APC09/10:01 - Salem State University

APC 2009/2010:001 Page 1 of 4
Academic Policies Committee Minutes
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
MH 320
3:30 p.m.
Meeting: APC 2009/2010:01
George Abboud, Kevin Borgeson, Patricia Buchanan (Chair), Brewer Doran, Clarke
Fowler, Ellen Golub, Amie Goodwin (Recorder), Brad Hubeny, Scott James, Martin
Krugman, Krishna Mallick, Emily Marte (student member), Victoria Morrison, Zachary
Newell, Arthur Rosenthal, Gwen Scottgale
Sanjay Jain
Kristin Esterberg
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
Introduction of members
Chair's Report
A. Welcome
The chair reminded the committee that agendas and proposals will not be distributed in
hard copy but rather, may be accessed from the college governance web site
B. Charge of Committee
The committee reviewed its charge (Article VII page 79). In response to a question from
M. Krugman, P. Buchanan clarified that procedurally the APC sends policy
recommendations to the All College Committee, who then forwards them to the Provost
and President.
Standing Sub-Committees: Request for Volunteers
A. Selective Retention: A. Rosenthal, B. Hubeny, K. Mallick, V. Morrison (P. Buchanan,
B. Internal Program Review: M. Krugman, G. Abboud
1. Further staffing will be determined pending need.
2. The committee’s role in the Academic Planning process needs to be clarified.
3. P. Buchanan is going to research what happened to the program review proposal
submitted in 2008-2009 (09:016)
C. Academic Calendar: G. Scottgale, C. Fowler, K. Borgeson, S. James
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1. President Meservey has asked APC to build October 31 (Halloween) into the
calendar as a day when there are no classes. Because Halloween falls on Saturday
in 2009 and Sunday in 2010 closing on Halloween does not become an issue until
academic year 2011-2012.
Review of Academic Policies narrative for 2011-2013 Catalog
APC is charged with reviewing the academic policies narrative in the catalog. P.Buchanan
noted that some areas within this section have recently been modified.
For the purpose of assigning this task to the committee, P.Buchanan divided the Academic
Policies portion of the catalog (pages 329-343) into three sections and elicited volunteers for
each section. These are as follows :
Section 1: Page 329 column 2 (Course Information) through page 335 top of column 2
(stop before Internships) Brad Hubeny*, Clarke Fowler, Krishna Mallick, Marty Krugman,
Scott James
Section 2: Page 335 column 2 (Internships, Directed Studies , & Other Field Experiences)
through page 339 column 1 (stop at Student Rights) Amie Goodwin*, Gwen Scottgale,
Kevin Borgeson, Patricia Buchanan, Zach Newell
Section 3: Page 339 column s (Policies Related to Student Rights) through page 343.
Brewer Doran*, Ellen Golub, Emily Marte, George Abboud, Vicky Morrison
Members with *next to their names are asked to convene the subcommittee. The
subcommittees are asked to go through the language of the section and make sure it reflects
current practice. Subcommittees are also asked to survey the last two years of submission to
APC to make sure that any changes are reflected in the language of the catalog. Patricia will
check with Vickie Ross to determine the online location for past APC minutes.
New Business
P. Buchanan revised the agenda, moving item 10-003, Academic Status and Satisfactory Academic
Progress to the top of new business.
A. Academic Status and Satisfactory Academic Progress
Motion: To accept Academic Status and Satisfactory Academic Status proposal 10-003
Moved C. Fowler
Second by B. Hubeny
Discussion: S. James explained that the proposal is intended to bring consistency
between the academic warning language and the academic probation and academic
dismissal language. A message describing the broader change had been sent on
September 28 to 16,000 student email addresses.
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M. Krugman suggested that chairs be notified when students are being issued academic
warning in order to assist the students. S. James will provide a list of names to
department chairs as a procedural change.
To clarify the effective date of this motion, the following will be added:
“This policy is effective with the Fall 2009 semester, when signed by the President. “
For: (14), Against: (0), Abstention: (1) as amended
B. College Declared Emergency Critical Emergency Syllabus Statement
Motion: To accept College Declared Critical Emergency Syllabus Statement 10-001
Motion made by G. Scottgale
Motion seconded by G. Abboud
Attending for the proposal: Provost Kristin Esterberg.
Discussion: Provost Esterberg explained that the proposal was developed as part of a
response to pandemic planning but could be applicable to any number of emergency
situations prevent classes from be held on campus for an extended period of time.
In response to a request for clarification of the term “College-Declared Critical
Emergency.” Provost Esterberg noted that this would not include a snow emergency
but something more critical – on the scale of a pandemic, a severe ice storm (such as
the one that affected Fitchburg State College in 08-09) or a major weather emergency
(e.g., as with Hurricane Katrina)
There was discussion of the need for faculty to customize the flexible language in the
statement to ensure that students know where to reach them and access the alternative
assignments information,
For: (15), Against: (0), Abstention: (0)
The Committee by acclamation recommends this statement be included under the Course
Information policy of the catalogue
C. Academic Planning Continuity Considerations
Motion: To accept Academic Continuity Planning Considerations 10-002 (for information only)
Motion made by E. Marte
Motion seconded by V. Morrison
Attending for the proposal: Provost Kristin Esterberg.
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Discussion: Provost Esterberg explained that the document was a result of input from a
faculty focus group convened to make recommendations . Representing a variety of
disciplines, members of the focus group contributed ideas about what they would do in
the event of a closure.
In response to G.Scottgale’s suggestion, Provost Esterberg will amend the document to
include contact person information.
A typographical error was noted on page 1, paragraph 3, line 2. “A” will be inserted
before “period of relaxed attendance policies”
For: (15), Against: (0), Abstention: (0) as amended
D. Academic Calendar
This item has not yet been assigned a tracking number and is tabled until next meeting
E. College Declared Critical Emergency : Adjustment to Academic Calendar
Motion: To accept College-Declared Critical Emergency: Adjustment to Academic Calendar 10018
Motion made by A. Goodwin
Motion seconded by B. Hubeny
Attending for the proposal: Provost Kristin Esterberg.
Due to concerns raised about the use of Saturday in the adjusted calendar,
Provost Esterberg will submit a revised version of this proposal.
Motion tabled pending submission of revised version of 10:018
VI. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
October 15, 3:30, MH 320
November 10, 3:30, MH 320 (If needed)
VII. Adjournment at 4:50 pm
Motion: To adjourn
Motion made by V. Morrison
Motion seconded by K. Borgeson
For: (15), Against: (0), Abstention: (0)
Submitted: Amie Marks Goodwin