week 3 blog submission.

How can document review, observation, questionnaires and surveys, sampling
and research be used to answer the following:
What is the traditional approach to systems development?
What is the object-oriented approach to systems development?
What textbooks, journals and/or websites might be useful to search for
articles about Comparing and contrasting the traditional and objectoriented approaches to systems development?
The fact finding techniques mentioned above are used by system analysts
before interviewing to develop better interview questions and knowing more
about the particular project. Its not right to say that in every case all the fact
finding techniques will be helpful to gain knowledge about project, its part of
job of system analysts to think and find out which one will be good among all
fact finding techniques for a particular project.
How to use and the explanation of above fact finding techniques
are as follows:
Document Review: This fact finding technique is very useful
technique to know how the current system work. In this technique
system analysts try to learn about the system documentation,
forms of both kind completed or blank and software
documentation. During document review system analysts
should be concerned with updated and modified system tools. This
information and documents can be used during interview process also.
With the help of above explanation it can be deduced that
document review is a useful technique to answer above questions. As by
using document review system analysts can have detailed
information of currently employed or working system of
Observation: Observation is seeing the system or process in
action and it provides a better understanding of working scenario.
Observation is not having a fix procedure but it requires a lot of
personal attention to every part of work. It is very useful to maintain
good relationship with workers and supervisors during observation. In
some cases it is also important to participate in work to have better
understanding of task. During observation it should be noticed very
carefully that how information is generated and how it is
communicated from one level to other level.
Observation is also a very useful technique for finding out
answers of above questions as by using this technique a system analyst
can verify the system documentation and interviews
statement and also able check whether procedures really operate as
they are described.
Questionnaires and Surveys: As name suggest questionnaire is a
list of questions. In other words, questionnaire which is also called as a
survey is a document containing a number of relevant questions
this helps to get views of a large number of individuals about a
particular process, product or system. This fact-finding technique is
mostly used to improve the product or services provided by a company.
This can be done before launching a product or after providing services.
Questionnaire may be send to individual either online or traditional
paper form depends on the case. There are few things which should be
kept in mind while preparing a questionnaire:1)
Questionnaire should be brief and clear.
Questions should arrange in logical order.
Check, recheck and triple check before publishing.
Questions should be close ended except one general comment
5) Use check boxes, text boxes and drop down lists to it more
convenient and time saving.
6) A proper heading should be given on top of questionnaire.
It depends upon company requirement wether it should be anonymous
or not. All questions should be prepared in such a way that it will be
useful for further fact-finding.
Questionnaires and surveys are not a very helpful technique for
answering above questions and it is also very long and time taking
process of fact-finding. As the system analyst has no such questions
which he/she have to ask a large number of individual?
Sampling: This technique is generally used for checking, testing or
verifying the things which are in large number. Among the entire
similar product one is selected mostly on the random basis. Sampling
techniques include systematic sampling, stratified sampling and
random sampling.
For example-: a) If there are 500 hundred patients in clinic centre and
system analyst is picking every 50th sample then it is systematic
sampling. b) If system analyst is picking five samples on the basis on
any particular attribute like five patients from all age groups then
it is stratified sampling. This sampling is mostly on percentage
basis. c) If system analyst selects any 80 samples among all then it
is random sampling.
Sampling is a useful technique for finding out the answers of
above questions. A clinic might be having a long list of patient so no
one can use data of each and every patient for verifying or knowing
system. So that person has to use any of three method of sampling for
getting better and quick results.
Research: In simple words, research means searching
information from the different available resources. Resources for
finding out information or knowledge about product or company are
internet, magazines, journals, newspapers, seminars, professional
meetings and libraries. But among all these resources, internet is the
best source for getting quick, relevant and detailed information. Online
groups can be joined, topics be discussed with experts available online
and web page of company can be assessed.
Research is also a useful fact-finding technique for knowing and
getting information in a better way. Most helpful kind of research is
site visit, visit to physical location is very important for knowing
things in a better a way. Internet research is very convenient and time
saving process of getting information.