Process of Learning

Mini lecture
Break boundaries of traditional learning
rethink the way you lead your class, leading to a more dynamic learning
Deep learning – where learning elicits an internal change **(look up)
Helen Batty Sadna drawing experience
An we learn deeper or quicker using experiential methods
Not games for games sake – lecturer will use an interesting slide to break
monotony but doesn’t necessarily have a message or helps deep learning
Example – feedback workshop- teaching cycle – matchstick men
Is creative learning more for psychosocial messages – attitudes and skills as
apposed to knowledge - not necessarily
Process of Learning- How do we learn
Memory. New experience. Relate to old experience . Reflect. Integrate. Accept .
Not accept . .Build into new construct
Combination of internal and external influences
See this in Experietial learning – defined as learning by doing – examples of
learning stations blind+ geri
David Kolb
Professor of Organizational Behavior.
Work on Experiential learning and learning styles
***********slide - Learning cycle+ Learning styles
four stages which follow from each other: Concrete Experience is followed by
Reflection on that experience on a personal basis. This may then be followed by
the derivation of general rules describing the experience, or the application of
known theories to it (Abstract Conceptualisation), and hence to the
construction of ways of modifying the next occurrence of the experience (Active
Experimentation), leading in turn to the next Concrete Experience. All this may
happen in a flash, or over days, weeks or months, depending on the topic, and
there may be a "wheels within wheels" process at the same time.
Constructivist learning theory
Experiential Learning is often associated with contructivist learning theory
reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world
we live in.
constructive teaching is based on the belief that students learn best when they
gain knowledge through exploration and active learning- science class role
playing etc
Hands-on materials are used instead of textbooks, and students are encouraged
to think and explain their reasoning instead of memorizing and reciting facts.
Education is centered on themes and concepts and the connections between
them, rather than isolated information.
Learning is a search for meaning
The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning,
not just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning
**** Slides Students make predictions using hands-on exploration activiites with
unexpected outcomes that arouse curiousity. Terms have not yet been
introduced. Students discuss the results of the activities with group members.
The teacher poses questions looking for misconceptions and activities are
sequenced to challenge them. Once studetns begin to make connections
between activites and understand the concept, the vocabulary is introduced.
If learning material is taught using a constructive process then the learner builds
an internal representation of knowledge and a personal interpretation of a new
experience, based on his previous knowledge. This helps connect between facts
and new understanding. This process of constructing a perspective and
understanding is what contributes to the learning process #Constructivism (
Piaget, Bruner and Dewey ) suggests that learners construct knowledge out of
their experiences. They assimilate new experiences into previous mental
structures, accommodate and revise their current knowledge and reach a new
equilibrium of knowledge. Constructivism can be explained by the metaphorical
use of building blocks or schema (Rummelhart) or an ideational scaffold (
Ausubel) whereby new structures are added to old causing a change of
* Constructivism applies to all domains, especially to the affective domain in
medicine. When teaching psychosocial issues, my learners are able to achieve
much deeper learning if previously were exposed to similar psychosocial issues.
Additionally I use metaphors in my teaching which clarifies the learners
understanding of the new material. Use of metaphors also empowers my patients
and helps their internal understanding of their health issues
Active learning
a teacher should select teaching/learning activities that combine all three of the
major kinds of learning: getting information/ideas, doing and/or observing
experience, and reflective dialogue with oneself and/or others
Promotion of discussion
Students must do more than just listen.
Contextual Teaching and learning
- If learners utilize their environment during learning, are task orientated or do
projects, then the context in which they learn forms a link with their knowledge
gained. Learning in different environments aids understanding from multiple
#Use of context utilizes learner's internal representation of knowledge and
previous experiences. According to constructivism, information can't be
remembered as a separate entity.(Constructivism v Traditional learning Bednar )
*When teaching any subject, clinical or psychosocial (eg ethics), presenting the
clinical case, or the ethical dilemma and afterwards teaching the theory greatly
enhances deep learning. The learners relate to the story or narrative and the
ensuing theory has more meaning to the learner and thus will be retained better
due to the contextual learning.
-Learners who undergo active learning doing tasks incorporate deeper
knowledge and understanding and become more skilled than passive learners
-When each experience fits into previous mental structures or schema, then the
learner accommodates this new experience and reaches a new equilibrium
-Learners engaged actively with group interaction learn more deeply than
learners who listen passively
- When the teacher is used as a facilitator, then active learning occurs
#Constructivism is associated with pedagogic approaches that promote active
learning, or learning by doing. The learner constructs meaning due to the
Kolb and Fry's learning cycle, is built on spiraling circles. The learner undergoes
an experience, reviews the experience, concludes from that experience and then
goes onto the next experience incorporating new knowledge continually.
Kaufman suggests that the learner should be an active contributor to the
educational process
* I use experiential learning all the time in my teaching. I have found that giving
the learner tasks –integrates the theory learnt .For example when blindfolding
the learner who has to walk an obstacle course with an accompanying learner
helps integrate meaning of what it is to be helpless and what it is to be a helper (
Patient and doctor ) which aids deep learning in the affective domain
Students must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems.
Students must be engaged in higher-order thinking skills:
Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast,
criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question,
Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design,
develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, write.
Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend
estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate.
Use all sorts of methods to create higher order thinking skills
-***********slides -Discussion groups debates snowballing pairs jigsaw
brainstorming buzz groups
Creative Thinking techniques
New ideas happen when two or more ideas are accidentally or deliberately
merged when they have never been merged before. Creative thinking techniques
provide the method for deliberately combining ideas in ways which you would
not normally come across or think about. This combination generates a truly
original idea for you.
**********slide - out-of-the-box thinking
- thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of
aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated
with creativity – divergent thinking creative thinking
Actual doing gives deep learning
Creativity – out of the box
Using different methods and icebreakers to get there