UNIT - Jay and Jen

Scale Score Interpretations:
The Memory Quotient is an index of complex memory functioning involving short-term
recall and recognition of both meaningful and abstract material. The Memory Quotient is
a measure of memory for content (what is seen), location (where it was seen), and
sequence (the order in which is was seen). On this scale, ______obtained a standard
score of ___, which indicates a level of functioning that is average when compared to the
same age peers in the norm population.
The Reasoning Quotient is an index of thinking and problem solving abilities, for both
familiar and unfamiliar situations. The Reasoning Quotient is a measure of pattern
processing, understanding of relationships, and planning abilities. On this scale, ______
obtained a standard score of _____, which indicates a level of functioning that is _____
when compared to the same age peers in the norm population.
The Symbolic Quotient is an index of an individual’s ability to solve problems that
involve meaningful material and whose solutions lend themselves to internal verbal
mediation, including labeling, organizing, and categorizing. On this scale, ______
obtained a standard score of _____, which indicates a level of functioning that is ____
when compared to the same age peers in the norm population.
The Nonsymbolic Quotient is an index of an individual’s ability to solve problems
involving abstract material or material that is not very meaningful and whose solutions
are not conductive to verbal mediation. On this scale, _____ obtained a standard score of
_____, which indicates a level of functioning that is ______ when compared to the same
aged peers in the norm population.
The Full Intelligence Quotient is an index of overall cognitive and intellectual
functioning that can predict an individual’s ability to learn and think about both familiar
and new information. On this scale, ____ obtained a standard score of __, which
indicates a level of functioning that is ___ when compared to the same age peers in the
norm population. With 90% confidence it can be anticipated that upon repeated testing
that his/her IQ would fall within the range of ___ to ___. ________ has a chronological
age of ____. His/Her cognitive abilities are measured commensurate with a child who
has a mental age of ______. This places him/her at a functioning level approximately
____years and __ months behind his/her chronological age peers.
Scale Comparisons:
There is no statistically significant difference between the scores obtained on short-term
memory skills and those obtained on nonverbal reasoning. Both areas are relatively
equally developed.
There is no statistically significant difference between the scores obtained on symbolic
vs. nonsymbolic problem solving. Both areas are relatively equally developed.
Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior
Intellectual functioning was evaluated using formal measures. Pertinent findings include
the following: Intellectual functioning, as measured by the Universal Nonverbal
Intelligence Test (UNIT) FSIQ, appears to be in the _____ range. There is a 90%
probability that his/her true UNIT FSIQ score would be included in the range of scores
from ___ to ___.
Adaptive behavior was evaluated using informal measures. Pertinent findings include the
following: Adaptive behavior appears to be age appropriate. ____ was observed on the
day of testing. Fine motor skills were judged to be adequate for his/her age. Gross motor
skills were judged to be adequate by his/her ability to walk and play. ____ participates in
the general education PE program.
Based on the data reviewed, ______’s intellectual functioning is consistent with his/her
adaptive behavior.