Modular Specification Project Recommendations to the Direct Community Minor Error Corrections and Clarifications Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Version 1.0 December 19, 2011 Prepared By: ONC Specification Modularization Team Contents A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Minor Error Corrections and Clarifications..................................................................................................... 3 1 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 5 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 6 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 7 .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 8 .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 9 ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 11 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 12 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Change Log Version 1.0 Date 12/19/2011 Changed By Deloitte Description Initial documentation A. Minor Error Corrections and Clarifications 1. 1 RTM 45 Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport 2.6 Digest Algorithms “STAs MAY support more secure Digest Algorithms, as listed as SHOULD+ in RFC 5751 section 2.2” Comment: RFC 5751 section 2.2 is “SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier,” section 2.1 “DigestAlgorithmIdentifier” is the correct reference for this statement. 2. 2 RTM 48 Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport 2.7 Encryption Algorithms “STAs MAY support more secure Encryption Algorithms, as listed as SHOULD+ in RFC 5751 section 2.1” Comment: RFC 5751 section 2.1 is “DigestAlgorithmIdentifier,” section 2.2 “SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier,” is the correct reference for this statement. 3. 3 RTM 51 Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport section 3.0 Message Disposition Notification “That is, even if disposition notification was not specifically requested, the STA MUST confirm receipt.” Comment: Mod Spec added clarifying text “….the STA MUST confirm receipt with a disposition notification message” 4. 4 RTM 99 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.3 Transport conversion from SMTP to SOAP “The Web Services address is used to identifier the SOAP endput for the XDR message.” Comment: The Web Services address is used to identify the SOAP endpoint for the XDR message. 5. 5 RTM 140 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 6.2.1 Document Entry Metadata “confidentialityCode ….When available, implementations SHOULD draw values from HITSP C80, version 2.0.1, table 2-150…” Comment: The correct table to reference is table 2-151. 6. 6 RTM 143 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 6.2.1 Document Entry Metadata “formatCode…. Implementations SHOULD draw values from HITSP C80, version 2.0.1, table 2-152…” Comment: The correct table to reference is table 2-153. 7. 7 RTM 144 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 6.2.1 Document Entry Metadata “healthcareFacilityTypeCode…. When available, implementations SHOULD draw values from HITSP C80, version 2.0.1, table 2-146…” Comment: The correct table to reference is table 2-147. 8. 8 RTM 92, example XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.1 SOAP headers in support of addressing <direct:addressBlock xmlns:direct="urn:direct:addressing" env:role="urn:direct:addressing:destination" env:relay="true"> <direct:from></direct:from> <direct:to></direct:to> </direct:addressBlock> Comment: Mod Spec corrected typo in example <direct:addressBlock xmlns:direct="urn:direct:addressing" direct:role="urn:direct:addressing:destination" direct:relay="true"> 9. 9 RTM 106 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.4 Transport conversion from SOAP to SMTP “The SMTP TO and RCPT FROM commands MUST carry the recipients and sender of the transaction, which SHOULD be taken from the SOAP header values, if available, or the metadata and SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient values, if SOAP headers are not available.” Comment: * see comment A:4 for RCPT TO and MAIL FROM clarification maps to MAIL FROM and SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient maps to RCPT TO, however the values as written in the spec are in the wrong order. Implementers might inerperate the wrong mapping. Spec team included the following modification: “The RCPT TO and MAIL FROM commands MUST carry the recipients and sender of the transaction, which SHOULD be taken from the SOAP header values, if available, or the metadata (for MAIL FROM) and SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient (for RCPT TO) values, if SOAP headers are not available.” 10. 10 RTM 94 8.0 Examples ExampleA-simple-text-to-XDR.txt and ExampleB-attachment+text-to-XDR.txt <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1"> urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet </a:Action> Comment: The examples use the urn “urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet” but IHE Vol 2b Section 3.41 uses the value: "urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b” Mod Spec corrected the example so they use the value specified by IHE. 11. 11 RTM 106 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.4 Transport conversion from SOAP to SMTP “The SMTP TO and RCPT FROM commands MUST carry the recipients and sender of the transaction, which SHOULD be taken from the SOAP header values, if available, or the metadata and SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient values, if SOAP headers are not available.” Comment: This passage implies that the SOAP headers are not required 12. 12 RTM 95 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.3 Transport conversion from SMTP to SOAP “Addressing lists MUST be taken from SMTP TO and RCPT FROM SMTP commands.” RTM 106 XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging 4.4 Transport conversion from SOAP to SMTP “….The SMTP TO and RCPT FROM commands MUST carry the recipients and sender of the transaction…” Comment: "SMTP TO" and "RCPT FROM SMTP" are not mentioned in the underlying RFC specifications (RFC 5321). The examples in the Direct specs include: “MAIL FROM: <> RCPT TO: <>” The Spec Team received the guidance “RFC's have the RCPT TO and MAIL FROM commands which is what should be used.” The Mod Spec includes the corrected commands in requirements 95 and 106.