Title in Times New Roman (10 pt Bold) Using First Capital Letters (Recommended Size: Two Lines) F. Author1, S. Author2, T. Author1,2. (1) Institution, Address, Town, Country, first_author_email@address. (2) Institution, Address, Town, Country. No abstracts will be accepted that include presenting authors who do not register to attend the ELGRA2015 Meeting. Abstracts may be rejected unless the following guidelines are respected. The full abstract as presented in this template cannot be longer than 1 page for both oral and poster presentations. Do not use non-standard abbreviations in the title. The abstract should be written in such a way that the Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions are clearly described. However, the use of these headings in the abstract text is NOT mandatory. Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically according to the following instructions. Abstracts submitted by fax or by email will not be accepted. Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format. The file should be named as “Name.Surname_x.pdf”, corresponding to the Presenting Author (as in Thodoris.Karapantsios_1.pdf). The number corresponds to the number of submitted abstracts by the same first author. It is important to follow strictly the format of this document. We strongly recommend to type the abstract over this template in order to ensure that all abstract contributions have the same style in the final publication, i.e. two columns of text written in Times New Roman 9 pt (justified) with page margins of 2.0 cm all around. When submitting your abstract, choose the most relevant topic. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide on a final topic assignment upon abstract selection. Leave one line (9 pt) before and after each Figure and, if possible, please insert the Figures as Picture Enhanced Metafiles (e.g., Figure 1, where the number refers to the Figure number: 1, 2, 3…). The corresponding captions (Times New Roman 9 pt) should follow straight after the Figures, without any line between the Figure and its caption. Figure 1. Caption (Times New Roman 9 pt). It is recommended that Tables should be numbered and composed within one of the page columns (e.g., Table 1). Leave one line before and after each Table (9 pt). Table 1. Caption (Times New Roman 9 pt).a Times New Roman 9 pt Times New Roman 9 pt a Bold Footnote text if needed (9 pt). Tables requiring both columns of the page are not recommended, but if necessary they should be included just before the acknowledgements (e.g., Table 2). The sections for acknowledgements and references should appear at the end of the abstract (Times New Roman 9 pt). Leave one line before the section titles. References should be sequentially numbered in the text and indicated in square brackets before puncture signs (e.g., “…photocatalysis [1,2].”; “…as shown by other authors [2-4],…”). Please follow the corresponding styles for articles in journals [1], conference proceedings [2], books [3] and articles in books [4]; a maximum of 10 references is recommended (not valid for plenary lectures). Acknowledgements The acknowledgements should be written here. Thank you for spending your time in reading the instructions. Feel free to contact us for any further information. References [1] X. Author, Y. Author, Z. Author, Catalysis Today, 20 (2001) 537. [2] X. Author, Y. Author, Z. Author, Proc. of Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2006, 10. [3] TiO2-based photocatalysts. X. Editor, Y. Editor, Z. Editor (Eds.), Rome, Wiley, 2000. 1