2008 Calls for Proposals Advisory Service (Voluntary)

Special Call for Expressions of Interest for a Focused Activity:
APN Climate Adaptation Framework
Full Proposal Template
DEADLINE: 17 October 2014 (cafeoi2014@apn-gcr.org)
Please provide the following information (maximum: 1 A4 sheet double-sided – 2 pages)
Letterhead/Logo of Institution
Full Name/Title of Proponent
Institution/Affiliation of Proponent
Contact Details (Institutional Address, Tel/Fax and Email)
Title, duration and amount requested for proposed activity
Type of Activity
[Insert proposal title, duration and amount of funding requested from the APN]
[Highlight in bold and underlined text which is the main activity]
(a) Regional Research (b) Capacity Development
Proponent and collaborators’ organisation/institution(s) and other
organisations/institutions/countries involved
[Insert collaborating countries and institutions, including names, institutions and email contact details here]
Summary of proposed activity and its relevance to the Focus Activity
[Insert information and relevance of the activity here noting whether it is capacity building or research-based]
Statement of why the activity is needed and its policy relevance (highlight policy questions to be
[Insert details here]
Brief description of proposed activities: methodology, timeframe, outcomes/products (including
publication/dissemination plan)
[Insert details here]
Qualification(s) of the proponent/collaborators to undertake the proposed Activity
[Insert details here]
8. Budget estimate (provide brief budget breakdown for the proposed activity)
[Insert details here]
Any other relevant information
[Insert details here]
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Special Call for Expressions of Interest for a Focused Activity:
APN Climate Adaptation Framework
Part II: Full Proposal (maximum 3 pages)
(Calibri 10 point; all margins 1-inch or 2.5cm)
Address the Conditions for the Full Proposal (Criterion 1)
State how the revised activity addresses the conditions of the full proposal as outlined in the email sent to you.
Extent of Collaboration with other Countries and/or Institutions (Criterion 2)
List of the proponent and major collaborators (names, organisations, contact details). This should also include the
contribution, if any, of developed country expertise and the role each plays in the activity.
Full Details of the Proposed Activity (Criteria 3, 4)
By expanding on the information provided in the EOI submitted to the APN, your full proposal needs additional
information on the following points:
3-1 Description of the entire proposed project
3-2 Literature review
3-3 Detailed work plan and methodology
Specific Relationship to the focused Call (Criterion 3)
Expanding on 3 above, provide information on which of the high priority interests the proposed activity covers
and why.
Institutional and Financial Arrangements (Criterion 5)
Policy-Relevance, Networking, Dissemination & Long-term Impacts (Criterion 6)
7. Appendices (templates for A1 to A6 should be used and are available on the Online Advisory Service (hyperlink)
 A1. Timeline
 A2. Budget and Matching Finances Plan
 A3. Milestone Matrix
 A4. Risk Management Plan
 A5. CVs of Proponents and Collaborators
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