Tropical Soda Apple

Tropical Soda Apple Information / Research Update
By: Richard Gaskalla, Director, Division of Plant Industry
January 2003
Tropical Soda Apple (TSA), Solanum viarum Dunal has been listed as an invasive weed pest by the
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) (1994) and United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) (1995). Since the early 1990s, the FDACS, USDA, natural area land
managers, research institutions, and agribusiness interests in Florida and other Southeastern states
have been actively engaged in the development of TSA management / control activities via a task
force. Key accomplishments that have been achieved through the Tropical Soda Apple Task Force
(TSATF) include the following:
 Development of TSA Best Management Practices (BMPs) for land managers.
BMPs that provide specific information on herbicide use, proper mowing procedures and
timing, and how to limit TSA seed transmission have been published and distributed.
 TSA Biological Control
Three insects and one pathogen are being researched and show excellent potential in the
long term control of TSA. One of the insects, a leaf feeding beetle, should be released this
Spring. The bio-herbicide, a mild green tobacco mosaic virus, is also nearly ready for EPA
review for approval.
 TSA Public Awareness
To increase industry and general public awareness regarding the need to control TSA
before further spread occurs, a TSA information packet, poster and video have been
developed and distributed. In addition, a TSA information website is under construction.
 TSA Regional Harmonization Plan
Through the leadership of the USDA, APHIS, PPQ, and TSATF, a Regional Harmonization
Plan has been developed and distributed to interested Southeastern states. The plan
includes a wealth of practical information on TSA biology, survey, and control for use in
the management of this unwanted biological pollutant.
Current (Fiscal Year 2002-2003) Activities:
The Florida Legislative appropriated $103,000 to continue TSA Research and Education Programs.
This funding has been allocated to the following projects:
TSA – Insect Biological Control Program
Dr. Julio Medal, University of Florida, IFAS
TSA Bio Herbicide Project
Dr. R. Charudattan, University of Florida, IFAS
TSA Control Demonstration Projects
Dr. Jeff Mullahey, University of Florida, IFAS
TSA Continuing Education / Information /
Website Development
Richard Gaskalla, FDACS, Division of Plant Industry
In addition to the $103,000 provided by the FDACS, the USDA has provided $20,000 for TSA
education of livestock producers with emphasis on mid- to small-scale farms.
The TSATF plans to remain active to continue to help chart the best course of action to follow in
addressing the TSA noxious weed threat. Task force membership will likely continue to expand as
other interested parties in the Southeast become engaged in the best means whereby to control TSA.