VICTOR CHI-MIN YANG - University of Michigan





College of Pharmacy

The University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1065

TEL: (734) 764-4273

FAX: (734) 763-9772




US Citizen

1978-1983 Ph.D.

, Biochemistry and Biophysics

Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island )

Thesis : “The Properties of CDP-diglyceride, a Metabolic Intermediate in

Phospholipid Biosynthesis, and of Ara-CDP-diglyceride, a Potent Anticancer

Drug”. Advisor: Dr. Joseph M. Steim.

1975-1977 M.S.

, Biochemistry

Texas A&M University (Commerce, Texas)

Thesis: "Polymerization Study of Microtubular Protein and a Unique Isolation of

Tubulin Containing Ring Structures". Advisor: Dr. Janice S. Barton.

1968-1972 B.S.

, Chemistry

TamKang University (Taipei, Taiwan).


2000-present Albert B. Prescott Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

2005-present Cheung Kong Scholar (appointed by the Ministry of Education of China)

School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

1997-present Professor of Pharmaceutics

College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

1995-present Affiliated Faculty

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan.

1991-1996 Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics

College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

1986-1990 Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics

College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

1983-1985 Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Chemical Engineering, M.I.T. (Advisor: Dr. Robert Langer).

1984-1985 Co-Lecturer

“Pharmacoengineering” offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering at


1978-1982 Teaching/Research Assistant

Chemistry Department, Brown University.

1975-1977 Research Assistant


Chemistry Department, Texas A&M, Commerce.


2005-2008 Cheung Kong Scholar by the Ministry of Education of China.

2005 Advisory Council , World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers (WACBE)

2004-2007 Taiwan National Advisory Board on Nano-medicine Research, National Health

Research Institute (NHRI), Taiwan.

2003 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Research

Achievement Award in Biotechnology .

2003 American Association of College of Pharmacy (AACP) Paul Dawson

Biotechnology Award .

2003 Honored Guest Professor , Chinese Academy of Medicine and Union Medical

University, Beijing, China.




Who’s Who in Engineering Education (WWEE).

University Honored Guest Professor , Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.

Visiting Scholar (09/01/01-11/30/01) Department of Chemical Engineering,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (Prof. Robert Langer).

2001 Visiting Fellow (06/01/01-07/31/01) Selected by the Japan Society for the

Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF).

2001 Visiting Professor (03/12/01-03/16/01) Tokyo Women’s Medical University,

Tokyo, Japan.

2001 Fellow , American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

2001-2005 Regular Member (07/01/01-06/31/05) NIH S&B (Surgery and Bioengineering) and

BTSS (Bioengineering Technology and Surgical Science) Study Section.

2000-present Albert B. Prescott Endowed Chair Professorship , College of Pharmacy, The

University of Michigan.

1993-present Regular Member , NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Study Section for reviewing SBIR grants.

1999-2002 Board of Governors , Controlled Release Society (CRS).

1999 Tamkang University Chair Lectureship given by Tamkang University, Taipei,




Honorary Member , Society of Biomaterials and CRS in Taiwan.

Visiting Scholar , National Science Council and National Tsing Hua University in





Keynote Speaker , Society of Biomaterials and CRS in Taiwan.

Outstanding Alumni Lectureship given by Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Visiting Scholar , National Science Council (NSC) and National Defense Medical

Center (NDMC) in Taiwan.



Fellow, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS).

Keynote Speaker , Chinese National Pharmaceutics Congress, Nanjing, China,





American Men and Women of Science

Who's Who among Asian Americans

Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering


1990 Arthur K. DooLittle Award , American Chemical Society (ACS) Polymeric

Materials Science and Technology (PMSE) Division.

1989 Most Outstanding Manuscript , American Association of Medical Instrumentation


1982-1985 Member, New York Academy of Science.

1980-1982 Member , Sigma Xi.



2004-present Member of Biomaterial Society (BMS).

1993-6, 2000- Member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).

1986-present Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

1986-1993 Member of Michigan Technology Council (Biomedical/Biotechnology Committee)

1987-present Member of the American Society of Artificial and Internal Organs (ASAIO).

1987-present Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

1987-present Member of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BME).

1987-present Member of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS).

1989-1991 Member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE).

1991-1992 Member of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC).


1999-present AAPS Journal (Electronic Journal of AAPS)

1997-2000 Journal of Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

1994-2000 ASAIO (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs) Journal.

1988-2000 BioTechniques.


2004 Chair, AACP Pual Dawson Biotechnology Award Committee

2001-2005 NIH Surgery and Bioengineering Study Section.

2000-present Advisory Committee, Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Research in

Medical School and the Technology Management Office of the University of


2000 Chair, Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

1999-2002 Board of Governors, Controlled Release Society (CRS).

1999-2002 Executive Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.

1993-present NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Study Section Committee for SBIR Grants.

1992-present Biotec Committee, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

1996-1998 Program Committee, Biomaterials Society.

1995-1996 Global Network Committee, Controlled Release Society (CRS).

1994-1996 Program Committee, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO).

1993-1994 Committee of Governance, Controlled Release Society (CRS).

1988-1993 NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ad hoc Study Section for R01 Grants.


1998 Workshop on “Monitoring and Applications of Anticoagulant and Thrombolytic

Drugs” at the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV on June 25-26, 1998.

1990 The 200th ACS International Symposium on “Polymers for Cosmetic and

Pharmaceutical Applications ” , Washington DC, 1990.


MR Imaging and Transduction Therapy for Cancer Treatment.

Novel Targeted and Pro-drug Delivery Systems.

Brain Drug Delivery for Treatment of Parkinson and Alzheimer Diseases.

Site-Selective Thrombolysis.

Anticoagulant, Antithrombotic, and Thrombolytic Agents

Non-Toxic Heparin Antagonists.

Bio-Sensors; Blood Diagnostic Assays.

Extracorporeal Detoxification System for Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases.

Polypeptide Carriers; pH-Sensitive Hydrogels for Light-Regulated Drug Delivery.





The University of Michigan Rackham Faculty Grant (PI; $10,000)

"A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal"

Research Grant from the Office of Vice President for Research at the University of

Michigan (PI; $5,000)

"A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal"


1987-1992 "FIRST" Award, NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI ; $539,000).

"An Immobilized Protamine System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal",

Priority Score: 147; Percentile: 17.3%.

1988-1991 Biomedical Engineering Research Grant, The Whitaker Foundation (PI ; $187,500)

"An Engineering Approach for Extracorporeal Blood Deheparinization"

1988-1989 The University of Michigan Cancer Research Institute (PI ; $7,500)

"A New Controlled Drug Delivery System"

1988-1989 The University of Michigan Phoenix Memorial Laboratory (PI ; $5,000)

"Phospholipid Derivatives: A Possible Means for Delivering Drugs"

1989-1990 U.M. Research Partnership Program (PI ; $24,500)

"A Novel Controlled Drug Delivery System"


The Upjohn Research Endowment Research Grant (PI ; $15,000).

"A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal"

U. M. Vice President for Research (Co-PI; $100,000)

"Computer-Aided Molecular Design". One-time capital equipment purchase.

1990-1992 Parental Drug Association (PI ; $15,000)

"A Novel, Long-Acting Parental Drug Delivery System"

1991-1992 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation, Inc. (PI ; $5,000)

"Immobilized Protamine for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal"






University of Michigan Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship

College of Pharmacy Upjohn Research Endowment Award (PI

"Development of a Bioactive Artificial Lung"

U.M .Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship

(for Youyin Fu)

(for Thomas J. Cook)

"Polypeptides as Biodegradable Carrier for Drug Delivery"

; $25,000)


American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) ($4,000)

Undergraduate Award in Pharmaceutical Analysis (for Peter Angus)


"Assessment of Blood Compatibility of the Protamine-Coated Membrane"

1993-1997 National Institute of Health, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI; $1,090,650)

"A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal"

Priority Score: 141; Percentile: 6.9%



Medtronic HemoTec., Inc. (PI ; $190,000)

"An Electrochemical Heparin Sensor"

College of Pharmacy Vahlteich Research Award (PI ; $25,000)

"An Enzymatic Approach for the Inhibition of HIV Infectivity"

1994-1999 Whitaker Foundation Graduate Fellowship (for Tanya Wang) ($150,000)

" A Bio-Feedback Heparin Removal System ”





The Upjohn Research Endowment Award (PI

Medtronic HemoTec Inc. (PI ; $140,000)

AACP Merck Research Scholar Award

; $25,000)

"A Triggered Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents"

“Electrochemical Sensors for Heparin and Protamine”

National Institute of Health, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI

"Triggered Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents"

Priority Score: 144; Percentile: 17.5%

(for Sheren Lin)

“Identification of Antigenic Determinant in Autism”




1998-1999 Medtronic HemoTec Inc. (PI ; $200,000)

“Electrochemical Sensors for Heparin and Protamine”

1998-2001 National Institute of Health, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI ; $810,896)

“New Direction for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal”

Priority Score: 131; Percentile: 3.3%

1999-2000 National Institute of Health, STTR Phase I Grant (Co-PI ; $100,000)

“Effective, Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin”

Priority Score: 165

1999-2001 National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

($38,200) . Graduate Fellowship (for Yongtao Li)

2000-2004 National Institute of Health , Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI ; $1,118,663)

"Triggered and Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents".

Priority Score: 180; Percentile: 19.7%

2000-2001 Medtronic HemoTec Inc. (PI , $200,000)

“Electrochemical Sensors for Heparin and Protamine”.

2001-2005 National Institute of Health (R01 Grant) (Co-PI ; $403,489)

"Pharmacology/Bioengineering of New Treatments of Immune Thrombocytopenia

Purpura" (PI: Joseph Balthasar, College of Pharmacy, SUNY Buffalo, NY).

Priority Score: 162; Percentile: 10.6%

2001-2002 Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship (for Yongtao Li) ($35,000)

"ATTEMPTS: A Heparin/Protamine-Based Delivery System for Enzyme Drugs"

2002-2003 National Institute of Health SBIR Phase II Grant (Co-PI ; $243,326 )





“Effective and Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin and LMWH” (PI: Liang, ISTN, Inc)

Priority Score: 193

College of Pharmacy Vahlteich Research Award (Co-PI

College of Pharmacy Vahlteich Research Award (PI $25,000)

Equipment Purchase Funds for TE2000 Fluorescence Microscope.

Medtronic HemoTec Inc. (PI ; $60,000)

“Electrochemical Sensors for Heparin and Protamine”

; $40,000)

“A Novel Approach for the Treatment of Parkinson Disease” (PI: Liang)

2003-2005 American Health Assistance Foundation [AHAF] (PI ; $100,000)

“Brain BDNF Delivery for Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease”

2004-2005 National Institute of Health (R43 DK67723 SBIR Phase I Project) (Co-PI; $36,646)

Silica-Chitosan Nanocomposite for Treating Peptic Ulcer, (PI: YJ Park, ISTN, Inc.).

Priority Score: 220

2004-2005 Department of Defense (DOD) Breast Cancer Research (PI , $112,532)

“Novel Approach for Simultaneous Imagining and Protein Therapy for

Breast Cancer” Among 159 selected from a total of 1290 applications.

2004-2006 National Institute of Health (PA-03-058) (PI ; $412,067)

“Brain Drug Delivery Using Parkinson as a Disease Model”

Priority Score: 151

2005-2009 National Institute of Health, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (PI ; $1,607,086)

"Triggered Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents ”

Priority Score: 147; Percentile: 6.4%

2005-2010 National Institute of Health (R01 CA114612) (PI ; $1,613,135)

“PTD-Mediated Protein or Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy”.

Priority Score: 160; Percentile: 14.4%

2006-2010 National Institute of Health (Co-PI, $322,250)

“Development of Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose or Abuse”.

Priority Score: 122; Percentile: 1.0%


2006-2009 National Institute of Health (R44 HL59705 ) (PI, $636,924)

“Effective and Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin and LMWH”.

Priority Score: 148


2006-2010 National Institute of Health (R01 Grant) (Co-PI ; $380,000)

"Pharmacology and Bioengineering of New Treatments of Idiopathic

Thrombocytopenia Purpura" (PI: Joseph Balthasar, College of Pharmacy, SUNY

Buffalo, NY).


2006-2008 Brain Tumor Society (PI ; $200,000)

"Synchronized MRI and Drug Therapy for Brain Tumors ” (Pending)


1. Victor C. Yang , Joseph G. Turcotte, and Joseph M. Steim. Physical Properties of

Arabinofuranosylcytosin Diphosphate Diacylglycerol, an Antitumor Liponucleotide. Biochimica et

Biophysica Acta 689 :375-384 (1982).

2. Victor C. Yang , Robert J. Linhardt, Howard Bernstein, Charles L. Cooney, and Robert Langer.

Purification and Characterization of Heparinase from Flavobacterium Heparinum. Journal of

Biological Chemistry 260 :1849-1857 (1985).

3. Victor C. Yang , Joseph G. Turcotte, and Joseph M. Steim. Biophysical Properties of Cytidine

Diphosphate Diglyceride in Solution. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 834 :364-375 (1985).


4. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. An Immobilized Enzyme Reactor for

Extracorporeal Deheparinization. In: New Aspects in Extracorporeal Detoxification pp. 22-25 (Ing.

H. Chmiel and E. Streicher, eds.), 3rd Tutzing Symposium on Chemical Engineering in Medicine,

Lake Starnberg, West Germany (1985).

5. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. A New and Rapid Method, the pH-Dependent Binding

Analysis, for Isoelectric Point Estimation. Analytical Biochemistry 147 :148-155 (1985).

6. Robert Langer, Howard Bernstein, Annette Larsen, Victor C. Yang , David Tapper, and Dennis

Lund. An Enzymatic Approach to Anticoagulation Control. American Society for Artificial Internal

Organs Journal 8 :213-214 (1985).

7. Victor C. Yang , Lori Morgan, Mary T. McCarthy, and Robert Langer. Isoelectric Points of

Polysaccharide-Degrading Enzymes in Flavobacterium Heparinum. Carbohydrate Research 143 :

294-299 (1985).

8. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, Charles L. Cooney, Jill Kadam, and Robert Langer. Removal of the Anticoagulant Activities of the Low Molecular Weight Heparin Fractions and Fragments with

Flavobacterial Heparinase. Thrombosis Research 44 :599-610 (1986).

9. Howard Bernstein, Victor C. Yang, and Robert Langer. The Distribution of Heparinase Covalently

Immobilized to Agarose: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Biotechnology and Bioengineering

30 :197-207 (1987).

10. Howard Bernstein, Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. Immobilized Heparinase: In Vitro Reactor

Model. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 30 :239-250 (1987).

11. Victor C., Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. Large Scale Purification of Heparinase.

Biotechnology Progress 3 :27-30 (1987).

12. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. A Simple and Economic Technique for pI Measurements.

BioTechniques 5 :138-144 (1987).

13. Howard Bernstein, Victor C. Yang , Charles L. Cooney, and Robert Langer. An Immobilized

Heparin Lyase System for Blood Deheparinization. Methods in Enzymology 137 :515-529 (1987).

14. Howard Bernstein, Victor C. Yang , Dennis Lund, Mohinder Randhawa, William Harmon, and

Robert Langer. Extracorporeal Enzymatic Heparin Removal: Use in a Sheep Dialysis Model.

Kidney International 32 :452-463 (1987).

15. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. The Development of an Immobilized

Heparinase Reactor. In: Bioreactor Immobilized Enzymes and Cells: Fundamentals and

Applications , pp. 83-94 (Moo-Young, ed.), Elsevier, U.K. (1988).

16. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, Charles L. Cooney, and Robert Langer. Large Scale

Preparation and Characterization of Mucopolysaccharase Contamination Free Heparinase. Applied

Biochemistry and Biotechnology 16 :35-49 (1988).

17. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. An Investigation of Heparinase

Immobilization. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 16 :129-143 (1988).

18. Victor C. Yang , and Ching-Leou Teng. A Protein-Bound Polymeric Filter Device for Extracorporeal

Blood Deheparinization. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 58 :116-119 (1988).

19. Ching-Leou C. Teng, Jae-Seung Kim, Friedrich K. Port, Thomas W. Wakefield, Gerd O. Till, and

Victor C. Yang . A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Blood Heparin Removal . American Society of Artificial and Internal Organs Transactions 34 :743-746 (1988).

20. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. Heparinase Immobilization: Optimization and Characterization. In: Enzyme Engineering XI, Annals of the New York Academy of Science

542 :515-520 (1989).

21. Ching-Leou Teng, and Victor C. Yang . A Facile, Colorimetric Protamine Titration Method. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 43 :498-504 (1989).


22. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. Strategy Development Regarding Large Scale Protein

Purification. Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Separation Science and Technology

(M.H.I Baird and S. Vijayan, eds.) pp. 515-522 (1989).

23. Victor C. Yang . A Simple Method for Rapid and Precise Estimation of the Protamine Dose

Required for Clinical Heparin Reversal. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs

Transactions 35 :274-277 (1989).

24. Victor C. Yang . Protamine Filter: A Novel Approach for the Control of Complications of Heparin

Therapy. Proceedings of the International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and

Biology Society (Y. Kim and F.A. Spelman, eds.), vol. 11, pp. 1067-1068 (1989).

25. Jae-Seung Kim, Christopher Vincent, Ching-Leou C. Teng, Thomas W. Wakefield, and Victor C.

Yang . A Novel Approach to Anticoagulation Control. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs

Transactions 35 :644-646 (1989).

26. Victor C. Yang , and Alexander C.L. Tsuei. Phospholipid Derivatives: A Possible Means for

Controlled Delivery of Nucleoside Drugs. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on

Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials (R. Pearlman, and J.A. Miller, eds.) pp. 221-222 (1989).

27. Victor C. Yang , and Ching-Leou C. Teng. An Immobilized Protamine System for Removing

Heparin in Extracorporeal Blood Circulation. In: Biomimetic Polymers (C. Gebelein, ed.) pp.175-

190, Plenum Press, New York (1990).

28. Alexander C.L. Tsuei, and Victor C. Yang , Ion-exchange Hollow Fibers. ACS Polymer Preprints

31 :238-240 (1990).

29. You-Yin Fu, Ching-Leou C. Teng, and Victor C. Yang . A Rapid and Precise Whole Blood

Protamine Titration. American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Transactions 36 :660-663


30. Victor C. Yang , Ching-Leou C. Teng, and Jae-Seung Kim. A Filter for the Prevention of Both

Heparin and Protamine Induced Complications Associated with Extracorporeal Therapy .

Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 24 :433-439 (1990).

31. Charles Gebelein, Tai Cheng and Victor C. Yang . Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical and Medical

Polymers: A Common Theme. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 63 :401-405 (1990).

32. Victor C. Yang , and Jae-Seung Kim. Biopolymer Coupled with Heparin Antidote for In Vivo

Heparin Removal. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 63 :134-138 (1990).

33. Alexander C.L. Tsuei, and Victor C. Yang . Preparation of DEAE-Hollow Fibers for High Flow

Liquid Chromatography. Biomaterials 11 :734-737 (1990).

34. Weiliam Chen, and Victor C. Yang . A Versatile, Non-Clotting and Non-Instrumental Based

Heparin Assay. Clinical Chemistry 37 :832-837 (1991).

35. Victor C. Yang , Friedrich K. Port, Ching-Leou C. Teng, Jae-Seung Kim, Gerd. O. Till, and Thomas

W. Wakefield. The Use of Immobilized Protamine in Removing Heparin and Preventing Protamine

Induced Complications During Extracorporeal Blood Circulation. Anesthesiology 75 :288-297


36. Jae-Seung Kim, You-Yin Fu, and Victor C. Yang . The Development of Protamine-Coated Hollow

Fibers: In Vitro Characterization and In Vivo Testing. In: Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical

Applications of Polymers (C. Gebelein, T. Cheng, and V.C. Yang, eds.), pp. 347-370, Plenum

Press, New York (1991).

37. Weiliam Chen, and Victor C. Yang . The Development of a Cellulosic Material Based Method for

Heparin Therapy Monitoring. In: Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications of Polymers (C.

Gebelein, T. Cheng, and V.C. Yang, eds.), pp. 329-346, Plenum Press, New York (1991).

38. Weiliam Chen, and Victor C. Yang . A Test Strip Method for Heparin Sensing: Aspects for Clinical

Laboratory Application. CHIMICAoggi 9 (Oct.):43-49 (1991).

39. Victor C. Yang , You-Yin Fu, and Jae-Seung Kim. Protamine-Coated Cuprophan: A Potential Non-

Thrombogenic Hemodialysis Membrane with Improved Blood Compatibility. American Society of

Artificial Internal Organs Transactions 37 :229-232 (1991).


40. Victor C. Yang , and Weiliam Chen. A Protamine-Mediated Heparin Sensing Device. American

Society of Artificial Internal Organs Transactions 37 :292-294 (1991).

41. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Heparin-Responsive Electrochemical

Sensor: A Preliminary Study. Analytical Chemistry 64 :694-697 (1992).

42. Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . Protamine Immobilization and Heparin Adsorption on the

Protamine-Bound Cellulose Fiber Membrane. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 39 :450-456


43. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Jae-Seung Kim. Biopolymers for Heparin Removal and

Monitoring. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 66 :180-181 (1992).

44. Victor C. Yang , and Shu-Ching Ma. A Protamine-Coated Device for the Control of Heparin


The International Journal of Artificial Organs 15 :611-613 (1992).

45. Shu-Ching Ma, and Victor C. Yang . Applications of Affinity Binding to the Development of Heparin

Removing and Sensing Devices. In: Molecular Interactions in Bioseparations (T.T. Ngo, ed.),

Plenum Press, New York, pp. 451-468 (1993).

46. Shu-Ching Ma, Bin Fu, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Electrochemical Sensor for

Heparin: Further Characterization and Bioanalytical Applications. Analytical Chemistry 65 :2078-

2084 (1993).

47. Jung Hoon Yun, Shu-Ching Ma, Bin Fu, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Direct

Potentiometric Membrane Electrode Measurements of Heparin Binding to Macromolecules.

Electroanalysis 5 :719-724 (1993)

48. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Thinning Blood Safely. CHEMTECH

23 :25-32 (1993).

49. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, Dong Liu, Richard B. Brown, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Novel

Electrochemical Heparin Sensor. American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 39 :195-201


50. Victor C. Yang . A Sensor-Controlled, Polymer-Based, Bio-Feedback Heparin Removal System.

Proceedings of the POLYMED'93 , pp. 79-86, Schotland Business Research Inc., Princeton, New

Jersey (1993).

51. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Polymer-Based Systems for Heparin

Removal and Monitoring. Polymer News 19 :38-48 (1994).

52. Victor C. Yang , You-Yin Fu, Ching-Leou C. Teng, Shu-Ching Ma, and Jacob N. Shanberge. A

Method for the Quantitation of Protamine in Plasma. Thrombosis Research 74 :427-434 (1994).

53. Jong Hoon Yun, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A Disposable Coated-Wire Heparin

Sensor. American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 40 :401-405 (1994).

54. Bin Fu, Eric Bakker, Jong Hoon Yun, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Response

Mechanism of Polymer Membrane-Based Potentiometric Polyion Sensors. Analytical Chemistry

66 :2250-2259 (1994).

55. Jong Hoon Yun, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang, "Protamine Sensitive Polymer Membrane

Electrode: Characterization and Bioanalytical Applications." Analytical Biochemistry 224 :212-220


56. Enju Wang, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C.Yang

. Optical Sensing of Macromolecular Heparin via Selective Co-extraction into Thin Polymer Films. Analytical Chemistry 67 :522-527 (1995).

57. Bin Fu, Eric Bakker, Jong Hoon Yun, Enju Wang, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Polymer

Membrane-Based Polyion Sensors: Development, Response Mechanism, and Bioanalytical

Applications. Electroanalysis 7 :823-829 (1995).

58. Bin Fu, Eric Bakker, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Extraction Thermodynamics of

Polyanions into Plasticized Polymer Membranes Doped with Lipophilic Ion-Exchangers: A

Potentiometric Study. Macromolecules 28 :5834-5840 (1995).


59. Mark E. Meyerhoff, Bin Fu, Shu-Ching Ma, Eric Bakker, Jong-Hoon Yun, Victor C. Yang , and

Joyce A. Wahr. Polyion Sensitive Membrane Electrodes: Improbable Devices Capable of

Monitoring Heparin Levels in Whole Blood . American Association of Clinical Chemists Blood

Gas/Electrolytes Division Newsletter 10 :4-8 (1995).

60. Youngro Byun, Jong Hoon Yun, In Suk Han, Youyin Fu, Jacob N. Shanberge, and Victor C. Yang .

A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal: Development, Blood Compatibility

Evaluation, and Future Direction. American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 41 :301-305


61. Jong Hoon Yun, Lai-Ming Lee, Joyce Wahr, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Clinical

Application of Disposable Heparin Sensors: Blood Heparin Measurements During Open Heart

Surgery. American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 41 :661-664 (1995).

62. Mark E. Meyerhoff, Victor C. Yang , Joyce A. Wahr, Lai-Ming Lee, Jong Hoon Yun, Bin Fu, and

Eric Bakker. Potentiometric Polyion Sensors: A New Measurement Technology for Monitoring

Blood Heparin Levels During Open Heart Surgery. Clinical Chemistry 41 :1355-1356 (1995).

63. Xuan Guo, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Homogeneous Enzyme-Based Binding Assay for Studying Glycosaminoglycan-Macromolecule Interactions. Analytical Biochemistry 235 :153-160


64. Bin Fu, Jong Hoon Yun, Joyce Wahr, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Polyionic Drug-

Sensitive Membrane Electrodes: Principles and Practice. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 21 :215-

223 (1996).

65. Joyce A. Wahr, Jong Hoon Yun, Victor C. Yang , Lai Ming Lee, Bin Fu, and Mark E Meyerhoff. A

New Method of Measuring Heparin Levels in Whole Blood by Protamine Titration Utilizing a

Heparin-Responsive Electrochemical Sensor. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia

10 :447-450 (1996).

66 Bin Fu, Mark E. Meyerhoff, Jong Hoon Yun, and Victor C. Yang . Polyion Sensitive Membrane

Electrodes: Principles and Biomedical Applications. Analytical Chemistry 68 :168-175 (1996).

67. In Suk Han, Narayanan Ramamurthy, Jong Hoon Yun, Ulrich Schaller, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and

Victor C. Yang . Selective Monitoring of Peptidase Activities with Synthetic Polypeptide Substrates and Polyion-Sensitive Membrane Electrode Detection. FASEB Journal 10 :1621-1626 (1996).

68. Youngro Byun, Tanya Wang, Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . Optimization and Assessment of the In Vivo Efficacy of a Heparin-Removing Bio-Reactor Using Mathematical Modeling. American

Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 42 :782-787 (1996).

69. Youngro Byun, Tanya Wang, and Victor C. Yang . A Protamine Bioreactor for Extracorporeal

Heparin Removal: Development, In Vitro Modeling, and In Vivo Testing . Journal of Biomedical

Engineering (Taiwan) 9 :41-48 (1997).

70. Jong Hoon Yun, Shu-Ching Ma, Bin Fu, In-Suk Han, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A

Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor: Principles and Practice . Journal of Biomedical Engineering

(Taiwan) 9 :49-55 (1997).

71. Ibrahim H. A. Badr, Narayanan Ramamurthy, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff.

Electrochemical Assay of Proteinase Inhibitors Using Polycation Sensitive Membrane Electrode.

Analytical Biochemistry 250 :74-81, (1997).

72. Thomas J. Cook, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Polypeptides for Controlled Release

Applications: Synthesis and Preliminary Characterization and Release Studies. International

Journal of Pharmaceutics 159 :197-206 (1997).

73. Tanya Wang, Youngro Byun, Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal

System. In: Advances in Polymeric Biomaterials Science (T. Akaike, T. Okano, M. Akashi, et al.,

Eds.) Kodansha Elsevier, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 489-501 (1997).


74. Teresa M. Ambrose, Ibrahim H. A. Badr, Sheng Dai, Joan M. Esson, Narayanan Ramamurthy,

Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Biomedical Application of Polyion Sensitive Membrane

Electrodes. EUROSENSORS XI 1 :15-18, 1997.

75. Narayanan Ramamurthy, Narayanan Baliga, Joyce A. Wahr, Ulrich Schaller, Victor C. Yang , and

Mark E. Meyerhoff. Improved Polycation-Sensitive Membrane Electrode for Monitoring Heparin

Levels in Whole Blood via Protamine Titration. Clinical Chemistry 44 :606-613, (1998).

76. Yuehua Zhang, Vijendra K. Singh, and Victor C. Yang . Poly-L-Lysine Amplification of Protamine

Immobilization and Heparin Adsorption.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 42 :182-187


77. Vijendra K. Singh, Sheren X. Lin, and Victor C. Yang . Serological Association of Measles Virus and Human Herpevirus-6 with Brain Autoantibodies in Autism. Clinical Immunology and

Immunopathology 89 :105-108 (1998).

78. Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . Novel Approach for Optimizing the Capacity and Efficacy of a

Protamine Filter for Clinical Extracorporeal Heparin Removal. ASAIO Journal 44 :368-373 (1998).

79. Youngro Byun, and Victor C. Yang . A Delivery System for Targeted Thrombolysis without the Risk of Hemorrhage. ASAIO Journal 44 :638-641 (1998).

80. Victor C. Yang . Approaches for Triggered and Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents. In:

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of Biomaterials and Controlled Release Society of Taiwan , pp.

116-141, Chi May Co. LTD., Taipei, Taiwan (1998).

81. Sheng Dai, Joan M. Esson, Oliver Lutze, Narayanan Ramamurthy, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E.

Meyerhoff. Bioanalytical Applications of Polyion-Sensitive Electrodes . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 19 :1-14 (1999).

82. Narayanan Ramamurthy, Narayanan Baliga, Thomas W. Wakefield, Philip C. Andrews, Victor C.

Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Determination of Low Molecular Weight Heparins and Their Binding to Protamine and a Protamine Analogue Using Polyion-Sensitive Membrane Electrodes. Analytical

Biochemistry 266 :116-124 (1999).

83. Peter Markland, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Modified Polypeptides Containing


Benzylglutamic Acid as Drug Delivery Platforms. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 173 :183-

192, (1999).

84. Youngro Byun, Vijendra K. Singh, and Victor C. Yang, “Low Molecular Weight Protamine: A

Potential NonToxic Heparin Antagonist.” Thrombosis Research 94 :53-61 (1999).

85. Hong Wang, Hui Song, and Victor C. Yang . A Recombinant, Pro-Drug Type Approach for

Triggered Delivery of Streptokinase. Journal of Controlled Release 59 :119-122 (1999).

86. Jong Hoon Yun, Narayanan Ramamurthy, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang .

Electrochemical Sensors for Polyionic Macromolecules: Development and Applications in

Pharmaceutical Research. Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today 2 :102-110 (1999).

87. Peter Markland, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel pH-Responsive Polypeptide

Hydrogel: Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Drug Release Studies. Journal of

Biomedical Materials Research 47 :595-602 (1999).

88. Junfeng Liang, Hui Song, Maureen Connell, Youngtao Li, Youngro Byun, and Victor C. Yang . The

Use of “ATTEMPTS” Approach for Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs with Associated Bleeding Risks.

Proceeding of the Pharmaceutical Technology Conference Vol. 3 , pp 14-30 (1999).

89. Li-Chien Chang, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Electrochemical Assay of Plasminogen

Activators in Plasma Using Polyion Sensitive Membrane Electrode Detection. Analytical

Biochemistry 276 :8-12 (1999).

90. JunFeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang, “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme

Drugs without Associated Toxic Effects.” Proceeding of the Global Chinese Symposium on


Biomaterials and Controlled Release , pp 39-51 (1999).

91. That T. Ngo, and Victor C. Yang . Biosensors: An Overview. In: Biosensors and Applications (VC

Yang, TT Ngo, eds.), Kluwer Academics/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp ix-v (2000).

92. Bin Fu, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Recent Development in Polymer Membrane-

Based Potentiometric Polyion Sensors. In: Biosensors and Applications (VC Yang, TT Ngo, eds.),

Kluwer Academics/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp 147-157 (2000).

93. Junfeng Liang, Yongtao Li, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs:

Preliminary Demonstration of Feasibility and Utility in Vitro. International Journal of Pharmaceutics

202 :11-21 (2000).

94. Hui Song, Jun-Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . A Pro-drug Approach for Delivery of t-PA:

Construction of the Cationic t-PA Prodrug by Recombinant Method and Preliminary in Vitro

Evaluation of the Construct. ASAIO Journal 46 :663-668 (2000).

95. Youngro Byun, Li-Chien Chang, Lai-Ming Lee, In Suk Han, Vijendra K. Singh, and Victor C. Yang .

Low Molecular Weight Protamine: A Potent but Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin/LMWH. ASAIO

Journal 46 :435-439 (2000).

96. Jun-Feng Liang, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . The Potential Mechanism for the Effect of

Heparin on t-PA-Mediated Plasminogen Activation. Thrombosis Research 97 :349-358 (2000).

97. Jun-Feng Liang, Maureen E. Connell, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . Synthesis and

Characterization of Positively Charged t-PA as a Prodrug Using Heparin/Protamine Drug Delivery

System. AAPS PharmSci 2 (1), article 7 (2000) (


98. Jun-Feng Liang, Hui Song, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Heparin/Protamine-Based

Pro-drug Type Delivery System for Protease Drugs. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 89 :664-

673 (2000).

99. JunFeng Liang, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang, “Biomedical Application of Immobilized Enzymes.”

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 89 :979-990 (2000).

100. Jun-Feng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Hui Song, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . Enzyme Drug

Delivery Using a Heparin/Protamine Delivery System. Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems

Toward New Millennium (Ki Dong Park, Ich Chan Kwon, Nobuhiko Yui, Seo Young Jeong, Kinam

Park, eds.), pp 49-61(2000).

101. Victor C. Yang . Overview of Drug Delivery Systems. Proceedings of the Symposium of New

Trend in Biotechnology in the New Millennium , Section I , pp. 1-56, Center for Biomedical

Engineering, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2000).

102. Victor C. Yang . Approaches for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs. Proceedings of the Symposium of New

Trend in Biotechnology in the New Millennium , Section II , pp 1-42, Center for Biomedical

Engineering, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2000).

103. Victor C. Yang . Recent Advances in Heparin Anticoagulation Control. Tamkang Chair Lecture

Series 129 :1-33 (2001).

104. Victor C. Yang . Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.

Tamkang Chair Lecture Series , 129 :34-58 (2001).

105. Victor C . Yang, “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Catalytic Enzyme Drugs without

Associated Toxic Effects.” Tamkang Chair Lecture Series , 129 :59-75 (2001).

106. Yoon Jeong Park, Jun-Feng Liang, Hui Song, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A

Heparin/Protamine-Based Prodrug Approach for Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs. Journal of

Controlled Release 72 :145-156 (2001).

107. Betrice Tsui, Vijendra K. Singh, Jun-Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Reduced Cross-Reactivity

Towards Anti-Protamine Antibodies of a Low Molecular Weight Protamine Analogue. Thrombosis

Research 101 :417-420 (2001).

108. Yoon-Jeong Park, Jin Chang, Pen-Chung Chen, and Victor C. Yang . Poly(L-Lysine)-Based Semi-

Interpenetrating Polymer Network as pH-Responsive Hydrogel for Controlled Release of a Model

Protein Drug Streptokinase. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 6 :1-6 (2001).


109. Tanya Wang, Youngro Byun, Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . A Protamine Bio-Reactor for

Extracorporeal Heparin Removal: In Vitro Modeling, Function Assessment, and Future Direction.

International Journal of Bio-Chromatography , 6 :133-149 (2001).

110. Li-Chien Chang, Hsiao-Feng Lee, Zhi-Qiang Yang, and Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight

Protamine (LMWP) as Non-Toxic Heparin/LMWH Antidote. [I]: Preparation and Characterization.

AAPS PharmSci 3(2) article 17 (2001) (

111. Li-Chien Chang, Jung-Feng Liang, Lai-Ming Lee, and Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight

Protamine (LMWP) as Non-Toxic Heparin/LMWH Antidote. [II]: In Vitro Evaluation of Efficacy and

Toxicity. AAPS PharmSci 3(2) article 18 (2001) (

112. Lai-Ming Lee, Li-Chien Chang, Shirley Wrobleski, Thomas W. Wakefield, and Victor C. Yang . Low

Molecular Weight Protamine (LMWP) as Non-Toxic Heparin/LMWH Antidote. [III]: Preliminary In

Vivo Evaluation of Efficacy and Toxicity Using a Canine Model. AAPS PharmSci 3(2) article 19

(2001) (

113. Yoon-Jeong Park, Jun F. Liang, Zhiqiang Yang, and Victor C. Yang . Controlled Release of Clot-

Dissolving Tissue Plasminogen Activator from a Poly(L-Glutamic Acid) Semi-Interpenetrating

Network Hydrogel. Journal of Controlled Release 75 :37-44 (2001).

114. Junfeng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Hui Song, Sarita Naik, and Victor C. Yang . A Review of the

ATTEMPTS Approach in Delivering Enzyme Drugs. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on

Biomedical Materials & Technology, R.O.C

, pp.26-31 (2001).

115. Yoon-Jeong Park, Jun-Feng Liang, Yong-Tao Li, Sarita Naik, and Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A

Heparin/Protamine-Based Delivery System for Enzyme Drugs. Journal of Controlled Release ,

78: 67-79 (2002)

116. Peter Markland, and Victor C. Yang . Biodegradable Polymers as Drug Carriers. Encyclopedia of

Pharmaceutical Technology , 2 nd Ed. (J. Swarbrick, J.C. Boylan, eds.) pp 136-155, Marcel Dekker,

Inc. (2002).

117. Yuehua Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Yang, Peter Markland, and Victor C. Yang . Poly(glutamic acid)

Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels Prepared by Photo-Induced Polymerization: Synthesis,

Characterization, and Preliminary Release Studies of Protein Drugs. Journal of Biomedical

Materials Research 62 :14-21 (2002).

118. Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang, Sarita Naik, and Victor C. Yang . Delivery of Catalytic

Macromolecular Drugs. Proceedings of the Third Asian Symposium on Biomaterials & Drug

Delivery Systems, R.O.C

, in press (2003).

119. Junfeng Liang, Lan Zhen, Li-Chien Chang, and Victor C. Yang . A Less Toxic Heparin Antagonist:

Low Molecular Weight Protamine. Biochemistry (Moscow) , 68 :139-144 (2003).

120. An-Rong Lee, Li-Chien Chang, Victor C. Yang , Li-Heng Pao, and Da-Peng Wang. Applications of

Polyion-Sensitive Electrodes to Pharmaceutical Domain: A Mini-Review. Journal of Food and Drug

Analysis , 10 :212-218 (2003).

121. Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang . Bioconjugates for Effective Drug Targeting. Advanced Drug

Delivery Reviews (Park YJ and Yang VC, Theme Eds.), 55 :169-170 (2003).

122. Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang, Hui Song, Yongtao Li, Sarita Naik, and Victor C. Yang .

ATTEMPT: A Heparin/Protamine-Based Triggered Release System for the Delivery of Enzyme

Drugs without Associated Side Effects. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (Park YJ and Yang VC,

Theme Eds.), 55 :251-265 (2003).

123. Yong Tao Li, Jun Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . The Use of a Transduction Peptide as a

Possible Means for Enzyme Red Blood Cell Encapsulation. American Pharmaceutical Review 6 :23-

26 (2003).

124. Yoon Jeong Park, Jun Fe ng Liang, Kyung Soo Ko, Sung Wan Kim, and Victor C. Yang, “Low

Molecular Weight Protamine as an Efficient and Nontoxi c Gene Carrier.” Journal of Gene Medicine ,


5 :700-711 (2003).

125. Yoon Jeong Park, Sook Hee Nah, Jue Yeon Lee, Jae Min Jeong, Jun Key Chung, Myung Chul

Lee, Victor C. Yang , and Seung Jin Lee. Surface-modified Poly(lactic-co-glycolide) Nanospheres for Targeted Bone Imaging with Enhanced Labeling and Delivery of Radioisotope. Journal of

Biomedical Materials Research , 67A :751-760 (2003).

126. Jun Feng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Jin Chang, and Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A Pharmaceutical

Engineering Approach for Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs. Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering

(Ned Huang, Peter Taijan, Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publisher, New York, pp. 168-178 (2004).

127. Pen-Chung Chen, Yoon Jeong Park, Li-Chien Chang, Robert H. Bartlett, and Victor C. Yang .

Injectable Microparticle-Gel System for Prolonged and Localized Lidocain Release (I): In Vitro

Characterization. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research , 70A :412-419 (2004).

128. Pen-Chung Chen, Daniel S. Kohane, Yoon Jeong Park, Robert H. Bartlett, Robert Langer, and

Victor C. Yang . Injectable Microparticle-Gel System for Prolonged and Localized Lidocain Release

(II): In Vivo Anesthetic Effects. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 70A :459-466 (2004).

129. Junfeng Liang, Emel Emregul, and Victor C. Yang . Development of a Protamine-Hollow Fiber

Device for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal. Blood Purification 22 :198-202 (2004).

130. Yongtao Li, Junfeng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Sarita S. Naik, Young Min Kwon, and Victor C.

Yang . An Innovative PTD-Mediated Protein Transduction Therapy for Cancer Treatment.

Proceedings of the 4 th Asian Symposium on Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems , PP147-151


131. Sarita Naik, Hui Song, Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Application of the

ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery. Journal of Controlled Release , 101 :35-45 (2004).

132. LiChien Chang, Hsiao Feng Lee, Meng Ju Chung, and Victor C. Yang, “PEG-Modified Protamine with Improved Pharmacological/Pharmaceutical Properties as a Potential Protamine Substitute:

Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation.” Bioconjugate Chemistry 16 :147-155 (2005).

133. Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Nontoxic Membrane Translocation Peptide from Protamine, LMWP, for Enhanced Intracellular Drug Delivery: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies.

FASEB Journal , 19 :1555-1557 (2005).

134. Emel Emregul, Alan David, Joseph P. Balthasar, and Victor C. Yang . A GPIIb/IIIa Bioreactor for

Specific Treatment of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), an Autoimmune Disease.

Preparation, In Vitro Characterization, and Preliminary Proof-of-Concept Animal Studies. Journal of

Biomedical Materials Research, 75A :648-655 (2005).

135. Victor C. Yang , Sarita Naik, Hui Song, Alan Dombkowski, Gordon Crippen, and Jun F. Liang.

Engineering of Heparin-Binding t-PA Mutants for Potential Application in Thrombolytic Therapy without Associated Bleed Risks. Journal of Controlled Release, 110 :164-176 (2005).

136. Tanya Wang, Zhiqiang Yang, Emel Emregul, Allan David, Joseph P. Balthasar, Junfeng Liang, and

Victor C. Yang . Strategies for Improving the Functionality of an Affinity Type Bioreactor.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 306 :132-141 (2005).

137. Jun Feng Liang, Victor C. Yang , and Yekaterina Vaynshteyn. The Minimal Functional Sequence of Protamine. Biophysical and Biochemical Research Communication, 336 :653-659 (2005).

138. Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Synthesis of Doxorubicin-Peptide Conjugate with Multidrug

Resistant Tumor-Killing Activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 15 :5071-5075 (2005).

139. Jun Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Insulin-Cell Penetrating Peptide Hybrids with Improved

Intestinal Absorption Efficiency. Biophysical and Biochemical Research Communication, 335 :734-

738 (2005).

140. Victor C. Yang , Young Min Kwon, and Yoon Jeong Park. Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs: From

ATTEMPTS Approach to PTD-Mediated Cellular Delivery. Proceedings of the 7 th International

Symposium on Peptides and Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration, pp. 5-9 (2005) .


141. Alan David, Victor C. Yang , and Arthur J. Yang. Chemically Surface Modified Gel (CSMG): An

Excellent Enzyme Immobilization Matrix for Industrial Processes. Journal of Biotechnology, in

press (2006).

142. Jin Chang, Chunbao Ma, Xiaoyan Liu, Qingyu Zhang, Tao Wang, and Victor C. Yang .

Microsphere Facilitated Gastric Tumor Chemotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release, submitted


143. Jin-Shuen Chen, De Chuan Chan, Meng Ju Chung, Yu-Feng Lin, Victor C. Yang , and Li-Chien

Chang. Abnormality in Postoperative Fibrinolytic Activities for Cancer and Uremic Patients. Blood,

submitted (2006).

144. Yongtao Li, Jun Feng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Young Min Kwon, and Victor C. Yang . Protein

Transduction Domain (PTD)-Mediated Asparaginase Therapy. [I] In Vitro Characterization.

Submitted to Bioconjugate Chemistry (2006).

145. Yongtao Li, Hongfang Wang, Gerald J. Spangrude, Jun Feng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Young Min

Kwon, and Victor C. Yang . Protein Transduction Domain (PTD)-Mediated Asparaginase Therapy.

[II] In Vivo Proof-of-Concept Study. Submitted to Bioconjugate Chemistry (2006).

146. Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang . In Vivo Delivery of Gelonin for Cancer Treatment. To be submitted to Nature Biotechnology (2006).

147. Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang . Delivery of RNase for in Vivo Anti-Cancer Therapy. To be submitted to Proceeding of National Academy of Science USA by March (2006).


1. Charles G. Gebelein, Tai C. Cheng, and Victor C. Yang , Eds. Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical

Applications of Polymers, Plenum Press, New York and London (1992).

2. Victor C. Yang , and That T. Ngo, Eds. Biosensors and Applications, Kluwer Academics/Plenum

Publishers, New York (2000).

3. Victor C. Yang . Tamkang Chair Lecture Series , Vol. 129, Tamkang University Press, Taipei,

Taiwan (2001).


1. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. A Rapid Method for Determining an Isoelectric Point for

Amphoteric Molecules ." U.S. Patent 4,666,855 , May 19, 1987.

2. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, Charles L. Cooney, and Robert Langer. Neutralization of the

Anticoagulant Activities of Low Molecular Weight Heparins. Patent pending .

3. Victor C. Yang . Extracorporeal Blood Deheparinization System. U.S. Patent 4,800,016 , January

24, 1989.

4. Victor C. Yang . Extracorporeal Blood Deheparinization System. Canadian Patent 1,326,418 ,

January 25, 1994.

5. Victor C. Yang . Filter Device for Rapid and Specific Removal of Heparin from Whole Blood and

Plasma Samples. U.S. Patent 5,000,854, March 19, 1991.

6. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Heparin-Selective Polymeric Membrane

Electrode. U.S. Patent 5,236,570, August 17, 1993.

7. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Heparin-Selective Polymeric Membrane

Electrode. European, Canada, Japan Patents Pending.

8. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang, "Heparin-Selective Polymeric Membrane

Electrode." U.S. Patent 5,453,171 (Continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent 5,236,570), September 25,



9. Jong Hoon Yun, Mark E, Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Protamine-Responsive Polymeric

Membrane Electrode. U.S. Patent 5,607,567 , March 4, 1997.

10. Victor C. Yang , Robert H. Bartlett, and Bernhard O. Palsson. Photobioreactors and Closed

Ecological Life Support Systems and Artificial Lungs Containing the Same. U.S. Patent 5,614,378,

March 25, 1997.

11. Victor C. Yang , and Youngro Byun. Protamine Fragment Compositions and Methods of Use. U.S.

Patent 6,624,141 , September 23, 2003.

12. Victor C. Yang , and Vijendra K. Singh. Novel treatment for Multiple Sclerosis and Autism. Patent

Disclosure submitted , 1999.

13. Victor C. Yang , and Youngro Byun. Protamine Fragment Compositions and Methods of Use.

European Patent Pending , 2000.

14. Victor C. Yang , Junfeng Liang, and Yoon Jeong Park. Drug Delivery Compositions for the

Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and Other Applications. Patent Application was submitted by the University of Michigan on April 30, 2003; 60/466,811.

15. Yoon Jeong Park, Li-Chien Chang, Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Non-Toxic Membrane

Translocating Peptides, Patent Application was submitted by ISTN, Inc (York, PA) on March 10,

2003; ISTN 0301477.

16. Victor C. Yang , Junfeng Liang, and Yoon Jeong Park. Novel Protein Transduction Domain Based

Drug Delivery Compositions. Patent Application was submitted by the University of Michigan on

April 30, 2003; 60/466,804.

17. Victor C. Yang , and Joseph Balthasar. An Immunoadsorption Device for the Treatment of Immune

Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP). Patent Application was submitted by the University of Michigan,

April 30, 2003.

18. Lai-Ming Lee, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Polycation-Sensitive Polymer Membrane

Sensor and Chromogenic Anti-Factor Xa Assay Correlation for UFH and LMWH Mixed Sample

Measurements. Patent Disclosure has been submitted to the University of Michigan on November

18, 2003 (UM File: 2759).


1. Victor C. Yang , and Janice Barton. Isolation of Nucleation Fraction of Microtubules. Meeting-in

Miniature of the American Chemical Society , pp. 31, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas


2. Victor C. Yang , and Janice Barton. Polymerization Studies of Tubulin. Southwest Regional

Meeting of the American Chemical Society , pp. 24, Dallas-For Worth, Texas (1977).

3. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. Purification and Characterization of Heparinase. Fed. Proc.

43 , 604 (1985).

4. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. A Novel Approach for Neutralizing Low

Molecular Weight Heparin Fragments. Fed. Proc.

44 , 1846 (1986).

5. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. A Reactor for Removing Heparin at the

Termination of Extracorporeal Therapy. 189th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society ,

Miami Beach, Florida (1985).

6. Victor C. Yang , and Robert Langer. Large Scale Production of Catalytically Pure Heparinase.

Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers , pp. T-68 (1986).

7. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. A Novel Approach for Diminishing Potential

Bleeding Risks Associated with the Use of Low Molecular Weight Heparins in the Extracorporeal

Therapy. ASAIO J.

16 , 26 (1987).


8. Victor C. Yang , Howard Bernstein, and Robert Langer. Heparinase Immobilization:

Characterization and Optimization. Enzyme Engineering IX , I-44 (1987).

9. Victor C. Yang , and Ching-Leou C. Teng. A Protein-bound Polymeric Filter for Extracorporeal

Blood Deheparinization. Biotechnology Secretariat, 18, 195th National Meeting of the American

Chemical Society, Toronto, Canada (1988).

10. Victor C. Yang , Ching-Leou C. Teng, Lynne Crumbaugh, Friedrich K. Port, Thomas W. Wakefield, and Gerd O. Till. A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Blood Heparin Removal. ASAIO J.

17 , 68


11. Victor C. Yang , and Ching-Leou C. Teng. An Immobilized Protamine System for Removing

Heparin in Extracorporeal Blood Circulation. Pharmaceutical Research 5 , S-35 (1988).

12. Victor C. Yang . A Filter Device for the Prevention of Both Heparin and Protamine Induced

Complications Associated with Extracorporeal Therapy. Proceedings of the AAMI 24 Annual

Meeting & Exposition , pp. 99 (1989).

13. Victor C Yang . A Simple and Rapid Protamine Titration Method. Proceedings of AAMI 24 Annual

Meeting & Exposition , pp. 99 (1989).

14. Victor C. Yang , Ching-Leou C. Teng, Jae-Seung Kim, Christopher Vincent, Thomas W. Wakefield, and Gerd O. Till. An Approach for the Prevention of Complications Associated with Extracorporeal

Blood Circulation. ASAIO J.

18 , 64 (1989).

15. Victor C. Yang . A Colorimetric Method for Rapid Determination of the Protamine Dose Required for Heparin Reversal. ASAIO J.

18 , 71 (1989).

16. Victor C. Yang , and Alexander C.R. Tsuei. Phospholipid Derivatives: A Possible Means for

Controlled Delivery of Nucleoside Drugs. 16th International Symposium on Controlled Release of

Bioactive Materials , pp. 82 (1989).

17. Weiliam Chen, and Victor C. Yang . Protamine Immobilization and Capillary Migration as an

Unorthodox Approach of Heparin Sensoring. Pharmaceutical Research 6 , S-28 (1989).

18. Victor C. Yang , Jae-Seung Kim, and Ching-Leou C. Teng. Immobilized Protamine: An Approach for the Control of Complications Associated with Extracorporeal Therapy. Annual Meeting of the

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, pp. T-187 (1989).

19. Victor C. Yang . Strategy Development Regarding Large Scale Protein Purification. 39th Canadian

Chemical Engineering Conference and 2nd International Conference on Separation and

Technology , pp. S-8d (1989).

20. Alexander C.R. Tsuei, and Victor C. Yang . Ion-Exchange Hollow fibers. 199th International

Meeting of the American Chemical Society , Boston, Massachusetts (1990).

21. You-Yin Fu, Ching-Leou C. Teng, and Victor C. Yang . A Rapid and Precise Whole Blood

Protamine Titration. ASAIO J.

19 , 70 (1990).

22. Victor C. Yang , and Jae-Seung Kim. Biopolymer Coupled with Heparin Antidote for In Vivo

Heparin Removal. 200th International Meeting of the American Chemical Society , Washington DC


23. You-Yin Fu, and Victor C. Yang . The Effect of Bound Protamine on the Blood Components During

Reversal of Heparin. Pharmaceutical Research 7 , S-46 (1990).

24. Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . An Unconventional Approach of Utilizing Protamine: The

Heparin Antidote." Pharmaceutical Research 7 , S-40 (1990).

25. Alexander C. R. Tsuei, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Block Peptide Polymers for Drug

Delivery: Synthesis and Preliminary Results. Pharmaceutical Research 7 , S-171 (1990).

26. Weiliam Chen, and Victor C. Yang . Evaluating the Effects of Plasma Components on the

Performance of a Newly Developed Heparin Sensing System. Pharmaceutical Research 7 , S-47



27. Victor C. Yang , You-Yin Fu, and Jae-Seung Kim. Protamine-Coated Cuprophan: A Potential Non-

Thrombogenic Hemodialysis Membrane with Improved Blood Compatibility. ASAIO J.

20 , 86


28. Victor C. Yang , and Weiliam Chen. A Protamine-Mediated Heparin Sensing Device. ASAIO J.

20 ,

29 (1991).

29. Jae Seung Kim, Victor C. Yang , and Gordon L. Amidon. Structure-Permeability and Structure-

Activity Relationship for ACE Inhibitors. Pharmaceutical Research 8 , S-56 (1991).

30. Youyin Fu, and Victor C. Yang . Biocompatibility of Protamine-Coated Membrane. Pharmaceutical

Research 8 , S-56 (1991).

31. Victor C. Yang . The Use of a Protamine Filter for the Prevention of Heparin and Protamine-

Induced Complications During Extracorporeal Blood Circulation. The VIII Congress of the

International Society for Artificial Organs , pp. 14 (1991).

32. Shu-Ching Ma, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A Sensor with Specific Response Toward

Heparin. Abstract #1028, Pittsburgh Conference , New Orleans, LA, March 9-13, 1992.

33. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Jae-Seung Kim. Biopolymers for Heparin Removal and

Monitoring. 203rd Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society , San Francisco, CA, April 6-

10 (1992).

34. Shu-Ching Ma, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor, Pharmaceutical

Research 9 , S-69 (1992).

35. Victor C. Yang , and Shu-Ching Ma. A System for Heparin Removal and Monitoring. Proceedings of the Cardiovascular Sciences and Technology Conference , pp. 192, 1992.

36. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor.


22 , 23 (1993).

37. Youyin Fu, and Victor C. Yang . A Means to Improve the Biocompatibility of Cellulosic Dialyzer

Membranes. ASAIO J.

22 , 84 (1993).

38. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Direct

Monitoring of Heparin in Clinical Whole Blood Specimens. Abst. #47, American Association for

Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting , New York City, NY, July 11-15 (1993).

39. Mark E. Meyerhoff, Victor C. Yang , Bin Fu, Jong Hoon Yun, and Shu-Ching Ma. Electrochemical

Sensor for Heparin: Development, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications. Science

Innovation '93 Abstract , pp. 30 (1993).

40. Thomas J. Cook, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang. The Use of Polypeptides as Controlled

Release Implants: In Vitro Investigation. Pharmaceutical Research 10 (1993).

41. Victor C. Yang , Mark E. Meyerhoff, Bin Fu, Jong H Yun, Julie S. Johnson, and Robert F. Baugh. A

Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Heparin. The Fourth IBC International Symposium on

Anticoagulant, Antithrombotic, and Thrombolytic , Boston, MA, September 27-29 (1993).

42. Youyin Fu, Gerd O. Till, Jacob N. Shanberge, and Victor C. Yang . Biocompatibility of the

Protamine-Coated Cellulosic Dialyzer Membranes. ASAIO J.

23 , 24 (1994).

43. Jong Hoon Yun, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A Disposable Coated-Wire Heparin

Sensor. ASAIO J.

23 , 25 (1994).

44. Mark E. Meyerhoff, Victor C. Yang, Bin Fu, Jong Hoon Yun, Eric Bakker, and Shu-Ching Ma.

Polymer Membrane-Based Polyion Sensors: Development, Response Mechanism, and

Bioanalytical Applications . American Chemical Society Central and Great Lakes Regional Meeting ,

Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 31 (1994).

45. Victor C. Yang , Jong Hoon Yun, Shu-Ching Ma, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Sensor-Directed Bio-

Feedback Heparin Removal System. American Chemical Society Central and Great Lakes

Regional Meeting , Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 31- June 3 (1994).


46. Victor C. Yang , Shu-Ching Ma, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor."

Proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. pp.

274-275 (1994).

47. Victor C. Yang , Hai-Han Kuo, and Shu-Ching Ma. A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal System.

Proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials , pp. 95-

96 (1994).

48. Thomas J. Cook, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Protein Release from Poly(Amino Acid)

Microspheres. Pharmaceutical Research 11 , S-323 (1994).

49. Lai-Ming Lee, Jong-Hoon Yun, Joyce Wahr, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A

Disposable, Coated-Wire, Electrochemical Heparin Sensor. The Sixteenth Annual Undergraduate

Research Seminar, West Virginia University, October 17 (1994) .

50. Youngro Byun, Jong-Hoon Yun, Youyin Fu, and Victor C. Yang . A Protamine Filter for

Extracorporeal Heparin Removal: Development, Blood Compatibility Evaluation, and Future

Direction. ASAIO J.

24 , 64 (1995).

51. Jong-Hoon Yun, Lai-Ming Lee, Joyce Wahr, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . Clinical

Application of Disposable Heparin Sensors: Blood Heparin Measurements during Open Heart

Surgery. ASAIO J.

24 , 25 (1995).

52. Bib Fu, Jong Hoon Yun, Lai-Ming Lee, Eric Bakker, Victor C. Yang , Joyce A. Wahr, and Mark E.

Meyerhoff. Polymer Membrane-Based Potentiometric Heparin (Polyion) Sensor: Response,

Mechanism and Biomedical Applications. American Association of Clinical Chemists Annual

Meeting , Anaheim, CA (1995).

53. Mark E, Meyerhoff, Victor C. Yang , Joyce A. Wahr, Lai-Ming Lee, Jong Hoon Yun, Bin Fu, and

Eric Bakker. Potentiometric Polyion Sensors: A New Measurement Technology for Monitoring

Blood Heparin Levels During Open Hear Surgery. Oak Ridge Conference (1995).

54. Joyce A. Wahr, Mark E, Meyerhoff, Victor C. Yang , Jong Hoon Yun, Lai-Ming Lee, and Xiao Chun

Lou. Accuracy of a New Heparin Responsive Electrochemical Sensor. American Society of

Anesthesiologists (1995).

55. Victor C. Yang , Jong Hoon Yun, Bin Fu, Joyce Wahr, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Novel

Electrochemical Heparin Sensor. The Xth World Congress of the International Society for Artificial

Organs , Taipei, Taiwan (1995).

56. Victor C. Yang , Youngro Byun, and Ching-Leou C. Teng. A Protamine Filter for the Prevention of

Both Heparin- and Protamine-Induced Complications During Extracorporeal Blood Circulation. The

Xth World Congress of the International Society for Artificial Organs , Taipei, Taiwan (1995).

57. In Suk Han, Jong Hoon Yun, Youngro Byun, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel

Assay for Chymotrypsin Utilizing a Protamine-Responsive Polymer membrane Electrode as the

Probe. Molecular Biology of the Cell 6 , p445 (1995).

58. Youngro Byun, Tanya Wang, Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . Optimization and Assessment of the In Vivo Efficacy of a Heparin-Removing Bio-Reactor Using Mathematical Modeling. ASAIO J.

42 , 58 (1996).

59. Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor: Principles and

Practice. Medical Engineering Week of the World , 2 , 271 (1996).

60. Youngro Byun, Tanya Wang, and Victor C. Yang . A Protamine Bioreactor for Extracorporeal

Heparin Removal: Development, In Vitro Modeling, and In Vivo Testing. Medical Engineering Week of the World , 2 , 295 (1996).

61. Peter Markland, Gordon Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Modified Poly(amides) as Drug Delivery

Matrices: Effects of Hydrophilicity and Structure on Drug Release. Pharmaceutical Research 13 , S-

294 (1996).


62. Tanya Wang, Youngro Byun, Jae-Seung Kim, and Victor C. Yang . Heparin-Removing Bioreactor

System: Adsorption Kinetics and Two-Compartment Model Elimination. Pharmaceutical Research

13 , S-106 (1996).

63. Jong Hoon Yun, In Suk Han, Narayanan Ramamurthy, Ulrick Schaller, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and

Victor C. Yang . A Novel Design of Protease Assays Utilizing a Protamine-Responsive Membrane

Electrode. ASAIO J.

43 (1997).

64. Yuehua Zhang, Vijendra K. Singh, and Victor C. Yang . Enhancing Protamine Loading and Heparin

Adsorption on the Cellulose Hollow Fibers Utilizing Poly-L-Lysine Surface Amplification and

Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Spacer Arm Attachment. Pharmaceutical Research 14 , S-163 (1997).

65. Peter Markland, Ngoc-Anh Nguyen, Amy Miles, Victor C. Yang , and Gordon L. Amidon. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Poly(Amino Acid) pH-Sensitive Hydrogels. Pharmaceutical Research

14 , S-292 (1997).

66. Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . Novel Approach for Optimizing the Capacity and Efficacy of a

Protamine Filter for Clinical Extracorporeal Heparin Removal. ASAIO J.

44 , 27 (1998).

67. Youngro Byun, and Victor C. Yang . A Delivery System for Targeted Thrombolysis without the Risk of Hemorrhage. ASAIO J.

44 , 86 (1998).

68. Victor C. Yang , Jong Hoon Yun, Narayanan Ramamurthy, and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Biosensors for

Polyionic Drugs: Principle and Biomedical Applications . Proceedings of International Symposium of

Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials , 25 (1998).

69. Tanya Wang, Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . Improved Protamine Immobilization for

Removal of Heparin Using Poly-L-Lysine and Polyethylene Oxide. Annals of Biomedical

Engineering 26 , P852, S-128 (1998).

70. Tanya Wang, Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . Improved Protamine Immobilization for

Removal of Heparin Using Poly-L-Lysine and Polyethylene Oxide. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement)

1 , 97 (1998).

71. Peter Markland, Yuehua Zhang, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Release of

Macromolecular Drugs from a pH-Sensitive Polypeptide Hydrogel Consisting of Polyglutamic Acid and Polyethylene Oxide. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1 , 415 (1998).

72. Vijendra K. Singh, Sheren X. Lin, and Victor C. Yang . Linking Measles Virus, Human Herpsevirus-

6, and Helicobacter Pylori to Antoimmunity in Autism. NIEHS Workshop on Environmental Agents and Autoimmune Diseases , Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, September 1-3 (1998).

73. Vijendra K. Singh, Elaine Yu, Betrice Tsui, and Victor C. Yang . Autoantibodies Reacting to

Different Brain Regions in Autism. The 10th International Congress of Immunology , New Delhi,

India, November 1-6 (1998).

74. Peter Markland, Yuehua Zhang, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Polypeptide-Based Drug

Delivery Systems: From Diffusion Controlled Carriers to Hydrogels. Abstracts of the 9th Japanese-

American Conference on Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics , pp. 30, Nagoya, Japan, July

29-31 (1998).

75. Jun-Feng Liang, Hui Song, Yongtao Li, and Victor C. Yang . The ATTEMPTS Approach for

Delivery of Catalytic Drugs Without Associated Toxic Effects. The 18th Pharmaceutical Technology

Conference , Ultrecht, The Netherlands, April 13-15 (1999).

76. Jun-Feng Liang, Hui Song, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Recombinant Approach for Targeted

Thrombolysis without the Risk of Bleeding. ASAIO J.

45 , 198 (1999).

77. Youngro Byun, Li-Chien Chang, Lai-Ming Lee, and Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight

Protamine: A Potent but Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin/LMWH. ASAIO J.

45 , 209 (1999).

78. Ngoc-Anh Nguyen, Doo-Man Oh, Cheng-Pang Hue, Manas Mandal, Victor C. Yang , and Gordon

L. Amidon, Intracellular Uptake of PLGA Nanoparticles in Caco-2 Cells. AAPS Western Regional

Meeting , San Diego, CA, April 29-30 (1999).


79. Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.

Proceeding of the Global Chinese Symposium on Biomaterials and Controlled Release , 39, Taipei,

Taiwan, October 28-29 (1999).

80. Li-Chien Chang, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Method for Determining

Plasminogen Activators in Plasma Using Protamine Sensitive Sensor. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 1, S-555 (1999).

81. Ngoc-Anh Nguyen, Ching-Leou Teng, Kyung-Dall Lee, Doo-Man Oh, Victor C. Yang , and Gordon

L. Amidon. Starburst Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dendrimers Enhance Uptake and Transport of

Antisense Oligonucleotide in Caco-2 Cells. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1, S-520 (1999).

82. Jun F. Liang, Yong T. Li, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Delivery System for Tissue Plasminogen

Activator. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1, S-137 (1999).

83. Hui Song, Jun F. Liang and Victor C. Yang . A Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-PA-

Poly(Arg)7 Chimera, for Targeted Thrombolysis without Bleeding Risk. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 1, S-444 (1999).

84. Zhiqiang Yang, Peter Markland, Yuehua Zhang, Gordon L. Amidon, and Victor C. Yang . Exploring

New Drug Delivery Platform: Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Protein Release of a pH-

Responsive Hydrogel. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1, S-445 (1999).

85. Lai-Ming Lee, Li-Chien Chang, and Victor C. Yang . Development of Protamine Alternative (Low

Molecular Weight Protamine) for Heparin Neutralization. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1, S-556


86. Tanya Wang, Yuehua Zhang, and Victor C. Yang . Improved In Vitro Model of Heparin Removal by

Protamine Bioreactor. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 1, S-140 (1999).

87. Junfeng Liang, Hui Song, Yongtao Li, and Victor C. Yang. ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for

Delivery of Enzyme Drugs without Associated Toxic Effects. Sixth European Symposium on

Controlled Drug Delivery , pp 51-52, Noordwijk Aan Zee, The Netherlands, April 12-14 (2000).

88. Sheng Dai, Li-Chien Chang, Victor C. Yang , and Mark E. Meyerhoff. Application of Polyion

Sensitive Membrane Electrode and Optodes for Monitoring Plasminogen Activators. Pittsburgh

Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 12-17 (2000).

89. Li-Chien Chang, Jun F. Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Characterization of Low Molecular Weight

Protamine (LMWP) as a Potential Non-Toxic Heparin Antidote. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 ,

401 (2000).

90. Jun Feng Liang, Zhi Q. Yang, and Victor C. Yang . Synthesis and Pharmacokinetic Study of

Pegylated Heparin. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 1165 (2000).

91. Yong T. Li, Jun F. Liang, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Delivery System for Tissue Plasminogen

Activator. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 2259 (2000).

92. Hui Song, Sarita S. Naik, and Victor C. Yang . Characterization of Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-

PA) Mutants for Potential Use in Targeted Thrombolysis without Bleeding Risks. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 2 , 2258 ( 2000).

93. Ngoc-Anh Nguyen, Jun F. Liang, Victor C. Yang , and Gordon L. Amidon. Characterization of

Antisense Oligonucleotide-Starburst PolyAmido Amine (PAMAM) Dendrimer Complexes. AAPS

PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 2384 (2000).

94. Pen-Chung Chen, Yoon Jeong Park, Robert H. Bartlett, and Victor C. Yang . Lidocaine Releasing

Poly (D,L-Lactide) Microparticulate Systems for Localized and Prolonged Anesthetic Efficacy.

AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 2268 (2000).

95. Yoon Jeong Park, Pen-Chung Chen, and Victor C. Yang . Poly(L-Lysine) Based pH-Sensitive

Hydrogel for Controlled Drug Release. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 2266 (2000).

96. Lai Ming Lee, Li-Chien Chang, Shirley K. Wrobleski, Thomas W. Wakefield, and Victor C. Yang . A

Low Molecular Weight Protamine (LMWP) Fragment for Nontoxic and Effective Reversal of

Heparin Anticoagulation in a Canine Model. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 2 , 1836 (2000).


97. Victor C. Yang . Approaches for Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs. International Symposium on

Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems , pp 11-12, Cheju Island, Korea, August 20-22 (2000).

98. Victor C. Yang . Overview of Drug Delivery Systems. 1 st Taipei Biotech Fair , pp 107 , Taipei,

Taiwan (2000).

99. Victor C. Yang . Approaches for Designing Novel Delivery Systems Using our ATTMPTS System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs as an Example. The 1 st Taipei Biotech Fair , pp 108 , Taipei, Taiwan


100. Junfeng Liang, Zhiqiang Yang, Sarita Naik, and Victor C. Yang . Comparison of the

Pharmacokinetics of Heparin and Pegylated Heparin. Pharmaceutical Congress of the Americas pp144, Orlando, Florida, March 24-29 (2001).

101. Yong T. Li, Jun F. Liang, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel Heparin/Protamine-Based Drug Delivery

System. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 3 (2001).

102. Pen-Chung Chen, Yoon Jeong Park, Li-Chien Chang, Robert H. Bartlett, and Victor C. Yang .

Lidocaine-Releasing Microsphere-Gel System for Localized Anesthetic Efficacy. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 3 (2001).

103. Lai-Ming Lee, Li-Chien Chang, William P. Fay, Mark E. Meyerhoff, and Victor C. Yang .

Electrochemical Determination of Low-Molecular Weight Heparins Using a Polyion-Sensitive

Membrane Electrode. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 3 , (2001).

104. Jun F. Liang, Sarita S. Naik, Zhi Yang, Hsiao-Feng Lee, Li-Chien Chang, and Victor C. Yang .

Synthesis and Pharmacokinetic Study of Pegylated Heparin. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 3


105. Jun F. Liang, Lan Zheng, LiChien Chang, and Victor C. Yang, “Studies on the Immunogenicity and

Toxicity of Low Molecular Weight Protamine.” AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 3 (2001).

106. Yoon Jeong Park, Jun F. Liang, Ziquiang Yang, Jin Chang, and Victor C. Yang . Controlled

Release of Clot-Dissolving Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator from A Polypeptide Semi-

Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogel. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 3 (2001).

107. Jin Chang, Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang, “Oligonucleotide-PLA-O-CMC Nanoparticles: A

Promising Delivery System fro Human Malignant Glioma Gene Therapy.” AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 3 (2001).

108. Victor C. Yang, Jin Chang, Sarita Naik, Yoon Jeong Park, and Junfeng Liang, “Delivery of Catalytic

Macromolecular Drugs.” The 3 rd Asian International Symposium on Biomaterials and Drug Delivery

Systems , Taipei, Taiwan, 23 (2002).

109. Jin Chang, Junfeng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Hai F. Liu, and Victor C. Yang . Preparation and

Release Study of Anti-Cancer Drug-Loaded PLA-Gelatin Nanospheres. Particle Conference ,

Orlando, Florida, (2002).

110. Jin Chang, Junfeng Liang, Yoon Jeong Park, Hai F. Liu, and Victor C. Yang . A Novel and

Promising Gene Delivery System for Human Malignant Glioma Therapy. Particle Conference ,

Orlando, Florida, (2002).

111. Yoon Jeong Park, Jin Chang, Junfeng Liang, Li-Chien Chang, Kyung Soo Ko, Sung Wan Kim, and

Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight Protamine as a Possible Nontoxic Gene Delivery Carrier.

The 29 th Controlled Release Society Meeting , Seoul, Korea, July 22-26 (2002).

112. Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang , Zhiqiang Yang, Pen-Chung Chen, Jin Chang, and Victor C.

Yang . Poly(L-Glutamic Acid) Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogel as a Controlled

Release Carrier for Clot-Dissolving Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator. The 29 th Controlled

Release Society Meeting , Seoul, Korea, July 22-26 (2002).

113. Junfeng Liang , Yongtao Li, Hui Song, Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A

Delivery System for Macromolecular Drugs. The 29 th Controlled Release Society Meeting , Seoul,

Korea, July 22-26 (2002).


114. Junfeng Liang, Lan Zheng, Li-Chien Chang, and Victor C. Yang . A Non-Toxic Heparin Antagonist:

Low Molecular Weight Protamine. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 4 (2002).

115. Junfeng Liang, Yongtao Li, and Victor C. Yang . Attachment to a Membrane Translocation Peptide

Could Overcome the Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Effect of the Anti-Cancer Drug. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 4 (2002).

116. Yongtao Li, Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . The Use of a Transduction Peptide as a Possible

Means for Protein Encapsulation. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 4 (2002).

117. Pen-Chung Chen, Yoon Jeong Park, Robert Bartlett, Daniel Kohane, Li-Chien Chang, Robert

Langer, and Victor C. Yang . Lidocaine-Releasing Microsphere-Gel System for In Vivo Localized

Anesthetic Efficacy.” AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 4 (2002).

118. Sarita S. Naik, Junfeng Liang, Hui Song, and Victor C. Yang . Construction and Characterization of a Tissue Plasminogen Activator Mutant for Potential Use in Thrombolytic Therapy with Reduced

Bleeding Tendency. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 4 (2002).

119. Lai Ming Lee, Sam Ye, Mark E. Meyerhoff, Michael J. Lim, William P. Fay, and Victor C. Yang .

Monitoring Low Molecular Weight Heparins Using Planar Protamine-Sensitive Polymer Membrane

Sensors. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 4 (2002).

120. Li-Chien Chang, Hsiao-Feng Lee, Lai Ming Lee, and Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight

Protamine Peptide for Non-Toxic Heparin Neutralization. The 62 nd World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences , Nice, France, August 31-September 5, 2002.

121. Victor C. Yang . Application of Biotechnology to the Development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems

Using t-PA as the Model Enzyme Drug. AACP 2003 Paul Dawson Biotechnology Award presentation , Minneapolis, MN, July 23, 2003.

122. Yoon Jeong Park, Cheol Moon, Junfeng Liang, K Ko, and Victor C. Yang . Low Molecular Weight

Protamine as an Efficient and Non-Toxic Carrier for Therapeutic Gene and Protein Delivery. AAPS

PharmSci (Supplement) 5 , No. T3907 (2003).

123. Pen Chung Chen, Yoon Jeong Park, Dan S. Kohane, Li-Chien Chang, Robert S. Langer, Robert H.

Bartlett, and Victor C. Yang . In Vivo Prolonged Local Anesthetic Effects from Injectable

Microparticle-Gel System. AAPS PharmSci (Supplement) 5 , No. W4104 (2003).

124. Yong Tao Li, H.F. Wang, Yoon Jeong Park, Jun Feng Liang, G.J. Spangrude, and Victor C. Yang .

TAT-Mediated Intracellular Asparaginase Delivery for Cancer Therapy. AAPS PharmSci

(Supplement) 5 , No. W5079 (2003).

125. Sarita Naik, Yongtao Li, Yoon Jeong Park, Junfeng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Application of the

ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery. Abstract of the Korean Society of Pharmaceutics Annual Meeting , pp. 69, Seoul, Korea, November 27, 2003.

126. Yoon Jeong Park, Seung Jin Lee, Victor C. Yang , June Key Chung, and Chong Pyong Chung.

Surface Modification for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Purpose. Abstract of the Korean

Society of Pharmaceutics Annual Meeting , pp. 72, Seoul, Korea, November 27, 2003.

127. Sarita S. Naik, Jun Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . In Vivo Characterization of a Targeted

Thrombolysis Delivery System Using a Rat Thrombosis Model. Pharmaceutical Sciences World

Congress , Kyoto, Japan, May 29-June 3 (2004).

128. Sarita Naik, Yongtao Li, Jun Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Application of the ATTEMPTS for

Drug Delivery. Eighth European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, pp 15-16, Noorwijk aan

Zee, The Netherlands, 2004.

129. Li-Chien Chang, Hsiao Feng Lee, Meng Ju Chung, and Victor C. Yang . PEG-Modified Protamine with Improved Pharmacological/Pharmaceutical Properties as a Potential Protamine Substitute:

Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation. The 31 th Controlled Release Society Meeting , Hawaii, June 14-

17, 2004.

130. Victor C. Yang . ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs. Abstract of the 10 th

SCBA (Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America) International Symposium , PP131-132, Beijing,

China, July 18-23, 2004.


131. Victor C. Yang . Heparin: A Clinical Polysaccharide Drug and an Excipient in the Design of Drug

Delivery System. Abstract No. 49 , The 228 th American Chemical Society Meeting , Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, August 22-25, 2004.

132. Yong Tao Li, Jun Feng Liang, and Victor C. Yang . Cationic Peptides Used in DNA Condensation and Gene Delivery. The AAPS Journal (Supplement) 6 , No. T3076 (2004).

133. Victor C. Yang , Young Min Kwon, Beata Chertok, and Yoon Jeong Park. Novel Approach for

Simultaneous MR Imaging and Protein Transduction Therapy for Breast Cnacers. Proceeding of the Era-of-Hope of Department of Defense (DOD) Breast Cancer Research Symposium , P67-20 , pp. 479, Philadelphia, PA, June 8-11, 2005.

134. Cheol Moon, Won Kyu Lee, Yoon Jeong Park, and Victor C. Yang . Construction and in Vitro

Characterization of Novel Drug Delivery System Based on Polymer-Bound Protein Transduction

Domain for Potential Cancer Therapy. AAPS Journal (Supplement) , Nashville, Tennessee,

November 6-10, 2005 .

135. Victor C. Yang . Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs: From ATTEMPTS Approach to PTD-Mediated

Cellular Delivery. Chinese 2005 National Meeting of Outstanding PhD Students in Chemical

Engineering, Tianjin, China, August 12-14, 2005.

136. Victor C. Yang , Young Min Kwon, and Yoon Jeong Park. Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs: From

ATTEMPTS Approach to PTD-Mediated Cellular Delivery. 7 th International Symposium on Peptides and Bimaterials for Tissue Regeneration, pp. 5-9, Seoul, Korea, August 29, 2005.

137. Beata Chertok, Bradford A. Moffat, Allan E. David, and Victor C. Yang . Magnetic Nanoparticles for Possible Simultaneous MR Imaging and Drug Therapy of Brain Tumors. Particles 2006 ,

Orlando, Florida, May 13-16, 2006.


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10. "An Immobilized Enzyme Reactor for Extracorporeal Deheparinization." 3rd Tutzing Symposium on

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11. "The Development of a Heparinase Reactor." The First International Symposium on Immobilized

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12. "New Aspects in Extracorporeal Blood Detoxification: A System for Heparin Removal." The Fifth

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13. "Large Scale Production of Catalytically Pure Heparinase." American Institute of Chemical

Engineers Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, November (1986).

14. "A Novel Approach for Diminishing Potential Bleeding Risks Associated with the Use of Low

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15. "Immobilized Heparinase: Recent Advent for Anticoagulation Control." Armstrong World Industries,

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May (1987).

16. "New Approach for Anticoagulation Control." Clotters' Club, Red Cross Blood Center, Detroit,

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17. "Heparinase Immobilization: Optimization and Characterization." Enzyme Engineering Conference

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18. "Immobilized Enzymes and Their Applications." Army Research Workshop, Natick,

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19. "A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Blood Heparin Removal." 34th Annual Meeting of the

American Society for Artificial and Internal Organs, Reno, Nevada, May (1988).

20. "A Protein-Bound Polymeric Filter for Extracorporeal Blood Deheparinization." 195th National

Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Toronto, Canada, June (1988).

21. "An Immobilized Protamine System for Removing Heparin in Extracorporeal Blood Circulation."

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Orlando, Florida,

October (1988).

22. "Preparation and Characterization of Reactive Polymers." Army Research Office Working Group

Meeting, Rougemont, North Carolina, March 19-22 (1989).

23. Victor C. Yang, "A Filter Device for the Prevention of Both Heparin and Protamine Induced

Complications Associated with Extracorporeal Therapy." 24 Annual Meeting of the American

Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, St. Louis, Missouri, May 13-17


24. Victor C. Yang, "A Simple and Rapid Protamine Titration Method." 24 Annual Meeting of the

American Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, St. Louis, Missouri, May

13-17 (1989).

25. "An Approach for the Prevention of Complications Associated with Extracorporeal Blood

Circulation." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, Dallas, Texas,

May 22-25 (1989).

26. "A Colorimetric Method for Rapid Determination of the Protamine Dose Required for Heparin

Removal." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, Dallas, Texas, May

22-25 (1989).

27. "Phospholipid Derivatives: A Possible Means for Controlled Delivery of Nucleoside Drugs." 16th

International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Chicago, Illinois, August 6-9


28. "Strategy Development Regarding Large Scale Protein Purification." 2nd International Conference on Separation Science & Technology, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, October 1-4 (1989).

29. "Immobilized Protamine: An Approach for the Control of Complications Associated with

Extracorporeal Therapy." Annual AlChE Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 5-10



30. "Protamine Filter: A Novel Approach for the Control of Complications of Heparin Therapy." 11th

International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Seattle,

Washington, November 9-12 (1989).

31. "Ion-Exchange Hollow Fibers." 199th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston,

Massachusetts, April 22-25 (1990).

32. "A Rapid and Precise Whole Blood Protamine Titration." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, Washington DC, April 25-27 (1990).

33. "Biopolymer Coupled with Heparin Antidote for In Vivo Heparin Removal." 200th Meeting of the

American Chemical Society, Washington DC, August 27-31 (1990).

34. "An Unconventional Approach of Utilizing Protamine: The Heparin Antidote." The 19th Annual

Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Las Vegas, Nevada, November

5-9 (1990).

35. "Protamine Filter: An Approach to Prevent Heparin-Induced Hemorrhage and Protamine-Induced

Toxicity." The second Annual D.T.B. Grantee and Contractors Meeting entitled "Cardiovascular

Science and Technology: Basic and Applied II", Louisville, Kentucky, November 30 - December 2


36. "A Protamine-Mediated Heparin Sensing Device." Annual Meeting of the American Society of

Artificial Internal Organs, Chicago, Illinois, April 25-27 (1991).

37. "Protamine-Coated Cuprophan: A Potential Non-Thrombogenic Hemodialysis Membrane with

Improved Blood Compatibility." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal

Organs, Chicago, Illinois, April 25-27 (1991).

38. "A Complete System for Anticoagulation Control." Cardiopulmonary Surgery Research Division,

Thoraxcentrum, University Hospital of Groningen, The Netherlands, July 12 (1991).

39. "A System for Anticoagulation Control: Current Development and Future Endeavor", CCCD and

Department of Pharmaceutics, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 22 (1991).

40. "Biopolymers for Heparin Removal and Monitoring." 203rd Annual Meeting of the American

Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA, April 6-10 (1992).

41. "A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor", 21st Annual Meeting of the American Association of

Pharmaceutical Scientists, San Antonio, Texas, November 14-19 (1992).

42. "A System for Heparin Removal and Monitoring", Cardiovascular Sciences and Technology

Conference, Washington, DC, December 12-14 (1992).

43. "A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor", Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial

Internal Organs, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 29 - May 2 (1993).

44. "A Means to Improve the Biocompatibility of Cellulosic Dialyzer Membranes", Annual Meeting of the

American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 29 - May 2 (1993).

45. "A Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Direct Monitoring of Heparin in Clinical Whole Blood

Specimens", National Meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, New York City,

New York, July 11-14 (1993).

46. "Electrochemical Sensor for Heparin: Development, Characterization, and Biomedical

Applications", Science Innovation '93, Boston, Massachusetts, August 6-10 (1993).

47. "A Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Heparin." The Fourth IBC International Symposium on

Anticoagulant, Antithrombotic, and Thrombolytic, Boston, MA, September 27-29 (1993).

48. "Sensor-Controlled, Polymer-Based Bio-Feedback System for Heparin Removal", POLYMED'93,

Chicago, Illinois, October 12-14 (1993).

49. "A Sensor-Directed Heparin Removal System", School of Pharmacy, Purdue University, November

9 (1993).

50. "Biocompatibility of the Protamine-Coated Cellulosic Dialyzer Membranes." Annual Meeting of the

American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, San Francisco, CA, April 14-16 (1994).


51. "A Disposable Coated-Wire Heparin Sensor." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial

Internal Organs, San Francisco, CA, April 14-16 (1994).

52. "Protamine and Heparin Biosensors." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal

Organs, San Francisco, CA, April 14-16 (1994).

53. "A Sensor-Directed Bio-Feedback Heparin Removal System." American Chemical Society Central and Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 31- June 3 (1994).

54. "A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor." 21st International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Nice, France, June 24-30 (1994).

55. "A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal System." 21st International Symposium on Controlled Release of

Bioactive Materials, Nice, France, June 24-30 (1994).

56. "A Protamine Filter for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal: Development, Blood Compatibility

Evaluation, and Future Direction." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal

Organs, Chicago, IL, May 4-6 (1995).

57. "Clinical Application of Disposable Heparin Sensors: Blood Heparin Measurements during Open

Heart Surgery." Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, Chicago, IL,

May 4-6 (1995).

58. “Heparin Sensing.” Invited Lecture in the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial

Internal Organs, Chicago, IL, May 4-6 (1995).

59 “Modern Approaches in Monitoring, Removal, and Delivery of Drugs.” Invited seminar at the

Chemistry Department, TamKang University, Taipei, Taiwan, on November 13 (1995).

60. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback Heparin Removal System.” Invited seminar at the Department of

Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, on November

14 (1995).

61. “A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor.” Invited lecture in the Xth World Congress of the

International Society for Artificial Organs, Taipei, Taiwan, November 15 (1995).

62. “A Protamine Filter for the Prevention of Both Heparin- and Protamine-Induced Complications

During Extracorporeal Blood Circulation.” Invited lecture in the Xth World Congress of the

International Society for Artificial Organs, Taipei, Taiwan, November 16 (1995).

63. “Heparin Sensing and Removal.” Invited seminar at the China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing,

China, on November 20 (1995).

64. “Cutting Edge Pharmaceutical Sciences: Application of Modern Biotechnology on Drug Monitoring,

Removal, and Delivery.” Keynote speech on the Chinese National Pharmaceutics Congress,

Nanjing, China, November 21 (1995).

65. “Optimization and Assessment of the In Vivo Efficacy of a Heparin-Removing Bio-Reactor Using

Mathematic al Modeling.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs,

Washington DC, May 1-4 (1996).

66. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Development and Applications.” Center for Controlled

Chemical Delivery (CCCD) and Department of Pharmaceutics, The University of Utah, Salt Lake

City, UT, May 17 (1996).

67. “A Novel Electrochemical Heparin Sensor: Principles and Practice.” Invited lecture in the 2nd

Medical Engineering Week of the World (2’MEWW), Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-30 (1996).

68. “A Protamine Bio-reactor for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal: Development, In Vitro Modeling, and In Vivo Testing.” Invited lecture in the 2nd Medical Engineering Week of the World

(2’MEWW), Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-30 (1996).

69. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” Invited lecture at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, The National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 24


70. “Heparin Monitoring and Removal.” Invited seminar at the College of Pharmacy, The National


Defense Medical Center (NDMC), Taipei, Taiwan, May 31 (1996).

71. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” University of

Michigan Biomedical Engineering Symposium (BME 500), Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 13


72. “In Vitro and Extracorporeal Blood Heparin Removal Utilizing a Protamine Filter Device.”

GelmanSciences, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 14 (1996).

73. “Biosensors and Their Applications.” Invited Key Lecturer in the 1997 American Society of Artificial

Internal Organs (ASAIO) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-3 (1997).

74. “Current Advances in Drug Delivery Systems.” Invited speaker in the First Asian International

Symposium on Polymeric Biomaterial Sciences, Ishikawa, Japan, May 14-17 (1997).

75. “Target and Triggered Drug Delivery Systems”. Invited lecture at the College of Pharmacy, the

National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, July 28 (199).

76. “A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal System.” Invited lecture at the Department of Anesthesiology,

National Defense Medical Center, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, July 29 (1997).

77. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Invited lecture at the

College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 29 (1997).

78. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Invited lecture at the

Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology (KJIST), Kwangju, Korea, August 4 (1997).

79. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Invited lecture at the

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, August 5 (1997).

80. “A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal System.” Invited lecture at the Johnson & Johnson Drug Delivery

Symposium, Princeton Hyatt Regency, Princeton, NJ, September 29 (1997).

81. “A Bio-Feedback Drug Removal System.” Invited lecture at the Department of Biomedical

Engineering, The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, October 10 (1997).

82. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” Invited lecture at the Chemistry Department, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, November 7 (1997).

83. “A Biofeedback Drug Removal System.” Lecture I of the “University Lectureship” given by

Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8 (1997).

84. “Target and Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents.” Lecture II of the “University


” given by Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 9 (1997).

85. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Lecture III of the

“University Lectureship” given by Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 10 (1997).

86. “Systems for Drug Removal and Delivery.” Invited lecture at the Union Chemical Laboratories,

Taipei, Taiwan, December 15 (1997).

87. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” Invited seminar at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Florida, Geinsville, Florida, March 17


88. “Novel Approach for Optimizing the Capacity and Efficacy of a Protamine Filter for Clinical

Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal

Organs, New York City, New York, April 22-25 (1998).

89. “A Delivery System for Targeted Thrombolysis without the Risk of Hemorrhage.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, New York City, New York, April 22-25 (1998).

90. “Polypeptides as Drug Carriers: From Diffusion Controlled Systems to Hydrogels.” The 1998 Union

Chemical Laboratories (UCL) Technical Advisory Meeting on Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals,

Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 21-23 (1998).

91. “Polypeptide-Based Drug Delivery Systems: From Diffusion Controlled Carriers to Hydrogels.” The

Ninth Japanese-American Conference on Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, Nagoya,

Japan, July 29-31 (1998).

92. “Approaches for Triggered and Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents.” Fujisawa Co.,


Osaka, Japan, July 29 (1998).

93. “Approaches for Triggered and Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents.” Symposium of

Biomaterials and Controlled Release Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, August 5 (1998).

94. “A Sensor-Directed Biofeedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” National Tsing Hua

University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 6 (1998).

95. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principles and Biomedical Applications.” WorldPharm98,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 23 (1998).

96. “Approaches for Triggered and Local Delivery of Thrombolytic Agents.” Drexel University,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 24 (1998).

97. “The Use of “ATTEMPTS” Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” SmithKline Beecham

Pharmaceuticals, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, September 25 (1998).

98. “The Use of “ATTEMPTS” Approach for Delivery of Catalytic Drugs Without Associated Toxic

Effects.” The 18th Pharmaceutical Technology Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 14-15


99. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutics,

College of Pharmacy, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 10 (1999).

100. “A Novel Recombinant Approach for Targeted Thrombolysis without the Risk of Bleeding.” Annual

Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, San Diego, California, June 2-5


101. “Low Molecular Weight Protamine: A Potent but Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin/LMWH.” Annual

Meeting of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs, San Diego, California, June 2-5


102. “Heparin/Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Department of

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology Center, University of Kansas, Lowrence, Kansas,

June 15 (1999).


“A Novel Approach, ATTEMPTS, for Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs without Associated Toxic

Effects.” Department of Pharmaceutics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 4 (1999).

104. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs without Associated Toxic Effects.”

The Global Chinese Symposium on Biomaterials and Controlled Release, October 26-28 (1999).

105. “Current Advances in Anticoagulation Control.” Tamkang Chair Lectureship (I), Tamkang

University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 15 (1999).

106. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Tamkang Chair

Lectureship (II), Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 16 (1999).

107. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs without Associated Toxic Effects.”

Tamkang Chair Lectureship (III), Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 17 (1999).

108. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel Approach for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs without Associated Toxic Effects.”

Department of Clinical Pharmacy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, November 19


109. “ATTEMPTS: A Heparin/Protamine-Based Prodrug Delivery System.” Sixth European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, Noordwijk Ann Zee, The Netherlands, April 12-14 (2000).

110. “ATTEMPTS: A New Approach for Delivery of Protease Drugs.” Division of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, April 21


111. “The Use of ATTEMPTS for Targeted and Triggered Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs.” International

Symposium on Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems, Cheju Island, Korea, August 20-22


112. “Approaches for Delivery of Thrombolytic Drugs.” Homeostasis/Thrombosis Research Seminar,


University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September


113. “Overview of Drug Delivery Systems.” The 1 st Taipei Biotech Fair , Taipei, Taiwan, September 21


114. “Approaches for Designing Novel Delivery Systems Using our “ATTMPTS” System for Delivery of

Enzyme Drugs as an Example.” The 1 st Taipei Biotech Fair , Taipei, Taiwan, September 21 (2000).

115. ATTEMPTS: A Heparin/ProtamineBased Delivery System for Enzyme Drugs.” The 10 th

International Symposium on Recent Advances in D“rug Delivery Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah,

February 19 (2001).

116. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principles and Biomedical Applications.” Korean Analytical

Chemistry Society meeting, Seoul, Korea, March 10 (2001).

117. “Novel Approaches for Delivery of Enzymes.” Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan,

March 14 (2001).

118. “Novel Approaches for Heparin Anticoagulation Control.” Tokyo Women’s Medical University,

Tokyo, Japan, March 16 (2001).

119. “ATTEMPTS for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutics, SUNY-Buffalo,

Buffalo, New York, April 11 (2001).

120. “Advances in Anticoagulation Control: From External Heparin Removing System to the

Development of NonToxic Heparin Antagonist.” Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Utah,

Slat Lake City, Utah, May 16 (2001).

121. “Polypeptide-Based Carriers as Drug Delivery Platforms: From the Development of a Diffusion-

Controlled Biodegradable System to pHSensitive Hydrogels.” School of Materials Sciences, Japan

Advance Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa, Japan, June 14 (2001).

122. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” School of Materials Sciences (Prof.

Yui), Japan Advance Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa, Japan, June 14



“Polypeptide-Based Carriers as Drug Delivery Platforms: From the Development of a Diffusion-

Controlled Biodegradable System to pHSensitive Hydrogels.” Department of Pharmaceutics (Prof.

Nagai), Hoshi University, Tokyo, Japan, June 18 (2001).

124. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” R&D Center, Terumo Corporation,

Kanagawa, Japan, June 19 (2001).

125. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Pharmaceutical and Drug Delivery

Research Laboratories, Sankyo Co. LTD., Tokyo, Japan, June 25 (2001).

126. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, June 29 (2001).

127. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” School of Pharmacy, National

Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2 (2001).

128. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutics (Prof.

Sugiyama), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 9 (2001).

129. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutical

Sciences (Prof. Hashida), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, July 16 (2001).

130. “A bio-feedback System for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal.” Department of Chemical

Engineering (Prof. Sakai), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, July 18 (2001).

131. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications. (I)”, “ATTEMPTS: A

Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs. (II)” Department of Biomolecular Engineering (Prof.

Akaike), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, July 19 (2001).

132. (I) “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” (II) “ATTEMPTS: A

Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs – New Applications in Drug Therapy.” Department of

Biomedical Engineer ing (Prof. Okano), Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan, July 27



133. “Polypeptide-Based Carriers as Drug Delivery Platforms: From the Development of a Diffusion-

Controlled Biodegradable System to pHSensitive Hydrogels.” Nippon Oil and Fat Company,

Tokyo, Japan, July 30 (2001).

134. “Heparin and Protamine Biosensors: Principle and Biomedical Applications.” Department of

Biomaterial Sciences (Prof. Kataoka), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 31 (2001).

135. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin,

China, Aug. 19 (2001).

136. “Heparin and Protamine: From Clinical Uses to the Development of their Removal System,

Biosensors, and Related Targeted Drug Delivery Approaches.” Tianjin University, Tianjin, China,

August 21 (2001).

137. “Heparin/Protamine-Based Systems for Biomedical Applications.” Department of Chemical

Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 26


138. “Current Advances in the Development of the ATTEMPTS Approach in Delivering Enzyme Drugs.”

The Seventh Biomedical Materials & Technology Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8 (2001).

139. “Approaches in Drug Monitoring, Removal, and Delivery.” Department of Biomedical Engineering,

Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 12 (2001).

140. “Pharmaceutical Engineering: Design of Delivery Systems for Catalytic, Macromolecular Drugs.”

National Health Research Institute (NHRI), Taipei, Taiwan, April 12 (2002).

141. “ATTEMPTS: A Heparin/Protamine Based Delivery System for Enzyme Drugs.” The Third Asian

International Symposium on Polymeric Biomaterials Science.” Taipei, Taiwan, April 14-16 (2002).

142. “A Bioreactor for Blood Heparin Removal.” Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan

University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, April 16 (2002).

143. “A Bioreactor for Blood Heparin Removal.” Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung

Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, April 17 (2002).

144. “ATTEMPTS: A Pharmaceutical Engineering Approach for Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs.” The

First World Congress for Chinese Biomedical Engineers, Taipei, Taiwan, December 9-11 (2002).

145. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs Using Thrombolytic Agents as the

Drug Model.” USC-Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Seminar Series. Los Angeles,

CA, April 25 (2003).

146. “Application of Biotechnology to the Development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems Using t-PA as the Model Enzyme Drug.” AACP 2003 Paul Dawson Biotechnology Award presentation,

Minneapolis, MN, July 23 (2003).

147. “ATTEMPTS for Enzyme Delivery: Principle and Progressive Development” Department of

Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, Piscatway, NJ, September 9, 2003.

148. “Biomedical Engineering and Novel Drug Delivery Systems” AAPS 2003 Research Achievement

Award in Biotechnology round-table award presentation, Salt Lake City, UT, October 28 (2003).

149. “ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery” School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung,

Taiwan, Nov. 18 (2003).

150. “Development of LMWP and Its Important Biomedical Applications.” Biomedical Engineering

Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 18 (2003).

151. “ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery” School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center (NDMC),

Taipei, Taiwan, November 18 (2003).

152. “ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery” School of Pharmacy, EHWA University, Seoul, Korea, November

26 (2003).

153. “ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery” Korean Society of Pharmaceutics Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea,

November 27 (2003).

154. “Application of the “ATTEMPTS” for Drug Delivery.” Eighth European Symposium on Controlled


Drug Delivery, Noorwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands, April 7 (2004).

155. “ATTEMPTS: A Novel System for Delivery of Enzyme Drugs.” The 10 th SCBA (Society of Chinese

Bioscientists in America) International Symposium, PP131-132, Beijing, China, July 18-23 (2004).

156. “Novel PTD-Mediated Protein Delivery System.” Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo,

Japan, July 29, 2004.

157. “Heparin: A Clinical Polysaccharide Drug and an Excipient in the Design of Drug Delivery System.”

The 228 th American Chemical Society Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 23 (2004).

158. “The “ATTEMPTS” Approach for Delivering Protein Drugs.” Department of Pharmacology &

Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, October 28 (2004).

159. “An Innovative PTD-Mediated Protein Delivery for Cancer Therapy.” The 4 th Asian International

Symposium on Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems, Tsukuba, Japan, November 16-18 (2004).

160. “An Innovative PTD-Mediated Protein Delivery for Cancer Therapy.” Department of Molecular

Sciences and Technology, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, November 19 (2004).

161. “The “ATTEMPTS” Approach for Delivering Protein Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, December

14 (2004).

162. “The ATTEMPTS Approach for Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs.” Department of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, January 19 (2005).

163 “A Novel PTD-Mediated Protein Delivery for Cancer Therapy.” Department of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 1, 2005.

164. Cheung Kong Scholar Lecture Series - [I] “A Bioreactor Approach for Blood Detoxification.” School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, April 11, 2005.

165. Cheung Kong Scholar Lecture Series - [II] “Heparin and Protamine Bioreactor: Principle and

Biomedical Applications.

” School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, April

12, 2005.

166. Cheung Kong Scholar Lecture Series - [III]

“Application of the ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery.”

School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, April 13, 2005.

167. Cheung Kong Scholar Lecture Series - [IV]

“PTD-Mediated Cellular Delivery of Macromolecular


” School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, April 14, 2005.


“Application of the ATTEMPTS for Drug Delivery.” School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical

University, Nanjing, China, April 18, 2005.


“Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs: From ATTEMPTS Approach to PTD-Mediated Cellular


” Chinese 2005 National Meeting of Outstanding PhD Students in Chemical Engineering,

Tianjin, China, August 12-14, 2005.

170. “Application of Peptide in Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery.” 7 th International Symposium on Peptides and Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration, Seoul, Korea, August 29, 2005.


(A) Current (Total: 12)

* Five (5) Ph.D. Students

(1) Mr. Cheol Moon

(2) Ms. Hee-Sun Chung

(3) Ms. Ayse Buyuktur

(4) Ms. Beata Chertok

(5) Ms. Tien Yi Lee

* Seven (7) Postdoctoral Research Fellows

(1) Dr. Young Min Kwon

(2) Dr. Alan David

(3) Dr. Faquan Yu

(4) Dr. Jun Liu

(5) Dr. Yong Zhuo Huang

(6) Dr. Kyoung Hwa Kim (06/2006)

(B) Previous (Total: 54)

* Eleven (11) Ph.D. Students

(1) Dr. Weiliam Chen

Thesis: A Non-Clotting and Non-Instrumental Method for Sensing Heparin and Monitoring of

Extracorporeal Anticoagulation (1991).

Current Status: Assistant Professor , Department of Biomedical Engineering, SUNY-Stony

Brook, NY.

(2) Dr. Youyin Fu

Thesis: The Effects of Protamine Coating on Blood Compatibility of Polymeric


Current Status: Not Available

(3) Dr. Thomas Cook

Thesis: Synthesis and Release Characterization of Polypeptide for the Controlled Release of Drugs (1995).

Current Status: Assistant Professor , School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University.


(4) Dr. Peter Markland

Thesis: Modified Polypeptides and Polypeptide Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery


Current Status: Senior Scientist, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, AL.

(5) Dr. Ngoc-Anh Nguyen

Thesis: Intracellular Delivery of Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides Utilizing Starburst

Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dentrimers as Carriers (2000).

Current Status: Senior Scientist, Amgen, Los Angeles, CA.

(6) Dr. Tanya Wang

Thesis: Design of a Protamine Bioreactor for Extracorporeal Heparin Removal (2000).

Current Status: Regulatory Affairs Associate, AHFMR (Canadian FDA)., Edmonton, Alberta,


(7) Dr. Li-Chien Chang

Thesis: Protamine Modification and their New Biomedical Applications (2001).

Current Status: Associate Professor , School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical

Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

(8) Dr. Lai-Ming Lee

Thesis: Anticoagulant Neutralization with Low Molecular Weight Protamine and Monitoring

Using Polycation Sensitive Sensor (2003).

Current Status: Regulatory Associate, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD.

(9) Dr. Yongtao Li

Thesis: Strategies for Enhancing Enzyme Delivery Using the Heparin/Protamine-Based

Drug Delivery System (2003).

Current Status: Principal Scientist, Aventis Inc., Jersey City, NJ.

(10) Dr. Pen Chung Chen

Thesis: Polymer Drug Delivery Systems: Lidocanie and Light-Regulated Drug Release


Current Status: Formulation Scientist, Formula Inc., San Francisco, CA.

(11) Dr. Sarita Naik

Thesis: Characterization and Optimization of ATTEMPTS : A Targeted Drug Delivery

System to Reduce Bleeding Risk During Thrombolytic Therapy (2004).

Current Status: Recently graduated (12/2004).


* Two (2) M.S. Students

(1) Ms. Katherine Pikal (1994).

(2) Ms. Shirley Poon (2004).

* Twenty One (21) Postdoctoral Fellows

(1) Dr. Ching-Leou Teng

Current Status: Vice President, PharmaEssentia, Lexington, MA.

(2) Dr. Alexander Tsuei

Current Status: Group Leader at the Encapsulation Technology Center, 3M Inc.,

Minneapolis, MN.

(3) Dr. Jae-Seung Kim

Current Status: Senior Research at TRSL Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.

(4) Dr. Shu-Ching Ma

Current Status: Group Leader, Sendx Medical Inc., San Diego, CA.

(5) Dr. Bokhee Kim

Current Status: Research Associate Professor , Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea.

(6) Dr. Enji Wang

Current Status: Associate Professor , Chemistry Department, St. John's University,

Jamaica, NY.

(7) Dr. Hai-Han Kuo

Current Status: Senior Scientist, Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, Indiana.

(8) Dr. Hong Wang

Current Status: Research Scientist, Department of Rheumatology, New England Medical

Center, Boston, Massachusetts.

(9) Dr. Jong Hoon Yun

Current Status: Associate Research Professor , Kyungpook National University, Taegu,

Korea. Deceased in 1996 due to a car accident.

(10) Dr. Youngro Byun

Current Status: Associate Professor , School of Pharmacy, Seoul National University,

Seoul, Korea.

(11) Dr. S. K. Gautam

Current Status: Not Available.

(12) Dr. In-Suk Han

Current Status: CEO, Technology Inc., Salt Lake City, UT.

(13) Dr. Vijendra Singh

Current Status: Associate Research Professor, Department of Biology, Utah State

University, Loan, UT.

(14) Dr. Yuehua Zhang

Current Status: Senior Scientist, Supelco, Inc., Supelco Park, Bellefonte, PA.

(15) Dr. George Zhiqiang Yang

Current Status: Chemist, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.

(16) Dr. Hui Song

Current Status: Research Assistant, Medical School, University of Michigan.

(17) Dr. Jin Chang

Current Status: Professor , School of Materials Science & Engineering, Tianjin University,

Tianjin, China.


(18) Dr. Emel Emregul

Current Status: Assistant Professor , Department of Chemistry, University of Ankara,

Ankara, Turkey.

(19) Dr. Yoon Jeong Park

Current Status: Assistant Professor , School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul,


(20) Dr. Junfeng Liang

Current Status : Associate Professor , Department of Chemical Biology, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NY.

(21) Dr. Won Kyu Lee

Current Status: Seni9or Research Officer, Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA),

Seoul, Korea.

* Seven (7) Technical Assistant

(1) Ms. Huailin Zhang

(2) Ms.Xiaochun Lou

(3) Ms. Yi Zhao

(4) Ms. Liujian Zhao

(5) Ms. Peggy Lee

(6) Ms. Hee-Sung Cheong

(7) Ms. HsiaoFeng Lee

* Eleven (11) Pharm D. Students

(1) Suha Hamid

(2) Debra Hanuscak

(3) Peter Angus

(4) Lai-Ming Lee.

(5) Stella Yeo

(6) Duangkaew Vattanakul

(7) Mary Auyeung

(8) Kristina Chen

(9) Betrice Tsui

(10) Elaine Yu

(11) Christina Lei Aquino

* Two (2) Undergraduate (Chem. Eng.) Students

(1) Eric Ingber

(2) Maureen Cornell
