MERIDIAN VETERINARY PRACTICE LTD 11 Edith Avenue, Peacehaven East Sussex BN10 8JB Tel: 01273 585386 Fax: 01273 580874 VACCINATING YOUR CAT Cat flu is a viral infection. These viruses that cause flu are very common and your cat is likely to come be infected if he or she goes outside or goes into a cattery. Some cases of cat flu just involve mild sneezing and a temperature. Other cases can be very severe. The cat can get mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis and even secondary pneumonia. Many cats have died due to cat flu infection. Feline Leukaemia is a virus disease of cats only. The virus can depress the immune system and cause wide ranging symptoms. It can also cause cancer. Young cats are the most vulnerable to becoming persistently infected. Most older cats can fight off the disease. There is no equivalent ‘human leukaemia’ virus. Feline Infectious Enteritis This is a viral disease which causes severe diarrhoea and death in many cases. We can vaccinate against feline flu, leukaemia and enteritis. FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is another fatal virus disease of cats. It is very like the human HIV (AIDS) virus. People cannot catch AIDS from cats. The symptoms of FIV and feline leukaemia are often very similar. FIV like leukaemia can only be diagnosed by blood tests. FIV is usually spread between cats by fighting. There is no vaccine available against FIV. Vaccinations: For initial protection we recommend that kittens are vaccinated twice at around 9 and 12 weeks of age against flu, enteritis and leukaemia. We then recommend an annual booster vaccination each year for flu and every 3 years for enteritis. Because cats over 2 are very unlikely to contract leukaemia virus we discontinue leukaemia after the first booster here at Meridian. We also recommend that adult cats which have never been vaccinated have an initial course of 2 vaccinations for flu and enteritis. In an adult cat which was vaccinated as a kitten but boosters have lapsed we normally give a booster and not a full primary course. Every case will be treated as an individual here at Meridian. For example if your cat is elderly or ill we will look closely at his or her condition, individual disease risk and lifestyle. Based on all this information we will decide with you how often to vaccinate. We would also like to take this chance to discuss your cat’s annual health check. When your cat comes in for a vaccination he or she receives a thorough health assessment by the vet. This involves a full clinical examination. We check your cat’s mouth, teeth, ears, lymph nodes, heart and lungs, tummy, skin and weight. We will also discuss with you any aspect of your cat’s health or well being which concerns you. We very often spot problems at health checks which owners have not noticed. In this situation we can often treat or control the problem before it becomes too advanced.