Semantics: Handout 10 Tense and Modal Operators Yılmaz Kılıçaslan December 10, 2009 1 Introduction Up to this point we have expanded our semantic machinery along an extensional direction. In this lecture we will expand it in another way, this time in the direction of an intensional language -- a language whose expressions are provided a definition of denotation not just for a single state of affairs but for many possible states of affairs. We will begin this expansion by considering the special case of tense operators and their interpretation and afterwards we will look at some other phenomena, namely the modalities of necessity and possibility, that will enable us to formalize “possible states of affairs” in more general terms. 2 Priorian Tense Operators Up until now we have been assigning a truth value to a formula relative to a model “once and for all”, thus ignoring the fact that many, if not most, sentences of natural languages may be now true, now false, as circumstances in the world change. Thus to understand a sentence such as ‘John is asleep’, it must be made clear to us implicitly or explicitly at what time it is intended to “apply”, or else it gives us little useful information about the world. For a present tense sentence it suffices (generally) to know when the sentence was uttered, since present tense sentences (in one of their most common uses in English) are understood to describe the state of the world that obtains concurrent with the time of utterance. It will be most practical to begin by regarding all the existing formulas of our formal languages as “present tense” formulas and state their truth conditions relative to a moment of time. We first relativized the denotation (i.e. truth value) of formulas to an arbitrary model, then to a model and assignment of values to variables; now we will relativize their denotations to a model, value assignment, and to a moment in time (out of a given set of times). This given moment in time on which we base our definition can be intuitively regarded as analogous to the time of utterance of a natural language sentence, though of course we are not attempting to represent the process of uttering and of comprehending sentences, nor of any kinds of speech acts, in our semantic theory proper. Accordingly, we will expand the definition of a model to include not only a domain of individuals A and an interpretation function F, but also a non-empty set I with a linear ordering imposed upon it (to be regarded intuitively as the set of moments in time of the model). We will use the symbol < for this ordering. That is, < is simply a linear ordering of the set I (i.e. a relation on I satisfying the conditions i i, (i < j j < k) i < k, i < j i = j j < i for all i, j, and k in I). The expression i < i’ may be read as “i is earlier than i’ ” or equivalently, “i’ is later than i.” Since we want to allow the truth values of formulas to come out different for different times, we must obviously allow the denotations of the non-logical constants to be different for various times. Thus the function F assigning a denotation to each non-logical constant “once and for all” will now become a function of two arguments, a constant and a member of I. For any constant and any i in I, F(i, ) is understood to be the 1 denotation of at the time i. Of course, the denotation of certain non-logical constants may be allowed to be the same for all times in the model – in natural languages, names typically denote the same indvidual throughout time, but the denotation of predicates such as ‘is asleep’ changes constantly. Formally, we will define a temporal model for a language L as an ordered quadruple A, I, <, F such that A and I are any non-empty sets, < is a linear ordering on I, and F is a function assigning to each pair consisting of a member of I and a non-logical constant of L an appropriate denotation (out of the set of possible denotations we allow for each category of non-logical constants in L). In the semantic rules we will uniformly replace each definition of []M, g with the definition []M, i, g – the denotation of relative to the model M, time i, and value assignment g.” The interesting thing about the temporal interpretations of natural languages is that all such languages have means for forming sentences that can be uttered at one time but are nevertheless about a situation that obtains at a different time, a time either earlier or later than the time of utterance. Perhaps the most obvious of these temporal indicators in a language like English – and the kind of temporal indicator which most logical studies have taken as a paradigm – are the tenses. The most common kind of tense logic is based on the assumption that the present tense can be taken as the starting point for sentences in all tenses. That is, a “present tense” formula is just a tenseless formula simpliciter, and other tenses – specifically, past, future, past perfect and future perfect – can be best explained as the application of a tense operator to a tenseless (i.e. present tense) formula. Thus to form a tensed language from a language we have seen before, such as L2, we need to add only two operators: - a future tense operator which we will symbolize as F and - a past tense operator which we will symbolize as P. It was Arthur Prior who introduced these operators (as we will see below, meaning “at some Future time”, and “at some Past time” respectively). As for syntactic rules, we will simply say that if is any formula, then F and P are formulas. These are customarily read as “it will be the case that ” and “it was the case that ”, respectively. Thus, we add the following rules of syntax to the temporally interpreted L2 to give the tensed first-order language L2t: Syn B.10. If is a formula, then F is a formula. Syn B.11. If is a formula, then P is a formula. 3 A Priorian Interpretation of Tense Operators The semantic plausibility of this way of constructing pasts and futures out of presents comes from the fact that it is intuitively plausible to say that a sentence ‘John was asleep’ is true relative to a time t (i.e. if it were uttered at t) just in case the present tense sentence ‘John is asleep’ is true relative to some other time t’, namely, relative to a time earlier than t. Likewise, a future tense sentence ‘John will be asleep’ seems to be true relative to a time t just in case the present tense sentence ‘John is asleep’ is true relative to a different t’ , but this time a t’ later than t. Thus on this view the past and future tenses are construed as a means for 2 “shifting” the ordinary truth conditions of a present tense (i.e. tenseless) sentence to a different point in time. This view leads to the following semantic rules, which we add to L2: Sem B.10. If is a formula, then [F]M, i, g = 1 iff there is some i’ in I such that i < i’ and []M, i’, g = 1; otherwise, [F]M, i, g = 0. Sem B.11. If is a formula, then [P]M, i, g = 1 iff there is some i’ in I such that i’ < i and []M, i’, g = 1; otherwise, [P]M, i, g = 0. Since syntactic rules B.10 and B.11 make a formula from another formula, we can produce formulas with more than one tense operator by using these rules recursively. This will enable us to produce expressions that correspond more or less naturally to some of the compound tenses of English. A formula PP corresponds to an English sentence in the past perfect tense, and a formula FP corresponds to a future perfect sentence. The first type of formula will, by the semantic rules, “direct” us to some time preceding the time of utterance at which P is true, and this in turn “directs” us to some time preceding even this at which is true. The second formula similarly directs us to some future time at which P is true, and this in turn directs us back to some time preceding this future time at which is true. 4 A Reichenbachian Approach to Tense Note that the above approach to the interpretation of tense operators does not offer a natural way of treating the present perfect tense in English. Or, from a different point of view, what we with have with a P preceding a bare formula is an interpretation with a present perfect tense and we are unable to express the simple past tense in that case. The underlying problem here is this: The Priorian approach fails to take into account the importance of reference to specific times in the semantics of tense. As Areces and Blackburn (2005) point out, “[t]he sentence ‘Dov smiled’ does not mean that at some completely unspecified past time Dov did in fact smile (which is the meaning the tense logical representation [Psmile(dov)] gives it). Rather, it means that at some particular, contextually determined, past time Dov did in fact smile. Prior’s tense logical representations are interesting, and correct as far as they go, but they do not go far enough” (p. 2). In order to find a way out of the problem, consider first the following example: (1) a. I took a cab back to the hotel. b. The cab driver was Latvian. As Michaelis (2006) notes, “[i]f a speaker makes the assertion in (1b) following that in (1a), no sensible hearer will respond by asking whether the cab driver is still Latvian now. This is presumably because the cab driver’s Latvian identity is highly unlikely to desist following the cab ride” (p. 221). So, a question comes to mind as to why the speaker of (1b) has chosen to ‘locate’ the cab driver’s Latvian identity in the past. A plausible answer to this question can be deduced from Reichenbach’s (1947) account of tenses. He viewed temporal reference as central to the semantics of tense in natural language. According to him, tenses do not express the relationship between the time of utterance and the time of the state of affairs described. Rather, tenses express the relationship between utterance time and a reference time (R). Michaelis (2006) adds that “[i]n (1a), R is a specific past time both the speaker and hearer can identify, while in (1b) R is the time established by (1a): the time of the cab ride. What (1b) 3 shows us is that when a speaker makes a past-tense stative assertion, she or he may vouch only for that portion of the state’s tenure that coincides with the mutually relevant interval” (p. 221). To speak more precisely, Reichenbach distinguished tenses in terms of a sequence of three time points, namely what he called the point of speech (S), the point of event (E), and the point of reference (R). Below is a tabulation of Reichenbach’s analyses of the tense forms of English:1 Table 1. Reichenbach’s referential analysis of tense TENSE Past perfect Past Future in the past Future in the past Future in the past Present perfect Present Prospective Future perfect Future perfect Future perfect Future Future in the future REPRESENTATION E<R<S E=R<S R<E<S R<S=E R<S<E E<S=R S=R=E S=R<E S<E<R S=E<R E<S<R S<R=E S<R<E ENGLISH EXAMPLE I had spoken I spoke I would speak I would speak I would speak I have spoken I speak I am going to speak I will have spoken I will have spoken I will have spoken I will speak (Latin: abiturus ero) We end this section with a final remark. Areces and Blackburn (2005) note that much of what Reichenbach says is compatible with Prior’s views: For a start, point of speech is the time at which the sentence is uttered, and this concept is fundamental to the [Priorian] tense logic: it’s simply the particular time at which we chose to evaluate a formula in a given model. The point of event is the time at which the eventuality the sentence is talking about takes place. This might be the same time as the point of speech, or to its past, or to its future. This concept also fits naturally with Prior’s tense logic. If is the representation of some eventuality, then evaluating at some time amounts to identifying point of event with point of speech. Prefixing P to form P locates the point of event to the past of the point of speech. Prefixing F to form F locates the point of event to the future of the point of speech. However, Reichenbach’s key innovation was the point of reference, and here we encounter something that orthodox tense logic cannot handle. (p. 3) Actually, in Reichenbach’s representations, the time points are separated either by a line or by a comma. The line indicates that the left hand point lies to the past of the right hand point. The comma indicates that the two points are not ordered with respect to one another but identical. 1 4 5 Modal Operators: Necessity and Possibility The truth value of sentences like (2) Barack Obama has been elected President of the U.S. can vary as a function of the time with respect to which we evaluate their truth. Obviously their truth value can vary with respect to factual contingencies also. It is easy to imagine a different outcome of the 2008 presidential election which would have made (2) false rather than true. We now take up some considerations relating to this kind of variation in truth value. For the present we set aside the dependence of denotation on time in order both to simplify the discussion and to bring out more clearly some formal parallels between variation of denotation with the passage of time, on the one hand, and with change of factual circumstances, on the other. Later we will treat the two together. In addition to sentences like (2), some phrases of other categories have varying denotations as a function of factual contingencies. Consider, for instance, those in (3). (3) a. The president of the U.S. b. holds the winning poker hand. We have no difficulty in imagining that, at the time John Kennedy was assassinated, the situation might have been slightly different in that he would have recovered from his wounds (or the assassin’s shots would have missed). In that case (3a) would have referred to John Kennedy when it in fact referred to Lyndon Johnson. Similar observations can be made about (3b). In contrast to these expressions, those in (4) could not change denotation if some fact about the world were different from what actually is.2 (4) a. The President of the U.S. is the President of the U.S. b. The set that is included in every set. c. is a number that is not identical to itself. A sentence like (4a) is a necessary truth in the sense that it could not possibly have been false. This sense of necessity is recognizable from the preceding sentence as the dual of possibility, in the sense of logical possibility. That is, for a sentence , it is necessary that is equivalent to it is not possible that it is not the case that . Some necessarily true sentences are not, like (4a), true solely because of the logical words they contain, but in part because of nonlogical words whose denotations necessarily stand in certain relationships to one another. For example, (5) All bachelors are unmarried men is necessarily true because of the fact that it is logically impossible for the denotation of bachelor not to be a subset of both the denotation of man and that of unmarried. 2 We exclude from consideration here changes of facts concerning what English phrases and sentences mean. 5 It is customary to divide the set of all true statements into the contingently true (those that are true as a matter of fact, though they might have been otherwise had the world been different, e.g. Paris is the capital of France) and the necessarily true (those that could not be denied without contradiction or departure from the normal meanings of words of the language, such as mathematical and logical truths and analytic statements). Likewise, the false statements are divided into the contingently false (e.g. Vincennes is the capital of France) and the necessarily false (e.g. 2 + 2 = 5). Now we can construct a formal language with the pairs of concepts possible/necessary treated as sentence operators by adding two new syntactic rules to L2 to give the tensed first-order language L2m: Syn B.10. If is a formula, then □ is a formula. Syn B.11. If is a formula, then ◊ is a formula. The question now is how to interpret the necessity and possibility operators. Leibnitz is credited with the idea that a necessary truth is a statement that is not merely true in the actual world, but is true in “all possible worlds.” Following up on Leibnitz’ idea in constructing a formal interpretation for modal operators parallel to the one for tense operators given above, we will take it is necessary that (i.e. □) as true in the actual world if and only if is true in all possible worlds. If possibility is to be the dual of necessity, then this commits us to the truth of it is possible that (i.e. ◊) in the actual world whenever is true in at least one possible world. Just as we relativized the temporal definitions of denotation to a moment in time which was intuitively regarded as “now”, the moment of utterance, we will relativize the definition of denotation in L2m to an arbitrary member of the set of possible worlds which we will regard as the “actual” world. Thus the definitions themselves do not single out any particular world as the actual ones; we may alternately choose one or the other of them as the “actual” world, all other worlds becoming possible but not actual worlds relative to this choice. Thus the formal definitions needed are these: A model for the modal language L2m is an ordered triple A, I, F such that A and I are any non-empty sets and F is a function assigning to each pair i, α consisting of a member of I and a non-logical constant of L2m an appropriate denotation (out of the set of possible denotations we allow for each category of non-logical constants in L2m). The semantic rules of L2m will be the same as for L2 except for uniformly defining [α]M, i, g instead of [α]M, g. To these rules we add the new rules: Sem B.10. If is a formula, then [□]M, i, g = 1 iff for all i’ in I []M, i’, g = 1. Sem B.11. If is a formula, then [◊]M, i, g = 1 iff for some i’ in I []M, i’, g = 1. 6 6 Languages Containing both Tense and Modal Operators: Coordinate Semantics We have now seen two ways of interpreting operators relative to a model consisting of a domain of individuals A and a set of “other things” I; we thought of these first as times, then as “possible worlds”. Now we will consider a language that contains both tense and modal operators. For the interpretation of this language we will need a model with two sets besides the set of individuals. We will designate these as the set W (which is to be thought of as the set of worlds) and the set T (which is to be thought of as the set of times); < will be the ordering of the set T. Thus we can think of our “semantic space” as expanded to two dimensions. We have, as it were, differing worlds as we move along one axis and differing times as we move on the other axis. Any particular point on this plane can be metaphorically thought of as being a pair of coordinates w, t for some w in W and t in T; that is, a point whose location is determined by which world it is in on the one hand, and by what time it is on the other hand. We will call such a pair an index. Any one of these can represent “the actual world now”, and our definitions of denotation will now be relativized to a choice of some arbitrary index <w, t>. Thus our semantic rules will now give a definition of [α]M, w, t, g for each expression α (i.e. the denotation of α relative to a model M, possible world w, time t, and assignment of values to variables g). Below are the syntactic and semantic rules which we will add to L2 to give a new first-order modal tensed language, which we will call L2mt: Syn B.10. If is a formula, the □ is a formula. Syn B.11. If is a formula, then ◊ is a formula. Syn B.11. If is a formula, then F is a formula. Syn B.12. If is a formula, then P is a formula. Sem B.10. If is a formula, then [□]M, w, t, g = 1 iff []M, w’, t’, g = 1 for all w’ in W and t’ in T. Sem B.11. If is a formula, then [◊]M, w, t, g = 1 iff []M,w’,t’,g = 1 for some w’ in W and t’ in T. Sem B.12. If is a formula, then [F]M, w, t, g = 1 iff []M, w, t’, g = 1 for some t’ in T such that t < t’. Sem B.13. If is a formula, then [P]M, w, t, g = 1 iff []M, w, t’, g = 1 for some t’ in T such that t’ < t. PS: The content of this handout is mostly adopted from Dowty et al (1981). References Areces, C. and Blackburn, P. (2005) Reichenbach, Prior and Montague: A semantic gettogether. In S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A. d'Avila Garcez, L. Lamb, and J. Woods, editors, We Will Show Them: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, College Publications. Dowty, D.R., Wall, R. E. and Peters, S. (1981) Introduction to Montague Semantics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 7 Michaelis, L. A. (2006) Time and Tense. In B. Aarts and A. MacMahon, (eds.), The Handbook of English Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. 220-234. Reichenbach, H. (1947) Elements of Symbolic Logic. Random House, New York, 1947. 8