Control Structures

 Create scripts that use arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators
 Create conditional expressions
 Use If Then, Select Case, and Switch Case decision control
structures to alter the execution order of a script
 Use Do While, While Do, and For Next looping control structures to
repeat blocks of code
 Create nested blocks of code
Both VBScript and JavaScript support assignment, concatenation,
arithmetic, comparison, and unary operators. Assignment operators are
used to assign a value or an object to a variable. JavaScript and VBScript
use the equal sign, “=”, as their assignment operator.
variable = value;
variable = value
The concatenation operator is used to append expressions, such as a
string and a variable. JavaScript uses the plus, “+”, while VBScript uses the
ampersand “&”. Examples:
document.write (“The price of “ + totNumber + “apples is “ + totPrice );
document.write (“The price of “ & totNumber & “apples is “ & totPrice )
Arithmetic operators allow you to perform mathematical calculations on
values and variables.
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Control Structures
There are two types of programming statements in VBScript and
JavaScript: action statements and control statements.
 Action statements – consist of code that carries out a task, such as
displaying text or assigning a value to a variable. These statements
are usually executed in the order they are written (termed as linear
 Control statements – allow you to conditionally determine both
whether and how an action statement is executed, and the order in
which action statements are executed.
There are three types of control statements that are supported by both
VBScript and JavaScript and can be used in both client-side and serverside scripting.
 Looping statements – allow you to conditionally repeat a block of
 Branching statements – allow the program to decide which of two or
more blocks of code to run, basing its decision on some identified
criteria in the control statement.
 Jumping statements – allow you to conditionally exit a code block
and jump to another section of code within your program.
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Decision control structures
The If Then statement is the most frequently used decision control
structure. The If Then statement allows a script to alter the order in which
statements are executed, on the basis of a conditional expression. The
conditional expression tests whether a certain condition is true or false
The Select Case statement provides more than two options and is
supported only in VBScript. JavaScript uses a Switch Case statement to
provide the same functionality.
The syntax for the If Then statement in VBScript is:
If (conditional expression) then
action statements
action statements
end if
The syntax for the If Then statement in JavaScript is:
If (conditional expression) then {
action statements
else {
action statements
JavaScript uses brackets ({) to start and end the control structure, VBScript
uses the ‘end if’ to declare that the control structure has ended.
Conditional expressions often consist of two expressions and a
comparison operator.
The following table lists comparison operators used in conditional
expressions in both JavaScript and VBScript.
Condition Being tested
Equal to
Not equal
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Control Strucutres
= = (no space)
var1 == var2
var1 != var2
var1 < var2
var1 > var2
var1 <= var2
var1 >= var2
var1 = var2
var1 <> var2
var1 < var2
var1 > var2
var1 <= var2
var1 >= var2
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Example: emaillist.htm
<title>If Then Statements</title>
<h1 align=”center”>Expression Test</h1>
<form method="post" name="frm1" action="javascript:void(0)">
<input type ="text" value="??" name="txtName" size="8">
Which color do you prefer?
<p><input type="radio" checked name="Color">Red</p>
<p><input type ="radio" name="Color">Blue</p>
<input type="submit" value="Choose" name="btnChoose" onClick="colorpick()";></p>
function colorpick(){
var strName = window.document.frm1.txtName.value;
window.alert(strName + " is a red person");
window.alert(strName + " is a blue person");
Syntax of script
<form method="post" name="frm1"
In JavaScript void is a special operator that does nothing.
Void will cause nothing to occur, which prevents an error
to occur in code that is expecting an action to occur.
<input type="submit" value="Choose"
The button triggers a script function called colorpick(). The
colorpick() function will access the variables set up in the
The conditional expression compares the first radio button,
Color[0], with a true string. If it is true, the statements
between the brackets {} will be executed.
window.alert(strName + " is a red person");
This is the script statement that will be executed if the
conditional statement evaluates to true.
If the statement does not evaluate to true these statements
will be executed. The else statement is optional.
window.alert(strName + " is a blue
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
The example below illustrates how to process the same form using
VBScript. Note only the colorpick() function is shown here.
<script language=”vbscript”>
function colorpick()
dim strName = window.document.frm1.txtName.value
if(document.frm1.Color(0).checked=true) then
window.alert(strName + " is a red person")
window.alert(strName + " is a blue person")
end if
end function
Logical Operators
A logical operator is used to compare two or more conditional expressions
at the same time. They are different for JavaScript and VBScript.
if((a=1) and (b= 2 ))
If both expressions are true, the result is
true. If either expression is false, the
result is false.
if((a=1) or (b= 2 ))
If either expression is true, or both are
true, the result is true. If both are false,
the result is false.
if (!(a == 1))
if(not(a = 1))
Used to negate a single expression. If
the expression is true, the result is false.
If the expression is false, the result is
It is clear that VBScriot is simpler than the JavaScript, and all previous
examples that is also true.
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Nested If Then Statements
You can nest one If Then statement within another If Then statement. The
process of nesting can be done indefinitely. The following example shows a
nested If Then example.
Example in VBScript:
IF grade > 89 THEN
document.write (“Excellent!”)
IF grade > 79 THEN
document.write (“Above Average!”)
IF grade > 69 THEN
document.write (“Average!”)
Example in VJavaScript:
if (grade > 89) then {
document.write (“excellent!”)
else {
if (grade > 79) then {
document.write (“above average!”)
else if (grade > 69) then {
document.write (“average!”)
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Select Case Statements
The Select Case statement, an extension of the If Then statement, is used
to include more than two conditions in the conditional expression.
The statement could be broken into many nested If Then statements, but if
you use a Select Case statement, your code will be shorter, and also easier
to follow.
This statement is used mostly with server-side script since it is only
supported by VBScript.
Example: caseselectVB.htm:
<title>Case Select Statement</title>
<body bgcolor="#B1B6DE" text="#000080">
<h1>Case Select in VBScript</h1>
<script language="vbscript">
dim strP
strP = 1
select case strP
case 1
window.alert ("The cost is $" & strP)
case 2
window.alert ("The cost is $" & strP)
case else
window.alert ("The cost is $" & strP)
end select
View caseselectVB.htm
The statement checks to see if strP is equal to 1, and when that condition is
true the statements related to that case are executed. If strP was initialized
to 8, the case else would be executed.
Example of nested IF THEN and Select Case:
View giftfinderVB.htm code
Control Strucutres
View giftfinderVB.htm Web page
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Switch Case Statements
JavaScript contains a Switch Case statement that is similar to the VBScript
Select Case statement. Both allow you to evaluate multiple statements.
JavaScript uses the keyword switch to identify the beginning of the
statement. The entire statement is enclosed within curly braces ({}).
<script language=”javascript”>
function giveNumber(){
var strP;
strP = document.frm.Number.value;
switch (strP){
case 1:
window.alert (“You picked number 1”);
case 2 :
window.alert(“You picked number 2”);
case 3:
window.alert(“You picked number 3”);
window.alert(“You picked a number that wasn’t 1, 2 or 3”);
The switch could be replaced with the following If Then statements:
window.alert (“You picked number 1”);
else if (strP==2){
window.alert (“You picked number 2”);
else if(strP==3){
window.alert (“You picked number 3”);
window.alert(“You picked a number that wasn’t 1, 2 or 3”);
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Loop Structures
Using a loop structure, you can repeat action statements or control
statements any number of times. To list 100 elements in an array would
take 100 statements without a loop structure and approximately 7
statements with a loop structure.
The statements contained in the loop are called the body of the loop, and
may consist of a single statement or several statements. Each repetition of
a loop is called iteration. The number of iterations is referred to as a loop
index variable.
An update statement is used to determine how to change the loop index
variable. If you never update the loop index variable the loop will continue
to run without a natural ending, this is called an infinite loop.
The loop uses a conditional expression to determine when to stop—the
loop stops when the conditional expression is true.
There are two main looping structures:
 While Do loops – the Do While loop is an alternative
 The For Next loops – the For In loop is an alternative
The While Do loop will repeat a block of code for as long as a conditional
expression is evaluated as true. The following is the syntax for a While Do
loop in JavaScript.
while(conditional expression) {
action statements;
update statement;
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
The following example uses the While Do loop syntax above to display the
elements of an array.
<title>While Do</title>
<script language="javascript">
var strLists = new Array();
strLists [0] = "Sports";
strLists [1] = "Toys";
strLists [2] = "Music";
strLists [3] = "Books";
strLists [4] = "Food";
var numMax = strLists.length;
var i = 0;
//New array and filling the array
//using length property of the array
while(i != numMax){
document.write((strLists[i]) + "<br>");
document.write("<br>There are " + i + " departments");
Syntax of Code
var strLists = new Array();
This initializes the array.
var numMax = strLists.length;
This sets a variable to the length of the array, this variable will act
as the final value for the update statement.
var i= 0;
The variable is i initialized to zero and this will be incremented
each time the loop is executed. The variable i will represent the
loop index variable.
while(i != numMax){
This is the conditional expression that will be evaluated every
iteration of the loop.
document.write((strLists[i]) + “<br>");
This uses the index variable to print all the elements of the array.
This increments the loop index variable. Some type of increment
has to be made or the loop will run forever. The ++ is a unary
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Unary Operators
Unary operators are used to alter a value of a variable. In JavaScript:
Increments a counter by 1
Count = ++ Count
Result if Count = 5
Count = 6
Decrements a counter by 1
Count = -- Count
Count = 4
Negation: changes the sign to the
inverse sign
Count = -5
Do While Loops
The Do While loop structure is similar to the While Do structure. The only
difference is the conditional evaluation is done at the end of the loop, which
means there will be at least one iteration. Below is the syntax for a Do
While loop in JavaScript.
do {
action statements;
update statement;
while (conditional expression);
Example in VBScript: dowhileVB.htm
<title>Do While</title>
<script language="vbscript">
dim aNumber
aNumber = 5
dim i
do while i <= aNumber
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
For Next Loops
The For Next loop, like the Do While loop, repeats action statements for a
fixed number of times. However the syntax is very different. The For Next
loop identifies not only the conditional expression but also the loop index
number and the update statement as parameters in the “for” statement.
The following is the syntax for the VBScript For Next loop.
For LoopIndex = startExpression to endNumber step stepNumber
Action statements
The following is an example of utilizing the VBScript For Next loop.
<script language =”vbscript”>
dim startNum, endNum, stepNum, I
startNum = 0
endNum = 5
stepNum = 2
for i = startNum to endNum step stepNum
JavaScript also supports the For Next loop, and its syntax is as floows.
Notice that the semicolons separate each statement from the next.
for ( startExpression; conditional expression; stepNumber) {
action statements;
The following is an example of utilizing the JavaScript For Next loop.
<script language=”javascript”>
for (var i =0; I<=5; I=I+1){
document.write(“Your number is “ + I + “<br>”);
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
For In Loops
The For In loop is similar to the For Next loop in that they both allow you to
repeat action statements. However, the For In loop is most often used to
retrieve the properties of objects.
The For In loop retrieves information about the properties of an object and
the collections of the object. Below is the syntax for implementing the For In
Loop using JavaScript.
for(variable in object) {
action statements;
The following is an example of For In loop in VBScript.
<html><head><title>For In</title></head>
<body bgColor="#FFFF99" >
<h1>Elements of the Product Array</h1>
<script language = "VBscript">
‘New array and populating the array
dim Products(5)
Products(0) = "Pencils"
Products(1) = "Pens"
Products(2) = "Paper"
Products(3) = "Markers"
Products(4) = "Notepads"
Products(5) = "Scissors"
dim i
‘For Loop to print the array items
for each eachElement in Products
document.write(Products(i) & "<br>")
i = i+1
View ForInVB.htm
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
Sample Project: Project 5-1
<head><title>Product Order Form</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#FFCC99">
<h1 align="center"><font color="#800000">Calculate Your Order</font></h1>
<form method="post" name=frmProd action="javascript:void(0)">
<div align="left">
<table border="0" width="83%" height="301">
<td width="64%" height="273" align="right" rowspan="7">
<h2 align="center"><font color="#800000">100 Black Pens!</font></h2>
<h2 align="center"><img border="0" src="blackpens.gif" width="256" height="192"></h2>
<td width="60%" height="37" align="right"><font color="#800000" face="Trebuchet
<td width="7%" height="37"></td>
<td width="46%" height="37">
<font color="#800000">
<input type="text" name="price" size="6" value="28.00">
<td width="60%" height="43" align="right"><font color="#800000" face="Trebuchet
MS">Quantity: </font></td>
<td width="7%" height="43"></td>
<td width="46%" height="43">
<font color="#800000">
<select name="quantity" size="1">
<option selected value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<td width="60%" height="43" align="right"><font color="#800000" face="Trebuchet
<td width="7%" height="43"></td>
<td width="46%" height="43">
<font color="#800000">
<select name="state" size="1">
<option value="0.085" selected>Illinois</option>
<option value="0.07">Indiana</option>
<option value="0">Other</option>
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
<td width="60%" height="35" align="right"><font color="#800000" face="Trebuchet MS">Delivery
<td width="7%" height="35"></td>
<td width="46%" height="35">
<font color="#800000">
<select name="shipping" size="1">
<option selected value="0.02">Standard UPS</option>
<option value="0.05">Overnight</option>
<option value="0">Pickup</option>
<td width="111%" colspan="3" height="44">
<p align="center"><font color="#800000" face="Trebuchet MS">Your Total is:</font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="total" size="11" value="0.00"></td>
<td width="111%" colspan="3" height="44">
<p align="center">
<font color="#800000">
<td width="111%" colspan="3" height="27">
<p align="center">
<input name="btnSubmit" type="button" value="Calculate My Order Now!" onClick= "calcProd()">
<script language="vbscript">
function calcProd()
dim strPrice, strQuantity, strState, strTotal
strTotal=((strPrice*strQuantity)+(strPrice*strQuantity)*strState + (strPrice*strQuantity)*strShipping) strTotal
end function
View ProductOrderVB.htm
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob
 Action statements – consist of code that carries out a task, such as displaying
text or assigning a value to a variable.
 Arithmetic operators - allow you to perform mathematical calculations on
values and variables.
 Boolean expression - a conditional expression; an expression that evaluates to
true or false.
 Branching statements – allow the program to decide which of two or more
blocks of code to run, basing its decision on some identified criteria in the control
 Comparison operator – is used to compare two or more expressions.
 Conditional expression – is an expression that is evaluated by the scripting
engine as true or false.
 Control statements – allow you to conditionally determine both whether and
how an action statement is executed, and the order in which action statements
are executed.
 Decision control structures - allow you to alter the execution order of action
statements on the basis of conditional expressions.
 If Then statement - the most frequently used decision control structure.
 Infinite loop – when a loop continues without a natural ending.
 Jumping statements – allow you to conditionally exit a code block and jump to
another section of code within your program.
 Logical operator – is used to compare two or more conditional expressions.
 Loop index variable – a variable that keeps track of the number of iterations.
 Loop structures - allow you to repeat action statements on the basis of
conditional expressions.
 Looping statements – allow you to conditionally repeat a block of code.
 Unary operator – used to alter a value of a variable.
Quick Quiz:
1. What is the name of the expression statement that is evaluated by the
scripting engine as true or false?
2. Which statement is the most frequently used decision control structure.
3. Which decision control statement provides more than two options and is
supported only in VBScript?
4. Can any select or switch statement be substituted for by nested If Then
5. If you never update the loop index variable, the loop will continue to run
without a natural ending. What is this called?
6. What is the least amount of times a While Do loop executes?
7. What is the least amount of times a Do While loop executes?
8. Which loop is used to obtain properties of an object?
Control Strucutres
Dr. M. Abdur Rob