HST Programme in Paediatric Surgery Programme Prospectus 2010 England, Wales, Northen Ireland HST Programme in Paediatric Surgery Index of Contents 1. General Information 2. Training Consortia 3. Specialty Training Committee 1. General Information _____________________________________________ The HST Programme in Paediatric Surgery aims to provide a comprehensive and enjoyable training in all aspects of Paediatric Surgery including neonatal surgery, general paediatric surgery, paediatric urology and paediatric trauma. Opportunities for research and overseas experience will be accommodated wherever possible. Training centres in paediatric surgery have been organized into regional consortia which are able to provide broad exposure to paediatric surgery. A national training number is issued by a deanery within the consortium. At national selection candidates will be asked to rank consortia according to personal preference. The information enclosed is designed to inform that process. The programme covers the required six years of Higher Surgical Training within a single consortium. Trainees will be rotated according to their training needs, appropriate vacancies and, only where possible, personal requests, in order to achieve a comprehensive training which, on satisfactory completion, could lead to the award of CCT in Paediatric Surgery. Trainees will be expected to comply with rotational placements. Flexible training may be available for all or part of the training. Trainees entering or leaving the programme will be expected to do so at normal rotation dates. All trainees will undergo Annual Record of Competency Progression by the Consortium Committee subject to the negotiations laid down by the JCST and successful completion of each year is required before progression to subsequent years of training. All trainees will be entitled to annual and study leave in keeping with the Terms & Conditions of Service for Specialist Registrars. Trainees are required to keep a complete and portfolio for the period of training within the training programme to be ready to submit for review at any time. Trainees must register with the SAC (Specialist Advisory Committee) of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons at the time of appointment and are responsible for completing required SAC and PMETB documentation including requests for approval of Out of Programme Experience and Flexible Training. Anticipated dates for the award of CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) will be calculated at the time of appointment but may be subject to amendment during training depending on the progress of the trainee. Trainees appointed to a training rotation will be allocated an NTN potentially leading to the award of CCT, if they have provided appropriate documentation of completed Core Competencies. Trainees appointed to other positions (FTTA or LAT) will also complete the ARCP process. All appointments to the programme will be made by the official national appointments panel. LAS positions will not be recognised for training. Trainees failing to offer evidence of Core training or offering alternative experience for consideration of training recognition will enter the CSSR pathway. The information on the following pages is intended to provide an overview of the training programme and may be subject to change from time to time. Further information on each of the training centres may be gained by contacting the Training Director for each of the participating centres. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH THIS WILL BE TREATED IN STRICT CONFIDENCE AND WILL NOT BE SEEN BY ANY OTHER EMPLOYEE OF THE HOSPITAL OR POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE For pre-employment health assessment purposes, as part of Local Occupational Health Services, the successful candidate will be required to complete a health questionnaire. In addition, screening for Hepatitis B Status and the carriage of MRSA will form part of the certificate of fitness. The successful candidate may also be required to undergo additional screening for MRSA at individual trust hospitals, depending on local policy. The successful applicant may be required to undergo a medical examination. REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS Because of the nature of this work, the post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exemptions) Order 1975. You are therefore NOT entitled to withhold information about convictions, which for other purposes are “spent” under the provisions of the Act, and, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in disciplinary action by the Trust. Any information given will be kept in strict confidence, and used only relation to the position to which the order applies. PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Because this post has been identified by the Postgraduate Institute as giving substantial opportunities for access to children in need of relatively lengthy inpatient care, the preferred candidate (after shortlisting and interview) for this post will be checked with the Police for possible criminal background in accordance with the provision contained in Health Circular HS(88)9 and HSG (94)43 (an “extended CRB”). The checking procedure is completely confidential and checks will be made on the preferred candidate only and no other. 2. Consortia The consortia currently involved in national selection are as follows; 1. Northwest; i. Liverpool ii. Manchester 2. Northern Ireland i. Belfast 3. Yorkshire/East Midlands i. Newcastle ii. Leeds iii. Hull iv. Sheffield v. Nottingham vi. 4. Leicester Midlands & West i. Birmingham ii. Bristol iii. Cardiff 5. Southeast i. Chelsea and Westminster ix. Brighton ii. x. Oxford London iii. Lewisham xi. Cambridge iv. Georges xii. v. Kings vi. GOS vii. Evelina viii. Southampton Norfolk and Norwich North West Consortium (Manchester/Liverpool) The North West Consortium has the unique benefit of being able to deliver a six year training programme without relocation of the trainee in view of the proximity of the two centres. Manchester has recently hosted the Commonwealth Games and Liverpool was European Capital of Culture in 2008. Both cities boast internationally renowned musical, theatrical and sporting venues. There is easy access to Wales, the Lake District and the Peak District to escape the hectic pace of the city. The training rotation consists of approximately 3 years in each centre. The Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital NHS Trust (Alder Hey) serves not only the local children of Liverpool, but is the tertiary referral centre for children from Merseyside, Cheshire, parts of Lancashire, Shropshire and North Wales for many sub-specialties of paediatrics. The hospital has approximately 270 beds, including day beds for surgery and a medical day care unit. The paediatric services and expertise within the hospital are considerable and include paediatric ophthalmology, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, neonatal surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, audiology, nephrology, respiratory, rheumatology, gastroenterology, dermatology, endocrinology, metabolic medicine, haematology, oncology, paediatric infectious diseases and immunology, clinical genetics, trauma, paediatric intensive care, paediatric radiology, paediatric pathology, general surgery and general paediatrics all on a single site. The radiology department provides an excellent supportive service, which includes both a CT and MRI scanning service. Consultant Surgeons also manage surgical neonates at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital in conjunction with the “in house” neonatal team. There is a purpose built Education and Conference Centre is on-site. There is a 170-seated Lecture theatre and 4 seminar rooms with computer based projection and video-conferencing facilities. There is 24-hour access to staffed library facilities, which take 140 current periodicals, both medical and nursing. Literature search and inter-library loan services are available as well as access to Medline, Cochrane and CINAHL databases. Consultant Surgical Staff Mr R Turnock Professor P. Losty Mr M Jones Mr G Lamont Mr C Baillie Mrs F McAndrew Mr S Kenny Mr E Jesudason Mr S Donnell Mr S Ahmed Mr A Baird (Head of Mersey School of Surgery) Lower GI/Intersex Upper GI/Oncology (Clinical director) Upper GI/Thoracic/Liver (Post graduate deputy dean) Lower GI/IBD (Local Programme director) Lower GI/IBD Urology/Intersex Urology/Lower GI/Intersex/Laparoscopy Upper GI/Oncology/Thoracic/Laparoscopy ½ time AHCH, ½ time Stoke ½ time AHCH, ½ time Stoke Adolescent urology –sessional AHCH Junior Medical Staff The registrar team consists of 9 registrars covering 8 firms, with a “floating” registrar. These are supported by 8 “SHO-grade” doctors and 5 ward-based foundation doctors. There is also a urology nurse consultant and specialist nurse, and a specialist nurse in surgical gastroenterology. University Affiliations Professor Losty and Mr Jesudason are the university surgeons. There is a thriving research interest in diaphragmatic hernia, foetal lung development and tumour molecular biology. There is a strong track record of supporting trainees through higher degrees during a formal research period. Mr Kenny has a major research interest in Hirschsprung’s disease and stem cell biology as applied both to Hirschsprung’s disease and nephrology. He also has supported trainees through a formal period of research for a higher degree. Activity Inpatient Activity 2008-2009 Daycase Elective Paediatric Surgery 1552 Paediatric Urology 442 Emergency 554 2196 316 74 Outpatient Activity 2008-2009 New Paediatric Surgery 2730 Paediatric Urology 864 F-U 3981 2035 Total 6711 2899 Education Programme Wednesday mornings are given over to departmental education. Typically a teaching ward round is followed by a formal presentation, or journal club. The final event of the morning is the radiology conference. Formal morbidity and mortality meetings occur monthly as does the clinicopathological conference. In addition to the surgical meetings there is a weekly grand round for the whole hospital, and a structured teaching programme is run weekly by the education centre for junior doctors. North West Consortium – Manchester The relocation of the Royal Manchester children’s Hospital (Pendlebury) and Booth Hall hospital in to a single building called The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital occurred in June 2009. Children’s surgical services are now housed in an ultra modern building which is co-located with regional obstetric and level 3 neonatal services in the St Mary’s part of the new building complex. The unit serves as a tertiary referral centre for children from Greater Manchester, parts of Cheshire and parts of Lancashire with a birth population of around 50,000 / annum and catchment population of around 5.5 million. The hospital has 371 beds, including a 17 bed paediatric intensive care unit, 12 bed high dependency unit, 12 bed burns unit and a 48 bed elective treatment centre consisting of day case, short stay and medical investigation units. The Childrens hospital provides secondary paediatrics to the local population as well as tertiary level care across a wide range of specialities including ophthalmology, cardiology, neurology, nephrology, respiratory, rheumatology, gastroenterology, dermatology, endocrinology, metabolic medicine, neonatology, haematology, oncology, paediatric infectious diseases and immunology, clinical genetics, trauma, general surgery, urology, plastic, orthopaedic, ENT and neurosurgery. There is a state of the art children’s A&E department through which all emergency and patients being transferred from other hospitals are triaged. The radiology department provides an excellent supportive service, which includes both CT and MRI scanning service. The paediatric pathology service and regional genetics services are located within the new building providing ready access to these as required. There is a purpose built Education and Conference Centre on-site including a main lecture theatre and multiple seminar rooms with computer based projection and video-conferencing facilities. In addition each floor has a number of seminar rooms adjacent to clinical areas facilitating small group meetings within the children’s part of the hospital. There is 24-hour access to staffed library facilities, which take a large number of current periodicals, both medical and nursing. Literature search and inter-library loan services are available as well as access to Medline, Cochrane and CINAHL databases. Manchester is one of two NSCAG centres for the management of bladder exstrophy and epispadias treating around 12 new patients a year. In addition Manchester in conjunction with Alderhey provides the NSAG surgical service for babies with persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy. Consultant Surgical Staff General Surgery Mr J Bruce - Clinical Head of Division Oncology/ Endocrine/ Neonatal surgery Miss G Humphrey - Programme Director Thoracic/oncology/ upper GI/neonatal surgery Mr J Bowen - Miss P Kapur - Clinical Lead in General Surgery Upper GI /lower GI including inflammatory bowel disease and neonatal surgery audit lead Lower GI/inflammatory bowel and neonatal surgery Mr A Morabito - Surgical clinical lead for NICU Lower GI/endocrine/nontransplant surgery for short bowel Mr J Morecroft - laparoscopic/upper GI and neonatal surgery Mr G Rakoczy - laparoscopic/thoracic/gastrointestinal and neonatal surgery - Bladder Exstrophy/Epispadias Neuropathic bladder Lower tract Mr A Bianchi - Intersex (Disordered Sexual Differentiation) Major hypospadias Cloaca, urogenital sinus anomaly Mr S Hennayake - Laparoscopy Upper tract Intersex, Major hypospadias, cloaca etc Mr M Cervellione - Bladder Exstrophy/Epispadias Presently away at the John Hopkins Children’s Centre in Baltimore, USA till June 2010. Ms S Nappo - Locum Consultant covering Mr Cervellione Urology Mr A Dickson Junior Medical Staff The registrar team consists of 10 recognised training posts. In addition there are 2 core surgical training posts. The STs work a non-resident full on call rota which is time compliant. The trust is currently working on developing internal rotations to increase the number of Core level posts to 4. There are three urology nurse specialists, 3 pre-operative nurse specialists and 2 specialist nurses in surgical gastroenterology. The urology department has recognition for a Urology NTN number. The current is post holder holds her CCT in paediatric surgery and is due to complete her specialist urology training Specialist registrar and in December 2010. Education Programme Monday mornings are given over to departmental education. Typically a radiology meeting is followed by formal teaching or a journal club. There is a separate radiology conference for nephrology-urology from 1-2 pm on Mondays and the Urology teaching takes place on Thursday afternoons. Formal morbidity and mortality meetings occur monthly as does the clinico-pathological conference. In addition to the surgical meetings there is a weekly grand round for the whole hospital, and a structured teaching programme is run weekly by the education centre for junior doctors. As of summer 2009 all ST3 entry registrars employed by the North West Deanery are required to undertake a distance learning course to obtain a certificate in medical education – for those that which this can be extended to a degree level course. Northern Ireland Consortium Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (approved for all years) Postal Address: Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, 80 Falls Road, BELFAST BT12 6BE HOSPITAL NEONATAL SURGERY Royal Belfast Hospital 134 for Sick Children and Ulster Hospital Dundonald HOSPITAL CONSULTANTS (Gen/Urol) RBHSC 6 INPATIENTS (Elec/Emer) 456/851 DAY CASES 1271 Paed Surg SPR S Urology/ Gen Surg SPR Staff Grade Research Fellow 3 0 1 – Trust OUTPATIENTS 2912 – NEW 3160 - REVIEW On-Call Core Trainee s Foundation Trainees 0 3 0 General information on the Trust: The hospital has: 16 – NICU, 8 - SCBU (located in the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital – on site) 6 – ITU 4 - HDU There are 106 general paediatric beds including 8 day care beds, 10 adolescent beds and 4 HDU beds. There is a 24 hour Paediatric A&E staffed by paediatric medical and nursing staff. Other paediatric specialties provided on site include gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, cardiology and respiratory medicine, plastic surgery and burns (including craniofacial surgery), ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics and neurosurgery. The hospital is affiliated to the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald where there are 4 outpatient sessions and 4 operating lists per week. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr Alan Bailie Mr David Marshall Mr Alistair Dick Mr Bill Mc Callion Mr. Isaac Philip Miss M McCullagh Urology and Spina Bifida Urology and Spina Bifida General – Oncology, Laparoscopy, Thoracic General – GI and Colorectal General – Laparoscopy, urology, oncology General – Thoracic and Oncology Usual or average SpR commitments 56 hours – most recent diary exercise No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching sessions / week No of research / free sessions / week On Call Rota : 13 10 3 2-3 1:7 optional residence. Regular Activities: Weekly - paediatric surgery, radiology, medical/surgical, combined Paediatric Surgical Round. Monthly - audit meeting, perinatal grand round, histopathology. teaching combined Specialised Clinics: Combined surgical + oncology - monthly, weekly urodynamics and continence clinic with nurse specialist, vascular malformation – 3 monthly. Library and Information Services: Library on site, linked to other libraries in Queen’s University Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Majella Mc Cullagh 028 90 632803 028 90 632802 majella.mccullagh@belfasttrust.hscni.net Yorkshire/East Midlands/Northern Consortium (Nottingham, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds, Hull and Newcastle) The consortium offers excellent training in all aspects of paediatric surgery in centres to the East of the Pennines. Trainees rotate to two centres during their six year programme, spending an average of three years in each centre. Due to potential distances between these two centres it is usual for some trainees to relocate during their training period. The backbone of the consortium is the A1 and M1 and so centres are well connected by road and rail. The housing is some of the most affordable in the country. Each city has its own unique character and strong industrial heritage. The Pennines keep the rain mostly on the Western side! There is easy access to some of the best countryside (Peak District, Yorkshire Dales and Moors, Northumberland) and coastline in the UK. The NORTHERN DEANERY (in conjunction with Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust) ST3 IN PAEDIATRIC SURGERY This post provides comprehensive run through training in Paediatric Surgery as part of the Northern / Yorkshire / Trent consortium. After 3 years in their first centre, the successful applicant rotates to a second centre, subject to satisfactory progression. The post in Newcastle is based in the Department of Paediatric Surgery in the Victoria Wing of the Royal Victoria Infirmary. Incorporated in this Department is a 7-bedded regional acute neonatal surgical ward (Ward 12) comprising 4 intensive care and 3 high dependency cots. Other children are admitted to a ward (Ward 9) comprising 25 beds, 18 of which are cubicles. There is a dedicated Surgical Day Unit (Ward 2) which treats 16 patients per day. General children’s services are currently provided at the Royal Victoria Infirmary and Newcastle General Hospital. Both departments are closely linked to the University Department of Child Health located in the purpose built Sir James Spence Institute of Child Health. As a Regional Centre the Department serves the Northern sector of the Northern & Yorkshire Region. Geographically this extends from Cleveland in the South, the Scottish Border in the North and North Cumbria in the West. The service covers a population of approximately 3.5 million with around 50,000 live births per annum. All major surgical disorders are referred to Newcastle. The provision of comprehensive treatment of these patients is dependant on close liaison with colleagues in the specialities of paediatrics, nephrology, gastroenterology and oncology, all of which are located in the RVI. Paediatric cardiac services are located at the Freeman Hospital (approximately 3 miles distant) and reciprocal consultation services are provided between the two hospitals. All maternity services for Newcastle (approximately 5,000 live births per annum) are now located in the Leazes Wing of the RVI along with a large Special Care Baby Unit. Paediatric radiology services are located in the Victoria Wing Radiology Department and include screening facilities, ultrasound, CT scanning and MRI. Accident and Emergency Services are currently based at Newcastle General Hospital but due to relocate to the Victoria Wing, Royal Victoria Hospital in summer 2010. Outpatients are seen in a separate Children’s Clinic located close to the Department within the grounds of the RVI. Outreach clinics are undertaken at Carlisle and Whitehaven (Mr Willetts); South Tees and Darlington (Mr de la Hunt); North Tees (Mr Lall) and Sunderland (Mr Barrett), mostly on a monthly basis. There is an outreach service of an operating list and outpatient clinic in Middlesborough twice a month (Mr Hosie). THE JOB ITSELF a) Staffing of the Unit Consultants - Mr AM Barrett (Oncology) Mr MN de la Hunt (Urology) Mr GP Hosie (Oncology and Gastroenterology) Mr B Jaffray (Gastroenterology) Mr A Lall (Urology) Mrs A Lawson (Gastroenterology) Mr I E Willetts (Urology) 5 Specialist Registrars (including this post) 1 General Surgery Specialist Registrar 1 Urology Specialist Registrar 1 Fellow (currently vacant) 1 ST1 Paediatric Surgery 1 ST2 Paediatric Surgery 3 ST 2 Paediatrics 2 FT2 b) Duties of the post i) Clinical: Ward and operating theatre duties Experience in neonatal surgical and intensive care unit 1 or 2 outpatient sessions each week On-call duties on a 1 in 8 basis including prospective cover. ii) Teaching: Regular undergraduate and postgraduate teaching iii) Research: Facilities for investigative work can be made available in University Department of Surgery and University Department of Child Health iv) Audit: Active participation in Clinical Audit is expected and time is set aside to encompass this. c) Location of duties Royal Victoria Infirmary (Newcastle General Hospital, Freeman Hospital - duties required from time to emergencies). d) Emergencies time for The junior doctor accepts that he/she will also perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate consultant, in consultation where practicable with his/her colleagues both senior and junior. It has been agreed between the profession and the Department that while juniors accept that they will perform such duties, the Secretary of State stresses that additional commitments arising under the subsection are exceptional and, in particular, that juniors should not be required to undertake work of this kind for prolonged periods or on a regular basis. e) Cover for colleagues’ absences Prospective cover included. STUDY AND TRAINING a) The post is recognised for run through training in Paediatric Surgery subject to satisfactory performance. The Trainee will have the opportunity to rotate to another centre tailored to the trainee’s needs. b) Subject to the exigencies of the service, time off with pay and expenses for approved courses and conferences is granted in accordance with Regional Policy. c) Formal postgraduate education is mostly carried out at a once weekly “Grand Round” which occupies an entire morning. Attendance by the entire clinical staff is expected. The session commences with formal teaching, a radiology conference conducted by the Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, a round on the Neonatal Surgical Unit conducted jointly with the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia, whose members are responsible, in liaison with the Paediatric Surgeons, for the care and management of neonatal surgical patients and a round of the ward patients. Once monthly clinical audit, Pathology, Morbidity and Mortality, Audit Projects and Journal Club occur. During the Grand Round there is discussion of significant administrative or clinical problems that have arisen in the department Weekly multidisciplinary meetings are held with the Departments of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Paediatric Oncology and Paediatric Nephrology. There are opportunities to attend prenatal counselling sessions for parents of infants with surgical conditions. d) The University medical library is located in the Medical School to which the Royal Victoria Infirmary is directly connected. This library is open in the evenings during term-time and access from the Royal Victoria Infirmary is easy. The Department itself is supplied with relevant textbooks and journals. e) Study facilities are provided by the University Department of Surgery and the University Department of Child Health. FURTHER INFORMATION For further details of the post, please contact: Mr G P Hosie Consultant Paediatric Surgeon Secretary ; 0191 233 6161 ext 25161 E-mail: Gareth.Hosie@nuth.nhs.uk The Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust (Approved for all years) Postal Address: Great George Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 3EX Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Neonatal Admissions Inpatient Admissions Daycase Admissions Outpatients 1018 177 SURGICAL 841 MEDICAL 2546 1055 ELEC 1491 ACUTE 1590 5066 2095 NEW 2971 FU Consultants LTH 9 Paed Surg SpR 6 Urology Fellow 1 Trust Grade Reg 1 Core Trainees 4 Foundation Trainees 3 Trust Grade SHO 2 The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Leeds General Infirmary and St James’ Hospital) provide local, regional and supra-regional care for children from West and parts of North Yorkshire and areas beyond. The paediatric services within the trust cover many specialities: paediatric ophthalmology, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, neonatal surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, audiology, nephrology, paediatric urology, hepatology, hepato-biliary surgery and transplantation, respiratory, rheumatology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, haematology, oncology, paediatric infectious diseases and immunology, clinical genetics, orthopaedics and trauma, paediatric intensive care, paediatric radiology, paediatric pathology, paediatric dentistry, general surgery and general paediatrics. The radiology department provides an excellent supportive service, which includes both a CT and MRI scanning service on both sites. Being part of a large teaching hospital with all adult specialities there is frequent interaction both clinically and educational between departments. Plans are underway to amalgamate all in-patient paediatric services on the Infirmary site, commencing April 2010 and the move should be complete by June 2011. Outpatient services will remain at St. James and the Seacroft site. There is an active department of Postgraduate Medical Education with training facilities on both sites. Currently a deanery funded wet and dry lab is being built with facilities for open and laparoscopic surgical training, in addition to a simulator. At the St. James’s site, the Leeds Institute of Minimally Invasive Therapy/ Leeds Institute of Skills Training & Assessment (LIMIT/LISTA) offers training facilities when not being used for formal courses. There are hospital and University library facilities at both main sites, in addition to on-line access to journals. Consultant Surgical Staff Prof. D Thomas Mr A Najmaldin Mr R Squire Mr D Crabbe Mr I Sugarman Mr M Powis Urology SAC representative Urology/Minimally invasive and robotic surgery Surgical Network lead Oncology/General Clinical director Thoracic/Upper GI BAPS Honsec Lower GI/IBD Training Programme Director Oncology/GI/Minimally invasive surgery Mr R Subramaniam Mr N Alizai Mr J Sutcliffe Urology Hepato-biliary surgery Lower GI/IBD Junior Medical Staff The eight registrars work a non-resident 1A banded rota. They are supported by 9 “SHOs” who are a mixture of core surgical trainees, foundation trainees and trust doctors. In addition there is a neonatal nurse consultant, a surgical nurse practitioner and nurse specialists in gastroenterology (feeding/PN and lower GI), neonatal surgery, urology and pain management. Education programme Thursday mornings begin with either a journal club, radiology/case interpretation meeting or perinatal meeting. This is followed by a teaching ward round and “SHO” teaching. There is a weekly X-ray meeting, oncology MDT and monthly GI pathology meeting. The in-house registrar teaching is linked to the monthly audit meeting, in addition there are consortium education days throughout the year. There are weekly Paediatric and Hospital Grand Round meetings. Hull And East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Postal Address: Anlaby Road, Hull HU3 2JZ Hull Royal Infirmary The Trust comprises of Two Major Hospitals the Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital. Between them the bed strength is 1503 beds and serve an extended population in excess of 1.2 million. The Hull Royal Infirmary Hospital houses the A&E Department and Children’s services. Paediatric services are part of the Women’s and Children’s Division of the Trust. PAEDIATRIC SERVICES General Paediatric Services All Paediatric Services are located on the main Hull Royal Infirmary Hospital site with the paediatric wards/HDU/Safeguarding suite located in the tower block. There are 3 Paediatric in-patient wards on the 12th and 13th floor. The Paediatric Outpatients and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are located in the new Women & Children’s Hospital which is connected to the tower block. The Neonatal unit has 30 beds --- 5 ITU, 7 HDU, 2 (Mother and baby), 16 special care cots. There are 70 general paediatric beds including 4 HDU and 2 ICU. There is a Paediatric A&E staffed by paediatric medical and nursing staff. Other paediatric specialties provided on site include gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, cardiology and respiratory medicine, ENT, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, orthopaedics and neurosurgery. The Child Protection (CP) Service is based in the Anlaby Suite at Hull Royal Infirmary The Trust is affiliated to the Hull and York Medical School (HYMS). The Academic departments within the Medical School complement the clinical service and provide facilities for laboratory research. The ERMEC (East Riding Medical Education Centre), the largest Postgraduate medical educational facility in the Yorkshire Region is based at Hull Royal Infirmary and was built in 1989 for the training and education of NHS personnel . There are many significant and exciting challenges ahead in relation to Education and Development. Meeting the demands and aspirations of the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF), ensuring we deliver educational activity to meet the governance agenda, and working towards a fully qualified workforce all represent a snapshot of our current activities. Education and Developments Learning Strategy aims to encourage and support learning activity of high quality which is people-based, focussed on NHS priorities, attracts funding from a range of sources and delivers excellence in patient care through appropriate education The centre comprises of a lecture theatre, three seminar rooms, and a dining room that can provide catering for any event. The upper floor houses administration and the resource centre, which offers access to the Internet 24 hours a day. The ground floor houses, web services and the customer and media services team. The centre also offers a wide range of visual and audio equipment available for your use including video conferencing and lecture recording. On top of routine technical services, several other technologies are available in support of any meeting… Apreso Audio/Video Recording SMART Boards Video conferencing & Video Formatting and Transfer Photography Linked Lectures & Live Links to Operating Theatres There are two Libraries, one at Hull Royal Infirmary found in the East Riding Medical Education Centre (ERMEC) and the other at Castle Hill Hospital. Each Library has 24 hour study facilities. The libraries work as a partnership with the knowledge, information and library services of the Hull Primary Care Teaching NHS Trust and East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care NHS Trust and the Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust. The Strategic Health Authority awarded Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust funding for a multi-professional Clinical Skills Facility across the North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire locality. The rationale behind this development is to allow trainees to participate, build confidence and be competency assessed in undertaking complex and invasive procedures in a safe learning environment. The ultimate aim in developing this Facility is to ensure patient safety by delivering high quality patient care. The facility is due for completion in March 2010 and will provide flexible accommodation for the delivery of training and assessment needs of all postgraduate and undergraduate trainees as well as clinical staff from all relevant disciplines internal and external to the Trust. The accommodation will include simulated ward, critical care and theatre suite environments, as well as seminar rooms providing an environment where students and staff with an interprofessional approach can acquire a range of practical, clinical, and communication skills. The facility will be available for the education, training and assessment of clinical skills for healthcare providers across the region. Paediatric Surgery Consultants and special interests: Hull And East Miss S Besarovic – Neonatal Surgery/GI /Laparoscopy Mr R D Daniel – General and Urology/Laparoscopy Mr M Fleet- General and Laparoscopy Neonatal Inpatient Day Case Admissions Admissions Admissions Outpatients Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Medical 502 434 Surgical 68 3836 2868 923 968 682 New 3934 2638 1296 FU 8594 6960 1634 Junior Medical Staff Paediatric Surgical SpR General Surgical SpR Clinical Fellow/Trust Grade Reg Core Trainees Foundation Trainees 1 1 2 2 1 Usual or average SpR commitments Monday AM OP Clinic PM I/P Theatre Tuesday I/P Theatre OP Clinic Wednesday DS Theatre/ Endoscopy list Thursday OP Clinic Histopathology Meeting (Once a month) Emergencies Friday Grand Rounds Radiology meeting CME Teaching/Journal Club Audit Emergencies Specialized Clinics: Combined Surgical- Gastroenterology Combine TOF (Surgical, Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Psychologist) Urology Clinic On Call Rota: 1 : 4 (weekend non resident) EWTD compliant. Clinical and administrative duties will include the supervision of F2/Trust Doctors within the Department. Post-holders will gain experience in all aspects of paediatric surgery. There is also an opportunity for the post-holder to gain good exposure in outpatients and developmental follow-up, accident and emergency, high dependency care, paediatric and neonatal intensive care. The post-holder will be responsible to the three consultants and will have an educational supervisor for regular appraisals. SHEFFIELD CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL (SCH) The Children’s Hospital is approximately one mile from the City Centre on the South-West aspect of Sheffield, close to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital and the Jessop Wing (Obstetrics/Neonates). Sheffield is the most central of the North East M1/A1 corridor Consortium centres (NLHSNL) Newcastel/Leeds/Hull/Sheffield/Nottingham/Leicester Adjoining the Children’s Hospital is the Stephenson Building, which contains the Academic Division of Child Health (www.shef.ac.uk/childhealth), the Illingworth library and lecture theatre and the Department of Postgraduate Medical Education, led by Mr Lee Breakwell consultant orthopaedic spine surgeon. The floor is soon to be refurbished as a clinical skills centre with minimally invasive skills simulators. The Lecture theatre seats 150 with 3 seminar rooms with computer based projection and video-conferencing facilities. There is access to staffed library facility on site, which takes the relevant current periodicals, both medical and nursing. Literature search and inter-library loan services are available as well as access to Medline, Cochrane and CINAHL databases. Health services in Sheffield are provided for a resident population of approximately 526,000. Regional services are provided for approximately 450,000 children under sixteen. The majority of children's services are based at the Children's Hospital. Sheffield Children’s Hospital (SCH) forms a combined Trust with Community Paediatric Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. The hospital has a children's Emergency Department which has 48,000 new patients per year. Sheffield Children’s Hospital provides secondary paediatrics for the city, which comprises about 20% of the population of North Trent. The Supra-District Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is part of the Jessop Wing of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, situated about 138 metres from the Children’s Hospital. Consultant Surgeons also manage surgical neonates at the Women’s Hospital in conjunction with the “in house” neonatal team. The surgeons run a 10 bed Neonatal surgical unit at SCH The Children’s Hospital NHS Trust serves not only the local children of Sheffield, but is the tertiary referral centre for children from South Yorkshire and Humber, North Derbyshire and north Lincolnshire which includes the major towns of Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Barnsley Rotherham,Doncaster,Chesterfield,Worksop Activity As a result of the rationalisation of Paediatric services in Sheffield, the hospital is in the process of significant development and building. Currenlty the hospital supports approximately 150 beds. All paediatric in-patients in Sheffield are cared for at SCH. There are currently 7 operating theatres including a Storz OR1 integrated theatre for minimally invasive surgery, linked to the lecture theatre and seminar room. There are 3 high definition Storz laparoscopy mobile carts each with HD camera and screen with touch screen control to allow any operation by a trainee to be recorded on video. There are eight 5 mm and five 3 mm laparoscopic instrument sets (so we never run out of equipment). There are two LOTUS ultrasonic dissection energy sources a Ligasure source and a Erbe Argon diathermy source as well as NdYAG laser for urological stone work. Trainees can expect to be trained in laparoscopic appendicectomy and pyloromyotomy from day one, which builds a platform for other more advanced procedures in due course. Theatres are supported by a 9-bedded Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit and a 15-bedded Day Case Surgical Unit. Surgical services involve general, urology, neonatal, orthopaedic (including spinal surgery and limb reconstruction), plastic, ENT, dental, ophthalmology and neuro- surgery. Currently there are 6 Consultant General Paediatric Surgeons and 7 Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons, plus a further 3 Spinal surgeons. The Trust has a 4-bedded Paediatric Burns Unit. Medical Services comprise oncology, haematology (including bone marrow transplantation), respiratory, neurology, gastroenterology, hepatology, renal, metabolic, metabolic bone disease and immunological paediatrics. The hospital has a separate children's Emergency Department that sees about 45,000 new patients per year. All the above are on a single site at Western Bank There is full on-site laboratory and radiological support, including MRI and spiral CT. The radiologists provide an echocardiography service as the cardiology service is based at Leeds General Infirmary. Consultant Surgical Staff Mr P Godbole Mr S Marven Mr G Murthi Mr R Shawis Mr J Roberts Miss J Walker (Clinical Team Lead for PSU, Lead for Neonatal surgery Unit) Urology and Intersex (RCS Surgical tutor, Audit lead and Local Programme Director) Thoracic/Upper GI/Oncology/laparoscopy Lower GI Lower & Upper GI Urology and Intersex Oncology/Thoracic/Upper GI Junior Medical Staff The Middle grade team consists of 5 HST registrars and one Clinical fellow covering 5 firms, with a “floating” Clinical Fellow. The rota is a non resident 1:7 prospective cover. These are supported by 10 “SHO-grade” doctors and 2 ward-based foundation doctors. There is also a urology nurse Specialist and Stoma specialist nurse University Affiliations All consultants have an Honorary Clinical Senior lecture status Activity Inpatient activity 2008/2009 Daycase 1567 (Day Case Rate 64.9%) Inpatient 846 Elective 2413 Emergency - 1616 Outpatient activity 2008/2009 New Follow up Total - 3451 5277 8728 Education Programme Twice monthly Tuesday afternoons are given over to Higher surgical education. Formal morbidity and mortality meetings occur monthly as part of the Governance meetings. Xray meetings are twice a week. MDT oncology is weekly and Histopathology is twice monthly. There is an emphasis on laparoscopy teaching with laparotrainers used regularly and a move towards virtual reality training In addition to the surgical meetings there is a weekly grand round for the whole hospital, and a structured teaching programme is run weekly by the education centre for junior doctors. Nottingham Children’s Hospital @ Nottingham University Hospitals Postal Address: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Queen’s Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham, NG7 2UH General information on the Trust: Nottingham Children’s Hospital is part of Nottingham University Hospitals, a large teaching hospital. Nottingham University Medical School is on site. A&E is on the Queens Medical Centre site, with a separate Children’s Emergency Department. Paediatric Surgery: Although based at the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) the service reaches out into the local and regional population. Tertiary work is performed at QMC, with the provision of NICU, PICU, PHDU and a full range of paediatric sub-specialities. Other surgical specialities operating on children are on site, except burns (at Nottingham City, due to move to QMC in the near future) and cardiac surgery (at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester). Outreach work includes clinics and operating at hospitals in the region (Derby, Mansfield, Lincoln, Boston & Chesterfield). Trainees join consultants for some of these sessions. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr RJ Stewart Mr SJ Singh Mr BW Davies Mr MU Shenoy Mr AR Williams Mr SS Motiwale General – Oncology, Laparoscopy, Thoracic General – Lower GI General – Oncology, Laparoscopy, Thoracic Urology Urology & Renal Transplant General – Joint appt with Derby Regular Activities: Weekly: Radiology Departmental Teaching Combined Neonatal & Surgical Round Combined Paediatric Surgical Round Monthly: Oncology (this will be weekly shortly) Specialised Clinics: Regular: Neuropathic Bladder Disorders of Sexual Differentiation Bowel Irregular: Antenatal counselling Respiratory Gastroenterology & SBS Oncology Library and Information Services: Medical School Library on site On Call Rota: 1:6 non-resident on-call (optional resident) Junior Doctors Hours Band: Currently 2A Why Come to Nottingham? We provide exposure to the full range of Paediatric Surgery & Urology, from basic to advanced, except Bladder Extrophy & Biliary Atresia. Our Registrar’s Logbooks demonstrate a good number of cases and progression from performing basic and intermediate procedures in early ST training, through to performing advanced procedures towards the end of training. We have a good record of our trainees passing FRCS (Paed Surg) at the first attempt. Minimal invasive surgery is a routine part of our practise and trainees are expected to become competent at performing minimally invasive procedures during their time with us. But, don’t take our word for it; speak to our current and former SpRs. Local Programme Director: Brian Davies Telephone: 0115 924 9924 ext 62592 Fax: 0115 9709006 Email: brian.davies@nuh.nhs.uk University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust The University Hospital of Leicester is a large hospital with around 2000 beds and 12,000 employees. The Children’s Hospital is located with the University Hospital of Leicester. We have 120 beds. Ward 10 is a dedicated ward for Paediatric Surgery. Neonatal admissions are located in the Neonatal Unit and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. The Department of Paediatric Surgery is a very busy unit with a wide spectrum of conditions and this creates a tremendous opportunity for the Paediatric Surgical Trainees to excel both clinically and academically. NEONATAL SURGERY HOSPITAL University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust HOSPITAL University Hospitals Of Leicester NHS Trust INPATIENTS (Elec/Emerg) 125 CONSULTANTS (Gen/Urol) 5 673/1144 Paed. Surg. SpR 4 Paediatric Surgical Consultants: Mr Shawqui Nour Mr George Ninan Mr Ross Fisher Mr Ashok Rajimwale Mr Nitin Patwardan (Locum) DAY CASES Urology/ Gen Sur SpR 0 938 Staff Grade (Clin. Fellows) Research Fellows 3 0 1:7 OUTPATIENTS New: 2204 Follow up: 2196 Core Trainees Foundation Trainees 1 3 On-call There are twelve operating lists every week. Six outpatient clinics. One teaching session. One X-ray meeting. A monthly histopathology meeting. Local Programme Director: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Mr George Ninan 0116 258 5290 0116 258 6676 george.ninan@uhl-tr.nhs.uk Birmingham Children’s Hospital (Approved for all Years) BIRMINGHAM CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Postal Address: Steelhouse Lane Birmingham, B4 6NH General information on the Trust: Birmingham is a progressive, modern city offering pleasant accommodation and excellent civic infrastructure. The Children’s Hospital moved to Steelhouse Lane in the centre of the city in May 1998. This marked the culmination of a long history of planning for a new Hospital to replace the overcrowded facilities at its previous home in Ladywood. We have a large, multidisciplinary, dedicated Children’s Hospital with a capacity for almost 300 beds. Further redevelopment is underway to extend our 20-bed intensive care unit and to increase operating theatres from 9 to 12. In addition to upgraded clinical facilities, the site includes a new parent accommodation block and a new Education Centre. Paediatric Surgery Consultants: Consultant Paediatric Surgeons Mr D Parikh Mr A Lander Mr G Jawaheer Mr S Arul Mr I Jester Mr M Singh Consultant Paediatric Urologists Mr K Parashar, Mr H Chandran and Mr McCarthy Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week 3 No. of outpatient clinics per week 2 No. of teaching sessions / week 2 No of research / free sessions / week On Call Rota : Hours 1 1:11 resident. Regular Activities: Weekly paediatric surgery meeting incl monthly M&M. Weekly radiology meeting + weekly urology radiolgy meeting, regular pathology meeting + fortnightly oncology meeting. Weekly combined neonatal and paediatric surgical round. Specialised Clinics: Combined surgical + gastronenterology, weekly urodynamics and continence clinic with nurse specialist Library and Information Services: Library in adjacent Education Centre Local Programme Director: Mr Dakshesh Parikh Telephone: 0121 333 8090 Fax: 0121 333 8081 Email: dakshesh.parikh@bch.nhs.uk Midlands & West Consortium Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol (Approved for all Years) Postal Address: Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8BJ General information on the Trust: The children’s hospital has 160+ beds including a 16 bedded PICU. There is a 24 hour Paediatric A&E. Other paediatric specialties provided on site include gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, cardiology/cardiac surgery, respiratory medicine, oncology/BMT, ENT, orthopaedics. There is a 24 bedded surgical ward (shared with orthopaedics + ENT), a 13 bedded day case unit and a 14 bedded adolescent unit. Beds are used flexibly in the children’s hospital. St Michaels’s hospital a 5 minute walk away has a fully staffed 25 bedded NICU where the majority of surgical neonates are managed under joint care, a smaller number come to PICU/BCH. Frenchay hospital, a 20 minute drive away, is currently the base for paediatric neuro surgery, plastic surgery and burns. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Miss E Cusick Mr M N Woodward Miss J McNally Mr G Nicholls Mr T Rogers Mr R Garrett-Cox (Paediatric Surgery + Gastrointestinal) (Paediatric Surgery + Urology) (Paediatric Surgery + Thoracic & Gastrointestinal) (Paediatric Surgery & Urology) (Paediatric Surgery + Oncology + Laparoscopy) (Paediatric Surgery + Laparoscopy + Oncology) Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching sessions / week No of research / free sessions / week On Call Rota : Hours 3 1 2 1-2 1:7 non-resident. Regular Activities: Weekly paediatric surgery meeting incl monthly M&M. Weekly radiology meeting + weekly urology radiology meeting, fortnightly pathology meeting + fortnightly oncology meeting. Twice weekly combined neonatal and paediatric surgical round. Specialised Clinics: Combined surgical + gastroenterology, weekly urodynamics and continence clinic with nurse specialist Library and Information Services: Library in adjacent Education Centre Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Miss E Cusick 0117 3428835 0117 342 8845 Eleri.Cusick@ubht.nhs.uk University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust Postal Address: Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW General Information on the Trust The Children Hospital and department has 157 Beds . In addition there are 7 PICU Beds 4 HDU Beds , 34 NICU Beds. The unit provides secondary Paediatric Surgical services to Cardiff and tertiary services to South Wales. It is a part of the University Hospital complex. It is an integral part of Medical college complex and has an active Paediatric research centre. Paediatric Surgery Consultants Mr. Huddart, Mr. Hutton, Mr. Surana, Mr. Milanovic, Ms.Sundarajan. Typical SpR commitments Theatres Clinic Combined ward rounds Teaching Research, Admin session Off Duty On call Rota 3 sessions 2 sessions twice a week twice a week 1 1 session 1 in 5 non resident Regular Activities: Weekly combined ward rounds 2/ week, Paediatric surgical meeting 1/week, Hospital Grand round 1/week term times, Radiology meeting 1/week, Pathology meeting 1/month, Combined neonatal/surgical round 1/week, Tumour board meeting 1/week. Paediatric/ adult urology X ray meeting, Joint Urodynamic meeting 1/3 months, Specialised clinics Combined surgical / Gastroenterology clinic, Combined adult and Paediatrics Gastroenterology and surgery clinic. Urodynamics1/week, Joint Neuropathic Bladder Clinic 1/3 months, Continence nurse led clinic, Nurse practitioner clinics Library and information Services Local Programme Director Telephone Fax Email Library in Main Building Mr. Rajendra Surana 02920 747747 02920743838 Raj.surana@cardiffandvale.nhs.wales.uk South East Consortium The programme covers the required six years of Higher Surgical Training and incorporates twelve training centres, seven of which are in London Paediatric Surgical Activity Figures for 2009 HOSPITAL Chelsea and Westminster/ St Mary’s Lewisham Gen NEONATAL SURGERY 185 INPATIENTS (Elec/Emer) 343 / 640 DAY CASES OUTPATIENTS 696 4644* 114 564/780 910 3227* Royal London 162 1200 750 4500 St. George's 156 2152 1200 4002 Kings 100 1000 250 1400 GOS – Gen Surg 125 1185/417 438 3501*** GOS Urology 34 968/163 1005 3960 Southampton 141 677/1259 1300 2248 (in house) 2670 (outreach Oxford 304 1248 1207 4623** Evelina Urol Cambridge 179 Norfolk & Norwich 105 1029 242/1065 596 610 4608** 3730** Brighton 96 * 177/823 does not include patients seen at Outreach Clinics ** does include Outreach Clinics 1108 3393 Paediatric Surgical Unit Staffing CONSULTANT S (Gen/Urol) Paed Surg SPR S Urology/ Gen Surg SPR Staff Grade Chelsea & Westminster 5 4 1 Chelsea & Westminster 4 1 5/1 HOSPITAL Paed Surg/Shared Med Research Core Foundation Fellow Trai Trainees On-Call nees 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 2* 0 4 - 1 Ass Sp 2 F2 - 3 0 1 0 1 CNS 3 - 3/2 4 - 3 4 3/2 St George's 5 4 - 1 - 3** - King's 4 3 - - 1 2 0 GOS General 6 3 0 3 2 5 0 GOS Urology 4 1 3 3 4 CNS 2 Southampton 6/3 5 2 0 0 2 0 Oxford 4 /2 5 1 0 2 6 Cambridge 4/2 2 1 + 1 ACL 1.5 CNS 1+ 3 CNS 3 1 Norfolk & Norwich 3/1 2 2• 1 1 Paed trainees out of hours 2 Lewisham Evelina Royal London 4 1 1 Brighton 4 3 2 3.5 * Rota support with General Surgery Non-Training Grades / Trust posts / Research posts ** Shared with Paediatric Medicine 1 3. Training Centres Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust (Approved for Years 1-4) Postal Address: 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH General information on the Trust: The hospital has now a 43 bed NICU [12 ITU, 10 HDU, 4 (Mother and baby), 16 special care cots and 1-2 PICNIC beds]. There are 52 general paediatric beds including 10 day care beds, 10 adolescent beds and 4 HDU beds (which will increase to 8-10 beds in April 2010). There is a 24 hour Paediatric A&E staffed by paediatric medical and nursing staff. Other paediatric specialties provided on site include gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, cardiology and respiratory medicine (with the Royal Brompton), plastic surgery and burns (including craniofacial surgery), ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics and neurosurgery. The hospital is affiliated to Imperial College School of Medicine, University of London. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr M Haddad : GI, and laparoscopy Mr N Madden : Urology Mr S Clarke : GI and Laparoscopy Miss D DeCaluwe: General and Urology Mr. S Syed General and GI Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching sessions / week No of research / free sessions / week On Call Rota : Hours 4 2 2 1-2 1:6 optional residence. Regular Activities: Weekly paediatric surgery meeting. Weekly Radiology meeting. Monthly audit meeting. Weekly teaching combined neonatal round, combined Paediatric Surgical Round. Specialised Clinics: Combined surgical + gastroenterology twice weekly, weekly urodynamics and continence clinic with nurse specialist. Library and Information Services: Library on site, linked to other libraries in Imperial College. Medline, Embase + electronic journals available from ICSM. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mr Munther Haddad 0208 746-8885 0208 746-8644 m.haddad@imperial.ac.uk University Hospital (this Training centre is expected to close and transfer activity to Evelina Site on 1 April 2010) Postal Address: Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust, Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6LH. General information on the Trust: This 700 bed acute trust is located in SE London and was developed as the Regional Paediatric Surgery centre for the old SE Thames Region (population 3.5 million, birth rate 52,000/annum). The Children's Hospital has 100 beds including a 30 bedded surgical ward (shared with orthopaedics and ENT), an adolescent unit and a 28 bedded NICU. We have 2 level II PICU beds to support paediatric surgery and up to 6 HDU beds. There is a dedicated paediatric operating suite and radiology unit. The dedicated Paediatric A&E is staffed by paediatric medical and nursing staff. The Trust is affiliated to the Guy's, King's and St Thomas' United Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Kings College, London. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Miss M. Agrawal : Spina bifida, urology Mrs D Kufeji Colorectal/Laparoscopy/Urology Miss M. McCullagh : Upper GI Tract/Paediatric trauma Mrs K Patil Urology (General call) Mrs C Richards : Upper & lower GI surgery Mr Ali Keshtgar Laparoscopy/Urology/Anorectal motility Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching sessions / week No of research / free sessions / week On Call Rota : Resident 2 2 1 (Friday mornings) 1-2 1:6 with internal cover Regular Activities Academic activities now concentrated on Friday mornings – whole session dedicated to teaching including journal club, case presentations, research, fortnightly Radiology meeting, a monthly Histopathology meeting and monthly M&M meeting. There is also a weekly joint meeting with Paediatric Medicine, weekly Hospital Grand Rounds, weekly Paediatric Nutrition round and monthly Fetal Medicine meeting. Library and Information Services Multidisciplinary medical and nursing library, Computer-assisted Learning Laboratory with online access. Various packages in department computers. Research centre and statistics on site. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Miss Majella McCullagh 0208-333-3030 ext 6761 0208-690-1963 The Royal London Hospital NHS Trust (Approved for Years 1-6) Postal Address: The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London, E1 1BB General information on the Trust: The Royal London Hospital NHS Trust comprises the Royal London Hospital (Whitechapel), St. Bartholomew's Hospital (Smithfield) and the London Chest Hospital (Victoria Park). The Trust is a large teaching hospital of 1267 beds providing a wide range of secondary and tertiary specialties. Apart from a very large secondary paediatric service, paediatric specialties include Gastroenterology, Oncology, Endocrinology, Respiratory Medicine, Cystic Fibrosis and Neurology. One of the two level III neonatal units in North Thames (East) is on the Whitechapel site. The children's service has close links with the Newham Paediatric Service and the Homerton Hospital Ambulatory Unit. The three Obstetric Units in the Health Authority have a total of 12,000 deliveries a year. The Joint Medical College of St. Bartholomew's and the Royal London Hospital are integrated with Queen Mary Westfield. Because of the helicopter service, the dept is able to offer the best training in paediatric trauma in the UK. Paediatric Surgery Consultants and special interests: Mr Niall Jones : Gastroenterology, laparoscopy Mr. D. Misra : Neonatal, Urology Mr. H Ward: Colorectal surgery, Mr Simon Phelps: Gastroenterology, trauma Mrs A Joshi- Urology Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week per SpR: No. of outpatient clinics per week per SpR No. of teaching/research/free sessions per week per SpR 3 2 2.5 On Call Rota : Full Shift rota Regular Activities Weekly: x-ray meeting, protected teaching (one hour per week) Monthly: histopathology, unit audit, journal club, hospital half day audit Library and Information Services Paediatric library and medline available on site. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Email: Mr Devesh Misra 0207 377 7000 Ext 3983 devesh.misra@bartsandthelondon.nhs.uk St. George's Hospital (Approved for Years 1-6) Postal Address: Blackshaw Road, London, SW17 0QT. General information on the Trust: Located in South West London serving old SW Thames Region (population 3.2 million, birth rate 36,000/year). Paediatric Surgery has 20 inpatient beds and 10 day case. Regional NICU can accommodate 30 babies, and PICU 10 children (5 currently). We have a dedicated paediatric operating theatre. The Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine has an active programme for antenatal diagnosis and therapy. Paediatric Neurosurgery is provided within the Trust at AMH but will be moving to the St Georges site in late 2002. In combination with the Royal Marsden Hospital we form the major Paediatric Oncology Centre for South East England. Specialist Clinics include: anorectal, gastroenterological, nephro-urological and neuropathic bladder. The SWT Regional Clinical Genetics Unit and Specialist Paediatric Pathology services are based at St George’s. There is a separate Paediatric A&E Department staffed by Paediatricians and RSCN’s. St. Georges Hospital is one of the four designated centres for major trauma in London. The hospital is affiliated to London University. The Academic departments within the Medical School complement the clinical service and provide facilities for laboratory research. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr. S. J. K. Holmes: GI, Oncology Miss S. A. Boddy : Urology Mr. E. A. Nicholls : GI, Vascular access, laparoscopy Mr. B. Okoye: Oncology, Laparoscopy, Thoracic Surgery Mr. Z. Mukhtar: Laparoscopy, GI Mr. Feilim Murphy: Urology Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week 2-3 No. of outpatient clinics per week 1-2 No. of teaching sessions per week 3 No. of research sessions per week 1 No. of free sessions per week 2 (medical student teaching 1/month)) On Call Rota : 1:6 with prospective cover. Optional resident/non-resident Regular Activities Weekly x-ray meeting. Monthly histopathology conference, audit meeting and Journal Club. Weekly peri-natal meeting. Alternate weeks consultant led registrar teaching round. Weekly tumour board, multidisciplinary team. Library and Information Services Available on-site Medical School library. Computer in SPR office with Internet facilities. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Mr. B. Okoye 0208 725 3322 0208 725 0711 Email: bruce.okoye@stgeorges.nhs.uk King's College Hospital (Approved for Years 1-6) Postal Address: Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS General information on the Trust: The Paediatric Surgery department is located within the Variety Club Children's Hospital which provides a full range of tertiary services The hospital has 800 beds, is a regional Trauma centre for London, and is affiliated to Kings Health Partners (academic health sciences centre). Within the Trust are two supra-regional centres; The Paediatric Liver Centre (offering Small Bowel and Liver Transplantation) and The Harris Birthright Centre for Fetal Medicine and regional units for neonatal medicine and cystic fibrosis. All are fully supported by the surgical department. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Prof. M. Davenport Pancreato-hepatobiliary & neonatal surgery Mr. S. Patel Neonatal surgery Mr N. Ade-Ajayi Minimally invasive surgery Mr A. Desai Minimally invasive surgery Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching/research/free sessions per week 2 (8 hrs) 2 (5 hrs) 2 (3 hrs) On Call Rota : Non-resident 1:6 Regular Activities X-ray meeting x 2/ month. Pathology meeting x 2/month Audit x 1/month Weekly Journal Club Access to all academic and teaching activities of Institute of Liver Studies Library and Information Services Medical School Library on site Junior Doctors Hours Band Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Compliant Y / N Prof. M. Davenport 0203 299 3350 0203 299 4021 markdav2@ntlworld.com Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust (Approved for Years 4-6) Postal Address: Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH General information on the Trust: The hospital is situated in central London, close to Russell Square. The hospital provides for all paediatric specialties and sub specialties. It is affiliated to the University of London and is beside the Institute of Child Health. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Professor A. Pierro : Energy metabolism, neonatal, oncology Mr. D. P. Drake : Neonatal, Laparoscopy Mr. E. K. Kiely : Neonatal, Oncology Mr JI Curry : Laparoscopy, Neonatal, College tutor Mr P Decoppi : Stem cell research, Neonatal, Laparoscopy Miss K Cross (L) : Neonatal, Laparoscopy Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of formal teaching sessions per week On Call Rota : Resident 2-4 2-3 at least 1 1:8 Regular Activities In addition to teaching there is an x-ray meeting each week, a histology meeting once a month and each Unit audits its performance each month. There is a journal club each week Specialised Clinics Antenatal = 1 per month Library and Information Services Library facilities are available in the Institute of Child Health and the main libraries can be accessed by modem Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mr. JI Curry 0207 405 9200 Ext 7826 0207 829 7826 curryj@gosh.nhs.uk Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children NHS Department of Paediatric Urology (Approved for Years 4 – 6) Postal Address: Great Ormond Street London WC1N 3JH Paediatric Urology Consultants: Mr A Cherian (Great Ormond Street Hospital/ University College London) Minimally invasive surgery, DSD, cloacala anomlies Mr I Mushtaq (Great Ormond Street Hospital) minimally invasive surgery, DSD, bladder exstrophy, cloacal anomalies Mr P Cuckow (Great Ormond Street Hospital/ University College London) bladder exstrophy, hypospadias Locum Consultant (Great Ormond Street Hospital/ University College London) Usual SpR commitments: GOSH - 4 all day lists - outpatient clinics - 2 formal teaching sessions Regular Activities: X-ray meeting Journal club Urodynamics meeting 1/week 1/month 1/week Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Mr I Mushtaq 0207 405 9200 Extn 5918 (GOSH) 0207 188 4611 (Guy’s) 0207 813 8260 (GOSH) 0207 188 4591 (Guy’s) MushtI@gosh.nhs.uk Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust (Approved for Years 1-6) Postal Address: Regional Centre for Paediatric Surgery, Room EG217D, Southampton General Hospital, Hants, SO16 6YD General information on the Trust: Southampton General Hospital has approximately 1000 beds. Within this there is a Children's Unit which contains all Children's Services, except transplantation Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr. D. M. Burge General Paediatric Surgery Mr. D. M. Griffiths General Paediatric Surgery Mr. R. A. Wheeler Paediatric Oncological Surgery Miss L. R. Kitteringham General and Laparoscopic Surgery Mr M.P.Stanton General and Laparoscopic Surgery Mr. P. S. Malone Paediatric Urology Mr. H. A. Steinbrecher Paediatric Urology with laparoscopy Mr S. Griffin Paediatric and Adolescent Urology Usual or average fixed SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching/research/free sessions per week 2 1-2 3 On Call Rota: Non-resident Regular Activities Joint meeting with Paediatricians, Grand Round, Paediatric Surgical Audit, Registrar teaching, Uroradiology meeting, Consultant teaching round - All weekly Paediatric radiology meeting - 2 per month Hospital Study half-day paediatric surgical meeting with Journal Club, M+M, Mandatory Training - monthly. Library and Information Services The Wessex Medical Library Local Programme Director: Telephone: Fax: Email: Mr.D.M. Griffiths 023 8079 6489 023 8079 5230 Mervyn.Griffiths@suht.swest.nhs.uk Oxford Children’s Hospital (Approved for Years 1-6) Postal Address: Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU, 01865 741166 General information on the Trust: The Trust includes 5 hospitals in Oxford. All neo-natal and paediatric surgery is in the new Children’s Hospital located at the 800 bed John Radcliffe Hospital. Facilities include two paediatric surgical wards, 3 paediatric medical wards and 14 bed paediatric intensive care/HDU, adolescent unit and day wards. A new build in the next few years is expected to double the 36 bed SCBU. Other paediatric specialties include cardiology and cardiac surgery, gastroenterology, neurology and neurosurgery, head & neck surgery (plastics, max-fax, ENT and craniofacial), trauma service, respiratory, endocrine and oncology services. The hospital is affiliated to Oxford University and there is a funded research fellow on the Paediatric surgery on call rota and an ACF post working with the Reader in paediatric surgery. The paediatric surgical service has a high academic interest and clinical interests include laparoscopic surgery and urology with intersex and nephro-urology special clinics. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Ms. R. Hitchcock: Urology Mr I Willet Urology/general Ms S Wager Lower GI Mr. H. Grant: Upper GI Miss K. Lakhoo Ante natal, Thoracic & Oncology Professor P Johnson General & OCDEM Islet Cell Unit Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching/research/free sessions per week On Call Rota: 1/8 Non Resident 2-3 1-2 2 compliant Regular Activities Weekly academic morning Including presentation and by rotation - x-ray, pathology, audit, Journal Club Library and Information Services Hospital Library has 24 hour access. Ward, SpR office and library have web access, literature search facilities and email. Use of all university facilities. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Email: Ms Rowena Hitchcock 01865 231671 rowena.hitchcock@orh.nhs.uk Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (Approved for year 1 – 4) Postal Address: Tel: Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY 01603 286286 General information on the Trust: The Paediatric Surgical team is based in The Jenny Lind Children’s Department of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The Department provides services in general and neonatal paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery to a local population of 100,000 children. The Neonatal intensive care Unit provides the level 3 service to the East Anglian network. The 31 in-patient beds include 4 high-dependency beds and 8 single rooms of which 2 are designated isolation cubicles. There is a dedicated paediatric day procedure facility within the main day procedure unit purely for surgical cases. There is also a 4-bed day ward and a 8bed Assessment Unit in the department. The latter receives all children referred for potential admission. The Neonatal Unit contains 6 intensive care, 6 high dependency care and 16 special care cots and offers Level 3 care to inborn and out-born infants with medical and surgical problems. Other on-site paediatric specialties include cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, respiratory, endocrine, head & neck surgery (plastics, max-fac and ENT), trauma, orthopaedics and oncology services. The Physiology Laboratory within the hospital also provides pH, oesophageal & ano-rectal manometry and urodynamics studies for children. The hospital is affiliated to University of East Anglia and Institute of Food Science and there is plenty of collaboration between the clinical and academic departments. The paediatric surgical service has a high academic interest and clinical interests include support care after discharge, laparoscopic surgery, necrotising enterocolitis and hypospadias. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr Thomas Tsang General, GI, Laparoscopy, Hypospadias Mr Azad Mathur General, Urology, Laparoscopy, Bariatric Surgery Mr Milind Kulkarni General, Urology, Thoracic, Laparoscopy Mr Ashish Minocha General, GI, Thoracic, Laparoscopy Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching/research/admin sessions per week 2 2-3 (includes out-reach & antenatal clinics) 2 On Call Rota: 1 in 5 Hybrid, non-resident, compliant Regular Activities Induction Mandatory Training, covers child protection (Trust programme) Resuscitation Training Paediatric Surgery time-table 1. Journal Club, Radiology, Histopathology, Mortality & Morbidity, Registrars’ teaching, Urodynamics 2. Audit, includes yearly Neonatal Surgery Statistics, 3. Research – discussion on project preparation, paper/poster presentation, basic statistics 4. Skills Laboratory - laparoscopic box-trainer and gastro-intestinal endoscopy simulator 5. Eastern Paediatric Surgery Group, 3 meetings yearly Multi-disciplinary 1. Friday Grand Round: includes Neonatology, Gastro-enterology, Radiology 2. Wednesday clinical presentation 3. Foetal medicine review 4. Norfolk Paediatric Education Group Presentation and chairing are by rotation of trainees Library and Information Services Hospital Library has 24 hour access. There is service to access the Library of University of East Anglia. Ward, SpR office and library have web access, literature search facilities and email. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Email: Mr Thomas Tsang 01603 286356 thomas.tsang@nnuh.nhs.uk Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, (Approved for years 1-6) Postal Address: Tel: Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ 01223-245151 General information on the Trust: Addenbrookes is the second largest hospital in the UK, comprising 1600 beds. Paediatric Surgery department is part of the Division of Women’s and Childrens Services. Facilities include four paediatric wards, Child development centre, Paediatric Day unit, Paediatric Assessment Unit and 9 bed paediatric intensive care/HDU, and day surgery unit in the new Treatment Centre. There is a Level 3 NICU with 17 beds and SCBU with 15 beds. Other paediatric specialties include; gastroenterology, respiratory, metabolic and diabetes, immunology, neurology and neurosurgery, head & neck surgery (plastics, max-fax, ENT and craniofacial), trauma, endocrine and oncology services. There is a large University Department of Paediatrics including 2 Professors. The hospital is affiliated to Cambridge University and there is a funded research fellow on the Paediatric surgery on call rota. The paediatric surgical service clinical interests include laparoscopic surgery, thoracic surgery, oncology, urology with special clinics in urology intersex and nephro-urology, gastroenterology, antenatal care, neonatology, and thoracic. There are peripheral clinics/day surgery in 4 district hospitals. Paediatric Surgery consultants and special interests: Mr. A. Aslam: Laparoscopy/GI, Thoracic Mr J. Brain Oncology/Neonates Mr. D. Carroll Urology/Stone disease Miss N. Smith Laparoscopy/GI Mr. M. Williams Urology Mr. K. Rasheed (locum) General/Oncology/Antenatal Usual or average SpR commitments No. of theatre lists per week No. of outpatient clinics per week No. of teaching/research/free sessions per week On Call Rota: 1/7 Non Resident 2-3 1-2 2 compliant Regular Activities Weekly grand round/teaching, tumour board, radiology, gastroenterology/respiratory MDT Monthly Radiology, pathology, audit, journal club, clinical governance, by rotation Library and Information Services Clinical school library. Ward, SpR office and library have web access, literature search facilities and email. Use of all university facilities. Local Programme Director: Telephone: Email: Mr. Adil Aslam 01223-256276 adil.aslam@addenbrookes.nhs.uk Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton & Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust. Postal address: Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE Tel: 01273 696955: 100 general paediatric beds, 6 HDU / PICU (Level 2) beds. On site neonatal unit with regional neonatal transport team o 11 NICU beds o 9 HDU beds o 18 SCBU (8 at different site of Trust; Princess Royal Hospital) Fetal medicine combined monthly outpatient clinic Children’s Assessment Unit (CASU) for general practitioner referrals, also used as a short stay emergency observation unit. 24 hour Paediatric Radiologist , Histopathology, Paediatric Anaesthetic cover, A&E Department 18 966 paediatric patients reviewed per year in A&E. Outreach outpatients clinics weekly in 6 different hospitals. Combined weekly gastroenterology and paediatric surgical ward rounds. Paediatric oncology, ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, respiratory specialities, and endocrinology departments also all on site. Specialist urology outreach outpatient clinics. Neurodevelopmental delay outreach clinics. Population referral base of approximately 1.5 million. Paediatric Surgical Consultants & special interests: Ms A Van der Avoirt General, Urology, & Minimal Access Surgery Local Programme Director Mr V Kalidasan General & Urology Mr A Mahomed General & Minimal Access Surgery Ms R Hallows General & Nutrition Registrar weekly average commitments: Elective theatre lists 9 Emergency theatre list 5 Outpatient clinics (including outreach) Teaching sessions Research sessions / admin 10 3 2 On-call Rota: 1 in 6 non-resident on call. Out-of hours covered by the paediatric team. Education Programme: Dedicated weekly lunchtime teaching session. Weekly Thursday morning departmental sessions rotating through; histology, radiology, journal club, research meeting. Comprehensive medical library on site. Journal and textbook access. Paediatric Surgical Registrar separate room, with computer access and surgical skills lab equipment to aid the acquisition of surgical skills (laparoscopic & open). Consultant assistance with clinical audit and research culminating in circa 10 peer review publications and presentations at international meetings per annum. 10 audit sessions per year presented at local level. Local programme director: Anouk Van der Avoirt Telephone: 01273696955 (x2316) Fax: 012735523120 Email: anouk.vanderavoirt@bsuh.nhs.uk Speciality Training Committee ______________________________________________ South East of England HST Consortium is managed by a multi-regional Speciality Training Committee (STC), comprising representatives from each of the training centres, a member of the SAC in Paediatric Surgery, an academic representative, an overseas doctor representative, a flexible training representative, a trainee representative and representatives of the four regional deaneries and their staff. The STC meets quarterly to discuss issues relating to the programme. STC Chair Miss Rowena Hitchcock Consultant Paediatric Surgeon & Urologist John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford OX3 9DU Programme Director Mr Mervyn Griffiths Consultant Paed Surgeon Southampton general Hospital Tremona Rd Southampton +44 (023) 80 796489