
Score for this attempt: 8.64 out of 0 *
Submitted Nov 13 at 6:55pm
This attempt took 9 minutes.
Question 1What formed the San Gabriel Mountains? (Mark all that Apply)
What formed the San Gabriel Mountains? (Mark all that Apply)
You Answered
Compression forces
You Answered
Reverse Faulting
Question 2What two valleys do the mountains divide? (Check two answers).
What two valleys do the mountains divide? (Check two answers).
You Answered
San Gabriel Valley
Imperial Valley
Apple Valley
You Answered
Antellope Valley
Question 3What do the layers of LARGE cobblestones tell you about the river
flow when that layer was deposited?
What do the layers of LARGE cobblestones tell you about the river flow when that layer was deposited?
The river had very low flow
Eaton Canyon was experiencing a drought
You Answered
The cobblestones were deposited during a high flow event
The cobblestones indicate that human impact was high
Question 4In what ways is the chaparral adapted to fire? (Mark all that Apply)
In what ways is the chaparral adapted to fire? (Mark all that Apply)
You Answered
Waxy cuticles
Bushy growth shape
You Answered
Small leaves
You Answered
covering of large spikes and thorns
large, tree-like canopy
Question 5What is the highest (in elevation) life zone visible above Eaton canyon?
What is the highest (in elevation) life zone visible above Eaton canyon?
Oak woodland
You Answered
Coniferous forest
Question 6How much of Eaton Canyon burned in the 2009 Station Fire?
How much of Eaton Canyon burned in the 2009 Station Fire?
You Answered
The entire park
Half of the park
None of the park
Question 7What earthquake faults surround the San Gabriel Mountains? (Mark all
that Apply)
What earthquake faults surround the San Gabriel Mountains? (Mark all that Apply)
You Answered
San Gabriel Fault
You Answered
San Andreas Fault
California Fault
You Answered
Sierra Madre Fault
Northridge Fault
Question 8What was Eaton Canyon originally called and by whom?
What was Eaton Canyon originally called and by whom?
You Answered
"El Precipicio" by the Spanish settlers
"El Eaton" by the Spanish settlers
"Pasadena Canyon" by Missionaries
"Pasadena Gorge" by the German Farmers
Question 9How do cacti survive living in the river wash at Eaton Canyon?
How do cacti survive living in the river wash at Eaton Canyon?
They need large amounts of water to survive
You Answered
They are living on an raised river terrace
They thrive in the shade of the oak woodland life zone
They were planted here purposefully by humans
10Skip to question text.
Upload a photo of yourself at Eaton Canyon to obtain credit for attending the field trip of going on your
own time. If you do not upload an image showing you attended the field trip or went on your own then
you will receive a 0 on this extra credit.
You Answered
Question 11What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) is
What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) is sand?
bed load
dissolved load
You Answered
suspended load
Question 12What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) are
What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) are boulders?
You Answered
bed load
dissolved load
suspended load
Question 13What do the layers of fine sediment tell you about river flow when
that layer was deposited?
What do the layers of fine sediment tell you about river flow when that layer was deposited?
You Answered
The river had very low flow
Eaton Canyon was experiencing an El Nino
The fine sand was deposited during a high flow event
The fine sand indicates that human impact was high
Question 14Is the Eaton Canyon trail on the windward or the leeward side of the
San Gabriel Mountains?
Is the Eaton Canyon trail on the windward or the leeward side of the San Gabriel Mountains?
You Answered
Question 15What direction does the sea breeze come from at Eaton Canyon?
What direction does the sea breeze come from at Eaton Canyon?
You Answered
Question 16When was the last Major fire at Eaton Canyon?
When was the last Major fire at Eaton Canyon?
You Answered
Question 17When time of day would the mountain (or land) breeze blow down
Eaton Canyon towards the ocean?
When time of day would the mountain (or land) breeze blow down Eaton Canyon towards the ocean?
2 pm
12 noon
7 pm
You Answered
2 am
Question 18What is the most prevalent life zone along the lower Eaton Canyon
What is the most prevalent life zone along the lower Eaton Canyon trail?
Oak woodland
You Answered
Coniferous forest
Question 19Who is Eaton Canyon named for?
Who is Eaton Canyon named for?
The Eaton Tribe of Native Americans
You Answered
Judge Benjamin Eaton
The Eaton earthquake fault
Early Spanish Settlers
Question 20Along the Eaton Canyon trail how do the south facing slopes
compare to the North Facing slopes?
Along the Eaton Canyon trail how do the south facing slopes compare to the North Facing slopes?
South facing slopes are more moist
South facing slopes are cooler
You Answered
South facing slopes recieve direct sun all day
South facing slopes have more coniferous trees
Question 21What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) is
What type of load (bed load, dissolved load, or suspended load) is oxygen?
bed load
You Answered
dissolved load
suspended load
Survey Score: 8.64 out of 0