Line Models and SIL 1.0 Introduction In these notes, I present different line models that are used, and I also make some comments on Examples 4.2 and 4.3 leading to discussion of surge impedance loading, and finally I give a hint for problem 4.21. 2.0 Simplified models (Section 4.5) We recall two things. First, we have the socalled “exact” transmission line equations: V1 V2 coshl ZC I 2 sinh l (1) V2 I1 I 2 cosh l sinh l (2) ZC Second, we may represent a transmission line using a π-equivalent model, shown below, if we use Z’ and Y’/2, where IZ I1 I2 Z’ IY1 IY2 Y’/2 Y’/2 V1 Fig. 1 1 V2 sinh l Z ' Z C sinh l Z (3) l 2 l tanh( l / 2) Y' tanh Y (4) ZC 2 l / 2 Note that the two are equivalent, i.e., use of the π-equivalent transmission model with Z’ and Y’ is equivalent to using eqs. (1), (2). Question: When is it OK to use the πequivalent transmission model with Z and Y (instead of Z’ and Y’)? (Recall Z=zl, Y=yl where l is line length). Let’s look at eqs. (3), (4) in more detail. They tell us that Z’≈Z and Y≈Y’ when sinh l 1 (5) l tanh( l / 2) 1 (6) l / 2 2 To see when this happens, let’s look up in a good math table how to express sinh(x) and tanh(x) as a Taylor’s series. I used [1, p. 5859] to find that: x3 x5 x7 sinh x x 3! 5! 7! x 3 2 x 5 17 x 7 tanh x x 3 15 315 2 π x2 4 Using these in eqs. (5) and (6), we get: 3 5 7 l l l l 3! 5! l 7! 1 3 5 7 l / 2 2l / 2 17l / 2 l / 2 3 15 l / 2 315 (7) 1 (8) For both of these equations, they become true as the higher-order terms in the numerator get small relative to the first term in the numerator. This happens for small |γl|, which occurs for small line length l. So when |γl| is small, it is quite reasonable to use Z’=Z=zl and Y’=Y=yl. 3 Consider a lossless line, i.e., a line for which r=0 in z=r+jx and g=0 in y=g+jb. (Note that for inductive series elements and capacitive shunt elements, that x and b will be positive numbers when defined with positive signs in z and y). Then zy (r jx)( g jb) rg j (rb gx) xb For transmission lines, g=0 always. So jrb xb In the lossless case, r=0, and we get xb j xb j (9) (10) For a lossless line (γ=jβ), it is possible to show that γ=jβ=j0.0000013/meter [2, pg 211] is quite typical for most transmission lines. For a 100 mile-long line: l 0.0000013 1609meters 100miles 0.2092 meter mile Then: sinh( j 0.2092) j 0.2077 tanh( j 0.2092 / 2) tanh( j 0.1046) j 0.105 which shows that sinh(γl)≈γl tanh(γl/2)≈ γl/2 4 as required. The loss of accuracy from the approximation in these cases can be seen from: sinh l 0.2077 0.9928 l 0.2092 tanh( l / 2) 0.105 1.0038 l / 2 0.1046 The text recommends that lines longer than 150 miles should use Long-Line model, but [2] recommends that lines longer than about 100 miles should use the Long-Line model. Lines below about 100 miles may use Z=zl and Y=yl. Doing so results in the MediumLength model, sometimes also referred to as the nominal π-equivalent model. A final model suggested by the text is the short-length model, for lines shorter than 50 miles. This is the same as the MediumLength model except Y is neglected altogether. This makes sense from the point of view that the “parallel-plate capacitor” in 5 this case, can be considered to have short length, and thus a small area of the “plates.” 3.0 Surge impedance loading Recall our definition of characteristic impedance ZC as: z y ZC (11) Example 4.2 considers a transmission line terminated in its characteristic impedance, per Fig. 2 (the long-line model is used). IZ I1 I2 Z’ IY1 Y’/2 IY2 Y’/2 V1 V2 ZC Fig. 2 One result of the analysis in Example 4.2 is to show that the “complex power gain” (the ratio of the power flowing out of the line to the power flowing into the line) is given by: 6 z y S21 P21 e 2l S12 P12 (12) where α is the attenuation constant (γ=α+jβ). This says that when a line is terminated in ZC, the complex power gain (actually loss) is purely real. The implication of this is that the line (when terminated in ZC), only affects the real power (decreases it) but does not affect the reactive power at all. Consider reactive power implication: Whatever reactive power flows out of the line (and into the load) also flows into the line. So a line terminated in ZC has a very special character with respect to reactive power: the amount of reactive power consumed by the series X is exactly compensated by the reactive power supplied by the shunt Y, for every inch of the line! 7 Another result of Example 4.2 is: V2 e l (13) V1 It is the case that α is always non-negative. This means that eαl>1 and 0<e-αl<1.0, and therefore |V2|<|V1|. So when the line is terminated in ZC, |V2| will always be less than or equal to |V1|. But what if the line is lossless? As shown by eq. (10), we see that α=0. Referring back to eq. (13), this means that: V2 1 (14) V1 This is a remarkable thing. If we terminate a lossless line in ZC, the voltage profile along the line will be flat! In other words, the voltage along the line will everywhere have the same magnitude. 8 So |V2|=|V1| for lossless line terminated in ZC. Note also that lossless implies ZC jl ind j c z y l ind c l ind l L cl C (15) So ZC is purely real for the lossless case. So for lossless line terminated in ZC, since ZC is purely real, then only real power is delivered to it, and since the line is lossless, this same real power is delivered from the source. Therefore: 2 P12 2 V2 V 1 ZC ZC (16) The characteristic impedance is clearly an important parameter. It is also commonly referred to in the industry as the surge impedance. And the power flowing into it, per eq. (16), is called the surge impedance loading, denoted by PSIL, i.e., 2 PSIL V1 ZC (17) 9 Equation (17) gives SIL in terms of perphase power (and line-to-neutral voltage). The text also gives it in terms of 3-phase power (and line-to-line voltage) as: 3 PSIL V1ll 2 (18) ZC Surge impedance and SIL are given for typical overhead 60 Hz three-phase transmission lines in Table 1 [3, 4]. Table 1 2 PSIL Vrated / ZC Vrated ZC L / C (kV) (MW) (ohms) 69 366-400 12-13 115 380* 35 138 366-405 47-52 161 380* 69 230 365-395 134-145 345 280-366 325-425 500 233-294 850-1075 765 254-266 2200-2300 1100 231 5238 * Estimated 10 4.0 Line limits (Section 4.9) Fig. 3 is a well-known conceptual curve that captures some attributes of transmission lines (note that the numbers are typical and limits for any particular line may vary). Note the vertical axis is given as a percentage of SIL, simply because SIL provides a convenient characteristic of a transmission line that captures an attribute related to its power handling capability as a function of its physical construction. However, SIL does not capture the influence of length on power handling capability. Fig. 3 11 These attributes are: Power limit decreases with line length Short lines are limited mainly by thermal problems. Medium length lines tend to be limited by voltage-related problems. Very long lines tend to be limited by stability problems. 5.0 Complex power expression This material combines Sec. 4.6, 4.8, 4.9. Consider the long transmission line of Fig. 4. The voltages at the ends are specified as: V1 V1 e j1 V2 V2 e j 2 (19) The series impedance is Z Z e j Z (20) IZ I1 I2 Z’ IY1 Y’/2 IY2 Y’/2 V1 Fig. 4 12 V2 ZL The complex power transferred into the line from bus 1 is: 2 * * S12 V1 I Z V1 Y / 2 (21) But IZ can be expressed as: V1 V2 IZ (22) Z Substitution of (22) into (21) yields: * V V 2 1 * 2 S12 V1 V1 Y / 2 (23) Z Distributing the V1 through, we obtain: V1V1* V1V2* 2 * S12 V Y / 2 1 Z * V1 V1 V2 e j 1 2 2 * (24) * V Y / 2 1 * Z Z where θ12= θ1- θ2. Eq (24) is the same as eq. 4.29, pg. 104 in the text except eq. (24) also includes the effect of the sending-end linecharging, as represented by the last term. 2 13 6.0 Circle diagrams If we ignore the last term in eq. (24), which means assuming no charging capacitance, and if we assume Z’=Z, i.e., for the “shortline model,” eq. (24) becomes: 2 V1 V1 V2 e S12 * Z Z* j12 Using Z*=|Z|e-j∟Z, we get 2 V1 jZ V1 V2 jZ j S12 e e e (24a) |Z | |Z | 12 We may repeat this same process to obtain power from the other direction as 2 V2 jZ V1 V2 jZ j S 21 e e e |Z | |Z | 12 The power flowing into the receiving bus from the line is then just –S21, or 2 V2 jZ V1 V2 jZ j S 21 e e e (24b) |Z | |Z | 12 14 We can then define the following: 2 V1 jZ C1 e |Z| 2 V2 jZ C2 e |Z| V1 V2 jZ B e |Z| which are all constants if we assume the voltages are fixed. Then eqs. (24a) and (24b) become: S12 C1 Be j (24c) 12 S 21 C2 Be j 12 (24d) Eqs. (24c) and (24d) characterize sending end and receiving end complex power as a function of the angle between the buses, θ12. C1 and C2 are the centers of circles having radii |B|=|V1||V2|/|Z|. Figure 4.7 illustrates circle diagrams. The text makes 6 observations about these that I encourage you to review, among which are: #5: Transmission is strengthened by increasing voltages (generator field windings) and decreasing reactance (series compensation) 15 #6: Strong coupling between P-flow and θ12 and between Q-flow and |V|. 7.0 An alternative development We want simple expressions for P12 and Q12. Recall eq. (3) above, repeated here: sinh l Z ' Z C sinh l Z (3) l In the lossless case, γ=jβ, so eq. (3) is e jl e jl Z ' Z C sinh j l Z C 2 cos l j sin l cos l j sin l ZC 2 Z jZ C sin l (25) Likewise, we can derive, in lossless case: tan( l / 2) Y ' j C (26) l / 2 Here, C is total line capacitance. Eq. (25), (26) are same as (4.46), (4.45) in text, p. 115, and we see that Z’ and Y’ are pure reactances and susceptances, respectively, i.e., Z’=jX and Y’=jB. 16 Conjugating eq. (25) and (26), we get: Z * jZ C sin l (27) tan( l / 2) Y ' j C l / 2 * (28) Recall eq. (24): 2 V1 V1 V2 e j 2 * S12 * V1 Y / 2 (24) * Z Z Substitution of eqs. (27), (28) into the expression for S12, eq. (24), we get: 12 V1 V1 V2 e j 12 2 tan( l / 2) S12 jC V1 (29) jZ C sin l jZ C sin l l 2 Bringing the j of the first term into the numerator and canceling the two negative signs of the second term results in: j V1 V1 V2 e j 12 2 tan( l / 2) S12 jC V1 (30) ZC sin l jZ C sin l l 2 8.0 Real power The first and last terms of eq. (30) are purely imaginary and so do not affect real power. Let’s look more closely at the second term: 17 V1 V2 e j 12 V1 V2 e j 12 e j 90 V1 V2 e j ( 12 90) jZ C sin l Z C sin l Z C sin l V1 V2 cos(12 90) j sin(12 90) Z C sin l V1 V2 sin12 j cos12 Z C sin l (31) Of this term, we see that the real part is the sinθ12 term. Since this is the only real part of eq. (30), it must be true that: P12 V1 V2 sin12 ZC sin l (32) It is generally the case that voltage magnitudes at either end of a line are not very different (and when the line is lossless and terminated in ZC, they are exactly the same – see eq. (14) above). If we assume that |V2|=|V1|, then: V sin12 P12 1 ZC sin l 2 (33) Recalling eq. (17), repeated here: 2 PSIL V1 ZC (17) 18 we see that eq. (33) can be re-written as: P12 PSIL sin12 sin l (34) Although approximate, eq. (34) is very useful for getting a “back-of-the-envelope” sense of what voltages are required in order to accommodate a given power transfer level, as observed in problem 4.21 of the homework assignment. If you take a position as a transmission planner, you might find this expression handy. Problem 4.21: Transient instability problems can occur when the angular separation between voltage phasors at either end of a transmission line, denoted by θ12=θ1-θ2 becomes large. So when does θ12 become large? 19 Note that in eq. (34) that PSIL and sinβl are constants for an already-constructed transmission line. P12 PSIL sin12 sin l (34) So θ12 directly determines (or is directly determined by) P12. As θ12 increases from 0° to 90°, the real power transfer P12 gets larger. Or, more properly, we can see that as P12 gets larger, θ12 increases from 0° to 90°. So answer to question of When does θ12 become large? is: when P12 becomes large. Problem 4.21 indicates that a practical limit for transmission lines on θ12 is 45° (actually, this is probably too large, a 30° limit is better, but we will use 45°). It also indicates that the desired transfer level on a 300 mile-long line is 500 MW. 20 Question is: what voltage levels can we consider? This is a design (planning) problem. The problem also indicates β=0.002/mile. Solving eq. (34) for PSIL yields: PSIL P12 sin l sin( 0.002 300) 500 400 MW sin 12 sin 45 This is 3-phase power. Referring to Table 1 above, we see we need voltage level of at least 345 kV to accommodate this. 9.0 Reactive power Consider again eq. (30), repeated here: j V1 V1 V2 e j 12 2 tan( l / 2) S12 jC V1 (30) ZC sin l jZ C sin l l 2 Now let’s consider the imaginary part. In doing so, we need to remember that the middle term contributes a real part, but it 21 also contributes an imaginary part, as indicated by eq. (31), repeated here: V1 V2 e j 12 V1 V2 sin12 j cos12 jZ C sin l Z C sin l (31) Substituting eq. (31) into eq. (30), we have: j V1 V V sin12 j cos12 2 tan( l / 2) S12 1 2 jC V1 ZC sin l ZC sin l l 2 (35) Now taking only the imaginary part of (35): V1 V V cos 12 2 tan( l / 2) Q12 1 2 C V1 Z C sin l Z C sin l l 2 (36) Recall that the denominator of the first two terms is just |Z’| in the lossless case (see eq. (25) above). Therefore, we can write: V V V cos 12 2 tan( l / 2) Q12 1 1 2 C V1 Z' Z l 2 (37) Now let’s consider eq. (37) for the short line (and lossless) model. In this case, Z’≈Z, and for lossless, |Z|=X C≈0. So eq. (37) becomes: 22 V1 V1 V2 cos 12 Q12 X X 2 (38) This should be familiar expression to you from EE 303. 10.0 Voltage instability (Section 4.7) We can also write the real power equation (32) for the short line model, as we have just done for the reactive power equation, using Z’=Z and |Z|=X, to get: V1 V2 sin12 V1 V2 sin12 P12 Z C sin l X (39) Section 4.7 applies eqs. (38) and (39) to consider how the receiving end voltage magnitude varies with load. Assuming the (normalized) sending-end voltage is 1.0, the text derives: V2 2 1 PD 1 PD ( PD 2 ) 2 where 23 (40) |V2| is the normalized voltage at the receiving end, PD is the receiving end real power load β=tanφ, where pf=cosφ (note β here is different from our previous use of it). Equation (40) can be used to plot receiving end voltage |V2| as a function of receiving end demand PD. Fig. 4 24 Fig. 4 is similar to Fig. E4.9 in the text. This figure is a very basic figure for transmission planners and operators, who constantly worry about the implications of this figure. Why? [1] R. Burington, “Handbook of Mathematical Tables and Formulas,” 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill. [2] O. Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction,” 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1982. [3] J. Glover and M. Sarma, “Power System Analysis and Design,” PWS Publishers, 1987. [4] “Transmission Line Reference Book: 345 kV and Above,” Electric Power Research Institute, 2nd Edition, 1987. 25