
Siegel’s CORRECTIONS TODAY, 2nd Edition
The media resources mentioned in the supplements (Instructor’s
Manual, Lesson Plans and Student Study Guide) have been extracted
and compiled here to serves as a reference for students and instructors.
They are organized by learning objective (LO) within each chapter.
Some of the resources apply to multiple LOs, so the additional LOs they
align with are noted in brackets at the end of the item.
The Correctional System
1. Understand the reasons why we punish.
 When considering how corrections and punishment have evolved throughout the
centuries, do you foresee restorative justice becoming the next major component of
corrections? See link http://www.restorativejustice.org/ for up-to-date restorative
justice news.
2. Discuss the theories of punishment.
 Use CNN’s In the News Crime page (http://articles.cnn.com/keyword/crime) to examine
cases and consider what correctional sanctions are appropriate for the offenders. Which
punishment reason would your suggested sanction fall under?
3. Identify the ideas found within Enlightenment thinking and how they influenced
4. Define the early prison reformers and what they contributed.
 “Correctional Photo Archives” The website from the Department of Corrections and
Juvenile Justice Studies at Eastern Kentucky University provides a large number of
historical photographs showing institutions, inmates, officials and tools used in
corrections throughout the history of the United States. http://www.cpa.eku.edu/ (LO
5, 6)
5. Understand how the Pennsylvania and Auburn models differ from one another.
 “Eastern State Penitentiary- History” A website sponsored by the Eastern State
Penitentiary Historic Site, Inc. Viewers can learn the detailed history of the first prison
in the United States. http://www.easternstate.org/learn/research-library/history
 “The Pennsylvania Prison Society: Prison Reform in Pennsylvania” The website provides
a brief historical overview of the evolution of prisons in the state of Pennsylvania.
6. Explain how reformatories contributed to the rehabilitation model.
7. Discuss the purpose of corrections.
 “What types and levels of Certification are available?” Web link is to the American
Correctional Association’s Certification Overview section. Click on the section entitled
“What types and levels of Certification are available?” in the Certification Overview to
read about the different types of professional certifications that are available
8. Explain the relationship between corrections and the criminal justice system.
 “Careers in Corrections” A document created by the Georgia Department of Corrections
discussing careers, qualifications and application processes for corrections employment.
 “Applicant Requirements” This link is to the Corrections.com homepage where you can
search the Career Center for current job postings, paying particular attention to the
applicant requirements for the various positions and how they differ from state to state.
 “The Price of Prisons: What Incarceration Costs Taxpayers” The report on the Vera
Institute of Justice webpage discusses the financial costs associated with operations of a
prison system in each state, highlighting both the costs that are and are not directly
connected with specific services/activities and those that are borne by the state’s
Department of Corrections and other agencies.
http://www.vera.org/download?file=3495/the-price-of-prisons-updated.pdf (LO 1, 2,
7, 9)
9. Understand the extent and consequences of prison overcrowding.
 “Correctional Population in the United States: 2010” is a report issued by the Bureau of
Justice Statistics summarizing the U.S. correctional population in 2010. From this
website, you can access incarceration, probation and parole rates broken down by ages,
ethnicity, gender and location. http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cpus10.pdf
 “State Links” This page of Corrections.com links to all state correctional agencies.
Check out this news story http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2011-1020/prison-life-sentence-budget/50846828/1 to see the impact that budget cuts to
corrections are having on states like California and Texas.
Sentencing and the Corrections Process
1. Explain the role of the court team in the sentencing process.
 “The Role of a Prosecutor in a Court Trial” This is an online publication regarding the
duties and responsibilities of a prosecutor, including procedures a prosecutor
customarily follows when preparing for a criminal trial.
2. Explain what is meant by indeterminate sentencing.
 The advocacy group Families Against Mandatory Minimums (http://www.famm.org/)
details their argument against the use of mandatory minimum sentences in criminal
3. Understand the various forms of determinate sentencing.
 “Determinate v Indeterminate Sentencing” Legal resource website that outlines four
easy steps to identify determinate sentencing laws.
4. Describe the role of sentencing guidelines.
 “Concurrent v Consecutive Sentencing” Online news letter regarding sentencing
guidelines in the state of New York. http://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2006/
 “Efforts to Reform Three Strikes Law” Article regarding a recent movement to reform
the “Three Strikes Law.” http://www.threestrikes.org/fresbee_20.html
 “Sentencing Policy News” The Sentencing Project is a research and advocacy
organization that promotes reform in sentencing policy and works to bring attention to
various trends and inequities in the criminal justice system.
http://www.sentencingproject.org/template/page.cfm?id=92 [LO 1, 6]
 “State Sentencing Information” FAMM (FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums)
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that advocates for proportionate sentencing
laws, allowing judicial discretion while maintaining public safety. http://www.famm.org/
 Check out the free sentencing calculator that uses mitigating factors to estimate a
sentence length under the U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines to see how sentences are
determined: http://www.sentencing.us/
Check out the NAACP’s stance on how mandatory-minimum sentencing is targeting
African Americans and their efforts to reform this practice:
View the video “How Does the Kansas Sentencing Grid Work?” on YouTube
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCxq5lN3Uis) for an overview of how sentencing
in a jurisdiction using a “grid” or guidelines operates
5. Know what is meant by “truth in sentencing.”
 Article entitled “Truth in Sentencing and State Sentencing Practices” and the National
Institute of Justice website: http://www.nij.gov/journals/252/sentencing.html
 “Truth in Sentencing in State Prisons” is an article from The Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS), which is a comprehensive source for criminal justice statistics housed within the
Office of Justice Programs. The Crime & Justice Electronic Data Abstracts link provides
additional data as a series of spreadsheets by state.
6. Identify the most serious issues in sentencing.
 The Sentencing Project discusses racial disparity in criminal sentences
Community Corrections: Diversion and Probation
1. Explain what is meant by community-based corrections act.
 “Community Corrections” Department of Corrections in Washington State is revamping
their system in order to comply with a recent law that will mandate more active
supervision of offenders in the community. Visit the website in order to determine the
purpose and requirements of the recent law that has taken affect as of June 12, 2012.
Identify the services that are proposed to be provided and how they will be
implemented. Evaluate what could be some of the challenges in the initial
implementation of servicing of felony offenders in the community.
2. Compare the main types of diversionary programs and identify the advantages and
disadvantages of diversionary programs.
 View the video Diversion Initiatives (http://www.diversioninitiatives.net/2009/09/shortvideo-on-bexar-county-jail.html) on the website for the Bexar County (San Antonio) Jail
to learn about their program.
3. Understand the advantages of being placed on probation.
 Visit the website of the American Probation and Parole Association (http://www.appanet.org/eweb/) to find some of the issues currently being addressed in community
corrections. [LO 1, 5]
4. Explain the risk assessment models and their current emphasis.
 Review the report “The Proper and Improper Use of Risk Assessment in Corrections”
from the JFA Institute.
5. Understand the various ways probation is administered.
 “The Alameda County Model of Probation: Juvenile Supervision” Alameda County
Probation Department is in Oakland, CA and serves both adult and juvenile
probationers. This discusses the new Juvenile Supervision Model; paying particular
attention to the risk and needs assessment tool and some of the other successful
 “The Impact of Arizona’s Probation Reforms” This is a Pew Center on the States
summary of the Safe Communities Act of 2008 which was the result of evidence based
reforms to the Arizona probation system.
6. Understand the legal rights of probationers.
7. Evaluate the effectiveness of probation and identify some of the hopeful programs to
program services.
 “Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2005 ” Publication from the US Department
of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice website which covers some of the issues
surrounding juvenile probation and the demographics of juveniles on probation..
 Check out the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force to see their process of handling sex
offenders. http://oregonsatf.org/about-2/satf-membership/offender-managementcommittee/sex-offenders-in-the-community/
 California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office report on “Achieving Better Outcomes For Adult
Probation” to see if their findings could be adapted throughout the U.S.
Intermediate Sanctions
1. Understand the benefits of intermediate sanctions
 “Intermediate Sanctions and Sentencing Guidelines” from the National Institute of
Justice (“Issues and Practices”/U.S. Department of Justice) allows you to identify
acceptable programs that meet the guidelines for intermediate sanctions as sentencing
alternatives to custody. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/165043.pdf
 Visit and review the website of the Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions from
the state of Hawaii (http://hawaii.gov/icis/) to see the types of programs and various
organizations that are partners in the effort. [LO 4, 7]
2. Identify the continuum of intermediate sanctions.
 Watch the video (http://www.ovguide.com/intermediate-sanctions9202a8c04000641f8000000000178701) about how a Re-Entry court uses intermediate
sanctions to work with offenders and ensure that they comply with program
requirements. [LO 1, 4, 7]
3. Identify the sanctions that stand alone and what they contribute to intermediate sanctions.
 “King County Drug Court” is a short clip from the King County, Washington’s Drug Court
at KingCountyTV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cE6MYk4KVA
4. Identify the sanctions as an add-on to probation and what they contribute to intermediate
 “Global Positioning System (GPS): Sex Offender Information” from the California
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations website.
 “Adult Drug Court Program” State of New Jersey Court System guidelines for drug court
programs. http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/criminal/crdrgct.htm
 “House Arrest Part 1” An in-depth look at how house arrest works using GPS monitoring
bracelets from WLWT News 5 in Cincinnati, OH.
 Checkout the Congressional Research Service’s Drug Courts: Background, Effectiveness,
and Policy Issues for Congress to see how drug courts began and what their
effectiveness means for policy makers. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41448.pdf
5. Identify the sanctions that include incarceration and what they contribute to intermediate
 “LAPD's Boot Camp for Troubled Teens” is a short clip about the Los Angeles Police
Department’s Juvenile Impact Program (JIP).
View the video Richmond Jail Home Incarceration Program Expansion
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v8hbIT90o8). [LO 1, 2, 5]
6. Understand the relationship between restorative justice and intermediate sanctions.
 “What Future for “Public Safety” and “Restorative Justice” in Community Corrections?”
A U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs publication entitled “Sentencing
& Corrections: Issues for the 21st Century” discusses some of the conflicting ideas and
challenges in resolving the conflicts between restorative justice and public safety.
 See Restorative Justice: Implications for Organization Change to see what implications
restorative justice being adopted on a large scale would lead to.
7. Evaluate the effectiveness and future of intermediate sanctions.
 Checkout the National Reentry Resource Center’s research on the expansion of
Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision to better inform your point-of-view
The Jail: Detention and Short-Term Confinement
1. Describe the purpose of the jail.
 View the video “Beyond the Myths: The Jail in Your Community” from the website of
the National Institute of Corrections.
This is a video that is provided for local communities and jail officials to use as a piece of
public education. [LO 3,4, 6, 8]
2. Explain the bail process, pretrial release and preventive detention.
 “Bail Enforcement and Bounty Hunter Training” California based training program for
bail bond officers and bounty hunters. Employment opportunities listed in this rapidly
growing industry. http://www.bountyhunterjobtraining.com
 Check out Governor Christie (R) of New Jersey’s proposed bail reform to keep violent
offenders off of the street before and during their trials to see how bail reform is still a
focal point for today’s politicians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFgBapMA_eI
[LO 8]
Go to the website for the Brevard County (FL) Jail complex at or a little bit after 1:15 on
a weekday or 9:30 a.m. (eastern time) on a Saturday or Sunday and watch the live
streaming video from jail inmates making their initial court appearances.
3. Identify the makeup of the jail population.
 Check out PBS Frontline’s overview of the incarceration of mentally ill inmates with upto-date statistics and discussion.
4. Discuss jail administration and structure.
 “American Jail Association” A website of a national organization that sets standards and
monitors compliance with the professional conduct of jail officers and operations across
the country. http://www.aja.org/publications/exploringjailoperations.aspx
 “Special Report: Peek Inside County Jail” A look inside the inside the Polk County jail
from KCCI News in Des Moines, IA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDIaA2e0BsU
[LO 5]
5. Compare the New Generation jail from more traditional jails.
 Compare the City of Denton Texas Jail Operations Mission Statement
http://www.cityofdenton.com/index.aspx with the Los Angeles County Jails Mission
Statement (www.lasdhq.org/lasd_sevices).
 The website of the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio
(http://www.ccnoregionaljail.org/newgenerationjail.htm) has comments from the jail
administrators about the advantages of their “new generation” (or, third generation) jail
design. Also includes a Virtual Tour of the jail.
6. Describe jail based treatment and rehabilitation programs.
 “Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment” links to the Iowa Department of Public Health’s
report on their jail based treatment initiative (J-BT Project) which focuses on reducing
both offender substance abuse and criminal behavior.
7. Explain the legal and administrative issues of jail confinement.
 Visit the website of the American Jail Association (http://www.aja.org/) and identify
what the organization sees as the 5 most important issues facing jails in America today.
[LO 3, 4,6, 8]
8. Discuss the future of the jail.
 “What Trends Are Driving Jail Population Growth?” Link to the U.S. Department of
Justice’s national Institute of Corrections “”jail Crowding: Understanding Jail Population
Dynamics.” http://static.nicic.gov/Library/017209.pdf
Correctional Institutions
1. Identify the extent to which prisons mirror the larger society.
2. Describe the age, gender and racial makeup of those sent to prison.
 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations Website has information
related to all aspects of the corrections operations in custody, community programs and
services, annual statistical data, and more. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov Look at the
demographic data specific to the inmate population of adult males in our California
institutions. Refer to the Federal Bureau of Prisons website for information on multiple
states. (http://www.bop.gov/)
 Read the Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin on “Prisoners in 1999” at
http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/p99.pdf and compare them to the “Prisoners
in 2009” statistics presented in your text.
 “State Jurisdiction Comparison” This page of Corrections.com links to all state
correctional agencies. http://www.corrections.com/links/show/30 [LO 4, 6]
3. Discuss the federal jurisdictions over prisons.
 Visit the Bureau of Prisons website (http://www.bop.gov/) to see the prison types listed
under Federal Prison Facilities. [LO 6]
4. Explain whether state jurisdictions are similar from one state to another.
 “State of California Department of Corrections Code and Regulations - Title 15”
California code of regulations and standards governing crime prevention and
correctional operations which include parole and community services.
5. Know how many prisoners are housed in private facility and whether there is common
agreement on the effectiveness of these facilities.
 “Corrections Corporation of America” Links to the Corrections Corporation of America
(CCA) website which is a private correctional agency that designs, builds, manages and
operates correctional facilities and detention centers on behalf of several federal
agencies and state governments. http://www.cca.com/
 Check out these frequently asked questions (and some answers) about the privatization
of prison http://reason.org/news/show/corporate-corrections-frequent.
 Visit and review the websites of both the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)
(http://www.cca.com/) and the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) report Banking
on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration (http://www.aclu.org/prisonersrights/banking-bondage-private-prisons-and-mass-incarceration) to see both sides of
the argument regarding the use and spread of private prisons in the U.S.
6. Understand the security types of correctional institutions.
 “Images of Supermax Prison Colorado” Photo and animated images of the interior and
exterior blueprint of Colorado’s supermax prisons.
www.westword.com/slideshow/supermax-a-look-at-colorados [LO 7]
 Listen to NPR’s All Things Considered discussing “Is the Use of Maximum Security Prisons
Abused?” where they discuss the use of Supermax facilities:
7. Describe what prisons look like.
 Read the interview with Australian corrections executive Peter Severin
(http://prisondesign.org/2012/04/29/peter-severin-on-the-latest-trends-in-prisondesign-construction-rehabilitation/#more-557) about new ideas in how to design
prisons [LO 6]
8. Define the basic responsibilities of a correctional administrator.
 “How to become a Prison Warden” The website is a source for criminal justice programs
and schools throughout the country and details the career requirements, duties, and job
outlook of a prison warden http://www.legal-criminal-justice-schools.com/CriminalJustice-Careers/prison-warden.html
9. Explain the proactive management style.
The Prison Experience: Males
1. Understand the relationship between classification and institutional security.
2. Discuss the difficulties of confinement for male inmates.
 A personal account of a transgendered inmate’s struggle to transition and live inside a
Louisiana prison: http://louisianajusticeinstitute.blogspot.com/2012/04/isabellas-storytransgender-persons.html
 This is a short, and explicit, video Alabama Prison Rape Sexual Assault Documentary
(http://www.iviewtube.com/v/119893/alabama-prison-rape-sexual-assualtdocumentary-video) in which an inmate explains in details the process by which many
prison sexual assaults occur. [LO 4-6]
 A short overview video about the famous Stanford Prison Experiment
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKW_MzREPp4). [LO 3, 5-7]
 The Prison Art Project (http://www.prisonart.org/) to look through the various types of
art created by prison inmates. [LO 3-5]
3. Review the characteristics, norms and language of “Big House” prisons of the past.
4. Consider the changing social structure of the prisons, including gangs, racial tensions,
contraband, and sex in prison.
 “Racial Integration of California’s Prisons” A news article outlining a lawsuit filed in 1995
by Garrison Johnson, an inmate in a California prison, claiming a violation of his
constitutional rights after being segregated along racial lines upon entering prison. In
2005 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff.
 “Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)” U.S. Department of Justice website listing of
publications and statistics that document the epidemic occurrence and horrific
outcomes of being a victim of rape while incarcerated in jail or prison.
 “Prison Gangs” Correctionsone.com is a website designed for correctional
professionals, designed to provide news, training information, and relevant products
and supplies. Articles on issues with prison gangs are uploaded frequently.
http://www.correctionsone.com/prison-gangs/articles/ [LO 5]
 “The Problem of Gangs and Security Threat Groups in American Prisons Today: Recent
Research Findings from the 2004 Prison Gang Survey” for an in-depth look at prison
gangs: http://www.ngcrc.com/corr2006.html
 A news story to see one way how Arizona is dealing with STG Prison Gangs:
5. Present the forms of violence that take place in prison settings.
 “The American Prison and the Normalization of Torture” is a publication written by H.
Bruce Franklin that strongly suggests that our American prisons are designed as a form
of institutionalized system of torture.
 “Suicide Prevention in Corrections: Familiarity Breeds Contempt ” Article from
Corrections.com on inmate suicide. http://www.corrections.com/news/article/30904suicide-prevention-in-corrections-familiarity-breeds-contempt6. Offer explanations for why violence takes place.
 “Lynching in America by the Numbers” A recent study in the spring of 2012 issue of
Sociological Quarterly makes a connection between lychings and recent prison
admissions. http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/2012/04/27/lynchings-in-americaby-the-numbers/
7. Examine the changing roles, challenges, and job enrichment of correctional officers in men’s
“Addressing Correctional Office Stress: Programs and Strategies” is a U.S. Department of
Justice, Office of Justice Programs publication.
https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/183474.pdf [LO 5, 6]
The Prison Experience: Females
1. Identify the main reasons for the rise in the imprisonment of women.
 A short video “Life Inside a Women’s Prison” (http://www.oprah.com/world/Life-Insidea-Womens-Prison-Video) and consider how the prison, inmates and activities that are
found in a women’s prison are and are not different from what you would find in a
men’s prison. [LO 3, 4]
2. Identify the findings of the classic studies of social structure in women’s prisons
3. Discus the contemporary studies of women doing time in prison.
 “California’s Institution for Women (CIW)” The California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitations website allows you to research and identify the trends that have
occurred in various areas of CIW’s prison operations over the past several years.
 “Prison Rape: Myths and Realities” Prison Law Blog; USC law professor Kim Shayo
Buchanan has an article about sexual violence behind bars.
 “Women Prisoners: No Right to be a Mother presented by the Clayman Institute” A
presentation from Stanford University's Clayman Institute on the issues of women
prisoners which includes a panel discussion with former inmates.
 Article “Giving Birth in Chains: The Shackling of Incarcerated Women During Labor and
Delivery” (http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2009/07/06/giving-birth-chains-theshackling-incarcerated-women-during-labor-and-delivery [LO 5]
4. Understand that providing sufficient programs for incarcerated women with children is
 “Female Offender Programs and Services (FOP)” California Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitations website lists the different programs available.
 “Sheriff Dart Opens New Jail Space for Pregnant Women” A look into the new program
at the Cook County Jail that houses pregnant women awaiting trial.
The Galilean Home based in Kentucky that provides women inmates care for their
children while they are incarcerated http://www.galileanhome.org
5. Identify the serious issue of health care in women’s prisons
 A report on sexual abuse allegations of female inmates in Ohio from Stop Prison Rape.
6. Identify why professionalism is important in women’s prisons.
 “Correctional Officer Ethical Standards of Conduct ” A link to the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement’s homepage which outlines the state correctional officer
requirements. http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Menu/Officer-RequirementsMain-Page/CO-Ethical-Standards-of-Conduct.aspx
 Visit the website of the Association of Women Executives in Corrections
(http://www.awec.us/). Browse through the website and see what the goals are of the
organization, what activities they do to pursue their goals, and how they determine how
effective they are.
Prisoner’s Rights
1. Understand what is meant by the term “prisoners’ rights”
 “Prisoner’s Rights” American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): Document outlining the
organizations role and function in advocating and protecting prisoner’s rights.
 Visit and browse through the Prison Legal News website
(http://www.prisonlegalnews.org) to see which “big issues” regarding inmates’ rights
that are being argued in the courts presently. [LO 3-5]
2. Discuss the foundation of prisoners’ rights
 “About Incarceration Rights” Online legal information regarding both federal and state
constitutional laws that dictate rights of those who have been incarcerated.
http://www.ehow.com/about_5545143_incarceration-rights.html [LO 3, 4]
 Online report “The Main Areas of Inmate Litigation in the 21 st Century”
(http://www.corrections.com/news/article/29607-the-main-areas-of-inmate-litigationin-the-21st-century-) compare the issues that are the most common in inmate lawsuits
in recent years to the issues that were at the foundation of the prisoner’s rights
movement. [LO 3,5]
3. Identify the First, Fourth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment substantive rights that the
courts have awarded inmates
 “Prisoner’s 1st Amendment Rights” The First Amendment Center is an educational
organization that is affiliated with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
 Checkout this news story of Ohio Muslim inmates suing over their meal preparation
because they claim it violates their religious practices.
 A short video Religious Rights: Wiccan and Neopagan Prison Inmates
4. Understand the legal services that are available to inmates
 “About the Innocence Project” This is a link to the Innocence Project homepage.
5. Understand the rights that have not been given inmates
 “Prisoner’s Rights Violation in the U.S” A 2012 report from the Russian radio broadcast
the “Voice O Russia” regarding the widespread problem of prisoner’s right s violations in
the U.S. penal system. This includes a petition filed by prisoners in a California prison
directed to the United Nations. http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_08_25/Prisoners-rightsviolation-in-the-US/
 “Continuing the Fight for Civil Rights and Prisoners' Rights” An article from the American
Civil Liberties Union website on inmate civil rights. http://www.aclu.org/blog/racialjustice-criminal-law-reform/continuing-fight-civil-rights-and-prisoners-rights
 Checkout this news story about inmates in Florida suing over mail restrictions and
having difficulties under the PLRA. http://www2.highlandstoday.com/news/highlandsnews/2011/jan/19/LANEWSO1-prisoners-sue-jails-for-various-reasons-ar-308278/
Correctional Programs and Services
1. Identify the role of treatment and services in prisons today
 “CCDR OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL EDUCATION” California Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitations website. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov
 Browse through the website for the Correctional Education Association
(http://www.ceanational.org/index2.htm) to read about what the organization does to
promote and support educational programs in prisons (and jails), but also how
educational programs connect with and reinforce other types of correctional programs.
[LO 3-5, 8]
2. Discuss classification for treatment
 “The Inmate Classification Score System Study” California Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation website. The noted study was completed as of December 2011.
3. Understand the individual level treatment programs
 “Prison Program Comparison” This page of Corrections.com links to all state correctional
agencies so you can compare programs available in various states.
http://www.corrections.com/links/show/30 [LO 4]
 “BOP Substance Abuse Treatment” Links to the BOP website and information on the
current substance abuse treatment strategy.
4. Identify the group programs held in prisons
 Visit the website of the Center for Evidence Based Corrections
(http://ucicorrections.seweb.uci.edu/) and identify how the researchers at the center
determine that prison based programs are effective or not. (LO 3, 5-8)
 Watch the short online video Stillwater Prison Industries
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BrVsc2sB-E) that overviews the history of prison
industries in one Minnesota prison. [LO 1, 6]
5. Discuss inmate self-help programs
6. Evaluate the quality of prison programs for inmates
 “The State of California Prison Industry Authority” State of California’s Prison Industry
Authority website. To see the various industries that correction’s train inmates to
participate in, and that prisons institutions provide services to. http://www.pia.ca.gov/
 Checkout this story about California’s inmates’ healthcare:
 A USA today article on increased accessibility to educational materials potentially
helping inmates: http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2011-05-04-inmatehigher-education_n.htm
7. Evaluate the quality of prison services for inmates
 “Inmate Programs” Links to a clip showing some of the Arizona Department of
Corrections inmate programs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUh_TAag3qc&feature=related [LO 6]
8. Understand how treatment in prison can become more effective
Watch the online video Correctional Healthcare
(http://www.kpbs.org/news/envision/prisons/) to explore the reasons, advantages and
disadvantages of providing long-term and chronic health care to inmates in specialized
prisons. [LO 1, 2, 7]
Parole and Release to the Community
1. Understand parole practices today
 “Division of Adult Parole Operations (DAPO)” California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation adult parole and community services website provides information on
Operation Guardian, which focused on parolees with ties to gangs.
 “New Sex Offender Information Page” from the California Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation adult parole and community services website details some of the
programs and procedures resulting from Jessica’s law. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Parole/
 “Federal Parole Bill Passed” The New York Times website and online article on the
significance of there being the opportunity for convicted felons under federal
jurisdiction to be considered for early release on parole.
 Review the website for the Association of Paroling Authorities, International
(http://www.apaintl.org/) to learn the newest legal, political and practical
developments in parole and parole decision-making processes. [LO 2-4]
2. Know how the parole board functions
 “The Board of Parole Hearings (BOPH)” California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation BOPH website details the purpose and function of the BOPH.
 “State Parole Boards” This is The American Probation and Parole Association’s
homepage - which is an international association involved with probation, parole and
community-based corrections, in both adult and juvenile sectors. http://www.appanet.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Webcode=VB_Directory
3. Identify the various roles of parole officers
 “California’s Parolee Conditions” Links to the California Department of Corrections and
Rehab. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Parole/Parolee_Conditions/index.html
 A news article about a parole officer using his position of power for sexual abuse:
4. Understand the procedures involved in the revocation of parole
5. Be able to identify why people fail on parole
 “Hard Time: Life After Prison” An episode of National Geographic’s series “Hard Time”
that follows four offenders as they are released from prison.
6. Identify some of the rights that ex-offenders have lost
 “Reentry & Employment in St. Louis: A Model for Business, Community, and Workers”
Center for Community Corrections is a non-profit agency that takes on projects that
promote the improvement of community-based sanctions.
 A CNN article on a job fair for convicted felons: http://articles.cnn.com/2010-0304/living/job.fair.ex.felons_1_employment-fair-job-seekers-felons?_s=PM:LIVING
 Review the website of The Sentencing Project on felon disenfranchisement
(http://www.sentencingproject.org/template/page.cfm?id=133) to learn the reasons
provided for why convicted felons should be, and should not be, prohibited from voting.
Special Prison Populations
1. Understand the problems of inmates with a substance –involved history.
2. Be aware what challenges and problems sex offenders bring to the prison.
 “Sex Offender Treatment in Prison” Department of Corrections Washington States
website details the kind of treatment programs the Washington State correctional
administration has implemented to ensure the treatment needs of offenders, as well as
address concerns of public safety.
 Inmate blog entry “Road to Ruin: Sex Offenders in Prison” (http://xcon.hubpages.com/hub/The-Road-to-Ruin-Pt-14-Child-Offenders-in-Prison).
3. Know some of the issues terrorists present to the correctional system.
 “Terrorist in American Prisons” Online news article that discloses concerns of local
prisons housing domestic and international terrorist.
Former Guantánamo prisoners regarding the use of torture:
Training material article “Terrorists in Prison: The Challenge Facing Corrections”
4. Understand the prison experience of HIV inmates
 Online article “Prisons, Prisoners and HIV/AIDS” (http://www.avert.org/prisons-hivaids.htm).
5. Identify the world faced by chronic mentally ill inmates while they are in prison.
 “How Do You Hold Mentally Ill Offenders Accountable?” A National Public Radio story
from December 2011 on violence at California’s psychiatric hospitals.
 An article by the Prison Policy Initiative on incarcerating mentally ill offenders:
 A CBS News report on mentally ill offenders and jails (http://www.cbsnews.com/210018563_162-7273149.html).
6. Understand the plight of the elderly inmates while incarcerated
 “Caring for the Elderly Behind Bars” Online article regarding this growing issue in
corrections. http://www.corrections.com/news/article/11566
 “Target 5: Elderly Inmates ” From Ohio’s WLWT Target 5 news report on the expense of
elderly inmates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnsB92HegIg
 A television news story video on elderly inmates in Ohio prisons
7. Understand the problems faced by illegal immigrants in U.S. prisons
 “Texas Kicks Illegal Alien Convicts Out of the Country” From KVII-TV Pronews 7 Amarillo
news report on the deportation of illegal immigrants.
Capital Punishment and the Death Row Inmate
1. Describe what public opinion is concerning the death penalty.
 “Public Opinion about the Death Penalty” Online Death Penalty Information Center has
2011 public poll information regarding the death penalty and information on the
controversial issues that are being politically addressed.
“Worldwide Report of Executions for the Current Month” Capital Punishment UK
homepage details the verified executions carried out each month around the world,
with details about the offender’s crime and method and execution.
“History of Lethal Injection” Civil Liberties News issues and monthly articles covers the
origin and application of lethal injection during the death penalty execution process.
“Death Penalty” Links to the Gallup site which provides statistics on human nature and
behavior and identifies and monitors behavioral economic indicators worldwide.
The results of several decades worth of public opinion polls regarding the death penalty
on the website of the Clark County (IN) Prosecutor’s Office
2. Be able to compare the importance of aggravation v mitigation concerning the death
 History of the Death Penalty and Recent Developments from the University of Alaska
Anchorage (http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/death/history.html). [LO 1, 3, 4]
3. Discuss the position of the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the death penalty.
 A documentary giving an overview of what happens on execution day:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1htDY230jx4&feature=related [LO 7]
4. Identify the position of the Supreme Court concerning the importance of race and the death
5. Discuss the Supreme Court and its rulings on the execution of mentally impaired inmates
and juveniles.
 “Sentence reductions involving mental illness” Death Penalty Reduction Center is a
national non-profit organization serving the media and the public with analysis and
information on issues concerning capital punishment.
 U.S. Department of Justice’s article “Juveniles and the Death Penalty”:
6. Describe how correctional officers working on death row regard their jobs.
 “Q & A: Retiring San Quentin death-row officer” Correctionsone.com is a website
designed for correctional professionals, designed to provide news, training information,
and relevant products and supplies.
PBS Frontline’s Angel on Death Row for insider accounts of working with death row
inmates: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/angel/
7. Identify how inmates on death row adjust to their situation.
 Online National Geographic video Death Row Texas (http://natgeotv.com/uk/deathrow-texas/videos/death-row-texas [LO 1, 6, 8]
 A list of Texas death row inmates’ last meal requests
8. Evaluate whether the death penalty deters murder
The Juvenile Offender
1. Identify the early developments of juvenile justice.
 “Juvenile Justice System: Contemporary Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Detention
Alternatives” Online publication which addresses the past and present structure and
processes that account for our juvenile justice system in America.
http://www.answers.com/topic/juvenile-justice-system-contemporary-juvenile-justicesystem-and-juvenile-detention-alternatives [LO 3-4]
 Sanford Fox’s article “The Early History of the Court”
describes the legal and social developments that influenced the creation and early
functioning of the first juvenile court in the United States. [LO 3-4]
2. Understand the disposition of probation, including how it is administered and by whom and
recent trends in its use
 Some articles on restorative justice programs and issues for juvenile offenders:
http://www.restorativejustice.org/programme-place/02practiceissues/juveniles-1/ [LO
 Listing and descriptions of Model Programs in Juvenile Justice from the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(http://www.ojjdp.gov/mpg/progTypesCorrectional.aspx). [LO 3, 4]
3. Distinguish between community treatment and institutional treatment for juvenile
“Community Based Juvenile Rehabilitation” A clip from Outreach House in New York
which is a residential diversion program for juveniles.
An Ohio Judge admitted to taking money to place more offenders in a privatized juvenile
facility: http://www.inquisitr.com/211740/u-s-judges-admit-to-jailing-children-formoney/
4. Know the nature of aftercare for juvenile offenders and comment on recent innovations in
juvenile aftercare and reentry programs
 “San Francisco's Juvenile Reentry Court” A look at the San Francisco's Youth Guidance
Center’s Juvenile Reentry Court.
5. Understand how the juvenile is transferred and tried in adult court
 “Juvenile Justice Hearings” The Superior Court of California Santa Clara County Juvenile
court website details the practices and procedures involved in juvenile “Fitness
Hearings” where it is determined whether juveniles will be held to answer for their
crimes in adult versus juvenile court.
6. Be able to identify the plight faced by juveniles sent to adult prisons
 “Roper v. Simmons: Can Juveniles Offenders Be Executed?” Journal of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online article discusses elements of the landmark
case involving the death penalty and juveniles.
 “Young Kids, Hard Time” (Director’s Cut) Links to a MSNBC/Calamari Production video
about juveniles serving adult sentences in Indiana.
 A short YouTube video Juveniles in Adult Prisons
Today’s Corrections Professional:
Characteristics, Challenges, and Opportunities
1. Know how far professionalism has brought corrections
 “The Emerging Professionalism of the Correctional Officer” Sage Journals Crime and
Delinquency website article regarding the push for more professionalism in the field of
corrections. This article discusses the increasing emphasis on professionalism in
correctional work and relates this trend to the expanding roles of the correctional
officer. In many ways the correctional officer is the most influential employee in the
correctional institution, and yet the training he receives is brief and almost exclusively
focused on custodial skills. http://cad.sagepub.com/content/12/3/272.abstract [LO 2,
“How to Become a Correctional Officer” Links to the Unites States Department of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistic’s job description for a Correctional Officers.
2. Be able to define professionalism and the need of it
 “NJDOC Training Academy Class 219” A New Jersey Department of Corrections Academy
clip showing field training for new recruits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxggEkgqzY&feature=relmfu [LO 4]
 “From a Correctional Officers Point of View” A look into the daily lives of California’s
correctional officers working at maximum security facilities.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpGYBPobFEc&feature=related [LO 3-4]
 “How to Become a Correctional Officer” from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
3. Identify how correctional administrators can foster professionalism
 Review the process, criteria and expectations for becoming a Certified Corrections
Executive from the American Correctional Association.
(http://www.aca.org/certification1/). [LO 2, 4]
 Read Humphrey’s online article “Respectable Leadership and the Future of Corrections”
(http://www.corrections.com/news/article/29132-respectable-leadership-and-thefuture-of-corrections). [LO 6]
4. Know the present challenges for advancement in professionalism
 Read the Federal Probation article “Beyond Correctional Quackery – Professionalism
and the Possibility of Effective Treatment”
iminalJustice-Sundt/Quackery_Latessa.pdf). [LO 1-3, 5]
5. Define the major challenges facing corrections in the present
 “Prison Overcrowding: The Problem” This article from the American Legislative
Exchange Council websites information center addresses the questions of what, why,
and what next as it relates to the epidemic problem and immediate concern of
overcrowding in jails and prisons across the nation.
 “Lt. Patrick Logan on Prison Overcrowding” From KPBS San Diego, Lt. Logan for the
Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego discusses how the institution is
dealing with overcrowding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lvzkmPfujk
6. Identify whether punishment or reform will dominate the future landscape of corrections
 Read about the new Biometric Management System for managing corrections facilities:
http://www.correctionsone.com/police-technology/investigation/biometricsidentification/articles/2189110-Biometric-prison-management-Technology-of-thefuture/ [LO 5]
 Read about a Denver woman’s experience with restorative justice after her son was
murdered: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_21040065