Assessment of spoken interaction « Existential » competence (savoir être) during interaction Pays attention to the others Takes notes when necessary Intervenes when necessary Speaks loud enough, clearly Looks at his /her conversational partners Uses appropriate gestures A2 Pragmatic compétence : interaction strategies Overall spoken interaction Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics ; Can give a simple description Or overall oral production or presentation of daily routines, likes/dislikes,* as a short series of simple phrases and sentences linked in a list * 1 or 2 phrases to express likes / dislikes Taking the floor (turn taking) Can use simple techniques to start*, maintain or end a short conversation. Can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversations. * I’m going to talk about LA Cooperating / asking for clarification Can indicate when he/she is following. Can ask very simply for repetition *when he/she does not understand. Can ask for clarification about the key-words not understood using stock phrases. I don’t understand Can you repeat ? Spoken fluency Can make himself/herself B1 Can deal with less routine situations Can express personal opinions* and exchange information on topics that are familiar ; can express and respond to feelings.* * A few phrases to express and respond to feelings Can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversations* on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can intervene on a discussion on a familiar topic, using a suitable phrase to get the floor. let’s talk about LA now to sum it up… Can ask someone to clarify what they have just said.* Can repeat back what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding and keep the development of ideas on course. Can invite others into the discussion. * Some of the expressions expressions presented in the unit (sequence) Can express himself/herself Linguistic competences Vocabulary understood in short contributions, even though pauses*, false starts and reformulation are evident. * gap-fillers : er.. with relative ease. Can keep going comprehensibly, even though pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and repair is very evident. * Use of : well, you know, what I mean is.. Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs. Can control a narrow repertoire *dealing with concrete everyday needs. Has a sufficient vocabulary to express himself/herself with some circumlocutions. Shows good control of elementary vocabulary* but major errors still occur when expressing more complex thoughts. * lexical field of tourism + 2 or 3 adjectives to express opinion Grammar Phonology * lexical field of tourism + a good number of adjectives to express opinion Uses simple structures Uses reasonably accurately a correctly, but still repertoire of frequently used systemetically makes basic ‘routines’ and patterns mistakes-for example tends associated with more to mix up tenses and forget to predictable situations. mark agreement. Communicates with Can link group of words with reasonable accuracy in simple connectors like ‘and’, familiar contexts ; generally ‘but’ and ‘because’. good control though* with noticeable mother tongue Simple present influence. Errors occur, but it I’d like to is clear what he / she is imperative trying to express. * correct use of tenses and modals Pronunciation is generally Pronunciation is clearly clear enough to be intelligible, even if a foreign understood despite a accent is sometimes evident noticeable foreign accent, but and occasional conversational partners will mispronunciations occur. need to ask for repetition *occasional errors of from time to time. accentuation ;the intonation is correct * lots of errors of accentuation and intonation