1 Text S1: 2 OBP data processing for measurement of seafloor deformation 3 Ocean-bottom pressure data are affected by ocean mass variations, so reliable seafloor level (SFL) 4 estimations cannot be obtained without compensating for those variations. Ocean mass variations caused by 5 ocean tides were estimated by harmonic analyses using the BAYTAP-G model of Tamura et al. [1991] and 6 removed from the original OBP records. The motion of the seawater layer, another major component of 7 ocean mass variation, was estimated using a global barotropic ocean model forced by synoptic atmospheric 8 disturbances [Inazu et al., 2012], and its contribution to recorded pressures was subtracted from the 9 tide-free pressure data. See Inazu et al. [2012] for more detailed description of the ocean mass variation 10 correction. Long-term pressure recordings often suffer from instrumental drift that is characteristic of 11 quartz pressure sensors [e.g., Watts and Kontoyiannis, 1990]. Here, we assumed that drift could be 12 expressed as a linear function of time. We estimated the rate of temporal change in observed pressure data 13 from 1 January to 8 March and subtracted the linear drift component from the data. After removing the 14 linear trend, we converted the pressure data to SFL by using a constant seawater density of 1.030 × 103 15 kg/m3. 16 Co- and postseismic seafloor deformations due to the M7.3 foreshock were measured according to a 17 time series of differential SFL (DSFL) between pairs of stations. Even after correcting for variations of 18 ocean mass variation, the SFL data contained short-period (<1 day) fluctuations. Because fluctuations in the 19 OBP data may be regarded as noise that is irrelevant to crustal deformation, and because they were similar 20 among stations, we effectively cancelled the effect of noise by using the differences between the SFL 21 records of pairs of stations [Fujimoto et al., 2003]. 22 We regarded the SFL records at station P08, located in the middle of the OBP array, as a common 23 reference for obtaining the DSFL time series. The SFL data recorded at this station were relatively stable 24 until the occurrence of the Mw9.0 mainshock. Thus, we assumed that the SFL fluctuations at station P08 25 were representative of the noise of all stations. 26 At station P09, the coseismic step due to another large aftershock (Mw6.5, at 21:24 on 9 March) was 27 observed. We assumed that the effect of this earthquake was too small to be detected by other OBPs and 28 removed the step from the SFL record at P09 (0.042 m) to estimate the deformation caused by the afterslip 29 of the M7.3 earthquake recorded by the rest of the OBP network. 30 We fitted a linear function to the DSFL time series to estimate the coseismic steps and the rate of 31 postseismic deformation. The amount of postseismic deformation was obtained as the product of the rate of 32 deformation and its duration. 33 34 References 35 Fujimoto, H., M. Mochizuki, K. Mitsuzawa, T. Tamaki, and T. Sato (2003), Ocean bottom pressure 36 variations in the southern Pacific following the 1997-98 El Niño event, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1456, 37 doi:10.1029/2002GL016677. 38 Inazu, D., R. Hino, and H. Fujimoto (2012), A global barotropic ocean model driven by synoptic 39 atmospheric disturbances for detecting seafloor vertical displacements from in situ ocean bottom 40 pressure measurements, Marine Geophys. Res., 33(2), 127-148, doi:10.1007/s11001-012-9151-7. 41 42 43 44 Tamura, Y., T. Sato, M. Ooe, and M. Ishiguro (1991), A procedure for tidal analysis with a Bayesian information criterion, Geophys. J. Int., 104, 507-516, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1991.tb05697.x. Watts D. R. and H. Kontoyiannis (1990), Deep-ocean bottom pressure measurements: Drift removal and performance, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 7, 296–306.