QLF Atlantic Center for the Environment Selected International Program Publications Books Brown, J. N. Mitchell and M. Beresford (eds.). 2005. The Protected Landscape Approach: Linking Nature, Culture and Community. IUCN- the World Conservation Union, World Commission on Protected Areas. Gland, Switzerland Chapters in Books Brown, J. N. Mitchell and M. Beresford. 2005. Protected Landscapes: A Conservation Approach that Links Nature, Culture and Community in Brown, J. N. Mitchell and M. Beresford. The Protected Landscape Approach: Linking Nature, Culture and Community. IUCN-the World Conservation Union, World Commission on Protected Areas. Gland, Switzerland Mitchell, B. and J. Brown. 2003. Stewardship and Protected Areas in a Global Context: Coping with Change and Fostering Civil Society in B. A. Minteer and R. E. Manning, eds., Reconstructing Conservation: Finding Common Ground, Island Press, Washington, DC. Brown, J. and B. Mitchell. 1999. Private Initiatives for Protected Areas in South America. In S. Stolton and N. Dudley. Eds. Partnerships for Protection: New Strategies for Planning and Management of Protected Areas. Earthscan Publications, London. Oviedo G. and Brown J., 1999. Building Alliances with Indigenous Peoples to Establish and Manage Protected Areas in Stolton S. and Dudley N. (eds), Partnerships for Protection: New Strategies for Planning and Management of Protected Areas IUCN and WWF-International, Gland, Switzerland Brown, J. and B. Mitchell. 1997. Extending the Reach of National Parks and Protected Areas: Local Stewardship Initiatives. in National Parks and Protected Areas: Keystones to Conservation and Sustainable Development. Edited by J.G. Nelson and R. Serafin. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G 40. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. Heidelberg. Journals Journals edited: Brown, J., A. Kothari, M. Menon, Editors, issue on Local Communities and Protected Areas. PARKS. Vol. 12, No. 2. IUCN-the World Conservation Union, and the Nature Conservation Bureau. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, England. Brown, J, N. Mitchell, and F. Sarmiento. 2000. Guest editors, special issue on Stewardship of Protected Landscapes. The George Wright Forum, Vol. 17, No. 1. Hancock, Michigan, USA. Brown, J. and B. Mitchell, guest editors. 1998. Special issue on Stewardship: An International Perspective, Environments: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Vol. 26, No. 1. University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Page 1 or 5 as of 2/17/16 Articles in Journals: Mitchell, B. 2003. International Models of Protected Landscapes, The George Wright Forum, Vol. 20, No. 2. Hancock, Michigan, USA. Brown, J., N. Mitchell and J. Tuxill. 2003. Partnerships and Lived-in Landscapes: An Evolving US System of Parks and Protected Areas. PARKS. Vol. 13, No. 2. IUCN-the World Conservation Union, and the Nature Conservation Bureau. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, England. Brown, J. and N. Mitchell. 2000. Linking Culture and Nature in the Protection of Andean Landscapes. Mountain Research and Development. Vol. 20. No 3. Bern, Switzerland. Brown J. and Mitchell B., 2000. The Stewardship Approach and its Relevance for Protected Landscapes, in The George Wright Forum, Vol. 17, number 1 Mitchell B. and Brown J., Stewardship: A Working Definition in Environments, Vol. 26, no.1, 1998. (Special Issue: Stewardship: An International Perspective) Brown J., 1998 Stewardship: an International Perspective in Environments, Vol. 26, no.1, (Special Issue: Stewardship: An International Perspective) Brown, J.L. and B. A. Mitchell. 1998. An International View of Stewardship: Emerging Approaches and Challenges. Environmental Awareness. Vol 21, No 2. India. Pietx i Colom, J. and B. Mitchell. 1998. La custòdia del territori. L’aplicació a Catalunya de les noves tèchniques nord-americanes de protecció de la natura i el paisatge en propietats privades. Butll. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat. 66:141-150. St. John, A-S. 1998. Environmental education and co-existence in the Middle East. Whole Terrain, Vol. 6. Antioch New England Graduate School. Keene, New Hampshire, USA. Mitchell, B.A., and J.R. Barborak. 1991. Developing Coastal Park Systems in the Tropics: Planning in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Coastal Management Vol. 19 pp. 113-134. Program publications and proceedings of workshops and programs (QLF and partners) Tuxill, J.L., N.J. Mitchell and J. Brown. 2004. Collaboration and Conservation: Lessons Learned from National Park Service Partnership Areas in the Western United States. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 6, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Beckmann A., L. Ptacek, B. Mitchell, M. Kundrata, and R. Serafin. 2000. Caring for the Land – a decade of promoting landscape stewardship in Central Europe, QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment and Environmental Partnership for Central Europe, Prague, Czech Republic Romulus, G., B. Mitchell. B. Horwith, and M. Grech. 1996. Proceedings of a Caribbean Land Stewardship Workshop. St. Lucia National Trust and QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment Page 2 or 5 as of 2/17/16 Conservation Study Institute, in cooperation with, through its “Conservation and Stewardship series) Tuxill, J. L. and Mitchell N.J. (eds.)., 2001. Collaboration and Conservation: Lessons Learned in Areas Managed Through National Park Service Partnerships. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 3, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Anon. 1999. International Concepts in Protected Landscapes: Exploring Their Value for the Northeast. Proceedings of a Public Forum and Workshop on Landscape Stewardship. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 2, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Anon. 1999. Landscape Conservation: Proceedings of an International Working Session on the Stewardship of Protected Landscapes. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 1, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Tuxill, J. L. et al. 2000. The Landscape of Conservation Stewardship: The Report of the Stewardship Initiative Feasibility Study. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Conservation Study Institute, and The Woodstock Foundation, Inc. Woodstock, Vermont, USA.. Papers in Proceedings Brown, J. and N. Mitchell. In Press. Partnerships and Protected Landscapes: New conservation strategies that engage communities In Proceedings of the George Wright Society’s Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas and Cultural Sites. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2005). George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan, USA. Brown, J. 2003. Emerging Themes in Conservation: Diversity, Equity and Civil Society. In Speaking of the Future: A Dialogue on Conservation. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 4, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Mitchell, B. 2003. Stewardship in a Global Context: Coping with Change and Fostering Civil Society. 2003. In Speaking of the Future: A Dialogue on Conservation. Conservation and Stewardship Publication No. 4, Conservation Study Institute, Woodstock, Vermont, USA Brown, J. and B. Mitchell. 2002. Crossing Boundaries to Promote Stewardship Through International Partnerships and Exchange. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference on research and Resource Management in parks and on Public Lands, Denver, Colorado, George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan, USA. Brown, J. L. 2000. Stewardship of Andean Landscapes: A Potential Role for Category V Protected Areas. In Proceedings of the International Working Sesson on Stewardship of Protected Landscapes., Woodstock, Vermont. June 1999. IUCNWCPA, NPS-Conservation Study Institute, and QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment. Brown, J. and B. Mitchell. 1998. The stewardship approach and its relevance for Andean landscapes. In: III Simposio Internacional de Desarollo Sustentable de Montañas: entendiendo las interfaces ecológicas para la gestión de los paisajes Page 3 or 5 as of 2/17/16 culturales en los Andes. Quito, Ecuador. December 1998. Andean Mountain Association, CEPEIGE, and the University of Georgia. Unpublished Reports Anon. 1994, Pálava Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Anon. 1995. Chocske vrchy Mountains Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Anon. 1997 Frydlantsko-Jizerské hory: A People and Their Environment Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Anon. 1998. Morava Floodplains: People and Water Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Anon. 1999. Zawoja-Babia Góra National Park: People and Park Sustainable Coexistence Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Anon. 2002. Eastern Carpathians: Sustaining Nature and Heritage Landscape Stewardship Exchange Report Brown, J. and B. Mitchell. 1993. Stewardship in Central Europe. QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment, Ipswich, MA. Mitchell, B. 1997. CAMPFIRE and Conservancies. In Wildlife Resources Outside the Zimbabwe Parks Estate: A Management Policy Framework. Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, Harare, Zimbabwe Descriptive Materials Mitchell, B. 2002. Stewardship in Latin America and the Caribbean (2-page flyer) Mitchell, B. 2002. Stewardship in Central and Eastern Europe (2-page flyer) Brown, J, and B. Mitchell. “Landscape Conservation and Stewardship in Central Europe.” Nexus Occasional Paper. No. 10. (Ipswich, Massachusetts: QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment, 1994) Mitchell, B. and Brown, J. 1999. International Stewardship. Compass Vol. 10(1) Supplement. QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment Middle East Alumni Newsletters Handbooks Labaree, J. 2000. Com Funcionen les Vies Verdes? Un Manual d’Ecologia del Paisatge. Fundacia Territori i Paisatge, Barcelona Middle East Ecotourism Handbook (need specific reference) Web Publications Slaiby, Barbara E., and Nora J. Mitchell. A Handbook for Managers of Cultural Landscapes with Natural Resource Values. Woodstock, Vermont: Conservation Study Institute, 2003. www.nps.gov/csi/csihandbook/home.htm Page 4 or 5 as of 2/17/16 Articles in popular publications J. Brown 2001. A view from across the pond. In Viewpoint. Issue 31. Council for National Parks. London, UK.. J. Brown. 1999. Active Partnership/Aktivní Partnerství. In Veronica. Vol. XIII. No. 6. Brno, Czech Republic. Page 5 or 5 as of 2/17/16