English - Unesco

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture
Sixth Working Group meeting on EFA, UNESCO Paris
19 – 21 July 2005
Room X (Fontenoy)
Provisional list of participants
Mr Ricardo Henriques
Secretary of Continuous Education, Literacy and Diversity
Ministerio de Educaçao, Esplanada dos Ministerios , Bloco “L”
CEP: 70.047-Brasilia DF, Brazil
Tel: 5561-2104.8432
Fax: 5561-2104.9229
Email: ricardohenriques@mec.gov.br
Accompanied by :
Ms Claudia Baena Soares
Official of the International Affairs Unit of the Minister’s Cabinet
Ministry of Education of Brazil
Tel: 5561-2104.9527
Fax: 5561-2104.9229
Email: claudiasoares@mec.gov.br
Mr Du Yue
Deputy Secretary-General Chinese National Commission for UNESCO
National Commission of the People’s Republic of China
37, Damucang Hutong Xidan
100816 Beijing
Tel: +86 10 6609 6883
Fax: +86 10 6601 7912
Email: duy@moe.edu.cn
Accompanied by:
Ms Dong Jianhong
Division Director Chinese NatCom
Email: jhd@moe.edu.cn
Dr Zhou Nanzhao
International Research and Training, Centre for Rural Education
Email: zhounz@hotmail.com
Republic of the
Mr Daniel Lukubama Mayungu
Secretary General
Ministère de l’Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire et Professionnel
185, rue Kokolo, Commune Bumbu, Kinshasa, R D Congo
Email: danielukubama@yahoo.fr
Dr Mustapha Abdel Samee Mohamed Mursi
National Centre for Education, Research and Development
Ministry of Education
12 Wakeed St. From El Alfy, 14 floor Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +202 592 5923
Fax: +202 588 3350
Email: ppmu@hotmail.com
Mr Momodou Sanneh
Director of Basic and Secondary Education and National EFA Co-ordinator
Department of State for Education Willy Thorpe Building, Banjul
The Gambia
Tel: +220 439 7290
Fax: +220 439 72 90
Email: momodousanneh@hotmail.com
Ms Kumud Bansal
Secretary, Elementary Education and Literacy
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India,
“C” Wing, Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi 110 001, India
Tel: +91 11 2 338 2587
Fax: +91 11 2 338 7859
Email: kumudb@sb.nic.in or secy.eel@sb.nic.in
Accompanied by:
Ms Bhaswati Mukherjee
Ambassodor and Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO
1, rue Miollis
75015 PARIS
Tel: 0145 682988
Fax : 0147 345188
Email: dl.india1@unesco.org
Mr George I. Godia
Education Secretary
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
P.O. Box 30040, 00100 Nairobi - Kenya
Tel: + 254 20 34 18 52;
Fax: +254 20 34 18 75
Email: gim@wanainch.com or godiaes@yahoo.com
Mr Oumarou Hamissou
Secretary-General for Education
Ministère de l'Education de base et de l'alphabétisation
B.P. 557 - Niamey
Email: ept.ner@hotmail.com
Ms Amina J. Ibrahim
National Coordinator EFA
Federal Ministry of Education, FME Annex, Plot 245 Samuel Adesoju,
Ademulegun Street P.O. Box 7758 Wuse Abuja, Nigeria,
Tel: +234 9 6704062;
Fax: 234 9 3143990
Email: aminajm@yahoo.co.uk
Trinidad and Tobago
Mr Carol Keller
School of Education, University of the West Indies, Agostini Street St Augustine
Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: 1 868 645 3232 ext 2118, 2119;
Fax: 2868 662 6615
Email: ckeller@fhe.uwi.tt or carkell@trinidad.net
Mr Abdulaziz Ben Habtour
Vice-Minister of Education
Ministry of Education of Yemen
Accompanied by:
Ms Mushed Abdu Qassem Ansaf
EFA National Co-ordinator
Ministry of Education of Yemen, P.O. Box 11965, Sana’a, - Yemen
Tel : 00967-1-494027;
Fax : 00967-1-494027
Email: dr_insaf@hotmail.com or insaf@yemen.net.ye or aaljoufi@yahoo.com
Bilateral Donor Agencies
Ms Nadine Dusepulchre
Conseiller adjoint
Direction générale de la Coopération au développement,
Service appui à la politique de l’éducation,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rue des Petits Carmes 15, 1000 Brussels – Belgium
Tel : +32 2 519 0523
Email : nadine.dusepulchre@diplobel.fed.be
Accompanied by:
Philippe Gerard
Direction générale de la coopération au développement
Email: philippe.gerard@diplobel.fed.be
Kris Panneels
Conseiller Général
Direction générale de la coopération au développement
Email: kris.panneels@diplobel.fed.be
Mr Scott Walter
Principal Advisor, Education, Policy Branch
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
200 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec K1 A0G4
Tel : +1 819 997 0892
Email: scott_walter@acdi-cida.gc.ca
Ms. Temby Caprio
Sector Advisor, GTZ
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40
53113 BONN
Tel: +49 228 535 3129
Fax: +49 228 535 4129
Email: temby.caprio@bmz.bund.de
Ms Maire Matthews
Senior Development Specialist – Education
Development Cooperation Ireland/Dept. of Foreign Affairs
Bishops Square, Redmonds Hill Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: 353 1 408 2923
Fax: 353 1 408 28 84
Email: maire.matthews@dfa.ie
Ms Teresa Savanella
Expert Multilateral Cooperation
Directorate for Development Cooperation Office,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P. LE Farnesina, 1, 00100 Rome – Italy
Tel: +39 06 36 91 53 85
Fax: +39 06 32 35 58 83
Email: teresa.savanella@esteri.it
H.E. Mr. Teiichi SATO
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Japan to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO
148, rue de l'universite 75007 Paris, France
Tel: (33-1) 5359-2700
Fax: (33-1) 5359-2727
Email: deljpn.ambr@unesco.org or deljpn.ed@unesco.org
Accompanied by:
Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO
148, rue de l'universite 75007 Paris, France.
Tel: (33-1) 5359-2700
Fax: (33-1) 5359-2727
Email: deljpn.ambr@unesco.org or deljpn.ed@unesco.org
Ms Taeko Okitsu
Chief, Education Unit,
Aid Planning Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: 81 3 5501 8363
Fax. +81-3-5501-8362
Email: taeko.okitsu@mofa.go.jp
Mr Ken-ichiro KANEMITSU
Senior Specialist for Development Assistance,
Office for International Cooperation,
International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959
Tel: +81-3-6734-2606
Fax: +81-3-6734-3669
Email: k-kane@bunka.go.jp
Unit Chief
Office for International Cooperation,
International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-6734-2606
Fax: +81-3-6734-3669
Email: yukokamo@mext.go.jp
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO
148, rue de l'universite 75007 Paris, France.
Tel: (33-1) 5359-2700
Fax: (33-1) 5359-2727
Email: deljpn.ambr@unesco.org or deljpn.ed@unesco.org
Mr Toshio MURATA
Senior Advisor (Education)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
105, Ichigaya Honmura-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-8433
Tel: +81-3-3269-3851
Fax: +81-3-3269-6992
Email: Murata.Toshio@jica.go.jp
Associate Expert
Group 1 (Basic Education), Basic Eduation Team Ⅱ、JICA
Shinjuku Maynds Tower Bldg., 2-1-1, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8558
Tel: +81-3-5352 5345
Fax: +81-3-5352 5114
Email: Takahashi.Akiko@jica.go.jp
Mr Ronald Siebes
Basic Education Expert
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: 31 70 348 4301
Email: Ronald.siebes@minbuza.nl
Mr Olav Seim
Senior Adviser
Multilateral Affairs Department
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 8114
N-0032 Oslo
Tel. +47 22243932
Email: ose@mfa.no
Accompanied by :
Oysien Lyngroth
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel : 22 24 38 28
Fax : 22 24 37 90
Email : oly@mfa.no
Ms Ewa Werner-Dahlin
Head of Education Division,
Department for Democracy and Social Development – Sida
Sida, Swedish International Development Agency, 105 25 Stockholm
Tel: 46 8 698 52 49
Email: ewa.Werner-dahlin@sida.se
Accompanied by:
Anders Frankenberg
Program Officer
Sida, department for Democracy and Social Development, Education Division
Sida, SE-105 25 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +4686985623
Fax: +4686985647
Email: anders.frankenberg@sida.se
Malin Elisson
Program Officer
Sida, department for Democracy and Social Development, Education Division
Sida, SE-105 25 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +4686985000
Fax: +4686985647
Email: malin.elisson@sida.se
Mr. Gun-Britt Andersson
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Sweden to UNESCO
UNESCO House, Paris
Tel: 01 45 68 34 50
Fax: 01 47 34 10 03
Email: gun-britt.andersson@foreign.ministry.se
Mr. Anders Falk
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Sweden to UNESCO
Tel: 01 45 68 34 51
Fax: 01 47 94 10 03
Email: anders.falk@wanadoo.fr
Margaretha Johnsson
3rd Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Sweden to UNESCO
Tel: 01 45 68 34 50
Fax: 01 47 94 10 03
Email: margaretha.johnsson@wanadoo.fr
Mr Desmond Bermingham
Head of Education Profession
Department for International Development
Tel: +44 20 70 23 17 49
Email: d-bermingham@dfid.gov.uk
Mr John Grayzel
Director, Office of Education, EGAT Bureau
USAID 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Rm 3-9-37 Washington DC 20523
Tel : 202 712 0732
Email: jgrayzel@usaid.gov
Accompanied by:
Mr. Gregory Loos
Team Leader, Basic Education, Office of Education, EGAT Bureau
Tel: 202 712 4175; Fax: 202 216 3229
Email: gloos@usaid.gov
Multilateral Agencies
Ms Lavinia Gasperini
Senior Education Officer
FAO/SDRE, C 6-10
Via Delle Terme Di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italy,
Tel : +39 06 57 60 44
Fax : +39 06 57 05 31/52
Email : lavinia.gasperini@fao.org
Ms Ayse Sule Caglar
Programme Officer
4 route des Morillons
1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland
Tel. +41 227998746
Fax. +41 227998771
Email: caglar@ilo.org
Mr Bernard Hugonnier
Deputy Director of the Directorate for Education
2, rue Andre Pascal F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
Phone: +33 1 45 24 92 10
Fax: +33 1 44 30 61 71
Email: bernard.hugonnier@oecd.org
Ms Gillian Holmes
Chief, Programme Development Unit
20, avenue Appia, CH1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Email: holmesg@unaids.org
Tel: +41 22 791 4644
Fax: +41 22 791 4768
Ms Delia Barcelona
Senior Technical Advisor
Reproductive Health Brach, Technical Support Division
220 East 42 Street, New York, NY 10017
Tel. +1 212 2975233
Fax. +1 212 2974915
Email: barcelona@unfpa.org
Mr Cream Wright
Chief, Education Section
3, United nations Plaza, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 212 824-6619
Fax:212 326-7129
Email: cwright@unicef.org
Ms Ute Meir
World Food Program
Via C.G. Viola, 68170,
Parco dei Medici, 00148
Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 65 13 20 64
Fax: +39 06 65 13 28 54
Email francisco.espejo@wfp.org
World Bank
Ms Ruth Kagia
Director, Education Sector
The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.
Tel: 202-473-3314
Fax: 202-522-3233
Email: rkagia@worldbank.org
Accompanied by:
Ms Rosemary Bellew
Lead Education Specialist, Head, FTI Secretariat
The World Bank
Room G8-025, TEL: 202-473-4836
Email: rbellew@worldbank.org
Regional Organisations
Ms Ann Keeling
Director, Social Transformation Programme Division
Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HX
Tel. +44 207 747 6460
Fax. +44 207 747 1647
Email : a.keeling@commonwealth.int
Islamic Educaitonal,
Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Dr Seydou Cissé
Spécialiste de Programmes à la Direction de l’Education
Avenue Attine, Hay Riad
B.P. 2275, CP 10104 Rabat, Maroc
Tel. +212 7 77 2433 / 715294
Fax + 212 7 772058 / 777459
Email: cid@isesco.org.ma
Organisation arabe pour
l’Education, la Culture
et les Sciences
Ms Saïda Charfeddine
Permanent Observer at UNESCO
1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris - Bur (MS1 45)
Tel : 01 45 68 27 20
Fax : 01 40 56 92 72
E-mail: alecso.paris@unesco.org
Association for the
Development of
Education in Africa
Mr Mamadou Ndoye
Executive Secretary
7-9 rue Eugène-Delacroix
75116 Paris, France
Tel: + 33/ (0)
Fax: + 33/ (0)
Email: m.ndoye@iiep.unesco.org
African Development
Bank (AfDB)
Dr Boukary Savadogo
Chief Education Specialist
ADB – North; East & South Region
B.P. 323 – 1002 Tunis Belvedere
Tel: (216) 71 103 163
Email: b.savadogo@afdb.org
European Commission
Ms Marja Karjalainen
Senior Administrator
Unit for Social and Human Development
European Commission
DG Development, B-12, office 5/87
1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +3222996380
E-mail: Marja.Karjalainen@cec.eu.int
Civil Society: NGOs, Foundations, Private sector and Others
Africa Network
Campaign for EFA
Mr Gorgui Sow
Regional Coordinator
African Network Campaign on Education for All (ANCEFA)
BP 3007
Dakar Yoff
Fax : (221) 824 13 63
Tel : (221) 824 22 44
Mobile : (221) 684 20 42
Email: ancefa@sentoo.sn or gorgui@ancefa.org or gorguisow@yahoo.fr
Website: www.ancefa.org
Asian South-Pacific
Bureau of Adult
Education (ASPBAE)
Ms Maria Lourdes Almazan-Khan
Secretary General
Asian / South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (ASPBAE)
ASPBAE Secretariat c/o MAAPL
9th Floor, Eucharistic Congress Building No. 3
5, Convenent Street, Colaba
Mumbai 400 039
Fax: (91) 22-22832217
Tel: (91) 22-22021391/2281 6853
Email: aspbae@vsnl.com
Website: http://www.aspbae.org
Arabic Network for
Ms Seham Negm
Arabic Network for Illiteracy
10, Zaneb Kamel Hassan st.
Doki – Giza
Fax: (202) 3378545
Tel: (202) 3373116
Mobile: (202) 0127867621
Email: adult_education_net@hotmail.com
Consejo de Educación
de Adultos de
América Latina
Mr Francisco Cabrera
Coordinador regional
Consejo de Educación de Adultos de América Latina (CEAAL)
c/o Proyecto de Desarrollo Santiago (PRODESSA)
Km. 15 Calzada Roosevelt, Zona 7, Mixco
Apartado Postal 13 "B"
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Tel: (502) 24354972 and (502) 24353911
Fax: (502) 24353913
Email: reforedu@intelnet.net.gt or francisco.cabrera@prodessa.net
Website: www.ceaal.org
Education International
Ms Monique Fouilhoux
Cordinatior, Education and Employment Unit
Education International
5, Bd du Roi Albert II, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Tel : +32 2224 06 11
Fax : +32 2224 06 06
Email: Monique.Fouilhoux@ei-ie.org
Forum for African
Women Educationalists
Ms Marema Dioum
Programme Officer
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)
PO Box 21394, 00505 Ngong Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254 20 573131/ 573351/ 573359
Fax: 254 20 574150
Email: mdioum@fawe.org or fawe@fawe.org
Global Campaign for
Mr David Archer
C/o Ms Anne Jellema
Global Campaign for Education
P.O.Box 18 Kalk Bay, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 788 67 83
Fax: +27 21 788 5901
email : anne@campaignforeducation.org
Office International de
Catholique (OIEC)
Ms. Janine Ndiaye
Representative to UNESCO
Office International de l’Enseignement Catholique (OIEC)
277, rue St Jacques
75005 Paris
Liaison Committee
Ms Monique Fouilhoux
NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee
1, rue Miollis
75015 Paris
Fax : (33- 1) 45 66 03 37
Tel : (33 1) 45 68 36 67 / 36 68
Mobile : 06 87 81 44 47
Email: comite.liaison.ong@unesco.org
Academy for
Development (AED)
Mr Stephen F. Moseley
President and Chief Executive Officer
Academy for Educational Development (AED)
AED, 1825 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC 20009-5721
Tel: +1 202 884-8400 / 884 8102
Fax: +1 202 884 8430
Email: smoseley@aed.org
Canadian Global
Campaign for
Education Alliance
Ms Karen Mundy
Founding member of Canadian GCE,
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, at Univerity of Toronto
Associate Professor
Canada Research Chair in Global Governance and Comparative Education
OISE-University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Email: kmundy@oise.utoronto.ca
Education Fund
Mr David Archer
Head of International Education at Action Aid UK
Commonwealth Education Fund
Action Aid UK
Hamlyn House, Macdonald Road, Archway,
London N19 5PG, UK
Tel: +44 20 7561 7561
Fax: +44 20 7272 0899
Email: David.archer@actionaid.org
World Economic Forum Ms Satyadeep Rajan
Senior Project Manager,
Global Education Initiative
World Economic Forum (WEF)
91-93 route de la Capite,
CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva
Tel: +41-22-8691201
Fax: +41-22-786 2744
Email: satyadeep.rajan@weforum.org
Save the Children
Ms Janice Dolan
Education Advisor
Save the Children UK
1 St. John’s Lane
London EC1M 4AR
Tel: +44 20 7012 6400
Fax: +44 20 7012 6963
Email: J.Dolan@savethechildren.org.uk
UN Secretariat of the
Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues
Ms Mirian Masaquiza
2 United Nations Plaza
Room DC2-1449 A
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 917-367 6006
Fax: +1 917-367 5102
Email : masaquiza@un.org
ADEA Working Group
on Non Formal
Ms Amina Osman
Working Group on Non Formal Education (WGNFE) of the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
C/o Commonwealth Secretariat
Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HX United Kingdom
Tel: 00 44 207 747 6553
E-mail: wgnfe@yahoo.co.uk or a.osman@commonwealth.int
University of
Dr Phyllis Magrab
Global Education Consortium of U.S. Colleges and Universities
Georgetown University Box 571485
Washington DC 20057-1485
Tel: 202 687 8837
Fax: 202 687 8899
Email: magrabp@georgetown.edu
University of Hong
Mr Mark Bray
Dean, Faculty of Education
Comparative Education Research Centre,
Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2859 2414
Fax: (852) 2517 0075
Email: mbray@hku.hk
Nelson Mandela
Mr. Mmeli Macanda
Senior Development Coordinator
Nelson Mandela Foundation
Private Bag X 70 000
Houghton 2041
South Africa
Email: nmf@nelsonmandela.org or kporteus@ufh.ac.za
Telephone No.: +27 11 728 1000
Nari Maitree
Ms Shaheen Akter Chowdhury
Executive Director Nari Maitree
393/B, Malibag Chowdhurypara
Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219
Fax: 00 8802 721 74 86
Email: nm@bdonline.com
World Agroforestry
Mr Tom Vandenbosch
Centre (ICRAF)
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30677-00100 GPO
Nairobi - Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 722 4000 or via USA +1 650 833 6645
Fax: +254 20 722 4001 or via USA +1 650 833 6646
Email: ICRAF@cgiar.org or TVandenbosch@ICRAF.EXCH.CGIAR.ORG
Website: http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org
Federación Nacional de
Cafeteros de Colombia
Ms. Rosario Salazar de Camacho
Co-ordinator for Rural Education
Coordinadora Acciones Educativas
Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, Oficina Central
Calle 73 No. 8 -13 Conmutador (571)
3136600 Bogotá D.C.
Tel: 091 3 13 66 56 / 091 3 13 66 00 ext 656
Fax: 091 2 17 10 21 / 091 2 35 15 18
Email: Rosario.Salazar@cafedecolombia.com
UNLD Resource Persons
National Institute of
Educational Planning
and Administration
Mr R Govinda
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
17-b Sri Aurobinbo Marg
New Delhi 110016
Email: rgovinda@niepa.org
Carleton University,
School of Canadian
Mr James E Page
Adjunct Research Professor
Carleton University, School of Canadian Studies
468 Picadilly Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: + 1 613 722 87 44
Email: page8744@rogers.com
Barbara Bush
Foundation for Family
Ms Benita Somerfield
Executive Director
1201 15th Street, NW Suite 420
Washington DC 20005
Tel: + 1 202 955 6183
Email: benitas@flfw.com
Ministry of Education,
Mr Abdelwahid Abdalla Yousif
Educational Advisor to the Minister of Education
Ministry of Education, Bahrain
PO Box 43
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: + 973 17 68 72 87
Fax: + 973 17 68 01 61
Email: awahidyousif@bahrain.gov.bh
ED Directors
DIR/Regional Bureaux
UNESCO Bangkok
Mr Sheldon Shaeffer
Director of Office
Ms Lalla Aicha Ben Barka
Director of Office
UNESCO Santiago
Ms Ana Luiza Machado
Director of Office
Mr Massimo Amadio
Mr Gudmund Hernes
Mr Rupert Maclean
Mr Adama Ouane