min segments, each with a constant water depth. This was required because otherwise the ARC could not be engaged which would have resulted in significant seiching in the tank. The maximum difference in water level between two consecutive 30-min Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 BARDEX II: Bringing the Laboratory to the Beach – Again! segments was 0.2 m. The JONSWAP wave steering signal for each segment was identical, although adjusted for water depth, to ensure that any recorded morphological changes were not due to changing wave conditions. PRELIMINARY RESULTS Various aspects of the experiment are discussed by other papers published in this special issue of JCR (Castelle et al., 2013 – numerical modelling; Conley et al., 2013 – swash dynamics; Matias et al., 2013 – barrier overwash; Ruessink et al., 2013 – surf zone turbulence; Thompson et al., 2013 – bedform dynamics; Turner et al., 2013 – barrier hydrology); here, some results obtained by the profiler are presented to provide an overview of the observed morphological response during the experiment. Figure 5 summarises the 4 main morphological responses: Bar formation – Erosive conditions prevailed during #A1– A4. After c. 16 hours of erosive wave action, a small berm developed above MSL at x = 90–100 m, but the prevailing morphological development was the formation of a nearshore bar around x = 70 m. The bar formed mainly as a result of offshore sediment transport in the surf zone and was the focus of wave breaking throughout these tests. Berm formation – Accretionary conditions during #A6–A8 caused onshore sediment transport, resulting in the disappearance of the pre-existing nearshore bar and the formation of a very pronounced berm at x = 90–105 m. After 5 11 hours of accretionary wave action, the height of the berm above the original profile was c. 1 m and the beachface gradient had increased from 1:15 to 1:6. Further berm building – During the tidal test series C, the sea level varied between 2.25 and 3.65 m. Not much change occurred in the subtidal area, but over the 12-hour tidal cycle the pre-existing berm developed further with wave runup during high tide inducing vertical accretion. The sediment for this berm accretion was sourced from the lower beachface, where erosion prevailed. Overtopping and overwash – Almost 12 hours of wave conditions around the overtopping/overwash threshold were simulated (test series D) culminating in just over one hour of continuous and energetic barrier overwash (test series E). Over this period, a subdued nearshore bar developed around x = 80 m, but, more importantly, the shoreline retreated by markedly and c. 10m3 per unit meter beach width was transferred from the beachface to the back of the barrier by overtopping and overwash processes. Figure 6 shows the time series of the berm volume, computed over the region x = 85–110 m, during the phase of berm formation with the symbols indicating the different tests. The data show a progressive, almost linear, build-up of the berm over a 13-hour period (t = 900–1700 min) during the accretionary wave conditions of test series A. The berm volume stabilised during the test series B, whilst during the tidal test series C the berm reduced Figure 5. Morphological response during: erosive tests of series A (#A1–A5); accretionary tests of series A (#A6–A8) and series B (#B1 and #B2); tidal tests of series C (#C1 and #C2); and overtopping and overwashing tests of series D (#D1–D7) and E (#E1). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 6 Masselink, et al. to the project, comprising 30 days for barrier construction and installation of instruments and pumps, 20 experiment days and 8 days for decommissioning the experiment. Almost 30 researchers from 9 countries were involved with the project and c. 10 staff from Deltares provided technical. The total budget for the project was c. 250k Euro and includes, amongst others, 32k Euro for sand, 14k Euro for constructing retaining wall, 27k Euro for pump hire and 30k Euro for travel and subsistence. The complete data set with data report will be made available by the end of 2013. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work described in this publication was supported by the European Community's 7th Framework Programme through the grant to the budget of the Integrating Activity HYDRALAB IV, contract no. 261520. LITERATURE CITED Figure 6. Time series of sediment volume Q of the berm region (x = 85–110 m) computed relative to that at the start of the experiment. The time axis represents the cumulative experimental time in minutes since the start of the experiment. in volume. What is particularly noteworthy is that there is no apparent difference in beach morphological response between the high and low lagoon level tests (cf., #A7/#A8 and #C1/#C2). Finally, Figure 7 shows the morphological response during the overwash test series E. With a sea level at 3.9 m, many waves resulted in overwash, resulting in a lowering of the barrier crest and sediment transport from the front of the beach to the back of the barrier. Similar to observations during BARDEX (Matias et al., 2012), barrier crest lowering was enhanced by positive feedback through the positive link between the reduction in barrier freeboard and the increase in overwash frequency. After only 5 brief (13-min) segments of energetic overwash conditions, the overwash volume was so great that water started flowing landward across the barrier crest, and the experiment was terminated. CONCLUDING REMARKS The BARDEX II experiment took place over a 3-month period from May to July 2012. A total of 58 project days were allocated Figure 7. Morphological response of the barrier during test series E, showing progressive erosion of the beachface, lowering of the barrier crest and deposition in the back-barrier region. Aagaard, T., Hughes, M., Møller-Sørensen, R. and Andersen, S., 2006. Hydrodynamics and sediment fluxes across an onshore migrating intertidal bar. Journal of Coastal Research, 22, 247-259. Andersen, M.S., Baron, L., Gudbjerg, J., Gregerson, J., Chapellier, D., Jakobsen, R. and Postma, D., 2007. Nitrate-rich groundwater discharging into a coastal marine environment. Journal of Hydrology, 336, 98-114. 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Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C05004. Hoefel, F. and Elgar, S., 2003. Wave-induced sediment transport and bar migration. Science, 299, 1885-1887. Marino-Tapia, I.J., Russell, P.E., O’Hare, T.J., Davidson, M.A. and Huntley, D.A., 2007. Cross-shore sediment transport on natural beaches and its relation to sand bar migration patterns: 1. Field observations and derivation of a transport parameterization. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, CO3001. Masselink, G. and Turner, I.L., 2012. Large-scale laboratory investigation into the effect of varying back-barrier lagoon water levels on gravel beach morphology and swash zone sediment transport. Coastal Engineering, 63, 23-38. Matias, A., Ferreira, O, Vila-Concejo, A., Garcia, T. and Alveirinho Dias,J., 2008. Classification of washover dynamics in barrier islands. Geomorphology, 97, 655-674. Matias, A., Williams, J., Ferreira, O. and Masselink, G., 2012. Barrier overwash Coastal Engineering, 63, 48-61. Roelvink, J.A., Reniers, A., van Dongeren, A., van Thiel de Vries, J., McCall, R. and Lescinski, J., 2009. Modeling storm impacts on beaches, dunes and barrier islands. Coastal Engineering, 56, 133-152. Turner, I.L. and Masselink, G., 1998. Swash infiltration-exfiltration and sediment transport. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 30,813– 30,824. Turner, I.L. and Masselink, G., 2012. Barrier coastal gravel barrier hydrology – observations from a prototype-scale laboratory experiment (BARDEX). Coastal Engineering, 63, 13-22. Williams, J., Buscombe, D., Masselink, G., Turner, I.L. and Swinkels, C., 2012. Barrier Dynamics Experiment (BARDEX): Aims, design and procedures. Coastal Engineering, 63, 3-12. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 BARDEX II: Bringing the Laboratory to the Beach – Again! 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Literature Cited Papers cited should be grouped together in a list headed ‘Literature Cited’ (not ‘References’ or ‘Bibliography’) alphabetically arranged by first authors' surnames, but unnumbered, at the end of the body of the paper. There all authors' names and initials are required, followed by the date (year) of publication and the full title of the paper. Then follows the full title of the periodical in italic, then the volume in Arabic numerals, and finally the page spread. Sometimes page numbers are not available (e.g., papers in Journal of Geophysical Research) and in this case the article number should be provided. For books the title is in italic, and then the bare name of the publisher proceeded by the place (city and state or country) of publication, followed by the number of pages. Please check the accuracy of your references scrupulously. Many papers arrive at a reviewer's desk with incorrect dates, titles, and author names in reference lists; or one year of publication or spelling of the author's name in the reference list and another in the text citation. Responsibility for accuracy rests solely with the author. Examples of citation formats are provided below. Paper in Journal McCave, I.N., 1987. Fine sediment sources and sinks around the East Anglian coast (UK). Journal Geological Society London, 144, 149-152. Lidz, B.H. and Hallock, P., 2000. Sedimentary petrology of a declining reef ecosystem, Florida Reef Tract (U.S.A.). Journal of Coastal Research, 16, 675-697. Martinez, J.O., Gonzalez, J.L., Pilkey, O.H. and Neal, W.J., 2000. Barrier island evolution on the subsiding central Pacific Coast, Colombia, S.A. Journal of Coastal Research, 16, 663-674. Paper in Proceedings with No Editor Butenko, J. and Barbot, J.P., 1980. Geological hazards related to offshore drilling and construction in the Oronoco River Delta of Venezuela. Offshore Technology Conference (Houston, Texas), Paper 3395, pp. 323-329. Uda, T. and Hashimoto, H., 1982. Description of beach changes using an empirical predictive model of beach profile changes. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Coastal Engineering (Cape Town, South Africa), ASCE, pp. 1405-1418. Paper in Proceedings with Editor Masselink, G., Turner, I.L., Conley, D.C., Ruessink, B.G., Matias, A., Thompson, C., Castelle, B. and Wolters, G., 2013. BARDEX II: Bringing the beach to the laboratory – again! In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. (eds.), Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, pp. 454-460. Theses and Dissertations (1) Arens, S.M., 1996. Aeolian Processes in the Dutch Foredunes. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: University of Amsterdam, Ph.D. thesis, 150p. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 8 Masselink, et al. Worthy, M.C., 1980. Littoral Zone Processes at Old Woman Creek Estuary of Lake Erie. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, Master's thesis, 198p. Books with Author(s) Roberts, N., 1989. The Holocene, an Environmental History. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 316p. Fisk, H.N., 1944. Geological Investigations of the Alluvial Valley of the Lower Mississippi River. Vicksburg, Mississippi: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, 78p. Diaz, H.F. and Markgraf, V., (eds.), 1992. El Niño Historical and Paleoclimatic Aspects of the Southern Oscillation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 321p. Books without Specific Author McClelland Engineering Staff, 1979. Interpretation and Assessment of Shallow Geologic and Geotechnical Conditions. Caracas, Venezuela: McClelland Engineering, Inc., Orinoco Regional Survey Areas, Offshore Orinoco Delta, Venezuela, Volume 1, 109p. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Staff, 1994. The Long Island Sound Study: Summary of the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Publication, EPA 842-S-94001, 62p. Chapter in an Edited Book Colin, C. and Bourles, B., 1992. Western boundary currents in front of French Guiana. In: Prost, M.T. (ed.), Évolution des littoraux de Guyane et de la zone Carïbe méridonale pedant le Quaternaire. Paris, France: Institute Française de Recherche Scientifique pour la Développment en Coopération, pp. 73-91. Maps or Charts Beltrán, C., 1993. Mapa neotectónico de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela: Departmento de Ciencias de la Tierra, scale 1:2,000,000, 1 sheet. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013